Inventory Management Exam: JIT, TQM, Supply Chain

Just in time, total quality management, and supply chain management: understanding their linkages
and impact on business performance
In recent years, numerous approaches have been proposed to improve operations performance. Three in
particular, just in time, supply chain management, and quality management, have received considerable
attention. While the three are sometimes viewed and implemented as if they were independent and
distinct, they can also be used as three prongs of an integrated operations strategy. This study empirically
examines the extent to which just in time, supply chain management, and quality management are
correlated, and how they impact business performance. Results demonstrate that at both strategic and
operational levels, linkages exist between how just in time, total quality management, and supply chain
management are viewed by organizations as part of their operations strategy. Results also indicate that a
commitment to quality and an understanding of supply chain dynamics have the greatest effect on
LINK: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030504830400060X
The Role of Just‐In‐Time in Supply Chain Management
In today's competitive environment, markets are becoming more international, dynamic, and customer‐
driven. Customers are demanding more variety, better quality and service, including both reliability and
faster delivery. Technological developments are occurring at a faster pace, resulting in new product
innovations and improvements in manufacturing processes. The resulting competitive environment
requires low cost, high quality products in increasing varieties. These changes have instigated changes in
business and manufacturing strategies.
LINK: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/09574090010806092/full/html
An assembly-type supply chain system controlled by kanbans under a just-in-time delivery policy
This research studies the assembly-type supply chain system controlled by kanban mechanism. First, a
supply chain system is modeled as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem. A composite
formulation of the assembly-type supply chain system is developed by appropriately aggregating the
individual branch models as a whole system. The batch size, the number of batches, and the total quantity
over one period in the mainline and each branch line are determined. The small size MINLP problems are
solved optimally by a branch-and-bound method. For the large size MINLP problems, a heuristic is
developed which divides the ATSCS into several small size problems, and then conquers them individually.
Next, the kanban operation between two adjacent plants is developed to schedule the loading and
unloading, and transportation. Coupled with plant-wide efforts for cost control and management
commitment, a logistics system is built for controlling the production as well as the supply chain system,
which results in minimizing the total cost of the supply chain system. Numerical examples are presented
to illustrate the two heuristic procedures and a better solution is obtained for the ATSCS problem.
LINK: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037722170300835X
Just-in-Time supermarkets for part supply in the automobile industry
In the automotive industry, a supermarket is a decentralized in-house logistics area for intermediately
storing parts in direct vicinity of the assembly line consuming these parts. In a supermarket, tow trains—
consisting of a small towing vehicle and a few waggons—are loaded with parts, which then successively
visit the stations of the line according to a periodical schedule exchanging empty with filled part bins. This
emerging logistics concept enables a reliable and flexible small-lot delivery of parts in line with the basic
Just-in-Time (JIT) philosophy. This paper describes the supermarket concept in detail and surveys the
literature on the elementary decision problems arising when implementing the supermarket concept.
Finally, interfaces with other basic business functions are characterized.
LINK: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00187-012-0154-y
Improving “just-in-time, just-in-sequence” delivery in first-tier suppliers
This paper presents an action-research project aiming at improving the performance of “just-in-time, justin-sequence” auto parts manufacturing and delivery in three tier-1 suppliers of the Nissan plant in
Barcelona. This research was conducted at the Barcelona School of Engineering (ETSEIB) and promoted
by the Nissan factory in Barcelona. In this paper, first, the concept of synchronous manufacturing is
explored. After several improvement ideas are spotted within the Nissan plant, the paper focuses on the
LINK: https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/95875
Scheduling electric vehicles making milk-runs for just-in-time delivery
Battery-operated electric vehicles are frequently used in in-plant logistics systems to feed parts from a
central depot to workcells on the shop floor. These vehicles, often called tow trains, make many milk-run
trips during a typical day, with the delivery timetable depending on the production schedule. To operate
such a milk-run delivery system efficiently, not only do the timetabled trips need to be assigned to
vehicles, it is also important to take the limited battery capacity into consideration. Moreover, since most
tow trains in use today are still operated by human drivers, fairness aspects with respect to the division
of the workload also need to be considered. In this context, we tackle the following problem we
encountered at a large manufacturer of engines for trucks and busses in Germany. Given a fixed schedule
of milk-runs (round trips) to be performed during a planning horizon, and a fleet of homogeneous electric
vehicles stationed at a depot, which vehicle should set out on which milk-run and when should recharging
breaks be scheduled, such that all runs can be completed with the minimum number of vehicles and all
vehicles are about equally busy? We investigate the computational complexity of this problem and
develop suitable heuristics, which are shown to solve instances of realistic size to near-optimality in a
matter of a few minutes. We also offer some insight into how battery technology influences vehicle
LINK: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24725854.2018.1479899
Multi-vendor integrated procurement-production system under shared transportation and just-in-time
delivery system
Just-in-time (JIT) procurement is one of the important elements of lean production system. Successful
implementation of JIT needs vendor-manufacturer cooperation on small lot size delivery and inbound
logistics cost reduction. Unlike the most recent literature focusing on single-vendor and single-buyer
integrated inventory systems, this paper studies a multi-vendor integrated procurement-production
inventory system that incorporates delivery and shared transportation costs. A multi-vendor optimal
model is developed here for deciding the batch size of vendor's production, and delivery frequencies of
different vendors to the manufacturer. Solution procedures for two special cases—uncapacitated and
capacitated models are developed; especially, a new approximate method for capacitated model is
devised. Numerical examples demonstrate the solution mechanism for the model. The results highlight
cooperation between vendors and manufacturers on JIT procurement practices.
LINK: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/jors.2009.115#citeas
Operational planning of supply chains in a production and distribution center with just-in-time delivery
This research focuses on a semi-continuous manufacturing facility by assuming that the production of
succeeding cycle starts immediately after the production of preceding cycle. In reality, the inventory of a
supply chain system may not be completely empty. A number of products may be left over after the
deliveries are made. These leftover inventories are added to the next shipment after the production of
required amount to makeup a complete batch for shipment. Therefore, it is extremely important to search
for an optimal strategies for these types production facilities where leftover finished goods inventory
remains after the final shipment in a production cycle. Considering these scenarios, an inventory model is
developed for an imperfect matching condition where some finished goods remains after the shipments.
LINK: http://www.jiem.org/index.php/jiem/article/view/3046
A service-oriented integrated information framework for RFID/WSN-based intelligent construction
supply chain management
As buildings are now taller, larger, and more complex, it has become increasingly more difficult to secure
stockyards for materials and to resolve the surrounding traffic problems, creating an increased need for
Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery. To support JIT delivery, it is necessary to build a framework that can facilitate
the collection and share of information on construction components and material flow throughout the
whole supply chain process. Many researchers have suggested that radio frequency identification (RFID)
and wireless sensor network technologies could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of JIT
management. In addition, service-oriented architecture (SOA), the services of which enable the
interfacing of a heterogeneous system environment of parties involved in the supply chain management
process, is suggested in the manufacturing industry as one of the solutions for effective collection and
sharing of information in supply chain management. However, the construction industry has limits in
applying the framework suggested in the manufacturing industry since the supply chain process in the
construction industry is extremely dynamic due to frequent changes in the design and plans of
construction projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a seamlessly integrated
information management framework that can provide logistics information to project stakeholders for
their decision making. The pilot test of the framework developed in this research showed that it can
improve time efficiency by about 32% compared to the traditional supply chain management. The result
of this research is expected to be utilized effectively as a basic framework to manage information in
RFID/WSN based construction supply chain management (CSCM) environments.
LINK: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0926580510002104
The roles of JIT supply chain practices in new product ramp-up: the moderating effects of IT integration
Supply chain practices in mature production are widely investigated but little is known about their roles
in new product ramp-up. To address this gap, this study specifically investigates the impact of two just-intime (JIT) supply chain practices (i.e. JIT delivery by suppliers and JIT link with customers) on new product
cost and speed-to-market performance. Moreover, the moderating effects of information technology (IT)
integration are examined according to organisational information processing theory. After regression
analysis with a survey data of 193 firms, the study finds that JIT delivery by suppliers improves cost
performance while JIT link with customers increases speed-to-market performance. Moreover, the
positive performance effects of JIT delivery by suppliers on cost performance is enhanced by both internal
and external IT integration while that of JIT link with customers on speed-to-market performance can only
be enhanced by internal IT integration. The theoretical and managerial implications of this study are
LINK: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13675567.2022.2026904
JIT supply chain; an investigation through general system theory
This paper explains theoretical approach of the four theories of General system Theory (GST) developed
by Yourdon (1989) [Yourdon, E. (1989). Modern Structured Analysis. Yourdon Press, Prentice-Hall
International, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Senge] while applying it in information technology and
subsequently used by caddy (2007) [Caddy I.N., & Helou, M.M. (2007). Supply chains and their
management: Application of general systems theory. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14, 319–
327.] in field of supply chain and management. JIT philosophy in core activities of supply chain i.e.
procurement, production processes, and logistics are discussed through general system theory. The
growing structure of the supply chain poses the implication restrictions and requires a heavy support
system, many times a compromise is done while implementing JIT. The study would be useful to
understand the general trends generated naturally regarding the adoption of the JIT philosophy in the
supply chain.
Optimal control of a multi-supplier and multi-buyer supply chain system with JIT delivery
A just-in-time centred production-facility supply chain consists of raw material suppliers, manufacturer,
and retailers. This paper considers the concept where the production of finished goods follows continuous
production cycles. In this scenario, it is assumed that the inventory build-up during production cycles of
the concurrent cycle overlap the pure demand consumption cycle to reduce the idle time suggested by
previous researchers. Considering this situation, a supply chain inventory models for raw materials, and
finished goods supply are developed for multiple suppliers and multiple buyers. In addition, this paper
considered that different suppliers deliver the raw materials in instantaneous replenishments supply, and
the finished goods are delivered to multiple buyers in a fixed amount after a fixed interval of time (known
as just-in-time delivery) according to buyers' demand. The problem in this research is formulated as an
integer nonlinear programming problem and heuristic solutions are developed to solve it with the help of
integer approximations and divide-and-conquer technique. The solution methodologies suggested lead
to estimates of optimum production quantity and minimum total system cost. The solutions are verified
through numerical examples and illustrated the effectiveness of the method with sensitivity analyses.
LINK: https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/EJIE.2021.118504
Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health: Key Components and Design Principles
for Ongoing Health Behavior Support
The just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) is an intervention design aiming to provide the right
type/amount of support, at the right time, by adapting to an individual’s changing internal and contextual
state. The availability of increasingly powerful mobile and sensing technologies underpins the use of JITAIs
to support health behavior, as in such a setting an individual’s state can change rapidly, unexpectedly, and
in his/her natural environment. Despite the increasing use and appeal of JITAIs, a major gap exists
between the growing technological capabilities for delivering JITAIs and research on the development and
evaluation of these interventions. Many JITAIs have been developed with minimal use of empirical
evidence, theory, or accepted treatment guidelines. Here, we take an essential first step towards bridging
this gap.
LINK: https://academic.oup.com/abm/article/52/6/446/4733473?login=true
Just-In-Time Code Reuse: On the Effectiveness of Fine-Grained Address Space Layout Randomization
Fine-grained address space layout randomization (ASLR) has recently been proposed as a method of
efficiently mitigating runtime attacks. In this paper, we introduce the design and implementation of a
framework based on a novel attack strategy, dubbed just-in-time code reuse, that undermines the
benefits of fine-grained ASLR. Specifically, we derail the assumptions embodied in fine-grained ASLR by
exploiting the ability to repeatedly abuse a memory disclosure to map an application's memory layout onthe-fly, dynamically discover API functions and gadgets, and JIT-compile a target program using those
gadgets -- all within a script environment at the time an exploit is launched. We demonstrate the power
of our framework by using it in conjunction with a real-world exploit against Internet Explorer, and also
provide extensive evaluations that demonstrate the practicality of just-in-time code reuse attacks. Our
findings suggest that fine-grained ASLR may not be as promising as first thought.
LINK: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6547134
Effectiveness of Just in Time Teaching on Student Achievement in an Introductory Thermodynamics
The utility of Just-In-Time-Teaching (JITT) is compared across course topics and groups of students not
receiving JITT exercises in class. JITT feedback incorporated various active learning exercises based on
students' performance on online homework problems from Sapling Learning. With over 200 students in
two sections participating in the sophomore level introductory thermodynamics course, student
performance was evaluated on in-class quiz and exam problems. Student performance covering a specific
course topic subsequently reinforced by a JITT exercise was found to be measurably higher (>9%) than a
control group who did not receive the JITT review. Overall, comparing student achievement across five
topics covered by JITT compared with five different course topics not covered by JITT did show small
positive outcomes. The improvements after using JITT exercises included a higher median and 3rd quartile
scores, so JITT may be beneficial to mid-performing students. Overall, student feedback on the JITT
reviews showed that over 85% of the students thought the JITT exercises were helpful for engagement
and a good use of class time.
LINK: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1138854
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