0 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars Vol. III Dated: 27.08.2010 F. No.2-14/20 I 0-NVS(Admn.)/958 OFFICE ORDER Subject : Reg. Duties of Assistant Commissioners (Admn.) Consequent to the posting of Assistant Commissioners (Admn.) in the Regional Offices of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, their duties are specified as under:! All service matters of staff in JNVs & ROs. 2. Appointment/ Recruitment/ Promotion/Transfer related issues. 3. 4. RTI/Vigilance/Grievances. Court Cases and disciplinary cases 5. 6. General Admn. Procurements/Purchase 7. 8. Personal Claims i.e TA/LTC/Advance etc. ODO to report to Assistant Commissioner (Admn.). It may further be noted that Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) should not be made Cluster I/C of JNVs. This issues with the approval of Commissioner, NVS. Yours faithfully, I -,. ..·1 A1~--,· (D. :1) Assistant Commissioner(Admn.) Copy to: I. 2. All Deputy Commissioner, NVS Regional Offices. All Assistant Commissioner (Admn.), NVS, Regional Offices. 3. All Officers of NVS Hqrs. 160 \I :·~-)' ~ ~ '\:\y \• .o ,°)1/ r0 f','V r,,< ' CrfcIT~ fctt-~ I &i lT ~ fi1 R1 ,n.nr~fumm~ w«r~ (~ ru-a-rr 31'tt mmm " ~~ Qftm, .ft-15, ::Y) la (Oopur\mon\ of School Etlucatlon & 1 09 lll .:, ~~: 0120-2405195-6 Dated: \l!.11.2018 F,No, 19-14/2011-NVS(Admn.) (1/.,-. , ...S~u..f p()$ ... - (~ f- To, TM Deputy commissioner Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti All Regional Offices Sub: Allocation of work Offices, NVS.- reg. amongst Assistant Commissioners of Regional Sir, To bring in uniformity in administrative structure between NVS Hqrs. and Regional Offices, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to reallocate the work amongst the Assistant Commissioners of Regional Offices following the pattern of distribution at NVS Hqrs which has been successful for decades. Accordingly, I am to enclose herewith the schedule of allocation of work amongst Assistant Commissioners working in the Regional Offices of NVS. The same may be implemented with immediate effect under intimation to NVS Hqrs. I I This issues with the approval of Commissioner, NVS. (Or. nnareddy N.) Joint r. missioner (Adrnn.) ---···· ---···------·····--·---- ·-·--- ----·-·· ,,,_ .....•. ------ . . fz ·nt URL~ www.1111n1d11)ll,l,!IIV.i11 Tete: 0120-HO~l9~-(, 11trrn" ¾ .mr. ~ ~r -20 1309 - Ministry of Human Ro s ourco Dovolopmont Govornrnont of ludla Gautam Budh Nagar. Uttar Pradesh -201309 ~ 62, ~ ) Navoclaya Vidyalaya Samiti Lltorncy) B-15, Institutional Area, Sector-62. No,do, imrf7T) I -···-·· ' .. ,., ..·.~---- ·--- I.a / /. NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI Schedule of allocation of work amongst Assistant Commissioners of Regional Office, NVS A. Establishment-I The Section handling the under-mentioned works will be called as E-l Section ,.:ind tho Assistant Commissioner dealing with the subject will be known as Assistant Commissioner (E-1). He will also look after the assigned cluster. 1. Matters relating to creation and sanction of posts of teaching and nonteaching staff of JNVs including Principal and Vice-Principal. Maintenance of vacancy status of relevant posts. 2. All matters relating to recruitment, promotion of JNV staff 3. Compassionate appointment (Vidyalaya cadre) 4. Maintenance of seniority list of all posts of Vidyalaya cadre(excluding Principal, Vice-Principal and PGT). Assisting NVS Hqrs. for maintenance of seniority list i.r.o. Principal, Vice-Principal and PGT. 5. Maintenance of rosters under direct recruitment, LOE and promotion quota. 6. Grant of ACP/MACP/ Sr. scale etc. to eligible employees i.r.o. Vidya/aya cadre. 7. Disposal of all complaints/redressal of grievances related to recruitment and promotion. 8. All RTI matters and court cases in respect of above subject matters 9. Any other work assigned by the Deputy Commissioner as per requirement. --····---- ----------- --------- -· B. Establishment-II The Section handllnq.the under-mentioned works will be called as E-11 Section and the Assistant Commissioner dealing with the subject will be known as Assistant Commissioner (E-11). He will also look after the assigned cluster . . _ -.. fi:P __.. .1 .. All matters relating to _transfer and posting of Teaching & Non-Teaching ._._ ._ ~~-~~-~~--- ._ -_·::·staff-_ofJNVs~of.the re_gJ~rn co_f'!C_e~ne~-. _ . -· . - -- - ·-:-~~; ·- --··- --,2~:rv1affers·relaTed· to clecTaraffon':oFRarcl· &·oifficult stations. ·---------- -·· ------- . ., ./, 0 I 11'.'/ •• e 2 3. Matters related to training of teaching and non-teaching staff of JNVs and Regional Office. 4. All matters relating to School Administration viz. safety and security of students, house system, death cases, payment of ex-gratia, moral turpitude cases, complaints regarding functioning of JNVs, condemnation of stores of JNVs, students expenditure, Matters related to Vidyalaya level Committee (VMC, VAC, PAC etc.), Vidyalaya Mess Management, etc. 5. All RTI matters, redressal of grievances and court cases relating and posting to transfer 6. Any other work assigned by the Deputy Commissioner as per requirement. C. Establishment-Ill The Section handling the under-mentioned works will be called as E.-11\ Section and the Assistant Commissioner dealing with the subject will be known as Assistant Commissioner (E-111). He will also look after the assigned cluster. 1. All service matters relating to Teaching & Non-Teaching statt of JNVs including Principal and Vice-Principal. 2. Disciplinary matters including Summery trial in Moral Turpitude Cases in respect of Vidyalaya staff. 3. Issue of clarification on various issues relating to service conditions of Teaching & Non-Teachlns Starr of U1e Vidyalaya 4. All policy matters related to service conditions, pay scales, implementation of approved Central Pay Commission scales and allied matters of Vidyalaya cadre. 5. Maintenance of APAR of Vidyalaya cadre. . . d 6. Disposal of complaints, RTI applications, re ressa I of grievances and court cases on service matters of Vidyalaya cadre . · 7. Any other work assigned by the Deputy CommtsSion D. er as per requirement. Academic --- ·rhe ·s· -·--.------·--·- ·- Academic se~f~'~na ~andling -:rr;e--Under-niB ntio.nBd woiks will be· called as be known as Assist~nt~ Ass,st~nt Commissioner dealing with tho subject will assigned cluster. ornrmssioner (Academic). He will also look after th€ 1 ·lir-P·. -. - 2 -~~ --- ·3 Vidyalayas Matters related to scholastic and co-scholastic activities of the Matters related.to lrnplsmentatlon of ICT _ -: ._... .. . ... - . -·· . . . -- . . lon of scho I as tic·and . . co . ~~t!er_5. r~_l_ated -to monitoring -and super:'1s1 · C, - - ·- ·- - ...] 1- - • r-, - --- C, - - ·- ·- - •• scholastic activities including3 "~II· result preparation mid analysis of class. Vr I 4 All matters related to RTI, grievance and court cases on the above subjects. 5 Any other work assigned by the Deputy Commissioner as per requirement. E. Administration The Section handling the under~mentioned works will be called as Administration Section and the Assistant Commissioner dealing with the subject will be known as Assistant Commissioner (Admn). 1. All service matters including recruitment, transfer, promotion, posting, disciplinary matters in respect of staff of Regional Office. 2. He will assist Deputy Commissioner, Regional Office In all financial and other administrative matters. 3. All matters relating to opening of new JNVs and transfer of land. 4. Policy matters relating to NVS 5. All Parliamentary matters 6. Staff Association matters 7. Annual Report and other allied issues 8. House keeping work of the office of RO including procurement of goods/services, purchase, maintenance & repairs of all equipments. buildings, payment of water/electricity charges, local hospitality, supervision of staff cars, Central Diary Dispatch, photocopy unit of Regional Office. 9. Citizen/Client Charter 1 o. Publicity, including release of advertisements through DAVP/empanelled agencies. 11. Printing of official Reports. Ji_Jmplernentation oLalULrelated issues and maintenance/updating of official website of RO 13. All matters relating to official language (Rajbhasha) 14.AII matters relating to RT\, grievance and court cases in respect of the above mentioned subjects. :t-----15.Any other work assigned by the Deputy Commissioner as per requirement .. •····-·----- ~---~-- ~---·-·· ..•... -- \}n. Fax: ;)Z,51 Tele : 29234165, 29244152,55 & 58 NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI (A.1, Autonomous Organization under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy) Govt. of India A-28, Kailash Colony, New Delhi-110048 Date: 08/12/2011 F"'"'~o- 19-14/2011-NVS (Estt.II) Toe Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, All Regional Offices. Sub: Posting of Assistant Commissioners in their respective Clusters under cluster concept - reg. Sir/Madam, 1 As_on-date,-SamitLhas_establishe.d 8 Regional Offices for the administration and monitoring of JNVs under their jurisdiction. The Regional Offices are established at Bhopal, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Patna, Pune & Shillong with jurisdiction over 34 States/UTs. 2. In order to streamline the existing machinery for successful implementation of • objectives of the Samiti, a four tier monitoring system was devised in the year 2002. Under this system the following levels for monitoring were envisaged: (a) Principal of the concerned Vidyalaya for immediate responsibility for the functioning of Vidyalaya. (b) One Assistant Commissioner who would be Incharge of a cluster of JNV for feedback and implementation of the programmes and removal of shortcomings in the Vidyalaya in that cluster. (c) Regional Offices to monitor and supervise implementation of policies and programmes of the Samiti and to provide proper academic guidance and support to the JNVs. It will also ensure proper utilization of funds/resources, have administrative control on the staff & look into issues relating to opening of schools and other related issues of the region. (d) HQrs. to lay down policy guidelines, exercise administrative control, monitor academic functions, provide constant academic guidance and sustain various support systems. 3. In this monitoring mechanism the most crucial element is Assistant Commissioner Incharge of a cluster of JNVs, who is responsible and accountable for the programmes and shortcomings in the Vidyalayas and is required to keep himself informed of the problems of Vidyalayas and consistently strive to solve them. The main responsibilities 0f the Assistant Commissioner as Cluster Incharge are as under: \ _)}~ ensure that the functional effectiveness of the in sti tu tion is maintained and · improved. ii) To assess the actual status of institution and prepare a perspective plan of acti:ra.f:;f\~d(•;'"' the overall improvement of the standard of the Vidyalaya. a. • ..:.: .·..·•i. >?,/"• · ,.. · '' +··" 0 1 J\, ~ ~ r O\c/ ~'f"' -2of the institution in terms of infrastructure iv) To keep liaison with the District Administration, Parent Teachers Council, Local Media and also local peoples' representative and ensure that the reputation and prestige of the institutions are properly projected. v) To create a healthy atmosphere of competition among the institutions, Principals, teachers and students among JNVs in his cluster and to provide necessary guidance and incentives to promote the spirit of cohesion and quality performance. 4. The role of Assistant Commissioners as "Incharge of Cluster" was subsequently discussed in detail and a list of action points to facilitate the Assistant Commissioners in the discharge of his/her functions as Incharge of Cluster was circulated vide letter No. F.13-3/2001-NVS(Acad.) dated 27th May,2003 (copy enclosed). However, during the process of monitoring the functioning of Assistant Commissioners as Incharge of Clusters, keeping in view the instructions issued from NVS(Hqrs) on the subject from time to time, it has been observed that the purpose for which the Assistant Commissioners were assigned the duties of Cluster Incharge is actually defeated due to the reason that much time is being spent by them on to & fro travelling from Regional Offices to the JNVs under their Cluster. 5. Keeping in view the above, during the conference of Deputy Commissioners recently held at NVS(Hqrs) on 18 .11.2011, discussion was also held on formation of proper clusters for effective monitoring and adoption of proper methodology to make optimum use of the services of Assistant Commissioners, for strengthening the inspection and supervision of JNVs under cluster concept. 6. On the basis of deliberations held during the said conference of Deputy Commissioners, the present system of monitoring of JNVs through clusters have been modified as under:1) With a view to reduce the distance between cluster In-charge and the Vidyalayas, the Assistant Commissioner-cum-cluster In-charge shall be stationed at a place within the cluster itself, rather than staying in the RO. Thus, m all the clusters which are located far away from RO, Assistant Commissioner-cum-In-charge of cluster would be stationed at an appropriate place (decided by the N'/S(Hqrs.) in the cluster itself. In case of other clusters, Assistant· Commissioners may continue to sit in the ROs and will perform all the functions assigned to them beside performing the duty of Incharge of Cluster. 2) The clusters will be formed by the NVS(Hqrs) in consultation with concerned Regional Office. Each Cluster should have 15-30 JNVs keeping in view the geographical locations of the JNVs in the region. Similarly, the station in the Cluster where the Assistant Commissioner-cum-Cluster Incharge will be stationed in the cluster, will be decided by the NVS(Hqrs.). The allotment of clusters to the Assistant Commissioners will be done by the NVS(Hqrs.). 'he Assistant Commissioner~cum-Cluster Incharge will be permitted to hire sidential accommodation at the place of his/her deployment fixed by 'S(Hqrs.) under the cluster concept and will get HRA per rules. · (\s rr\ftJy__ Contd ... p/3 .. -3- The Assistant Commissioner will have to be on the move most of time for inspecting the Vidyalayas. Since no staff is being provided to the Assistant Commissioner-cum-Cluster Incharge, hence during his visit to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, he will be authorised to utilize the services of office staff available in the Vidyalaya for preparation of reports/ returns etc. 6) Since JNVs are fully residential intuitions, it is very important to closely monitor and · supervise residential functioning of JNVs. Therefore, the Assistant Commissioners-cum-Cluster Incharge while visiting the JNVs under their clusters will stay in the guest house as available in the Vidyalaya campus and avail free lodging & boarding facility in the JNVs. In such cases, no claim regarding boarding & lodging for tour within the cluster JNVs will be allowed. Further, Vidyalaya vehicle will not be used for commuting between JNVs. 7) For movement from their fixed Headquarter in the Cluster, they will take prior approval from the Deputy Commissioner of their respective Regional Office, who will post their tour Programme on Regional Office website for information of all concerned. A list of Clusters formed by the NVS (Hqrs) for purpose of deployment of Assistant Commissioners on the strength of Regional Office, as Incharge Clusters, in respect of each Regional Office, is enclosed. A separate order is being issued for posting of Assistant Commissioners as Incharge Cluster with the instructions that the Assistant Commissioner posted as cluster Incharge will start functioning from their respective station in their cluster . fixed by NVS(Hqrs.) w.e.f. 01.01.2012 You are directed to take all possible steps for strict compliance of the above instructions. Yours faithfully, ~lrj\2- \J-t~UYlA Encl: As above. v/ Copy to: I t\..J". () \V'' ' \) (Alok Verma) __ Joint Commissioner (Admn.) '- Q , ~t.:rl,1 ;,, ~% ,<i\ , cv ,) //~ , -V,· V '¢-V:'' . 1. PA to Commissioner, NVS. ~ < ...,¾ - 1 \ ,~ ~ GM(Const.)/JC(Pers.)/JC(Aca , NVS, rs · \ 3. D,9-(Admn.)/DC(Fin.)/DC(f )/DC~DC(Acaa.), NVS, Hqrs 11 Director, NLis \~11 Ass_tt. :ommissioners, NVS(Hqrs.) /~egional 0. ffic. ";1., ; /) }1, , ·\\,f\_,./" he Principal, All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas ··- ..• J::.-.,.,·-··~- \'½ . AC(Aud1t)/Webmaster of the Sarniti. . ~ ;\P."s,, ~ ·--~---~~ // fr,1, •. ·:1-,~~ I\ \J\ \." \ \'!.,\ ,, ~~v 'f; \~¾\~ ii) 1 : ···- . _ ·. . .;'. l. . . - ·.' · , ., °"_., .,I\-· ~""''·. . \. · .\· ~-.· l . ~~.,..·, _env~ed I. -..---·--~-J · ~T[~Y , l ~ ,. · ,. -··s,,,. , , I ~ · l. J ~ - I Role ~ ~c r'Y\ p ~tiYlff-, ~ cC\dE1w c. 0~J CC!J--~.G~o\cU+. . c._ Compendium of Circulars : Academics . Cl eJ(t<lle'l'lc-9- e,1'\Ane-~ . {fl Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ..•. No. F.1-1/2003-NVS-JD(Acad.) Dated: 02.04.04 To The Principals of All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. Sub. : Identification of Objectives of Residential Culture and Assessment of the Outcomes - Methods for Strengthening - Guidelines reg. Sir/Madam, As you are aware the main objectives of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti are to provide quality modern education coupled with equity and social justice including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of environment, attainment of reasonable level of competency in the languages and promotion of national integration. All these objectives are intended to be achieved through formal and informal methods and practices adopted as part of daily activity and class-room teaching. In order to enable the students for holistic development of the personality irrespective of their disadvantage of background or incident of birth the scheme was visualized as residential system. The disadvantages is terms of physical, intellectual and social growth of the children were to be eliminated in the homogenous atmosphere created through residential culture in the Vidyalaya. A Navodaya students is to be developed as an individual who has acquired the content, knowledge, application and understanding abilities through class room learning and develop himself into a physically strong, economically productive, socially useful, human being with qualities of discipline, determination, devotion, confidence, commitment, courage, competency and compassion. He/she needs to be a firm practitioner of personal, social and national values. In order to facilitate the students to acquire these qualities through learning, observing, sharing, organizing and practicing, the Navodaya Vidyalaya residential system is devised and designed. A series of routine as well as special activities are introduced on day to day basis for enabling the students to acquire these qualities. Children are prepared to be self-sufficient, self-reliant and self-confident. The thrust of community life is encouraging them to develop the qualities of sacrifice, cooperation and mutual understanding. For this purpose, a large number of inter-house activities, co-curricular activities are introduced. However, in view of lack of desired motivation and meticulous organization, these activities are not providing required impetus and the desired effect on all the students. After a great deal of introspection, review the deliberations the need for re-assessment of residential culture was felt in the recently held trainers training programme at NLI Goa. Cross section of experienced functionaries in the organization have identified the following traits of personality which will ensure the holistic development of a child. It was further decided to identify suitable activities for developing an integrated personality and quality on the above lines through organizing activities and programmes to enthuse the students for acquiring following personal abilities as part of the residential system and culture : 1. Academic Excellence through - complimenting and supplementing co-curricular and house activities for improving thinking, analyzing, organizing and communication abilities of the children through day-to-day activities. 2. Personality Development - through physical, intellectual, social and emotional quotients improvement by active participation in all the activities. 312 ,w u ~~~ Compendium of Circulars : Academics ' Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti ~ii~ 3_ Self-Reliance - by maintaining personal and social hygiene. Self-confidence, self-supporting, self-assessment and evaluation, This is in a way searching the qualities of one's own self 4_ Promotion of Scientific Temper and Scientific Outlook- in terms of health care, sanitation, cleanliness and innovative, creative and research spirit. 5, Inculcation of Cultural and Aesthetic Values -with the activities, which help the students to preserve and promote culture, identifying the role of Art-in-Education and developing in them the interest and appreciation for Yoga, Music and upkeep of environment. 6, Promotion of Spirit of Adventure - through active participation in outdoor activities, which develop competitive spirit, confidence and courage. 7. Emotional Integration - activities that promote spirit of brotherhood, cooperative and community living, compassion and concern for others, sacrificing nature tolerance and ability to assimilate and accommodate himself with people around him to promote equity and social justice. 8. Social Harmony and Adjustments - the activities which neutralize the emotional disturbances, mal-adjustment and promote social integration. They need to develop respect for opposite sex and disabled and weaker sections. Self-discipline and Value Orientation-through inculcation of personal, social and human g_ values. Concern and Integration with Rural Communities - through continuous interaction with the rural communities and also organization of social service activities like literacy promotion, health care promotion, eradication of social evils and providing re-creation to the local communities, 10, The above 10 identified areas will go a long way in strengthening the abilities of the child and his all -round development of the personality. The contents and methods of activities undertaken to promote a healthy residential culture will accelerate the process of in liberating the students through education (m ~:~) and developing the qualities of humility, honesty, integrity and selfesteem. In view of the above, you are requested to impress upon the staff and students ofyourVidyalaya and prepare a calendar of activities and programmes on day-to-day basis integrating them to emerge as an effective residential culture, Please feel free to seek any suggestion in this regard, Yours faithfully, (V. Rama Rao) Copy submitted to Commissioner, NVS for his information. Joint Director (Acad. Copy to: 1_ Dy. Directors, NVS, All Regional Offices with a request to monitor the residential system on the above parameters and issue necessary instructions to prepare the institutional plan 2. 3. covering all these aspects. Asstt. Directors & Cluster lncharge, NVS all Regional Offices with a request to closely monitor and follow up the nature of activities in the campus. All Officers of NVS Hqrs. for information. 313 ~ , ' ~. .•. 0 NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMIT! {EXAMINATION CELL) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Sl 1. 2. Question What is eligibility criteria for registration of students for class VI JNVST 2022? Proposed repl.!_ Studying Class V in academic Session 2021-22 in Govt./Govt. recognized school in the same district where JNV is opened and to which they are seeking admission. 2. Born between 01-05-2009 and 30.04.2013 (including both the dates) 3. Studied and passed classes III & N from Govt./ Govt. recognized school. 4. Currently studying in Class V from any school recognized by Government during 2021-22. 5. Studied full academic session in each class. Should study for full academic session in ClassV from the same district from where admission is sought. What type of I The reservation criteria for admission to Class VI in reservations is JNV is available for admission in Class VI 1. At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by candidates selected from rural areas and remaining inJNVs? seats are filled from urban areas of the district. 2. Reservation of seats in favors of children belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is provided in proportion to their population in the district concerned provided that in no district, such reservation will be less than the national average (15% for SC and 7.5 % for ST) but subject to maximum of 50% for both the categories (SC/ ST) taken together. These reservations are interchangeable and over and above the candidates selected under open merit. 3. 27% reservation shall be provided to the OBC students over and above reservation of SCs and STs. The reservations to the OBC students shall be implemented as per Central List, as applicable from time to time. The OBC candidates not included in Central list would apply as General Candidates. 4. Minimum one third of the total seats are filled up by girls. 1. 5. There is a provision for reservation for **Divyang Children (i.e Orthopedically Handicapped, Hearing impaired and Visually_ Handicappedl as per GOI norms. 3. Is reservation for EWS applicable for admission in JNVs? As per NVS admission policy there is no separate reservation exclusively for the candidates belonging to EWS. However, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti's evaluation study by NITI Aayog clearly shows that 15% of parents who enroll their children in JNVs (through JNVST) come from BPL category. Free Education is provided to all the students who are admitted in JNVs. 4. I Can a candidate I No candidate is eligible to appear in the selection apply second time in test for the second time, under any circumstances. JNVST? 5. Can a candidate Only the candidate from the district concerned apply for JNVST for where the JNV has been opened and where the other District? candidate is studying class Vis eligible to apply for admission. No candidate can apply for JNVST for other districts. 6. How many seats are there for admission in class VI in a JNV? 7 Is there any provision for re-evaluation of the OMR? 8 Are cut off marks of JNVST released? I Is there any reservation for students registered from urban area? 10 I May OBC candidate 9 If the district where JNV is opened is bifurcated at a later date, the · old boundaries of the district are considered for the purpose of eligibility for admission in JNV, in case a new Vidyalaya is not started in the newly bifurcated district as yet. A maximum of 80 students are admitted in class VJ in each Vidyalaya through selection test subject to availability of eligible candidates. Samiti reserves the right to reduce the seat to 40 or to withhold result and / or withhold admission and / or conduct of JNVST in case adequate accommodation is not available. There is no provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts or re-totaling of marks, since the result is processed through computer and sufficient care is taken to ensure accuracy while processing the result In the process of distributing the available 40 / 80 seats in Class VI of JNV as per NVS norms and population statistics of District, the cut off marks/percentage required of particular category student varies from area to area (Urban/Rural), Gender, (Boy/Girl), Category (SC,ST, General/OBC) and from Block to Block. Hence, cutoff marks are not released. There is no separate reservation exclusively for the candidates studied / studying in urban areas. The reservations to the OBC students are 0 coming in State list implemented as per Central List. get reservation in The OBC candidates not included in Central list would apply admission? as General Candidates. 11 Can a candidate The information in respect of other know the marks of candidates cannot be provided as per Section 8(1)(J) of the RTI other candidate? Act 2005. 12 How many seats in a district are filled by At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by candidates from rural candidates selected from rural areas. area? 13 What is the age group A candidate between the age group from 9 to 13 to ~!l in JNVST? _years is e~ible to a.EE!_r in JNVST. 14 In how many JNVST is conducted in 20 languages. languages the JNVST is conducted? 15 What documents are The admission documents are available in the NVS submitted after website i.e. www.navodaya.gov.in selection at the time of admission? 16 Is any fee to be paid Education in JNVs is free including board and for admission in lodging, uniform and text books for JNVs? all the students. Students of Classes VI to VIII, all SC/ST & all Girl students and the students whose family income is below poverty line (BPL) are exempted for Vikas Nidhi. However, a sum of Rs. 600 / - per month is collected from the remaining students of Classes IX to XII only towards Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi. A sum of Rs. 1500 /- per students per month or actual CEA drawn, whichever is less is collected from all students whose parents are Govt. Em..E_lo_yees. 17 What is the composition of Class The Selection test is of two-hour duration from 11.30 am to O 1.30 pm and VI JNVST? have 3 sections with only objective type questions. There are 80 guestions in all for 100 marks. Type of Number Marks Duration Test of Questions Mental 40 50 60 Ability Minutes Test Arithmetic Test Language Test Total 18 Is there any section 20 25 20 25 80 100 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 2 hours Yes. There is minimum cut off for el~ibility in wise cut off? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 respect of every section. Only such candidates are eligible for admission subject to NVS criteria. No Is there any fee to apply for admission in JNV? How will we get admit Admit cards with centre details may be downloaded card for selection test? from the application portal one month prior to the conduct of selection test How will the List of provisionally selected students ( District candidates come to wise) is regularly being uploaded in the NVS know the selection for website. The same is also being communicated to admission? individual provisionally selected students by the Principal of JNV concerned. What is the criteria to A candidate who has studied classes III, IV and V in decide rural Govt/ recognized schools located in Rural area can candidature in class apply against rural quota. If he has studied for a VI? single day in Urban area school, he will be considered under Urban quota only. Where from the Prospectus may kindly be referred for details. candidates will come to know the pattern of Question paper? Can a candidate apply A candidate cannot apply for other district. for admission in Class IX in other district in condition of non availability of vacancy in his /her district? What is the The vacant seats in the SC/ST categories are reservation criteria for reserved for the SC/ST students. admission in Class IX & Class XI in JNV s? 26 What are the eligibility criteria for admission to Class IX in JNVs for 2022-23? Only those candidates who are studying Class VIII during the academic session 2021-22 in one of the Govt. / Govt. recognized schools of the district where the JNV is functioning and where admission is sought, are eligible. A candidate seeking admission must be born between 1.5.2006 and 30.4.2010 (both days inclusive). 27 What is the The selection will consist of questions from the composition of the subjects of Mathematics, General Science, English test for Class IX in and Hindi. Difficulty level of the test appear shall be JNVs? of Class VIII. The test will be of objective type with 2 ½hours duration without any break. Sl. No. Subject Marks 01 English 15 02 Hindi 15 03 Maths 35 0 l I 04 [ Science / 35 / Total / 100 Marks 28 I What is the criteria Admission of students is made against available for admission of vacancies in Class XI on the basis of marks secured students to Class XI by students in Class X Board Exam. The selection of against vacant seats? students is done as per following steps: a) District wise merit list is prepared and students are selected against the vacancies. b) After selecting students against the vacancies in the JNV of the district, a common merit list is prepared at State level. After step a) the vacancies exist in any of the JNV of the same State is filled from the State level merit list by considering the option exercised by the candidate. c) After selection by step a) & b), if the selected candidate does not join even after making all efforts, vacant seats are filled only from State level merit list. -·1r \ " '4, · Li 0 'I It T Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Wf""lt-.,r·I ~ ~ Ministry off ,luu1rio11 I ),?r .,.,...,-: '\•tl l t iDtplt of Schcol f:ducat:on l.; L11ua<:yi Govcmnunt of India --- ---.I--: ',r,. t- •• ,.,..{,; '-"I·,,. ,\-,:•,· '' F. No. Dated: 1-1 /2021-NVS(Exam}/ 'l ~)J 0 ? .11.2021 MOST IMMEDIATE The Deputy Commissioner N,-,YPd-1:-,,, vidvalaya Samiti .'.\ll F2cgion:,l Offices Provision of uploading the Certificate with the verification (Signature) of Head Master in online registration portal for Class VI JNVST 2022 Subject: S,r Madam. As you arc aware, keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic, the verification & signature of head master on the certificate uploaded on registration portal was dispensed \\ e.I. .JNVST 2020 with the provision of self certification of parent & candidates. Due to the administrative reasons, the decision is reviewed and it has been decided the competent authority that the certificate with all the particulars including study details is to be uploaded on registration portal only after getting the same verified by the head master concerned with immediate effect. In the case of candidates who have already uploaded the certificate, directions may be issued to them to submit the revised format with the verification of head master in the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya concerned. Further, it has also been decided that counter signature of BEO on the study details is compulsory at the time of admission of selected candidates through Class VI JNVST 2022. The revised format along with the directions is to be uploaded on the websites of \\ s &, RUs. You are requested to make arrangement to publish the inclosed notification in the : :,:.: rcgwnal newspapers immediately. . )w. i:·,StH·s with the approval of the competent authoritv. Yours faithfullv. ., . ,,,. .r,(~' "-·-·'i ', •,\\.• - \ , (S, ' \ 1,;·. Tyagi) Assistant Commissione;' ( JNVST) En e l.: As above j, l ·\il ,):,._,:,diar Nr1vodDya Vidyaluyus for inforrnat.ion nrid immediate ;1ctio11. 0 NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of Education Department of School Education & Literacy Govt. of India NOTIFICATION The online application portal for Class VI Selection Test 2022 for admission to Class VI in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas for the session 2022-23 is open now. All the desiring and eligible candidates may apply through the portal. Due to administrative reasons, it is decided to get the certificate verified by the Head Master concerned. All the candidates are requested to fill their particulars in the revised format and get the same verified by the Head Master concerned. Candidates are requested to upload the verified certificate only. If the candidates have already submitted their applications, the certificate uploaded may; be verified by the Head Master concerned and the same is to be submitted to the Principal of JNV in the district concerned. For revised format, please visit the website www.navodaya.gov.in Issued bv Navoda o1 a'k. :a 0 ~ a._:a I c:.:i :a -H fJ!I fa NAVODAVA VIDYALAYA SAMITI ~ ...j :,,II <9 Ci (~ ~ ri ~ fi'mnT) (Dept. oC School Education & Literacy) 3:m:Fr~ Govt. oC India a'r-15. ~~ ~- ~-62. ~- 201309 (3.\T) ,. d-a-~'-'V"'.V"'\.v.navoda;ya.gov.in Naida - 201309 (UP) Ministry 0£ Edv.cation B-15, Sector·--- 62, Institutional Area, Website- www.na.voda.ya.gov.in F.No.1- 41 /2021-NVS(Exam)/ 2.g.2..-C Dated: /~ .10.2021 To The Deputy Commissioner Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti All Regional Offices Subject: Resolution of discrepancies for Class VI JNVST 2021- Issuance of guidelines Sir/Madam, It has been observed that some selected students through Class VI JNVST 2021 are unable to produce the required documents as per the data fed by them in the online registration portal. This may be due to lack of knowledge regarding filling up of online applications or due to mistake committed by computer center through which they have taken assistance for filling the online application. Such cases are sent by JNVs to their Regional Offices as discrepancies which are forwarded to Hqrs. by Regional Offices for resolution. It has been observed that a number of discrepancy cases which can be easily resolved at JNV /RO level are also being forwarded to NVS Hqrs. This causes unnecessary delay in the admission of provisionally selected candidates in addition to unnecessary stress for students/parents. To avoid this, the types of discrepancies which can be resolved at JNV /RO level have been listed and their resolutions have been mentioned against each. i Sl. Nature of Discrepancy/ Grievance 01 I Already in Class VI at the time of applying for test / studied and passed class V in previous academic session itself. 1 02 , Studied, classes III, IV & V (Even one Class) m 1 non-recognized school. : 03 I Correction in the name of candidate/school. 04 05 Resolution Not eligible as per NVS selection criteria. Not eligible as per NVS selection criteria. To be attended by JNV / RO after verifying other information / documents. I Mismatch in the date of birth in the online registration form and documents produced at Eligible if the actual date of birth falls in the DOB range : the time of admission. notified bv NVS. Not willing. Wait list should be demanded against such cases instead of referring as discrepancv. I Non-submission of required documents. To be attended by .JNV/Ro~--i . +E~~ NY~. ~cl rnJ~~~Q!.1 _29li~y: ' I Cir] selected against Boy seat Eligible since there is no ' reservation for I 06 07 / 08 Urban candidate applied as Rural and selected against Open UR quota seat. i ! 0 09 10 1l 12 13 14 15 l 16 Eligible since the selection i~7 under open category. Rural candidate selected against Open UR seat. Eligible since there ·1s no for reservation Urban candidates. SC candidates selected against ST seats and Eligible since SC & ST is intervice versa. changeable, if eligible candidates are nol available in I the concerned category. Urban candidate applied as Rural and selected Not eligible due to lack of\ but there is no vacancy in Open UR quota in vacancy in open category. the concerned ,JNV. A candidate of a particular social category is Eligible as there may be no selected against different social category seat qualified candidate in that and the same is clearly mentioned in the select category. list itself. Change of social category between the The case is to be forwarded to application and the document. NVS Hqr s. as discrepancv. A candidate of a particular social category/rural area is Eligible as the candidate is selected in selected against open disabled quota seat but unable to Open Disabled category. \ produce the certificate of that social category/rural area certificate. I A candidate of a particular social category/rural area is selected against open UR Seat but unable to produce the certificate of that social category/rural area certificate. Eligible as the candidate is selected in 1 Open UR category. The Social \ i category is to be recorded as per documents available. A candidate is selected against Open SC/Open ST/Open Eligible as the candidate is selected in OBC but unable to produce Rural Area certificate. Open Category. However, the submission of certificate social category is mandatory . ial category is selected Eligible as the candidate is selected in .able to produce the social Open Cateaorv. However thP category certificate. \ submission of certificate of Rural · Area is mandatory . A candidate is selected against Rural SC/Rural ST/Rural Not eligible as the candidate is OBC but unable to produce Social Category/Rural Area selected in reserved category. The Certificate. l submission of both Social Category and Rural Area Certificate is _ mandatory. ·-·-·· -·-· ··-- of I8 You are requested to resolve the above mentioned discrepancies at your level and forward the remaining discrepancies, which are beyond your level only, to NVS Hqrs. In respect of referring change of district cases to NVS Hqrs, the same is to b. done, only if the actual school details or the candidates are as per the onlin appl ica tion s. Further, verification of documents is to be completed within 15 davs from th of communication of provisional selection of students for ~-i.dmission Discrepancies which cannot be resolved at the JNV level are to be referred to NVS dlqrs through Regional Office concerned in a consolidated format (copy enclosed). This issues with the approval of the competent authority. Yours faithfully, ,,--\ (,Jt-1' ~- \O' I Tyagi) '"'' (sK. Asstt. Commissioner (JNVST) ~\ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Ministry of Irlucatio,11 IDeptt. of School Education & Literacy] Government of India 8-!5, hutit11tional Arc~. St-dor-62, NOIDA !U,P.j· 20!309 M. 0120·240596.9,70,1!,72.13. FM: Ol20-Z4-0S.lS.2 Website : nmr.n:irod:iy:i.godn F.No.1-2/2021-NVS(Exam)/J ( / & Dated: 28.05.2021 I To The Deputy Commissioner Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti All Regional Offices Subject: Resolution of discrepancies for Class IX LEST 2021 regarding. Sir/Madam, In order to optimally utilize the infrastructure and staff facility available in JNVs, the vacant seats in Class IX are filled up through LEST. The applications are invited through online mode from the eligible candidates. It has been observed that some selected students are unable to produce the required documents as per the data fed by them in the online registration portal. This may be due to lack of knowledge regarding filling up of online applications or due to mistake committed by computer center through which they have taken assistance for filling the online application. Such cases are sent by JNVs to their Regional Offices as discrepancies which are forwarded to Hqrs. by Regional Offices for resolution. It has been observed that a number of discrepancy cases which can be easily resolved at JNV /RO level are also being forwarded to NVS Hqrs. This causes unnecessary delay in the admission of provisionally selected candidates in addition to unnecessary stress for students/parents. To avoid this, the types of discrepancies which can be resolved at JNV /RO level have been listed and their resolutions have been mentioned against each. Sl. I Nature of Discrepancy/ Grievance Resolution 01 I Already in Class IX at the time of applying for test Not eligible as per NVS selection / studied and passed class VIII in previous criteria. academic session itself. 02 I Studied Class VIII in non-recognized school. Not eligible as per NVS selection criteria. 03 I The candidate originally belongs to a District where Not eligible. no vacancy was available/test was not conducted but registered / applied through neighboring district with JNV. 04 I Correction in the name of candidate/school. To be attended by JNV / RO after verifying other information / documents. 05 IM'isrnatch in the date of birth in the online Eligible if the actual date of birth registration form and documents produced at the falls in the DOB range notified by time of admission. NVS. 06 I Not willing. Wait list should be demanded against such cases instead of referring as discrepancv. 07 I Non-submission of required documents. To be attended by JN\r /RO as per NVS admission policy. 08 I Girl selected against Boy seat Eligible since there is no reservation for Boys. 09 I Category change from OBC to General Eligible since there is no reservation for OBC until 2020-21 ~tch of class VI reaches class IX. , () ' \ i 11 ("jrban candidate applied as Rural and selected against open/UR quota seat. Rural candidate selected against Urban seat. Eligible smce the selection IS under open category. there Eligible since is no reservation for Urban candidates. Eligible since SC & ST is interchangeable, if eligible candidates are not available in the concerned category. Not eligible due to lack of vacancy in open category. 12 SC candidates selected against ST seats and vice versa. 13 Urban candidate applied and selected as Rural and there is no vacancy in Open/UR quota in the concerned JNV. A candidate of a particular social category is Eligible as there may be no that in candidate selected against different social category seat and qualified the same is clearly mentioned in the select list itself. category. Change of social category between the application The case is to be forwarded to NVS and the document. Hors. as discrepancy. 14 15 You are requested to resolve the above mentioned discrepancies at your level and forward the remaining discrepancies, which are beyond your level only, to NVS Hqrs. In respect of referring change of district cases to NVS Hqrs, the same is to be done, only if the actual school details of the candidates are as per the online applications. Further, verification of documents is to be completed within 15 days from the date of communication of provisional selection of students for admission. Discrepancies which cannot be resolved at the JNV level are to be referred to NVS Hqrs through Regional Office concerned. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. Yours faithfully, 1'""' A,. cy\. Qf',./6"L;." v" ~.K. Tyagi) Asstt. Commissioner (JNVST} ·.,qi~~ f). fu~IMll' ~fe1rrr Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Ministry of Idurarion ~r1 t1~1c::ia ( .,.,{{'l mm .3fu warm fir~) !Deptt. of School Education & Literacy] Government of India 'ITTT?l ~ ll-JS, !nsLrJ:ion:il Area, Setto:-62, ?WIDA JlJ,P.t, ZO!J.09 Td, 01Z:c0,24~)£969,,70i71}1l,7J, fu: Ot'?Cc--J4CiS-1s·; Website : "rn'liY.narodaya.gov..iu F. No. 1-11/2017-NVS(Exam) / 26 C\,9 Dated: )7.5.2021 NOTIFICATION Shortage of students in JNVs - Dibang Valley and Tawang of Arunachal Pradesh, Longleng and Dimapur of Nagaland against the sanctioned strength has been under observation for a long time in the Samiti. In order to utilize the available resources to the optimum level, the Executive Committee in its 40th Meeting held on 251h February 2021 has considered and approved the proposal for admission of students in Class VI in JNVs - Dibang Valley, Tawang, Longleng and Dimapur against the vacant seats, if any, after exhausting the select lists of their own districts, from the qualified candidates of districts - Lower Dibang Valley (AR}, West Kameng (AR), Mon (NL) & Peren (NL) respectively subject to the following conditions: a) Special admission may be done after releasing the main select lists of Class VI JNVST in the JNVs - Lower Di bang Valley, West Kameng, Mon & Peren. b) The parents of districts - Lower Dibang Valley (AR), West Kameng (AR), Mon (NL) and Peren {NL) who will be willing for admission of their wards in JNVs ""' Dibang Valley, Tawang, Longleng and Dimapur respectively shall give their consent to admit their wards in the concerned ,JNVs, if selected as per above conditions. c) Once admitted in JNVs - Dibang Valley, Tawang, Longleng and Dimapur no request of transfer of the students will be entertained. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. (R. L. Mali) Deputy Commissioner(Exam) Copy to 1) The Deputy Commissioner, NVS, Regional Office, Shillong. 2) The Director (Professional Exam), CBSE, 2, Community Centre, Shiksha Kendra, Preet Vihar, Delhi for information, please. 3) The Deputy Commissioner (Admn), NVS Hqrs- for information. 4) All Officers of NVS Hqrs. by Email. 5) The Principals JNVs - Dibang Valley, Lower Dibang Valley, Tawang, West Kameng (AR), Longleng, Mon, Dimapur, Peren (NL) - for information. 6) PS to Commissioner, NVS Hqrs. 7) PA to Joint Commissioner (Admn), NVS Hqrs - for information. 8) DC(IT). NVS Hqrs.- Please arrange to upload in the website of NVS Hqrs. /,,,,,,--/; "'--f~;;I--"5---; .2b fL) 1 Deputy Commissioner(Exam) 0 NAVODA YA VIDY ALAYA SAMITI (An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD) Department of School Education & Literacy, Govt. of India B-15, Institutional Area, Sector 62 NOIDA(UP) - 201 309 F. No. 1-11 /2018/NVS(EXAM)/ Date: 31.03.2020 NOTICE Read with: Letter l'JO.F.No.17-37/2019-UT-3 dated 30th March 2020 from the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Consequent to the acceptance of the Recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on Welfare of OBCs (2019-20) by the Competent Authority, partial modification is hereby made in the reservation policy for admission to class VI through Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) from the academic session 2020-21, with the provision of reservation to OBC students. The provisions of reservation to OBC students in the . admissions to class VI in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas from the academic session 2020-21 and onwards will be as under. "Reservation of seats for SC and ST students shall be made in proportion to their population in the district concerned (subject to minimum of National average and maximum of 50%for both the categories taken together) and 27% reservation shall be provided to the OBC students over and above the reservation for SCs and STs ". All other existing reservations including reservations for Girls, Rural, Divyang etc., will remain unchanged. The reservations to the OBC students shall be implemented as per Central List, as applic"q~le from time to time. CT·yOP,4l-A-kRl$~) Deduty Commissioner (Exam) ,+di Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ~ . , ,-1t~., · rs. ir::c1::-r::18....l,.. , c1-~ 0 ~.p.,. .. tn=rr ~R Ri ~ . .\l I ~ , fl 1~.n !m ~;,,F,!T'~P.r:.:qrTTT} ;41 ,p.J u-t~M . Ministry of Human Resource Development IDe ptt , of School Educ at.ion ii Lit e racy Gov e rn m e n t of l r.d.ia 1, ~ :;.-.:. i.·"' .:~;"TT.. ::-p:-: ~:. :·~ .• -~..:-~.c..-,r-;.-:~'; :'iO;J,~ U :' I· :·:::;C,.(.i ~.,.1 ·•1..:,,-:.:',j:.:.-;:,,:i,_;:_;;,.··:,: ~ ;.-,_t fr1::'..;;.:..<>s: 1.~: i:;.:::--:-2:, ~..:-0,.{ti: ·;,;,;..··.•·.r.-,')~,, ..... ,r~ 3-l':, ::-.,tll:.:.'.1:,,,;.J ..; r<:4,_ :'>S:C'".Cr-62. <. ~ i_: :. j 2-: ·.-:H ~, 1:.:-.-,.,_. -~ F.1-!i/2017-NVS(Exam)/:: I Date: [1.February 2020 . I NOTIFICATION .S··ic:r~JJC c/ students in J!,J\/ 1\larth ~-ik.kqn as JJ.3inst the S3:"c:~to:·:ej s~rer"'Jtf·: h::1·~> ::-.:-'._::·1ce·· ·Jl:s-::=-c-.. Jti =ir1 \)r a IGrg ~ir::~ -~1 Uie Sarniti lt r·:as be en repcrtec fr:)rn ti.ne t:) ~.: ... ~e '.:. -'.E- __J1~·-J. Jnc~ R2 J1un:1 C)f?:c.e ~~-;,:Jt some scats remain ·,13c3nt !n Class \/j fer want cf '~Jua!ificd candioates . 1 1/ :1 1 \.·iceting f:2id en : and approved the proposal to consider admission of stt_:dc.:nt3 from the burc!crir--;g districts i\/\\":~l S1kk1rn, South Sikkim & East S kkirn) 1n respect of the JN\J North Sic:kirn. 1f qualified c:.1nc!.J:c.t2:; .:ire not a··-/Ji!ab1c :n . J~-J\/ i\Jcrtfl Sik>·dn1 subject to tr1-2 fc}iiO\'/ing conditions: 1: It:e pare.its of distr:c: '-:\'est Sikk:17\ SoL:th Si~d<in1 8'" Eas: ::J:~J\irn v/r.o i,,,vl!'. be ,.-··/i/l·nq Tor J:.:!rnss1011 of the.r ·,v:ird ,n J~,j\/ t,io,ir1 Sii<.:-;1rn sha I gl',;e :·1211 consent to adm t '.r,c:1 ·:·_. .. !! ; :7 . ~·-J \/ ~-1::: ; h :_:.; ! ;.: k ::1: ! f ·3(: '. ;°_: :.:.;t (;d ::1 :~ p~ r J [::·y,,1 S , : J rrJ t: :·_~ r • _:, ·'V r··.. Assist Jn t (: or: 1 n1 ;·:,;sicne r( .J ~-~\-· S ·r·· 1 c:cov to 1; f:..>:-r\.3::::::n ~L-iJ 1) f-<3 .::: c>:.> i- /'';0.:-::essar '-/ a~t1cn r--/,.J,S ( :-:,-:r::·; i;~:,.:::'.~·:·:~;1· l 0 r,'i 8 I M qih1-.:81-Q f~ fa ~ ~s-.r, .Navodaya Vidyalaya Sarni 1 <ffi Min is try of Hu111an Resource Developmc f~Ffilf.l f;;-~;r :ffi ( -7,~ ~~ ~ I De p tt , of Sc h o ol E•J.Jc1Lioo ~ Lite rJ ;:-~ITTT fr,.ffl7) Go v e m m e n t of l n c , . 5. r:~.:/,~-=-~ ~i::J' ~-:-1. ~ ll-; ;1 --:01~~~~ ::.7_ 01:~ <-t.;~-:.~c;.?ei,; .n.,;:,. 1:r:1~: 1.11:;.:..:-::s~a2 -=;r 4 F.1-·11/2017-N\/S(Exam) / - Oa te i : 7 February 2020 NOTIFICATION T10e ~,)CT ')f Delhi is :1Jvir':J 1 '1 cistr cts ou: of .vhich 2 districts 1 ·-' Central Cel:11 ar-cl .\Jc:. Ce>--1 are l_,lr-:Ja··1 .ns: .cts \\ ll~re Jt'~J\/ Sct-:i::n1e i.:, ·--;:! .-~:p;~:: cJb!e Tf'·:}r·1~·:·~re .. -·:c. . _ . s .J:-? ::=· 2s:::-:r.~:;s:--e--! !f"' f·-!r_:T ("Jf [)cir1 :~ ,:-~···.·."t.~:\!e·· c'.:-,l/ ~, ..·.,e; '""':\J\/s i e :3cu:h \_-"·/es: =.-1 st.re: '~~·1'.fJ:·1y_:r· r<.;-~ 'J Jr7(~ \;c ·:r1 '·;\, C3Z '~_-j'.3tf-·ct t~v1ur-:;r:::sr--pu!-, 31~ fu; ~::ion2.l :~l [\~c: of Ce!:11 lhe 27 Jf·,j\':3 s.:;;~~-:,c;·;;_; ~: '.iur,119 \Jc,,.;.::-1'18.:0,- 2C 1 f:3 cou.d ,-10! be mace functional as :·1u offer of !a:·:r_: has been r ecetved fru·:, i ~1:::- SL:r~ (;.:.; ·.-·::: :·1-ii'r : :<~ t H e:-,c~~ '.::. .uden:s cf t~--ese cl1 s.ri ~:~s are de crii/,::.j c/ c; u 3] ·t·-/ ed i_J_:.~1 t' ~:·,,fJJ; 1 c1 stncts 11a·n,2 y C2:-1rJI Dell:1 ,::;_ l'Je.,v Deil1i ) 11 J~f/ J3ffa·pur '.--(a!an. S::,,,t:~ \//e?:: Distr.c: aio J,': i :,:u·~.=:-2sh:~·'· ,'-J:1 ,., "./J:::s: Dist ::t as per ::e:a1 s J .cn ceitJ'.·,1 JN\/ .Jaffar pur Kalan South West District. Delhi cater to JN\/ Mungeshpur, North West District. Delhi c ater lo : ' .. L ..:C \ !'C'S! [)~::,b : )U:t-, [osl ·- _,:::. ::.:,:!·,, C3 ,, ··- L..i'"---::); ' ::.: _' l ' ... ~ (_, :l N a.\odaya Vidyalaya Sarni ti '.',iinistry of Hu m an Resource De vc lo p m e n t [Dc pt t of Schoel Educ2:io2 G: Li t e r a c v, Gove r nrne m of In di a d> 1) s;::~:',-,;:, llJ·-'~.: ~~, -0.:~ -'.,,:_~; l ·=.:,_ -~ s. C12>2-iJ:-~t~,7-:·.i1,~2)3. ~ C:i2~·-2;:J5 F.No. 1-1/2019-NVS(Exarn) -~- /1~ I Datcd:c;.g;o8.2U 19 -------~--------- ---- ! NOT IF! CA.TIO\' Shortage of students in JN\I Mahe as against the sanctioned strength has been under c1bscn .uion for a long time in the Samiti. Jt has been reported from time to time b) the Ji\\ and Regiu11c1i U1r1c:c tk1t in view of lesser number of Class VIII population in the entire district of Mahe in ron rei-iitur:s ol Puducherry many seats in JNV Mahe remain vacant. ,-------. The Executive Committee in its 36th meeting held on 6t'1 March 2019has considered c1:1J appruv cd the proposal for selection of students fonii:Tniiisio11·Toc·lass 111 ~~-;;-1;; as a special case again~t rhe vacant seats. if any. after exhausting the 11si'U'f qual1i1ed cand1clatesciT1'5Tstricl lvlahc. The 'il7CL'i,:I selection 111ay be done after selecting of students from the qualified list of nearby districts of Kerala i.c. Kannur and Calicut subject to following conditions: - v a) Special selection may be done after release of main list & wait I ist in respect of JNV Kannui and Calicut respectively on the basis of combined merit list. b) Taking iruo consideration the NVS admission polic, that atleast 75%, candidates '.\ ill he lrum Rural areas, efforts are made 10 fulfil the criteria of selection accordingly. c) Once admitted in JNV Mahe, no further transfer of the students will be entertained by NVS. d) The parents of district Kannur and Calicut who will be willing for admission of their ward in .iN\ Mahe shall give their consent to admit their wards in JNV Mahe . if selected as per ,ih,1, L' conditions. J This issues with the approval of Commissioner. ,y ~ ~<ll~~~ lakri.sh na l Deputy Cornrnissione r ( f-'.d Ill/ Copy to: I. The Deputy Commissioner. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Regional Office. Hyderabad (Telangana) ; The Principal. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. Mahe (Puducherry) (U'll/Kannur/Calicut (Kerala) for their information and necessary action please. Commissioner, NVS (1-lqrs.) ? -- 9c!le::Q lr{?Jt&-tt-,f u f~~ ~fqfa .· . --- ~ . .Jtjr). _:_tH.-H~=l-d.<:riH:!--J-l,l ldll A (J.<t,c-l f:?T~ZT 3W W2:ffiTT m.:rri) -~avodaya Vidyalaya Samiti · · ·· ~ --~ ""~ ":~ ~tl, ~-- -M1:g1stry of-I-I11ma.!l£~sourc~_pevE:!9p~n1ent._ -1'. 0 _ , ;,J.. mTi'l ~ C. (Deptt. of School Education & Literacy) Government of India ;.j,.:, ...!... ,. ...:.....::,....._._ ,.. ·' _ . _ __ ,...1.• . ,...,..t,.,.,.,1 •• ,., , Ji::, ., .. 1n """ 1 i,\(~, •· L, ,.-1-'j/ ,11J?• TT, ~,- 6., (v,s.)-.L13a1 .:!,.__ ~ _,,,. ';'- 012C-2405969 ,70,71,72,73, '-0<H_: _012_0-240518_2,, .· ~ llt'\_.. . E-15, Institut.ional Arr:2.1 Sector-62, NOIDA (U.P.]· 201309 •1,J · Ol2'u-2"•"0'070"17'-"'· ,012r.oes·,.-, 7,.1.:.,:,c,-,, ,, , .,,_,, ... , f, a: •.• '.J .i:. u . . J.c .•. ~ /Website : www.nnh.q.org , F.No. 1-8/2018-NVS(Exam)/J-i'.lb.5 Dated: f?.05.2019 To The Deputy Commissioner Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti All Regional Offices Subject: Enhancement of Rates of Examination Duty Allowances Sir. · As per the decision of 66th Meeting of Finance Committee of NVS held on 4tli April 2019, the examination duty allowances to the staff engaged for conduct of JNV Selection Test is revised as detailed below: I. At DEO/DIOS Office SI. ' Official OJ District Co-Ordinator (DEO/DIOS) 02 i Block Co-ordinator per Block (Dy. DEO/AEO/BEO) -· involved in this task --.· 03 District Level Observer 04 Centre Level Observer 05 Secretarial help at DEO's office two persons and BEOs office-one person 06 Class IV Assistant at DEO's office two persons and - -··, DEOs office-one person 1 0 IL Revised Amount ~ 2025/~ 1350/- ~ 1000/~ 500/~ 400/each ~ 200/each ~ 1350/~ 675/~ 540/each ~ 270/each To be paid by Concerned Principal DEO/DIOS DEO/DIOS DEO/DIOS DEO/DJOS DEO/DJOS At Centre of Examination --~---- r~------ . ~,!. Citic.fa! ---·- ----c, I 0l 02 03 04 Existing Amount ~ 1500/~ 1000/- I Centre Superintendents I Invigilator I Clerical Assistance of two persons i Class IV Assistance ( One person for every 40 candidates or part thereof) Amount ~ 1000/~ 250/~ 100/~ 1001- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1350/4001200/200/- ·- DEO/DJOS Centre Superintendents Centre Superintendents I Centre Superintendents As per the existing norms, Navodaya employees are not eligible for examination duty allowances . ..,. . -,..,....,.. Revised rate of payment of examination duty allowances is applicable w.e.f. Class VJ JNV Selection Test 2019 which was conducted on 6t11 April 2019. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. Yours faithfully rtl . -==~-+-t;J,/2t/vJ"J_g1rf~1..?, \J \ (T. Gopalakrishi1~J Asstt. Corlimissioner(JNVST) ---~---- ----------- --- - ---· -- ------ ----'-=c=====--- ---~------ ----- ) ,, _., 0 i...J-)-.·;Vi d _, __ - -._ ,'..!.'. ::::. j' C · l L-: ')' ;;::_ U j d 2J C:::. fl l ! :. l l ·~ C \' J /4g6· F. >Jo. l L, the JN. ... V and Regional Office That in view of lesser number of class \'. :iot:n.:. 12.tion L.7. the 1 entire district of Mahe in Union Territory of Pondicherry many" seats L.7. Jl\ V Mahe remain vacant as-against the sanctioned strength of stude:g_ts~~u~ to above reason. Samiti has received several requests from parents to permit their:'ward/'tobe eligible for studies .•• -· ,.-1· -. ., i..:~ JN.. V \·fate 2.gainst the vacant seats . ...__. .1, py evr--~~t~ ,"PC o ----~--I~.: ........?~ ~'I C..,, \ v L.J . LL-- c.!J ' - ••. 'JQ1l r;/ 1 .: ~ r cons10.cre'-' and approved the proposal for adraission in T.Nv Mahe 2.s a special case against foe vacant seats, if any, after exhausting the select list in district Mahe from the qualified list of nearby districts of Kerala i.e Kannur and Calicut subject to following conditions> ;--·, '-'J:-Cv,'-'J ~n:--:.,-.;-::.1 -'-,~,.~.,01-~ :;:,.;;~,1::::~'·:-111 i~tlJ 0 _ r 1-, done . . -p-;:;.~ r \~.-.~'"'P f' th m~~7 ·, _espec, r. + Q_f JN7l ' ··; JV ~-·'" C-l~, _e1~a::i~ O.c c~e 11_ list ~~ m 7···1--0 5 T /"pc.+7;1~ ",...1Pi'7 T' -:7 : ·\_:~~:'~ .... ,\_~·\., '~-!::, 1-vl\.C. Ow .J" .' "'o u~, --:;:::::r: i-"·,;::: • dv ~- •• L~ .J -· a L- ~ re:; ha.~ 0 by 1'NS. c \I / ~, c- • • .c · -- l he parents or ms tncts Kannur sb.211 their ward 1J.7. Jl,T\7 ~,. l ms . 1-~St":e:S ·.1 , • 2:1Ci 1 witn the approve . . C aucu: ,· . who • w:.~1 ·· · ·be w1·1111L.g · r , · r ~ tor aormssion or consent to admit their wards in JNV, re cmrmssioner. .. OT Joint Commissioner [Acad] Copy to:- .l _ ~ " C.ornm.ssioner, . . ~r-avocaya . \'.'lC.)~2.12.y-a , . S anun, . . Y'-egional ., . , . . ,Urr1ce, rerne Lieputy Hvderabad (Telarigana ' . .,I 2. The Principal, .; .. .· . -:~J.t-rr :==_·:. .-:r:-:=c::_:u:::_ c~=-:~ r_~~-:::ss:..~--~- ::.:~~:~~-:-J c.e ase.. ,' ,. PS to Commissioner, Nv"S ('tlqrs.) =c./ ,,_..--J I { /. ·. r- -,~ e ~,~~ o ~ 0 ftf~, ~-«f 'JJT ."i:f .-«. ";fql~ ~\!JI(? lf =(I flt@ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Bisbwajit Kumar Singh, IFS r- lfRq 'tj~ ~<hi~ l{~ Ministry of Human Resource Development ~.issioncr 1 (~ ftrur a.ITT m~ fcl1TI11) (Deptt. of School Education & Literacy) i:rrw W<fiT{/Govemmentoflndia D.O. No. F. 1-8/2017-NVS(Exam.) Date: October 5, 2017 Subject: Online Registration for JNV Selection Test 2018 for Admission of Student to Class VI in JNVs for the Academic Year 2018-19 - reg. Dear Principal, As you are aware, the JNVST for admission of students in Class VI for the Academic Session 2017-18 has been scheduled on the following dates: 1. 2. 3. For Summer Bound Areas For Winter Bound Areas For Extremely Winter Bound Areas 10.2.2018 08.4.2018 09.6.2018 In order to ensure transparency the process of admission has been simplified and applications for JNVST 2018 have been made online, in collaboration with Common Service Centers (CSC) of Ministry of IT, Govt. of India. CSC has their centres located in more than 2.6 lakh locations covering almost all village areas. In the process of collection of application form, CSCs will be assisting the candidates/Parents to upload their details by charging a service charge of Rs.35/-. They will also assist downloading and printing of the admit cards for test with a service charge of Rs.10/. This will minimize the hardships of the parents and time taken for processing the applications at Vidyalaya level. Further due to the digital process, accurate information will be available. Last date of submission of application forms is 25th November 2017. The process of online application will be followed by individual confirmation and intimation of further steps through mobile to all the parents. The detailed prospectus has been put on the website of the Samiti. You may also have received the printed copies from Regional offices for enhancing publicity. As per simplified procedure, a self declaration form regarding their age, eligibility, residence, in the given format, have to be uploaded after due authentication by Headmaster/ Principal of the School, wherein student is studying in Class V at present. Th_e target of the Samiti is to increase overall registration from all categories of students' viz. SC / ST / OBC / Girls etc. for JNV Selection Test 2018. For which concentrated efforts will have to be made by all Vidyalayas by devising suitable methods for enhancing publicity for the ,Selection Test, creating awareness about the quality of education in the tvNavodaya Vidyalayas and reaching the remotest parts of the districts. You may have already initiated actions. Following actions shall be ensured:1) The list of schools having maximum number of applications for JNVST during last few years may be given to the District Manager, CSC and may be followed up by the Principal on daily basis. 2) It should be your prime concern to monitor the registrations in CSC centres located in different villages and also in your Vidyalaya. You may allocate teachers / staff from your JNV to the Blocks / Villages for enhancing the registration in the concerned area through CSC. The list of teachers who have been allocated the block/ village shall be put up on Vidyalayas website by 6th November 2017 evening. 3) Special attention should be given on those districts where registration of students in the past has been declining. Such areas in the district shall be listed within a week and personal attention shall be given to cover the uncovered school systems. 4) Please also identify the areas where the registration of SC/ST/Girls & Minority candidates has not increased in the past and special efforts in these districts be made to increase registration of candidates from these categories. Personal contacts should also be made by the Principals and Teachers of the Vidyalaya with Head Masters of Primary Schools, Gram Panchayat, parents etc. 5) Strong emphasis shall be given to socially and economically backward blocks and minority populated areas to increase enrolment of students and specially the girls from these areas. 6) District Collector/Magistrate and Chairman, VMC should be personally approached by the Principal with the request to write letters to District Education Officer/Head Master of Primary Schools for increasing registration. 7) District Ed.ucation Officer/DIOS should be requested to fix targets for Block Education Officers/Head Master of Primary Schools for enrolment of candidates. _Wh!le NVS is making all efforts to give adequate publicity to this ~~sm1nat1on, your earnest efforts in disseminating about objective of be ~f ~~~!~ssifh~~P~r ;~~vs;u~ent~ and_ the entrance examination would Officials as well as all Dist~ r:aMY ~ntten to all the State Government support and cooperation t rte ag1st:ates/Collectors to extend their o communicate to maximum number of estudents for participation in JNVST-2018. This may be taken very ,seriously and any laxity in this regard will be dealt severely. f Following Officers have been assigned regions monitoring regarding progress of the JNVST registration: - for personal 1) Dr. Honnareddy N., Joint Commissioner (Admn) - Shillong 2) Shri A.N. Ramachandra, Joint Commissioner (Acad) - Bhopal 3) Shri S.K. Agrawal, General Manager (Constn.) - Chandigarh 4) Ms. Kaneez Fatima, Joint Commissioner (Pers.) - Jaipur 5) Shri Sudhakar Gaikwad, Deputy Commissioner - Pune 6) Shri A.Y. Reddy, Deputy Commissioner - Hyderabad 7) Commissioner will himself monitor Lucknow and Patna Yours sincerely To, Principal All Navodaya Vidyalayas Copy to: 1) PA to Commissioner, NVS (Hqrs.) 2) Joint Commissioner (Acad) 3) Joint Commissioner (Admn.) 4) Joint Commissioner (Pers.) 5) Generat Manager (Constn.), 6) Deputy Commissioner, All Regional Offices of NVS ,., ...,--- ,: .•... h L? I oJ ~:-- F. No. 1-3/2010- EE4 Government of India tvi:nistry of Human Resource Development [Department of School Education & Literacy] Room No. 429-A, "C" Wing, Shastri Bhavan, th New Delhiuated , 13 July, 2012. Subject: Guidelines under Section 35(1) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, -2009 in respect of Residential Schools - reg. z" The Hon'ble Supreme Court in para 13 of its judgement dated the 1 April, 2012 in WP (C) 95/2010 in the case of Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan Vs. Union of India and Anr., and similar writ petitions tagged along with directed that appropriate Guidelines under section 35 of the Right of Children to Free and Compuisory Education Act, 2009 be issued clarifying its applicability to boarding or residential schools 2. The aforementioned issue has arisen in the context of app!icability ot the provisions cf clause (CJ of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Right of Children to Free and Cornpulsory Education Act, 2009 on private unaided schools. In the said secticn it nas been. inter alia, provided that children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group residing in the specified neighbourhood of the school have a right to be admitted therein to the extent indicated in the said clause and provided +ee and compulsory education till completion of elementary education. In respect of residential schools, however, the applicability of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 would be limited to day scholars, since only in respect of day scholars can tne 11(.;,9hb,:::;uri'iood criterion apply. ,.,_ The provisions of clause (c} of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 shall not apply to the residential schools which start admitting children at classes higher than class I. ,: The atoreir.ent oned Guideline may be brouqb: to tne xnowlecpe of all c::::'·,:::e,ne:J for necessary compliance {~ (Vikram Scfr-ta~t 'y\}.,V Director Telefax: 2338 1470 Email: vikramsahay7@gmai: com / .·--.,. ~ Q Nwodaya VidyalaJ:r -::.it[ Safety & Security of Students in JNVr Navodaya Vidyalaya being Co-educational and residential in nature, it is the prime responsibility of the Principal and staff to ensure Safety and Security of children till they remain on the roll of the Vidyalaya. The Principal and staff of the Jawahar Navodzya Vidyalayas are expected to ensure that Safety and Security and good health of students are given paramount importance. Some of the preventive measures for safety of the children in the JNV s are suggested as under: 1. Precautionary Cod~ f:c~'f'.IT §'rokJ3'~~& 1. Preparation and implementation schedule of visit of Principal, Staff Nurse and House master to the dormitories. 2. Enquire from House Captain about health and welfare of the children during visits. 3. Record observations of the Principal during visits to dormitories along with detailed instructions of House Masters and Staff Nurse in a Register. 4. Verification and recording compliance to instructions issued by the Principal on daily basis. 5. The House Master to submit daily report to the Principal on the format to be prescribed by the Vidyalaya indicating the welfare and presence of children. 6. Abandoned temporary buildings, bathrooms, toilets having dilapidated electric wiring are not to be used by children. 7. The Principal, House Masters and other teachers must conduct fortnight inspection of the class rooms, dormitories, dining hall, toilet and bathroom blocks of specifically find out whether the electrical wiring and points are in order. In case they find any uninsulated live wires, the wiring must be changed and electricity disconnectioned till such defects are set right. Nobody should tamper with the distribution boxes with the fuse carriers. 8. Regular roll call and attendance by House Master twice daily. The Attendance Register of Houses to be verified and countersigned by Principal at 9.30 p.m. daily. 9. The Staff Nurse will attend the sick child immediately. No illness of the child is to be taken casually or a_routine manner instead the symptoms of illness and medicines given should be recorded in the register. 10. The sick student should not left alone in the dormitory at any time. 11. The sick child is to be kept under the supervision of staff nurse or a teacher. 232 Safety & Security of Students in JNVs Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 12. A suitable room should be set up as M.I. room equipped with essential material attached bathroom and other facilities. 13. The House master has to ensure that the child is being provided medical treatment properly. 14. Necessary arrangements should be made for special diet if necessary and instructions issued to Catering Asstt./Mess staff accordingly. 15. The H.M./Principal of staff nurse feels that simple ailment is not required any treatment, but the feelings of the child should be taken care of. He/She should be given a patient hearing and counselled accordingly with a feed back. 16. The Vidyalaya doctor should be consulted always after first aid treatment to the child. 1 7. In absence of Vidyalaya doctor (if found not available at that time) a qualified doctor of the nearby Health Centre/Hospital should be consulted. 18. After diagnosing the sickness, the parents may be informed if the nature of illness excepting for common colds and seasonal health effect. 19. The part time doctor and staff nurse feels that the illness of the child cannot diagnosed immediately, the child should be immediately shifted to a nearby Govt. hospital for further examination. 20. Medicines prescribed by the doctors should be given to the students only by the staff nurse. No Teacher or Principal should administer medicines on their own to sick child. 21. In case of any serious illness of the child and the Vidyalaya requires any expenditure to incur on them, the amount may be incurred by the Vidyalaya without any delay and later on it can be got reimbursed by the parents. Treatment cannot be delayed for want of finance. · 22. The records about the sick children is to be maintained and informed to .the Principal daily in the evening in a prescribed format. 23. To admit the child in hospital immediately in cases of serious illness and accidents. \ 24. The Date and Time schedule of the visit of the Vidyalaya Doctor should be fixed in advance in children intimated. 25. A responsible employee to remain as escort constantly with the one responsible escort must remain with the patient till parents arrive and take over the child. 26. Doctors Visit Register should be maintained. 27. To take additional help of District Administration, if need arises, to ensure medical facilities to the children. Wherever there is no doctor in nearby vicinity, the District Administration should be requested to arrange weekly visits of a medical team. 234 Navodaya Vid.yalaya Sa.mW Safety Bl Security of Students in JI\TT.'s 28. A sick child should not be sent to his home. Instead the child should be hospitalised and the parents are informed immediately. On their arrival, if they prefer to take the child home they should be permitted after obtaining a written request and individual health records (Cards) of students maintained and verified by the Principal. 29. Full medical check-up of the students may be conducted once in a quarter. 30. Diet for the sick students should be given separately as per the recommendations of the Doctor. 31. The individual Health Record should indicate the Status of Health during the quarterly health check-up and should be readily available in the Vidyalaya. 32. Sick students just after recovery from illness should not be permitted for games and sports activities till they feel physically fit. 33. For regular medical check-up of the students and maintenance of Health Record and for monitoring of health problems of the children of the JNV, the Staff Nurse would be accountable. 34. Regular mosquito eradication measures to be taken in Vidyalaya. 35. The Principal has to ensure availability of sick room staff nurse/common medicines/ consultant doctor /vehicle for hospitalisation of children in emergencies. 36. A regular action programme should be prepared and implemented for avoiding seasonal contiguous disease on account of water and weather etc. 37. Outside food stuff should not be permitted except items like Biscuits etc. 38. Medical history card is to be invariable sent alongwith migrated children. 39. Children suffering with chronic disease should not be sent on migration. 40. Personal hygiene of Mess workers and conditions in the kitchen and Mess are checked by Vidyalaya doctor atleast once in a quarter. 41. The cleanliness of mess surroundings, utensils and food preparations should be checked regularly by Catering Assistant, Staff Nurse and Principal. Regular arrangements for disposal of waste food stuffs should be made. 42. Proper care should be taken with regard to installation of gas cylinders. All necessary arrangements should be made as per the specification laid down by the gas authority for installation of gas connection without giving any scope for leakage, etc. 43. Adequate care should be taken with regard to drinking water. The staff nurse should be instructed to ensure that the water is properly purified/ chlorinated before using for drinking purpose. 44. Toilets and sanitary conditions should be kept clean. Necessary phenoling and cleaning should be done frequently to avoid contamination. 45. Kitchen and utensil, washing place should be kept clean. Necessary arrangements should be made for spraying of phenoyl, bleaching powder and avoid water stagnation not to give scope for breading of mosquitos, flies etc. Dining tables should be kept neat and clean. 236 ftI :~~].';\ _ I Safety & Security of Students in JNVs -~•: =s ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Sc..n-d~[ '10:rt.f' 46. Arrangements must be made for regular supervision and cleanliness of dining hall. wash':,g places, etc. to avoid unhygienic conditions. 47. When students are admitted in Class-6th, a medical fitness certificate of civil surgeor, only be accepted. w·m 2. Measures to Prevent Children from Dangers of Water and Drowning 1. The number of death incidents are found due to drowning. The following measures are to be adopted 2. Construction of compound wall is to be given top priority which may help in keeping proper supervision and control over children and prevent tress passing. 3. The open wells and ponds if exist in the campus are to be provided with protective wall and iron grills covering the well and the movements of the students are restricted towards it. 4. Not to allow children to go towards the nearby river, canals, ponds and railway tracks and to take bath using water from the overhead tanks by climbing on the terrace. 5. Movements of children is to be strictly watched through formation of groups. 6. Children should not be permitted to go outside the Vidyalaya premises for the bathing/ washing clothes etc. 7. The presence of the students in the Vidyalaya campus at all times should be strictly enforced. Strict discipline and to check the unauthorised absence of the students from the Vidyalaya is to be given paramount importance. 8. The students with a history of disappearance or running away from the Vidyalaya without proper permission are to be given special attention and a vigil is regularly kept on them. 9. The root cause for such behaviour of the child must be ascertained, parents informed accordingly and corrective steps taken. 10. For certain ritual and functions which are observed in the Vidyalaya, necessary precautions and arrangements to be made in advance. Children should not be permitted to go on rallies for immersion of idols in tanks, ponds and wells etc. 11. No procession should be allowed to move from Vidyalaya out of the campus in the eve of any religious celebrations. 12. No student should be allowed person authorised by parent. to go on leave without written request of the parent of the 13. Any person/parent visiting Vidyalaya must obtain permission from House/Master to meet the students invariably by mentioning in the visiting register with his name, address purpose, date and time of arrival and departure which must be seen by the House Master and Principal. 3. Preventive Points from Suicide Actions 1. The House Masters and teachers should develop the regular habit of visiting the dormitories dining hall and talking to the children in general about their welfare. 238 r t Safety & Security of Students in JNVs Navodaya Vidyalaya Samit{ 2. Frequent interaction of House Master with the students to be developed in order to attend. to the problems of children on regular basis more so their psychological, physical and emotional problems. 3. Proper regular counselling of the children is to be done to help the mentally disturbed children who are under depression. 4. Continuous communications between the child and the teacher should be maintained with proper follow up action. 5. No student should stay inside the dormitories during class hour. All the dormitories should be locked after the classes are commenced. 6. Psychological behaviour of the students should be watched closely in order to avoid shyness, depression and aloofness of the students which may cause any sort of unforeseen incidents. 7. Corporal punishment to the students is strictly prohibited. Insulting in public referring to their parentage, caste, community etc. by the teachers will be viewed seriously and necessary action will be initiated against erring staff. 8. Proper counselling should be done either by House Master or class teacher /Principal in case of any mistake like stealing, telling lies by the students. 9. In case the student is not mending his behaviour it should be reported to his parents and after giving one or two chances for improvement, necessary action should be taken. 10. Emotional behaviour of the students should be watched properly. 11. Children in JNVs are admitted at the tender age of 9 to 13 years which is a pre adolescent or adolescent age which need counseling and continuous guidance to become physically fit, mentally alert and emotionally balanced. 12. The educational process will be pleasant, attractive and motivating to the child if firm trust is established between a child and the teacher. The bond of friendship and affection can be strengthened if the teacher is understanding and sympathetic. 13. Knowledge of child psychology will help the teacher in understanding and dealing with children of different abilities aptitudes and dispositions who come to JNVs from heterogenous socio-economic basic grounds. 14. The teacher is the best judge to identify any behaviour, emotional, social, language problem in child and to provide proper stimulus, appropriate activities, necessary guidance and plentiful insight. 15. Each teacher should be a guide, friend, counselor to a child only then he/she contribute to overall development of children. 16. Students problem must be listened patiently, politely and solved. 17. Informal conversation with the pupils by way of discussions with peers and planned observations in hostels, classrooms, playground should be developed. 18. House Masters should ensure that the students get their daily use items and all other assistances in time. 240 Safety & Security of Students in JNVs Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 19. The Principal and House Master must check progress of students in academic/sports and CCA and continue to guide the children. He should develop the sense of belongingness and security among the students. 20. Suicidal tendencies are very deep rooted. Family history play an important role. All House Masters should collect the family history of the child through informal chitchat with the child/ guardian/visitors and will keep a record. They should invariably inform the Principal. 21. Generally the suicidal incidents takes places due to the child being over protected at home, feel badly homesick, gets disturbed, unable to tolerate japers/fear of getting fail, to come up upto expectations of their parents, Extreme Humiliation by the fellow students/Teachers/ Principal etc. These may be taken care of. 22. Vidyalaya should develop a good social, authentic and environment friendly educational climate in the school. 23. Any child noticed disturbed, should never be left alone. His attention should immediately be diverted in an activity of his choice. 24. Awards to good students play effective role than punishment. Children's should not be scolded in public on their mistakes. 25. Child is a child-like any child he needs kind behaviour from senior students, teachers and Principal. 26. The child should feel himself at home, safe and secure in the Vidyalaya. 27. Minimise threats to the child. 28. Too much critical command by teachers/Principal is to be avoided. 29. Child should be heard, he should be enquired if he is looking upset, he should be guided, counseled and timely help and assistance provided to him. 30. The prefects should be given more responsibilities. They should be made responsible/ accountable for the duties assigned to them. 31. Shy, Isolate, neglected children should be identified and watched and they are taken care of properly. 32. Children on account of family disturbances like separation of parents, family etc. are to be specially attended. 4. Safety Measures during Travels The safety of students travelling from one place to other is the prime responsibility of the escortts) Particular care on the part of the escort(s) is needed to eliminate re-occurrences of unfortunate incidents. 1. Before proceeding in any journey the children and the escorted teacher should be briefed about all the details of the journey and precautions to be taken. 2. Escorting teacher should always be watchful to ensure that all students are present in their respective berth/ seats. 242 Nauodapc: Vidyalayo: Sas,,'· Safety & Security of Student:£ in JNV-i 3. Lady teachers will invariably escort when girls are travelling. Even if there is one girl, the: must be a lady teacher. = 4. To maintain proper vigilance to watch the luggage material to avoid any theft or missinr 5. Minor first aid, medicine/materials is to be kept with the escort to meet in emergency of sickness. 6. It is the responsibility of the escorts to take the students on journey with utmost saferv and security. 7. Valid identity card must be kept by the students during journey. Children should never to sent unescorted. 8. Food after satisfying to be hygienic is to be served during journey. 9. Food articles sold through unauthorised vendors is to be avoided. 10. Strict instructions to be given to the children not to move out side the compartments without escorting or to get down at the station. 11. Safety measures like eating street made food, rash running, frequently standing on window· side and peeping outside is to be instructed. 12. The escorting teacher must invariably travel in the class of accommodation and in the same compartment of the students. 13. The students may not be permitted to leave the compartment without escorting. 14. In case of articles of foods to be purchased one or two students may be taken by the teacher. Normally, efforts should be made that all eatables are taken by the Incharge of the party before undertaking the journeys. 15. In case the party is very large students be divided into groups and one escorts to each group deputed who will be responsible for the group. Normal criteria for number of escorts is one for 10 or less than 10 students and one for every additional group of 10 or less students subjects to the maximum of 5. 5. General Safety Measures 1. The electric wiring and points are to be kept in order. In case of any un inculcated live wires find, the wiring must be changed and electricity disconnected till such defects are set right. 2. The distribution boxes of electrically should be locked and the keys should be kept only under the custody of electrician or lncharge House Master. 3. Immediate necessary measures should be taken to repair the loose wiring/connections. 4. In case of any such need Electric gadgets should be handled by responsible employee of the Vidyalaya. 5. In few cases trees are placed just below the electric line whenever the branches grow it touches to the LT line and sparks dangerously. It should be checked regarly and branches should be dressed off in such a way that it will not touch to the electric wire any time. 244 r Navodaya Vidyalaya Samu: Safety & Security of Students in JNVs 6. Students should be warned not to touch electric poles. 7. Fencing should be provided to the steps of over head tank to avoid children climbing over head tank. 8. The broken railing of stairs should also be got repaired immediately. 9. The safety and security points of the children should be discussed periodically by the Principal, House master and other teacher and chalk out strategies. 10. A Safety and Security Committee should be formed. The Committee will met once in a quarter to discuss about safety measures to be adopted by the Vidyalaya. 11. Security briefing should form part of regular programme of morning assembly. 12. Broken furniture, naked iron rods etc. should be stored somewhere where there is no frequent movement by the students. 13. Students should be forbidden to keep any type of weapons, toxic drugs, Phonographic books and photographs etc. with them. Surprise checking should be done quite often. 14. Timely arrival of the students is to be ensured to the Vidyalaya assembly and class. Unauthorised absence to be checked. 15. Very often students come late to the class during short breaks. No students should be allowed to go to dormitory during small break/recess without permission of the House Masters. 16. Proper drinking water into be provided during class hours. Students should be kept fruitfully busy so that they may not indulge themselves in indiscipline activities. 17. Adequate care is to be taken while working in Science laboratory. Handling of glasswares or heating of things must be done carefully. Wherever gas cylinder is used for the laboratory purpose proper care must be taken to operate to avoid fire accidents. 18. Since the Vidyalaya is having a very vast campus there may be chances of having long grasses and marshy areas, bushes etc. Care should be taken to clean weeds and bushed all through the campus and marshy areas should be filled with soil or sand to avoid any mishappenmgs. Steps must be taken utilise the whole land for one or the other purpose. 19. If the whole campus is properly utilised, proper pathways should be created and flood lights should be placed in different places in the campus, specially near the boys and girls dormitories. 20. Entry to the campus should be ensured from one main gate only. There should be a gate book where entries of outsiders/visitors should be made. Students who goes outside should show gate pass issued by the House Masters and should make entry in the gatebook. 21. A format giving details with affixed photograph of the person authorised to take the child may be prescribed and obtain with the sign of the parent before the child is allowed. 22. Not to allow the parents/persons to meet the children frequently. 246 ~ · . oif Students m . JNVs Safety & Secunty Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 23. Only the 1st Sunday of every month may be fixed to meet parents/outsider. 24. Meeting of parents individually with the House masters and teachers may be organised to brief about the child. 25. Stream line and systematise the daily routine activities, while framing the daily routine activities it should be kept in mind that as far as possible the students should be kept actively involved in academics and co-curricular activities. 26. Participation of students in the management will prove helpful in avoiding accidents and mishaps. Students should be kept engaged in organising various programmes and workshops to develop extra-curricular skills. 27. Entry of movements of animals like stray cattle, dogs, pigs etc. should be checked inside the campus. 28. Cases of molestation of students must be viewed very seriously. The Principal should without delay provide a complete report to their Regional Offices and the NVS Headquarters so as to enable the Samiti to take necessary disciplinary action against the culprits. Under the provisions of summary trial already notified, Director, NVS, can terminate the services of any employee indulging in acts of moral turpitude. 29. Migrated children must be made to feel at home. The Principal and the teachers must accord top priority to this issue as Samiti has been receiving several migration related complaints leading to clashes. to be Adopted in Case of Missing of Child €L Measures 1. House Master will report to Principal immediately. 2. Principal will report to Police and Distt. Collector. 3. Pass on the information to Parents by phone, special messenger. 4. Report to R.O. and Hqrs. through letter followed by detail follow up actions taken by the Vidyalaya. 5. Searching soon after noticing missing of the students. 6. Arrange broad cast through Radio, T.V. and publish in Newspaper. 7. Constant touch with Distt. Collector, Police and RO. 8. To inform as and when the child is traced out. 9. To ascertain the reasons for absconding/missing of the child. 10. To take corrective measures to ensure that the child does not repeat. 11. Keep close watch on the movement of child. 12. To discuss with parents and bring to the notice of R.O. in case of history of disappearance. 7. Procedural Code to be Adopted in Case of Death Incidents 1. The House Master will report to the Principal immediately. 2. The Principal will inform the Deputy Director /R.O./Distt. Collector and Police immediately by phone or fax. 248 1 .\ " Sajety & Securi.ty of Students in JJ\TVs 3. The parent should be informed immediately on phone or special messenger. 4. The Principal has to ensure that the Parents/guardians are assigned and briefed them about the situation. 5. Conduct of post-mortem. 6. Assist the parents to carry dead body upto native place. 7. To attend funeral. 8. To console the parents. 9. To organise condolence meeting in the Vidyalaya. 10. To provide all possible courtesy moral support and help to parents. 11. Soon after receipt of information, the Deputy Commissioner of Region will rush to the Vidyalaya for inquiry. All death cases are to be enquired by Deputy Commissioner personally. 12. To identify the causes, events of death. 13. Obtain statement of Principal, Staff Nurse Vidyalaya doctor and House Master, students and other associated persons. 14. Take immediate disciplinary action/wherever feels necessary and inform to NVS Hqrs. 15. Statement of parents to be obtained, if feels necessary. 16. Send detail report of death alongwith relevant reports and statements. 1 7. The finding of report should be clear. Matters related to specific event will only be reflected in the report. 18. If a child is died in hospital while undergoing treatment, the Statement of the doctor is to be obtained. 250 Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Dated: March, 29, 2000 F.No.25-5/99-NVS(Acad.) To The Principal All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas Sub. : Organisation of House System in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. It has been observed that House System has riot been properly and uniformly organised in ·. many JNVs. Perhaps, specific guidelines for organisation and implementation of House System were not uniformly made available to all the Vidyalaya though issue has been normally discussed ,with Principals and teachers during various conferences and training courses organised by Regional Offices and HQ. Office of the Samiti.The guidelines for effective organisation of House System have now been finalised and are being unfolded below for implementation. The efficient management of a residential school depends upon the quality of the House system ;functioning in a school. A House consists of group ofchildren effectively led by responsible teacher i(House Master) who acts as a parent, guide, philosopher and friend for every member of the House. ,A House inherently provides a family atmosphere in making the child physically fit, socially adjusted, ':emotionally balanced and morally upright. · · The objective of adopting House System lna Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya are to: "Provide a smooth transition from home life to schodl life. - • I • ··•" ' ' Develop situations, which fulfil the social and emotional needs of the children. Help socialisation of pupils to integrate themselves well In to corporate life. Inculcate the sense of responsibility to take his tasks in life earnestly and discharge them well. Prepare pupils to play different kinds of roles as members of a group, community or society. · · · Develop child's personality and integrity . Develop the spirit of healthy competition among the children. Inculcate the qualltles bf self-dlqrtlty, self-confidence and. respect for others' views and opinions and discretion totake their own decisions on issues and problems at hand. · ·· ,-.. · Develop a sense of belonginqness ·among the pupils and to create a sense of desire to live in harmony. · Benefit :by bright example ofothers and benefit. others by his .. · -. own example . ·-. - -;·· ·., . :-· ·,.. -.· ·_ ' --. .lnculcate in the child respect for senlors.elders, teachers and a caring attitude towards .juniors and fraternity towards all. ·-~. ~-'445 0 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Learn to life work endure and enjoy together and develop a degree of sensitivity for other feelings and needs. Formation of House Even though various guidelines for formulation of House system in JNVs have been communicated, it has been observed a common system is not being followed in JNVs. The formation of Houses differs from one region to another and many .Yidyalayas have failed to evolve an efficient House System for taking proper care of the children residing and studying in the JVNs. Keeping this in view, it has been decided communicate specific guidelines for formation of House System in JNVs. to As intimated earlier, a two-tier system of Houses shall function in a Navodaya Vidyalayas: i) .Junior-Houses for Classes VI to VIII Senior Houses for Classes IX to XII ii) In a full-fledged Vidyalaya, there will be four junior Houses and four senior Houses and two Houses for girls (one from Classes VI to VIII and another from Classes IX to XII). Therefore, there . will be eight House Master for boys and two for girls. Average strength of a House shall be 50. Though all the girls in a JNV have beenplacsd under two Houses (Junior and Senior) for effective· supervision and management, both the House shall be further divided into four groups · each. For the conduct of Inter House activities, each group of girls of a junior House shall be linked with a junior House (boys) ofthe same Hquse and similarly each group of girls of a senior House shall be linked with the corresponding SeqiOr House (boys). Names of Houses Since JNVs have been established in every comer of the country names of the Houses should also reflect all India character of Vidyalayas.This will create a feeling of 'one-ness' not only among the Vidyalayas butalso among the children who migrate in Class IX from one Jir19uistic region to another. Keeping this in view, following four name are recommended for maintaining uniformity in all JNVs.' . . 1) 2) 3) 4) Senior Houses .Aravaf 'A' -Junior Houses Aravali Nilgiri Shivalik · ·udaigiri Nilgiri ' .A ' Shivalik 'A' •Udaigiri ·:'A'·· 'B' 'B'. 'B' 'B' As stated earlier, administratively there will be two Houses for girls under two House Masters. Senior House for girls may be called ''A' House and Junior as !8' House. For conduct of Inter House activities these· Houses will be Jurther divided into four groI,.Jps each as illustrated below: . ,,;.· .. -- .. ~ ..• -_ . -Senior House (Girls) -;A, .Junior House (Girls) - 'B'. Aravali · - · •·.1\ · . . .Aravaf · B Nilgiri . -· A ---- - ·. Nllgiri - B . Shivalik ',udaigiri :.~. . - A -- A · Shivalik . - -- B · · Udaigiri . - B Allotment of House - . . . -_ -- .,. -, . . . ·. .. .· . ' : . _-. ~ ··, :· - . ~- . ---, __·, -~?'"!. ,•-. - . . : ... ·. ,.__ _- ~- ' Each child must be allotted a House _on the day he/she'Js· admitted to the Vidyalaya. The -House bf a girl or a boy'shoufd hot be changed till ClassXll.:it is notaovlsableto reshuffle Houses every year, once a-child joins a House, he/she should continue in the same House tiil he/she passes out of Vidyalaya. · · · ,·446 ~'ti compendium of Circulars : School Admn. l'-1 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ""'"" House Colours Colours for House flags, badges, T-shirts etc. should be allotted in the following manner Aravali Nilgiri Shivalik Udaigiri Blue Green Red Yellow House Appointments and their Duties Each House (Senior & Junior) should have following appointments which should be awarded to children on account of their good performance in every activity of the VidyalayaHouse Captain ·House Vice-Captain Prefects - 1 1 2 Following Vidyalaya level appointments be made in consultation with all House Masters, for effective management of the VidyalayaSchool Captain School Vice-Captain, boys. School Vice-Captain, girls. - 1 1 1 Both the above mentioned appointments should be from senior most class in a JNV. They should not hold any other appointment in their own Houses . Duties and responsibilities ofSchool Captain, House Captain and Prefects are suggested below- School Captain Maintains good personal conduct and behaviour in the Vidyalaya. Receive roll-call and list of absentees from House Captains before submission to Duty Master/Principal. · .. Maintains full control and good discipline during Vidyalaya level activities with the help of House Captains anp Prefects. · · · Ensure proper discipline in dining hall, morning assembly and at all other places where all the children of the Vioyalaya assemble .for any c1ctii, 1ity. ,. \ ..•. . ._. ., . . . Is apermanent member of Mes~ Cornmittee.. Carries-out all responslbllltres assigned by the Principal of the Vidyalaya. ·· ":', House Captain Ensures thaf the. House maintains punctuality fn all specified activlties as ;per-daily,;;;· routine. Conducts roll-call of the House during morning assembly· and evening games and reports the same to School Captain/Housemaster. · Supervises 'prep' of self-study in case same in carried out Housew_ise. . Ensures that all the children in the House devote sufficient time for studies in order tog improve their own performance as wellas_overall academic performance of the House. 447 0 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. £~1~ l~ -= Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti .•. ~-ct- Reports absentees and sick children to the Housemaster everyday. Controls his/her House during the conduct of all inter-house activities. Ensure that maximum number of children take part in various co-curricular, sports/ games, pace-setting and other activities planned in the Vidyalaya. Assists House Master in selecting best talent of the House for participation in InterHouse Competition Ensures cleanliness around his/her House. Maintains good personal conduct and ensures proper discipline in the House. Reports to Housemaster in case he/she observes any unusual behaviour (such as persistent depression, rebelliousness continued sickness etc.) on the part of any student of the House. Ensures good discipline in the dining hall during the meals. Carries-out all other duties assigned by HousemasterNice-Principal/Principal. c) Prefect House Captain of the House 'shall share his duties and responsibilities with the House Prefect with the approval of Housemasters. Appointment of House Master/Associate House Masters Normally, senior teachers may be given the appointment of House Masters/Associated House Masters. Preferably, a PCT should be House Master of Senior House. As far as possible, Art, Music, PE, SUPW teachers and Librarian/Nurse may not be given the responsibilities of House Mastership since they are commonly attached to all Houses for the conduct of inter House activities. Role of House Master A residential school system revolves around the personality, capability and effectiveness of the House Master. A House Master is a leader of the House. He/she should be able to motivate and quide all the children placed under his/her care. He has to ensure that children of his House participate in all Inter-House activities and also do well. He is responsible for over-all welfare of all the children in his House. Preferably, House Masters may be rotated after 4-5 years so that other talented members of academic staff may get opportunity to look after the welfare of the children. Role of Associate House Masters & Tutors In a House system, House Master is assisted by an Associated House Master and by other teachers (called Tutors) attached to his House. They should provide assistance to House Master and carry out all house related responsibilities assigned to them by their House Master. Planning for Inter-House Competitions House Master is personally responsible that boys/girls of his House take part in all Inter House CCA & sports/games activities in the Vidyalaya. He is supported by Associate House Masters and Tutors who are attached with him for proper management of the House. House staff (House Master Associate House Master, Tutor) should take pride in grooming various teams for Inter-House activities in order to win various trophies and awards. Guidelines for effective conducts of CCA in a JNV have already been communicated which should be followed under overall guidance of the Principal of the JNV. 448 ttffet compendium of Circulars : School Admn. \$1 Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti •. t,.,f~ Award of Points for Activities For Inter-house activities, following pattern of awarding of poi.its may be followed Individual events First Second Third Fourth - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Group events First Second Third Fourth 8 6 4 2 A system of awarding of House points based on academic performance in Class X & XII may be evolved and points earned by each students be credited to the House to which he/she belongs. Every year by the end of February, points awarded for Inter House CCA and sports/games competitions (as well for all other Inter-House competitions conducted in the Vidyalaya, e.g. wall\lnagazine, gardening morning assembly, cleanliness etc.) to each House should be totaled up. l;Jhus, points of a Senior House and corresponding Junior House be added together to declare a ;hampion House. Vidyalaya should hold special function (Annual Day) where Champion House Trophy be arded to a House. For effective management of the House system, Principal should monitor all Inter-House tivities carried out in the Vidyalaya. He may ensure that CCA and sports/games competitions are gularly carried out in the Vidyalaya based on calendar of activities planned during the beginning of .adernic term every year. Principal may ensure that suitable Honour-boards are displayed in the (dyalaya where names of meritorious children are qisplayed prominently. He may allot points for · eanliness, beautification (gardening etc.) and discipline maintained by a House during the year frich may be added while deciding a Champion House every year. Principal should have an effective ~ntrol on over all activities planned and carried out in his/her Vidyalaya. · The guidelines given above for the organisation of House System in Vidyalayas .should be . ariably implemented. In case of any difficulty in implementation or any suggestion, Principals are · 1come to communicate the same to the µndersigned for clarification, if any. · · ' This issues with the approval of Director, NVS. Yours faithfully, '.:_.·/· 1..' . .·.•..: ·. ~· .~ ''{S.S. Gauri) · '-.:JoinH)irector(Acad.) PY to: :·1. Dy. Director, NVS (All Regions). 2. All Officers of NVS (Hqrs.) Sr. PA to Director, NVS .. ~ ·_, Joint Director (Acad.) 449 ~... Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti """"" D.O.No. 2-18/2003-NVS(SA) November 06, 2003 Dear Principal, i· i i1!i ji I I j! i I As you are aware that the Principal and teachers are expected to make the JNVs a parallel extension of home for a child by creating a ·climate and environment where students feel that they are living in a home. It is to be born in mind that the children in Navodaya Vidyalayas for a maximum period in a year remains away from their parents and their social atmosphere etc. This very situation of separation of a child from his/her original atmosphere calls for great concern to provide a homely atmosphere and parental affection which fulfills their social and emotional needs as well as developing their personalities. With the aim to provide a kind of family support with parental care towards individual attention to the children, houses are formed and teachers are associated with each house to act as House Master/Mistress {HMs)/Associate House Master. Therefore, the role of a House Master/mistress in the Navodaya Vidyalaya is of vital importance. His/her job demands a very dedicated, matured and . a judicious approach round the clock. · I understand that Samiti has already issued guidelines for organisation of House System in all JNVs vlde letter dated 29th March, 20001. I am sure thatthese guidelines are being implemented in yourVidyalaya. From the analysis of the reports of the circumstances leading to unforeseen incidents in some J NVs it has been observed tnat the efficient management of the JNVs largely depends upori ttie quality of the House functioning. It is, therefore, felt necessary to reiterate the role of Principal and House Masters/Mistress ir:, JNVs towards the house management. The Principal as the head of the institution must keep a fatherly/motherly eye on all the students. The Principal has to be a source of inspiration to the teacher and students and his/her behaviour at all times has to be exemplary. He/she should adopt special measures to sensitize the subordinate staff towards house management. The house achievements and effective role of the house master/ mistress should be recorded and projected in the morning assembly or in the House evenings and also to be displayed on notice boards to keep healthy spirit of competition among the houses. I am enclosing 'herewlth suggested guidelines about the role of a House Master/Mistress for your immediate attention and action2. You are requested to sit with the teachers and discuss on these points for adopting strategies to ensure meticulous implementation of the guidelines. The duties & responsibilities can be divided amongst the House Master, Associate House Master and Matron :according to local situations. ·· It is to be ensured that the ·teachers not· only know and understand their duties and responsibilities but also 'put the same into practice. ·There will be no compromise 'on any kind of negiigence, and indifference either on the part of Principal or teachers associated with the house. The Principal may keep a strict vigil on the activities of house Masters/mistress besides providing ,?_dequate support ar,q_guic:l_ance to .them. · 1. See·j)age 445 2. C9J?Y enclosed. See page 454 450 f&'!: compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ~ -.;,d Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this letter. Yours sincerely, ~~ (D.K. Kotia) Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas,. All Deputy Directors, Regional Office. They will ensure that the Navodaya Vidyalayas under their jurisdiction follow them guidelines meticulously. The performance of JNVs in this regard should be monitored closely and adequately. The Asstt. Directors, lnchargeclusterwill provide adequate guidance, support and supervision to the Principal for implementation of guide lines. They will maintain a record -of their assessment towards management of houses and the role of Principal and the house master/ mistress specifically in the Navodaya Vidyalayas during their inspections. . " 451 0 Compendium of Circulars: School Admn. rw~ tf .~ i ,,._.,F .ti,,,c. , Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A HOUSE MASTER/MISTRESS (HM) A residential school revolves around an effective 'House System' and real pillars of this system are House ~Jlasters/Mistress (Hfv'ls). They provide leadership and parental guidance to the students who are residing witt~ thern ir a 'Home' away from their own homes. Therefore, the role of a House 1 Maste,/M stress is of vital importance since the stature of a residential school largely depends on how effectively a House Master can organize and manage his/her House. A. The duties and responsibilities of a Housemasters/Mistress in JNVs are summarized below: General Duties A.1 A House Master/Mistress will exercise a benevolent fatherly/motherly influence on the students. A.2 He/she must create such a confidence in his/her students that they confide in him/her in all matters and treat him/her as local parent. A.3 · He/she will interact the students as frequently as possible and ensure that students speak to him/her without any fear in case of any problem. A.4 He/she should be very affectionate and polite with the children and should avoid any physical punishment or scolding. A.5 He/she will attend all sort of the well being, comfort and happiness of the students placed in his/her charge. A.6 He/she will ensure to follow the instructions issued by Samiti dated 29/03/20001, regarding (House System} under supervision and guidance of the Principal. A. 7 He/she will be very courteous to the parents and create a confidence in them that their children are living in very safe and secure environment. A.8 Have periodical interaction with Parents of PT meeting day and inform about the· Academic Progress health and conduct of the child. · A. 9 To ensure that he/she is always impartial and fair equally to all the students of his/her House. · A1O He/she ·will ensure proper medical treatment in case of students of his/her house is unwell as per Safety and Security guidelines. A.11 To ensure preventive measures for Safety and Security of each child ·of his house at ' all times in accordance with the guidelines of the Samiti dated 13/08/20032 under supervision and guidance bf the Principal. A 12 Interact with the children by providing regular orientation on the important aspects of safety precautions, guidelines and principles to be followed. A.13 He/she must ensure and educate all the students in respect of their moral values, Correct behaviour, self-discipline, turn out and punctuality. 1. See page 445 2. See page from 390-399 452 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. t'°,©-"P, tlb Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ;,.,,.1<1-- B. A 14 The Housemaster need :o be cautious of his/her own conduct, behaviour. character habits, punctuality and sense of moral values at all times as the ch;!d looks up to teachers as her/his role models. A. 15. Care has to be taken to ensure that the dormitories are comfortable. safe and students need to be made aware of their conduct rules and regulations they expected to follow. A. 15 To ensure proper assistance of Associate Housemaster/Tutors/Matron by dividing duties on rotation basis related to house activities with the approval of Principal A 17 To brief Principal immediately in order to solve any problem of the house beyond his reach or domain. A.18 To inculcate a sense of pride, belongingness and a healthy house spirit among the students of his/her house. A.19 Carry out any other duty i.r.o, house system as assigned by the Principal. Administrative Duties B.1 He/she must ensure proper Cleanliness, upkeep of the dormitories and proper care of hygienic conditions of the premises of the house with the help of associated staff. B.2 To supervise that all basic facilities like water, electricity, fans, furniture and beddigns are available in the House. In the event of any shortage or malfunctioning he/she must report to the Principal to rectify the problem area. B. 3 . En~ure pro~er_ maintenan_ce of ?ath/toilets of th~ house. He/she should bring it to the notice of Principal tmmediately m case of any discrepancy. BA As a head of the house, he/she be responsible for maintaining discipline in the house at all times. B.5 He/she ensure punctuality in the daily routine of the house from rouser to bed time and in other organised activities. B.6 Assigning responsibilities to al_l students on rotation so as to enable them to develop organizational ability, self-confidence and qualities of leadership. B. 7 To ensure that underno circumstances house captains or senior students harass/rag juniors either in the house or ln the school premises. B.8 Conduct surprise checks and kit inspection periodically to ensure that thestudents do , not keep any type.of undesirable articles, obscene books and check on their cash etc. B.9 Jo supervise his/her house during meals in dining hall.. He/she must educate table· manners to all students in dining hall during meals. · · B.10 Arrange conduct of reqular roll call in order to ensure the presence of the children in the house. · · · · · B.11 Maintain a personal file of each child in his house and a record of good and weak points in the personal file including family' background. · 8.12 . All cases of )ndiscipline .and unhealthy behaviou~ .of the students are dealt with appropriately in consultations./approval of Principal instead of giving harsh punishment. 8.13 Arrange weekly/fortnightly house inspection of the Prineipal to assess the working of the house and motivate his team and wards. 453 f r. 0 Compendium of Circulars : Schoof Admn. C. ,m., llJ ~ .•. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti 8.14 Ensure proper issue of articles to the children in time and its maintenance. 8.15 To select House Captain/prefect for his/her house on the basis of a fair selection process as per guidelines and assign responsibilities and duties of the house to them. B. 16 To conduct meetings of the House as and when necessary but at least one meeting in a fortnight. 8.17 To keep leave and sick record of all the students of his/her house. 8.18 He/she will ensure that the wards look after their cupboards and keep their clothes and belongings in a neat and orderly manner. 8.19 To ensure that the students emphasize on personal hygiene and cleanliness, takes regular bath and hair cut, and clean uniform while in school. 8.20 He/she will supervise that all students get up and sleep on time . 8.21 Keep a close watch on all the activities and moments of the students particularly (off hours) i.e., Sundays and holidays and in night and report to the Principal about any incident. 8.22 Rounds are carried out even after .the lights are out so as to ensure security and to keep the wards away from mischief. 8.23 All hostel activities will go under his/her active supervision under control of the PrincipaL Academic Duties C.1 To keep an eye on the academic performance of the weakstu_dents of his/her house. C.2 Coordinate/interact with tutorial incharge/subject teachers to look after the pupils academic performance of his/her house. C.3 To ensure smooth conduct of self-study in the dormitory. C.4 To provide help in reading, writing, home work, projects carried out by the students with the active support of tutors/Associate House Masters: · C.5 Counsel and guide the students regarding their performance in academic and cocurricular areas. · C.6 Interact and inform the parents about -academic performance of the child on PTM Day. C. 7 To encourage bright students to help weak students of the house/class. · C.8 . C.9 · C.1 D · C.11 ' Inform Principal in case any child of his/her house need special attention for academic improvement. · To ensure that the children attends the classes regularly. 'To ensure availability of text books, note books and other stationery items to the children of his/her house ... To ensure ·that the children of his/her house attends library regularly so as to promote . ; reading habits/skills and also to ensure to refer literature/reference books as per his/ · 'her requirement. · · · · · · 454· ~\ Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. \~ """" C.12 D. E. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti To keep an close eye on the progress chart of children going to write CBSE exams (X and XII) and fortnightly interaction with the subject teachers for remedial teaching, if need arises. · Co-Curricular, Games and Sports Duties D.1 Organize Co-curricular Activities as per the calendar of activities. D.2 Train the inmates well to help participate them effectively in the activities. D .3 To ensure participation of every child of his/her house in every competition co-curricular/ games/sports activities organized in the school. D.4 To select guide and train students for all inter House competitions with the active help of tutors and other teachers. Duties of Associate House Master/Mistress An Associate House Master/Mistress is a helping hand to the House Master. He/she in coordination with the House Master, as a colleague, shall: Provide support to the child in all respects. He/she should provide assistance to the House Master/House Mistress. Carry out the house related responsibilities assigned by the Principal/House Master and divided amongst the House Master/Associate House Master for the welfare of children. He/she will discharge the duties of the House Master, when he/she is on leave or out on duty and Any other duty assigned by the Principal related to house. \ :455 ~\ Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. t,IJ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ""'"' F.No.5-4/87-NVS Dated:Sep., 14, 1987 To The Principal All Navodaya Vidyalayas. Sub. : Guidelines Regarding the Arrangements to be Made for Running the Hostel Mess in Navodaya Vidyalayas. Sir, Navodaya Vidyalayas are residential in character. and in such Vidyalayas proper messing " arrangements are of great importance. For the effective and smooth functioning of hostel mess of ,f\iheseVidyalayas, the following guide-points may please ~e kept in view: J,•. ~(1. Jr,··· It has been decided that messing arrangements, as far as possible, be made by the Vidyalayas themselves be employing cooks and helpers under the supervision of some senior teachers. Help of students may also be taken for this purpose. The Chairman of VMC may also be associated and his help and guidance be sought in this direction. In case messing arrangements are to be made on contract basis, regular tender procedure must be followed. I he contractor may be asked to deposit Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) as security and this amount be deposited in the Vidyalaya Accounts. N.V.S. prefers that mess should be run by the Vidyalaya rather than giving it to.a Contractor. The mess charges @Rs.250/-1 per student per month have been prescribed on uniform basis for all Navodaya Vidyalayas. Expenditure incurred on the appointment of cooks and helpers will have to be met out of the stipulated amount i.e. Rs.250/-1 per student per month. Required utensils, gas burners and gas cylinders may be purchased out of Vidyalaya funds. One male (for boys) and one female (for girls) House Master-cum-Warden selected from among the members of the Vidyalaya staff may be provided for every unit of 80 students. Principal, House Master-cum-Warden and Staff Nurse/Compounder are entitled to take their all meals in the hostel mess, free of charge. This facility is extended to self only and not to the members of his/her family. All those teachers who stay in the hostel along with the students are entitled to take free meals, only if they stay without their families and do not get suitable residential accommodation in the Vidyalayas. All teachers of the Vidyalaya are entitled to take free lunch. Facility of free meals to the Principals, House Masters and others in available only for the duration when the Vidyalaya mess is functioning. No reimbursement to this effect will be -available to any one during Summer/Winter breaks. · A Mess Sub-Committee consisting of House Master-cum-Wardens and four students (two boys and two girls) may be formed. This Committee shall be responsible for all messing arrangements viz. cleanliness, menu, checklnq of quality of food stuff control on contractor (if mess is run on contract basis) and maintenance of healthy discipline etc. Staff nurse/ Compounder will test the food stuff before it is served to the students. /Now revised as Rs. 555/- per month, per child. 415 \I, ••••• ~'\ Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti 7. Hostel mess should remain closed during breaks and vacations. 8. Suggested daily menu for the hostel mess is given below : Breakfast Egg, bread and butter, milk or tea/Potato Pranthas and tea/Bread Pakoras and tea/purres, Potatos and tea/any other local suitable item. Lunch Bread (Chapatis), Rice, Dal, Vegetable and Curd. Mid-day Seasonal Fruit. Evening Tea Tea and Snacks. Dinner Bread (Chapatis), Rice, Dal, Vegetable, Salad or Pappad. Night Milk - 250 gms. Non- Vegetarian food may also be served on suitable occasions as decided by the Mess Subcommittee. If Curd is not served, it must be compensated by any other suitable item. 9. It is desirable that a prayer be recited daily before the food is served in the hostel mess. All efforts should be made to see that students learn proper mess manners. 10. Principals are supposed to provide all required physical facilities like furniture water, electricity, - - - - - - -- - - - -~- utensils, -cooking materials etc. They are also advised to see that all the other related arrangements are made for proper running of the hostel mess. Principals who run the mess on their own within the stipulated amount will be given a special entry in their A.C.R.s. Yours faithfully, (K.S. Sarma) Director Encl.: As above 416 f~l. Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. l'1 ..,.,. F.No.5-4/87-NVS Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Dated: March 11, 1988 The Principals All Navodaya Vidyalayas. Sub. : Mess Facilities for Non-eligible Persons-reg. Sir/Madam, I am to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the Samiti is being approached regarding clarification for providing mess facilities on payment to the teachers not eligible for free mess, parents visiting the Vidyalaya, engineers of construction agency posted in the area for the construction of Vidyalaya building etc. In this connection, I am clarify that all those persons who are not entitled to avail free mess facilities may be permitted to avail mess facilities on payment on the monthly rate admissible for the Vidyalaya. Rates for a day or for single meal may be calculated according to the monthly rate. This issues with the approval of the Director, NVS. i;;;:(Dr. S.K. Narang) Asstt.Director (Acad.) Copy to: All Regional Offices of NVS. 417 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti F.No.5-4/2000-NVS(SA) Dated: 13.07.2000 To The Deputy Directors All the Regions Sub. : Constitution of Committees at Regional and District Level for Regular Inspection of Quality of Food and Mess Arrangements of the Vidyalayas - regarding. Sir, The 20th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has decided to constitute committees at Regional and district Level to regularly undertake the inspection of the quality of food, arrangements in the mess, health, hygiene etc. Since there has been a regular flow of complaints on quantity and quality of food served to the students and also unhygienic conditions of the dining hall, kitchen and its surroundings, it was thought appropriate to carry on periodic inspections of the Vidyalayas in this regard. It is proposed to constitute two committees one at the Regional Level and the other-1it the District level. While the District Level Committee will 'perfod~ ic-a~ lly~~~inspect the Vidyalaya (once in a quarter) and issue them necessary guidelines and directions, the Regional Level Committee will visit some selected Vidyalayas as per their convenience'. The composition of the proposed committees at Regional Level as well as the District Level are as under: (1) (II) Regional Level Committee 1. Deputy Director of the region concerned Chairman 2. One eminent educationist with background of managing residential institutions. Member 3. Director, School Education of one of the State Governments within the Region Member 4. One renowned social worker Member 5. One Asstt. Director of the Regional Office Member-Secretary. District Level Committee 1. Joint Collector/Additional District Magistrate Chairman 2. District Civil Supplies Officer Member 3. District Medical and Health Officer Member 4. District Education Officer Member 5. One Public Representative to be nominated by the Chairman, VMC from the list of names recommended by the local MP. Member 6. Principal of the concerned JNV Member-Secretary 424 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti compendium of Circulars : School Admn. The responsibilities entrusted to the above committees are as follows : The Committee shall: (a) Periodically visit the Vidyalayas and examine the regular menu including the nutritious value of the food served. (b) Oversee the effective functioning, planning, execution and effective functioning of the Mess Committee. (c) Undertake surprise check to ensure supply of quality of ration items like rice, atta, dal, oil, milk, vegetables, etc. (d) Supervise the procedure and disciplines followed in the dining hall by the students. (e) Inspect the sanitation facilities in and around the kitchen and dining hall. (f) Haye interaction with the students about the quality and quantity of food served. (g) Suggest guidelines for the improvement of quality and quantity of food within the financial allocation. (h) Look into other related issues to ensure qualitative, quantitative and nutritiousfood. I request you to get in touch with the concerned and constitute the Committees at Regional nd0istrictleveland intimatetJs-the-details-relatecl-te-tl'leir-funGtiel"iing-fro1+1--t~me--to-timv-.-------------- Yours faithfully, (V. Rama Rao) Joint Director (Admn.) opy to: SPA to Director for information. 425 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti F.No.25-5/99-NVS (Acad.) Dated: Feb., 26, 2001 To The Principals of all JNVs. Sub. : Dining System in JNVs. Sir/Madam, _______ In residential schools an efficient House System and properly managed Dining System create an excellent environment conducive to alround development or the children. JNVs being fully residential, in order to function at optimum efficiency level, have to ensure that House System and Dining System are given due importance and attention by the Vidyalayas. The physical, mental, academic and social development of the children takes place during the seven years they spend in a JNV. It is of utmost importance to provide hygienic and nutritious diet to growing children in the Vidyalayas. The procurement of food stuff, its cooking and serving to all the children is a gigantic tas_kJgr_a JNV._Since guidelines for budgetary provisions, procurement of food stuffs and appointment of personnel for the Mess have already been notified separately. It has been felt necessary to formulate and communicate necessary instructions for an effective dining system in JNVs. The same are now being communicated for compliance : 1. - Mess Committee For effective Mess Management each JNV shall constitute a Mess Committee cornprislnq of following members. 1. 2. 3. A. 5. 6. 7. - 8. 9. 10. Principal Vice-Principal One PGT (on rotation) • One TGT/Misc. Teacher (on rotation) Staff-Nurse Cc1tering Assistant School Captain SchoolVice-Captainj'Glrt) One Migrated Student · One child from each class Chairperson Member - J_ ._Member at least one Lady teacher -Member 'Member Member .Secretary Member -Member_ "Member ·.Member · The meeting of Mess Committee shall be held at least once in a month. The functions and duties of the Mess Committee are as follows: 1. To plan and finalise Menu and to suggest changes in the current menu with existing . financial constraints. 2. To supervise quality and quantity of purchased foodstuff for the Vldyalaya Mess by Sub-committee of Mess Committee 3. To supervise the preparation (cooking) for food in the Mess. 427 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. 2. 4. To Suggest ways and means for local purchase of fresh provisions reduction in wastage of food maintenance of proper discipline in dining hall and maintenance of cleanliness in dining hall and surrounding areas. 5. To suggest and implement an effective serving system in the dining hall. Role of Principal The overall functioning of dining system in a JNV has to be controlled and supervised by the Principal. Principal shall invariably involve Vice Principal of the Vidyalaya in discharging his/her responsibilities by assigning specific responsibility(ies) if any to him/her. Principal should ensure that nutritious and hygienic food is provided to children within the budgetary constraints. The responsibilities of the of the Principal would include. 1. To ensure that monthly expenditure of Mess remains within the prescribed budget. 2. To visit dining-hall regularly to inspect stores of the mess personally and to ascertain the quality of the procured food items. 3. To observe the quality of food being served in the Mess by dining with the children in the dining hall itself. 4. To ensure that adequate and suitable furniture is provided in the dining hall. ~ .P, ~_To ensure that dry ration/provisions are stored at least to last for 15 days. 3. 6. To keep a proper watch over the cleanliness of not only of the mess and dining-hall but also of the personnel involved in the cooking and distribution of the food. 7. To approve the weekly menu. · 8. To approve the procurement of rations and fresh provision for the mess based on prescribed norms. 9. To assign duties to various staff members for efficient functioning of the dining system in the JNVs. Duties of Duty Teacher For keeping a watch on all the activities carried out in a JNV the system of Duty Teacher has been evolved and recommended for implementation in JNVs. The Principal of the JNV should issue a weekly notice (preferably on Saturday) containing the names of seven teachers to act as Duty Teachers for the coming week i.e. Monday to Sunday) It should be ensured that all the teachers without any exception act as Duty Teachers on rotation basis. The name of the Duty Teacher of the day should be specifically displayed near or outside the Administrative Office of the JNV. This shall be responsibility of the Admn. Staff of the JNV). The duties and responsibilities of the Duty Teachers of the day towards mess and dining hall are given below : 3.1 To reach dining hall well before the. entry of the students in dining hall before meals are served. 3.2 To ensure that food is ready before children are let-in. 3.3 To control and ensure proper entry of the children in dining hall with the help of School CaptainNice-Captain. 3.4 To ensure that system of serving of food to the children, as prescribed is strictly followed. 3.5 To ensure that children start eating their meals only after the prayer is over. 428 Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ;;~~ ll, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti ""'"" 4. 3.6 To take spot decision in case of any emergency (shortage of food accident, students indiscipline etc.) and report to the same to the Principal. 3.7 To submit observations/suggestions to Principal in the duty report to be submitted next day. · 3.8 To leave dining hall only after all the children have taken their food and have left. 3.9 To supervise (quality/quantity etc.) intake of fresh provisions (fruit/veg/milk etc.) by the Vidyalaya on the day of his/her duty and report observations, it any, to the Principal. Duties of Catering Assistant The Catering Assistant is the controller of Mess and Dining Hall in a JNV and is responsible for providing well-cooked and nutritious food to the children within the stipulated budget. His duties shall include the following. 4.1 . To act as overall incharge of the Mess. 4.2 To maintain Stock Register for not only of the fixtures and furniture in the Mess/Dining Hall as well as for all consumable and non-consumable items received for the Mess. 4.3 To maintain record of attendance of staff employed for the Mess and to recommend their leave. ----4-... ..•4--··-~+o~nstJr~-diseipline-and-eleanliness-oHhe-Mess-staff-and-also-to-ensure-their-monthl1,.,-----medical check-up by the school doctor. 4.5 To maintain record of all receipt for the Mess items issued and consumed on day to day basis. 4.6 To prepare demand or requirement for the Mess in order to submit to the Principal for approval for purchase. 4.7 To inspect all the food items purchased for consumption in the Mess. 4.8 To prepare weekly menu and submit the same to Principal for approve. 4.9 · Act as Member Secretary of the Mess Committee of the JNV. 4.10 To train and guide Mess staff working under him and supervise their functioning. 4.11 To be responsible for cleanliness and hygienic conditions in the Mess, Dining Hall and surrounding areas. 4.12 To ensure that there is no wastage offood in the Mess. . . 4.13 4.14 Not to 'allciw any unauthorised personto eriter and or to dine in the Mess/Dining Hall without specific permission of Principal. To ensure th~t foqdstuff (cooked/uncooked) is riottaken away from Mess/Dining Hall without proper authorisation of the Principal. · · · · '4.15 'To 'ensure cooking arid ~erving of fciod in the mess. .. ·- timely : .· 4.16 .Being a trained person he/she should arrange a demonstration of table manners/ serving of food etc. to all the children (where staff is also present) at least once in six months. 4.17 To carry outall other duties assigned by the Principal. . ' .... - .· ·. 429 ,· ··-. Compendium 5. of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti Duties of House Masters/Teachers The success of disciplined dining system depends on the interest and control exercised by House Masters and other teachers of the Vidyalaya. Keeping the objective in view following responsibilities are assigned to all House Masters/Teachers. ---~ 6~ . 5.1 All House Masters and teachers shall remain present in the dining hall and take their meals with their Houses as per seats assigned to them. 5.2 They shall dine with the children and not after the children have left the dining hall. 5.3 They should keep an eye on the children who are sitting with them on the same table to ensure that all children are present and are taking meals. Absentees are invariably be enquired. 5.4 Efforts should be made to teach table manners to the children. 5.5 Children should not be allowed to get up from their seats in case duty children are assigned to replenish the food served on the tables. 5.6 They should ensure that proper discipline is maintained by children during meals. 5.7 House Masters, being head of the family should ensure that all the children and teachers of his House are being looked after by those who are on serving duty. _ · f1,1rniture for O_inim) __Hall, -'--"-'----~-----'-~----'------------- ln view of the fact that all the JNVs were started in temporary buildings and furniture for dining hall was purchased on need basis, the uniformity in purchase of furniture has not been maintained in most of the JNVs. Keeping in view the effective utilisation of the furniture based on the size of the dining hall, furniture of following dimensions is recommended: 6.1 Dining Table 8' (Length) x 3' (Width) x 2.25' (Height) with Stainless Steel/ Aluminium Sheet/Stone/Marble top. OR 6' (L) x 3' (W) 2.25' (H) with Stainless Steel/Aluminium Sheet/Stone/Marble top. Bench 8' (L) x 1' (W) x 1 :5' (H) with Sunrnica top OR 6' (L) x 1' (W) x 1.5' (H) with Sunmica top Chair With Wooden/Sunmica seat/moulded & without Arms. 6.2 Since size of the dining hall is not uniform in all the JNVs, the Principal of the Vidyalaya may decide the size. of the table and benches (keeping in view maximum space utilisation in dining hall) before placi~g the orders. · · 6.3 The above mentioned furniture may be acquired only if permanent RCC tables and benches have not been provided in the dining hall by the Construction Agency. The Principal of the Vidyalaya should keep in .mlnd that adequate circulation space is available in the dining hall afterfumiture has been place. Normally two 8' x 3' size tables (as shown below) can be joined length-wise so that approx. 24 children· can easily be seated. At the both ends of such arrangements of table, chairs for teachers should be kept so that they dine aiongwith the children. 430 ttevoaey» Vidyalaya Ssuniti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. 8 B 8 § 13' 8 Ii3•I i T ___J j@J T B B T.Tab!e B-Bench. C-Chair 7. Seating Arrangement All out efforts should be made to ensure that all the children and staff dine together in one shift only. Perhaps it has not been possible because of inadequate size of the dining hall in a few JNVs. WhereverVidyalaya wishes to extend the existinp dining hail space the proposal for the same should be submitted to Hqrs. through their RO. Three different patterns of seating arrangement in a dining hall (depending upon the size) are illustrated below. · Entry Service Area Pattern-I oL: I c::::::::: DI T Stores I T T 10 Pattern-II o\· T r I T lo I Pattern-Ill Service :A.rea 1 •· ·Entry Pattern-I 4 tables. 8 benches and 4 teachers chair (for.48 children approx.) similar. rows may be .added to occupy complete dining hall. . .. . . . .. ·P attern:11 3 tables]fbenches and 2 teachers chalrttor 36 chlidrenapprox.) More rows may be ; added. ' . . Pattern-Ill ~-tables 4 benches 2teachers chair (for 24 children). ,!\1oi-e rowsrnay be added. 431 .': Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. In the patterns illustrated above the dimensions of dining tables have been taken as 8' x 3' and bench 8' x 1 '. However for effective utilisation of the space Vidyalaya may buy tables of size 6' x 3' and benches of the size 6' x 1 '. The objective of the exercise to ensure that maximum children are accommodated in order to avoid more than one shift in dining halls. The planning given above is only suggestive. Wherever dining halls of larger dimensions have been constructed, all out efforts must be made to ensure that all the children dine in one shift only. Following guidelines are communicated while finalising seating arrangement: 7.1 Tables should be allotted House-wise 7.2 House Master/Teachers attached with the House should occupy the chairs placed at the both ends of tne table. ·s . 7.3 All children of the House should be allotted a permanent seat on a designated table. This would help in checking the absentees/sick, if any. 7.4 As soon as prayer/silent prayer is over and children take their seats. House Master/ teacher of the House may quickly check whether any child is absent on their tables. Entry of Children in Dining Hall - - - The entry of children-in-the--eining-l"lall-for--all-the-ttir.ee__J])ajor__rneals_(Bfl:lf3kfast, Lunch and Dinner) should be properly regulated by Duty Teacher and School Captain/House Captains. In this regard, following guidelines are communicated for compliance : 8.1 Duty Teacher, School Captain and House Captains should be present in the dining hall before children are permitted to enter. 8.2 Childr=r : · · 8.3 In case food has been pre-served children may stand near their allotted seats till all the children are in. They should wait for the signal for the prayer. 8.4 After the silent prayer, signal for which is given by the School Captain, all the children should sit simultaneously for taking their meals. _ 8.5 Meals are normally overwithin 20 to 25 minutes. Schools Captain should give a signal so that all the children get up simultaneously. 8.6 House Captains should ensure that their House leave dining hall in an orderly manner. Preferably, Children should be permitted to move out table-wise. In case a few children have not finished their meals, they may be permitted to sit and finish meals before be allowed to enter from both ends of the dining hall, preferably House"'-'' . n one side and juniors from other side. They may be asked to from House-wise iines outside the entry door before entry.is permitted by School Captain/ School Vice-Captain under the supervision of Duty Teacher. ·r-1 leaving. 9. Serving of Food in Dining Hall Pre-Service System In the per-service system, children on duty keep bowls (Dongas) full of various food-items on the table before children enter the dining hall. Other children enter with their Plates/Thalies, keep their Thalies on the tables where seat has been assigned to them, stand by and wait for the prayer to be over. After prayer is over they sit and then collect food from 'dongas' (bowl) one by one. Children who are serving keep on replenishing the food on the tables assigns to them. . A donga normally, should be of two litre capacity. Their cleanliness of dongas shall be responsibility of the mess staff. Buckets etc. may not be used. 432 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Following guidelines should be strictly followed while meals are being served. 10. 9.1 Atleast 4 children from each House may be assigned serving-duty on rotation. They may eat as soon as serving duty is over. 9.2 Other children should not be allowed to get up and move around in the dining hall. 9.3 House Masters/teachers may ensure proper discipline in their House while meals are being served and ensure that food is not wasted. 9.4 Same food should be served to all guests/VIPs in the Dining Hall. General Guidelines It is the responsibility of teaching staff of JNVs to create proper and appropriate traditions in the dining halls. To this effect following guidelines are communicated for compliance. 10.1 All the children should be in proper school uniform when they enter dining hall for breakfast. They should not be allowed to enter dining hall in bathroom slipper/chappals. In case socks and shoes are prescribed as part of their uniform they should be directed to wear the same. Only on Sunday and Holidays, this conditions may be relaxed. 10.2 Since lunch is held just after classes the tendency of children to change their clothes are remove the shoes (since they go to collect their Thalles kept in dormitories) should be invariably checked. All children must have lunch in school uniform 9nall tneWorR~ in~g~------~ days. This condition can be relaxed on Sundays/holidays but chappals/bathroom slippers should not be permitted. 10.3 During dinner also children should not be allowed to have meal in night suit/dress. Proper dress should be prescribed and ensured. 10.4 Under no circumstances children/staff shall carry blankets/quiets etc. in the Dining Hall. 10.5 Staff should also be properly ,dined for meals in Dining Hall. 10.6 Large-size doormats should be kept outside the main door of dining hall in order to reduce the dust and dirt entering the dining hall. 10.7 Dining Halls doors must have an additional wire-gauge door/shutters to keep the files and flying insects out. Preferably, this door may be fitted with automatic door-closer. 10.8 Dogs/pigs should not be allowed near dining halls. 10.9 It is the responsibility of the Catering Asstt. to ensure that the cleanliness is maintained in and around dining hall. Mess staff must be neatly dressed when they enter dining hall during serving of meals. Wearing of Apron for all mess staff should be ensured. 10.10 Kitchen staff must wear head-gear while meals are being cooked or served to children. r 10.11 It is responsibility of the staff-nurse to keep Principal informed about cleanliness being maintained in the dining hall. f 10.12 All out efforts have to be made by all concerned that dining hall and surrounding areas remain neat and clean at all the times. 10.13 Left over food, if any, should be collected in a large bin/drum and disposed off properly. 10.14 lt is highly advisable to install a siren or a suitable bell on ensure that punctuality for meals is observed strictly . • f f \ . 433 Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. 10.15 No food should be taken out of the dining hall under any circumstances unless it has specific approval of the Principal. 10.16 Children who are sick should be provided special/specific diet on the recommendation of the Vidyalaya doctor/nurse. 10.17 No outside food should be permitted in the dining hall without specific approval of the Principal, 10.18 Children are not permitted to have food in a common plate/thali. 10.19 Wherever meals are served in two shifts, Catering Asstt. must ensure that dining hall is properly and quickly cleaned by mess staff/helpers before second batch is let-in. It should be ensured by Catering Asstt. that second batch is served hot food under clean and hygienic conditions. 10.20 Entire staff of the Vidyalaya mess should be medically examined by the Vidyalaya Medical Officer at least twice a year. 10.2j Preferably cooked food should be tasted by Nurse/Catering Asstt.Nice-Principal/ Principal/Duty Teacher before it is-served to children. Above mentioned guidelines for making dining system effective in all the JNVs have been ---,-fi_ in_ alised in-consolation with ail ROs and senior Principals. All the Principals are requested to implement rthe same within the limitations ofinfrastructural facilities available with them so that proper foundation of an efficient residential system can be laid and appropriate traditions are not only created but also maintained and strengthened in JNVs. This issues with the approval of Director, NVS Yours faithfully, ·~~ -·copy to::;_ 1. 2. '3. 4. (S.S Gauri) Joint Director (Acad.) .; . . . .• . Genera' Manager (Constn.) NVS (Hqrs.) · Joint Director (Admn.) NVS (Hqrs.) - _ · All Regional Offices of NVS-with the request for implemehtation. Sr.PA to Director, NVS · · ·~ Joint Director (Acad.) 434 .. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. August04,2003 F.No.1-38/2001-NVS(SA) CIRCULAR In continuation to Sarniti's Circular of even no. dated 21 /12/20011 regarding the admissibility of free meal facility to the Principals and House Master, and free lunch for all teachers, it is further clarified that Vice-Principals of the JNVs are also entitled for free meal facility. This issues with the approval of Commissioner, NVS. J(h_ (Kaneez Fatima) Asstt. Director (SA) To 1. 2. The Deputy Directors, All Regional Offices. The Principal, All JNVs. Copy to: 1. Deputy Director (Fin.), NVS Hqrs. 2. Assistant Director (Pers.), NVS Hqrs. 3. Guard File · 1. See page 437. 438 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Dated: Sep. 11, 1989 F.No.5-4/87/NVS(Admn.) To All the Principals of Navodaya Vidyalayas. Sub. : Free Boarding Facility to Staff Nurse/Compounder-reg. Sir/Madam, In continuation of Samiti's circular of even number dated the 8th May, 1989, I am directed to say that the facility for free meals is also extended to Staff Nurse/ Compounder in all Navodaya Vidyalayas. The Staff Nurse/ Compounder will ,.however, be on duty in the mess before the preparation of the meals and all meals shall be tested by him/her before they are served to the children. It will be ensured by the staff nurse/compounder that proper hygienic conditions are maintained in the kitchen, dini11g-hall and surrounding mess areas. Yours faithfully, ~ ~ (Dr. S.K. Narang) Dy.Director(Admn.) 420 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Dated: Oct. 19, 2001 F. No.5-4/2001 /NVS(SA) OFFICE ORDER As decided in the Dy. Directors Conference on 14th September, 2001 at New Delhi, henceforth the Vice-Principals will be responsible for the management of Navodaya mess. All the powers relating to management, funding and day-to-day matters will vest with the Vice-Principals. The Vice-Principals will be able to pass all the Mess bills and to incur all the Mess expenditure, of course, subject to the limit of amount budgeted for the year. However, the Principals will be required to draw the-budgeted funds from the school budget on demand from Vice-Principals; that means that the cheques for drawal of money wili be signed by the Principals. It is nevertheless clarified that the Principals will not perform bay-to-day work of the mess though Vice-Principals will be responsible subject to the overall supervision of Principals as is the case with other activities of the school. The duties relating to management of mess by the Vice-Principals will be in addition to the 1 specific duties assigned to them under Office Letter No.1/15/98/NVS (Estt) dated 10.12.1998 • ~ ------------ ------- ~~~ Commissioner Copy to: 1. All Principals. 2. Dy. Director, NVS All Regional Offices. 3. All Officers in NVS Hqrs. 1. For reference see page 294 of Establisshment Section. 436 l/ L . .. ffi-·op0'-2405022 ,,, ·, '0 /:Ph(,,0120"-:240'5969•73 . ~ ~ :,d .E•x"o120•-14u •~A',. _ _ J~_h: -0120·-24os9oH3 NAVODAYAVIDYALAYA SAM\TI I ~ ,'~9<!'.~~*-· ~/ -(~:~i:~-r<~ .'!~_i:~'.:<i'im ~,l;f xrfot-T,½<, ~~I I 't1il ~imm t<i:ll'Tl 'lffil ~ . . . .. ' ~- Depail!ne1ii ol School EducaUoQ .a Uteracy). ,,/ • · =~,'.~!]!;(M&\>)ei~Ji•! A .·,)1.13{ !An Auto~onious orgiJ/l,lziiudn tiiider Miol.s!ry of HRD) · . Govt. bf India · ·~ 15;,f;ect~r ",62, lns~w!iori~I Are.a . · c ).1.J°o1c1a (UPJ-201 sos -···. : ~.:i03;04;2_QJ2' om:cutMt ~i,);'ijorily.'in',ex'(icµti9.n:6Nfsp~qti1,M&Rrep)l.ii'V,Orks in v~o~s J#Vs~~-:teg;. ~ - 'j',$'=~-~~IJ:i~'~"';i:~,,~;.i;''"'M .•,.. '"w7c "i'"""g~j",, .I~~J?:}~!lfts:~& tlie''.4.~tf.'ftl--1-~f q9mpetent A~thority, Scanned with CamScanner .' 0 .. ·.>ffi~~~~- ·:~' 1-\~IS!tjtl'c!; ,r, i.~ ~,,~. *" {f¥ttiir) · ~---·· ~ -. ~< ,1,A ..1 *~ :~; -~ ~ ~i -~ ~-.;_ ,. _-_. •!~: _<fil· ~ . ·. ··. _._ ..... · .• ii 'rhe. D~p\llY Go1nmfosfoncr;:;:N,V$~~O'.~ (Elllopal-,, Chandigarh, Hyderabad Jaii;>i:rr; >LucknoW.,: P~tn:a; ;Bt.in~' and · Shillong) - for . kind information arid • :ri~sti.s~ii[Y;atfi,oh please. . ' .. , ... . . . ' .. . . . . . . . ,4._ 1'11t!_ ffin.-cipal, All"JNVs0 Tlu'o\i:&li we_bs"ite-- fotmf. aha monitoring please; '5:: All .EE_/ AE, NYS f!Q ~ for info:r)nalion and cqni.pliF1ce please, __ · ,?·}}lfJi:~:!J1Es, N\'.S'-B-6. (B11c9J?.al., ;<:;h.~4i~l~;·.1iy_dera~a.4\ .Jafpu~, .. __ : R.lJ-tn~,,P:µp~ fi.J1_d:i3,li-il,l,eip.g)-"f6finfoonationar.icd cqmpliance.please. · > .. <· 'J: :iit:Mi~ttt~~Je':~tbsit.~Y-- , , > • __· . - -. - ---- . - ~-::All Constructfon '@eri.des' {Through -We\JsHe), - - .- . -Af~tkJ1i:r;l ifiI<ltiii~a~oh'i'.cfttjJ~uJ#·· · · -·,.;' "' 9 . :··:. ~ ._:.;: ~-~ ...•. ::/~ ::.<: '. ·' -- -------- ------------- --· - - - --- -- Scanned with CamScanner ' .e ~- - ·- -------·--.............·- ------·-··----------,--= - ···-· :~· - ·-·- · Fax· 0120 - 2405922 Ph: • 0120 -240 5969-73 · ,·· . ax - 0120 - -2405922 ' Ph: :-- 0120 - 240 596-73 ~ N[l@<l (•TFl<l ~-Fl ~:ffem'r NAVODAYA VIDYALAY A SAMiTI fcrq,m ~ m ~ ~. ,zci ~ ftiE:TI xTTI\Rol ~) ~rn;i ch - 15, ~ - 62, ~IT<@ f!.f';f, i . i \ \I II ~. "3m ~- ~ (An Autonomous Org,mizalion under Ministr1 of HRD) Department of School Education & Literacy) Govt of India 8- 15, Sector - 62, lnsli!utional Area Nolda (U~- 201 301 201 301 Dated: 02.01.2019 No. F.1-2_/2016-NVS/GM/~9~ Technical Circular -01 / 19 Sub: · Ti~elines to be observed for execution of Special M&R works_ - reg. \ Following timelines are hereby stipulated for Special Maintenance & Repair works to be observed in general, However in specific cases for recorded reasons and with the approval of Competent Authority may vary., s No. 1. 2. 3. 4 ... Execution of Tenderi~g Sanction Issue Preof work at ofRPE by CA construction Go-ahead site at NVS-HQ Pl!!. (months) ·rmonthsl (months\ /months) }months} ; 6; (Crores) (months} 0.5'. .. 1.50.5,. 1.5. 10 .. 9. <l· 1 .. 2 . 1 . 3 16 12 1 to <2 1 2 . 1 3 : -18 , . 19 2 to <5 . . 1 ,2 .·. ~ 0'.;3.: ..• -~ -~ :[ "{'"_.·.:J..: --·· .. -~5 _ , ...25 ·_,: Cost of Total Tinie work .This is issued with the approval of the co~petent authority. Yours faitbfullY,J : . ~~~w S._ K. Agrawal General Manager(Constn.) 1 Copy for kind _info tor1. PA to Commissioner, NVS. 2. PA to Joint Coro.missioner [Adrnn.), NVS 3. The Deputy Commissioner, NVS, All Regional Offices. 4. All C.o!1struction Ar.e11c1e,, 5. All EE's/AE/JE(E/C), NVS-HQ. 6. 'The EE/JE, All Regional Offices. 7. JSA for uploading on website --S. SO(C)for Guard File/Circular file .,. . _::_:~~;;~=~c".'';~~;~~-1:::-r--"":·c;:::-~.:::.·.:::;:;;-:~,:-_:--:-:;:-:-::-0...__Scanned with CamScanner '- NAVODAYA VIDYALA YA SAMITI (Ao /\utonon,ou~ Or;H:nntiaciuo ,mdcr .l\foii;;b)' of Human Resource Development, Department of Schoo I Educ:,ttittn & lJteracy_) Govt~ of India. A-28, Kaifasb Colony, New Ddhi-11 iJ048 F.No. 1~:2/2012/GM(Constj-NVS / 1 'l' CIRCULAR All Dy_ Conurt~tu.VS.t Nauodaya Vidya{aya. Sam.iti, .11.U .Regional Ojftces Refer lo this ofjff:.X! circular Ncd-2/2010/GM ((:Onst}-NVS doied. 14-01-2011 w. r. t. Uu~ :f::p<.~ndin9 power» of Dy. Commis:;;it>ru:.:r::, again:::! Mairrtf::muicc &iRepai« cuork:.11 it ha.,5' now been enhanced frpm. R::,.~'J. 00 L4cs to R$. 5. 00 La,c;; per J11lVper annumn. !?£st of the conditions rernains same. ~1/ ~/ &·/ ~-/~ (G.M.Govi.laJ General Manag_er (Const} Copy To; All EE~:;f .,tE at Hood J R.cgional Offices, New~Dcllti A.El Principals all .INV_-s DClFhiance NT/S-Rf.) PS to Commissione» Record F~Ce ( ,y,.r· _i,,C--l_;-~T:.1JJJ/!, :r~,~, ·vrr,:tltl..._l½ _y-_}':-;. ~'.fif. iVf.ri'ri; t~~\ri .ilul,!..~r-HJNM)u:~ ( lrryn11.f~::n-tl{Yn 11n tier /\.JirLLr..~fr:y {J)' l 11.trnuJ'l f J~ 1;,~.f,-J[Jr.11..f.~~ tL J.)t:!f)it:Lrn~~ i1 t :.tr :_:.{:·l~f)i){ Eel /J ::·y7t{0r1 , l~,, t,.,,1 ••. -xcurc« ! .. iier t.. C.L~_q) G·~~ur- q{J"i,;;.;·fi'.o e.s circular l'}/J((:Y/ } J (J .'-::_'t_)-J j .t-1it:.i~: (/.'.hic.h t:';'l·C ])s~-•!..~)-:)';.'.J I~~; ~rt1-t.L'JF:~d . .l('LJ.\"l Rs .. .!O.O,D' !..Ge.:.-: lo·/"!!:. . :.,} uo (~n;n·! {,,i- .;_tic')i LJ.i-) .;,;.;JJ fLJ t'l!~,;_; (:[,i';r.;.;:_! lo!/::{t."r--:, 1 1'Vur:7r~;. In Jhi':. :i r.:·l}cru.', 1 ,\,i/ _, .-/-JrN.tin:) !.in,.\1,•,_ir:o;_·r{ ,1_,.,,.i ::)e~ ,.,:;L,:..'rn"t? J.ut,'i:' (1;~ tuP..:::, ffY'fl'Ji"{i'-:n }l/f1tI~.:-, ;·\},10U ti,-· t q,u-:~i ir'?'.~.;- fL<i,~·i/u~1 ,:r/l'1,:1'Y.! 11•Jt ~ffi' 7)..1,.;,~--: tf/ ;,!) j _1 { ,i·}fi:!i _ t.:,/_{; All ::£Es.. at J:!0.:; LU.H•. ::· J:.i,; . . ,d.!i 1:TI:n:c_-ipdl!:r lJC* /,;1')Ii1tut.c::2)~l:.'t-~·.::::.i~ h:f) C"->.t4;;rl·il Ji'i l::Jt ' • !- . : Fax -··_0120 -. • 2405922 . ·-·-- ·- -----· i Pi\ • 0120- 24Q.§.~6-73 ! ~r,m~Fctma ~ j 1 ,,_ ·= ,, . .,,,._<F? r:>=r., I ·•·I-. ""'' • l<a<{>m .;"""""l. = • ~,,.,, q,, ~ ,.,.,,., z,,= "· '"''1• :r;un= = ""'I"' ··i.~ H '1' • lf<T. I ~rer-rn1 R'lffl) ~TITT 'ITT"°4iF? ~i - 15, • ,~en:., - 62, °<~ITT@~. ~1.;<JJ. iJ~w -~~, • I ~'tt. --I ----·-··- . _·····Fax.· · ·· _ 0120 • 2405922 · - ···n_· Ph:· 0120 -240 5969-73 t~~ NA~ODAYAYl~YA l)'1,....,.-•.•. ••....iF.r 7AX~ ~AMIT~ (An Auto, uncert'M111lS&lrl'! y ofHRD)J D ,-Omcu~ rt tOrga, f S .1t2at,on I~,. epa men o c 100 eouca 10n I eracy Govt. of India ~ t . 20~-~~~-::-::-::-::-c= ---~- ··---- .J No. F.2-4(Gen.Cor.)/2017-NVS(W) B- 1S, Sector- 62, Institutional Area - Noida (UP)- 201 301J Dated: 23.01.2018 To The Principal, AH -Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas ) Sub: Revised guidelines on procedure to execute M&R works at Vidyalaya level by the Principal, JNV. This office had issued various guidelines, orders, modifications time and again in past for carrying out repair & maintenance works in ,JNV build1ngs. In-spite of that it has been observed that the maintenance of JNVs couldn't be held upto the expected standards. The infrastructures in JNVs have been created in order to provide healthy & hygienic environment to students and staff so that they can concentrate fully on studies b,ut due to inadequate &improper maintenance in roost of the JNVs proper conditions do not prevail. It is important to underst:md that day-to-day maintenance along with Annual Repairs and Maintenance has to be looked after at the Vidyalaya level with the funds directly made available to Principal or from the funds made available to DC, RO. The NVS-HQ is only expected to undertake the major maintenance i.e, Special Repairs. The regular maintenance has "to be planned in phased manner at Vidyalaya level by prioritizing the requirement of the Viclyalaya. For prioritising and executing the mpintenances in JNV detailed guidelines had already been issued vide order no.: F. 1-2/2006NVS[GM) dt. 28.03.2007{copy attached). Now need has been felt to review, rearrange and re-issue those guidelines for its effective irnplemcnta tion. The guidelines as attached herewith are re-issued for strict compliance. The expenditure shall be charged to the head of account "M&R -- Plan" for the relevant year. > This issues with the approval of the competent authority. • Yours faithfully, ~ Encl:~ As above. ) S,K.~5~ l General Manager(Const ) n. Copy for kind info to:1. PA to Commissioner, NVS. 2. PA to Joint Commissioner [Admn.), NVS 3 .. The Deputy Cornrnissioner, NVS, All Regional Offices. 4. All KE's/ AE/JE(E/C), l\'VS-HQ .. 5. ]'.he-'EE/JE, All Regional Offices. ~JSA for uploading on website '-"\ ~~ - ,V{ ~~f\ S\f:C Maggu EE, l\'VS-HQ \ 1 F. l-2/2017-NVS(GMJ dt. 12.12.2017 CIRCULAR , Sub,Procedure for Maintenance and Repairs works in Jawahar Navodaya Vidya!ayas (Reissued with modifications) -1 1.1 General Jawahar Navodaya Vidya!ayas are the finest exampj- of collective effort at national level for providing quality education to dcscr,ing rural talent you th in India. The JNV · buildings con$trucled in rcmor- areas are becing provided With best facilities and infrastructure. 11,e Ma.intenancc of the Vidya.iaya complex is of paramount importance h, order to provide healthy & hygienic environment to the resident students. If the infrastructure Is not ma.intained properly, ii will deteriorate very fast. Appreciable efforts have been made by some of the Pr!ncipuls and Regional Offices for improvement in maintenance of the JNVs. These efforts have also yielded good i·esults In some JNVs. However, the efforts need to continue with tl,e unending zeal. Concrete steps need to be taken by all concerned especially; the Principals must lake lead In hnproving the maintenance and upkeep of JNVs, .llon'b!e HRM in 35'> Executive Committee Meeting has also emphasized that there Is an urgent need to make serious attempts for improving maintenance andupkeep in JNVs. Examples of dirty toilets, clogged sewers, dra.ins and shabby Interior/ exterior of the J NV buildings have been referred In many of the VlP refe,·ences. This certainly does not reflect well on the performance of the Officers/Staff responsible for proper ma.intenance and upkeep of the Vidyalayas. Samit! .has taken several initiatives to empower Principals so that desired improvement in maintenance standard could be achieved. One such step is fmthcr enhancement of annua: fund limit for maintenance had already been taken up . ?.O Type of Maintenance The maintenance f.rorks can be broadly classified into following three categories. n) .Regular Day-to-day maintenance including emergency repairs. b) Major Re6'11lar repairs including Annual Repairs & lvfointenance. c) Special Rep-=lJrs& .Maintenance t Z.1 Day to day Maintenance& Emergency Repairs A. Day""to~day Repairs Daynot to-day ma.intenance is absolutely essentiul and it consists of the mainly following Items but limited to:(i) > Maintenance of water supply scheme, running pump set, treating water andstorlng water in UG tanks/OH tanks etc. Principal shall ensure that the watershal! be free from hannful bacteria/organisms & get the water tested froma reputed laboratory at-least once a year to determine dosage otbleaching powder to eliminate all hannful bacteria/organism. Normallythe dosage of bteachlng powder varies from I SO grams to 409 grams pcrl,OO,OOOJtrs. of water, In case the water is not potable, it should be go/tested and rccommendatfons of district health officer should be obWnedregarding tYPe of treatment reqUired. Provi,.;ion of I<,o has already been en}orce and such eqUipment shall be essentially p,o\>ided in each JNVs. (ii) (iii) Attending to leakages in pipelines, taps and other fittings on immediatebasis Cleaning of chocked sewer lines, bathrooms, toilets etc. on immediatebasis 2 M {vi) (vii) (viii) {ix) .Replacement of damaged water supply, sanitary and electricity fittingssuch as taps, tubeHg11ts, bulbs, fuse wire, switches, chocks/starters etc. onimme<liatc basis Running/maintenance.of generator set {As per manufacturer'smanual/specification) 1\'Iaintenance of Rajiv Gandhi Smriti van and grass/flower plants in andaround buildings ) Cleaning of terraces and uprooting of unnecessary vegetative growth, Maintaining Power factor panel to attain Power factor of 0,99. Any other item, if foun~ essential. The Principal shall ensure that day today maintenance is carried out rnostcfficientjy and immediately to avoid any 1nconvenience to occupants &damage to the properly and to keep the complex neat and clean. \ B. Emergency Maintenance (Break down mai.ntenanccJ This includes such works, which need to be attended urgently. Absence of water supply Chocking in sewer lines and manholes (iii) Choking in internal sanitary fittings (iv) Repairing of DG set etc. (i) (ii) (v) Replacement of bore-well pump, Vidyalaya sboulcl have one standby pump set. In case, bore-well is pump out of order, it should be replaced by the stand by pump immediately. (vi) Repair of electrical panels. (vii) Repairs of transformers. The Day-to-day & Emergency Maintenance as defined above shall be carried out by the ,JNV Principal out of allocated funds to him directly. ~ ?.2. Annual Repairs & Maintenance including major Repairs (Preventive Maintenance) ' The purpose of preventive maintenance is to increase the life· oi buildings,reduce day to-day repairs and complaints including breakdowns. These include such works, which are to be carried out compulsorilyeither annually or periodically. The petty repairs are also covered in thepreventive maintenance. It generally consists of following items> • fi) Annual ~white washing and painting of buildings (ii) Painting of steel doors and windows (iii) Cleaning of water storage tanks on roofs (iv) Cleaning of storm water dr airrs., septic tanks, manhole, gully chamberetc. (v) Cleaning of bushes around the building after rainy season (vi) Inspection of the bldgs. roofs before rainy season and removing blockage ofdrain pipes [f any to avoid stagnation of water on roof. 1 ~ ii) Repair of frames &. shutters of Doors & Windows. (viii) Annual inspection of all buildings for cracks, seepage, settlement offloors etc. (ix) Repair of floors, plaster, roof-tiles/routing etc. (x) Attending roofleakages/seepage. (xi) Maintenance of electrical fittings & fixtures. Funds as available with Principal & as with Regional Office can he utilised from undertaking Annual Repairs & Maintenance including Major repairs as defined above. However, for execution of repairs from the funds disbursed at RO level following guidelines arc to be followed for sanctioning of works: 0 3 (:) Works upto Rs. 5.00 lacs may be carried out at the Vidyalaya level by the Principal. ~'{ii) Estimate costing up to Rs. 5.00 lacs shall be prepared by ,JE, RO approved by DC, RO on rccommcndution of EE RO. (iii)EE, RO shall be empowered to sanction the estimates costing Rs, 5.00 lakhs prepared b_y JE RO and submitted by Principal. ) 1 i.3 Special Repair & Maintenance works As the building ages there is deterioration of the various individu~ components of thebuildings & services. Therefore Mega repairs, renovations & replacement ofvarious items become inevitable have to be undertaken in order achieve intended life span of the buildings. Special Repair & Maintenanccgencrallyincludc following type of works in buildings: (i) Replacement of flooring (ii) Re-carpeting of internal roads (iii) Replacement of water diatributiorr/Bewage lines {iv) Replacement bf water proofing M Replacement of electrical wiring (vi) Partial replacement of roofing (vii} Replacement of plaster to walls Need for Special Repair &, Maintenance works shall be reported by the ,JNV Principals to theconcemed, EE/RO, who shall visit the JNV &, proper case with full justification along with details of repairs required shall be submitted to NVS-HQ for undertaking such repairs. The Special repairs generally involve relatively larger amount of money hence shallba got executed through PWO's or Construction Agencies since adequate technica]staff is not available in the Samiti for day to-day supervision. 3.0 Guidelines and Procedures of Maintenance IL is the responsibility of the Principal to cany out day to day, Annual repairs & mainteaances including emergency rnaintenm1ce of all the buildings likeschonl building, dormitories, staffqtrs., Kitchen/Dining hall, play fields &, related services out of the annua1maintcnance funds allocated to them, as per procedure laid down below: 3.1 The practice of appointing of Govt. Const. Agencies for such smaller ma!ptenanceactivities has not yielded desired results due to preoccupation of Govt.departments with majoi' works. They are not )able to pay adequate attention tosmaller maintenance works. This result in poor maintenance of Vidyalayas apartfrom cost & time over run, hence in future maintenance works shall not beassigned to Govt. Departments. 3.2 The maintenance works shall be carried out by the Principal by purchasingrequired materials & hiring labour/petty contractor. This system would not onlybc cost effective but Principal shall also have control on the maintenanceactivities. 3.3 In order to facilitate the purchase of materials and hiring service oflabour/ petty contractors, the purchase procedures have been simplified videletter no. 3-9(2)/92093-NVS(F&A) vet-a dated 05.01.2006 (copy attached). As per these guideUnes,Principals shall be able to procure materials/services upto Rs.50,000/(each iternon each occasion) on quotation basis without newspaper advertisement. 3.4 The Principal shall ensure that fonds allocated for M & R should be spent only on maintenance activities. It shall not be used for other activities other than M&R for buildings Md campus. 3.5 /\11 the expenditure .incurred shall be properly recorded in the maintenance register at Vidyalaya level and available for inspection of higher authorities visiting Vidyalaya. 4 t~e ~/GI E~.. RO visiting the. ,JNV shall invadably inspect M~~ r~gister and verify the c:,:pe:ncmure made and suitable remarks shall be placed for its venflcat1on. 3. - The complete annual expenditure account shall be sent to DC RO and NVS HQ for issue of fund for the next year. } .O Management of Maintenance works:~ 4. ! A Maintenance a!ict Repair committee shall be constituted in each JNVwith following composition to identify the maintenance needs of the Viclyalayas.Thc Maintenance & Repair Committee shall monitor the implementation andexecutfon of maintenance & repair activities in the Vidyalaya. The M &, RComrnittec shall consist of following members: a) The Principal - Chairman b) Vice Principal/Senior teacher/SUPW Teacher - Member c) Two house Masters ( lmale & 1 female) , Men1jer. d) School prefect (One boy &One girl) - Member c) One P.T.C. - Member M&R Committee shall seek the technical guidance, if needed, fromExecutive Engineer, State P\VD/Executive Engineer, NVS, RO.The Committee shall meet at least once 1n three months to review the M &R requirements and verify the works undertaken including consumption of Iabourand material. Proceedings of the Committee shall be maintained in Building register which should be available for Inspection. The IVIembers of M&R Committee rnentioned at S.No. a.b & c, shall be rotated every year. The constitution of Committee shall be recorded Inthe building register. ,i,2 An official who shall be Vice-Princ.ipal/Senior Tcacher/SUPW Teacher shallbc designated by the Principal who shall coordinate and shall be over all in-chargeof the maintenance works. 4.3 For day-today maintenance 'Nork, following labour shall be deployed bythe Principal as and when needed on contract basis/daily wages prevailing in the district:a) Plumber {In case of no,n-availability of permanent eJcctricia11 cum plumber} b) Electrician cum-pump operator (In case of non-avallabllny of permanent electrician cum plumber) c) Sewer man dj Sweeper e) Mason/Carpenter &Belder as and when neededf f) ,Mali/ Gardner lf any category of labour has already been employed by the Princ1pals,such as Electrician/Plumber and helper etc., then, that category of labour shaUnot be engaged from outside on contract/daily wages. 4.4 For day -today maintenance, the Principal shall procure and maintair1necessary stock of required material, e.g, Tube-light, bulbs, switches, Fuse.Screws, Taps, Sanitary fittingf, Electrical wires, etc. The quantity shall be soprocured that they will not exceed the 1 consumption of 3- 4 months. All thernaterial shall be procured as per guidelines prescribed in the purchaseprocedure and proper item- wise account register shall be maintained. , 4.5 A complaint register shall he invariable be placed in each house (Boys & Girls) and staffroom in which all maintenance related complaints shall be recorded bythe students like to shortage of water, up-keep of the toilets, cleanliness ofthe dormitories, defective electric fittings and any other issues related to furniture, fittings& fixtures etc. The House masters/mistresses shall see thecomplaint register on. day to-day basis and coordinate with themaintenancc in-charge for rectification of comp!aints. It shall be the dutyof House Master/ Mistress to ensure that the 0 5 ../olriplaints recOrded iSrectllied. The House Master/l\listtes,< Shall m- necess;.ry try in thecomplaint register about the date of rectification of complaint alongwithhis/ her signature. 4.6 SlmUady, teachers/staff shall record the m;rlnten"1lce '}'l•}<>d complafn\s ofthe staff quarters in the complaint. register, Which sh:\11 be kept in the staffroom of academic building. Maintenance. in-charge sha11 be responsibletor rectification of complaints of staff residences who shall also make necessaryentdes about the date of rectification with his remarks if any, in thecomplaint register. 4. 7 The Complaint register shal! be reviewed by the Principal on monthly basisand by 1vl&R Committeearc onrectified. quarterly basis to ensure that a.11 the comp!aintsrecorded by the stude11ts /teachers · 4.8 The preventive maintenance shall be carried out as a matter of routin<{annualty/p_.,iodic•!ly) and as per specffic need the Vi~yalaya, It shall be carried out as pe!r predetermined schedule lib: Annual WhiteWash; Pajnting of doors & windows, deaning of Septic tank etc. us perannual maintenance plan enclosed at Annexure -A (Page 7-12). ThePrincipaJs shall ensure that the compulsory maintenance is carried out asper time schedule given in Annexure A. M 4.9 The M & R Committee sht:111 inspect. all the buildings like academic block,boys & Girls dormitories, residential quarters, dining hall, external services,play fields and electricaJ 1 installation etc. from l "15 hApril every year ands hall prepare building-wise annual maintenance plan as per Perfom1a enclosed at Annexure B (Page 13-15}, M &. R Committee shall prioritize theactivities in annual maintenance plan ·depending upon need/urgency ofthe items required to be executed. Approximate time frame agairisteach activity shall be mentioned in the Annual Plan. Annexure 'C' (Page 16-20) provides some common n1aintenaI1cepmblems & their suggested remedies. The procedure for procurement of material and engaging labour to carryout the preventive maintenance shall be similar, as described in Para - 3.0 above. , J . ~ 5.0 Monitoring of the Maintenance Activities:M & R Comn1ittee shall meet once in three months and monitor thecomplaint register, i)· . ;_ 1 implei'1¢rttation of Annual M!tintenancePlan(Compulso,y. as. well. as Need based), All JNV Principals shall sendhaJf·yeariy status report of annual maintenance plan to DC/EE RO. All visiting A. Cs/ E. Es. ,-'Ro, si)a)J mon itor status! of Coi'1pl!tints re'glstec, annuaJmain t<;nance plan in the Vidyalaya and satisfy themselves that thcrna.intenance work is being carried out as per annual rnaintenance p1anand coniplaints recorded in the register are being attended. 5.2 The matter shall be brought to the notice of GM(C) /D.C. of RO'sconcerned in case annual mairitena.ncc plan is not being implemented asper schedule. The above guidelines are to be folIO-.yed sfrktly by "1l concerned. Effort.shave been made by some Principals, whodeserve appreciation, but lot stlllneeds to be done to ensure that JNVs arc maintained properly and satisfactionto the users. ,:. In Para 2.3above guidelines for Special repair works have been explained.Estimate shall be submitted by CA and funds shall be made available by NVS-HQ for execution. 5. l. l Funds for attending the day-to-day repairs, emergency & Urgent repairs funds shall be disbursed to 18.12.2017. the Principal in accordance with this vide notification no. F.3-4/20171\'VS{W}/ dated 6 Keeping clennliness in "nd around doesn't require much Of the skil! but more depends upon our attitude towards cleanliness. Our Country has already started giving more emphasis over S\vachta. The above mentioned guidelines are being re-issued with the intention that foelrincipal together with Students & Staff shall take adequate care for lVi&R works so that health}· for living.&hygienic environment prevail within the JNVs and it shall become and ideal place I Principals are expected to-plan the M&R activities in consultation with M&R Committee to be phased in up-coming years and try to seek min. financial assistance for its all repairs except Special M&R. This issues with the approval of the competent authority and concurrence of FB:J\. wing. r Enclosure: I . Anr1exure-A, B & C 2. Copy of Circular no, 3-9(6)/92-93/NVS(F&A)/VoLIIIdt 05.01.2007 3. Copy ofNotifkation no. 3-4/2017-NVS(W)/OI dt. 19.12.2017 4. Copy of Notification no. 3-4/2017-NVS(W}/02 dt. 19.12.2017 Yours faithfully, S KAgrawal General Manager (Const.] ) • -t,'. 7 Annexure .A ACTION PLAN FOR COMPULSORY MAINTENANCE IN JNVs Annual and Routine maintenance activities in JNVs compulsorily to be done at JNV i I S.N. 01-,Item/Activity _J __._________ ·---.I ! 1. (Target ! jEvery year ~v ••.• , .,_.,,_•• I Q 1 j' Q2 I -----r-- I Before·. s/.arf of \ :~:domic 1 ·. I I . , . . Q3 =:I ~ R·e.m. of v1s1trng Q4 JNVs - acrylic emulsion (po1yrner based) is lo be done once in five years --.---,---- I I I J I j I I I I I l I I I l II olreocy c:irculoled vide letter No_ I -4/2004-NVS {GM) doted 11.8.06 I ! I -j\ 1 l- campus in 2-3 years} as I CPWD design JNVs hove • permanent grit wash finish. Interior walls : Class rooms, kitchen/dining, dormitories · White/Cj:ilour Wash : School bldg .. Principaf/CP/Sfaff t I Staff Quarters - Acryfic oil bound ! I I ! I room, Library, Computer labs .-- oil bovnd distemper I officers ( during summer vocotlon {buildings con be clubbed in . groups lo cover entire I I . session Le Exterior Finish : In CBRr design I I ~t. Of §.!.fil_ .u s completion) General 7.-1-! woshing in all II h,;;,n;eo, --While/colour . - . ·~J· h""-~-r vvu,r u, ".l ··-" --" I . main gate I l l· ·r ·-Frequency.I-ActiO,n Pion l. level. I ~ distemper (except kitchen & bathroom} where whitewashing will * be done. I Note: Whenever a staff member occupies a residential quarter, oif bound distemper shall be go! done , ) -·-· ---- - ----- --- --~fFI+-8 ! irorn /vt&R works. ~12 , -.i PaiOting o,·doori. wirldows, Every .· slaircme railings etc. (Dorm. in firs! year, SIB, KID and Stoff quarters subsequently in j, . I lwo j Berore·,10,1 of veors new academic session i.e second year) _--- -- I } I durfng 1 ~ ~mm~ vacation 1.3 Cleaning and disinfection OHT/UGS, Roof top tanks Every six Before start of new months academic session i.e during summer vacation ond ofter rainy season 1.4 Cleaning of septic tanks, I Every year manholes. gully, traps, sewer Jines, drains. Clearing as routine and SOS p!ayfields and areas around buildings of debris, minor dressing up, removing gross/ vegetolion, repair of I I ~::.'keibolf po/es/boards. nel '---L, .IS.No · Item/Activity session Le during summer vocation 1 . . L_~l frequency Cleanfng of roofs. Khurros (rain water oune ts). ~ Be/ore start of new academic Six months 1 1 Action Pla'l Status (Target dt.) Ql I 1 ! 1 I . Remarks Q2 Q3 Q4 of visiting officers Before rainy season and not later than 30 h June. ) 1 1.6 Checking of fire extinguishers, repfocing/refitfing expired f ones, repainting &refitting ot sand buckets Every year Before start of ' new academic session i.e during summer L.1-L vacation -· Jl 7 ,<) ···. Re-l'ainting of I I .I Every !' I ---:---~- 1t (S-/fv'1inor repairs on roofs a.n d j parapets such os fili'rng of crocks, using mortar mixed with water proofing compounds such a, refilling ol joi.nts. with mortar, Golo/Khurro I J / . . / sumrr~er . ' Every year new ·. ; sessiord,e j ~::er j I i. / ' · 1.· I I I r , . //· j . j / / . . I l t--, ~-!-~-7 I J I j f . I I I j I II / : vacation Durmg summer!· vacation ) j I / -1 J j I acacjerrnc I j i j · ·j' -,.~ year/ Before. start of.I I / I. I season) . ' 1 11.f I vocojion vocoton [Before rainy · damaged handles, hinges, cleats. l?wer bolts of doors/windows. session Le 9 . durfno 1 l I / summ:r j _ ..... ·~- •vvw 1c. 1t:po1rs or o·oors/windows suc_h as 1 replocemenf of missing/ I academic . R~pr_acn,entr oi b'."Oke~-, Every , '-:1naow_glases, w1rernesh rn j ./ aoors/wrnclows. I I . · ri~·.1 j . Every year ) Before stort of new academic · session i.e during I reoor -r-1I . ·-1 yeorllBe~T7j. o I······T,.new j r biackboard5--l, j / , ~ I / r / I I / · I I j 1 I I potability from a reputed months govt. lab. . 1 1.12 1--- enls to be advised not to use poiythene ond other non- · biodegradable materials. Dumping of such materials, especially in loifets, kitchen, drning hall etc., must be prohibited. No solid waste should be dumped near the I summer . / I J voco-llon . , I I / · and after rainy season I J I I f I , / I 1-r-r--· l I I r f ----. -~ 1•__/__ ! I -I 1-1---1---- l I' ,~- --r-1~~1~:~~I~,\~:~~;,£ -- --waste should not be mixed with garb. age and it should be dumped separately in l_l compost plt. IS.Nor.·-·-.-. . j ~tem/Activuy .· Frequency l Action Plan [ L 'j 12. I Electrical It ~afr/replacemen t of / J deiective switches /Ion j regulators/tube I I I lights/bufbs/streetlights/ fans/switch boards/MCBs etc. I ever required I urgently I·~J__ J I nnrl / 2.4 l Lubric preve /sewo ----.-·~·.... . I1 I wh;never --~ ocodemic / session i.e / during summer ~---- j J I j j r I -·- -----, I l. I I I I I iII /sf week of every month ·- I . j Before start of summer vacation Every month J / I required urgently new I / I . t when-ever academic session i.e 7 j f II during * on, checking, ·e repairs of water purnps/DG sets. Every year officers .. I 'ICW I required urgently I g of fans. Checking of I· fan.sf. sound/noise/roose suopo 'bfades/Conopy cords etc. swrtc . L_ 6 -. I . 1,acotion one Clea, I !·· IEveryY e<ir7 ::~::~~ I -I j whenever lreqwred of v1s1hng _ ··-r--- I I J'..I , I to. ose electricot w1res/cobles, fapin , of naked v1ir,es, cables etc. j~ I j[Q4 I f session i.e. f during 1· / L22 {e,e!ling/reptaCe01ent of -I .1 vccoson and . 12.3 --L . Betor.e stort or new , OCOdemic rumm~ I. I Q 1 ) Q2 _ __J -----~··-:----;- --;-c--;,- j ond Every yeor when- , 1 / (Target dt.) _ -~--i-Re°:~~ks 1 ~ j I I1 _L____1___" ----·---------·- -- 7 10 r - L I __ _J II I _J I Chec.~-ir!g of different · .... 'Every six e!aclricol points in afl buildings months j 3. f-- j J / [ j 1 Raj iv Gandhi Smrifi Van ·, ···· · -· 1 I I ! Every 3 / Just after ' .°;e.'. mon~ring, weeding ans / months surnm~r I vccotlon & lr' . ! .· / oncJ /_ / •· I . L Forest Deportment. I ) ) / l · [ j j I . I j - I I) , J i, I j ' • . . ( _ J j _I / , · Boundary \.Va. I! and-:-fencing -'-··--r is to be checked for damages/ breakage. locability of main oote must be ensured Lightning conductors ~f overheoo tanks must be restored if damaged. j. I j Sofefy, Securily Aspects 1 - 1 _L . . co.ns..u· Jtation withHortf-culture '. . departrnent of Slate Govt. j 11 11 I D unng ro1ny . . season. i b) Planling of new saplings in I ) every qfr. tliereofter. Every year I I ·--- a) Remaking watering pils of r.,rur,.ng. l 3Q!h June & 30'" ++·-,-.--. I 1 · I i ---,I ---------l S.No I Item/Activity I Action Plan frequency I 4.2 I Ffre safely/fighting drills to be Half veorty conducted in the JNVs half yearly. I ______________ 4-:-.3-TJ-:C- ompulsory announcements f must be mode by the Principal and House masters in the Assembly (Target di.) :~~~o;ff:~~ix months. Monthly · L [ At the beginning of academic 1 > [ Status I Qif j Q2 I Q 3/ lst week of l I / _ . ·1 1 1' I . 1 . [ Remarks ~,. of visiting• 4 Q officers I ~-J· · eocb month ) I and respective houses every month, regarding Safety ond Secyrity Precautions I I to be ! I ·--·----·---.-·--- ___,_____.___~___J_ j / 12 +:_:~~bystude:issuch~! 4.3.1 Students n~cct_ not go o ~he _! I I 1 I / I roofs. Staircase lea·d. mg to the roof should be I 1 ••. j L r-·--1· = ' I u I . ·> bord displayed block I should in and entrance halls. --········--i·---- · I I1 I I i 1·· _ / I f ~ I be .I I 1 1 academic dormitory's I 1 - ,...- .......•.• ,.._,u~ ooove points j in 7 l I / I 1 1 J Stu. d. shoul'-d:-.b:_e_a_d0sec}--to. rerncsn awoy from underground sump and open _ wells in the JNV ccrnpus. The open wells should invariably I 1 I to stagnote around buildings/! r to prevent epicfemics. . r;£_3_5 I I 1''· • ) 1 · , . L 7. ·- - I I -i---r··------ 7.' '--H tamper wlth electrical switch boxes, wiring, fans, fittings etc. ,-4.3.41 V•loteC Should not be olloW_e_d;-· 1 II l i· container dome of 1. overhead tank. sho_uId be removed to make it 1 inaccessible to the students. 4.3.3 J·-s=:-tu-d;-ent~ should be ad¥ised not to· I +-I _ ~.. ~~:;M}t!;;, k:l:. ·~ The i::~.:ght o::~0-s:-t-ai-,r·c;- ·-~~= I --· _ / t . J 13 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE PLAN (VXDYALAYA SPECIFIC) Schedule for inspection of Buildings by M&R Committee f ' l a. Nome of Buitdings : b. Dote of last !nspectj~m c. Doie of present Inspection; r.:-· .-,j f J. , I ' ·---- 1. .-L.. Walls / Brief description ~~==------ r, ~ A. pp. Timeframe for of defects if any. J . Ij . Remarks rectification . ' r- ..J.,_. IR. epa.iro!Ploster . . I.I '7·-·-· --· ·- ~I ·----·-··---··-,-,,,,, I S.No .. llem , ,.I Location .. I I I --.~·- __ ._~---- ~ j - I Floors I !'Crocks in lloOring ~~.2 ) Setllernemof llo~rs .-_--· 2.3 Damaged/sunken phnth jj protection 2A j ~om out ffoor panels ! I j I --,-. _ _.___________ I I • ,~- I I / I r:--, -- ~.I .. 3. Doors, Windows, Ventilators & Cup boards ~ , Door shutters broken/damaged I l, ' j Doors fit improperly 3.2 ~ ~R~o-o--;fs-:------------L, ~ r 4.2 , 3 I /'.eokages/Domppplches Water proofi'"'"' 1,0 ,...i~,.-1 · needing repairs j :~~,~~~~~s; R01~;wotei j .__ 1_ L / _i_ _ _ ) I : ,:.4 ., Is. 14 -- Parapets, copings, Chojos needing repairs , 5.l Leakogc~s in pipe joints 5.2 I I ,._ I Replacement of broken WC seat, 'Nosh boslns 5.3 I I "''·~ Water supply & sanitary fittings • . Flushing cislerns. sanitary pipes, fit lings and fixtures. ~---·-"-- S.No. 6. "" Item :O'. i Location External Services __[ ·-',v' 6.1 App. Time- Remarks frame for rectiflcafion l - •y_•••• I Manhole/gully irop covers --- 6,2 Brief description of defects if any. Approach roods/ pathways _,_,.,. ·----~ ,. -- ~ Storm water drains. 6.3 /_ 1 7. . Common Areas i-- --- 7.1 Railing to slaircase 7,2 Staircase steps, nosing1 =-·· .. :. 8. 8.1 Electrical Works Naked/loose wiring needing immediate repairs, Damaged/old wiring needing , rewiring I j I l l I_ ~ I ~2 Damaged e!ectrical dislributfon boards, panels & switch boxes/boords, Fuses/MCBs ~-~-- 8,3 Fons needing rewinding and other repairs ·, .. . i 15 ) I ),-8.-4-: -;--:---Street lighting/poles/ cables/ control boxes. 8.5 8.6 Sagging/loose overhead cqbles in the campus to be retighte:ned. Rc'?:poir,of generalor sets, if out or warranty period 8.7 Old woter/seweroqe pumps Pie standby) needing replccemenl/major repairs. ) UII •..(1l. ::) ~· >- (!) -J1 -0 E r. (I) 0 C Q. C < (!) -0 V, .._ 0 :, 0 .c V, -a (]) v, 0 Q. u ,!,cl u '5. V, (!) - V) w 0 w :iwE ~ ~ c.:: C ..:I ~ ~ ~ ~ I- 0 z <C en .II).... _, I-< e::: ~ E-< en ~ :E UJ Jil •.~.. a:, 0 ll.. •.... z <C ~ 0 e :r: < ~ 0C 0 TI r.. "5 rJl ~ 0 0 (!) . c. Q) - .c Jil ;..:i .c I- I'll 0 "' E .c >- .•.-~.. "' i:i: 0 0 L. p. z :El :E 0 _Q V, uC lil w ;;:= :.- Q) 0 e::: <( 3: .... V') z w 0 0 0 ffl) =:, z <I) 0) < CIJ (!) (!) u E ~ LI.I V, w I- w V, E-< ~ ,..; 0 0 -.•.. ;;:: 0 u ~ ) £ 0 .0 (]) > 'vi ::i uX Q) Vl C <!) 0 0) C 0 0 VI C ·5 '-0) u'- :;:: £. 0 :s:2 .c 0 u :i .~ 0 0 V) (!) (J E ·- ._0 L L- ..__ Cl) '- -+- 0 0 ~ 0) ~ Q) ._ C :.-:::: 0 .c u (1) 0 0) 0 <" ,,, -VJ C (ll 0. 0 .c 0) ::, 0 ~ Ql .c V1 - >. . 0 0) C (L) - ·c C C <D () (]_) 'o .r::. 0 .r::. Cl) ::i 0 £ V,E -o 0 0) 0 -E .r::. ·5 0 0. Vl C -~ 0 (lJ r ~-,,1 .D a a0. ·c "' 0 ·0 u 0 ,,., C Ti u'- ·c C O.> (1) .,; (L ,;}) C 0 0. ·0 •... (!;) ~ ·'< 0 .•.5.. 0 .:::L Q) C 0 :) 2!:41 (!) .0 -•.. .?: Q) - C 0 -~ (l) ::;::= '-"' 'B. :J 0 .Y. 0) 0 ·- vi V, 0 (1) ~ C ,_ -© (J) .0 .•.Cll.. 4- <( Q) .•.. 0 Vl '5 5 (1) (1) ::> 0.. 0 .0 -0 Q. :) u 0 .,, u _Q Q) 0 © (j.J u .L .•.. ·;;; C 0 0 C += ,Q)_ (i) ..c s 0 (J G) .D .c: VI -.._ V, ,._ 0 LU E 0 >, 0 0 >- u > >.0 ·o (l) 0 '- (I) .D u 'S 0 .c V) --- ·,-'I) 8· (1) () .:,,:. 0 0 V) 0. Q) u © u "' u U1 {j) (D ?; (]) - ..0 •.... (l) (I) .D -0 C 0 C () --E <l) V u(I) :3 0 Q) >- .D c "':) 0 <l.> :.::: u 0 'Q. 0 .::,,t. 0 0. (I) ,._ .,,- ·5 !12 .•.... L. 0 ~ Q. c . U1 ·a. (1) 0 0 (1) ,_ (1) 0 3: 2 0 ::i er Q) "D a ,_ (!) .,.... . v'l 0 '> > - V, .,.(!)_ 0 0. :Q > .-. ...0. Cl. <!} u C: C ~ <ii QI u(I) CD ,__ 0. 0 >- o2 0 a:i Vi .,_ ~ .~ .... u _Q u u E (l) e ti 0 @ "' 0 Q) u 0 Qi a. ~ - 3: (!) VI 0 v) > ••-~· _ Q) 0 C <I) O} 0) _Q ::c E (!) I- 1J -=t .ca .•••.. (}) V') ..•<I).. >0V, •... $ (1) V> 0 li:,_ji V, lJ 0) X Q) C :::i ._0I..... .)0 (I) (l) u.. 'o z 0) 0 ..Y. 0 C (!) Q. (1) <I) (i) ..c I- 0 0 >- 0 E -~ _.:,,,: 0 -(!) •... 0 C {j) _.:,,,: e ca E 0) 0 ~ 0 ·- > ·- u, Q. - 0 0 (1) V, 0 C •.. 3: (l) •.. . u 0 er (1) -~ .,; C C Cl. (l) 5 :::) 0 C") 0. Vl ;:= z .Q 0 0 -G) u(1J - Vl 0 .D t: C'i 'd ,_ 0 uQ) ·o _Q "'"' <l.) (l) ..c. V, a Cl) ti 00) C {l) (j) E C 0 C 0 '5 >- 0 0) .r::. (I) u ·- . ._ 5(l} $ C (l) QJ <( 0 0 0. ,_ E 0 C. C .•.."'. - vi 0 0 •.... 0 C ::> C) >- .0 OJ C ~ ..ru .,_ "D -·a.. 0 <I) "'O C ..c. .,.... (I) >- 0 OJ 0 '- CL ([) - -E -·c ·c -- u -~ u u, 0 0 -•... >- Q. •.•.... 0 E Cl. C 0 -- - 5(]) '.Q0 L-~ -VI .E 0 (!) 0. C 0 Q) C Cl) .c C: ._V, E u C © .c. .•.. -~ E ..c c, .!:! tll 0 ..c ~ r Vl 0 i!··1 Q) C <.) V) ::> :) ·;:::: CL 0 Q. 0 ,.,., .•... C Cl) 0 0.. 0 ..0 ~ ,._ lJ .£: r]J 0 c:: D ·u ~ 0 ,_ > Cl) C 0 - 0 (J) .£: 0 C 0 :c Vl C •.... ..c <l) ·o '0. V'l "' 0 u .,..(1)•_... -'"0 u ·uC C 0 U> u 0) 0 0 ·.:;; ..__ (I) (1) E ·c ~ 1 0 ;:) 0 V, .D 0 - __Q :;: 0 (J) £ 0 v-, C (]) (J 0 0 C: V> 0 .D >- <D ·o Q •.... J10.. Vl ::-...•. '- .c ._ D .Q . .0_ f~ Q) .,; - C 1/'J 1/1 u ~ .,; . •0.. ::} ,_ Q) C j::: -+- C 0 .::.! C u ..f; •... (!} 0 •... ~-:J 0 -~ E -"E .£ 0. 0) -+- I- 0 V> 0 ·->- z ·;;; (!) ..c C:(j) IJ C 0 C •..... - O..l ·5 0) > :;:: ::V,, () !--•• £ ([) C 0 (!) 0 •.... 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V, 0 u "O X .E 0 .0 ~ E .Q - 'Q. OJ 0 D => (D .Q 0 (l) C .. Q. Q. - 0 :::) {j) 0 .... ~ C Vl C > ·s;: u, l/l C 1]) (j 0 c ·~ ,Q u 0) ID -t- .;:e: •..... ,.Y;. u <I.) ·o ~ .c +- _Q (l) 0 +- . u E "5) E CD X "vi C E ..,__ uC 0 .c 1- -t·- :f Q) (l.l C (lJ (lJ - lJ (1) .•E.. Q) .0. _ 0 .,_ •... C 0 0 L ,__ <ll .•... E 0 ._ Vi ·u 0 lJ .2 ._ 0 0 u(l) Q. :.-::: 0 0) 4- :) V, C: V, {]) Q) ..+c: u <.,) 0) 0 E .,.0, .•0•.... E " >- SJ <D (l) 0 0 ..c 0 0 .,_ 0 (.) C :) uC 0 0 "O (l.l . .a C .c Q_ 0.. c V, V, 0 (l) V, 0 0 V, V, 0 =~ 0 0 0 ;;:::: "- © Ql . ":-{ D Cl) > 0 :r: .,f Lf) ·C (l) E 0 (D '0 e ~ 0 V, V, 0) Q) (.) C (1) 0 0 I... .. ~ '(J) (l) .:;= C -g) -Q. q- C E 0 3 <lJ ..c (l) V'l ,__ 0 .D 0 0 0 0 .::L C 0 u-j 0 ·c \ I l ,, ., \ II l r. No. 3.9(6))92-93/!WS(f"-'l)/\lol.!11 i \ Janual'/ OS, ;001 // • 1 I I I ~es f u,e purch••• Pr/,<edur• of «vs- regar<l'-9• sub , ,..,is,o• of \\ oetalled procedur< fo< purch•"' M ~u\<\••"' of PrlriclP;\s and omcers ,.,pons\ble for ,na,tn9 pu,,na,es 'on n,,natf of ln" sarnltl was clr<"\ated v\de No, 24(1)/B7/N\JSI'("' 1 dated •" JOIY, 19B~ _(COPY .,,,1\abl• at pages '.l79-3BB of compend!Unl of Clrcu,ar• vol.ti), ~ecently '""'" modlfltlltlons 10 "" •"""""'"' for P'"°''"""'"t of gooi• an<l 0 ,e,..,1,es nav<> been mode In the General flnanO•I Rules o\' \I ,e Govt. of \nd\a. K••pln9 , v\eW tlie ftlnctlonal ,-equ1,ernents of Jt\V•, and~eou,• under GfR. It d,.;d•d to enhaTI¢ th< pnwers of pnnctpa\s to incur e,penil\! <' \ 11 l nos,,... 0 ~e,nimt of good• and ,.,..,ices {or the v\dy•l~va as under , . 1' E,<IStlO U0'1'5 ~ 7\ . I I s' 1 PU"'"'' of goods v,1tnout ca\l\n9 UP:~ ,..,1000/· up to ll.S,s,0001- . \ ' '· i;.a,.,,,.-- • ~-----------~-~ --u 0 t~ - o P.,s. 1 s 'oon o/1·• quotatlon• ~e of good• ,by \ocal till ' / __ ..i I -. 1···.', 1 \ I I \ \ urd1ase cornrnlttee (after su['IIBY . of n,&)<et) to b• ,onstlluterl bV · ~ 1nv1t\o9 UP · I the .,1nt10•• · Q\.IOtat\ons. fro .lTI ,n\n\r,'>UITI . ttiree .,..,20,000/· 3 · 4 I ~!§.... . · 1 a.nd. U'I) to ll$,~Oi000/ , ·" [ ·\ · /'_,,.: .',,.//' • RS,20000' a sam• rt: ''Y . _, ~· o··,Z;;-r, 1 ~o,/NUS0fth•NV5, ~ I ~.1s.oooi: . :\ /\ , 71'1• abo•• ceU\n9• a« for puroh"ses/sef'l\tes of each 1tern on e,cl\ 0_1,{; ' not (or r,naot10I year. purchase co,rirnltt•• , tor st.no,2 ab~"· should b• tlra ~,c \e;t1ud1ng the n•"''""" of ol'll· eoroml1t•• "''"'''"' rr.OV be changed 1 on rota~on baSIS· 1"es• · rev\ied cel11n9' for purch•"' •'" also app\\t0b, , . ,~, ; . 0 . "'°"'" \ to number of ni-ms.---..-l,--------_ ----~ --- - ----- / open '1en ',;, bV odv'i"iti'sl<\9 In ,boVO - '""'" f'S,so,oool· ; · \ \ \ · , . . 5 1<,eep\n; 1n.... v1ew tne en·h.an~ment o.f f\nanc\a\ 9011.4ers.s a sa ab~a~ o":e•..~ ii1 t.tti~ as a~s. ~- ~ i.n ~ ,o eso \oto_, all pu«M•es payments mad•e at ;'[Ol[Ol< . declrled ;·r.:.,,.,.em!tll I and !e ~ \ \ · (M,5,l{t,an~··.\\ Jo\nt cornm:ss\oner (P) . __,·. [1 \ \ )l,Wahof i. s. \ ' \ ; . . . ' . . L .• a.- -- . ' ... ,. ·,:;J.Mt~~'lt~<" · ' · ' ,: · · · :, · . \ ___'·{, ~ . 1 .- _.•. ---- , f /:,;.,-•• h;,.:; '. · .. Jt,.' ---~-~==r""'~~,.,,.,- ----- --· _ _.,,,- .. ,~-~._,..,..,_.,·•,;;,5JW . ... "'"""'~ ... , ..,,.. , ... \' 1 , f/ ~. -t) ,iavo<_,• V\dya\aY•' p..\l N\.lS A.I\ omceiS atNVS t\QfS, ps to commissioner, tWS 3. 4. \ 1/l ... Jl,.\I Reg\ona\ offices of NVS 1, · .,l·.. ., p<1TIOP•I, JIii \\ LJ . \eve\. I ·:\ "'j""V' • ,t.L ,, • u,,t ·• ·7 · · · l.,· r·· wod,s for bJdgs. (lnc\uding day t<> day maintenance) in JNVs from fund Sub: Re'1isi<>n in the Annual Fund Limit for regular 1\/l&R. disbursed to Principal. Consequent upon approval of· 35,h "~xecutive Committee dated 3 J. 08. 20 l 7 and in supcrscssion of limits issued vide Jetter No. 1 · 2/2001 / NVS(O M) dated 06 ,08.200 l and No. ~-. 1-4 /2004· NVS(GM) dated 1 L0S.06, the revised fund limits for Maintenc,nce & Repairs works to be done at Vidyalaya level shall be as defined as belOW w .e.I, 01.09.2017. • Table-1 Remarks .r sNo. · .1.- -A[to -g-.;-·o.f. JN~ V Ann1.1arbe finandal counted frorn \ limit the year of lin la.cs) shifting Add.i~ . nal -\Thl;iXi,;;;;m Annual financial . ± . limit (in lacs) to . fhtancial limit \ (in lacs) \\--~I S1~-- --~-____\_-,_..-..-\-----. . -~-----_l!L-· i-~_j~j__ . l~__j\.__7.00 l:!:L--\-l~l~!l4 ct:Additional __ ~-l. . Upto 05 years \, 3.00 . )Q,00 financial \ limit can b .e used wi.th I > I the approval of I \ I estimates by I GJ\1.lConst.), NVS [ Hqrs. only on \ p~rmanent ~---L------\ I, ') l Above ·. , 05 years & upto \ 15 years _jl ~. . -J:.CC~. tir~ -l.0.00 Additional (und limit . . > I can be used by _l~ estimates which shall be prepared by JE, RO \ . ·· and approved by EE, 5.00 \ 5.00 b -~_:::~~~ ~-~Notes: 1. The funds as per annual financial limit shall ·be directly disbursed from HqrsexPenditure to .JNVs. 2. NVS A.\1 M&R und6i' this order shall be cJ~arly recorded ill M&R Register in Vidyalaya which shall be available for Scrutiny at any Jime by 1 I f' :, t·, 2 o I 2 .J {'} CPWDMaintenance Manual 2019 Annexure-10 S.No. 1 A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MAINTENANCE NORMS, FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION OF FINISHING ITEMS Item 2 Civil Painting with plastic/Acrylic Emulsion paint, Acrylic Synthetic enamel paint, Oil bound distemper etc. Residential Bldq. 3 3 years Painting external surface with exterior 5 years emulsion or eauivalent paint. Painting external surface with water 3 years proofing cement paint. Cleaning and disinfecting of water 6 months storaae/distribution tanks, water mains. Cleaning of Manholes/Gully chambers 1 year and flushina of buildina sewers. Cleaning of storm water drains. 1 year Painting steel water tanks inside with 3 years bitumastic oaint. Polishing wooden doors/windows with 3 years spirit polish/synthetic acrylic polish. Cleaning Electrical installation, fans etc. 1 year Premix, semi dense/dense carpeting of 5 years roads. Collection of water samples for physical, 6 months chemical and bacteriological analysis of water. Office Blda. 4 3 years Periodicity Hospitals Laboratories 5 Schools 6' 7 2 years 2 years 5 years 1 year Corridor O.T. Rooms 2 YearsOther areas 5 years 5 years 5 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 6 months 3 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 6 months 1 year 1 year 1 year 3 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 2 years 1 year 2 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 1 vear 5 years 1 vear 5 years 1 vear 5 years 1 vear 5 years 6 months 3 months 3 months 6 months 52 NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI (CONSTRUCTION WING) ****** Dt: 24.01.2020 No.F.1-l(TC)/2016-NVS/GM/ Technical Circular - 01/2020 Sub: Provision of contingencies in estimates & reimbursement bills -reg. It has come to the notice in few cases that the provision of contingencies for the works costing upto Rs 1.00 crore are being made differently in case of CPWD and other agencies. The matter has been reviewed and examined. In this regard, the approval of competent authority is conveyed for considering the contingencies as per the provision mentioned in para 4.1.5 of CPWD 'Narks manual 2014, as below, irrespective of type of construction agency i.e . PWO or PSU: (a) (b) Estimated cost up to Rs. l Crore Estimated cost more than Rs. l minimum of Rs.5 Lakh." 5(/) Crore 3%, subject to The same limit shall also apply in case of reimbursement bills. This is issued with the approval of Competent Authority. /' \.· ' r-f:!1,.';\~,?IJ./ ' ; ')ti) ' D-r,, \,v/'-,,' , C :>/\ \ \:}_(, ,:.,"\\ I R. l: , S. Panwar EE, NVS-HQ To, All EE's/AE/JE \ ~}: ,,,_~\\~v irid14<l fa4__.Qfo1<l fl~fd fwm 113,jlcl<l (~ ~ l,cf ~ fcnmr) ~~ .ft"-15, ~ m, Ministry of Education (Dept. of School Education & Literacy) Govt. of India ~-62. ~- 201309 (3".V) ddR1&?- NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMIT! www.navodaya.gov.in B-15, Sector - 62, Institutional Area, Noida - 201309 (UP) Websrte- wvvw.navodaya.gov.in F.No.1-1/2021-NVS (F&A)/2.YJDated: 17.08.2021 To, 1. The Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, All Regional Offices. 2. The Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Leadership Institute (All NLis). Subject: Tentative Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2021-22 - re Sir/Madam, The Tentative budget allocation (BE) for the financial year 2021-22 has been finalized w.r.t availability of funds for current financial year. A copy containing broad head-wise details of tentative BE fixed in respect of your Region/NLI is sent herewith, for further allocation to Vidyalayas including new JNVs being established during 2021-22 and RO's Office of your Region. While allocating funds, it may please be ensured that allocation does not exceed the total allocation fixed by Hqrs.' Office in respect of each head of expenditure for the respective RO. After allocating the B.E., a copy of head-cum-unit wise allocation for the year 2021-22, with reference to the actuals of 2020-2 I may be sent to this office at the latest by 31 st August, 2021. 2. While allocating the BE 2021-22 to field units in accordance to the existing instructions, due consideration should also be given to the flow of actual expenditure of 2020-21 under each head of expenditure subject to the availability of overall allocation. 3. The Regional Offices and NLis shall also furnish a consolidated Statement of Ex enditure on monthl basis in the rescribed roforma against the provisions fixed by Hqrs.' office under each head on or before 10th of the following month. The above Statement should also include the action /remedial measures taken by the Regional Offices to control the abnormal flow of expenditure and also the Vidyalaya wise details of budget allocation fixed, opening balance available as on I st April 2021 and funds released to Vidyalayas, duly reconciled with the total funds provided by Hqrs' office, so as to apprise the factual position in this regard to the Commissioner, NVS time to time during the current financial year. 4. It may also be ensured that the expenditure is incurred by the field units as per their actual need and within the availability of allocation/funds with them. However, the expenditure should not (in any case) exceed the existing norms of NVS and revised financial ceiling under heads of Budget decided for the F. Y. 2021-22 and conveyed to a):}i-:.units vide even letter 166 dt. 04:06.2021 and reminder letter No. 228 dt. 28.07.2021. -~, "I 5. The Budget allocation under Mess & Toilet Items, pr6vr:s,idned for five months only as Student activities is not functional in the campus w.e.f 0 1.04.2020 to till date due to COVID - 19 pandemic. Further demand under these heads will be reconsidered at R.E./ F.G. stage, if any. The b~ - .qllocation to JNVs and Regional Office concerned shall be carried out with reference to the follc·Wing norms/ guidelines:Details of Allocation Heads SI.No. As required by Field Units. The expenditure on teaching and non-teaching posts sanctioned in respect of JNVs/ROs/NLis and Hqrs. Office along with Samiti's contribution towards NFS. Salary I. The norms of salary for engaging the contract teacher has also been enhanced by NVS Hqrs vide letterno Per.14016/2/2020-Estt.III/17781-18461 dt 31.03.2021. 2. Salary Others 3. Expenditure on Student Approved Norms:- I SL I Item No. As required by Field Units and 10% increase on actual of2020-2 l whichever is less. I Revised Rates Effecti,ve from 01.04.2021 onwards Rates 1. Mess Expenditure -Rs.1587 /- per month per student (for 9 months) and additional Rs.265/- per month per student for JNVs at hard & difficult stations ( for 9 months) I Total -Rs.14283 /and additional Rs.2385/- per student per year for JNVs at hard & difficult stations (for 9 months) -In addition, for misc. mess -To meet the misc. mess expenditure expenditure (including fuel for (including fuel for cooking, cooking, cleaning/ washing cleaning/ washing and wages for and wages for casual workers casual workers engaged for engaged for cooking.), an cooking.), an additional amount of additional amount of Rs. 353 /- per child per month ( for 9 Rs.353 /- per child per month months) is also approved (for 9 months) is also approved. 2. Uniforms i) For JNVs located in temperate climate/coastal areas \ -Rs.2,400/- per student peryear, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Orissa, Karnatka, West Bengal, Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Maharashtra, Goa, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Andaman & Nicobar, Puducherry and Lakshadweep. (ii)For JNVs located in extreme summer and winter/ -Rs.3, 000/- per student per year. ~ Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Chandigarh. (iii) For JNVs located in extreme winter areas Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttrakhand, North Eastern Region and Himachal Pradesh. .3. 4. - Rs.3, 360 /- per student per year . Text Books -Rs.400 /-per student per year -Rs.400/- Daily Use Toilet Items -Rs.1200/- per student per year -Rs.1200/- -Rs.1680/- and Rs.360/-* for School Bag to be provided to the students of Classes VI, IX &XI. -Rs.1680/- and Rs.360/-* for School Bag to be provided to the students of Classes VI, IX & XI. 5. Other Expenditure on Students viz. Stationery, Travel, Medical, CBSE fees, etc. *To be provided to the students of classes VI, IX & XI . -Rs. 5.00 Lacs each R.O has also been provided for providing assistive devices to CWSN under Central provision of R.O. Main Account. a) b) c) d) e) 4. 5. 6. Mess Uniform Text Book Toilet Items Misc. Items Rent W&E Misc. Contingencies 7. CCA 8. Sport & Culture 9. Scout & Guide 10. NCC l I. Art & Culture I Skill Workshop_s Allocation is made for 5 month as _p_er norms. As per norms - One time ex_p_enditure As _E)__er norms -@ Rs. 400 per Student p_er Year. As per norms - @ Rs. 1200 per Student per Year and allocation has been made proportionatelyfor 5 month. This includes various expenditure viz. Counsellors Salary, Student Stationary, CBSE Fee, Doctor honorarium, Student T.A, Medical Expenses, and School Bag for class VI, IX and XI and other Miscellaneous expenditure related to Student. Some of the expenditure are one time expenditure and already going on even the classes are online , hence the proportionate Budget under this head for 8 Month is allocated, taking year as 9 Month. In addition to above a provision of Rs. 5.00 Lacs at each R.O has also been provided for providing assistive devices to CWSN under Central provision of R.O. Main Account in accordance to hqrs. letter No. I 0-19 (CWSN)/2021-NVS(SA)/5538 dt. I I .08.2021 issued by School Adrnn. Wing. As per actual re__quirement of ROs. l 0% increase com_pare to the actual ex~nditure of2020 - 21 is allocated. As per revised norms conveyed vide letter no. I- 1/202 l-NVS (F&A)/Budget/166 dated:04.06.2021 and Reminder letter No. 1-1/2021/NVS(F&A)/Budget/228 dated:28.07.202!, this includes an average Rs. 5.00 Lacs per JNV for expenditure related to security personal and housekeeping through outsourcing in accordance to guideline ofNVS, Hqrs. Rs 2.50 crore has been provisioned under Central prov1s1on of NVS Hqrs. Main Account including Rs. 35.00 Lacs for Incentive Awards (CBSE Portal preparation and cash awards) as per requirement of Academic Wing ofNVS H.9.rs. As per norms @ Rs. l 00/- Per Student and as required by the Field units whichever is less. Budget has been kept under Central provision of NVS, Hqrs. as per requirement of A cad. Wing of H.9.rs. Budget has been kept under Central provision of NVS, Hqrs. as per requirement of Acad. Wing: of Hgrs Budget has been kept under Central provision of NVS, Hqrs. as per requirement of Acad. Wing of H_grs Allocation has been made Rs. 20.00 Lacs per ROs along with Rs. 80 Lacs kept under Central Provision of Hqrs. Main Account as per requirement /recommendation of I -. ..;. ~ WWF 13. Recruitment 14. 15. Printing & Publication Training Courses 16. Admission Test 17. Vocational isation 18. C.E.P 19. Pace Settmg 20. Museum Comer 21. Loan & Advances 22. Audit Fees 23. CPF Liability (MS) 24. Ex - Gratia to Parents Free Meal 25. 26. Professional Dev. Of Teachers 27. Non - recurring Items a) Computer Hardware b )Library Books c) Other Equipments .. , ___ ·.i / Academic Wing of Hqrs. Budget has been kept under Cerii.ro'l~i~i1JT'9f l'NS, Hqrs. as per requirement of l Acad. Wing of Hqrs. ·· ' · , i As per requirement of ROs, maxi~rr>.:t,'ft?..s. 2.00 Lacs each ROs along with I 0.00 Crore has been kept under Central Provision of NVS Hqrs Main Account as per requirement of the Concerned Wing ofNVS, Hqrs. Rs. 30.00 Lacs has been Allocated under Central provision of NVS Hqrs. Main Account as per requirement of Academic Wing of Hqrs. As per r=cuirernent of ROs/ NLls /Training Section and Acadmic Section of NYS, Hqrs. the budget has been allocated. The allocation :~"S been made as per norms for JNVS @ 1.50 Lacs per JNV and Rs. 20.00 Crore keot under Central Provision of NYS Hqrs. Main Account as per requirement of Exam Cell ofNVS Hq:s. Rs. 50.00 Lacs has been provisioned under Central provision of NVS Hqrs. Main Account as per requirement to Academic Wing of Hqrs. The allocation has been made as per the requirement of the field units to meet out the Salary of F.C.S.A, comprehensive AMC of Computers and its peripherals and procurement of other related consumable items under C.E.P. As per norms @ Rs.l 0000/- per JNV and Rs. 8.00 Lacs has been kept under NYS, Hqrs. Main Account for organising Science Congress. A lumpsum provision of Rs. 10,000/- per JNV has been kept for expansion of Museum Comer activity in those functional JNVs wherein this activity has already been in existence till 31.3.2021. Rs. 5.00 Lacs has been allocated as per requirement of NYS, Hqrs, Account (Cash Cell). Rs. 60.00 Lacs has been allocated under Central provision ofNYS, Main Account per requirement of Audit Wing of Hqrs. Rs. 105.00 Crore has been allocated under Central provision of Hqrs. Main Account as per requirement of CPF Cell of Hqrs towards Management share ofCPF. Rs. 10.00 Lacs has been provisioned under Central Provision of NVS Main Account as per requirement of School Adm in. Wing of Hors. The norms is Rs 1.25 Lacs per JNV, however the allocation is made in accordance to the requirement made by the field units. Rs. 40.00 Lacs has been proposed under Central Provision ofNVS Hqrs. Main Account as per previous year Allocation. ·:·: _; :, •.. 12. , ~\-_ '-.! · _. :·.r,;.,, -fir ..... ~ The provision has been made for digital pad & pen to JNVs as per guidelines and Sanctions already issued by hqrs. The Regional Office has also been provided maximum of Rs. 5.00 Lacs per RO for computer and its peripherals. Rs. 30.00 Crore has also been kept under Central Provision of NVS, Hqrs. Main Account for procurement of Computers and its peripherals as per the requirement of Academic Wing ofHqrs. As per Norms Rs. 1.00 Lacs per JNV. As per norms and requirement made by the field Units, which includes -@ Rs.1.00 Lac per Regional Office for its own office. -@ Rs.5.00 Lacs per Yidyalaya for those JNVs reaching to Class XII during 2021-22. -@ Rs.2.50 Lacs per Vidyalaya for those JNV's already reached to Class-XII in the year 2020-21 for replacement of equipments on need basis. In addition to above as required by JNV's the additional budget for procuring oxygen cylinder and Nebuliser have also been provided. -Rs. 1.00 Crore has also been kept under Central provision ofNVS Hqrs Main Account as per requirement of School Admn. Section. d) Furniture The provision @ Rs.4.00 lacs per Vidyalaya for the Vidyalayas reaching Class XII during 2021-22 and @ Rs. 1.00 lac per Vidyalaya for Vidyalayas already reached to Class XII in the year 2020-21, has been kept towards purchase/replacement of unserviceable furniture items, if any, for the current financial year. The JNV's who have been provided class room furniture - Duel Desk by R.O. for the year 2021-22 under central provision Budget, will not procure such item from - . Budget allocated to them. The R.O. have to look after this fact. An amount of Rs.1.00 lac each Regional Office for its own office has also ~- been provided. In addition to above Rs. 47.00 Crore has also been kept under Central provision of NVS Hqrs Main Account as per requirement of School Admn. Section, sanction order for procurement of Duel Desk amounting Rs. 46.00 Crore has already been Issued to R.Os by the concerned section. e) Lab Equipments The provision under this head has been made @ Rs.1.00 lac per JNV both for consumable & non-consumable items for the use at Vidyalaya 's Laboratories, the budget has been allocated as per the requirement of field Units. In addition to above Rs. 718.75 Lacs has also been kept under Central Provision of NVS Hqrs, Main Account for Junior Science and Math Labs as per the requirement of Academic Wing. f) Sports Equipments g) Dev. Of Recourse Room 28. Construction Works a) M&R As per norms @ Rs. 200/- per Student and as required by the Field units whichever is less. For the development of Resource Room in existing functional JNVs till 31.3.2021, the provision @ Rs.5,000/- per JNV has been kept towards procurement of resource material by concerned JNV s during the current financial year and as required by the Field units whichever is less. a) Rs. 20.00 Lacs per JNVs (Permanent site) as per revised norms conveyed vide letter no. 1-1/2021-NVS (F&A)/Budget/166 dated: 04.06.2021 and Reminder letter No. 11/2021/NVS(F&A)/Budget/228dated:28.07.2021. b) The Budget at the disposal of Deputy Commissioner of all R.Os in accordance ceiling is as under: SI.No. Proposed Amount Regional Office ~~- -·---- -, .... ··-- ----- ---- 1 Bhopal 2 ... Chandigarh 200 lacs J Hyderabad 200 lacs 4 Jaipur 200 lacs 5 Lucknow 200 lacs 6 200 lacs Patna 200 lacs 7 Pune 200 lacs 8 Shillong 200 lacs c) The Budget at the disposal of Construction Wing ofNVS Hqrs. for special repair & renovation is kept under central provision of NVS Hqrs, Main Account Rs. 150.00 Crore. b) Construction Works Rs. 550.00 Crore has been kept at the disposal of Construction Wing ofNVS Hqrs. for new projects as well as ongoing projects during the year. 7. In respect of Navodaya Leadership Institutes 'ascertained from NLis/Training Wing of NVS Hqrs. (NLis), the requirement has been taken into account and the budget allocation fixed , as per head-wise details thereof mentioned in the enclosed Statement, in respect of each NLI presently functioning at Amritsar, Goa, Noida, Rangareddy, Kamrup, Puri and Udaipur ~ 6 The budget allocation inter alia also contains the provision under the head 'Misc. Contingencies' to meet , expenditure towards hire charges of the vehicle (including cost of P.O.L, etc.) d .ing« the current financial year. In addition, the budget allocation has also been priided under the head 'M&R' to meet the expenditure on Maintenance & Repair works of NLI's building during the year 2021-22. As the NLI Chandigarh and Guntur shall be working as sub units of new NLI Amritsar and Rangareddy respectively, the allocation of these units shall be separately made by the respective NLI during current financial year. 8. This issues with the approval of Commissioner, NVS. Yours faithfully,~ ~~o~· (Ragh an K~alan) Deputy Commissioner (Finance) Encl: As above Copy to: 1. General Manager (Construction) and Joint Commissioner (Admn. / Acad./Pers.), NVS Hqrs. - for information and with a request to issue necessary instructions/ guidelines, concerning with their Section, for undertaking various programmes and activities within the allocation at field unit level during the current financial year. (Copy of Budget allocation of NVS Main Account is enclosed). 2. DC (Admn./Acad. /Pers. /JNVST/ Training)- Copy of Budget allocation of NVS Main Account is enclosed. 3. AC (Estt.:Jfc~; Acad.2)- Copy of Budget allocation of NVS Main Account is enclosed. 4. AC (SA / Audit/IT)- Copy of Budget allocation of NVS Main Account is enclosed. 5. DDO, NVS (Main Account) along with a copy of Budget allocation of NVS main account is enclosed. 6. DDO, NVS (Hqrs. ) alongwith a copy of Consolidated Statement of Budget Allocation for the financial year 2021-22 in respect of NVS Hqrs.-for information and with a request to watch the progress of expenditure with reference to the budget allocation for the year 2021-22 and also to furnish the Monthly / Quarterly Statement of Expenditure in respect of Hqrs.' office Account by the stipulated date. C Deputy Co NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI ~ 11,m-1:q Ministry of Education (~ film QT~ fnmrJ (Dept. of School Education & Literacy) Govt. of India liR<f~ m, .fl"-15. ~ ~-62. ~- 201309 (3'.,;r) Noida - 201309 !UPI ~ - www.navodayagov.in Website- www.navodaya.gov.in F.No.1-1/2021-NVS F&A/ B-15, Sector - 62, Institutional Area. Dated:7 .10.2021 To, 1. The Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, All Regional Offices. 2. The Director/In charge, Navodaya Leadership Institute (All NLis). Subject: SUBMISSION OF REVISED ESTIMATES (R.E.) BUDGET ESTIMATES 2022-23 (B.E.)- REGARDING. 2021-22 AND Sir/Madam, The preparation of Budget Estimates is one of the most important and time bound works. This involves proper planning and forecasting of the requirement of funds in respect of each head of account and unit. Therefore, the budgetary work needs to be dealt in with utmost care at all levels. The proformae for submission of RE-2021-22 and BE 2022-23, in respect of your unit, are sent herewith as per Annexure-I & II respectively. 2. The preparation of RE for the current financial year (2021-22) should precede formulation of BE for the ensuing year (2022-23). The requirement of funds at RE 2021-22 and BE 2022-23 should be furnished strictly on realistic basis in the prescribed proformae. It may also be noted that the expenditure which is likely to be met on or before 31st March of the financial year concerned should only be included in the R.E/8.E proposal. 3. The additional requirement of funds due to specific approval/ sanction letter issued by NVS Hqrs. under any head of account should be indicated separately alongwith its reference number, date and narration. Likewise, the additionality or savings under any head of account with reference to the allocation at BE 2021-22 and funds provided as per specific approval/ sanction letter of NVS Hqrs./Regional Office should also be mentioned specifically against each head of account with suitable remarks thereon. 4. While formulating the budgetary proposal, the norms/guidelines adopted for providing BE 2021-22 allocation may be kept in view alongwith the following letters issued in respect of revised ceiling of norms for the year 2021-22 and other norms should be taken care. S.No. 1. I I 2. Hqrs. letter No. & Date Partuclars 1-1 /2021-NVS Revised Financial ceiling (F&A)/Budget/ 166 dt. heads of Budget for the F.Y. 04.06.2021 1-1/2021/NVS Revised Financial ceiling (F&A) / Budget/ 228 dt. heads of Budget for the F.Y. 28.07.2021 under different 2021-22. under different 2021-22. 1-1 /2021-NVS (F&A)/234 17.08.2021 Tentative dt. '2021-22 Budget Allocation for the F.Y. The main contents are given below:(i) STAFF PAYMENTS : The projection should be made with reference to actual expenditure of 2020-21, flow of expenditure upto September 2021 and taking into account the requirement for annual increment, enhancement of DA rates, etc. for the existing staff and anticipated proportionate expenditure on filling up the vacant posts, if any, during the current financial year either on regular or contract basis. Necessary provisions to meet expenditure, as per revised norms of the Govt. of India, may be kept on actual need basis. The provisions towards payment of Gratuity and Leave Encashment to the employees on their resignation / superannuation and also on account of Sarni ti's contribution towards NPS payable during the year and arrear of Samiti's contribution towards NPS, from 01.04.2019 to 30.09.2021 may be projected separately in Annexure - I as per norms/instructions/Notification No. 1-12/2010NVS(F&A)/NPS Dated: 28.09.2021 of Hqrs.' Office, should also be worked out on actual basis and the requirement projected with reference to the pay and allowances of the concerned staff drawn during the year. The provision towards payment due to CPF Subscribers, if any, on account of Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme may also be made under this head as per norms/instructions issued by NVS Hqrs in this regard. Likewise, BE 2022-23 projections shall also be worked out on the basis of RE 2021-22 requirement projected as well as requirement of additional staff on account of increase in number of functional Vidyalayas, introduction of stream, etc. on need basis. (ii) EXPENDITURE ON STUDENTS : The projection under this head is to be made w.r.t. the average flow of expenditure on students upto September, 2021 for the actual student's strength in respective classes subject to the ceiling prescribed as per revised instructions, with reference to the following approved rates/norms: Revised Ra~s Effective from O 1.04.2021 onwards Rates I Total I. Mess Expenditure -Rs.1587 /- per month per student (for 9 months) and additional Rs.265/- per month per student for JNVs at hard & difficult stations ( for 9 months) -Rs.14283/and additional Rs.2385 /- per student per year for JNVs at hard & difficult stations (for 9 months) -In addition, for misc. mess expenditure (including fuel for cooking, cleaning/ washing and wages for casual workers engaged for cooking.), an additional amount of Rs.353/- per child per month (for 9 months) is also approved. -To meet the misc. mess expenditure (including fuel for cooking, cleaning/ washing and wages for casual workers engaged for cooking.), an additional amount of Rs. 353 /- per child per month ( for 9 months) is also approved 2. Uniforms i) For JNVs located in temperate climate/coastal areasj -Rs.2,400/- per student per year. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Orissa, Karnatka, West Bengal, Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Maharashtra, Goa, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Andaman & Nicobar, Puducheny and Lakshadweep. (ii)For JNVs located in extreme summer and winter j -Rs.3, 000/- per student per year. areas Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Chandigarh. (iii) For JNVs located in extreme winter areas Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttrakhand, North Eastern Region and Himachal Pradesh. 3. Text Books 4. Daily Use Toilet Items -Rs.400/-per student per year -Rs. 1200 / - per student per year I - Rs.3, 360/- per student per year. I -Rs.400/- Per student per year. -Rs.1200/- Per student per year. 5. Other Expenditure on Students viz. Stationery, Travel, Medical, CBSE fees, Counselor remuneration etc. -Rs.1680/- and Rs.360/-* for School Bag to be provided to the students of Classes VI, IX &XI. *To be provided to the students -Rs.1680/- and Rs.360/-* for School Bag to be provided to the students of Classes VI, IX & XI. of classes VI, IX & XI. -Rs. 5.00 Lacs each R.O has also been provided for providing assistive devices to CWSN under Central provision of R.O. Main Account. Likewise, the projections for the year 2021-22 should be made w.r.t anticipated student's strength of functional Vidyalayas, average admission in Class-VI of previous years and w.r.t the aforesaid norms fixed for the direct expenditure on students. The Statement containing details of staff position, student's strength etc. for the current financial year and for the year 2022-23 should also be attached with the proposal in the format as per Annexure-III. (iii) RENT: The actual requirement in respect of rent as approved by the Regional Office/Hqrs. Office for the year or with reference to rent agreement in operation should be included. The factor regarding shifting of Vidyalayas to their own building either in the current year or in the year 2022-23 should also be taken into account and requirement projected as per actual need only. In case of arrear amount (if any) due and likely to be paid during the year, the same may be projected as per above guidelines with suitable remarks and the details thereof also furnished with this proposal. (iv) CONTINGENCIES : a) Water & Electricity Charges: The projection under this head may be made only in respect of Water & Electricity charges payable for the consumption based on monthly average of bills/expenditure from April 2021 to September, 2021. No provision should be made on account of laying of water or electricity connections etc. In case of additionality required on account of arrear bills, specific reasons for nonclearance of liability in the year concerned should be recorded. The consumption of electricity in JNVs/Regional Offices/NLis should properly be checked to avoid any excess expenditure under this head. b) Misc. Contingencies : The actual requirement may be projected under this head to meet the expenditure on maintenance and repair of all assets items other than buildings and for office expenses, newspapers, stationery, postage, telephone bills, Internet service charges, one time dedicated leased line for installation of Internet facility, engaging of security personals, Housekeeping personal and other personal through outsourcing, maintenance of Kitchen garden, petrol/ diesel, etc. This should be based on monthly average expenditure incurred for the period from April 2021 to September, 2021. The actual/ anticipated expenditure towards repair and hire charges of vehicles, as approved by NVS Hqrs./Regional Office, may also be included duly supporting a copy of approval/ sanction letter. This head of account does not include the provision towards stationery items supplied to students since the expenditure on this account is to be met with the provisions under the head 'Expenditure on Students -Other Misc. Items. ---. (v) CO-CURRICULAR AND EXTRA CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The provision under this head may be made under Plan subject to ceiling of norms as detailed below:a. @ Rs.100/- per student per year based on actual student's strength of the Vidyalaya. b. Actual requirement may be projected at Regional Office level in connection with sports and cultural meets at Cluster /Regional/National level, etc. c. In respect of Vidyalayas wherein the NCC and Scouts & Guides activity have been extended during the year 2021-22, the actual requirement may be projected at Regional Office level subject to the norms prescribed thereof for the year 202122. This requirement shall also be intimated to Acad. Wing of NVS Hqrs.' office for its information and necessary action. Acad. Wing of Hqrs.' office shall also recommend the region-wise requirement separately to Finance Wing of NVS Hqrs. as per actual need of JNVs/RO, for allocation at RE-2021-22/BE 2022-23 stage. d. Actual requirement may be projected at Regional Office level for conducting Art and Cultural /Skill Workshops in JNVs identified by the Art and Cultural Unit of NVS Hqrs. Subject to ceiling of norms prescribed therefor. If any savings or additionality exists, the same may be intimated to A&E Unit of NVS Hqrs. for consideration and recommendation thereon to Finance Wing of NVS Hqrs. for making necessary provisions at RE-2021-22/BE 2022-23 stage. e. The requirement in connection with activities under Special Programmes ( i.e AEP & National HarmonyProgramme, etc.) should not be included under this head and this should be intimated to Acad. Wing of NVS Hqrs., for further course of action in the matter. f. Besides, if any additionality or savings over and above the funds already provided occur under this head, this should invariably be reported to Acad. Wing of NVS Hqrs. for examination and recommendation thereon to Finance Wing, for further necessary action in this regard. Likewise, the requirement for BE 2022-23 shall also be worked out with reference to projections of RE 2021-22 under these Heads and included in the proposal according to the above instructions. (vi) EXPENDITURE ON M&R WORKS OF JNVs' BUILDINGS : The requirement for Maintenance & Repair Works of JNV's buildings shall be projected as per revised norms conveyed vide letter no. 1-1/2021-NVS (F&A)/Budget/ 166 dated: 04.06.2021 and Reminder letter No. 11/2021/NVS(F&A)/Budget/228 dated:28.07.2021 at JNV's level and at R.O. level. The additional requirement if any may be projected at R.E. 2021-22 with full justification. The Regional offices have been provided Rs. 200.00 Lacs at their disposal for Special M&R (Building) of JNVs as per the norms already conveyed. However additional Budget requirement, if any may be projected at R.E. Stage based on the proposals and requirement. --- . ~ (vii) MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTER EDUCATION PROGRAMME: 0 The provision for this head may be made at Vidyalaya level to meet requisite expenditure for implementation of Computer Education Programme in selected JNVs, as per the following norms :i) @ Rs.LOO lac per JNV in respect of those Vidyalayas wherein the computer facility with 40-50 number of computers has been extended till March, 2021. ii) @ Rs.0.80 lac per JNV in respect of those Vidyalayas wherein the computer facility with more than 30 number of computers has been extended till March 2021. iii) @ Rs. 0.40 lac per JNV in respect of those Vidyalayas wherein the computer facility with 20-30 number of computers has been extended till March 2021. iv)@ Rs.34125/- per JNV per annum (i.e. Rs.341250/- per month for 10 months) in respect of those JNVs where the computer facility has been extended till March, 2022 to meet the expenditure on deployment of faculty in JNVs on contract basis during the year 2021-22. While projecting the requirement under this head, the instructions/ guidelines issued by EDP unit of NVS Hqrs. shall also be taken into account. However, the provision to meet the expenditure on maintenance of computers may be made only in respect of those JNVs wherein the warranty period since the date of procurement of computers, etc. has been elapsed during the year 2021-22 and wherever it is essentially required. The requirement for the year 2022-23 may also be worked out with reference to the aforesaid norms. (viii) FREE MEAL FACILITY TO THE TEACHING STAFF: The provision to meet the requisite expenditure on free meal facility to the eligible teaching staff of Vidyalayas may be made as per fixed norms. However, the requisite details towards total number of teaching staff (category-wise) eligible for free meal and/ or free lunch for the current financial year and for the year 2022-23 should be furnished in the prescribed proforma, as per Annexure-III. ix) FURNITURE: The requirement under this head may be projected only on actual need basis in respect of furniture items required for use in Office, Vidyalaya, Hostel, etc. after taking into account the actual/ anticipated student's strength, availability of accommodation, existing stock, anticipated cost of items, etc. The additional requirement of funds towards purchase of furniture items due to sanction of additional Dining Halls, Dormitories etc., duly justifying the requirement, may be submitted to School Admn. Section of NVS Hqrs. through the Regional Office concerned and on receipt of the Region wise demand, the required funds shall be provided to concern JNVs out of the central provision therefor made at NVS Hqrs. No provision should be made for repair of the furniture under this head as the same is to be met from the head 'Contingencies'. A statement showing physical requirement of each item (i.e. stock in position and additional - ~ requirement) should be attached by each unit for verification level. (x) at Regional Office LAB EQUIPMENTS: The actual requirement of consumable and non-consumable items for use in laboratories may be projected on actual need basis , being taken into account the stock in position, availability of accommodation, streams functioning, anticipated cost of items, etc. (xi) OTHER EQUIPMENTS: The requirement under this head should include all items (except laboratory & sports equipments, vocational, museum and computers) as per the sub-heads included under the head 'Other Equipments'. The projection should contain Consumable and Non-consumable items both on actual need basis. The requirement under this head should also include the provision towards bedding items for students under hostel equipments with reference to actual/ anticipated student's strength and stock in position. (xii) LIBRARY BOOKS: The requirement under this head may be projected on actual need basis, subject to the ceiling of Rs. I 00000 / - per Vidyalaya for purchase of Library Books. This, however, does not include purchase of codes and manuals, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, reference book etc. since the expenditure thereon is to be met with the provision under the head 'Contingencies'. (xiii) SPORTS EQUIPMENTS: The requirement towards purchase of Sports Equipments (both for consumable and non-consumable items) may be made , as per actual need subject to the ceiling of Rs.200 / - per child per annum, for the actual strength of students, to cater the need of Vidyalayas for the development of sports during the year. (xiv) COMPUTER EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PURCHASE OF HARDWARE, ETC.): For the expansion of Computer Education Programme, the actual requirement of Vidyalayas in respect of those selected JNVs wherein the computer facility has been extended during the current financial year, may be intimated to EDP Unit of NVS Hqrs. for examination and this is not to be projected in the proposal by JNVs/ROs. EDP Unit of NVS Hqrs. shall consolidate the region wise requirement on actual need basis and intimate the same to Finance Division for necessary allocation at R.E 2021-22 and B.E 2022-23. xv) SETTING UP OF RESOURCE ROOM IN JNVS: For the development of Resource Room in existing functional JNVs till 31.3.2021, the provision @ Rs.5,000 /- per JNV has been kept towards procurement of resource material by concerned JNVs during the current financial year. 0 (xvi) CENTRAL PROVISION AT REGIONAL OFFICE LEVEL: The Regional Office should project the requirement as per actual need of the Region , for R.E 2021-22 and B.E 2022-23, in respect of the following heads:a) Conduct of Cluster, Regional and National level Sports and Cultural Meets; -To be re allocated / Main A/ c b) Recruitment; -To be re allocated to R.O. Hqrs. A/c c) Training Courses; -To be re allocated to R.O. Hqrs. A/c d) Admission Test; - To be re allocated / Main A/ c e) Art & Cultural Workshops -To be further re allocated f) Special M&R Works of Vidyalaya's Buildings- To be further re allocated Besides, the requirement in respect of the head 'Vocationalisation' may also be projected on the basis of budget allocation/ funds provided by NVS Hqrs. from the Central Provision with reference to B.E. 2021-22. (xvii) TRAINING CENTRES {NLis): The requirement in respect of Training Centres may be worked out by the Director /lncharge, Navodaya Leadership Institute, in accordance with the guidelines/instructions issued from time to time by the Training Wing of Hqrs.' Office and also w.r.t the budget allocation fixed at B.E 2021-22 stage. The head-wise projections/required information for the year 2021-22 and 2022-23 may be submitted to the Training Wing of NVS Hqrs. directly in the prescribed proforrnae, as per Annexure-1 to III at the latest by 12.10.2021 positively, for examination and recommendation of suitable provisions as per their actual need. A copy thereof may also be endorsed to Finance Wing of NVS Hqrs. for further necessary action in this regard. 5. During the year 2020-21, there remained a substantial amount of savings/ excess expenditure under certain heads in respect of all the Regional Offices. This can be avoided by taking necessary remedial measures at Regional Office level. Therefore, it is the personal responsibility of the Deputy Commissioner NLI /Incharge (NLI)/ Deputy Commissioner of the Region to ensure that the projections for R.E 2021-22 and B.E 2022-23 are furnished strictly on realistic basis by each unit & in respect of each head, as applicable. The Regional Office should scrutinize the projections of each Vidyalaya with reference to the student's strength, staff in position, various items of stock and flow of expenditure upto September, 2021 and finalize the requirement of the Region as a whole under each head. The statement of projections made by the Regional Offices for their own office under each head should also be attached separately with the consolidated projections for R.E 2021-22 and B.E 2022-23. Further, the Regional Office should also watch the flow of expenditure and monitor the budget control of each unit under its jurisdiction so as to keep a constant watch on abnormal expenditure or savings and also to take suitable remedial action thereon well in time. 6. The processing of budget proposals in the Regional Office and at NVS Hqrs. for consideration and seeking approval of the Ministry would actually depend upon the timely submission of estimates by Vidyalayas, NLis and Regional Offices. The Regional Office should invariably check the projections under all the heads of each ~½d -=-. unit with reference to statistical data furnished by the Vidyalayas functioning under its administrative control. A consolidated proposal for the Region as a whole should be worked out and furnished in the prescribed proformae as per Annexures-I to III, to reach at NVS Hqrs. by the 12th Oct., 2021 positively. 7. The additionality/savings under the sub-heads-(c),(d) & (e) of CCA should also be taken up simultaneously with the Head of concerned wing of NVS Hqrs. 8. In case the above proposals are not received by the prescribed due date, the allocation at RE 2021-22 will be finalized on at this office level. Any requirement for additional allocation over and above the allocation fixed at B.E. 2021-22 stage, in future date, will not be entertained by NVS Hqrs in respect of Vidyalayas/Regional Offices/NLis. 9. While projecting the requirement in the prescribed Annexure-1 & II, the required information as per Annexure-111 should also be consolidated and furnished alongwith the proposal. The Unit (JNV wise) / Head wise compilation Sheet (MS Excel Sheet) may also be furnished as Soft Copy. 10. In addition to above the following additional details in the enclosed formats have been required by the authority invariably with RE- 2021-22 proposals. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. Details Sub head wise details of Misc. Contingencies upto September, 2021 Details of Special M&R (Building) at R.O. Level upto September, 2021 JNV wise expenditure details of Internet connection Status and expenditure details of Duel Desk provided for the year 2021-22 Status and expenditure details of Security and Housekeeping personals engaged through outsourcing for the year 2021-22 Details of procurement of goods & services through GeM for the year 2020-21 & 202122. Annexure No. Annexure - A Annexure-B Annexure - C Annexure - D Annexure - E Annexure - F The above norms/ guidelines may please be noted for strict compliance. This issue with the approval of competent authority. Yours faithfully, ~~ (K.Maheshwari)- , Encl: As above. Assistant Commissioner (Finan'!J/ P.A to Commissioner, NVS - For kind "information, please. 2. GM (Constn.), NVS Hqrs., Naida - For information and with a request to furnish the requirement of funds for R.E 2021-22 and B.E 2022-23 under the head(s)-M&R and Construction of Buildings separately by 12th October, 2021. Gj 21 " Additional requirement to JNVs for M&R works of Vidyalaya's Buildings, if any, may also be submitted by the 12th October, 2021 positively for consideration of allocation (JNV wise / Project wise list in respect of Construction works and M&R (Buildings) may also be provided). 3. JC(Admn.), NVS Hqrs., Noida - For information and with a request to furnish the requirement of funds for R.E 2021-22 and B.E. 2022-23 under the concerned central provision head(s) of expenditure of their respective Wing/Section/Unit by 12th October, 2021. Additional requirement to JNVs, if any, under items concerning with your Section/Unit may also be submitted by the 12th October, 2021 positively for consideration of allocation. / 4. JC(Acad.), NVS Hqrs., Naida - For information and with a request to furnish the requirement of funds for R.E 2021-22 and B.E. 2022-23 under _ \\.:.\'1,\ the concerned central provision head(s) of expenditure of their respective ti"i>\ Wing/Section/Unit by 12th October, 2021. Additional requirement to JNVs, if any, under items concerning with your Section/Unit may also be submitted by the 12th October, 2021 positively for consideration of allocation. > ).h . ((f 5. JC(Pers.), NVS Hqrs., Noida - For information and with a request to furnish the requirement of funds for R.E 2021-22 and B.E. 2022-23 under the concerned central provision head(s) of expenditure of their respective Wing/Section/Unit by 12th October, 2021. Additional requirement to JNVs, if any, under items concerning with your Section/Unit may also be submitted by the 12th October, 2021 positively for consideration of allocation. t\' rv\ .._ · fb~10 /71 IA. -n: Vr 7. ~U.!)_ _ DC(Admn./Acad./Trg./JNY~T/Pe(~'U -f\' AC(SA/Acad.-I/Acad.Il/Aca9.• ~o ~\ _. ,/4. I .Jv;<. ~ \Y 4b Y'I l 9. 1J1. )v AC(Estt.I)/ AC(Estt.ll)/ AC(Estt.III) AC(Audit /F&S I 1) ~ ODO Hqrs.) f ~ / _(i ., V¼ , ~ ~\o :F~r similar action and [with a [request to furnish the [Requirement [of funds for RE 2021-22, BE }2022-~3 and re~uired ~forma?on }of their respective Section~Um~s fthrough the Head of the wmg, m [the prescribed proformae as per fAnnexure-1 to Ill, by the }12m Qctobec, 2021 positivelv. I ~ - Assistant Commi~~i,J } 2f10) 2/ ~~ ~ \10 \~ ~ ~ ~~\v U"U \~ ~a: ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (Estt-II Section) INTERNAL NOTE F.No. 4-14/NVS-Legal(E.ll)//os;~ b Date: l~ .12.2021 Sub:- Recruitment Drive 2021-22 in NVS for various posts via Direct and Limited Departmental Examination - reg. This has the reference to the internal note no. F.No.2-3/2021-NVS(Est.)/Pt./20342 dated 13/14.12.2021 on the cited subject vide which Legal frame work for the Recruitment Drive 2021-22 was sought for. In this context, it is submitted that the following Legal Framework could be put ir place while preparing the notification for the Recruitment Drive 2021-22 in NVS for various posts via Direct and Limited Departmental Examination with the approval of the competent authority: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -: 5. 16. 17. Preamble of the constitution Fundamental Rights & Education Right to Constitutional Remedies Directive Principles of State Policy & Education Fundamental duties Language Policy & Promotion of Hindi Services Under The Union And The States Structure, duties and powers of Tribunals including National Commissions for SCs, STs & OBCs, NHRC, Women Commission etc. Functioning of CAT, High Court, Supreme Court of India and Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Courts. Arbitration & Conciliation Rules, 1996 and amendment thereto Legal provision relating to the engagement of casual & daily wager, implementation of the welfare measures & condition of work. Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules (FR & SR), 1922. The CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 Constitutional amendments regarding Education. Preventive measures for sexual harassment of women at workplace and immoral sexual behaviour towards the student amounting to Moral Turpitude. Prevention of the offences under IT Act. 1±: Deputy Commissioner (Pers.)