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Community Resilience Training Cohort Program

AUGUST 9-11 2022
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Monthly virtual communities of practice
June 2023 Follow Up Date TBA
In cooperation with Minnesota State University Moorhead, Lakes
Country Service Cooperative will host a multi-day training program for
mental health advocates in our region. This year long cohort, funded
through a grant from a Minnesota Department of Health, focuses on
training and support on daily mental health and crisis needs.
Attendance Includes:
Topics to be Discussed:
Lunch & Refreshments
Mental Health First Aid Training
Continuing Education Credits
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
1 MSUM Graduate Credit Available
Self Care & Burnout Prevention
$2,000 stipend for non-contract
Trauma Informed Crisis Response
participants upon completion of the
Basic Helping Skills
Following the initial training workshop, this cohort
will engage in virtual monthly communities of
practice for the duration of 2022-2023 school year
To build resilience in our leaders, schools, and
communities by training at least one member from
each of Region IV's school districts.
School and community leaders engaged in
community resilience practices. Participants will
leave this training with additional capacity,
resources, and knowledge to lead their communities
effectively in times of crisis.
It is our hope that this training expands regional capacity to
respond effectively in times of need. For example, the Lakes
Country Regional Crisis Response Team is comprised of
approximately 50 members. Team members from participating
districts represent various disciplines including school
administrators, school counselors, school psychologists, social
workers, teachers, school nurses, security experts, media relations
professionals and other related areas.
When mobilized, teams act as a support system for school staff,
students, and community. The presence of the Regional Crisis
Response Team offers a great pool of resources to enhance your
response within the community.
Please visit www.lcsc.org or contact jking@lcsc.org for additional
information and registration
This training is made possible at no cost to participants by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health and
collaboration with MSUM Counseling faculty Dr. Taryn Akgul, Dr. Jessica Brown, and Dr. Aaron Suomala Folkerds