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Self-Perception Essay: Personal Growth & Psychology

Joan A. Mendigo
When a painter starts to make her piece, she must be ready for what will happen
throughout the time. A portrait's beauty is not always about its appearance but its process of
making it that beautiful and eye-pleasing. Looking back to where I was just a happy child with no
problem to think but just how I can go with my friends without my mother scolding me. Happy
days, that's what my childhood is. Many friends, crushes, a lot of time to play, no responsibilities
to think about, school responsibility is not that hard, and not knowing about fitting in because
innocence is a child's beauty. As the portrait is being made and getting people's attention,
opinions and comments are now being heard, positive and negative. As I grew up, I became
dependent on my mother to the point I couldn't start a thing without having her decide for me.
Which at some point is a good thing, but later on affects my lifestyle as an adolescent, that I
can't decide for myself without validation from someone. I began to think about other opinions to
see if I was on the right path. If someone's opinion is something negative, it really affects me. As
time goes by and as the painter matures, any comments and opinions are just what it is. The
development of the painting may take time, but it doesn't matter; that's how a masterpiece is
being made. Finally, even though the piece is not yet done, the painter is happy with her
making. Her experiences molded her into who is she as of the moment.
Like any other portrait, we tend to deep more to know what it signifies internally rather
than just looking at its external quality. I have characteristics I don't know if people around me
actually see them. I'm a people pleaser where I always wanted others to see me as someone
they could trust and rely on. The reason also Its' sometimes hard for me to say 'no' whenever
someone wants a favor. This is not always the scenario, I know when to say yes or no
depending on the situation, but usually, it's hard to refuse when someone asks for a favor. Not
all time does it bother me because sometimes I am the one who chooses to help. And this is at
least what I'm achieving, that I hope no people can say anything wrong about me. I believe that
we all have different eyes; we are all different in perceiving things based on what we see. What
others know to me that I don't actually see is still I am but only from the perspective of people
around me.
Now, seeing myself through a mirror, my portrait tells me I'm just a young adult who
struggles with acne like everybody has, back pain all day, full-time student, the first child who
has the responsibility right after graduating to support the family, like to try new hobbies, likes to
sing, and one who tries to be calm all the time but really emotional in real life. Simple, if you may
say, just a typical 20-year-old that always stays at home but, looking deep into it, I am delighted
of who I was today. Though changes are always timely, limiting myself to grow would be the
most minor thing I will do. I always choose the path I know will make me grow. I am content with
something I am experiencing but open to things that will improve myself physically, mentally,
and spiritually. I am the painter of my portrait, so it's me who made me I am today. I am the
masterpiece of myself.