PYTHON practice RANDOMLY SELECT A CARD import random def pick_a_card(): card_suit=['diamond','spaces','heart','clubs'] card_rank=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'] print(card_suit) print(card_rank) random_suit=random.choice(card_suit) random_rank=random.choice(card_rank) print(random_suit) print(random_rank) pick_a_card() RANDOMLY SELECT A NUMBER import random def pick_a_number(): random_selection=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23 ','24','25','26','27','28','29','30', '31', '32', '33'] random_rank=random.choice(random_selection) print(random_rank) pick_a_number() Randomly select a group 1 and randomly select a group 2 import random def pick_a_card(): GROUP_ONE=['group_a','group_b','group_c','group_d'] GROUP_TWO=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'] random_group_one=random.choice(GROUP_ONE) random_group_two=random.choice(GROUP_TWO) print(random_group_one) print(random_group_two) pick_a_card() Console: output from the code Command: print(‘enter something’) Variable: Name for stored value in our code. my_var = 7 Integer: whole numbers, and strings are text. Strings are written with as following Strings are text written with quotes my_int = 14 my_str = “fifteen” Variable cannot: Containt spaces Start with a number Contain any symbols Variable can: Capital letters Lower case letters Digits (cannot start with digits) Imderscores Python lists: A list can contain multiple values. List are denoted by square brackets, and values are separated by commas within them as below. Spaces are not necessary but are helpful for readability. [5,”orange”,”home”,97] List can also be assigned to variables: my_story= "I am a undergraduate student who is seen as an international student. However, I am not an international student and have been in the USA since I was 10." Color=[‘orange’,’pink’,’red’] Numbers=[89,10,1000] Python printing: will display something in the console status= 'stateless individuals and daca recipients' print(fav_animal) You can use a special string called an f-string to make formatted text that includes variables by wrapping the variables with curly brackets. print(f'my love for {status} is the following story: {my_story}') Python Libraries: a library is an extension for python that gives quick access to functions and codes for specific tasks. important random (this is a library called random) my_color="orange" my_story= "I am a undergraduate student who is seen as an international student. However, I am not an international student and have been in the USA since I was 10." my_state="minnesota" my_int=5 [3, 'no', 'yellow'] colors=['green','red','blue','orange'] my_list= [3, 'no', 'yellow', 10] Numbers=[89,10,1000] print('does this work?') fav_animal= 'stingray' print(fav_animal) status= 'stateless individuals and daca recipients' print(my_color) print(my_story) card_list=["diamonds", "heart", "clubs", "spaces"] print(my_list) print(f'my love for {fav_animal} is the following story: {my_story}') print(f'my love for {status} is the following story: {my_story}') import random random_color=random.choice(colors) print(random.choice(colors)) print(random_color) random_suit=random.choice(card_list) print(random_suit) print(f'we will use the random colors here: {random_color}, the color that was just labeled was generated by the code using python') def pick_a_color(): colors=['green','red','blue','orange'] random_color=random.choice(colors) print(f'we will use the random colors here: {random_color}, the color that was just labeled was generated by the code using python') pick_a_color() import random card_suit=['diamond','spaces','heart','clubs'] card_rank=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'] print(card_suit) print(card_rank) random_suit=random.choice(card_suit) random_rank=random.choice(card_rank) print(random_suit) print(random_rank) RANDOMLY SELECT A CARD import random def pick_a_card(): card_suit=['diamond','spaces','heart','clubs'] card_rank=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'] print(card_suit) print(card_rank) random_suit=random.choice(card_suit) random_rank=random.choice(card_rank) print(random_suit) print(random_rank) pick_a_card() RANDOMLY SELECT A NUMBER import random def pick_a_number(): random_selection=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23 ','24','25','26','27','28','29','30', '31', '32', '33'] random_rank=random.choice(random_selection) print(random_rank) pick_a_number()