Gram (+) cocci กลุม Catalase-positive (2H202 -> 2H2o + O2 <Gas> ) Lec3 - Staphylococci Genus: Staphylococcus Grape-like cluster, Non-fastidious, Facultative anaerobe, Skin Normal flora • Coagulase-positive 1. Staphylococcus aureus * - Pathogenic Normal flora: skin 💊 Novobiocin susceptible Highlight Lab: - Coagulase positive - Protein A - Ferments mannitol - MRSA: world-wide problem - β- hemolysin -> ใชเปน control CAMP test: แยก GAS, GBS • Virulence factors • 1. Protein A: จับกับ Fc IgG ปองกัน Antiphagocytic effect 2. Fibronectin-binding protein: จับกับ Fibronectin ของ cell 3. Cytolytic exotoxin: Membrane-damaging toxin 4. Enzyme: Coagulase ➟ fibrin formation I) Free coagulase: จับ prothrombin II) Bound coagulase (Clumping factor): ยึดตัวมันกับ fibrin 5. Superantigen exotoxin: CTK ↑ ↑ 6. Exfoliatin ➟ Scalded skin syndrome 7. TSST-1: toxic shock syndrome toxin = Superantigen • Treatment: - 💊 Drug of choice(IV): Cloxacillin?, Vancomycin(MRSA) - Oral therapy: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxaxole - Empirical therapy (ครอบคลุม ): MRSA strains • Disease (Not invasive) ➟ Stapylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome(STSS) 8. Enterotoxins ➟ Scalded skin syndrome ** 15 enterotoxins(A-E, D-P) ≈ TSST-1 = Superantigen • Epidermiology: ผูหญิงมีรอบเดือน - Skin& Mucosal surface - Survive on dry surface - Person to person spread: Contact, Exposure - Risk factors: foreign body, surgical procedure Use of antibiotics ** Infants, Young children w/ Poor hygiene, Shunts, Viral respi infect, Compromise pulmonary function Antibiotic resistance: Penicillin resistance: β-Lactamase, Plasmid Methicillin resistance: SCCmec area, mecA (สราง low aff PBP2a) ➟ PBP2a low affinity for all β-Lactam(ยา) Vancomycin resistance: vanA สราง D-ala -D-lac dipeptide ➟ reduce vancomycin affinity ➟ Toxin-mediated disease: food-poisoning, TSS, Scalded skin ➟ Pyogenic diseases: imedigo แผลพุพอง, Folliculitis รูขุมขนอักเสบ, Furuncle ฝหนอง, Carbuncles ฝฝกบัว ➟ Systemic disease *Un common except Shunt: เจาะคอ • Diagnosis - Microscopy - Cell culture: Non selective media(Plain agar) • Coagulase-negative: มี Slime layer = virulence factor: จับ+ปองกัน ➳ Identification: 2. Staphylococcus epidermidis Novobiocin resistance Coagulase Manitol fermentation - Non pathogenic = No virulent factors - Normal flora: nose& skin - Opportunistic infection - Poly saccharide slime - implanted Medical device - Confirmed: Drawing blood 2 side ! - 💊 Novobiocin susceptible 3. Staphylococcus saprophyticus - pathogenic: UTI in 95% female • Disease: Sub-acute endocarditis, Infection nd ( 2 จาก E.coli) - Normal human flora: skin, mucosal - Virulence factor = urease, adhesin - Most infections= Patient own organism - 💊 Novobiocin resistance !!!!! • Treatment: 💊 Drug of choice(IV): oxacillin, Vancomycin(oxacillinresistance) รักษาทันที: Endocarditis, Shut infection Toxic Shock Syndrome(STSS): Stap vs Strep Strep: Invasive -> Meningitis, Pharyngitis, Wound infection Gram (+) cocci กลุม Catalase-negative (2H202 --X--> 2H2o + O2 <Gas>) Lec4: Streptococci & Enterococci In chain transparent colony, Fastidious, Facultative anaerobes, Hemolysis on BA, Skin Normal flora • β- hemolytic (complete) แบงตาม Lanfield group (A-G) 1. GAS: Streptococcus pyogenes - 💊 Bacitracin sensitive - Normal flora: skin oropharynx - CAMP test negative (---- w/ S.aureus) - Optochin bile resistance • Virulence factors: 1. Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins (Spe. A B C F): Some= super AG -> TSS 2. Streptolysins: pore forming toxin 3. M protein: cross reactive Ig, ยอย C3B 4. Streptokinase 5. Capsule (Hyaluronic acid) • Diseases: sup/non-suppurative 1. Suppurative streptococcal disease ➟ Pharyngitis (strep/sore throat), Scarlet fever ไขอีดําอีแดง ➟ Skin infection: cellulitis, impetigo แผลพุพอง, Erysipelas ไฟลามทุง ➟ Necrotizing fasciitis (Flesh-eating disease/ Gangrene) 99%fetal ➟ STSS. ➟ Pneumonia, Meningitis. ➟ Septicaemia +3,4. GCS, GGS: Streptococcus disgalatiae : skin infection, tonsillitis, sepsis + 5. GDS 2. GBS: Streptococcus agalatiae - Maternal intrapartum - Normal flora: Urogenital GI URT - CAMP test positive (--> w/ S.aureus) - Bacitracin resistance - Optochin bile resistance • Virulence factors: β hemolysin, capsule • Diseases: 1. Neonatal disease: Bacteremia, Sepsis. Pneumonia, Meningitis 2. Infect pregnant woman +postpartum : UTI 3. Adult/Old age: Skin & Soft skin infection 2. Non-suppurative streptococcal disease (2wk throat/ Scarlet fever/ impetigo) ➟ Rheumatic fever & heart disease (Rheumatogenic strain) - เกิดจาก Cross react Anti-M protein, Persistent Ig - Polyarthritis, Sydenham”s Chorea(Vitus dance), Nodules, Skin rash, ➟ Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (Nephritogenic strain) - เกิดจาก Cross react with glomeruli • α- hemolytic (partial) • Virulence factors: Pneumolysin: pore forming toxin , Capsule, IgA protease • Diseases ➟ Purulent otitis media 3. Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) - gram (+) diplococci (pair lancet shape) - mucoid colony - Pathogenic @Nasopharynx - Bacitracin resistance - 💊 Optochin bile sensitive, bile Soluble • Viridans Group (heterogenous α, γ, rare β hemolysis) - Bacitracin resistance - Optochin bile resistance 5.1 group viridian Strep (50% of case) ➟ Subacute bacterial endocarditis ** 5.2 subgroup Mutans ➟ Dental caries - mouth 5.3 subgroup Anginosus ➟ Wound infection - upR/GI/GU/Skin Vaccine: Pneumonia conjugated vaccine • Antibiotic resistance: Penicillin, Amoxicillin, 3CG (ceftriaxone) • Disease: Meningitis +/- Hear lost Sepsis. STSS 2nd รอง H. influenzae ➟ Sinusitis: 2nd รอง H. influenzae ➟ Lobar Pneumonia: common เด็ก<2y, คนแก + Bronchopneumonia (Very uncommon) ➟ Meningitis: common ผูใหญ 4. Streptococcus suis - tonsil and URT of pig • • Virulence factors: Suilysin: pore forming toxin, capsule • Enterococcus: (α, γ, β) ➳ Enterococcus vs GDS: - GPC in pair, short chain - intestine - Optochin bile & 6.5% NaCl resistance - virulence factors: biofilm, hemolysin 6.1 Enterocoocus faecalis • Disease: UTI, Peritonitis, Carditis , Meningitis 6.2 Enterocoocus faecium • VRE: Vancomycin Resistance Enterococci (พบมาก) -> D-ala D-lac ➳ Sensitive test (Bacitracin & Optochin) : Gram (+) Bacilli กลุม Aerobe & Facultative anaerobes ✅ O2 Lec6: Aerobic Gram-positive bacilli • กลุม Bacillus: Endospore/ Aerobes: Spore forming, Heat resistance, large, Motile except B. antracis 1. Bacillus antracis - non-motile - capsule: poly-D-glutamic acid สรางจาก Plasmid gene - Central oval shape spore - Non-fastidious: BA (non hemolytic), Nutrient agar - Human infection: จับ กิน สูด 2. Bacillus cereus - motile - Hemolysis on BA - toxin-mediated food poisoning (2 form: pre= heat & acid stable, Secrete= heat labile) **Resistance to penicillin & cephalosporins • Virulence factors: 1. Capsule: g-D-glutamic acid 2. Complex protein toxins: heat-labile exotoxin - PA: Protective antigen: จับ Receptor ตัด, เปนทางเขาของ toxin (Heptamer) - LF: Lethal factor: zinc-dependent protease, cleaves ↓ MAPK -> death - EF: Edema factor: calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase, ↑cAMP -> Edema • Clinical manifestations (2 form): 1. Emetic form: Heat stable ≈ Stap toxin - incubation period < 6hr - fired rice - severe vomiting • treatment: Self-limiting=rehydration • Clinical manifestations: 1. Cutaneous anthrax (20% mortality): Hide porter’s disease ตุมนํ้ามีเลือด, blackened necrotic eschar, ไมไข&เจ็บ, ขยายตัว 2. Pulmonary anthrax (95% mortality): Hemorrhagic necrosis 3. GI anthrax (95% mortality): fever, toxemia, massive bloody diarrhea Diagnosis: Specimen - Aspiration • n, swab, blood culture, Sputum Lab - Gram stain, Culture ➟ Medusa head, Finger-like edge & beaten egg whites, Dry ground glass surface • Control & treatment: 💊 Drug of choice: Ciprofloxacin, penicillin Vaccine: live attenuated spores (Stern vaccine: X plasmid) Permanent live long Immunity 2. Diarrheal form: Heat labile ≈ Cholera toxin - incubation period > 6hr - Meat, veggie, pasta saurce - severe vomiting • กลุม Corynebacterium: Non-endospore/ regular shape: Palisade, Chinese letter, Pleomorphic, stain unevenly, catalase + mycolic acid 3.1 Corynebacterium diphtheriae • Virulence factors: • Pathogenesis: Lecture pathology • Disease: 1. Respiratory diphtheria: Incubate 2-5 days Sudden onset: Bull neck, Sore throat, Darkgrey pesudomembrane + Complication: Respi obstruction, Myocarditis, Neuro sign 2. Cutaneous diphtheria: Skin contact, Non-toxin-medaited, Necrosis ulcer 1. Diptheria toxin: lysogenic bacteriophage 2. Specific Corynephages: tox+ phages - Club-shape Tox <–> (Avirlulence) -> Tox + (Virulent) - Skin Normal flora - Methylene blue: Metachromatic granules 3. Exotoxin: ➟ local (Necrosis) & Systemic (Volutin granules) สะสม polyphosphate: ATP - fragment A: Inactivate Elongation factor-2 • Diagnosis: - fastidious: , inhibit protein synthesis - Specimen: Throat swab, portion of Membrane Enriched media=BA, Loeffler’s serum media - fragment B: bind membrane receptor Selective media= K tellurite agar(grey->Black) - Lab: Gram stain, Gold standard! : Elek test, PCR-tox gene @heart, nerve cell = CTBA (Cysteine Tellurite BA) -X->gram(-), NF • Treatment & Control: Antitoxin, penicillin Contacts : toxoid • Epidemiology: Age 2-5 yrs., Asymptomatic vaccine (inactivated toxoid), erythromycin carrier, Droplets, Incubate 2-5 days DTP: คอตีบ ไอกรน บาดทะยัก ( DT, DTaP, DTwP, Tdap(3), Td(2)) 3.2 Diphtheroid: - gram positive/ palisade / Chinese letter C.haemolyticum Should know: Rhodococcus equi - Facultative intracellular bac - shape varies, Gram (+) - Facultative intracellular organism - Opportunistic pathogen - DT, DTaP, DTwP: เด็ก < 6 yrs. Tdap(3), Td(2): ผูใหญ > 6 yrs. • - Diagnosis: Colorless to pale pink colonies CAMP-test positive ≈GBS Some = Acid-fast • Drugs: Antibiotic that penetrate intracellularly - Normal flora, cause disease in immunocompromise: C.ulcerans, Epidemiology: In forest, Dry & Dusty soil, Animal, Wild animal, Bloodsucking insect • Disease: Common ➟ Pneumonia • Transmission: Inhalation, Inoculation, Exposure to domestic animal • กลุม Listeria & กลุม Erysipelothrix: Non-endospore/ irregular shape : Listeriosis, gram (+) short rods, Tumbling movement กลิ้งที่ 20-25oc, : CAMP-test positive : Common food-borne: L. monocytogenes 4. Listeria monocytogenes - Facultative intracellular bac - food-borne pathogen - primary reservoir = soil, water, ลําไสสัตว - Facultative intracellular pathogen - Transmission: Ingestion, Direct contact - grow in refrigeration * -> Trumpling motility + Should know: Gardnerella vaginalis - Gram-variable rod - Gram (+) cell wall 5. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae - Farm animal *Tonsil of PIG - Small, slender, Gram (+) rod - Microaerophilic, Partial/non hemolysis • Virulence factors: 1. Hemolysin: Listeriolysin O -> lyse phagolytic vacuole 2. ActA protein: สราง flagella จาก actin -> Actin-based motility 3. Lipolytic soluble antigen: phospholipase C enzyme (spreading) -> ทะลุผนัง2ชั้น (2 layers) • - Disease: Listeriosis Mild symptom: Flu-like Septicemia & meningitis Risk: คนทอง ทารก เด็ก คนแก ภูมิตํ่า DM, ใชSteroid, โรคไต • - Disease: Bacterial vaginosis Association with Aerobes & Non-aerobes Lactobacillus Dysbiosis • Occupational hazard: Erysipeloid (Finger edema) Risk: Fish handle, veterinarian, Gardener • Pathogenesis: IP-4 days, Erypesoid: นิ้วบวม • Clinical manifestations: 1. Pregnancy- associated Listeriosis: Abortion, Still birth, Transplacental spread, Intrauterine infection 2. Neonatal Listeriosis: Early onset-> sepsis, respiratory distress, skin lesion (Severe = Granulomatosis infantiseptica) Late onset-> 2-3wks, meningitis • - Diagnosis: Meningitis: CSF-> low number of bacteria (Almost no organism) CAMP test positive Catalase positive Culture: Cold enrichment process, Liquid media -> Tumbling motility Semi solid media -> Umbrella growth • Treatment & Control: 💊💊 Bivalent drug • - Diagnosis: White & grey vaginal discharge Clue cells: เยือ้ ขาวหุม Whiff test: 10%KOH, “Fishy odor 90%++” - 💊 Drug of choice: Metronidazole, คู นอนไมตองรักษา • • Identification: Catalase negative, non-motile Culture: BA -> pinpoint colony, alpha/non-hemolysis Triple sugar iron (TSI) agar: H2S producer (Black Dark) 💊 Drug of choice: Penicillin, Clindamycin