OKUMA LİSTESİ / READING LIST Kişisel Gelişim/ Self -Development 1. Tanrılar Okulu (The School for Gods) / Stefano Elli D’anna 2. No Boundary / Ken Wilber 3. İnsanın Anlam Arayışı (Man’s Search for Meaning)/ Victor E. Frankl 4. Olmak İstediğim İnsan (How Will You Measure Your Life?) / Clayton Christensen, James Allworth, Karen Dillon 5. Alışkanlıkların Gücü (The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business) / Charles Duhigg 6. Işığı Arayanların Karanlık Yanı (The Dark Side of the Light Chasers) / Debbie Ford 7. Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism Into a Creative Asset / Hal Stone, Sidra Stone 8. Beden Asla Yalan Söylemez, Üzerini Örttüğümüz Her Şeyin Altında Kalırız / Alice Miller 9. Sevginin Kökleri, Bize engel olan bağları anlayıp özgürlüğün yoluna ulaşmak (The Roots of Love) / Svagito R. Liebermeister 10. Şimdinin Gücü (The Power of Now) / Eckhart Tolle 11. Olanı Sevmek, Yaşamınızı Değiştirecek 4 Soru (Loving What Is) / Byron Katie 12. Kişi Olmaya Dair, Gerçekten de Olduğun Kişi Olmak, Bir İlişkiyi ve Bir Hayatı Kurtarabilir (On Becoming a Person) / Carl R. Rogers 13. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)/ Don Miguel Ruiz 14. Ölmeden Önce En Çok Pişman Olduğumuz 5 Şey (Top Five Regrets of the Dying)/ Bronnie Ware 15. Vücudunuz Hayır Diyorsa – Duygusal Stresin Bedelleri / Gabor Mate 16. Zor Kişiliklerle Yaşamak / François Lelord, Christophe André 17. Ben OK’im, Sen OK’sin / Thomas A. Harris 18. Hayatı Yeniden Keşfedin / Jeffrey E. Young, Janet S. Klosko 19. Kurtlarla Koşan Kadınlar / Clarissa P. Estes 20. The Hero’s Journey / Joseph Campbell 21. Kahramanın Sonsuz Yolculuğu / Joseph Campbell 22. The Heroine’s Journey / Maureen Murdock Koçluk/ Coaching 1. Co-Active Coaching: The proven framework for transformative conversations at work and in life / Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, Laura Whitworth 2. Fertile Void: Gestalt Coaching at Work / John Leary-Joyce 3. Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their Challenges / Mary Beth A. O' Neill 4. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life / Marilee G. Adams PhD 5. Cesur Sorular / Dost Can Deniz 6. Koçluk Araçları / Ahmet Umut Tarakçı 7. Koçluk Hakkında Her Şey- Koçluk Mentorluk ve Liderlik için Kullanılabilecek 20 Beceri ve 35 Teknik / Demet Uyar Liderlik Gelişimi / Leadership Development 1. Kendini Aldatma Kafesinden Kurtulun (Leadership and Self-deception: Getting Out of the Box) / The Arbinger Institute 2. Barışın Anatomisi (The Anatomy of Peace) / The Arbinger Institute 3. Synchronicity - The Inner Path of Leadership / Joe Jaworski 4. Leadership Agility / Bill Joiner, Stephen Josephs 5. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful / Marshall Goldsmith 6. Servant Leadership / Robert Greenleaf 7. The Inner Game of Work / Timothy Gallwey 8. Primal Leadership, Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence / Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee 9. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us / Daniel Pink 10. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future / Daniel Pink 11. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization / Peter Senge 12. The Leadership Code – Five Rules to Lead By / Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood, Kate Sweetman 13. Poke the Box / Seth Godin