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Egyptian Mineral Resource Bibliography (1900-2009)

(1900 – 2009)
- Publications marked (*) are now out of print, photocopies
are available on request.
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We wish to express our gratitude to the following names ,
which shared in preparing this bibliography.
Mrs. Salwa Abdel Moneim El-Hadad
Mr. Makram Rafla Faris
Mrs. Mervat Mohamed Abu-Bakr
Mrs. Laila Tawfic Kamel
Mrs. Hind Aly Salem.
Mrs. Hoda Ibrahim Saleh
and all colleagues who contributed in this work.
Director General
Information , Documentation
and Decision Support Center
The Egyptian Geological Survey was established on the
eighth of March 1896 , since that time , its activities covered
geological surveying , mineral exploration and evaluation ,
geophysical exploration , laboratory studies and mining
The Geological Survey upgraded its library into a
complete and modern up-to-date Information Center.
The center was supplied with computers , audio visual
aids , microfilm equipment and connected with databases
and information network local and abroad.
At present , the center compiles all data concerning the
earth sciences in Egypt , published anywhere subject it to
analysis and filing.
These service are made available to researchers and
specialists from the Survey and other scientific institutions.
The center hosts a library , known to be the first
specialized geoscience library in Egypt.
It contains more than 85,000 textbooks , journals and
periodicals , in addition to a special section for the geology
of Egypt.
The center exchanges publications with more than 225
international and local universities , institutes and surveys ,
beside 108 university staff members.
EGSMA published several types of maps ; geological , tectonic ,
metallogenic and other maps on different scales , in addition to
reports , papers , annals , information packages and memories.
All other unpublished original documents and reports are
deposited in the documentation section. They are available
for consultation as originals and on microfilm for the easy
and safe handling of the documents.
It is for the first time for the Geological Survey of Egypt
has to publish a computerized bibliography of its
publications which includes nearly 685 titles and covers the
period from 1900 to 1996.
This bibliography consists of two parts:
The first part includes titles of publication , and the second
part contains indexes classified by authors , localities and
With these and forth-coming publications the Geological
Survey of Egypt affirms its role of being
in the service of geoscience community both in Egypt and
Finally , I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to
everybody , who contributed in preparing this bibliography.
The Chairman
I - Reports.
II - Special Publications
III – AnnalsVol.I
IV - Information Packages
V - Monographs
VI - Bibliographies
VII – Maps
1 - Ball , J.
Kharga Oasis , its topography & geology.
116 p. , 19 pl. , 16 text-figs. , 1900
2 - Geol. Surv. Egypt
Report on the phosphate deposits of Egypt.
27 p. , 1900
3 - Beadnell , H.J.L.
Farafra Oasis , its topography & geology.
39 p. , 8 pl. , 7 text-figs. , 1901
4 - Beadnell , H.J.L.
Dakhla Oasis , its topography & geology.
107 p. , 9 pl. , 1901
5 - Beadnell , H.J.L.
The Cretaceous region of Abu Roash , near the Pyramids of
48 p. , 13 pl. , 1902
6 - Beadnell , H.J.L.
A preliminary note on Arsinoitherium Zitteli (beadn.) from the
Upper Eocene strata of Egypt. 4 p. , 5 pl. , 1902
7 - Lucas , A.
Disintegration and preservation of building stones in Egypt.
17 p. , 1915
8 - Barron , T. and Hume , W.F.
Topography & geology of the Eastern Desert of Egypt
(central portion).
331 p. , 40 pl. , 1902
9 - Ball , J.
On the topographical & geological results of reconnaissance
survey of Gebel Garra and the Oasis of Kurkur.
40 p. , 7 pl. , 1902
10-Andrews , C.W. and Beadnell , H.J.L.
Preliminary notes on some new Mammals from the Upper
Eocene of the Fayoum , Egypt.
9 p. , 4 text-figs. , 1902
11-Lucas , A.
Preliminary investigation of the soil and water of the Fayoum
26 p. , 1902
12-Ball , J. and Beadnell , H.J.L
Baharia Oasis , its topography & geology.
84 p. , 8 pl. , 2 text-figs. , 1903
13-Andrews , C.W. and Beadnell , H.J.L.
A preliminary notice of a land Tortoise from the Upper
Eocene of
Fayoum , Egypt.
ll p. , 4 figs. , 1903
14-Lucas , A.
A report on the soil & water of the Wadi Tumilat lands under
26 p. , 1903
15-Lucas , A.
The blackened rocks of the Nile Cataracts and of the Egyptian
58 p. , 1905
16-Hume , W.F.
Catalogue of the Geological Museum , Cairo.
37 p. , 1905
17-Beadnell , H.J.L.
The topography & geology of the Fayoum Province of Egypt.
101 p. , 24 pl. , 10 text-figs. , 1905
18-Hume , W.F.
The topography & geology of South Eastern Sinai.
280 p. , 23 pl. , 1906
19-Andrews , C.W.
Descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the
Fayoum area , Egypt.
324 p. , 26 pl. , 98 text-figs. , 1906
20-Ball , J.
A description of the First Aswan Cataract of the Nile.
121 p. , 13 pl. , 20 text-figs. , 1907
21-Barron , T.
The topography and geology of the district between Cairo and
133 p. , 16 pl. , l map. , l907
22-Barron , T.
The topography and geology of Western Sinai.
241 p. , 10 pl. , 1907
23-Ferrar , H.T.
Preliminary note on the subsoil water in Lower Egypt.
16 p. , 1910
24-Hume , F.
The principles and objects of geology , with special reference
to the geology of Egypt.
25 p. , 4 text-figs. , 1911
25-Hume , W.F.
Explanatory notes to accompany the geological map of Egypt.
49 p. , 2 pl. , 1912
26-Ball , J.
The geography and geology of South Eastern Egypt.
394 p. , 28 pl. , 26 text-figs. , 1912
27-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossiles de l’Egypte , representes
dans les collections du Musee de Geologie au Caire , series 1
, Terrains Tertiaires Echindes.
93 p. , 4 pl. , 1913
28-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossiles de l’Egypt , representes
dans les collections du Musee de Geologie au Caire , series 2
, Terrains Cretaces 1 er partie , Enchinodermes.
109 p. , 8 pl. , 12 p. , 1914
29-Lucas , A.
Disintegration and preservation of building stones in Egypt.
19 p. , 1915
30-Hume , W.F.
Report on the Oilfields region of Egypt with a geological map
of the region.
103 p. , 23 pl. , 9 text-figs. , 1916
31-Ball , J.
The geography and geology of West Central Sinai.
218 p. , 24 pl. , 54 text-figs. , 1916
32-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossile de l’Egypte representes
dans les collections du Musee de Geologie au Caire , 2 me
partie , Mollusques Lamellibranches.
109 p. , 7 pl. , 1917
33-Beeby Thomson , A. and Ball , J.
Report on the Daga Shabell Oilfield , British
34-Fourtau , R.
Contribution & l’etude des vertebres Miocenes de l’Egypt.
122 p. , 3pl. , 68 figs. , 1920
35-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossiles de l’Egypt representes
dans les collections du Musee de Geologie au Caire , series
4 , Terrains Tertiaires 2 me partie , Echinodermes Neogenes.
100 p. , 12 pl. , 1920
36-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossiles de L ‘Egypte. representes
dans les collections de Musee de Geologie au Caire , serie 5 ,
Terrains Cretaces 3 me partie , Echinodermes ,
101 p. , 11 pl. , 1921
37-Hume , W.F.
The soils and water supply of the Maryut district , west
52 p. , 13 pl. ,
38-Moon , F. W.
Preliminary geological report on Saint John’s Island , Red
41 p. , 12 pl. , map. , 1923
39-Fourtau , R.
Catalogue des invertebres fossiles de L’ Egypte representes
dans les collections Du’ Musee de Geologie au Caire , series
6 , terrains , Jurassiques’ 1 er partie , Echinodermes.
39 p. , 5 pl. , 1924
40-Hume , W. F.
Geology of Egypt , vol.1 , the surface feaures of Egypt: their
determining causes and relation to geological structure.
808 p. , 139 pl. , 13 text-figs., 1925
41-Little , O.H.
The geography and geology of Makalla , South
250 p. , 35 pl. , maps. , 1925
42-Hume , W.F.
The phosphate deposits in Egypt.
20 p. , 7 pl. , 4 photos. , 1927
43-Little , O.H.
Report on an investigation of the water supply of Kharga and
Dakhla Oases.
3o p. , 1930
44-Little , O.H.
Report of the Fifteenth Session of the International Geological
Congress , Pretoria , 1929.
54 p. , 1930
45-Macfadyen , W.A.
Miocene Foraminifera from the Clysmic area of
and Sinai, with an account of the stratigraphy and correlation
of the local Miocene successions.
149 p. , 4 pl. , 2 maps , 2 text-figs. , 1930
25 $.
46-Hume , W.F. and Little , O.H.
Views of typical desert scenery in Egypt.
14 p. , 34 pl. , 1931
47-Little , O.H.
Report on the water supply of Kharga and Dakhla Oases.
30 p. , (in Arabic) , 1932
48-Little , O.H.
Egyptian minerals rocks and fossils in collection of H.R.H.
Prince Farouk.
82 p. , 1933
49-Hume , W.F.
Geology of Egypt , vol. 2 , part 1 ,The fundamental
Precambrian rocks of Egypt and
Sudan , their distribution , age and character the
metamorphic rocks.
300 p. , 124 index p. , 98 pl. , 2 text-figs. , 1934
50-Hume , W.F.
Geology of Egypt , vol 2 , part 2 , the later plutonic and
intrusive rocks, with a special chapter dealing with dynamical
geology and the age of the Pre-Cambrian rocks in Egypt.
pp. 301 - 688 , 107 index p. , 97-158, pl. , 1935
200 $.
51-Seward , A.C.
Leaves of Dicotyledons from the Nubian
Sandstones of
21 p. , 3 pl. , 7 text-figs. , 1935
52-Hume , W.F.
Geology of Egypt , vol. 2 , part 3 , the minerals of economic
value associated with the intrusive Pre-cambrian igneous
p. 689 - 990 , 75 index , p. , pl. 159-196 , 1937
53-Attia , M.I.
Note on the underground water in Egypt.
24 p. , 9 text-figs. , 1942
54-Ibrahim , M.M.
Report on Barramia district.
36 p. (English) &. 41 p. (Arabic) ,1942
55-Little , O.H. and Attia , M.I.
A report on some studies of underground water flow and
subsoil pollution.
62 p., 5 text-figs. , 1942
56-Little , O.H. and Attia , M.I.
The deep bores in Kharga and Dakhla Oases and their
effects on the future of the Oases.
61 p. , 4 pl. , 2 figs. , 8 tbs. , 1942
57-Ibrahim , M.M.
Preliminary report on the work of the geological expedition to
Barramia area in 1943.
39 p. (in arabic) , 12 text-figs. , 1943.
58-Little , O.H. and Attia , M.I.
The development of Aswan district with notes of the minerals
of South Eastern Egypt.
107 p. , 2 pl. , 1 map , 5 text-figs. , 1943
‫ جيولوجى محمد سميح عافيه‬- 95
. ‫التعدين فى روديسيا وجنوب أفريقيا‬
6591 ، . ‫ شكل‬84 ، ‫ صورة‬99 ، ‫ ص‬59
60-Hume , W.F.
Terrestrial theories , a digest of various views as to the origin
and development of the earth and their bearing on the
geology of Egypt.
522p. , 160 index p. , l map , 4 figs. , 1948.
61-Attia , M.I.
The geology of iron ore deposits of Egypt.
34 p. , map , 4 text-figs. , 1950.
62-Amin , M.S. ; Mansour , M.S. ; Kabesh , M.L.A. and Al-Far,
Geology of the Naba district.
51p. , 5p (in Arabic) , 1952.
63-Amin , M.S. ; Sabet , A.H. and Mansour , A.O.S.
Geology of Atud district.
79 p. , 4 p. (in Arabic) , 18 pl. , 4 text-figs. , 1953.
64-Sadek , M.
Summary of prospecting in Wadi El-Gemal area, Eastern
44 p. , 20 photos , 3 maps , 1953.
65-Attia , M.I.
Deposits in the Nile Valley and the Delta.
356 p. , 7l pl. , 1954.
66-Amin , M.S. ; Moustafa , G.A. and Zatout , M.A.
Geology of Abu Diab district.
42 p. , 4 p. (in Arabic) , 18 pl. , 6 text-figs. , 1954.
67-El-Shazly , E. M. and Hamada , M. M.
Geology of Gebel Mudargag West area , Nugrus Sheet ,
Eastern Desert.
31 p. , 18 pl. , 1954.
68-Mansour , M. S. and Bassiouny , F. A.
Geology of Wadi Garf district , Barramiya East Sheet.
34 p. , 17 pl. , 1954
69-Amin , M. S. and Mohammed , I. M.
Geology of Umm Lassaf district.
13 p. , 12 pl. , 1954.
70-Moustafa , G. A. and Abdalla , A. M.
Geology of Abu Mireiwa district.
27 p. , 5 p. (in Arabic) , 23 pl. , 2 maps. , 1954
71-Kabesh , M. L. A. and Hamada , M. M.
Limestones of Cairo neighbourhood.
24 p. , 12 pl. , 6 figs. , 1954.
72-El-Shazly , E. M.
Rocks of Aswan area.
23 p. , 7 pl. , 1954
73-Moustafa , G. A.; Kabesh , M. L. A. and Abdalla , A.M.
Geology of Gebel El-Ineigi district.
40 p. , 4 p. (in Arabic) , 18 pl. , 12 figs. , 1954.
74-Attia , M. I.
Topography, geology & iron ore deposits of the district east of
262 p. , 98 pI. , 1 map , l text-Fig. , 1955.
75-El-Ramly , M. F. and Al-Far , D. M.
Geology of El-Mueilha Dungash district
44 p. , 5 p. (in Arabic) , 17 pl. , 1955.
76-Amin , M.S.
Geology and mineral deposits of Umm Rus Sheet.
51p. , 34 pl. , 1 keymap , 1955.
77-Amer , A.F. and Mansour , A.O.S.
Geology of El-Daghbag El-Gindi district ,
East & Barramiya West (Sheets).
67 p. , 7 p.(in Arabic) , 17 pl. , 10 figs. , 1955.
78-Sabet , A.H. and Zatout , M.A.
Geology of El-Shalul El-Bakriya district , Barramiya West
82 p. , 15 pl. , 6 figs. , 1955.
79-Attia , A.H.; El-Shazly , E.M.; Moharram , M.O. and Huzaiyin ,
Meteorites and related bodies with a guide to the collection of
the Geological Museum , Cairo.
53 p. , 10 text-figs. , (in Arabic) and (in English) , 1955.
80-Zatout , M.A.
The dolomite and dolomitic rocks of Gabal Ataqa , Eastern
Cliff , Suez Sheet.
37 p. , 9 pl. , 1956.
81-Mansour , M.S. ; Bassiouny , F.A. and Al-Far , D.M.
Geology of Umm Salatit-El Hisinat district, Barramiya East
44 p. , 4 p. (in Arabic) , 18 pl. , 1956.
82-Nessim , S. ; Afia , M.S. ; Fahim , M. and Foda ,A.A.
Report of the prospecting work carried out in Wadi Hamata
area , South Eastern Desert.
90 p. , 5 sketches , 17 photos , 1956.
83-Moustafa , G.A.
An introduction to the application of aerial photography in
geology & other fields.
9 p. , 26 pl. , 1957.
84-Abdel-Naser , S. and Chukri , B.
Prospecting and exploration in South Sinai 1953-54
36 p. , 6 pl. , 27 photos , 2 maps , 1958.
85-Ministry of Industry , Cairo
86 p. , 1 map , 8 figs. , (in Arabic) ,1958.
86-Moharram , M.O.
Main mineral deposits produced in Egypt.
21 p. , 6 photos , 2 maps. 1959
87-Sadek , H.
The Miocene in the Gulf of Suez region.
118 p. , 2 maps , 7 figs. , 1959.
88-Hermina , M.H. ; Ghobrial , M.G. and Issawi , B.
The geology of Dakhla area.
11 pl. , 1961.
89-Sabet , A.H.
Geology & mineral deposits of Gebel El-Sibai area , Red Sea
Hills , Egypt , U.A.R.
191 p. , 1 map , 1966.
90-El-Shazly , E.M.
Report on the results of drilling in the iron ore deposit of
Gebel Ghorabi , Bahariya Oasis and
report on the
mineralogy of the low grade iron ores
of El-Heiz area ,
Bahariya Oasis.
50 p. , 6 pl. , 1962.
91-El Shazly , E.M. and Hassan , A.K.
Report on the results of drilling at Umm Gheig Mine ,
Eastern Desert.
34 p. , 5 pl. , 1962.
92-Hume , W.F.
Geology of Egypt , vol. 3 , part 1. , the stratigraphical history
of Egypt from the close of the Precambrian episodes to the
end of the Cretaceous period.
712 p. , 1962.
93-Hathout , M.Z. and Abdel-Azim , Y.Y.
The dressing of the phosphates of Egypt , part 1, dolomitic
phosphates of Safaga.
18 p. , 4 figs. , 1963.
94-Hathout , M.Z. and Abdel-Azim ,Y.Y.
The dressing of the phosphates of Egypt , part 2 the dolomitic
phosphates of El-Dakhla Oasis.
13 p., 1963
95-Hume , W.F.
Geology of Egypt , vol. 3 , part 2 , the stratigraphical history of
Egypt from the close of the Cretaceous period to the end of
the Oligocene.
734 p. , 1965.
96-Mahgoub , O.M. ; El-Ramly , M.F. and Others.
Studies on some mineral deposits of Egypt.
260 p., 54 figs. , 1970.
1 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Ivanov , S.S. and Kochin , G.G.
General review of the mineral potential of Egypt.
Art. 1 , p. 3-27
2 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Ivanov , S.S. and Kochin , G.G.
Lead-zinc mineralisation of Red Sea Coast.
Art. 2 , p. 28-42
3 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Ivanov , S.S. and Kochin , G.G.
Tin-tungsten mineralisation in the Eastern Desert
of Egypt.
Art. 3 , p. 43-52
4 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Ivanov , S.S. and Kochin , G.G.
The occurrence of gold in the Eastern Desert of
Art. 4 , p. 53-64
5 - Adindani , A. and Shakhov , R.A.
The occurrence of coal and some geological
features of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments.
Art. 5 , p. 67-86
6 - Spanderashvilli , G.L. and Mansour , M.
The Egyptian phosphates.
Art. 6 , p. 89-106
7 - Ghanem , M. ; Mikhailov , I. A. ; Zalata , A.A.
and Rezvailiaev , A.V.
Stratigraphy of phosphate-bearing Cretaceous and
Paleogene sediments of the Nile Valley between
Idfu and Qena.
Art. 7 , p. 107-134
8 - El-Bassyouni , A.A. ; Kalmikov , A.F. ; Awad , S.
and Sidaugas , G.
El-Mahamid phosphorite deposit.
Art. 8 , p. 135-152
9 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Dereniuk , N.E. and Armanious
, L.K.
Assessment and technological testing of nepheline
syenites of Gabal Abu- Khruq.
Art. 9 , p. 155-180
10-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Hussein , A.A. ; Budanov ,
V.I. and Dereniuk , N.E.
Ring complexes in the South Eastern Desert of
Art. 10 , p. 181-194
11-Amer , M.F. ; Krintsov , M.I. and Hanna , F.L.
The Egyptian carbonate rocks and the
possibilities of their utilisation.
Art. 11 , p. 195-208
12-Amer , M.F. ; Krintsov , M.I. and Hanna , F.L.
Assessment of the Egyptian clay deposits.
Art. 12 , p. 209-218
13-Youssef , M.S. ; V, P.A. ; El-Hakim ,
H. and Korolkov , U.S.
Practical application of complex geophysical investigations on
some ore deposits in Egypt.
Art. 13 , p. 221-237
14-Youssef , M.S. ; Vinogradov , P.A. ; Mohamed ,
K.M. and Pyata , S.Y.
Efficiency of logging operation in prospecting for useful
minerals in Egypt.
Art. 14 , p. 239-248
15-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Gazenko , S.D. and AbdelSanad , S.K.
The quartz deposit of Marwit Umm-Higlig.
Art. 15 , p. 251-260
97-Geol. Surv. Egypt
Mineral resources of Egypt , procedings of the second
seminar of minerals , petroleum and ground water
assessment program , aid project ( 263-0105).
144 p. , 1 fig. , 1 tb. , 1984.
1 - El-Shazly, E.M. ; Abdel-Nasser, S. and Chukri , B.
Paper no. l , Contributions to the mineralogy of the copper
deposits in Sinai.
13 p. , 9 text-figs. , 1955
2 - El-Shazly , E.M. and Sabet , A.H.
Paper no. 2 , A preliminary report on El-Atawi copper deposit ,
Eastern Desert.
5 p. , 5 pl. , 1955
3 - Akkad , M.K. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no. 3 , Seven new occurrences of the Igla Formation in
the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
38 p. , 5 text-figs. , 1958
4 -Synelnikor , A.S. and Kollerov , D.K.
Paper no. 4 , Palinologic analysis and age of coal samples
from El-Bedaa-Thora district , West Central Sinai.
2 p. , 14 figs. , 1959
5 -Moustafa , G.A. and Hilmy , M.E.
Paper no. 5, Contribution to the geology and mineralogy of
the Hammash copper deposits , South Eastern Desert of
16 p. , 3 text-figs. , 1958
6 -El-Ramly , M.F. ; Akkad , M.K. and Al-Far , D.M.
Paper no. 6 ,Cassiterite- wolframite mineralization near Gebel
El Muelha , Eastern Desert of Egypt.
22 p. , 5 figs. , l959
7 -Hegazi , R.A. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no. 7, Potassium - argon ages of some rocks from the
Eastern Desert of Egypt.
18 p. , 1960
8 -El-Ramly , M.F. and Akkad , M.K.
Paper no. 8 ; The basement complex in the Central Eastern
Desert of Egypt.
35 p. , 3 maps , 1960
9 -Akkad , M.K. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no. 9 , Geological history and classification
of the basement rocks of the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.
24 p. , 1 map., 1960
10-Moustafa , G.A.
Paper no. 10, Aerial photographs and geological interpretation
in the United Arab Republic , Southern Region.
52 p. , 12 text-figs. , 1960
11-Hilmy , M.E. and Moustafa , G.A.M.
Paper no. 11, Muscovite occurrence in Rod Umm El-Farag
pegmatite, South Eastern Desert , Egypt, U.A.R.
6 p. , 5 tex-figs. , 1960
12-Moustafa , G.A. and Akkad , M.K.
Paper no. 12 , Geology of the Hammash- Sufra District.
32 p. , 9 pl. , 1 p. sum. in Arab. , 1962
13-Vasiliv , A. (Translated , Al-Far , D.M.)
Paper no. 13, Practical methods for measuring the
thicknesses of strata.
23 p. , (in Arabic)
14-Akkad , M.K. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no. 14 , The nepheline -syenite ring complex of Gebel
Abu Khrug , South Eastern Desert of Egypt.
22 p. , 3 pl. , 1 map. , 1961
15-El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no .15 , The absolute ages of some basement rocks
from Egypt.
13 p. , 1 map , 1962
16-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Akkad , M.K. and Shaaban , M.S.
Paper no. 16 , Geology & structure of the iron ore deposit of
Gebel El-Hadid, Eastern Desert of Egypt.
31 p. ,7 pl. , 2 maps, 2 figs., 1963
17-Akkad , M.K. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no . 17 , Geology & structure of the Umm Lassaf-Umm
Nar iron belt , Eastern Desert of
23 p. , 2 maps ,1963
18-El-Akkad , S. and Issawi , B.A.
Paper no. 18 ,Geology & iron ore deposits of Bahariya Oasis.
301 p., 8 figs., 11 profiles ,10 pl.
(part 1 and 2 in one volume) , 1963
19-Akkad , M.K. and Moustafa , G.A.
Paper no. 19 , The Shait granite , a cataclasltic mylonitic
18 p. , 5 pl. ,1963
20-Ghobrial , M.G.
Paper no. 20 , Some new occurrences of manganese
deposits in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
25 p. , 7 pl. , 1963
21- El-Shazly , E.M.; Ghoneim , A.; Shaaban , A.A.;Omar , A.A.
; Hanna , S. and Amaar , S.
Paper no. 21 , Report on the mineralogy of a sample of iron
ore from Rago , Syria , U.A.R.
12 p. , 5 pl. , 1961
22-Eid , A.M. and Abdel-Rehim , M.M.
Paper no. 22 , Metallurgical research on Zn-Pb oxidised ore of
Umm-Gheig deposit, Eastern
15 p. , 5 figs. , 2 tables. , 1963
23-Eid , A.M. and Abdel-Rehim , M.M.
Paper no. 23 , The treatment of sulphide zinc copper-lead ore
of Umm-Samiuki , S.E. Desert.
10 p. , 5 tables ,1963
24-Eid , A.M.
Paper no. 24 , New sources for the production of pig iron from
ilmenite ores.
16 p. , 4 pl. , 1963
25-Abdallah , A.M. and Adindany , A.E.
Paper no. 25 , Stratigraphy of Upper Palaeozoic rocks ,
western side of the Gulf of Suez.
18 p. ,7 figs . , 5 pl. , 1963
26-Akkad , M.K. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Paper no. 26 , The cataclastic-mylonitic gneisses north of
Gebel El Maiyit and the origin of the granite of Shaitian type.
14 p. , 1963
27-Abdallah , A.M. ; Adindany , A.E. and Fahmy , N.
Paper no. 27 , Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic rocks , western
side of Gulf of Suez.
23 p. , 7 figs . , 1 pl. , 1963
28-El-Ramaly , M.F.; Akkad , M.K. and Rasmy , A.H.
Paper no. 28 , Geology and structure of the Umm Nar iron ore
29 . p. , 7 figs . , 7 pl. , 1963
29-Said , R. and Issawi , B.
Paper no. 29 ,Geology of Northern Plateau , Bahariya Oasis ,
41 p. , 4 Sections , 2 figs . , 1964
30-Abdallah , A.M.
Paper no. 30 , New Bathonian ( Middle Jurassic) occurrence
at the western side of the Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
. 8 p. , 2 figs . , 2 photos . , 1964
31-El-Shazly , E.M. and Abdallah , A.M.
paper no. 31 , Geology of sulphur occurrence of Ranga ,
Eastern Desert.
10 p. , 5 pl. ,1964
32-Krasheninninkov , V.A. and Ponikarov , V.P.
Paper no. 32 , Zonal stratigraaphy of Paleocene in the Nile
Valley .
26 p. , 2 figs . , 1964
33-Youssef , M.S. and El-Kahwagy , A.S.
Paper no. 33 , Geophysical and geochemical investigations at
Um Gheig area , Eastern Desert.
12 p. , 8 pl . , 1963
34-Awad , G.H. and Ghobrial , M.G.
Paper no. 34 , Zonal stratigraphy of the Kharga Oasis .
77p. ,6 tbs . , 1965
35-Akkad , S. and Dardir , A.A.
Paper no. 35 , Geology of the Red Sea Coast between Ras
Shagra and Mersa Alam with short note on results of
exploratory work at Gabal El-Rusas lead zink deposits.
67 p. , 15 pl. , 1966
36-Akkad , S. and Dardir , A.A.
Paper no. 36 ,Geology and phosphate deposits of Wasif ,
Safaga area.
35 p. , 9 pl , 1966
37-Al-Far , D.M.
Paper no. 37 , Geology and coal deposits of Gabal Al
Maghara , Northern Sinai.
59 p. , 2 pl. , 3p. summary in Arabic , 1966
38-Kotb , H. ; Ghaly , E.L. and Awadallah , M.F.
Paper no. 38 , Chemical studies on Ayun Mussa coal.
18 p. , 6 figs . , 1 map. , 1959
39-Sigaev , N.A.
Paper no. 39 , The main tectonic features of Egypt ,
an explanatory note to the tectonic map of Egypt ,
scale 1:2,000,000.
26 p. , 2 figs. , 1959
40-Ghobrial , M.G. and Lotfi , M.
Paper no. 40 , The geology of Gabal Gattar and Gabal
Dokhan areas.
26 p. , map , 3 pl. , 2 figs. ,1967
41-Abdallah , A.M.
Paper no. 41 , Geology of some gypsum deposits in the North
Western Desert of Egypt.
11 p. , 2 figs . , 1966
42-Youssef , M.S. ; El-Hakim, B. ; Awad ,W. K. ; Shaaban , M.
and Nimnim , M.E.
Paper no. 42 ,Geophysical investigation for ground watein
Maghara area , Northern Sinia.
14 p. , 7 pl. , 1966
43-Ghobrial , M.G.
Peper no. 43 , The structural geology of Kharga Oasis.
39 p. , 1967
44-Hermina , M.H.
Paper no .44 , Geology of the north western approches of
88 p. , 9 pl. 1 tb. , 1967
45-Adballah , A.M.
Paper no. 45 , Stratigraphy and structure of a portion in the
North Western Desert of Egypt. , U.A.R. , El-Alamein-DebaaQuattara-Moghra area with reference to its economic
19 p. , 6 pl. , 1966
46-Isswai , M.B.
Paper no. 46 , The geology of Kurkur-Dungul area.
102 p. , 5 pl. , figs . , 1968
47-Awad , G.H. and Abed , M.
Papeer no. 47 , Biostratigraphical zoning of the Lower Tertiary
in the Dakhla Oassis.
63 p. , 8 , pl. , 1968
48-Sabet , A.
Paper no. 48 , Basis of application of aerial photographs in
76 p. ,1968
49-Sabet , A.H. ; Bedewi , M.F. and Abdel-Razik , T.M.
Paper no. 49 , Beneficiation of white sand from
26 p, 10 figs. , 1967
50-Issawi , M.B. ; Francis , M.H. ; El-Hinnawi , Mand Mehanna ,
Paper no. 50 , Contribution to the structure and
phosphate deposits of Quseir area.
35 p. ,12 tbs. , 25 figs. , 1969
51-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Dereniuk , N.E. ; Budenov , V.I.
and Armanious, L.K.
Paper no. 51 , A petrological study on the central part of
Gabal Abu Khrug Ring Complex. , S.E. Desert of Egypt.
53 p. , 9 pl. , 2 tabs. , 1969
52-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Armanious , L.K. ; Budanov , V.I. and
Dereniuk , N.E.
Paper no. 52 , The three ring complexes of Gabal El-Kahfa ,
Gabal Nigrub El-Fogani and Gabal El-Naga , S.E.Desert of
39 p. ,12 pl. , 3 tbs. , 1969
53-El-Ramly , M.F. ; Budanov , V.I. and Hussein , A.A.
Paper no. 53 ,The alkaline rocks of South Eastern Egypt .
111 p. , 32 p. , 3 tbs , 1971
54-Said , R. and Mansour , A.O.
Paper no. 54 , The discovery of a new kaolin deposit in Wadi
Kalabsha , Nubia , Egypt.
138 p. , 1971
55-Said , R.
Paper no. 55 , The Geological Survey of Egypt
history and organization.
26 p. , 1971
56-Said . R.
Paper no. 56 , Explanatory notes to accompany the geological
map of Egypt.
123 p. , 1971
57-Plillips , J.L.
Paper no. 57 , Two final Paleolithic sites in the Nile Valley and
their external relations.
110 p. , 1973
58- Lubell , D.
Paper no. 58 ,The Fakhurian , a Late Paleolithic industry from
Upper Egypt.
139 p. , 1974
59-Hassan , F.A.
Paper no. 59 ,The archaeology of the Dishna Plain , Egypt , a
study of a Late Paleolithic settlement.
174 p. , 1974
60-Moustafa , G.A.. and Morcos , M.B.
Paper no. 6o , A simplified photogrammetric method for
determining hights on vertical aerial
photographs and its
application to Umm Nar area , Barramiya Sheet , Eastern
Desert of Egypt.
2o p. , 1 p. summary in arabic , 1973
61-Geol. Surv. Egypt
Paper no. 61 , Mineral deposits in Egypt under investigation.
66 p. , 15 p. summary in Arabic , 1974
62- El Khashab, B.
Paper no. 62 , Some studies on Egyptian vertebrate fossils.
39 p. , 1977
63-El-Ramly , M.F. and Hussein , A.A.
Paper no. 63 , The alkaline ring complexes of Egypt .
16 p. , 1982
64-Issawi , B. and Jux , U.
Paper no. 64 , Contributions to the stratigraphy of Paleozoic
rocks in Egypt .
28 p. , 1982
65-El-Khashab , B. ; Simons , E.L. and
Fleagle , J.G.
Paper no. 65 , Annotated bibliography of Egyptian vertebrate
fossils up to the end of 1980.
111p. , 1983
66-Aly , M.M. ; El-Ramly , M.F.and Kabesh , M.L.
Paper no. 66 , Analysis of Egyptian rocks , part 1 , igneous
119 p. , 1983
67-Naim , G.M . ; El-Miligy , A.T. and El-Azab , A.
Paper no. 67 , Black sand assessment.
67 p. , 1993
68-El-Ramly , M.F . ; Greiling , R.O. ; Rashwan , A.A. and
Rasmy , A.
Paper no. 68 , Explanatory note to accompany the geological
and structural maps of Wadi Hafafit area , Eastern Desert of
Egypt .
56 p. , 1993
69-Geol. Surv. Egypt
Paper no. 69 , Special publications proceedings of the
conference on 30 years of international cooperation on
geology and related sciences.
500 p. , 1995
70-Hussein , A.A. ; Miele , M. and Riad , S.
Paper no. 70 , Special publications proceedings of the
Egyptian-Italian Seminar on geosciences and archaeology in
the Mediterranean countries.
535 p. , 1995
71-Akakad , M.K.
Paper no. 71 , Rock succession of the basements and
autobiography and assessment.
87 p. , 1996
72-Harrell , J.A. and Brown , V.M.
Paper no. 72 , Survey of Ancient Egypt Quarries.
31 p. , 1996
73-Akkad , M.K. and others
Paper no. 73 , Geology of Pan-African Basement rocks of
Jabal Al Hadid , Wadi Mubarak district , E.D. Egypt.
74-Akkad, M.K.
Paper no. 74, On the serpentinites and its implicatios.
95p. 1997
75-Geological Survey of Egypt
Paper no. 75, Proceedings of the Egyptian Geological Survey
Cenference Conference 1896-1996.
846p. 1998.
76- Issawi, Bahay ; El-Hinnawi, Mohamed and Mazhar, A.
Paper no. 76 The Phanerozoic geology of Egypt: A
geodynamic approach special puplication.
462p. 1999.
77- El-Kelani, A.; El-Hag, I.A. ; Bakry, H. and Shaira, M.
Paper no. 77 Type & stratotype sections of the Palezonic in
94p. 1999.
78- Akad, M.K. and Abu El-Ela, A.M.
Paper no. 78 Geology of the basement rocks in the Eastern
half of the belt between Latitudes 25º 30`and 26º 30`N Central
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
118p. 2002
79- El-Kelani, A. ; El-Hag, I.A. and Sheira, M.
Paper no. 79 Type and stratotype sections of the
in Sinai.
178p. 2003
80- Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
Annals geological survey of Egypt Abstracts (Vol.I-Vol.XXV
Sp. Pub.( 69,70,75 )
521p. 2003
81- Bahay Issawi, Maher H. Francis, El-Sayed A.A. Youssef,
Rifaat A. Osman.
Paper no. 80 The Phanerozoic Geology of Egypt.
A Geodynamic Approach
589 P. 2009
1. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. I , 1971 , 212 p. *
Editor : R. Said and M. Y. Meneisy
1 -Issawi , B. ; Francis , M. ; El-Hinnawy , M. ; Mehanna , A. and
El-Deftar , T.
Geology of Safaga-Quseir Coastal Plain and of Mohamed
Rabah area.
p. 1-19
2 -El-Akkad , S. and Abdallah , A.
Contribution to geology of Ataqa area.
p. 21-42
3 -Shukri , N. ; El-Ayouty , M. and Morcos , M.
Geology of Dar El- Beida area , Cairo-Suez district.
p. 43-52
4 -Issawi , B.
Geology of Darb El-Arbain , Western Desert.
p. 53-92
5 -El-Etr , H .
Analysis of airphoto lineations of Darheeb district.
p. 93-109
6 -Abdel-Aziz , M.G. ; Gabra , S. and Ahmed , S.
El Omayid gypsum deposit.
p. 111-116
7 - Kamel , O.A.
The Bahariya iron ores, their mineralogy and origin.
p. 117 - 134
8 -Kotb , H. ; Abdel-Aziz , Y. and Kamel , O.
Beneficiation of Safaga low grade phosphate deposit.
p. 135-146
9 -El-Far , D.
A field test for bauxite and related ores.
p. 147-149
10-Issawi , B. ; Zaki , N. and Belety , A.
Micropaleontology and microfacies of Sin El-Kaddab , Western
p. 153-180
11-Kerdany , M. and Belety , A.
Globorotalia Velascoensis and related species from Gebel ElAnz , Eastern Desert.
p. 181-198
12-Kerdany , M. and Marzouk , A.
Some Jurassic Foraminifera and microfacies from subsurface
and surface rocks of Giddi area , Western Sinai.
p. 199-211
2. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol.II , 1972 , 280 p.*
Editor : R. Said and M.Y. Meneisy
1 - El Ramly , M.F.
A new geological map for the basement rocks in the Eastern
and Southwestern Desert of Egypt.
p. 1-18
2 - Akkad , M.K.
A contemplation and assessment of the 1960-1961
classification of the rocks of the Central Eastern Desert.
p. 19-45
3 - Gindy , A.R.
Toward a kinematic classification of the Egyptian basement.
p. 47-77
4 - Sabet , A.H.
On the stratigraphy of the basement rocks of Egypt.
p. 79-101
5 - Meneisy , M.Y.
On the isotopic dating of the Egyptian basement rocks.
p. 103-109
6 - Sabet , A.H. ; El-Gaby , S. and Zalata , A.A.
Geology of the basement rocks in the northern parts of ElShayib and Safaga Sheets.
p. 111-128
7 - Dardir , A.A. and Abu-Zeid . , K.M.
Geology of the basement rocks between lat.ْ27 00ْ and ْ27
30ْ N. , Eastern Desert.
p. 129-160
8 - Francis , M.
Geology of basement complex in the North Eastern Desert
between lat. ْ27 30ْ and ْ28 00ْ N. ,
p. 181-191
9 - Abdel-Aziz , M.G.
Geology of the basement rocks north of lat. ْ28 00ْ, NorthEastern Desert, Ras Ghareb area.
p. 181 - 191
10-Abdel-Aziz , M.G.
Geology of Wadi Hodein area.
p. 199-214
11-Akkad , M.K. and Shazly , A.G.
Description and petrography of the Meatiq Group.
p. 215-238
12-Essawy , M.A.
Petrogenesis of alkaline rhyolites and microgranites from
Samadia-Tunduba are, Eastern Desert.
p. 239-250
13-Akkad , M.K. ; and Noweir , A.M.
Some aspects of the serpentinites and their associated
derivatives along Qift-Quseir Road , Eastern Desert.
p. 251-270
14-Essawy , M.A. and Abu-Zeid , K.M.
Atalla felsite intrusion and its neighouring flows and tuffs,
Eastern Desert.
p.271 -280
3. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. III , 1973 , 257 p. , 30$.
Editor: R. Said and S. Massoud
1- Issawi , B.
Geology of southeastern corner of Western Desert.
p. 25-30
2 - Ghanem , M. ; Dardir , A.A. ; Francis , M.H. ; Zalata , A. A. and
Abu-Zeid , K.M.
Basement rocks in Eastern Desert of Egypt north of latitude
ْ26 ْ40 N.
p. 33-38
3 - Hermina , M.H.
Preliminary evaluation of Maghrabi , Liffiya phosphorites , Abu
Tartur area , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 39-74
4 - Sabet , A H. ; Chabanenco , V. and Tsogoev , V.
Tin , tungsten and rare metal mineralization in Central Eastern
Desert of Egypt.
p. 75-86
5 - Sabet , A.H. and Tsogoev , V.
Problems of geological and economic of tantalum deposits in
apogranites during stages of prospection and exploration.
p. 87-107
6 - Hussein , A.A.
Results of mineral exploration program in South
Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 108-124
7 - Krs , M. ; Soliman , A.A.H. and Amin , A.H.
Geophysical phenomena over deep seated tectonic zones in
Southern Part of Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 125-138
8 - Ivanov , T. ; Shalaby , I.M. and Hussein , A.A.
Metallogenic characteristics of South Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 139-166
9 - Hussein , A.A. ; Mamdouh , A. and Hussein , A.
Further contribution to geology and geochemistry of some
Egyptian Ring Complexes.
p. 167-175
10- Bugrov , V.A. and Shalaby , I.M.
First discovery of Cu , Ni sulphide mineralization in gabbro ,
peridotitic rocks in Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 177-183
11-Bugrov , V.A. ; Aboul-Gadael , A. and Soliman , M.M.
Rare metallic albitites as a new type of ore mineralization in
p. 185-206
12-Hassan , M.A.
Geology and geochemistry of radioactive columbite , bearing
psammitic gneiss of Wadi Abu Rusheid , South Eastern Desert
p. 207-225
13-Kamel , O.A. ; Rasmy , A.H. ; Khalil , A. and Bakir , R.
Mineralogical analysis and evaluation of black sands at eastern
part of east side Nile section , Abu Khashaba area , Rosetta ,
P. 227-247
14-Moustafa , Y.S.
New geological map of Egypt , reveiw.
p. 149-257
4. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol . IV , 1974 , 416 p. , 30$
Editor : R. Said
1 - Jean , M. D.
Caracters generaux des gisements Triassiques Marocains.
p. 1-7
2 - Kermack , K.A.
Fauna of the Stormberg Series , Upper Triassic of the Republic
of South Africa and Lesotho.
p. 9-24
3 - Slaughter , B.H. and Thurmond , J. T.
A Lower Cenomanian , Cretaceous , Ichthyofauna from the
Bahariya Formation of Egypt.
p. 25-40
4 - Moustafa , Y.S.
Critical observations on the occurrence of Fayum fossil
p. 41-78
5 - Vondra , C.F.
Upper Eocene transitional and nearshore marine , Qasr El
Sagha Formation , Fayum Depression , Egypt.
p. 79-94
6 - El-Khashab , B.
Review of the Early Tertiary Eutherian Faunas of African
Mammals in Fayum Province , Egypt.
p. 95-119
7 - Bowen , B.E. and Vondra , C.F.
Paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Oligocene , Gabal El
Qatrani Formation , Fayum Depression , Egypt .
P. 115-137
8 - Moustafa , Y.S.
Studies on palaeopathology and taxonomic problems of some
Fayum Fossil Vertebrates.
Part I. , The first recorded injury among Fayum fossils
Part II. , Palaeo , ornithologial taxonomy and the first Fauym
Fossil Egg Shell.
Part III ; an injured mandible of (?) Saghat Herium.
p. 139-148
9 - Simons , E.L.
The relationships of Aegyptopithecus to other Primates.
p. 149-156
10- Simons , E.L. and Gingerich , P.D.
New Carnivorous Mammals from Oligocene of Egypt.
p. 157-166
11- Rich , P.V.
Significance of Tertiary Avifaunas from Africa with emphasis on
a Mid to Late Miocene Avifauna from Southern Tunisia.
p. 167-210
12- Greenwood , P.H.
Review of Cenozoic freshwater , fish faunas in Africa
p. 211-232
13- Lavocat , R.
Les Rongeurs D’Afrique .
p. 233-236
14- Benson , R.H. and Ruggieri , G
The end of the Miocene , a time of crisis in Tethys ,
Mediterranean history .
p. 237-250
15- Sylvester - Bradley , P.C.
Fossil evidence for the rotation of Spain during the evolution
of the Mediterranean Sea.
p. 251-262
16- Jaeger , J. J.
Nouvelles faunes de Rongeurs , Mammalia , Rodentia , du
Miocene Superieur D’Afrique Nord Occidentale .
p. 263-267
17- Maglio , V.J.
Late Tertiary fossil vertebate successions in the
Northern Gregory Rift , East Africa.
p. 269-286
18- Behrensmeyer , A.K.
Late Cenozoic sedimentation in the Lake Rundoilf Basin ,
p. 278-306
19- Biely , A. ; Rakus , M. and Robinson , P.
Le Neogene De La Tunisie.
p. 307-318
20 - Robinson , P. and Black , C.C.
Vertebrate faunas from the Neogene of Tunisia.
p . 319-332
21 - James , G.T. and Slaughter , B.H.
A primitive new Middle Pliocene murid from Wadi El Natrun ,
Egypt .
p . 333-362
22 - Churcher , C.S.
Relationships of the Late Pleistocene vertebrate
from Kom Ombo , Upper Egypt
p . 363-384
23 -Moustafa , Y.S.
Oligocene African Proboscidea.
p . 385-41
5. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. V , 1975 , 147 p . , 30$
Editor : R. Said
1 - Abel , H.
Gerhard Rohlfs-life and work.
p . 17-24
2 - Hagedorn , H.
The African map during the 18th and 19th Centuries p . 25-31
3 - Cumming , S. D.
Graphical exploration of the African Sahara during the 19th
p . 33-41
4 - Taeckholm , V.
Contribution of the Rohlfs expedition to the botany of the Libyan
p . 43-45
5 - Meckelein , W.
Progress in the exploration of the Libyan Desert since Gerhard
p . 47-6o
6 - Said , R.
Some observations on the geomorphological evaluation of the
South Western Desert of Egypt and its relation to the origin of
p . 61-70
7 - Zaatout , M.A and Abdou , H.F.
A review on Bahariya iron ore deposit.
p . 71-86
8 - Hermina , M.H. and Wassef ; A.
Geology and exploration of the large phosphate deposit in Abu
Tartur Plateau , the Libyan Western Desert , Egypt .
p . 87-98
9 - Ayouty , M.K.
Exploration for oil in the Western Desert of Egypt.
p . 99-107
10-Giegengack , R. and Issawi , B.
Libyan Desert silica glass, a summary of the problem of its
p . 105-118
11-Meneisy , M.Y. and El-Kaliuobi , B.A.
Isotopic ages of the volcanic rocks of the Bahariya Oasis.
p . 119-122
12-Adindani , A. ; Rabjezek , R. ; Yousef , H.A. and Awad , S.M.
Evaluation of El-Gharbaniyat gypsum deposit.
p . 123-136
13-Cherif , O.H. ; Bassiouni , M.A. and Ghanima , S.A.
Stratigraphy , paleoecology and climates of the Neogene and
Quaternary of the Mersa Matouh area , North Western Desert.
p. 137-147
6. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. VI , 1976 , 245 p. , 30$
Editor: R. Said
1 - Said , R. ; Sabet , A.H. ; Zalata , A.A. ; Toniakov , V.A. and
Pokryshkin , V.I.
A review of theories on the geological distrbution of bauxite and their
application for bauxite prospecting in Egypt.
p. 6-32
2 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B. ; Baburin , L.M. and Pokryshkin , V.I.
Some geological and tectonic peculiarities of the Central Eastern
Desert of Egypt.
p. 33-52
3 - Sabet , A.H. ; Bessonenko , V.V. and Bykor , B.A.
The intrusive complexes of the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 53-73
4 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B. ; Baburin , L.M. and Zhorkov , N.
Manifestation of rare metal mineralization of apogranite type in the
Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.
5 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V. B. ; Sarin , L.P. ; Azazi , S.A. ; ElBedewi , M.A. and Ghobrial , G.A.
Tin-tantalum deposit of Abu Dabbab.
p. 93-117
6 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B. ; Baburin , L.M. ; Riad , A.M. ; Zakhari
, A. and Armanius , L.M.
Geologic structure and laws of localization of the tantalum
mineralization at the Nuweibi deposits.
p. 119-156
7 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B. ; Sprirdonov , V.P. ; Sarin , L.P. and
Abdel-Nabi , A.
Geologic structure and laws of localization of tin-beryllium
mineralization at the Igla deposit.
p. 157-168
8 - Sabet , A.H. ;Tsogoev , V.B. ; Baburin , L.M. ; Shibanin , S.P.
;Vitholvsky , I.M. ; El-Kadi , M.B. and Awad , S.
The placer tin deposits of Abu Dabbab , Igla and Nuweibi.
p. 169-180
9 - Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev . V.B. ; Bordonosov , V.P. ; Shablovsky ,
R.G. and Kosa , M.
On the geologic structures , laws of localization and prospects of Abu
Rushied rare metal deposit.
p. 181-190
10-Sabet , A.H. ; Zhukov , M.A. ; Baburin , L.M. and Mansour , M.G.
Rare metal apogranites in Um Naggat Massif.
p. 191-200
11-Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B.; Bordonosov , V.P. ; Baburin , L.M. ;
Zalata , A.A. and Francis , M.H.
On gold mineralization in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 201-212
12-Sabet , A.H. ; Bessonenko , V.V. and Mesiha , A.W.
On cinnabar findings in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 213-222
13-Sabet , A.H. ; Tsogoev , V.B. ; Bordonosov , V.P. ;
Belcshitsky , V.A. ; Kuznetsov , D.N. and Abdel-Halim , H.
On some geological and structural peculiarities of localization of the
polymetal minerlization of the Middle Miocene sediments along the
Red Sea Coast.
p. 223-236
14-Sabet , A.H. ; Bykov , B.A. and Butnko , B.P.
A short account on the results of geochemical and panning
prospecting in the Eastern Desert of Egypt .
p. 237-245
7. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. VII , 1977 , 129 p. , 30$
Editor : R. Said
1 - Wassef , A.S.
On the results of the geological investigations and ore reserves
calculations of Abu Tartur phosphorite deposit , (compiled).
p. 3-60
2 - Wassef , A.S. ; El-Shafy , S.B. ;Taha , F. and Bahr , W.H.
The laboratory technological tests of phosphorite ore from Abu Tartur
deýposit (compiled).
p. 63-88
3 - Geol. Surv. Egypt
The techno , economic feasibility on developing of Abu Tartur
phosphorite deposit.
p. 91-129
8. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egpyt
Vol. VIII , 1978 , 304 p. 30$
Editor : Bahay Issawi
1 - Issawi , B. and Hassan , F.
Egypt , the Nile and the man.
p. 9-18
2 - El-Hinnawi , M. ; Abdallah , A.M. and Issawi , B.
Geology of Abu Bayan - Bolaq Stretch , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 19-50
3 - El-Deftar , T. ; Issawi , B. and Abdallah , A.M.
Contribution to the geology of Abu Tartur and adjacent areas ,
Western Desert of Egypt.
p. 51-90
4 - Hassan , N.Y. and Saad , A.A.
Geology of Abu Tartur Plateau , Western Desert of Egypt.
p. 91-127
5 - Hassan , M.Y. ; Issawi , B. and Zaghloul , E.S.A.
Geology of the area east of Beni Suef , Eastern Desert Egypt.
p. 129-162
6 - Issawi , B. ; Abdallah , A.M. and Said , M.M.
Geology of Wadi El Mashash area , Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 163-185
7 - Issawi , B. ; Hassan , M.Y. and Osman , R.A.E.K.
Geological studies in the area of Kom Ombo , Eastern Desert ,
p. 187-235
8 - Issawi , B.
Geology of Nubia West area , Western Desert Egypt.
p. 237-253
9 - Shawa , M.S. and Issawi , B.
Depositional environments of the Nubia Sandstone , Upper Egypt.
p. 255-274
10-Issawi , B.
New findings on the geology of Uweinat-Gilf Kebir , Western Desert ,
p. 275-293
11-Issawi , B.
Quaternary geology of Bir Sahara , Western Desert Egypt.
p. 295-304
9 . Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt
Vol. IX , 1979 , 610 p. ; 30$
Editor : B. Issawi
1 - Kazmin , V. and Alemu Shiferaw , A
Precambrian structure of Western Ethiopoa.
p. 1-8
2 - Robert Stern , J.
Late Precambrian environments as reconstructed from relict igneous
minerals , Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 9-31
3 - Pohl, W.
Metallogenic , minerogenic analysis , contribution to the
differentiation between Mozambiquian Basement and Pan-African
superstructure in the Red Sea region.
p. 32-44
4 - Jar El-Nabi , M. and Tsegaye Hailu , T.
Contribution to the stratigraphy of the basement rocks in the Red
Sea region , Sudan.
p. 45-53
5 - Kazmin , V.
Relationship between rifts and Precambrian basement in East Africa.
p. 54-60
6 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Armanious , L.Kh. and Hussein , A.
The two ring complexes of Hadayib and Um Risha , South Eastern
p. 61-69
7 - Hashad , A.H. and Hassan , M. A.
On the validity of an Ensimatic Island , arc cratonization model to
the evolution of the Egyptian Shield .
p. 70-80
8 - Hashad , A.H. and El-Reedy , M.W.M.
Geochronology of the anorogentic alkalic rocks , South Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 81-101
9 - Serencsits , C.M. ; Faul , H. ; Foland , K.A. ; El- Ramly, M.F. and
Hussein , A.A.
Alkaline ring complexes in Egypt: Their ages and relationship to
tectonic development of the Red Sea.
p. 102-116
10-Salloum , G.M.
Some peculiarities of the Precambrian tectonics of the Nubian Shield
of the African Paltform.
p. 117-124
11-El-Sharkawy , M.A. and El-Bayoumi , R.M.
The ophiolites of Wadi Ghadir area , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 125-135
12-El-Etr , H. ; Mahmoud , A. ; Yousif , S.M. and Dardir , A. A.
Utilization of Landsat and conventional arial photographs in the
delineation of some aspects of the geology of the Central Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 136-162
13-El-Khawaga , M.L.
A contributrion to the fracture pattern of Abu Tartur Plateau ,
Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 163-171
14-Mussa , M.A.
The use of space imagery in mineral exploration ( a case study ).
p. 172-178
15-Embabi , N.S. and El-Kayali , M.A.
A morpho tectonic map of the Bahariya Depresssion .
p. 179-183
16-Kogbe , C.A. and Wozny , E.
Upper Maastrichtian and Paleocene Acrofauna from the
Iullemmeden Basin , West Africa , and their paleobio-graphic
p. 184-218
17-Stroug , A.
Seven new species and two new genera of Bivalvia from the Eocene
of Egypt.
p. 219-244
18-El-Khashab , B.
A brief account on Egyptian Paleogene Proboscidea.
p. 245-260
19-Garrison , R.E. ; Glenn , C.R. ; Parke , R. ; Snavely , P.D. and
Mansour , S.E.A.
Sedimentology and origin of Upper Cretaceous phosphorite deposits
at Abu Tartur , Western Desert , Egypt.
p . 261-281
20-Zaghloul , Z.M. ; Taha , A.A. ; Hegeb , O.A. and El-Fawal , F.M.
The Plio-Pleistocene Nile Delta subenvironments , stratigraphic
section and genetic class.
p. 282-291
21-Zaghloul , Z.M. ; Andrawis , S.F. and Ayyad , S.N.
New contribution to the stratigraphy of the Tertiary sediments of Kafr
El Dawar, Well No. 1 , Northwest Nile Delta , Egypt.
p . 292-307
22-Wasfi , S. and Azazi , G.
Satratigraphy of the Northern Gulf of Suez.
p . 308-321
23-Renolds , M.L.
Geology of the Northern Gulf of Suez.
p . 322-343
24-Shavely , P.D. ; Garrison , R.E. and Meguid , A.A.
Stratigraphy and regional depositional history of the Thebes
Formation , Lower Eocene , Egypt.
p . 344-362
25-Kogbe , C.A.
Review of continental and continental terminal in tehe
Iullemmsedeen Basin of West Africa.
p . 363-376
26-Mazaher , A. ; Enany , N. and Abdel-Kader , Y.
Contribution to the Cretaceous Early Tertiary stratigraphy of El
Galala El Qibliya Plateau.
p . 377-387
27-Glenn , C.R. and Mansour , S.E.A.
Reconstruction of the depositional and diagenetic history of
phosphorites and associated rocks of the Duwi Formation , Late
Cretaceous , Eastern Desert , Egypt .
p . 388-407
28-Van Houten , F.B. and Bhattacharyya , D.P.
Late Cretaceous Nubia Formation at Aswan , Southeastern Desert ,
p . 408-419
29-Ward , W.C. ; Mc Donald , K.C. and Mansour, S.E.L.
The Nubia Formation of the Quseir-Safaga area , Egypt.
p . 420-431
30-Abdallah , A.M. ; Abdel-Wahab , S. ; Aboul-Ela , .M. and El-Azhary ,
Sedimentary structure in Permo-Carboniferous Aheimer and AbuDarag Formations , west Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
p. 432-445
31-Shaddad , M.Z. ; Kropachev , S.M. and Khalil , B.E.
Regional geological setting of the Nubia Mountains in Sudan.
p . 446-454
32-Amin Strougo, A.A.
The Middle Eocene-Upper Eocene boundary in Egypt.
p. 455-470
33-Mansour , H.H. ; Youssef , M.M. and El-Tounsi , A.R.
Petrology and sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous Paleocene
succession Northwest of Kharga Oasis , Egypt.
p. 471-4997
34-Mansour, H.H. and Khallaf , A.F.
Application of textural characteristics for depositioal environment
interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous Paleocene , east of Idfu ,
Sibaiya , Nile Valley.
p. 498-522
35-Philobbos , E.R. and Keheila , E.A.
Depositional environments of the Middle Eocene in the area
southeast of Minia , Egypt.
p. 523-550
36-El-Shazly , E.M. ; Salman , A.B. ; Aly , M.M. ; El-Aassy , I.E. and ElRakaiby , M.M.
Discovery of phosphates in the North Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 551-563
37-Grothaus , B. ; Eppler , D. and Ehrlich , R.
Depositional environment and structural implications of the
Hammamat Formation , Egypt.
p. 564-590
38-Dixon , T.H. ; Abdel-Meguid , A.A. and Gillespie , J.G.
Age , chemical and isotopic characteristics of some Pre- Pan-African
rocks in the Egyptian Sheild.
p. 591-610
10. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. X , 1980 , 536 p. , 30$
Editor : Bahay Issawi
1 - Soliman , M.M.
Geochemistry of some granodiorites granites , pegmatites and
associated gneisses from Aswan , Egypt.
p. 611-626
2 - Kotb , H. ; Khafagy , M.B. and Swifi , B.M.
Geochemistry and petrochemistry of the Egyptian titaniferous
p. 627-650
3 - Abdel-Moneim , A.A. and Hurley , P.M.
U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the black beach sands , Nile
Delta and Nubian Sandstones , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 651-663
4 - Bafor , B.E. and Karamata , S.
Geology and geochemistry of a metamorphosed volcanosedimentary assemblage in the Precambrian of North Western
p. 665-685
5 - Babu , S.K. ; Getaneh Assefa and Nequssie Retta
Petrographic and chemical studies of Carbonaceous rocks around
Mush Valley near Debre Barhan , Ethiopia.
p. 687-695
6 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Mienenissy , M.Y. ; Ali , M.M. ;
Ragab , A.I. and Omar , H.O.
Petrology of the carbonates and associated rock of Abu Swayel area
, South Eastern Desert .
p. 697-725
7 - Kamel , O.A. ; Shalaby , I.M. and El-Mahallawy , M.M.
Petrological study of the basic-ultrabasic suite at El Genena El
Gharbia , South Eastern Desert.
p. 725-749
8 - Kamel , O. A. ; Rasmy , A.H. and Bekir , R.K.
Mineralogy of alluvial and placer deposits of the Central Eastern
Desert Egypt.
p. 751-768
9 - Awadallah , F.M.
Petrochemical and geochemical studies of the volcanic rocks of
Bahariya Oassis , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 769-782
10- El-Ramly , M.F. ; Meneisy , M.Y. ; Ragab , A.I. ; Ali M. M. and
Rashawn , A.A.
Petrology and age of Um Shilman granitic rocks , South Eastern
p. 783-796
11-Diab , M.S. Abdel-Latif , T. and Abdel - Baki , A.
Ground water occurrences in the southern sector of
Alexandria Desert Road.
p. 797-805
12-Hammad , F.A.
Geomorphological and hydrogeological aspects of Sinai Peninsula ,
p. 807-817
13-Saad , K.F. ; El-Shamy , I.Z. and Swedan , A.
Quantitative analysis of the geomorphology and hydrology of Sinai
p. 819-836
14-Himida , I.H. and Abdel-Baki , A.A.
Hydrogeological conditions of El Faiyum and Wadi El Rayan
Depressions , A.R.E.
p. 837-853
15-Eweida , E.A. and Abdallah , A.M.
Hydrogeological studies of El Gedida Mines water wells , Bahariya
Oasis , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 855-862
16-Hussein , H.A.
Origin of uranium mineralization at Gabal Foli district , North
Cameroon .
p. 863-869
17- Assaf , H. S. and Aburkes , M.G.
Uranium occurrence in Ghat area , South Western Desert , Libya.
p. 871-879
18-Tosson , S.M.
The economic minerals of Uganda.
p. 881-896
19-Hussein , H.A. and El-Kassas , I. A.
Some favourable host rocks for uranium and thorium mineralization
in Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 897-908
20 - Dardir , A.A. and Kobtan , S.M.
Preliminary evaluation of the rare earth elements in sector Abu
Trartur phosphorites.
p. 909-921
21-Meshref , W.M. ; Refai , E.M. ; Sadek , H.S. ; Abdel -Baki , S.H. ; ElSirafi , A.M.H. ; El-Kattan , E.M. ;El-Meligy ; M.A.M. ; El-Kattan , E.M.
; and El-Sheikh , M.M.
Structural geophysical interpretation of basement rocks of the North
Western Desert of Egypt.
p. 923-937
22-Meshref , W.M. ; Abdel-Baki , S.H. ; Abdel-Hady , H.M. and Soliman
, S.A.
Magnetic trend analysis in northern part of the Arabian Nubian Shield
and its tectonic implications.
p. 939-953
23-Keller , G.R. and Russell , D.R.
A crustal structure study of the African Continent
p. 955-960
24-Boulos , F.S. ; Morgan , P. ; Hennin , S.F. ; El-Sayed , A.A. and
Melik , Y.S.
The tectonic structure of Northeast Africa from gravity data.
ýp. 961-970
25-Morgan , P. ; Swanberg , C.A. ; Boulos , F.K. ; Hennin , S.F. ElSayed A.A. and Basta , N.Z.
Geothermal studies in North-East Africa
p. 971-987
26-Daggett , P.H. Morgan , P. ; Boulos , F.K. ; Hennin , S.F. ; El-Sherif ,
A.A. and Melic , Y.S.
Microearthquake studies of the north eastern margin of the African
p. 989-996
27-Ressetar , R. and Nairn , A.E.M.
Two phase of Cretaceous , Tertiary magmatism in the Egyptian
Eastern Desert : Paleomagnetic and K-Ar evidence .
p. 997-1011
28-Nairn , A.E.N. ; Ressetar , R. and Davies , J.R.
Paleomagnetic results from Pan - African rocks of the Egyptian
Eastern Desert.
p. 1013-1026
29-Bayoumi , A.I. and Boctor , J.G.
A contribution to gravity anomalies in the Gulf of Suez region , Egypt.
p. 1027-1035
30-Mina , M. ; Saber , H.S.M. ; El-Kholy , M.A. ; Kamel , A. M. and
Bayoumi , A.I.
Radiometric gamma logging studies on Abu Tartur phosphorite ,
Western Desert .
p. 1037-1046
31-Awad , W.K. ; Riad , S. and Refai , E.
The applicability of complex geophysical methods as indirect tool for
iron ore exploration at Bahariya Oasis area , Western Desert Egypt.
p. 1047-1068
32-Mostafa , S.N. ; Abu - Gharib , E.A. and Dardir , A.A.
Beneficiation of Abu Tartur phosphate ores.
p. 1069-1085
33-Abdel-Azim , Y.Y.
Beneficiation of Hamrawein phosphate ore.
p. 1087-1106
34-Bedewi , M.F. and Zaky , M.S.
Enrichment of phosphorite ore from Sibaiya West.
p. 1107-1114
35-El-Shafei , S. ; Pleti , Z. ; Megahid A. and El-Sherif , M.
Amenability of Abu Had phosphorite to beneficiation
p. 1115-1126
36-Philips , P.W.
Derivatography of technological iron ore sample from El Gedida area
, Bahariya Oasis , Egypt.
p. 1127-1132
37-El -Shafei , A.A.
Contributions to the structure of Central and Southern Sudan.
p. 1133-1137
38-Mansour , A.O. ; Mikhail , M.F. and Nour El-Din , M.
An information system for geological documents applicable to
developing countries.
p. 1139-1147
11. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XI , 1981 , 371 p. , 30$
Editor : Bahay Issawi
1 - El-Baz , F.
Journey of Egypt's earthest corner
p. 1-19
2 - McHugh , W.P.
A chronicle of research and exploration in the Gilf Kebir , Uweinat
Mountain region
p. 21-26
3 - Haynes , C.V. and Maxwell , T. A.
Desert navigation
p. 27-49
4 - El - Baz , F.
The view from space
p. 37-49
5 - El - Etr , H.A. and Moustafa , A.R.
Lineation patterns of the Central Western Desert.
p. 51-56
6 - Issawi , B.
Geology of the South Western Desert of Egypt .
p. 57-66
7 - Dardir , A.F.
Basement rocks of the Gilf-Uweinat area.
p. 67-78
8 - El-Baz , F. and Issawi , B.
Crater forms in Uweinat region.
p. 79-89
9 - Haynes , V.C.
The Darb El-Arbain Desert , a product of Quaternary cilmatic change
p. 91-117
10-El-Baz , F.and Wolfe , R.W.
Wind patterns in the Western Deser.
p. 119-139
11-Embabi , N.S.
Barchans of the Kharga Depression .
p. 141-155
12-Mexwell , T.A.
Sand sheets and lag deposits in the South Western Desert.
p. 157-173
13-El-Baz , F. and Donna Prestel
Coatings on sand grains from South Western Egypt.
p. 175-188
14-Grolier , M. and Collins , P. S.
Geology of the Gilf Kebir Plateau , and vicinty ,Western Desert ,
Egypt .
p. 189-206
15-McCauley , J.F. ; Breed , C.S. and Grolier , M.
The interplay of fluvial , mass wasting and eolian processes in the
Eastern Gilf Kebir region.
p. 207-23
16-El-Baz , F.
Boulder tracks on hill slopes in Southwest Egypt and similar features
on the Moon.
p. 241-246
17-Maxwell , A. and El-Baz , F.
Analogs of Martian eolian features in the Western Desert of Egypt
pp. , 247-259
18-Garvin , J.B.
Characteristics of rocks populations in the Western Desert and
comparison with Mars.
p. 261-280
19-Maxwell , T. A.
Erosional patterns of the Gilf Kebir Plateau and implications for origin
of Martian Canyonlands .
p. 281-300
20- McHugh , W. P.
Archaeological investigations in the Gilf Kebir and Abu Hussein
dunefeild .
p. 301-334
21-Achilles Gautier
Neolithic faunal remains in the Gilf Kebir and Abu Hussein dunefeild.
p. 335-339
22-Boulos , L.
The flora of Gebel Uweinat and neighbouring regions , Southwest
p. 341-347
12. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XII , 1982 , 381 p. , 30$
Editor : Bahay Issawi
1 - El-Ramly , Abdel-Aziz , M.F. ; Hussien , A.A. and Francis , M.H.
The ring complex of Wadi Dib , North Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 1-6
2 - Meneisy , M.Y. and Lenz , H.
Isotopic ages of some Egyptian granites.
p. 15-18
3 - Shaddad , M.S.
The Gebel Gerf igneous complex.
p. 15-18
4 - Dardir , A.A. ; Awadallah , M.F. and AbuZeid , K.M.
A new contribution to the geology of Gebel Dokhan volcanics ,
Eastern Desert , Egypt .
p. 19-27
5 - Bishady , A.M. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Petrographical and petrochemical studies on some alkaline volcanics
from Uweinat area , South Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 29-45
6 - El-Gaby , S. and Habib , M.S.
Geology of the area southwest of Port Safaga with special emphasis
on the granitic rocks , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 29-45
7 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Hilmy , M.E. ; Ali , M. and Hassan , O.A.
Petrological and petrochemical studies on some young granite
masses in the South Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 73-102
8 - El-Ramly , M.F. ; Hashad , A.M. ; Attawyia , M.Y.and Mansour ,
Geochemistry of Kolet Um Kharit bimodal metavolcanics , South
Eastern Desert , Egypt .
p. 103-120
9 - Takla , M.A. ; El-Sharkawi , M.A. and Basta , F.F.
Petrology of the Basement rocks of Gebel Mohagar Ghadir area ,
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 121-140
10-Rasmy , A.H.
Mineralogy of copper nickel sulphide mineralization at Akarem area ,
South Eastern Desert.
p. 141-162
11-Abdel-Kader , Z. and Shalaby , I.M.
Post-ore alteration at the Atshan Talc Mine , Hamata , Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 163-175
12-Rasmy , A.H.
Mackinawite from the copper , nickel prospect at Akarem area ,
South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 177-184
13-Samir , A. and Shibl , A.H.
Geophysical exploration structure of the North Western Desert using
aeromagnetic data.
p. 185-191
14-Abdel-Baki , S.H. ; Meshref , W.M. and Azoni , M.A.
A study of subsurface structure of the North Western Desert using
aeromagetic data.
p. 193-206
15-Mussa , M.A. and Farrag , N.
Air photo studies on the Quaternay deposits , north eastern part of
the Kharga , Dakhla Depression .
p. 207-21
16-El-Ammar , A.M. ; Abdallah , A.M. and Gawad , G.I.
Petrography and lithofacies studies on the Upper Cretaceous , Lower
Tertiary sediments of Abu Tartur Plateau , Weatern Desert , Egypt.
p. 213-236
17- Kamel , O.A.
Origin of the Egyptian phosphorites.
p. 237-254
18- Mansour , H. H. ; Issawi , B. and Askalany , M.M.
Contribution to the geology of west Dakhla Oasis area , Western
Desert , Egypt .
p. 255-281
19- Swidan , A. ; Ibrahim , A. ; El-Nattar , I. and Abbas , M.
Geology of the area north of Bahariya Oasis and south of Qattara
Depression , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 283-303
20- AL-Ahwani , M.M.
Geological and sedimentological studies of Gebel Shabrawet area ,
Suez Canal district , Egypt .
p. 305-381
13. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XIII , 1983 , 276 p. , 30.$
Editor : The Geological Survey Of Egypt
1 - Rasmy , A.H. ;Takla , M.A. and Gad , M.A.
Alteration associated with ore formation at Umm Samiuki , South
Eastern Desert , Egypt .
p . 1-21
2 - Dardir , A.A. ; Abu-Zeid , K.M. and Gadalla , S.H.A.
Molybdenite deposits of Gebel Qattar area.
p . 23-37
3 - Hite , R.J. and Wassef , A.S.
Potential potash deposits in the Gulf of Suez , Egypt .
p . 39-54
4 - El-Shafei , S. ; Megahid , A. and El -Sherif , M.
Behavior of pyrite in Abu Tartur phosphorite, Western Desert , Egypt
p . 55-66
5 - Attawiy , M.Y.
Geochemistry and genesis of the uranium mineralization of Gebel El
Misikat , Egypt.
p . 67-74
6 - Salman , A.B. and Aassy , I.E.
Radioactivity and uranium distribution in Wadi Araba Late Paleozoic
sediments , Noth Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p . 75-84
7 - Abdel-Baki , S.H. ; Meshref , W.M. and El-Gendy , N.S.
Regional structural interpretation of gravity data of the Ras El Behar
area , North Eastern Desert.
p . 85-97
8- Jux , U.
Diagenetic silica glass formely related to astrobleme from the
Western Desert , Egypt.
p . 99-10
9 - El-Khashab , B.
A biometric and morphological study of a Juvenile-Hippopotamus
Jaw specimen from Recent deposits of the Eastern Nile Delta ,
p . 109-114
10-Eissa , R. and Jux , U.
Cretaceous Charoideae from Egypt.
p . 115-121
11-Dardir , A.A. ; Rasmy , A.H. and Aly , M.M.
Geology , petrography , and petrochemistry of some crystalline rocks
from the Gilf-Uweinat area , South Western Desert , Egypt.
p . 123-142
12-Hassan , M.A. ; Aly , M.M. and Eid , A.S.
Petrographic and geochemical studies on the radioactive psammitic
gneiss of Wadi Abu Rusheid , South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p . 143-155
13-Bishady , A.M. ; Refaat , A.M. ; Kabbesh , M.L. and Abdallah , A.M.
Petrography and geochemistry of Gebel Atud gabbros, South
Eastern Desert , Egypt .
p . 157-168
14-Heikal , A.M. and Ahmed , A.M.
Some aspects of ignimbritic rhyolites of Gebel Abu Had volcanic
rocks , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p . 169-184
15-Rogers , J.J.W. and Greenberg , J.K.
Summary of recent work on Egyptian younger granites.
p . 185-191
16-Heikal , M.A. ; Hassan , M.A. and El-Sheshtawi , Y.
The Cenozoic basalt of Gebel Qatrani ,Western Dsesert, Egypt , as
an example of continental tholeiitic basalt.
17-Abdel -Kader , Z.; El- Sharkawi , M. and Maari , F.
The ultramafic-mafic of Gebel Samadai , South Eastern Desert,
p . 211-222
18-Jux , U. and Issawi , B.
Cratonic sedimentation in Egypt during the Paleozoic.
p . 223-245
19-Cherif , O.H. and El-Afifi , F.I.
Remarks on the stratigraphy and tectonism of the main Oligocene
exposures in Egypt.
p . 247-255
20-Hermina , M. ; Wassif , A. ; El-Tahalwy , A. and Kamel , A.
The subsurface Paleozoic section at Wadi Araba , Egypt.
p . 257-269
21 - Mussa , M.A. and Abu El- Laeil , I.
Structural analysis as a guide to mineralization trends in the North
Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p . 271-17
14. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XIV , 1984 , 318 p. , 30$
Editor : The Geological Survey Of Egypt
1- El-Bokl , F.M.
Technical and economic aspects for utilization of Egyptian ilmenite in
oil well drilling fluids.
` p . 1-23
2 - Naim , G.M.
The potential of coal deposits in Egypt.
p . 25-34
3 - Sabet , A.H. and Bordonosov , V.P.
The gold ore formations in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p . 35-42
4 - Salman , A.B. and El-Aassy , I.E.
Contribution to radof South Western Desert , Egypt.
p . 42-57
5 - Shaaban , A.S. and Shafie , S.B.
Review of new innovations in gold technology and the results of
testing some Egyptian ores.
p . 59-73
6 - El-Kammar , A.M. and El- Reedy , M.W.
Geochemistry of uranium and some rare earth elements in the
Cretaceous Tertiary sediments of Abu Tartur , Western Desert ,
Egypt .
p . 75-86
7 - Higazy , M. and Mostafa , M.E.
Statistical analysis of major element patterns in granitic rocks of
Wadi Um Adawi area , South Eastern Sinai.
p. 87-102
8 - Kassem , Y.A.
Evaluation of analytical methods applied to sulphide ores from Umm
Samuki , Eastern Desert Egypt.
p. 103-105
9 - Toppozada , T.R. ; Boulos , F.K. ; Henin , S.F. ; El-Sherif , A.A. ; ElSayed , A.A. ; Basta , N.Z. ; Shatiya , F.A. ; Melik , Y.S. ; Cramer ,
C.H. and Parke , D.L.
Seismicity near Aswan High Dam , Egypt , following the November
1981 earthquake.
p. 107-126.
10-Swanberg , C.A. and Others.
Geochemistry of the groundwater of Egypt.
p. 127-150
11-El-Anbaawy , M.I. ; Dadir , A.A. and Meabed , E.E.
Lithostratigraphy and clay mineralogy of some bentonitic clays in the
area east of El-Fayoum Depression , Egypt.
p. 151-164.
12-El-Rakiby , M.L.
Application of lineament analysis of Landsat imagery for mineral
exploration in Northern Red Sea Hills , Eastern Desert, Egypt.
p. 165-171.
13-Darwish , M. ; Abdallah , A.M. and Hassanain , I.M.
Contribution to the petrography and diagenesis of Jurassic
exposures , Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
p. 173-192.
14-El-Dakkak , M.W. and Refai , P.I.
Geologic study of Gebel El Qalamun area , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 193-215
15-Hasan , M.M. ; Mohamed , M.H. and Others.
Sedimentological study on Quaternary sediments from Northeast
Fayoum Egypt.
p. 217-229
16-Hewidy , A. and Cherif , O.H.
Contribution to the study of the bathymetric variations of the Late
Cretaceous Sea over the Abu Tartur area by using Foraminifera.
p. 231-241
17-Khalifa , M.A. and Abu-Zeid , K.
Sedimentological history of the Pliocene sediments in and around
Wadi El-Natroun , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 243-255
18 - Kolkila . A.A . ; Mohamed , M.H. and Others.
Microfacies and depositional environment of the Eocene sequence in
the area to the east of Helwan , Egypt.
p. 257-268
19-Moltzer , J.G. and Binda , P.L.
Age and depositional environment of the middle and upper Members
of the Shumaysi Formation, Saudi Arabia.
p. 269-278
20-Abdel-Wahed , M. ; Abdel-Khalek , M.L. and Hafez ,
Structural evolution of the gneisses and ophiolitic melange rocks in
the northern Migif area , South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
21-Aboul-Leil , I. and Mussa , M.A.
Structural factors controlling rare metals occurrences at IglaBarramiya area , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 309-319
15. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt
Vol. XV , 1985. 364 p. 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 - El-Aref , M.M. and Lotfy , Z.H.
Genetic karst significance of the iron ore deposits of El Bahariya
Oasis , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 1-30
2 - El-Dougdoug , A. ; Awadallah , M.F. and Hamimi , Z.
Textural relations in the banded iron formation facies of Gabal ElHadid area , Central Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 31-44
3 - Hahmoud , N.S.
Contribution to the evaluation problems of Egyptian Beach economic
p. 45-49
4 - Khazback , A.A.
Electrostatic separation of monazite and ilmenite from Rosetta
Beach black sands.
p. 61-67
5 - Taha , F. ; Abu-Gharib , E. A. and Madbouli , H. M.
Benefication of Igla cassiterite placer.
p. 69-74
6 - Sadek , M.F. ; Kaliouubi , B.A. ; Shaaban , M.M. ; Ragab , A.I. ;
Rasmy , A. H. and El-Ramly , M.F.
A petrological study on the gabbroic rocks of Gabal Umm Bisilla ,
South Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 75-92
7 - Sabet , A.H. and Khalaf , I.M.
Geological and geochemical investigations of some Egyptian
p. 39-113
8 - El-Reedy , M.W.
Preliminary investigations of the distribution of uranium and thorium
in some alkaline rocks of South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 115-121
9 - Sabet , A.H. and Aboul-Leil , I.
Geology and petrography of the granitic rocks along Wadi AbuDabbab , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 123-128
10-Hafez , A.M.A.
Upper mantle derived ultramafic xenoliths from Gabal Aritain ,
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
p. 129-136
11-Hassan , M. A. and El-Gemmizi , M. A.
Zircon in the metamorphic rocks of Wadi Nugrus , Eastern Desert ,
Egypt ,and its bearing on their origin
p. 137-147
12-Salman , A.B. ; El-Kassas , I.A. and Shalaby , M.H.
Structural analysis of Wadi El Kherim area , North Eastern Desert ,
p. 149-157
13-Hassaan , M.M. and El-Hawary , M.A.
Geochemical exploration in North Eastern Desert , II. Modes of
occurrence of copper molybdenum in geochemical dispersion
aureoles at Um Balad and Dara.
p. 159-170
14-Ghoneim , M.F. ; Aly , S.M. and El-Baraga , M.H.
Geohemistry of the Malhag metavolcanics , South Sinai Peninsula ,
p . 171-182
15-Kotob , H. ; Aly , M.M. ; Hassaan , M.M. and Holyle , H.S.
Geochemistry of some granitic rocks , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 183-196
16-Heikal , M.A. ; Attawiya , M.Y. and El-Sheshtawi , Y. A.
Textural patterns , geochemistry and origin of the granitoid rocks
around Wadi El Sheikh , Southwestern Sinai , Egypt.
p. 197-210
17-Niazy , E.A. ; Shalaby , I.M. and Daib , M.B.
Sulphide , silicate mineral interrelations of Gabbro Akarem Ni-Cu
mineralization , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 211-221
18-Aly , S.M. and Salem , I.A.
Mineralogy and chemistry of jasper from Um Ghamis and El Dabbah
metamorphic iron deposits , Centeral Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 223-232
19-Khalaf , I.M. ; Attia , M.S.; Mohamed , N.A. and Abdel- Megid , N.M.
X-ray diffraction analysis of some Eocene carbonate rocks ,
southeast Cairo , Egypt.
p. 233-242
20-Niazy , E.A.
Mineralogy and its relations to provenance in Al-Hassa dune sands ,
north Al-Jafurah Sand Fields Arabia.
p. , 243-256
21-Awadallah , M.F. and Wali , A.M.A.
On the mineralogical and geochemical characterstics of the Hagif
gypsum varvitic deposits , North Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 257-266
22-Abdalla , A.Y. and El-Bassyouni , A.A.
Primary sedimentary structures and sedimentary enviornments of the
Bahariya Formation “Lower Cenomanian” , Bahariya Oasis , Egypt.
p. 267-274
23-Khalifa , A.M. and Zaghloul , E.A.
Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Upper CretaceousPaleocene in Abu Minqar-Farafra Stretch , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 275-285
24-Faris , M. ; Allam , A. and Marzouk , A.M.
Biostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous Early Tertiary rocks in the
Nile Valley (Qena region) , Egypt.
p. 287-300
25-Hassanein , A.M.
Jurassic microbiostratigraphy , Gulf of Suez region , Egypt.
p. 301-309
26-Attia , G.M.
Clay mineral distribution in the subsurface Upper Cretaceous rocks
between Belayim-Abu Rudies area , Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
p. 311-316
27-Awad , W.K.and Armanious , G.M.
Geoelectric study at Elwat El Agramiya , Saint Catherine area Sinai ,
p. 317-323
28-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Helal , A.A.
The effect of the density in the detailed stripping of the Miocene
stratigraphic-structural inference of the western Coast of the Gulf of
Suez , Egypt.
p. 325-338
29-Khalil , J.B. ; Atta , S.A. and Diab , M.S.
Hydrochemical studies on the groundwater of the eastern part of the
Nile Delta , Egypt.
p. 339-348
30-El-Shamy , I.Z.
Quantitative geomorphology and surface water conservation in Wadi
Abbad area , Central Eastern Desert.
p. 348-359
16. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XVI , 1990 , 339 p. 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 - Wali , A.M.A. , El-Dougdoug , A.A. and Aref , M.A.M.
Geology, isotope geochemistry and the role of salt spines in sulfur
genesis Gemsa area , Red Sea , Egypt.
p. 1-15
2 - Osman , A. and Dardir , A.A.
On the mineralogy and geochemistry of some gold-bearing quartz
veiin the Central Eastern Desert , Egypt and their altered wall rocks.
p. 17-25
3 - Hassaan , M.M. ; Heikal , M.A. and El-Rahmany , M.M.
Prognostic criteria of Cu-mineralization in South Eastern Desert ,
p. 27-30
4 - Salman , A.B. ; El-Aassay , I.E. and Shalaby , M.H.
New occurrence of uranium mineralization in Gabal Qattar , Northern
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 31-34
5 - Shaalan , M.M. ; Awadallah , M.F. and Khalil , M.M.
On El-Heiz probable iron ore deposits , its petrochemistry and
economic potentiality , Bahariya Oasis , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 35-43
6 - El-Anbaawy , M.I. ; Dardir , A.A. and Meabed , E.E.
Liability of bentonitic clays from eastern part of Fayoum Governorate
in foundary sands.
p. 45-49
7 - Dabbiyr , G.A. ; Morsy , M.A. and Kamel , A.F.
Radiocativity and heavy economic minerals of some Quaternary
sediments at El Arish Beach , N.Sinai, Egypt.
p. 51-56
8 - Abdel-Wahed , M. , El-Diygdiyg , A. ; Awadallah , M.F. and Hamimi ,
On the relation between the ophiolitic melange and the banded iron
formation of Gabal El Hadid area , Central Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 57-67
9 - Felesteen , A.W.
Energy and resource potential of Abu Tartur blalck shales.
p. 69-72
10-El-Eissa , N.A. ; Sallam , H.A. ; Hassaan , M.Y. and Kany , M.S.
Effect of heating and gamma irradiation on Egyptian talc ore by
Mossbauer spectroscopy.
p. 73-76
11-Shaalan , M.M. ; El-Anbaawy , M.I. ; Kolkila , A.A. and Ali , M.M.
On the barite deposits of Bahariya Oasis , Egypt.
p. 77-82
12-El-Aassy , I.E.
Uranium potentiality of some Paleozoic sections in Egypt.
p. 83-87
13-Hassaan , M.M. ; Soliman , M.M. ; Azzaz , S.A. and Attawiya , M.Y.
Geological studies on gold mineralization at Sukari , Um Ud and
Samut , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p . 89-95
14-Romany , R.F. ; O’Connor , E.A. Johnson , T.P. ;
Omar , M. and Mohamed , G.
The Amreit granitoid complex ; a reappraisal of Phanerozoic
intrusives in the Bernice district , S. Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 97-101
15-Soliman , K. A. ; Madbouly , M. and Azer , A.
Geological and structural studies on Gabal Abu Surba and Wadi
Baba area , S. Sinai.
p. 103-106
16-Sabet , A.H. ; Hassan , M.M. and El-Gammal , S.A.
Petrographical and geochemical studies on the basement rocks ,
south of Gabal El Shayib , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 107-109
17-Taher , R.M.
A comparative petrochemical study of Gabal Abu Khrouq and Gabal
El Kahfa , South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 111-117
18-Awadallah , M.F.
Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of some Dykes ,
southeast of Aswan , Egypt.
p. 119-124
19-Shalaan , M.M. ; El-Kammar , A.M. ; Gad , M.A. and Romany , R.F.
Geochemistry of the Precambrian rocks and the associating dykes
swarms , El Reidi area , South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 125-132
20-Hassanein , M.M. ; Sabet , A.H. and Aboul-Leil , I.
Geological studies on granitoids in the northern part of the basement
complex , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 133-141
21-Higazy , M. and El-Gammal , S.A.
Petrography and geochemistry of the metagabbros from the northern
part of the basement rocks in Sinai , Egypt.
p. 143-147
22-Higazy , M. ; Aboul-Leil , I. ; Abdel-Tawab , M. and El-Gammal , S.A.
Geological setting, structure and petrography of the granitic rocks in
the North-Western part of the basement rocks in Sinai , Egypt.
p. 149-157
23-Soliman , K.A.
Geology and mineralization of the basement rocks in southern Sinai ,
p. 159-162
24-Shalaby , M.H. ; El Kassas , I.A. and Salman , A.B.
Geology and structure of Phanerozoic volcanics of Wadi Dara area ,
North Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 163-167
25-Sabet , A.H. and Aboul-Leil , I.
Geochemical investigation of the granitic rocks around Wadi Abu
Dabba , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 169-173
26-Kassem , Y.A. and Soliman , F.A.
Analysis of gold , silver and mercury in ores from Um Samiuki
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 175-178
27-Hafez , A.M.A. and Abdou , M.I.
Geochemical characteristics of Oilgocene and Cretaceous volcanics
from Nothern Egypt.
p. 179-188
28-Shaalan , M.M.B. and Heikal , M.T.S.
Distribution of opaque minerals in the Precambrian rocks , at Hajjah
district , Yemen Arab Republic.
p. 189-196
29-Higazy , M. ; Aboul-Leil , I. ; Attawiya , M. and El-Gammal , S.
Geochemical characteristics of granitic rocks in the north-western
part the basement rocks in Sinai , Egypt.
p. 197-203
30-Naim , G. ; Enani , N. and Ali , S.M.
Stratigraphy and structural setting of the Jurassic boreholes in Gabal
Maghara area , Sinai.
p. 205-214
31-El-Kelany , A. and Said , M.
The lithostratigraphy of Southeastern Sinai.
p. 215-221
32-Khalifa , M.A. and Zaghloul , E.A.
Diagenesis in the Esna and Farafra Oasis , Western Desert , Egypt
p. 223-227
33-Hassaan , M.M. ; Hassanein , A.M. ; Mohamed , M.H. and AbdelMonem , S.
Lithostratigraphical and microfacies studies on the Mokattam and the
Maadi Formations , Gabal Mokattam
area , Egypt.
p. 229-233
34-Mohamed , M.A. ; Attia , G.M. and Khalaf , I.M.
The clay minerals content in the Recent marine sediments of Gulf of
Suez as an index of environment.
p. 235-240
35-Shamah , K.
Nummulites lyelli D'Arachiac and Haime , 1983 and its paleoecology
in the Upper Lutetian of the Middle East.
p. 241-248
36-El-Sheikh , H.A.
Oligocene , Miocene boundaries in some wells in the eastern part of
the Nile Delta area , Egypt.
p. 249-253
37-El-Sheikh , H.A. and Amer , M.
Paleoenvironments of the Quaternary soils in El Bahariya Oasis ,
p. 255-258
38-Awadallah , M.F.
On the petrography and geochemistry of the Lower Tertiary
sediments of Beni-Mazar area , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 259267
39-El-Rakaiby , M.L. and El-Aassy , I.A.
Structural interpretation of Paleozoic-Mesozoic rocks , Southwestern
Sinai , Egypt.
p. 269-273
40-Boulos , F.K. ; Henin , S.F. ; El-Sayed , A.A. and Toppozda , T.R.
Regional earthquakes in Egypt identified during recording after
shocks of 14 November 1981 Aswan earthquake.
p. 275-280
41-Hosney , H.M.
The use of synthetic apparent resistivity for solving geoelectrical
problems in Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road.
p. 281-284
42-El-Assy , I.E. ; El-Rakaiby , M.L. and Bottros , N.H.
Geology and radioactivity of east Abu Zeneima area , Sinai , Egypt.
p. 285-288
43-Al-Hawary , M.A. and Lepley , L.K.
The spectral reflectance of some igneous rocks in the Eastern
Desert of Egypt.
p. 289-294
44-Mostafa , M.E.
Rock unit mapping using factor analysis applied to airborne gamma
ray spectrometric data , west Gabal Gattar area , Egypt.
p. 295-300
45-Mostafa , M.E.
Statistical symmetry of fold computation modeling and computer
p. 301-304
46-Boulos , F.K. and Kamel , O.A.
Fortran computer program for the quantitative mineralogical analysis
of black sands.
p. 305-307
47-Higazy , M. ; Aboul Leil , I. and Mokhtar , K.
Statistical study of zircon as a guide to the origin and type of granitic
rocks , North Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 309-314
48-Bakhit , F.S.
Statistical analysis of structural data of Fatira area , Central Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 315-319
49-Atta , S.A. ; Musa , M.A. and Said , M.
Hydrochemical studies on the groundwater of Nubian sandstone
aquifer in Oweinat area , Southwest Egypt.
p. 321-323
50-El-Hinnawi , M.
A note on the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene depositional basins in
the Plateau area between the Nile and the New Valley , Western
p. 325-328
51-El-Hinnawi , M.
Reveiw of the lithostratigraphy of the Matulla Formation.
p. 329
52-Swedan , A. and Kandil , A.E.
New outcrop of Upper Paleozoic , "Aheimer Formation" in northern
face of El Galala El Bahariya , North Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 335-331
53-Azer , A.Z.
Structural analysis of Wadi Khuda , Gabal Abu Dahr area , South
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 332-334
54-Said , M. and El-Kelany , A.
Contribution to the geology of Risan Aneiza , North Sinai , Egypt.
p. 335-336
55-Said , M. and El-Kelany , A.
The geology of Wadi Kalabsha area , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 337-339
17. Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XVII , 1991 , 392 p. , 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 - El-Kaliouby , B.A. and El-Ramly , M.F.
Nomenclature , origin and tectonic setup of granite suite at Wadi
Shait , South Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 1-17
2 - El-Gaby , S. ; Khudeir , A.A. ; Abdel-Tawab , M. and Atalla , R.F.
The metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary succession of Wadi Kid,
South Eastern Sinai , Egypt.
p. 19-35
3 - Takla , M.A. ; Basta , F.F. ; Abdel-Tawab , M.M. and Khaled , A.M.
The Precambrian rocks of Wadi Watir area , Southern Sinai.
p. 37-52
4 - Hafez , A.M. ; Abdel-Kader , Z. and Shalaby , I. M.
Zoned mafic-ultramafic complex in Wadi Abu Hamamid South
Eastern Desert.
p. 53-65
5 - Ghoneim , M.F. ; Aly , S.M. ; Abdel-Tawab , M. and El-Baraga , M.
Geological evolution of the Madsus area , southeast Sinai.
p. 67-71
6 - Abdeen , M.M. ; Dardir , A.A. and Greiling , R.O.
Hammamat pebbles in felsite at Wadi Queih north of Quseir ,
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 73-75
7 - Wali , A.M.A. ; Abdel-Wahab , S. and Aref , M.A.M.
Petrological characteristics and environmental conditions of the
Miocene sulphur , bearing evaporties , Gemsa area , Gulf of Suez ,
p. 77-99
8 - Naim , G.M. and El-Araby , S.K.
Economic evaluation of some Egyptian gold dumps and tailings.
p. 101-109
9 - Bassiony , M.W. ; Ghazaly , M.K. and Mekky , A.H.
Granite geochemistry as a key to the Late Proterozoic tectonic
environments of Egypt.
p. 111-125
10-Khalil , M.M. and El-Ramly , M.F.
On the occurrence of uranium-bearing carbonatites in the vicinity of
Tarbtie South ring complex.
p. 127-136
11-Al-Mohandis , A.A.
Magnetite and ilmenite from Gabal Abu Safiyah intrusion , Wayban
quadrangle , NW Saudi Arabia.
p. 137-143
12-Oweiss , K.A. and Khalid , A.M.
Geochemical prospecting at Um Qareiyat gold deposit , South
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 145-151
13-Philobbos , E.R. and Keheila , E.A.
Development of regressive , transgressive facies of Lower and
Middle Eocene in the area northeast of Assiut , Eastern Desert
p. 153-171
14-Arafa , A.A.
Biostratigraphic zonation of the Late Cretaceous sediments of Gabal
Nazzazat , Southwest Sinai , Egypt.
p. 173-182
15-Mohamed , M.A.
Marine geological studies of Recent bottom sediments in the Gulf of
p. 183-192
16-Swedan , A. ; Ibrahim , A. and Kandil , A.
Back to the future: El-Ramiya Formation and rewriting the Lybian ,
Mokattamian stratigraphy of Gabal Ataqa and Gabal El Goza ElHamra.
p. 193-198
17-Hewaidy , A.A. ; El-Arafa , A.A. and El-Ashwah , A.A.
Biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous rocks of El Qusaima area ,
Northeast Sinai , Egypt.
p. 199-212
18-Faris , M.
Late Cretaceous calcareous Nannofossils and stage boundaries in
East Mubarak Well no.1 , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 213-221
19-El-Dawwody , A.S. and Shamah , K.M.
Microbiostratigraphy of some Paleocene rocks on the Red Sea
Coast , Egypt (with special reference to Duwi and Esh El Mellaha
sedimentary successions).
p. 223-238
20-Swedan , A.H.
A note on the geology of Greater Cairo area.
p. 239-251
21-Kafafy , A.M.
Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabric of Hammamat Group , Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 253-267
22-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Abdel-Nabi , S.H.
Two-dimensional gravity modelling of simple and complex mass
distributions in relation to the inferred tectonic model of the Qattara
Depression area , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 269-284
23-Ammar , A.A. El Kattan , E.M. and El-Sirafe , A.M.
Aerial gamma ray spectrometric exploration of the Um Naggat
granite pluton , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 285-304
24-Riad , S. ; Fouad , A. ; Ghalib , M. and Refai , E.
Preliminary interpretation of regional gravity of Egypt.
p. 305-313
25-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Ismail , A.A.
The use of mono-porosity crossplots in the determination of the
petrophysical parameters of Abu Madi and Sidi Salem Formation in
the central part of the Nile Delta , Egypt.
p. 315-329
26-Fawal , F.M. and Shendy , E.H.
Sedimentology and groundwater of the Quarternary sandy layer
north of Wadi El-Tumilat , Ismailia , Egypt.
p. 331-350
27-Hosney , H. Bayoumi , A. and Hosseiny , A.
Geoelectric study for groundwater aquifer in the Central Part of the
Nile Delta in Egypt. p. 351-366
28-El-Hakim , B.A.
Computer program to define potassium minerals percentages from
geophysical well logs.
p. 367-380
29-Kamel , M.H. ; Bayoumi , A. and Ibrahim , H.A.
A method of minimizing erorr in calculating formation factor constant.
p. 381-383
30-Bakhit , B. and El-Sherbini , H.
New chromite occurrences at Wadi Murra , South Eastern Desert.
p. 385-388
31-Barakat , A.A. ; De Michele , V. ; Piacenza , D. ; Bonato , S. and ElBedewi , F.M.
New chromite occurrences at Wadi Murra , South Eastern Desert.
p. 389-392
18. Annals Of the Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XVIII , 1992 , 452 p. 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 - Ghoneim , M.F. ; Takla , M.A. and El-Lebda , M.
The gabbroic rocks of the Central Eastern Desert , Egypt: a
geochemical approach.
p. 1-21
2 - Al-Mohandis , A.A. and Alawi , J.A.
Geology and petrography of the granitic rocks of the Tindadah area ,
Khamis Mushayt Quadrangle , Saudi Arabia.
p. 23-27
3 - Soliman , K.A. ; Tolba , M.E. ; El-Manakhly , M.M. ; Madbouly , M.E.
; Hassan , M. Abdel-Magid , E.A. ; Khyamy , A.A. ; Abdel-Mola , A.F.
and Mohamed , H.A.
Geology of the albitite , Wadi El Tarr , Southern Sinai.
p. 29-37
4 - Higazy , M. ; Abdel-Tawab , M. and Ahmed , A.M.
Geology of Wadi Um Adawi granitoids , Southeastern Sinai , Egypt.
p. 39-43
5 - Higazi , M. ; Heikal , M. and Ahmed , A.M.
Petrochemistry , origin and tectonic setting of Wadi Um Adawi
granitoid rocks , Southeastern Sinai , Egypt.
p. 45-53
6 - El-Kassas , I.A. and Bakhit , F.S.
Structural analysis of basement rocks in Wadi Atalla , El-Missikat
area , Eastern Desert.
p. 55-67
7 - Salman , A.B. and Abdel-Monem , H.M.
Geological and technological studies of new glass sand occurrence
in North Sinai Peninsula , Egypt.
p. 69-80
8 - El-Assey , I.E. ; Shalaby , M.H. and Roz , M.
Uranium distribution in the phosphate deposites of Gabal Qreiya ,
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 81-89
9 - Abdel-Monem , H.M. and El-Assey , I.E.
Geology and physicochemical studies on kaolin ore of Wadi Budra ,
west Central Sinai Peninsula , Egypt.
p. 91-101
10-Dardir , A.A. and El-Chimi , K.A.M.
Geology and geochemical exploration for gold in the banded iron
formation of Um Nar area , Central Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 103-111
11-Aboul-Leil , I. ; Shalaby , I.M. ; El-Nashar , E. and Ramadan , T.M.
Yettrium bearing garnets in South Eastern Desert.
p. 113-120
12-El-Sheshtawi , Y.A. ; Salem , A.K.A. and Aly , M.M.
The geochemistry of biotite and petrogenesis of Wadi El-Sheikh
granitoid rocks , Southwestern Sinai , Egypt.
p. 121-137
13-Khalaf , I.M. and Oweiss , K.A.
Geochemical exploration for gold at Wadi Amba ‘ut , Central Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 139-145
14-Oweiss , K.A.
Geochemical exploration for gold at Tallet Gaddalla , Eastern Desert
, Egypt.
p. 147-155
15-Swedan , A.H.
Stratigraphy of the Eocene sediments in the Fayum area.
p. 157-166
16-Aboul-Enain , F.M.
Petrographic and mineralogic characteristics of the Upper Paleozoic
Aheimer Formation , Coastal area of the Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
p. 167-178
17-Moshrif , M.S. and Said , M.M.
Contribution to the geology of Wadi Garara , south east of Aswan ,
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 179-187
18-Swedan , A.H. and Ibrahim , A.
Contribution to the age assignment of Moghra El Bahari Formation.
p. 189-191
19-Wali , A.M. and Czuj , M.
On the petrographic characteristics of the Miocene gypsum rocks ,
Cracow , Poland.
p. 193-198
20-Zaghloul , E.A.
Miocene rock stratigraphy on the Red Sea Basin
p. 199-208
21-El-Shamaa , A. and Arafa , A.
Palynozonation of Abu Roash G. Member and the Upper part of
Bahariya Formation in Bed Wells 1-2 , Western Desert , Egypt.
p. 209-215
22-Mohamed , M.H. ; Kolkila , A.A. and Khalil , M.H.
Contribution to the geology of the Quaternary sediments , east Beni
Suef , Egypt.
p. 217-227
23-Kafafy , A.M. and Abdel-Dayem , A.L.
Contributions to the magnetic properties of Um Rus young gabbro ,
Eastern Deesert , Egypt.
p. 229-238
24-Riad , S. and Hosney , H.
Fault plane solution for the Gilf Kebir earthquake and the tectonics of
the Southern part of Wesetern Desert of Egypt.
p. 239-248
25-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Helal , A.A.
The potential of the seismic interpretation in delineating the shearing
deformations and their tectonic implications along the western Coast
of the Gulf of Suez , Egypt.
p. 249-266
26-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Ismail , A.A.
A comparative study between the M-N and Mid Tri porosity
crossplots for identifying the matrix components and depositional
environments in the Central part of the Nile Delta , Egypt.
p. 267-288
27-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Ismail , A.A.
An evalution for the Abu Madi and Sidi Salem Formations in the
central part of the Nile Delta , Egypt , utilizing the dia-porosity
p. 289-311
28-Atta , S.A. Said , M. and Mussa , M.
Geological and hydrochemical studies on the groundwater of El
Minya Governorate , Egypt.
p. 313-321
29-El-Shamy , I.Z.
Recent recharge and flash flooding opportunities in the Eastern
Deesert , Egypt.
p. 323-334
30-El-Kharbotly , A.M. and El-Mahallawy , N.A.
A conceptual computer evaluation system for mineral deposits.
p . 335-346
31-Hussein , H.A. and Bakhit , F.S.
Determination of tension planes from joint analysis and thier
correlation with mineralized joint planes.
p. 347-356
32-Naim , G.M. and Moneim , A.A.
A computer program for the evaluatioon of the black sand deposit in
p. 357-392
33-Bakhit , F.S. and El-Kassas , I.A.
Distribution and statistical analysis of radioactivity of the basement
rocks in Wadi Atalla El-Missikat area and correlation with the
surrounding areas , Central Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 393-407
34-El-Etr , H.A. and Sinabantu , S.S.
Geology of the National Parks of Uganda
p. 409-425
19- Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XIX, 1993 , 570 p. 30$
Editor :Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 - Akaad , M.K. ; Aboul-Ela , A.M. and El-Kamshoshy ,
Geology of the region west of Mersa Alam , Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 1-18
2 - Ahmed , A.M. and El-Sheshtawi , Y.A.
Petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of some ultramafic-mafic
associations of Wadi Dib and Wadi Urf , North Eastern Desert ,
p. 19-32
3 - Al-Filali , I.Y. ; Hassan , M.A. and Hashad , A.H.
Significance of some mantled geneiss domes in the Arabian-Nubian
p. 33-46
4 - Botros , N.S.
New prospects for gold mineralization in Egypt.
p. 47-56
5 - Al-Mohandis , A.A.
Potential uranium deposits in Saudi Arabia.
p. 57-60
6 - El-Kharbotly , A.M. ; El-Wageh , M.A. ; El-Mahalawy , N.A. and Taha
, M.A
Isogram maps and industrial assessment of some quartz (silica)
sand deposits in Egypt.
p. 61-77
7 - Khalil , K.H. ; Sadek , M.F. ; Benjamin , N.Y. and Hawkins , M.B.
Geochemistry of the Zeidun El-Miyah volcanics , Central Eastern
Desert , Egypt.
p. 79-96
8 - Khalaf , I.M. and Oweiss , K.A.
Gold prospection in the enviorons of Sukkary Gold Mine , Central
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 97-108
9 - Al-Bahafazlla , A.H.M. and Ali , H.M.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks in Khamis
Mushayt area , Southern Arabian Shield.
p. 109-124
10-El-Anbaawy , M.H. and Fara , M.
The travertine deposits and thermomineral springs of Damt area ,
Yemen Republic.
p. 125-141
11-Nassiel , M.O. ; Hashad , M.H. and Mofti , M.R.
Distribution of Zr , Nb , Y , Ti and P in some basaltic-andesitic rocks
from Al Hijaz and Afif terranes of the Arabian Sheild , Kindom of
Saudi Arabia.
p. 143-156
12-Hathout , M.H. ; Attia , G.M. ; Dardir , A.A. and El-Fakharany , N.A.
Contribution to the petrology and geochemistry of some subsurface
Middle Miocene evaporites at Ras El-Bahar area , Gulf of Suez ,
p. 157-180
13-Hassanein , A.M. ; Dardir , A.A. and Hewaidy , A.A.
Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower
Tertiary succession in Wasif area , Eastern Dessert , Egypt.
p. 181-206
14-Hassanein , I.M. and El-Bokle , F.M.
Geological and petrophysical characteristics of the surface
Cenomanian facies, Southern Gabal Araba , South West Sinai ,
p. 207-222
15-Shamah , K. ; Andrawis , S. ; Allam , A. and
El-Maaradny , M.
Biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary boundary from
, Faghur-I ,N. Ghazalat-I and G.P.J.-2 Abu Sennan Wells in North
Western Desert , Egypt.
p . 223-243
16-Shamah , K. and Helal , S.
Benthonic Foraminifera from Gabal El-Gosa El-Hamra and its
neighbourhood , Suez Canal Zone, Egypt.
p. 245-260
17-Hewaidy , A. and El-Ashwah , A.
Faunal and environmental studies on the Upper Cretaceous
sequence in El-Qusaima area , North East Sinai , Egypt.
p. 161-288
18-Zaghloul , E.A. ; Askalany , M.M. and Selim , M.M.
Contribution to the stratigraphy of west Bahariya area , Western
Dessert , Egypt.
p. 289-300
19-Morsy , A.M. ; Kelling , G. ; El-Ghawaby , M.A. and El-Fawal , F.M.
Sedimentology of the Pre-Cenomanian succession east Central
Sinai , Egypt.
p. 301-323
20-Selim , M.M. and Said , M.M.
Contribution to the geology of Gabal Abraq , south east of Aswan ,
p. 325-333
21-Khalifa , M.A. ; Shama , K. and Aboul-Ghar , M.
Mixed carbonate siliciclastic ramp facies of the Middle Eocene
Midawara Formation , south east El-Fayium area , Western Dessert ,
p. 335-349
22-Morsy , A.M. ; Aboul-Enein , M.K. and El-Fiky , A.M.
A Trilobite fossil from Abu Hamata Formation near Wadi Baba ,
West Central Sinai , Egypt.
p. 351-356
23-Issawi , B. and McCauley , J.F.
The Cenozoic landscape of Egypt and its river system.
p . 357-3b84
24-El-Etr , A.H. and Hamdan , H.A.
Some structural and geomorphic analouges on Mars and Earth
especially Egypt.
p. 385-424
25-Fara , M.
Sewage water disposal and aquifer pollution in arid lands (case study
:Sana'a waste discharging).
p. 425-434
26-Meshref , W.M. ; Abdel-Baki , S. and Saad , M.H.H.
Rift tectonics of northern Egyptian Red Sea.
p. 435-443
27-Aboul-Ata , A.S.A. and Ismail , A.A.
Comprehensive computer programs for the analysis of the well
logging data of some lithostratigraphic units in the Central part of the
Nile Delta , Egypt.
p. 445-465
28-Ammar , A.A. ; El-Sirafe , A.M. and El-Kattan
Airborne geochemical and structural investigations of the
Precambrian copper-bearing rocks , Hammash district , South
Eastern Desert , Egypt.
p. 467-486
29-Raid , S. ; Maamoun , M. and Simpson , D.S.
Focal mechanisms of some recent earthquakes in the Gulf of Suez
area and their tectonic implications.
p. 487-500
30-Mina , M.
Geophysical investigation for groundwater at Ein Furtaga area South
Sinai , Egypt.
p. 501-512
31-Naim , G.M.
Geology on northern reaches of the Suez Canal area and its
p. 513-523
32-Abdel-Tawab , S. and Shendi , E.H.
Geotechnical and geophysical studies on the building subsidence of
a building at El-Sahab Sector , Suez Governorate.
p. 525-533
33-Sonbul , A. ; Sabtan , A. and Shehata , W.
On improving the marble productivity at Modrakah Quarry , Saudi
p. 535-543
34-Shaaban , A.S.
A Note for EGSMA personel working in gold evaluation projects.
p. 545
35-Barakat , A.A.
On Isna meteorite related to the fall of 1902?
p. 546-548
36-Said , M.M. ; El-Mahdi , B. ; Turki , S. ; El-Tagory , A. ; Oweiss , K
A. ; Sweisy , S. K and Diaff , A.
Note on a preliminary reconnaissance field trip to Al-Uwaynate area.
p. 549-568
37-Abdel-Razek , M. ; Ramadan , T. ; Tamom , S. and Refaat , M.
China clay from Abu Zenima area , South West `Sinai , Egypt.
20.Annals Of Geological Survey of Egypt
Vol. XX, 1994, 885 p. 60$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
Part one
1- Abdel Khalek, M.L.; Abdel Maksoud, M.A.; Abdel -Tawab, M.A.
And El- Bedawi, M.A.
An ophiolite-melange complex South of Dahab, Sinai, Egypt
p. 1-18.
2-El-Bayoumi, R.M.; Dardir, A.A. and Abdel Kader, O.
Geology of Qarrn Manamah-Massafi-Fujayrah area in the
Northern Oman Mountains, United Arabs Emirates
p. 19-38.
3- Abu El Leil, I.; Abdel Tawab, M.And Abdel Wahab, G.
Geology and petrology of some migmaties and granitoids of
Gabal Sabbagh, South Sinai, Egypt
p. 39-70.
4- Takla, M.A, Hamimi, Z.; Haassanein, S.M. and Kaoud, N.N.
Geology and tectonic setting of shield rocks of Um Ghamis El
Zarqa area and implications on the BIF genesis
p. 71-90
5- Aly, S.M.; Ghoneim, M.F. and Beniamin, N.
Petrology of granite at Gabal Um Rasein, South Eastern Desert,
P. 91-105.
6- El Kalioubi, B., and Khalil, Kh. A.
Geology of the area West Of Wadi Rod Honeib, South Eastern
Desert, Egypt, with special emphasis on the origin and tectonic
setting of the metavolcanic suite
7- El Bayoumi, R.M.; Abu Zeid, H.T.; Khalaf, E.A.
Upper Proterozoic calc-alkaline and tholeiitic volcanics and their
associates in the Gulf of Suez region, Egypt
8- Hilmy, M.E.; Abdel Maksoud, M.A. and Azer, H.W.
Close Examination of two Phases of the anorogenic granite, Abu
El- Hasan area Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt
9- El Sheshtawi, Y.A.; El Tokhi, M.M. and Ahmed, A.M.
Petrogenesis of the Dokhan Volcanics Of Wadi Dib and Wadi
Abu Had, Esh El Mellaha, Northern Eastern, desert Egypt
10- Abdeen, M.M.; Dardir, A.A. and Greiling, R.D.
Rain drop prints, mud crack polygons and pepples as strain
markers in a Pan-African molasse Basin, Wadi Queih, Arabian
Desert, Egypt
p. 185-191.
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry:
11- El Bakri, A., Rasmy; A.H.; Soliman, M.M.; Toma, C.Y and
El- Ramly, M.F.
Petrographical and geochimecal studies on the hammamat
sediments, Wadi El Miyah, Eastern Desert, Egypt
12- Khalid, A.M. And Oweiss, Kh.A.
Results of mineral exploration programs in South Eastern
Sinai, Egypt.
p. 207-220..
13- Aly, S.M. And El Baraga, M.H.
Geology and geochemistry of shahira Metagabbro-Diorite
complex, Sinai.
14- Akaad, M.K.; Abu El Ela; A.M. and El Kamshoshy, H.I.
Petrochemistry of the sukkari and Igla eliswid metavolcanics,
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
p. 235-256.
15- El Bayoumi, R.M.; Dardir, A.A. and Abdel Kader, O.
Petrochemistry of the mafic-ultramafic rocks of Wadi ThawbanMassafi-Wadi Ham area, United Arabs Emirates.
p. 257-280.
16- Abdel- Karim, A.M.; Azzaz, S.A. and Abdel Gawad, G.M.
Petrography and geochemistry of the basement rocks of Zargat
Naam-Hagar El Fil area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
p. 281-308.
17- El Shestawi, Y.A.; Ahmed, A.M. and Aly, M.M.
Geochemical characterization of some older and younger
gabbros of Egypt and its Impication on their geologic setting
18- Oweiss, Kh. A.
Geochemical exploration for gold at Um Ud, Central Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
19- Khalid, A.M. and Oweiss, Kh.A
Geochemical exploration for gold at Wadi Kid area, South
Eastern Sinai, Egypt.
p. 333-342.
20- Attia, G.M.; Hathout, M.H.; Dardir, A.A and El Fakharany, N.
Mineralogical petrological and geochemical studies of some
subsurface Middle Miocene evaporites at Gemsa, Gulf of Suez,
21- Hussein, Abdel- Aziz; Eldougdoug, A.; Takla, M.A. And El
Eraky, F.Y.
Mineralogy, chemistry and origin of Egyptian turquoise, West
Central Sinai, Egypt.
22- Botros, Nagy Sh.
Genesis of gold mineralization in the North Eastern Desert,
23- Takla, M.A.; Eldougdoug, A.; Gad, M.A.; Rasmy, A.H. and ElTabbal, H.K.
Gold-bearing quartz veins in mafic and ultramafic rocks, Hutite
and Um Tenedba, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
p. 411-432.
24- Niazy, E.A.; Shalaby, I.M.; Abdel- Rahim, S.H.
Wallrock alteration associated with the copper mineralization of
Wadi El Regeita, Southern Sinai, Egypt.
25- Takla, M.A.; Eldougdoug, A; Hussein, Abdel- Aziz And ElEraky, F.Y.
Petrogenesis of zabargad ultramafic rocks and origin of peridot,
Zabargad Island, Red Sea, Egypt
Part Two
26- Said, M.M. and Seleim, M.M.
Contribution to the geology of Adindan Wadi shaturma area,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
27- El- Halaby, O.M.; Mohamed, M.A. and Cherif, O.
The areal distribution of Foraminiferal assemblages in the Gulf
of Suez Region
28- Hussein, Aly, I.M.
On the occurrence of continuous costata uvigerines in the
Middle Eocene rocks in Egypt
29- Faris, M.
Late Cretaceous and paleocene calcareous nannofossil
biostratigraphy at St.Paul section, Southern Galala Plateau,
30- Askalany, M.M. and Abu Zeid, K.A.
Contribution to the geology of the area around Wadi Gabgaba,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt
p. 539-549.
31- Abu El Enain, F.M.; Ali, M.M. and Ismail, A.S.
Petrography, geochemistry and depositional history of the
eocene rocks in the area between Northern Galala and Gabal
Ataqa, Western Gulf of Suez, Egypt
32- Hussein, Aly, I.M.
Remarks on the occurrence of marginulinopsis tuberculata
[Plummer] in the Esna Shale, W. Central Sinai, Egypt
33- Faris, M.
Morphometric analysis of arkhangelskiella cymbiformis
vekshina, 1959, in the upper cretaceous rocks of Egypt and its
stratigraphic importance
34- El- Mansey, I.M. and El- Baz, M.H.
Origin and occurrence of chert beds at El-Qusaima area, North
East Sinai, Egypt
35- Said, M.M.; Abu Zeid, K.A.; Ibrahim, S.M.; Habib, A.; Osman,
M.R. and El Tagory, A.
Contribution to the geology of Al Uwaynate area, Southwest
p. 619-632.
36- Swedan, A.H.; Mazouk, A.H. and Eid., M.
stratigraphy and calcareous nannoplanktons of the late
cretaceous-early tertiary succession of Gabal Hayala and
Gabal El-Ghoryia, East Central Sinai
p. 633-654.
37- Landis, G.P.; Swanberg, C.A.; Morgan, P.; Boulos. F.K; ElSherif, A.A; El-Sayed, A.A.; Basta, N.Z. and Melek, Y.S.
Reconnaissance hydrogen isotope geochemistry of Egyptian
ground waters
p. 655-673
38- Sayed, M.A.
Surface land features and predicting ground water occurrences
a geophysical study
p. 675-690
39- kamel, M.H.
On water saturation determination
p. 691-708
40- Amr, A.; El- Eraqi, M. and Nahl, A.
Analysis of aeromagnetic anomalies in the area around Ras
Dirra, South Eastern Desert, and their significance.
p. 709-723
41- Salman, A.B.; Nossair, L.M. and El-Kholy, D.M.
Contribution to the radioactivity of Gabal Homra El-Gerigab,Esh
El-Mellaha Range, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
42- El-Behiry, M.G.
Velocity depth function for inverting refraction time-distance
43- Kafafy, A.M. and Abdeldayem, A.L.
Palaeomagnetism of some uppper cretaceous rocks, SW Sinai,
44- El-Behiry, M.G. and Hosney, H.M.
Determination of the hydroglogic conditions of the area
Southwest of Tanta, Nile Delta, Egypt.
p. 769-780
45- Basal, A.M.K.
A Comparative study for the water saturation calculation
models applied to Abu Roash Formation Wadi El Natrun area,
North-Western Desert, Egypt
p. 781-809.
46- Megahid,A.; Tawfik I And Shehata, M.
Recovery of gold from Um-Qurayat and El-Sukary tailings
47- Amer.A.M.
Coal desulfurization: Application of basic research in
development and kinetics
48- El- Bokle, F.M.,
Bentonite grade as determined by consistency indices
49- Bassiony, K.
Inter-relation between the rare earth [REE]and uranium
contents at the Abu Tartur phosphorite deposit
Nasr, B.B.and Youssef, M.
New occurrences of tertiary alkaline rocks at Gabal Elba area,
South Eastern Egypt.
Nasr, B.B.
New chromite occurrence at Gabal Heianai, South Eastern
Oweiss, Kh. A.
The Banded Iron Formation [B.I.F.] at Gabal Nakhila area,
Southern Sinai, Egypt
Barakat, A.A.;Michele, V.de. Negro, G.; Piacenza, B.
A report on the 1994 field trip to the silica glass area, Great
Sand Sea, Western Desert
p. 879-885.
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt
Vol. XXI, 1999 , 564 p. ; 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1-El- Ramly, M.F.; Soliman, F.A; Rasmy, A.H. and Abu El Farh, M.H.
Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the island arc volcanic
rocks in the area between Wadi Garf and Wadi Um Khariga,Central
Eastern Desert of Egypt.
p. 1-22
2-Nasr, B.B.and El- Sherbeni, H.
New occurrences of Dokhan-type volcanics in the Halaib area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt
p. 23-33
3- Surour,A. A;Kabesh, M.L.
Calc-alkaline magmatism and associated mafic microgranular enclaves
of Wadi Risasa area, Southeastern Sinai, Egypt.
P. 35-54
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology
4-Issawi, B.; Osman, R.; Francis,M;.El- Hinnawi, M.; El- Bagori,Y;
Mazhar,A. and Labib,S.
Contributions to the geology of East Sinai.
P. 55-88
5-Askalany, M.M.and Eid, M.A.
Studies on Pleistocene sediments, Western Fringe of the Nile Delta,
P. 89-103
6-Soliman, H.E. and Abu El-Hassan, M.M.
Diagenesis of the clastic-carbonate sediments of the limestone hills,
Bahariya Oasis, Egypt.
P. 105-122
7-. Mahran, T.M.
Late Oligocene lacustrine-palustrine deposits, Abu Hammad Basin, Red
Sea Egypt: sedimentology and controlling factors of palustrine carbonates.
P. 123-158
8-El Sabrouty, M.N.
Determination of some plants during the Pharaonic time from the analysis
of pollen grains.
P. 159-168
9-Sameeh,S.; Hassan, M.M. and Awad, M.H.
Contribution to the mineralogy and geochemistry of the pliocene
sediments in Qena District, Nile Valley, Upper Egypt,
P. 169-189
10-Takla, M.A.; Surour,A.A.and El-Mansi, M.M.
Microfabrics and mineral chemistry of sulphides from "Shadli"
metavolcanics and younger gabbros, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 191-215
11-Abdel-Wahab, G.; Shaaban, G.M. and Issa, M.M.
Regional geological and geochemical exploration at Nisriyin area, South
Sinai, Egypt.
P. 217-224
12-Oweiss, Kh. A. and Said, M.M.
Geochemical exploration for gold at Gabal Madarai area, South Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 225-229
13-Oweiss, Kh. A. and Said, M.M.
Regional geological and geochemical exploration at Gabal Gerf area,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 231-237
14- . Basta, F. F.
Mineralogy and petrology of some gabbroic intrusions in Sinai and the
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 239-271
15-Nassief, M.O.
A comparative geochemical study of some andesitic rocks from the
Arabian Shield.
P. 273-288
16-El-Tokhi, M.
Mineralogy and geochemistry of riebeckite granites of Gabal Musa,
Southern Sinai, Egypt.
P. 289-302
17- Naim, G. M.; Khalid, A.M.; Said, M.M.; Shaaban, G. M; Hussein, A. M.
and El Kady, M.F.
Banded Iron formation discovery at West of Gabal Kamel, and its gold
potential, Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 303-330
18-Nasr, B.B.; Masoud, M.S.; El Sherbeni H. and Makhlouf, A.A.
Some new occurrences of gold mineralization, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 331-344
19-Said, M.M.; Khalid, A.M.; El Kady, M.F.; Abu Salem, A.O.and Ibrahim,
On the structural evolution of the banded Iron formation of Gabal Kamel
and its role in the gold mineralization.
P. 345-352
20-Al-Saleh, A.M. and Al-Alawi, J.A.
The PGE potential of the Arabian Shield.
P. 353-358
21- El- Sherbeni, H. and Cosgrove, J.
Physical models of thrust propagation in anisotropic materials.
P. 359-383
22-Kazzaz, Y.A.
Tectonic setting of granite intrusions in the Central Wadi Allaqi area,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 385-394
23-Mansour, S.; Hamimi, Z. and El-Amawy, M.A.
Geology and structural evolution of Bir Haimur area, Southeastern Desert,
P. 395-409
24-Basta N.Z.; Abdel Aziz, M. and El-Hakim, B.
Earthquake hazard assessment for some cities in Sinai peninsula.
P. 411-433
25-Sultan, S.A. and Abu El-Ata, A.S.A.
A geoelectrical study on the South El-Wadi El-Gedid Area, Western
Desert, Egypt.
P. 435-455
26-Mina, M.; Abdel Fattah, I. and El Saied, M.
Geoelectric and magnetic investigation for groundwater at Ras El Naqb
area East Central Part of Sinai, Egypt.
P. 457-465
27-Sultan, S.A; and Abu El Ata, A.S.A.
Gravity and magnetic measurements and interpretations for the area
South El-Wadi El-Gedid, Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 467-485
28-Al-Bassam, A.M.; Allam, A.M. and Al-Alawi, J.A.
Shallow seismic and geo-electrical exploration for groundwater in parts
of the Arabian Shield.
P. 487-503
29-El-Shayeb, H.M.Y.
Geophysical contribution to the groundwater potentiality at Wadi El
Mallez (Gifgafa area), Sinai, Egypt.
P. 505-515
30-Abdel-Dayem, A.L.; Ragab, M.A. and Hassanean, M.J.
Petrography, magnetic and petrophysical properties of some tertiary
limestone, Greater Cairo, Egypt.
P. 517-534
31-Mesbah, M.A.
A study on sea water effects by using geoelectric resistivity mapping at
El-adabiya, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
P. 535-552
32-Al-Amri, A.M.S.
The use of the resistivity method for groundwater investigations in a
semiarid region (A case history).
P. 553-564
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXII, 1999 , 559 p. , 30$
1- El-Ramly, M.F.; Khalil,M.M.; El Tokhi, M. and Salama, M.E..
Petrography and geochemistry of metavolcanics in the area West of
Sheikh Shadli, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 1-26
2-Noweir, A.M. and El-Amawy, M.A.
Geochemistry, metamorphic aureole and structural analysis of deneibit el
quleib granite pluton and its environ, Wadi Allaqi District, South Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 27-45
3-Abu El-Ela, A.M. and Salem, I.A.
Petrological and geochemical studies on the dyke swarms of the
kadabora granite pluton, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 47-63
4- Osman,R.A.
Stratigraphy and facies of theu pper cretaceous sequence in East Sinai,
P. 65-78
5-Abd El-Hameed, A.T. and. Al-Omran, S.M.
Mineralogy, geochemistry and sedimentary environments of the arab -a
carbonate reservoir (Late Jurassic), dukhan oil field, Western Qatar,
Arabian Gulf.
P. 79-97
6-Abdel-Gawad, G.I.
Biostratigraphy and facies of the turonian in West Central Sinai, Egypt.
P. 99-114
7-Ahmed, S.M.and Osman, R.A.
Lithostratigraphy and sedimentary facies of the upper paleozoic lower
mesozoic sequence in Southwestern Sinai, Egypt.
P. 115-141
8-Felesteen, A.W. and Zakhera, M.S.
Stratigraphy and petrography of some upper cretaceous- lower tertiary
sediments in the Kharga - Dakhla area, Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 143-165
9-Faris, M.
Calcareous nannofossil events at the K/T boundary in Egypt.
P. 167-180
10-Faris, M.
Evolutionary line ages of the nannofossil genera
cruciplacolithus,chiasmolithus and campylosphaera in the paleocene and
eocene of Egypt.
P. 181-191
11-El Halaby, O.M.
Taxonomy and ecology of recent foraminiferal species in the Hurghada
offshore area.
P. 193-249
12-Abdel-Aal, A.Y.
Geochemistry and geothermometry of feldspar minerals from um anab
granitic rocks, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 251- 264
13-Ahmed, F. Y. and Dardier, A.M.
Geology, geochemistry and uranium-thorium distribution in um Iffayn
granitic pluton, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 265 - 286
14- Abu El-Maaty, M.A. and Khalil, M.M.
Mineral chemistry as a guide to magmatic evolution of some basement
rocks from Nuweibi area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 287 -307
15-Nasr, B.B. and Masoud, M.S.
Geology and genesis of wadi allaqi talc deposit, South Eastern Desert,
P. 309-317
16-Abu El-Ata, A.S.A.; Ghoneimi, A.E. and Azzam, S.S.
Structures and tectonics of the nile delta of Egypt, as deduced from
seismic reflection data.
P. 319- 334
17-El-Etr, H.A.; El-Rakaiby, M.L. ; Hamdan, A.H.; Abdel-Tawab, S.; Saleh,
A. and Ashmawy, M.
Regional study of the drainage basins of Sinai and the Eastern Desert of
Egypt, with a preliminary assessment of their flash flood potential.
P. 335- 356
18-Abdel Moneim, A.A.
Groundwater studies in and around abydos temples, El-Baliana, Sohag,
P. 357-368
19-Mesbah, M.A.
Estimating the interfaces between geoelectric levels using crosscorrelation between their trends.
P. 369- 376
20- El-Shayeb, H.M.
Geoelectrical study of El-Saff area, Eastern Side of River Nile, Egypt .
P. 377- 387
21-El-Badrawy, H .and El-Awady, M.M
Contribution of the geophysical data in detecting a new seismo-active
trend, East of the Nile Delta, Egypt.
P. 389- 402
22-Shendi, E.H. and Oada, K.
Groundwater possibilities of Wadi El-Nasb Basin, Southeastern Sinai .
P. 403- 418
23-El Eraqi, M.A.F. and Atwa, F.M.
Evaluation of the subsurface structural features in Farafra Oasis, Egypt.
P. 419 – 444
24-El-Gendy, N.H.
In-situ source rock evaluation of the lower senonian section in two wells,
the Gulf of Suez.
P. 445 - 459
25- Hassan, A.A.
In-situ rock capillarity, pore radius and permeability determination with a
combination of repeat formation tester and wireline data.
P. 461 - 467
26-Kamal, M.H.
Some considerations about log - derived evaluation of shaly clastic
P. 469 - 488
27-Bakor, A.; Al Washe M. and Zaker F.A.
Urban mapping of Jeddah City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the basis of
remotely sensed data integration.
P. 489 - 499
28- Zaghloul, E.A.
The hydrogeology of upper cretaceous limestone aquifer at Areif El-Naqa
area, East Central Sinai,Egypt.
P. 501 - 509
29- Hassan, H.S.
Utilization of Korimat gravel in El Saff-Sakkara area, Lower Egypt for
concrete works and rigid pavements.
P. 511 - 519
30-Basal, A.M.K.
Treating some ambiguities arising during well log data analysis.
P. 521 - 537
31-Basal, A.M.K.
Irreducible water saturation (Swirr), Residual oil saturation (Sor) and oil
recovery efficiency (Re) relationships for two Rudeis (Miocence)
sandstone reservoirs, Warda Field, North Zaafarana, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
P. 539-559
23.Annals Of Geological Survey of Egypt
Vol. XXIII, 2001, 989 p. 60$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1. Sakran, Sh. M; Hussein, A. A.; Takla, M. A. and Makhlouf, A. A.
Structural evolution of Um Radam area, South EasternDesert, Egypt
P.1 - 14
2. El-Amawy, M. A.; Said M. M.; El-Alfy, Z. S. and Abd-Allah, M. A.
Geology and tectonic evolution of Wadi Madi area,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 15 – 32
3. Abdel-Ghani, I. S.
Contribution to the stratigraphy of Wadi El Tarfa area
P. 33 - 43
4. Wali, I. A. M.A.; Morsy, M.A. and Afifi, S.Y.
Sitra Lake a recent continental saline lake and its
developing stages: Sedimentological and petrographical approach,
Western Desert, Egypt
P. 45 - 62
5. Selima, A. M.
Stratigraphy and paleoecology of Marsa Alam and Shagra
Formations in Zug El Bohar area, Red Sea Coastal Zone, Egypt
P. 63 -72
6. Galal, A.
Stratigraphy and microfacies studies on some Tertiary rocks,
North Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 73 – 101
7. El-Deeb, W.Z.M.; Faris, M. and Mandur, M.M.
Foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the
Paleocene in North Central Sinai area, Egypt
P. 103 - 118
8. El-Ashwah, A. A. E.
Senonian Foraminifera of Barakat Well no.l, NorthWestern Desert, Egypt
P. 119 - 13 4
9. Faris, M.; El-Deeb; W. Z. and Mandur, M.
Biostratigraphy of some upper cretaceous /lower eocene
successions in Southwest Sinai, Egypt
P. 135 - 161
10. Nasr, B.B.
Geology and genesis of Sul Hamid magnesite occurrence,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 163 - 169
11. Bekhit, H.; Said, M.M.; Khalid, A.M. and Hanafi, A.M.
Preliminary study on the occurrence of copper , gold,
molybdenum and tungsten mineralization, South Wadi
El Shalal area, Southeastern Sinai, Egypt
P. 171 - 182
12. Azzaz, S.A.; El-Baroudy. A.F. and Eissa, M.M.E
and genesis of copper mineralization
in W.El Seih - W. Nisrlyin Area, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt
P. 183 - 202
13. El-Bassyony, A.A.
Geological setting and origin of El-Harra iron ores,
Bahariya Oases Western Desert, Egypt
P. 203 - 222
14. Khalid, A.M.; Said, M.M.; El-Naggar, A.A. and Moselhy, N.
Geological and geochemical exploration at Gabal Kulyeit
and its environs, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 223 - 233
15. Al-Boghdady,A.I. and Van Den Kerkhof A. M.
Fluid inclusions and mineral chemistry
of the Wadi Mahasin gold deposit, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 235 – 259
16. Khalaf, I. M.; Abdel-Monem, A. A.; Attawiya, M. Y.;
Ammar, S. E. and El-Sawey, E. H.
Petrology, geochemistry and, radioactivity of Abu Aqarib alkali
granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 261 - 274
17. Eliwa, H. A.; Khalaf, I. M.; Dawoud, M. and Negendank, J. F. W.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of amphibolites from
Wadi Hawashiya, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 275 - 290
18. Dawoud, M.; Eliwa, H.A. and Attia, M.S
On the behavior of rare earth and other trace elements
during weathering of some granitic rocks, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 291 - 302
19. Ibrahim M. E.; El-Mansi, M. M. and Dardier, A. M.
Geochemistry of biotite as a guide to the origin of uranium
mineralization and to the petrogenesis of
Gattar and Um Dissi granite plutons, Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 303 - 316
20. Shahin, A. N.; Sharaf, L. M. and EL-Leboudy, M.
Undiscovered petroleum in the Central Gulf of Suez
P. 317 - 339
21. Khaled, K. A.
Physiochemical characterization of kerogens from Jurassic
shales in Well Mamura-1, Northwestern Egypt
P. 341 – 353
22. El-Sorady, A.I; Bekeit, H. and Ismail, A. M.
Integrated geophysical and geological prospecting in
Wadi Kid area, Southern Sinai
P. 355 - 364
23. Riad, S; Ghaleb, M; El-Difrawi, A. and Gamal, M.
Intensity attenuation relations and maximum intensity
zonation map for Egypt
P. 365 - 380
24. Omran, M.A.
Crustal modelling of the continental margin of the Central
Nile Delta region
P. 3 81 - 3 87
25. El-Hadidy S.; Abu El-Ata; A.S.A.; Albert,
R. N.; Mustapha, S. and Basta, N.
Shear wave velocity structure of the crust
and upper mantle of Northern Egypt;
as inferred from multi-mode surface waves dispersion:
Part 2: Constraints for shear-wave models
from surface-wave inversion
P. 389 - 402
26. Hassoup, A.; Albert, R.N.H. and El-Hadidy, S.
An approach to study the attenuation of intensity
associated with the 1995 Gulf of Aqaba earthquake
in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
P. 403 - 412
27. Abuo El-Ela, M. A.; Helal, A. M. and Awad, E. A.
Seismic hazard assessment in and around
El-Minya province, Egypt
P. 413 - 422
28. Sultan, S.A. and El-Sayed, A.A.
Integrated geophysical interpretation for groundwater
exploration around El-Rehab City, East Cairo, Egypt
P. 423 - 436
29. El-Sorady, A.I. and Said, M.M. i
Delineating the hydrogeological conditions at El-Quseima
area, East Central Sinai, Egypt
P. 437 - 446
30. Mohammed, A. M. S.
Application of vertical electrical sounding techniques to shallow
groundwater exploration in Wadi Laban, Central Saudi Arabia
P. 447 - 452
31. Al-Bassam, A.M; Hussein, M.T. and Sharaf, M.A.
Areal distribution of the dissolved major and minor ions
in the Sakakah aquifer, Saudi Arabia
P. 453 – 466
32. Mahmoud, H. A.; Swedan, A.S. and Abdel Fattah, T.
Flash flood hazards of drainage basins of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
P. 467 - 489
33. Ahmed, M.; H. Frihy, O. E. and Yehia, M A.
Environmental management of the Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons of
P. 491 – 508
34. Nasr, B. B.; Makhlouf, A. A. and Sadek, M. F.
The metamorphic events in the metasediments
at Rawd Al Bill area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 509-524
35. Fawzy, S.M.A.; Yousef, M.; Ghazaly, M.; EI-Amin, H. and AbdelHamid, A.
Metamorphic imprint of the area North of Denibit El Quleib, S.E.D.,
Egypt: Evidence from metamorphic rocks for overthrusting
P. 525-538
36. Noweir A. M.; Rashwan A.A.; Abu El-Ela A.M. and El-Hashash,
Petrology, petrochemistry and crustal evolution of the Precambrian rocks,
Wadi Um Ashira, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 961 – 981
37. Said, M.M.; Habib, A. H.; El-Mehdi, B. and Turki, S. M
Contribution to the geology of Al-Uwaynat area, Libya
P. 539 - 554
38. El-Kelani, A. and El-Bakry, H.
Lithostratigraphy and sedimentary facies of the Qiseib
Formation in South Western Sinai, Egypt
P. 555 - 561
39. Sheleby, A.I.; Mohamed, M. S. and Mansour,A. E.
Paleogene lithostratigraphy of the area west of the
Nile Valley between Qena and South Assiut
P. 563 - 578
40. El-Sabrouty, M.N.; Masoud, M.A. and Tamam, M.A.
Upper Cretaceous palynomorphs in sedimentary
deposits from Northeast Wadi Qena, Egypt
P. 579 - 595
41. El-Halaby, O., M.
Taxonomy and ecology of Foraminiferal species
in turbid marine environments in the delta of
Wadi El-Murakh in the Gulf of Aqaba
P. 597 - 608
42.Oweiss,Kh.A. and Said, M.M.
Geological and geochemical exploration for gold at
Um Egat (Al Fawi) area, South Eastern Desert Egypt
P. 609 - 613
43.Khalil, M.M.
Mineral chemistry and opaque mineralogy of Giii
granitoids in Southern Sinai, Egypt
P. 615 - 635
44. Oweiss, Kh. A. and Said, M.M.
Gold exploration at Shalatein Abu Ramad
Halaieb area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 637 - 648
45.Khalid, A.M.; Said, M.M. and Atia, M.N.
Gold exploration at some areas of
Gabal Nazar,South Western Desert, Egypt
P. 649 - 660
46.Abou El-Maaty, M. A. and Hassan, M. A.
Discrimination between some granitic phases in
Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Petrology and geochemistry
P. 661 -678
- Mineral Deposits
47.Nasr, B. B.; Sadek, M.F. and Masoud, M. S.
Some new occurrences of layered
titanomagnetite, Eastern Desert,Egypt
P. 679 - 690
48.Reda, M. A.; Basal, A.M.K; Abu El-Ata, A.S.A and Esmail, H.E.A
Lithologic and mineralogic modeling of the Nubian Sandstone
in Ras Budran Field,Gulf Of Suez, Egypt
P. 691 - 706
- Geophysics, Ground Water And Geotechnical Studies:
49. Ismail,A.M.; Basta,N.Z. And El-Hakim,B.
Seismic activity at Qena-Safaga region
P. 707 - 712
50.EL-Hadidy, S.
An implication for the discrimination
of ripple-fired mining blasts
P. 713 - 742
51.Sameeh, S.
Contribution to the geology and sedimentology
of the Middle Pleistocene sediments in Qena area
P. 743 - 764
52.Othman, A. A. A. and Abdallah, A. A.
Estimation of P205 percent from gamma ray log measurements
in Abu-Tartur phosphorite deposit,Western Desert, Egypt
P. 763 - 776
53. El-Hemamy, S. T.
Evaluating the engineering site characteristics near 6 Th October
City by shallow seismic refraction technique lowal.
P. 777 - 787
54.Mina, M. and Ismail, A.
Geological and geoelectric studies for land
development at Karawein Plain, Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
P. 789 - 80
55. Hassan, A. A.
Detection of horizontal and vertical fracture apertures
in naturally fractured limestone reservoirs
P. 803 - 811
56. Sultan, S. A. and Mohamed, B. S.
Geoelectrical studies at a selected area
on Cairo-Suez Road, Egypt
P. 813 - 826
57. Ismail, A. M.
Variation of density with rock types and depth within Central
part of North Western Desert of Egypt.
P. 827 - 83
58. El-Hadidy S.; Abu El-Ata, A.S.A. and Albert, R.N.;
Mustapha S.S.; and N. Basta, N.
Shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle
of Northern Egypt; As inferred from multi-mode surface waves
dispersion: Part l: Dispersion analysis for surface wave
group and phase velocity determination
P. 837 - 850
59. Riad, S.; Ghalib, M.; El Difrawy, M. A. and Gamal, M.
Probablistic seismic hazard assessment in Egypt
P. 851 - 881
60. El-Ghazawi, M.M.; Korany, E.A. and Faiad, B.J.
Hydrogeological evaluation of the Quaternary aquifer in
the delta of Wadi El-Atfehy, Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 883 - 90()
61. Sultan, S. A . and Mohamed, B. S.
Geophysical investigation for groundwater at Wadi Ghuwaybah,
Northeastern part of Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 901 – 918
62. El-Belasy, M. I.
Building raw materials at Gabal El-Hamza
Gabal Um-Qamar area,Cairo-Ismailia district, Egypt
P. 919 - 932
63. Mebed, M.
Interpretation of geophysical anomalies associated with
the concealed hot-springs at Rotokawa Geothermal Field
P. 933-948
64. Abdel-Aziz, M.A.H.; El-Arabi, N.S. and Abdel-Kereem, W.F.
The impact of stratigraphic-structural implications in the
variation of the geoelectrical regime of Idfu area,
central Nile Valley, Egypt
65. El-Sorady, A.I. and Ismail, A. M.
Evaluating ground water aquifers in
El-Reibiki area between Cairo-Suez Road and
Cairo-Ismailia Road
P. 983-989
24.Annals Of Geological Survey of Egypt
Vol. XXIV, 612 p. 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1- Takia, M.A.; Basta, F.F.; Madbouly, M.I. and Hussein, A.A.
The mafic-ultramafic intrusions of Sinai, Egypt-.
P. 1-40
2-Takla, M. A.; Sakran, Sh. M.; Makhlouf, A. A. and Hussein, A.A.
Teciono-metamorphic history of Um Radam area, soutli Eastern Desert,
Egypt. P. 41-61
3- Nasr, B.B. and Beniamin, N.V.
Ophiolite sequence at Harf-Hasium and Sul Hamid - Shiab areas, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 63-78
4- Khalil, M.M.; Salama, M.E. and El Ramly, M.F.
Wadi Khashab molasse-type sediments and associated felsites, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 79-92
5- Osman, A. F.; El Kalioubi, B.; Caafar, A. Sh. and El Ramly, M.F.
Provenance, geochemistry and tectonic setting of neoproterozoic
molasse- type sediments, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 93-114
6- Nasr, B. B. and El Sherbeni, H.
Tectonic setting of Gabal Kilkabob alkaline granite, South Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 15-129
7- El-Gharbawi, R. I. A. and Hassen, I. S.
The late precambrian metagabbro-diorite complex, Wadi Melheg area,
Southeastern Sinai, Egypt: An active continental margin setting.
Tectonic setting of the hummah gabbro, Eastern Arabian Shield.
9- Barakat, A. A.
El Baz Crater; basaltic intrusion versus meteorite impact crater.
P. 167-177
10- Khalil. M. M. and Salama, M. E.
Mafic-Ultrainafic rocks in the area West of sheikh shadii, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 179-192
11- Abclel-Ksnim, A. M.; Soliman, M.M.; EI-Kazzaz, Y.A.;
Mazliar, A.A. and Abdel-Gawad, G.M.
Geological and geochemical characteristics of the Mafic-Ultramafic
rocks of Gabal Garf area. South Eastern Desert of Egypt.
P. 193-218
12- Abu EI-Leil, I. and Abdel Razck, M.
A Geological study on the basement rocks of Abu Durba - Abu Haswa
area, South Western Sinai, Egypt.
13- El Kelani, A.
Contribution to the geology of the paleozoic in Sinai.
14- Isinail, A. A. and Soliman, S. I.
Contribution to the upper cretaceous stratigraphy of the North Western
P. 257-275
15- EI-Kelani, A. and Darwish, M.
Lithostratigraphy and plant fossils of the lowei carboniferous, Abu
Thora formation, in South West Sinai, Egypt.
16-AL-Dabbagli,M. E.
Shape: A New metliod for processing and presenting grain shape
17- Sameeh, S.
Some geological studies on plio-plestocene clay deposits and their
economc importance in Assuit district, Nile Valley Egypt.
P. 297-310
18- Attia, V. and Simons, E.
A Review of the fauna from vertebrate quarry L-41 of Egypt's Fayum
P. 311 -322
19- El Halahy.O. M.
Assemblages of foramini feral species as a reflection of sedimentation
in the Northern part of the Abu Thoma bay, North Safaga, Red Sea
coast, Egypt.
P. 323-344
20- El Deeb, W. Z.M.
Maastrichtari foraminifera from the Sudr formation in Wadi Taba area,
Eastcentral Sinai, Egypt.
P. 345-3 52
21- Galal, A. and El Halaby, O.M.
Taxonomy and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Minia formation in
Wadi Qena and Wadi El Agramyia North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 353-376
22- Hamimi, Z. and El-Kazzaz, V.
Geometry and mechanical relationship of thrust-related folding:
A Physical model and an example from Um shilman fold-thrust belt,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 377-392
23- Dowidar, H. M. and Abd-Allah, A. M. A.
Structural setting of the Giza Pyramids plateau and the effect of
fractures and other factors on the stability of its monumental parts,
24- Ahd-Allah, A. M. A.
Folding and faulting of neoautochlhonous sequence in Tlie al Fayah
fold belt: Northern Oman mountains. United Arab Emirates.
25- Oweiss, Kh. A.; El Naggar, A.A.; Abdel Razik, K.A.; Moselhy, N. and
Ali, A.B.
Gold exploration at Heianai area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
26- Ahmed, A.M.; Said, M.M.; El Baghdady, M.M and Abdel Wahab,G.
Mineral potential of the Eastern part of Wadi Allaqi, South Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 451-462
27- Metwally, F. I. A.
Vsp and offset-Vsp modeling for structural image interpretation:
Applications in Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
P. 463-482
28- Zein El-Din, M. V. ; Abd EI-Gawad, E. A. ;El-Shayeb, H. M. and
Haddad, I.
Geological studies and hydrocarbon potentialities of the mesozoic
rocks in Ras Kanayis Onshore area ,North Western Desert, Egypt.
29- El Hakim, B.; Saber, H. S.; Abd Allah, A. A.; and Kamel, A. M.
Application of gamma logging to study uranium contents within Abu Tartur gravellitic phosphorite, Kharga oasis. New Valley, Egypt.
P. 507-520
30- EL.Sorady, A. I. and Abdallah, A. A.
Geoteclmical studies on the area of new Toshka City.
P. 521-539
31- Abdel Aziz, M. A. H.; Moliamady, M. M.; Basta, N. Z.;
Tawfik, F. S. and Swedan, A.H.
Geotechnical and climatic studies for site proposed Fdr: New
settlement in East of Uweinate area.
P. 541-553
32- Abuo Ela, A. M.
Seismic response analysis of the foundation rocks of El-Ain ElSukhna area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt as determined from seismic
refraction technique.
P. 555-565
33- Onicr, A. A. M. and Abdel Moneim, A. A.
Geochemical characteristics of the pliocene and pleistocene nile
basin deposits and their influence on the groundwater chemistry in
Sohag area.
34- Sadek, M. A.
Isotopic criteria for upward leakage in the alluvial aquifer in North ElMinia district, Egypt.
P. 585-596
35- Khamies, A. A.; El Tcrb, R. A. EL-Sadek, M. A.
Application of directional derivative filter in the determination of
aeromagnetic lineaments.
P. 597-605
A Note on geology and genesis of Wadi Meisah talc deposit. South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 607-609
Oweiss, Kh. A.; El Baglulaily, M.M.; Omar, M.A.; Awaga, G.A.;
Hanafi, A.M.; Abu Laban, S.A. and Gaber, M.M.
A Short notes on the non-metallic ores at Abu Hodied area. P. 611-612
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXV,2003 , 669 p. , 30.$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1- Nasr, B.B.; El-Sherbeni, H. and Masoud, M.S.
Geology of Wadi Al-Ghuzah area: Molasse sediments and
dyke swarms, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 1-10
2- Luca Nano ; Agnes Kontny; Mohamed, F.S. and Greiling,O.R
Structural evolution of metavolcanics in the surrounding of the gold
mineralization at El-Beida,South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 11-22
3- Khalifa, M.A. and Abu-Zeid, K.
Lithofacies and environmental evolution of the LowerMiddle Miocene
rocks, Northwest of Wadi El-Natrun,
Western Desert, Egypt
4- Said,M.M.; Ibrahim,S.M. and Habib, A.H.
Stratigraphy of Abu Ras area Western Desert, Egypt
5- Askalany, M.M.; Mansour, A.M. and Ahmed, A.N.
Textural and mineralogical characteristics of the
Quaternary clastic sediments at Quseir district, Red Sea,
6- El-Sharkawi, M.A.; Sehim, A. and Madani, A.
Modes of occurrence of the basaltic rocks in Northern
Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
p. 83-100
7- El-Halaby, O.M.
Some statistical study on the distribution of Recent
Mollusca shells assemblages from old Quay Bay , Ras
Mohammed National Park.
8- El-Deeb, W.Z.M.
A proposed zonation of the Esna formation based upon
arenaceous benthonic foraminifera in Southwest Sinai,
9- El-Sabrouty, M.N.
Palynological studies of genus peucedanum
(Umbelliferae) from the paleocene Esna Shale formation,
North-Central Sinai, Egypt.
10- Abdel-Mohsen, S.
Upper cretaceous miospores and dinocysts from the
Farafra-XX borehole, Farafra Oasis, Egypt.
p. 141-160
11- El-Halaby, O.M.
Taxonomy and ecology of 19 species of recent mollusca
in lake burullus protectorate
12- El-Deeb, W.Z.M.
Lagenina and non coiled rotaliina hyaline benthic
foraminifera and their paleoecology of the upper
cretaceous-lower tertiary succession in the Southwestern
Sinai area, Egypt.
P.181- 192
13- Talat, M. Q.
Rare-metal bearing peralkaline granite in Um Al Birak area, Arabian
Shield, kSA: geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic study
14- Maufti, M. R.; Hassanen, M.A. and Hashad, M.H.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of peralkaline-calc alkaline granites
from radwa-qashara complex,arabian shield
15- Rifai, R.I.; Sameeh, S. ; El-Miligy, A. and El-Arousy, M.
Petrographical, geochemical and physicochemical evaluations of
the carbonate rocks, Southeast Sohag, Nile Valley, Egypt
16- Oweiss, Kh. A.; El-Baghdady, M.M. ; Omar, M.A. ; Awaga, G.A.;
Hanafi, A.M. ; Abu Laban, S.A. and Gaber, M.M.
Geological and geochemical exploration for gold at Abu Hodied
area South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 267-280
17- El-Shimi, k.A.M. and Soliman, A.A.
Gold mineralization associated the Banded Iron formation in the
Central Eastern Desert, of Egypt: First Record.
P. 281-300
18- Nasr, B.B. ; Abdel-Majid, E.A. and Khiamy, A.A.
Geology and genesis of Wadi Abu Had-Wadi Ruseis galena
occurrence, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.
19- Khalid, A.M. ; Greiling, O.R. ; Said, M.M. ; Megahed, A. ; Shaaban,
G.; Micheal, W.; Hussein, A.M. ; Tawfik, I. ; El-Hofy, S.I. and
Khattab, M.M.
South Western Desert B.I.F. laboratory studies and gold extraction
20- Shabaan, G.M. ; Said, M.M. and Noor, A.M.
Geological and geochemical studies on gossans at Wadi El-Homer
area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 333-342
21- Khattab, M.M. ; Greilling, O.R. ; Khalid, A.M. ; Said, M.M. ; Kontny,
A. ; Abu Salem, A.O. ; El-Kady, M.F. ; Attia, M.N. and Shaaban,
Al Uwaynat Banded Iron Formation (SW Egypt) distribution and
related gold
22- Helmy, H.M.
Platinoid mineralizations of Egypt: A Review and recommendations
23- Surour, A.A.; Takla, M.A. and Omar, S.A.
Epr spectra and age determination of beryl from the Eastern Desert
of Egypt.
24- Omran, M.A. ; Ismail, A.M. and Seliem, I.S.
Magnetic modeling of North Sinai and the Southeast Mediterranean
P. 401-416
25- Abdallah, A.A. and Mahmoud, A.El-Hefnawy
Groundwater investigation at Sharm El-Sheikh area, South Sinai,
26- Niazi, H. and Mostafa, M.O.
A paleomagnetic study of tertiary basaltic lava flows around Wadi
Hedayn Shalatayn area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
27- Sultan Al-Shaabi and Nassir, S. Al-Arifi
Local b-value changes in prior to large earthquakes, Midyan area
NW Saudi Arabia.
28- Nassir, S. Al-Arifi
One-dimensional velocity structure model for Midyan area, NW
Saudi Arabia.
P. 459-470
29- Said, A.A.
Application of well-log analysis for detecting and evaluating the
water bearing formations in the Western and Southwestern parts of
Taiz Governorate, Yemen.
30- Diab, M.Sh.; El-Shayeb, M.H. ; Abdel Moneim, A.A. ; Said,
M.M.and Zaki, S.R.
Evaluation of water resources and land suitability for development in
the Southern Part of Sohag, Upper Egypt.
31- Aggout, T.A. and Temamy, M.A.
The geomorphologic and geologic role in the groundwater occurrence
and development, Wadi Gharandal Basin, Southwest Sinai, Egypt.
P. 513-534
Kamh, G.M.E,
32- The impact of wind blown and bedrock unstability on GrecoRoman archaeological sites at Kom Oshim “ El-Fayum
Province” Egypt.
33- Rifai, R.H.; El-Miligy, A. ; Selem, A.H. and Abo El-Safa, M.
Geotechnical evaluation of the red clay deposits of Abu DaragQiseib area for cement industry, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
34- El-Hadidy, S. ; Tealeb, A.A. ; Mohamed, A.A. ; Kamel, A.R. ;
Atiya, K. and El-Shahat, A.M.
Seismic hazard assessment and seismic safty for the proposed
astronomical observatories at Abu Tartur and Fayed sites, Egypt.
P. 559-580
35- Farouk, I.A.M.
Impact of reservoir petrophysical characteristics on future field
development, Shukheir Fieled Gulf of Suez, Egypt
A word from the editor
P. 615-616
Bibliographical listing of papers published in annals V.1-24
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXVI,2003 , 573 p. , 30.$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 – MOHAMED EL Tokhi
Petrogenesis , geochemistry and origin of the precambrian
gneisses of feiran complex , South Western Sinai and Egypt
p.1 to18
2 – Mahrous M . Abu El Enen and Farid M . Makroum
Tectonometamorphic evolution the northeastern kid belt ,
Southeast Sinai and Egypt
p. 19 to 38
3 – Maher A . El Amawy , Mohamed A . Wetait and Abdel Azeim M
. Mehanna .
Structural history , foliation development and metamorphism of
the central part of Allaqi – Heiani Belt, South Eastern Desert
and Egypt .
P .39 to70
4 – Mohamed A . Abd El – Wahed
Structural and metamorphic evolution of wadi dubur
metasediments , Central Eastern Desert and Egypt .
p. 71 to 106
5-Hassan Othman Sindi
Geology and geochemistry of the Jabal hussam area , mizil
region, Saudi Arabia .
p.107 to 130
6-I..Y. Al Filali
Metamorphic evolution of the khamis mushayt area and arabian
shield .
P .131 to 152
7-Maher A . Takla , Adel A . Surour and Sayed M. Omar .
Mapping source of beryllium and genesis of some beryl
occurrences In the Eastern Desert of Egypt .
P .153 to 182
8-Ahmed A. AL Boghdady
Association of apatite withmagnetite In some banded iron
formations of Central Eastern Desert – Egypt ; Comparative
mineralogical and geochemical studies .
P . 183 to 198
9 – Sofia Yehia Afifi
Radioactivity and depositional environment of kaolinite from
kalabsha – tushki region , South Western Desert and Egypt .
P .199 to216
10 - M.A Khalifa , Askalany M.M and M.M . Seleim .
Lithofacies and depositional environments of the cenomanian
galala formation and early turonian abo qada formation , Central
Western Sinai and Egypt .
p. 216 to 217
11 - SAYED M . Ahmed
Chert occurrences in carbonate rocks , examples from the
campanian maastrichian of the qadiera formation and the lower
eocene of the egma formation , East Sinai and Egypt .
p. 217 to 234
12 - EL Haddad A.A
Evaporative sea level draw down : A Model for regional
dolomitization of the mocene carbonates of the Red Sea and
Gulf of Suez and Egypt .
p. 245 to 272
13 - Omer A .A . M and Hassan A.M .
Geochemistry and mineral composition of the upper cretaceous
siliciclastics (nubia group ) Northeast of Aswan implication for
provenance and weathering .
14-EL Halaby, O . M .
Distribution of the assemblages of molluscan shells as a
reflection of sedimentation in the northern part of the abu
sumah bay, North Safaga, Red Sea
P.295- 316
15-EL- Sabrouty M.N.And Sharaf M.A.
Oligocene and plio-pleistocene pollen grains from western
region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
16-Sayed Abdou Mohammad Atawy.
Carboniferous and cretaceous palynomorphs from the G.S.1951 and 160-2 wells, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
17-El Halaby , O.M.
Foraminiferal ecology in the environmentally managed area of
wadi el murakh, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt
18-Said A.Aly.
Well log crossplots technique enable Identification and
determination of basement rock constituents, Gulf Of Suez,
P.373 – 388
19-El-Hadidy, S.;Tealeb, A.A.; Mohamed A.A.; Kamal AbdelRahman, and
El Shahat A. M.
Geolechnical evaluation of the ground for the proposed
observtories at abu tartur and fayed sites, Egypt
20- Maher A. Mesbah .
Groundwater environmental protection using electrical resistivity
survey at the new kattamiya city, near Cairo, Egypt
21-Shabana, AR.;Aglan, OSh.; Moussa B.M.,and Hammad F.A.
Hydrogeological studies on rahba- hodein basins, Southeast
P. 421- 448
22- K. A. Khaled, Lobna M. Sharaf, S.A. Awad and A.S. Rashed.
Maturation and source- rock evaluation of mudstone beds in
abu madi and kafr el sheikh formations, abu madi gas field, Nile
Delta, Egypt
P. 449 – 474
23 – Carol Meyer
Bir umm fawakhir in the Eastrn Desert: A 5- 6 Century A. D.
Gold – mining town
P. 475 – 494
24 – Amin E. Khalil and Kaisser H. Saleh.
Source inversion of aqaba November, 22, 1995 earthquake
P. 495 – 506
25 – Hamza I. Lotfy & Esmat Abd El- All
Paleomagnetic study on the middle eocene limestone, the
tertiary basalt and the iron mineralization, West El- Minia, Egypt
P . 507 – 528
26 – Abbas Aifan Al-Harthi
Assessment of flooding hazard at al- lith area, West Saudi
P. 529 – 552
27 – Bahaaeldin H. Sadagah
Engineering geological study of two sewage dumping sites
P . 553 – 572
28 – Abstracts: Documented reports, field parties, 2002\2003
P. 573
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXVII,2004 , 616 p. , 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1 – Makhlouf, A.A, and Greiling, R.O.
Metamophic conditions of metasedimentary sequences along
ophiolitic belt, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P.1 – 18
2- Maher A. El Amawy, Mohamed A. Wetait , Abdel Azeim M. Mehannam,
Farouk A.Soliman and Yasser Ghabour.
Geology and structural evolution of the basement rocks of Imlig area,
South West Sinai, Egypt
3- Abdel Azeim M. Mehanna ; Mohamed A. Wetait; Maher A.El Amawy;
Farouk A Soliman and Yasser Ghabour.
Petrogenesis and Mmetamorphism of the basement rocks of Imlig
South West Sinai, Egypt
P 35- 59
4- Hassen, IS.; S.K. Ibrahim And P.M.Elemer
Evolution and origin of the metavolcanics at wadi saal area, South
Sinai, Egypt
P 61-78
5- Mohamed A. Abd El- Wahed
Structural analysis of wadi eI quash area, Central Eastem Desert, Egypt
P 97 – 108
6 – Hassan Othman Sindi
Geology and geochemistry of the skarn rocks and associated units in
the al - jafara area, Saudi Arabia
P.109 – 129
7 – Noweir, A. M. Nassim, A. s. Noweir, M. A, Lebda, E.M. and El-Kholify,
Impact of brittle structural pattern on physiographic features of the east
kom- ombo area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
P 131- 154
8- Bothaina M. Moussa; Sameeh and Mohamed Naser
Conthological, mineralogical and geochemical studies on Iate plioceneIate pleistocene deposits qasab-abu nafukh, East Sohag, Egypt
9- Sayed M. Ahmed
Microfacies, depositional sequences and diagenesis of some
cenomanian-turonian successions in Sinai, Egypt
P. 177-212
10- M.A.Khalifa and A.A.Kandil
Conthribution to the lithostratigraphy and depostional istory of the upper
cretaceous rock units, northern galala, Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 213- 235
11- Oweiss, Kh.A.; A.M. Khalid.; A.A. El Naggar; F.M. Salama; A.S.
Hassan, and S.M. Awad
Geological and geochemical exploration at gabal shiab area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt
P 237-253
12- Hanaa M. Salem
Geochemical, mineralogical and genesis of hydrotherma uranium deposits
hosted by late pan-african magmatisn Northeastern Desert, Egypt
P. 255- 280
13- Oweiss, Kh.A; Khalid, A.A; Hassan, A.A.; Ali, A.M.; Khattab, M.M. And
Abu Salem, A.O.
Geological and geochemical exploration at gabal hamida area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt
P.281- 298
14- Othman, Adel; EI-Werr, Abdel- KhaIek And Abdel-Aal, Mohamed
Velocity models for abu roash clastic formation, northern Western Desert,
Egypt P.299- 316
15- Abdeldayem, A.L; Kafafy, A.M. and Elsayed, R.A.
Paleomagnetism of the hammamat rocks and younger grnite of gabal
qattar area, Northern Desert, Egypt
16- Sultan F. Al- Shaabi
Induced sesmicity at ghawar hydrocarbon reservoir, Eastern Saudi Arabia
P.335- 342
17- Nassir s. Al-Arifi
Local and regional earthquake md calibration of tabuk sub-network, Nw of
Saudi Arabia
P. 343- 355
18- Abou Elenean, K.; Arvidsson,R. and O. Kulhanek
Focal mechanisms of smaller earthquakes close to VBB kottamia station,
P. 357- 368
19- Amr Zakaria Hammouda
Seismic hazard at dekhila harbour, Alexandria Region
P.369- 382
20- Rabeh, T.T.
Evaluation of subsurface structures of siwa oasi, Western Desert, Egypt
using 3D magnetic modeling
21- Amr Zakaria Hammouda
Gulf of aqaba salt tectonics
P.401- 415
22- Farouk I. A. Metwalli
Reservoir quality prediction in cretaceous sandstones, matruh- shushan
basins, Western Desert, Egypt
P. 417-443
23- Mohamed M. El Nady and Lobna M. Sharaf
Contribution to the organo-geochemical characteristics of paleozoic
source rocks in the vicinity of siwa oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
P. 445- 458
24- Ali Younis Abdel- Rahman and Aref Lashin
Evaluation of the basement reservir rocks in some selected wells in north
gulf of suez and South Sinai, Egypt
25- Said A. Aly; Hossam A. M. Aly, Nasser M. H. Abu Ashour and
Mohamed M. El Gezeiry
Identification and characterization of source rocks of the lower to middle
jurassic sequence in the kattanya area, North Western Desert, Egypt
26- Farouk I. A. Metwalli
Assessment of hydrocarbon potential in matruh-shushan basins, Western
Desert, Egypt :New constraints from tectonic subsidence analysis and
seismic stratigraphy
27- Aref Lashin and Mohamed Abd El-Aal
Seismic data analysis to detect the depositional process environments
and strctural framework of the east central part of gharib province, Gulf Of
28- Mansour, A.M.; Askalany, M.M.; El-Alfy, Z.A.and Ahamed, A.N.
Drainge basins between marsa alam and ras banas and their flood hazard
and groundwater potentials,Red Sea, Egypt
P. 551- 575
29- Bahaaeldin H. Sadagah
Rock slope stability analyses and rock masses assessment along
aljumum-at taif highway at Western Saudi
Soliman, Kh. A. and Barakat, A.A.
Anote on:" New jasper deposit in the Eastern Desert"
Soliman, Kh. And Barakat A.A.
Ancient gold beneficiation in wadi daghbg, Eastern Desert, Egypt
El Hakim, B.A.; Ismail, A. M.And Mansour, S.A.
Discovery oF probable archeological structures at Wadi abu had and wadi
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXVIII,2005, 644 p. , 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1-Hassan Z. Harraz; Adel M. Hassan and Katsuhiko Furuyama
The wadi sikait complex: A Fertile-post-collisional granite- pegmatite
suite, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 1-35
2- Sadek, M.F.; Ramadan, T.M.; Abu El leil, I. And Salem, S.M.
The basement rocks of gabal al adraq area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt:
Geology, geochemistry and tectonic setting.
P. 37 – 57
3- A.M. Abdel-karim and A.F. Ahmed
Dokhan volcanics and younger granites from el-naqab area, South
Eastern Sinai, Egypt: Mineralogy, geochemistry genetic relationships.
P. 59-79
4- Atef Noweir, M. Mohamed F. Ghoneim And Tamer, S. Abu Alam.
Deformational phases and tectonic evolution of the neoproterozoic rocks
of wadi kareim area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 81-109
5- Matsah, M.I.; Qari, M.H.T.; Hegazi, A.M.; Amlas, M.A. And Hamimi, Z.
Kinematics and progressive deformational history of Al-jamoom panafican belt, Western Arabin Shield, Saudi Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia.
P. 111-131
6- Hassen, I.; EI-gharbawy R.I. And El-sherief, H.
Geochemistry and petrogenetic implications of the late precambrian
granitoids of Wadi Feiran, Sinai, Egypt.
P. 133-157
7- Hassan Othman Sindi
Geology and geochemistry of the hadib al-qarnayn area, Northeastern
Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia.
P. 159-180
8- Nabil N. El-masry And Ahmed M. Hegazi
Finite strain analysis of conglomerates, saint catherine area, South Sinai,
P. 181-194
9- Kamaleldin, M. Hassan
Geochemical assessment of radiocitve lava pockets in el-seboah granite,
Toshki area, South Western Desert, Egypt.
10- Karam A.M. El-Shimi
Application of remote sensing in mineral exploration at wadi allaqi district,
South Weastern Deasert, of Egypt.
P. 205-223
11- Metamorphic petrology, total-pb model ages of monazite and ore
mineralogy of the Um Zeriq area, Southeast Sinai, Egypt.
P. 225-244
12-Ahmed A.Al-Boghdady
On the magmatic of gabal kamel BIF, South Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 245-262
13- Ramadan, T.M.; Sadek, M.F.1; Abu El-Leil, and Salem S.M.
Um El Touyur El Fuqani gold mineralization, South Eastern Desert, Egypt:
Using landsat Etm+Imagery
P. 263-281
14- Hani A.M. Ibrahim
Evaluation and economic beneficiation of some natural brines at hosh
easa, el behera governorate.
P. 283-300
15- Adel, Surour; Ahmed A. Madani And Mohamed, A. El-Sharkawi
Mineralogy and geochemistry of recently discovered ultamafic mantle
xenoliths in the cretaceous alkali basalts from Wadi Natash area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 301- 319
16- Sofia Yahia Afifi
Basin delineation and radioactive entrapment : Petrographic and
geochemical approach, Gabal Qatrani Case, Egypt.
P. 321-343
17- Abu El Haggag. N. Ahmed
Geological tourism development in the area between quseir and ras
banas, Eastren Desert, Egypt
P. 345-360
18- Sadek, M.A.; Salem, W.M.; El-khatat, A.R. and El-shahat, M.F.
Environmental evaluation of the water resources in El-Haram area and
surroundings using isotopic techniques and biogeochemistry.
P. 361-381
19- M.R. El Tahlawi
Geo-environmental impact of mining ( Overivew ).
P. 383- 398
2o- Shatia, E.A. And Mohamed B.s.
Geological and geophysical studies for locating groundwaterin elHulaywat area, Wadi shait, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 399-411
21- Nassir S. N. Al-arifi
Spatial distribution of maximal earthquake effects in the Red Sea Region.
P. 413-421
22- Nasser Abuo Ashour, Hosam Mohamed And Atef A. Qaddah
Correlation between seismo-technical parameters and geotechnical tests.
P. 423-434
23- Saleh, H.s.
Active faulting and seismic hazard assessment of the Northern Western
Desert, with contribution of geographic information systems.
P. 435-460
24- Nassirs, N,Al.Arif
Seismic coffectints of earthquakes in the Red sea Region
P. 461-474
25- Abdulaziz A. Laboun
Gas shows of the Al- qassim region, Central Arabia.
P. 475-485
26- Salah Shebl Saleh Azzam
Construction of two dimensional seismic models, South Sitra area,
Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 487-496
27- M.A.Ramadan And T.F. Shazly
Minerals determination in the north of october field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
Utilizing Well- Log analysis By.
P. 497-515
28- Sshaabi, S.F. and Nassir S.N.Al-Arifi
Seismic hazard assessment in Al-Ghawar oil feld area of Saudi Arabia.
P. 511-522
29- Elewa, H.H; Abu El Ella, E.M; Abdel Moneim, A.A.And Atalla.
The Influence of the geomorphometric parameters and soil properties on
the hydrolgical characteristics in the area between safaga aand elJquseir,
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 523- 545
30- Afifi, S.Y And Ahmed, M.A.
Htdrogeochemical evaluation of wadi nasib groundwater, West Central
Sinai, Egypt.
P. 547-568
31- Abd El Samie S.G; El Arbi N. And Ahmed M.A.
Mining and metallurgical engineering department, use of the stable
isotopes to study the flow mechanism of the groundwater from the nubia
sandstone aquifer to the overlying carbonate layers.
P. 569-585
32- Aly A. Barakat
Chalcedony and its bearing on the meteorite Impact event in the Libyan
gass area Southwsern Egypt.
33- Abstacts of documened reports, field partiees. 2003-2005 Seaons.
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXIX,2006-2007, 599 p. , 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
1-Mohamed, A. Abd El- Wahed.
Pan-African Strike-Slip Tectonics Of Wadi El-Dabbah Area, North Sibai
Core Complex, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
2- M.Abdel Wahed And N.A.Shallaly.
Arc-Continent Collision And Subduction Reversal in The Central Wadi Kid
Precambrian Rock Complex, Southeast Sinai, Egypt.
3- Abdel Hamid, M. Noweir; Abdel Azeim, A. Rashwan, And Abdel
Azeim, M. Mehanna.
Genesis Of The Mafic-utramafic And Related Metamorphic Rocks In The
Noithwestern Part Of Wadi Allaqi Terrain-South Eastern Destert, Egypt.
P. 51-65
4-Hassen, I.s.; El –shafei, M.k. And Stuewe, K.
Late Proterozoic Crustal Evolution In The Arabian-Nubian Shield of Wadi
Zaghra Tectonites, South Sinai, Egypt.
5-M. El-Taky; S.El-Gaby; G. Kamal El Din, And T. Amron.
Petrology, Mineralogy And Petrochemistry Of The Basic Intrusive
Rocks At Wadi Um Gheig Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 95-121
6-Abd El Wahed, A.A; Sadek, A.A.; Abdel Kader, Z.; Y. Motomura And K.
Petrogenetic Relationships Between Pegmatite And Granite Based On
Chemistry Of Muscovite In Pegmatite Wall Zone s, Wadi El Faliq, Central
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 123-134
7-El-bialy, M. Z. And El-Omla, M.M.
Source And Tectonic Setting Of Sharm El-Shiekh Alkaline A-type
Granitoids, Sinai, Egypt.
8-Karam, A. M. El Shimi
Prospecting For Heavy Minerals In The Stream Sediments Of Gabal Gerf
Ophiolitic Mass And Gabal Wadite Mafic- Ultramafic Intrusion, SouthEastern Desert Of Egypt.
P. 159-173
9-El.Baragah, M.H.And Al-Fakhraney,N.A
Evaluation Of The Feldspars And Economic Heavy Minerals In The Alluvial
Deposits Of Wadi Ramithy, Saint Catherine Area, South Sinai, Egypt.
P. 175-183
10-Ahmed Hashad, Hassan El Amin; Herbert Poellmann, And Mohamed,
A.G. Darwish.
Lithogeochemical Survey Of Haimur Golod Mine Area, Wadi Allaqi,
Southeastern Deseit Of Egypt.
P. 185-207
11-Qadi, T.M.; Surour, A.A.; Maddah, S.S And Basyoni, M.H.
Mineralogy And Economic Evaluation Of Golod-Bearing Stream Sediments
From Wadi Al Hamd Area, Northwestern Saudi Aradia.
P. 209-236
12-Al-Saleh, A.M.
Exploration For PGE In The Rugaan Layered Intrusion: An Alaskan-Type
Complex From The Eastern Arabian Shield.
P. 237-236
13-Ali, K. G.; Ibrahim, T.M.M.; Michel, Cuney; Ammar, S.E.; Abdel Meguid,
A.A., And Wenrich, K.
The Elements Behavior Duing he Episyenitization Of Kab Amiri Granites,
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 253-270
14-Abdullah R. A. Ghouth Ali
The Effect Of Texture, Mineralogy And Chemical Composition On Marble
Strength Of Jabal Farasan, Western Saudi Arabia.
P. 271-284
15-Aly, A.E.El Ashwah And M.M. Mandur.
Miocene Planktonic Foraminifera And Calcareous Nannoplankton
Biostraigraphy Of The Southern Part Of Suez, Egypt.
P. 285-298
16-El-cezeery, R.A.; Saad, M.H. And Saada,A.A.
Integrated Geophysical Evaluation Of The Structural Regime Of The Area
Southwest Of Wadi El-Natrun, Western Sesert, Egypt.
P. 299-320
17-Abdel Aziz, M.A.H.; Serva, L.; Michetti, A.; Giardina, F.,Swedan, A.h.;
Gad ElHaq, G. And Soliman, H.
Assessing Intensity Values For Earthquakes Affecting Low Populated
Areas: The Case Of 22 November 1995 Nuweiba Earthquake.
P. 321-334
18-Abdel Moneim, A.A.; Abu El Ella E. M; Elewa, H.H. And Atallah, M.H.
Hydrogeological And Hydrochemical Assessment Of Groundwater
Resources In the Area Between El-Quseir And Safaga, Eastern Desert,
P. 335-356
19-Tarek A. Aggour.
Water Resources Of Wadi Feiran With Emphasis On Geomorphology And
P. 357-387
20-Aglan, O. Sh., And Shabana, A.R.
Geology Of Water Resourses Of Wadi Khuda, South Eastern Desert Egypt.
P. 389-409
21-Tariq Hassan Bayumi
Compartive Groundwater Recharge Study Between Mountains And Coastal
Aquifers, Southwestern Saudi Arabia.
P. 411-424
22-Mohammed Tahir Hussein
Assesment Of Groundater Quality Of Wadi Al Shamiyah For Future
Development Of Water Resources In Western Saudi Arabia
P. 425-444
23-El-Gezeery, R.; El-Khadragy, A.; Adu El-Ela, A. And Osman, M.
Delineation And Evaluation Of The Subsuface Structures Of the Nile Delta
Region, As Deduced From The Potential Data.
P. 445-470
24-Said A Aly
Influence Of Shale / Clay Content And Morphology On Estimated
Permeability From Well Log Data For Clastic Reservoirs.
P. 471-486
25-Mahmoud Abdel Halim Ghorab.
The Relation Between The Rock Variables And Exponents And The
Lithology Of Nukhul Formation At Feiran Oil Field, Central Part Of The Gulf
Of Suez, Egypt.
P. 487-502
26-Mohamed, R. Shalaby.
Reservir Petophsics Plays An Important Role In Evaluation Of The
Khatatba Formation, Western Desert, Egypt.
P. 503-513
27-Abdel Moneim, A.A.
Assessment Of Groundwater Polltion From the Solid Waste Disposal
Activities In the Nile Delta; Case Study, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egpt.
P. 515-530
28-Sofia Y. Afifi
Geomedical Implications And Controls Of Natural Radionuclides Of
Theraputic Sites-Egypt.
P. 531-552
29-Abdel Aziz, M.A.H.
Defining Geologic Problems In Site Proposed For Water Tank Erection In
Kattamia District-Cairo.
P. 553-565
30-Aly Barakat
High Level Silt Deposit In Kharga Depression And Its Bearing On The
Existence Of Pleistocene River.
P. 567-569
31-Abstracts Of Documented Reports, Field Parties. 2006-2007 Seasons.
P. 571-599
Annals Of The Geological Survey Of Egypt ,
Vol. XXX,2009, 601 p. , 30$
Editor: Abdel-Aziz A. Hussein
Basement and structural Geology and Geochemistry:
1- Makhlouf , A; Beniamin, N.Y.; Mansour, M.M.; Mansour, S.A. and el
Shrebeni, H.
Mafic- Ultramafic Intrusion of South Korabkansi Area With Emphasis on
Titanomagnetite Ores, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 1-20
2- Ali Khaled Gamal; Gaafar Ibrahim Mohamed And Ibrahim Tarek
Mohamed Mahmoud.
Structural Control And Geophyscial Signature Of Kab Amiri Episyentizied
Muscovite Granite And Associated Uranuim Showings, Central Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 21-41
3- El bahariya, G.A.; Abu Anbar; M.M And El Galy, M.
Petrology And Geochemistry of Um Rus and Samadi Granites, Central
Eastern Desert, Egypt: Implication for I-type Granites of variable Magma
P. 43-64
4- Mohamed O. El-Husseiny.
Geochemistry and rare earth elements in younger Grantic rocks of wadi
Elsahu- Wadi elseih Area, South West Sinai, Egypt
P. 65-82
5- Abu Zeid, E. K.; El- Husseiny, M.O. And Saleh, W.H.
Contruibution to the petrographhy, Geochemistry and Radioactivity of the
Granitoid rocks of Wadi Abu Shigela – Wadi- Al Daeawib Area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt.
P. 83-101
6- Osama M.K. Kassem.
Strain anaysis and Heterogeneous Deformation in the Migif Area, Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
P. 103-119
7- Moawad, A.M.
Characterization and Age Relationships of the Fracture System Affecting
the Gabal Araba Titled Fault Block, West-central Sinai, Egypt
P. 121-134
8-Khaled, G.A.
Structural Controls of Uranuim Anomaies in the Abu Hawis Shear Zone,
Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 135-148
9-Talal Qadhi And Asaad Moufti
Geochemical Characteristics of the Rare-Metal Rich Granites in the
Ghurayyah- Dubbagh Area, North Western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia
P. 149-172
Stratigraphy and Paleontology:
10 – Moawad, A.M.; Rasloan, H. and Rashad, A.
Discovery of huge fossil Vertebral Carcasses in the Dakhla Formation near
the K/T Boundary, Dakhla Oases, Egypt
p. 173-183
11- Abdulaziz, A. Al-Laboun
Sedimentary Expression of the Acadian Tectonic Movement in
Northwestern Arabia
P. 185- 202
12-Hussein, A.I.M; Boukhary, M. And Kamal, D.
Morphotypes of Nummulities Gizehensis group from the Middle Eocene of
P. 203-222
13-Abdulaziz, A. Al-Laboun
Depositional history of the Shales in Northwestern and Central Arabia
P. 223-247
Mineral deposits:
14- Botros, N.S. and Noor; A.M
Mineral Deposits in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: An Expression of two
Major Episodes with Distinct Magmatic and Tectonic Characteristics.
P. 249-274
15 – Nagy Shawky Botros
The responsibility of the Chemist and Gold Prospector in realizing an
Accurate Fire Assay result
P. 275- 285
16El-Taky, M.M.; Khalid, A.M. and Ali, A.M.
Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies on Sukkari Granitic Rocks and
Perspective of Formation of Placer Gold. Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 287-311
17 – Dourgham, I.A.; Hamed, D.K. and Mohamed, E.A
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Wall Rock Alterations of the Semna
Gold Mineralization, Central Eastern desert, Egypt
P. 313-340
18Farag, S.S.; Abu Zeid, E.K.; El-Sawey, E.H. and El- Husseiny, M.O
Uranium- potentiality of gabal Al-Luman Younger Granites, North Eastrn
Desert, Egypt.
P. 341-351
19Noor; A.M and Botros, N.S
Gold Potentiality in Southern Sinai, Egypt: With Special Emphasis on El
Samra Area
P. 353-372
20Osman, A.M.; El-Kalouibi, B.A. and Haroun, R.G.
Suitability of some Granitic Rocks as Ornamental Stones in Wadi EL
Sheikh Area, South Sinai
P. 373-391
21Dourgham, I.A. and Hamed, D.K.
Mineralogy of the Auriferous Quartz Veins at Semna Gold Mine, Central
Eastern Desert, Egypt
P. 393-413
Geophysics, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology:
22Metwally, S.M. and Hamed, M.F.A
Monitoring and evaluation of the changes of groundwater conditions using
Successive Geoelectrical Measurements. A case study: West Of ElKhatatba city, Egypt.
23Safie El Den M. Metwally
Use of Well Logging Analysis to determine hydrogeological Parameters of
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer SouthWest of Bir Tarfwi. East Owieneat, Egypt
P. 427-446
24Shendi, E.H.; saber, H.S. and Abdel- Fattah, M.I
Application of Well Logging and D.C. Resistivity Techniques to study
groundwater at Abu MAdy Area, Nile Delta, Egypt
p. 447-458
El-Sayed Mohamed Salem
Geological features related to Paleo and recent earthquakes in Central and
Southern Desert, Egypt
P. 459-480
26Adel M.E. Mohamed; Abuo El- Ela A. Mohamed and Sayed S. R.
Site Specific Motion Simulation using Stochastic Method
P. 481-496
27Aggour, T.A. and Gomaa, M.A
Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical studies in Wadis Baba and Sidri,
Southwestern Sinai, Egypt
P. 497-528
28Ashraf Ramadan Shabana; Magdy Ali Abou EL-Fetouh; Moustafa
Mohamed El Ghazawi; Mahmoud Abd El-Moniem El- Hefnawy and Saad
Hydrogeological studies of Nubia sandstone Aquifer System in Bir El-Shab
Area, South western Desert, Egypt
P. 529-555
29Tariq Hassan Bayoumi
Impact of natural and Human Activities on the groundwater Quality in the
Southern part of Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia
P. 557-578
30Sayed, S.R. moustafa and Adel, M.E. Mohamed
Mapping Soil Susceptibility at different depths in Greater Cairo
Metropolitan Area
P. 579-601
1 - Geol. Surv. Egypt
Clay deposits in Egypt : A commodity package.
Compiled by : Mourad Eskaros Qusa
60 p. , 6 fig , 2 maps , 1986
2 -Geol. Surv. Egypt
Gold in Egypt : A commodity package
Compiled by : Shokry Zaki Gabra
86 p. , 11 fig , 8 maps , 1986
3 - Geol. Surv. Egypt
Limestone and dolomite in Egypt : A commodity package.
Compiled by : Girgis Botros
` 76 p . , 19 fig 9 , tb . , 7p1. , 1986
4 - Geol. Surv. Egypt and Shell Wining N.V.
Tantalum-niobium and other rare metal ores in Egypt : An
information package.
2 vols . , 5 maps , 40 figs , 1988
5 - Geol. Surv. Egypt and Shell Wining N.V.
Titanium ores in Egypt : An Information package.
2 vols. , 5 maps , 34 figs , 1988
6 - Geol. Surv. Egypt
Gypsum in Egypt.
Compiled by : Hussney Risk Alla
58 p . , 3 maps , 1990
1 - Abbas , H.L.
A monograph of the Egyptian Cretaceous Pelecypods
182 p. , 24 pl. 1 map.
2 - Abbas , H.L.
A monograph of the Egyptian Cretaceous Gastropods .
146 p. 12 p1. , 10 figs. 1 map.
3 - Fawzi , M.E.
La faune Cenomannienne D'Egypte
133 p . 8 pl.
4 - Abbas , H.L .
A monograph on the Egyptian Paleocene and Eocene Gastropods.
154 p . 24 pl . 3 maps 2 bs.
1 - Keldani , E.H .
A bibliography of geology and related sciences concerning Egypt , up
to the end of 1939.
428 p . 1941
2 - Said , R. ; Mansour , A.O. ; Mekhail , M.F. and Elias , A.N.
Bibliography of geology and related sciences concerning Egypt for
the period 1960 - 1973.
192 p. 1975
1 - Geologic Maps
1 - Geological map of Egypt ,
scale 1 : 2000 , 000 , 1928.
2 - Idfu-Qena area , scale 1 : 200 , 000 , 1968.
Geological sections accross Qena Idfu area and general
stratigraphic column.
3 - Geologic map of Egypt ,
scale 1 : 2000 , 000 , 1971.
4 - The basement rocks in the Eastern Desert ,
scale 1 : 1000 , 000 , 1972.
5 - Geologic map of the basement rocks in the South Western Desert ,
scale 1 : 1000 , 000 , 1972.
6 - Geologic map of the Central Eastern Desert ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1974.
7 - Tectonic map scheme of Central Eastern Desert , Egypt , scale 1:
250 , 000 , 1974.
8 - Geologic map of Aswan quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 500 , 000 , 1978.
9 - Geologic map of Qena quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 500 , 000 , 1978.
10-Geologic map of Aswan , Sheet NG - 36 ,
scale 1 : 1000 , 000 , 1979.
11-Geologic map of Egypt ,
scale 1 : 2000 , 000 , 1979.
12-Geologic map of Egypt ,
scale 1 :2000 , 000 , 1981.
13-Dakhla geological map , Sheet NG - 35 ,
scale 1 : 1000 , 000 , 1982 .
14-Geologic map of Greater Cairo area ,
scale 1: 100 , 000 , 1983.
15-Geologic map of Gabal El-Urf quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1983.
16-Geologic map of Wadi Qena quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1983.
17-Geologic map of Al Alamain , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1986.
18-Geologic map of Ras Abu Al Juruf and Dab ‘ah , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1986.
19-Geologic Map of Mingar Al Aghar , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1986 .
20-Basement rocks of Safajah quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1987.
21-Geologic map of Siwa quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1988.
22-Geologic map of Bir Fuad quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1988.
23-Basement rocks of Al Qusayr quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1988 .
24-Basement rocks of Jabal Umm Ghaig quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1989.
25-Basement rocks of Manjam Al-Barramiyah quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1: 100 , 000 , 1990.
26-Geologic map of Baranis quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1992.
27-Geologic map of Sinai , A.R.E. (sheet no. 5 ) ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1988.
28-Geologic Map of Wadi Al-Barramyiah quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1992.
29-Basement rocks of Marsa Alam quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 1991.
30-Geologic map of Qusayr quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1992.
31-Geological map of Sinai , Sheets :
1 - Sadr El Hitan
2 - Al - Hassana
3 - Talat Al Badan
4 - Maghara
5 - Jabal Libni
6 - Mitla Pass quadrangle
scale 1: 100 , 000 , 1993.
(for each)
32-Geologic map of Sinai , A. R.E. (Sheets 1-4) ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1993 .
(for each)
33-Geologic map of Gabal Hadaib quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1996 .
34-Geologic Map of Wadi Jabjabah quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1996 .
35- Geologic Map of Jabal Hamatah Quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1997 .
36- Geologic Map of Jabal Ilbah Quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 250 , 000 , 1999 .
37- Gelogic Map of Wadi Shait quadrangle, Egypt
Scale 1: 250,000, 2001
38- - Gelogic Map of Marsa Shaab quadrangle, Egypt
Scale 1: 250,000, 2001
40- Gelogic Map of Naj'Hammadi Quadrangle , Egypt,
Scale 1 : 100 , 000 ,2003
41- Gelogic Map of Abo Muharrik Quadrangle , Egypt ,
Scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 2003
42- Gelogic Map of Qina Quadrangle .Egypt ,
Scale 1 : 100 , 000 , 2003.
43- Joint Geological Mapping Project ,
Sheet Jabal Asbah ( NF 35 – 1) ,
Scale 1: 250 .000 . 1997
44- Joint Geological Mapping Project ,
Sheet Jabal Arkenuh ( NF 35 – 5) ,
45 – Geological Map of West Jirra Quadrangle , Egypt,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2004
46 – Geological Map of Tahta Quadrangle , Egypt,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2004
47 – Geological Map of Qarat As Sab'ah Quadrangle , Egypt
Scale 1:100.000 , 2004
48 – Geological Map of Suhaj Quadrangle , Egypt ,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2004
49 - Geological Map of Wadi Qasab Quadrangle ,Egypt ,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2004
50- Geological Map of Wadi Ar R iddah , Egypt,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2005
51- Geological Map of Hurghada , Egypt,
Scale 1:250.000 ,2005
52 - Geological Map of Ra's Abu Bakr , Egypt,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2005
53- Geological Map of Ar Ruzayqat , Egypt ,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2005
54- Geological Map of Jabal Gharib , Egypt,
Scale 1:100.000 , 2005
55- Geologic Map of Jabal Abu Had, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2006.
56- Geologic Map of Luxor (Al Uqsur), Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2006
57- Geologic Map of Isna, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2006
58- Geologic Map of West Wadi Ar Riddah, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2006
59- Geologic Map of Wadi Al Karnak, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2006
60- Geologic Map of Wadi Ramdin, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2009
61- Geologic Map of Naq'Minih, Arab Repblic of Egypt
Scale 1: 100,000, 2009
2 - Metallogenic Maps
1 - Metallogenic map of Aswan quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 500 , 000 , 1983 .
2 - Metallogenic map of Qena quadrangle , Egypt ,
scale 1 : 500 , 000 , 1984 .
3- Metalllogenic Map of Arabe Republic of Egypt
scale 1 : 1 ,000, 000, 1998 ( Part 2 Building Material & Ornamental
4- Metalllogenic Map of Arabe Republic of Egypt
scale 1 : 1 ,000, 000, 1998 ( Part 1 & Metallic & Non Metallic
3 - Mineral Maps
1 - Mineral Map of Egypt ,
scale 1: 2 . 000 . 000 , 1979.
( in Arabic and in English ).
Note :
(010 - 006)
010 : Page number .
006 : Number of title in the page .