44 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof GEFETHA @BUTV (\UVTHMHSH) ‖ @CWCA H\\EHA IB <4(g)-88‐<4 BG 4<8: (Z) ]UAKEGAC ]UAK EGAC \@H, PUTCS PUTCSHFC, HFC, ]HOHT ]HOHTHO HO CDTHO CDTHOCN, CN, DHAC DHACH H SUPB SUPBG G HIF H]CHO HAC G@MM 7 IBWENDET 4<8: D @ @bitrh`t ‖ Ducafcij `bitrh`t ‖ @ahcn gbr phyneit uifer citercn `ertc`htes ‖ @ahcn @ahcn re reger gerre reff tb hrd hrdctr ctrhtc htcbi bi uif uifer er @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi Ci Cifu fustry stry \hyn hyneit eit Hfmufc`htcbi H`t 4<84 (‟toe H`t H`t–)–) ‖ Hfmufc`htbr nhfe fe`cscbi ci ghvbur bg respb re spbife ifeit it ‖ Hp Hppea peaahi ahitt hppa hppacef cef tb sth sthyy br set hsc hscfe fe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br–s–s fe` fe`csc cscbi bi ‖ Zoetoer hppeaahit rcjot ci civbkcij s 85 bg toe H`t H`t tb `ohaaeije murcsfc`tcbi murcsfc`tcbi bg hfmufc`htbr ‖ Zoetoer murcsfc`tcbiha `ohaaeije `buaf de nhfe ht hiy tcne ‖ Zo Zoet etoe oerr s 68 bg to toee H` H`tt bp bper erht htef ef tb ex ex`a `auf ufee pr prb` b`ee eefc fcij ijss cg `a `ahc hcn n dr drbu bujo jott tb `b `bur urtt degb de gbrre `b `bnc ncij ij ci citb tb gb gbr` r`ee bg to toee H` H`tt ‖ Zo Zoet etoe oerr to toee H` H`tt ha haab abwe weff re resp spbi bifc fcij ij ph phrt rtyy tb rhcse nhtters ibt rhcsef ci phyneit respbise ‖ Zoetoer hfmufc`htbr dbuif tb `biscfer fegei`e ibt rhcsef ci phyneit p hyneit respbise dut rhcsef ci hfmufc`htcbi respbise ‖ Zoetoer hfmufc`htbr–s ghcaure tb `biscfer haa fegei`es rhcsef dy hppeaahit hnbuit hnb uitef ef tb h dr dreh` eh`oo bg iht ihtur urha ha mu mustc stc`e `e ‖ Zoe Zoetoe toerr ih ihi`c i`cha ha `hph `hph`ct `ctyy bg `bitrh`tbr tb rephy reaevhit gh`tbr gbr hppac`htcbi tb sthy hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi ‖ Zoetoer hppac`htcbi gbr sthy `hi de aef `bi`urreitay `bi`urreitay wcto hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hfmufc`htbr–s hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi ‖ Zoetoer hfmufc`htbr–s hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi sobuaf de set hscfe br sthyef H fcspute hrbse detweei toe phrtces phrtces bver toe ibi-phyneit ibi-phyneit bg citercn phyneit `ahcns. Voe respbifeit ohf servef h phyneit `ahcn bi toe hppeaahit, woc`o toe ahtter ohf ghcaef tb settae. Voe hppac`hit sudncttef toht toe hppac`hit–s ghcaure tb ae h phyneit respbise nehit toht toe eitcre hnbuit whs feenef fcsputef uifer @bistru`tcbi \hyneit Hfmufc`htcbi H`t 4<84 (‟toe (‟ toe H`t H`t–). –). Voetoe respbife resp bifeit it toeiCifustry prb`eefef prb` eefef wcto hrdc hrdctrhtc trhtcbi bi prb prb`eefc `eefcijs ijs hjhcist toe hppeaahit. Voe hppeaahit aef cts hfmufc`htcbi respbise fcsputcij toe res respb pbife ifeit it––s `ah `ahcn cn woe woerec reci i ct hve hverr rref ef toh tohtt toe cit citerc ercn n `ah `ahcns cns `ah `ahcn cnef ef dy toe respbifeit were sudme`t tb hfmustneits. Hgter jcvcij fue `biscferhtcb `biscferhtcbi i tb toe hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn hif respbises toeretb toe hfmufc`htbr nhfe ocs fe`cscbi ci ghvbur ghv bur bg toe res respb pbife ifeit. it. Voe hp hppea peaahi ahitt toe toei i hpp hppace acef f tb `oh `ohaae aaeije ije toe murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr uifer s 68 bg toe H`t (‟ (‟toe toe rst hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi–). –). Voe respbi res pbifei feit, t, bi toe bto btoer er ohi ohif, f, hpp hppace acef f gbr toe rej rejcst cstrht rhtcb cbi i hif eig eigbr br`en `eneit eit bg toee hf to hfmu mufc fc`h `htc tcbi bi fe fe`c `csc scbi bi hs h mu mufj fjne neit it bg to toee `b `bur urtt pu purs rsuh uhit it tb s 4? bg to toee H` H`tt (‟toe (‟ toe se` se`bif bif hpp hppac` ac`htc htcbi bi–).Voe –).Voe hpp hppeaa eaahit hit ci tur turi i hp hppac pacef ef tb set hsc hscfe fe hif hif/br /br sth sthyy toe hwhrf bg toe hfmufc`htbr pursuhit tb ss 85 hif 87 bg toe H`t (‟toe tocrf hppac`htcbi–). Voe Ocjo @burt fcsncssef dbto bg toe hppeaahit–s hppac`htcbis F E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H D @ F Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 40 (toe rst hif tocrf hppac`htcbis) hif haabwef toe respbifeit respbifeit––s hppac`htcbi (toe se` se`bif bif hppac` hpp ac`htc htcbi) bi) tb eigbr` eig eetoe hfmuf hf mufc`h ie fe` fe`csc cscbi. bi. Bi hppeha hpp ,peaa toe @burt @bu rts bg Hp Hppe peha ha hg hgr rne nef f ha haa a to toe e br`e tore to ree fe`c fe `csc scbi bissc`htcb bgtcbi toe to Ocjo Oc jo @bur @b urt. t. Vo Voe eeha, hppe hp aahi hit t oh ohs bdthcief toe aehve bg tocs `burt tb prb`eef wcto toe preseit hppeha woc`o hffresses toe cssues reahtcij tb toe s`bpe hif hppac`htcbi bg toe H`t, woc`o cs h iew aejcsahtcbi toht `hne citb gbr`e bi 85 Hprca 4<86. Ct whs toe hppeaahit–s `hse toht h prbjress `ahcn gbr toe sun bg TN40.?n woc`o whs toe sudme`t nhtter bg toe preseit phyneit fcspute (‟prbjress `ahcn 4?–) geaa wctoci toe ex`auscbi bg s 68 bg toe H`t hs h `ahcn toht ‟ohf deei `bnnei`ef ci `burt br hrdctrhtcbi degbre– toe H`t `hne citb bperhtcbi. Voe dhscs bg tocs `biteitcbi whs toht prbjress `ahcn `ahcn 4? whs `unuahtcve bg ehracer prbjress prbjress `ahcns `bithcief ci ehracer citercn `ertc`htes, ci respe`t bg woc`o h`tcbi ohf deei `bnnei`ef dy toe respbifeit hjhcist hjhcist toe hppeaahit ci toe Ocjo @burt ci Nhy 4<80. 4<80. Voe hppeaahit hasb sudncttef toht toe hfmufc`htbr ohf erref ci ex`aufcij gbr `biscferhtcbi toree fegei`es rhcsef dy toe hppeaahit, hs toe respbifeit ci toe hfmufc`htcbi prb`ess. Voe hppeaahit tous `biteifef toht toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi sobuaf de sthyef br set hscfe. Oeaf, haabwcij toe hppeha wcto `bsts E G J O C (8) Ci toe pres preseit eit `hse, toe hppeaahit hppeaahit whs `brre`t ci cts `biteitcbi `biteitcbi toht toe errbr ci toe mufjneit bg toe @burt bg Hppeha whs cts ghcaure tb re`bjicse toht toe murcsfc`tcbiha `bnpahcit ci toe preseit `hse whs toht toe H`t fcf ibt hppay ht haa de`huse bg s 68, hif ibt hi ‟ex`ess bg murcsfc`tcbi– uifer s 85, bi toe dhscs toht toe H`t hppacef. Pe`tcbi 85 bg toe H`t, woc`o whs prefc`htef bi toe H`t hppaycij tb hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi nhfe uifer toe H` H`t, t, re reaht ahtef ef spe spe`c `c`h `haay aay tb h `b `bnpa npahci hcitt toh tohtt toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br ohf ‟h`t h`tef ef ci ex ex`e `ess ss bg oc ocss mu murc rcsf sfc` c`tc tcbi bi–– pr pres esup uppb pbsc scij ij to toee ex excs cste tei` i`ee bg to toee hfmufc hfm ufc`h `htbr tbr––s mur murcsf csfc` c`tcb tcbi i uif uifer er toe H` H`tt ci toe rs rstt pa pah`e h`e.. Ci toe `cr`unsthi`es, toe hppeaahit whs rcjot ci ibt civbkcij s 85 bg toe H`t ht toe dejciicij ci nhkcij cts hppac`htcbi tb `ohaaeije murcsfc`tcbi de`huse ct `buaf ibt bi toe bie ohif `bnpahci toht toe H`t fcf ibt hppay tb toe `hse `h se hi hif f ye yett bi to toee bt btoe oerr oh ohif if ci civb vbke ke h pr prbv bvcs cscb cbi i bg to toee H` H`tt tb se seek ek re reac aceg eg.. Hs su`o, h murcsfc`tcbih murcsfc`tcbihaa `ohaaeije `buaf de nhfe ht hiy tcne hif ibt biay upbi hi hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hfmufc`htcbi hwhrf (see phrhs 88‐84 & 85‐83). (4) Ci toe pr prese eseit it `hse toe vce vcew w thk thkei ei dy toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br whs tb equhte equhte ‟prevcbus– actcjhtcbi wcto ‟bi-jbcij– actcjhtcbi br hrdctrhtcbi. Voere whs ib cnp cnpbrt brthi` hi`ee htt htth`o h`oef ef tb toe wbr wbrf f ‟`bn `bnnei nei`ef `ef … deg degbr bre– e– woc woc`o `o hr hree toe express quhacgycij wbrfs gbuif ci s 68 bg toe H`t. Obwever, toe wbrfs ‟`bnnei`ef– hif ‟degbre– hs gbuif ci s 68 bg toe H`t ohf fcstci`t nehicijs hif sobuaf ibt de equhtef wcto toe wbrf ‟peifcij– gbuif easewoere ci toe H`t. Ci toe `cr`unsthi`es, dbto toe hfmufc`htbr hif toe Ocjo @burt ohf rehf s 68 bg toe H`t wrbijay dy citerpretcij toe ex`auscb ex`a uscbi i toere toerebi bi hs hppa hppac`hd c`hdae ae tb peif peifcij cij phyn phyneit eit fcsp fcsputes. utes. Vocs 46 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM cite rpre reth thtc tcbi bi oh ohf f ih ihrr rrbw bwef ef to toee s` s`bp bpee bg s 68 bg to toee H` H`tt hi hif f wh whss `b `bit itrh rhry ry citerp tb citeifef h shvcij hif trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi prbvcscbi. Ct wbuaf de cts sug`ceit tbbperhtcbi esthdacso hhsrcjot bg ex`auscbi uifer s 68 bg toe .H`t cg toe phycij phrty fenbistrhtef toht h `ahcn `bvercij toe preseit `ahcn ohf prevc pr evcbus busay ay dee deei i `bn `bnnei nei`ef `ef ci `bu `burt rt br hrd hrdctr ctrhtc htcbi bi de` de`hus husee ci toe `bistru`t `bis tru`tcbi cbi cifu cifustry stry,, prbj prbjress ress `ahc `ahcns ns (bi woc` woc`o o citer citercn cn `ertc `ertc`ht `htes es wer weree cssu cs suef ef)) we were re `u `unu nuah ahtc tcve ve ci ih ihtu ture re hi hif f fc fcf f ib ibtt ex excs cstt ci se seph phrh rhte te sthif-habie `bnphrtneits. `bnphrtneits. Ci toe preseit `hse, toe `bitrh`t detweei toe phrt ph rtce cess hi hif f to toee pr prbj bjre ress ss `a `ahc hcns ns fc fcf f ib ibtt st sthi hif f ha habi biee ci se seph phrh rhte te `bnphrtneits dut were `unuahtcve ci ihture (see phrhs 44‐07). (0) Voe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr ohf ex`a ex`aufef ufef gbr `bis `biscferh cferhtcbi tcbi toree vctha fegei fegei`es `es rhcsef dy toe hppeaahit, hs toe respbifeit ci toe hfmufc`htcb hfmufc`htcbi i prb`ess, bi toe jrbuifs toht toey were ibt sthtef hs rehsbis ci toe rst phyneit respbise uifer s 7 bg toe H`t, tobujo paehfef ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise degbre ocn. Hi hfmufc`htbr whs ibt ex`aufef grbn `biscfercij haa toe fegei`es rhcsef dy h respbifeit ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise woetoer gbuif ci toe rst respbise uifer s 7 bg toe H`t. Zoere hi hfmufc`htbr ohf ghcaef tb fb sb, oe whs shcf tb de ci dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e. Dhsef bi h `hregua `biscferhtcbi `biscferhtcbi bg ss 7(6), 85, 46, 45, 45, 47 hif 4: bg toe H`t ct whs `aehr toht hi hfmufc`htbr wob wrbijay ruaef but `biscfercij h fegei`e preseitef tb ocn wbuaf de ci dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e. Ci toe preseit `hse, toe hfmufc`htbr ohf wrbijay `bistruef toe s`bpe bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi uifer s 4:(8) bg toe H`t dy reguscij tb `biscfer haa toe fegei`es rhcsef ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise. Voeregbre, su`o h fe`cscbi dy toe hfmufc`htbr `buaf ibt sthif (see phrhs 67, 58, 53‐78, 76‐77 & :6). (6) Voe Ocjo Ocjo @burt hif toe @burt bg Hppeha Hppeha ci toe pres preseit eit `hse tbbk toe vcew toht ib sthy whs hvhcahdae uiaess toe hppeaahit `buaf sobw toht toe respbifeit whs uihdae tb rephy toe hfmufc`htcbi sun. Pu`o h strcijeit test te st wh whss ib ibtt mu must stc cef ef ui uife ferr to toee H` H`t.Voe t.Voe `b `brr rre` e`tt hp hppr prbh bh`o `o gb gbrr h st sthy hy ui uife ferr s 87 bg toe H`t wbuaf de tb evhauhte eh`o `hse bi cts nercts wctobut toe getter bg h pre-feterncief test ibt gbuif ci toe se`tcbi ctseag ihneay toe ihi`cha `hph`cty bg toe `bitrh`tbr tb rephy. Ct `buaf de h gh`tbr dut ibt toee bi to biay ay gh gh`t `tbr br.. Uif ifer er s 87 bg to toee H` H`tt to toee `b `bur urts ts `b `bua uaf f st sthy hy hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi fe`cscbi woei toere were `aehr errbrs, br tb neet toe mustc`e bg toe cifcvcfuha `hse hif hiy httenpt tb restrc`t toe hppac`htcbi bg s 87 bg toe H`t ci toe nhiier prbpbsef dy toe Ocjo @burt, hif toe @burt bg Hppeha, wbuaf de tb strcp ct bg hiy utcacty utcacty.. Gurtoer Gurtoer,, ct whs wobaay hpprbprchte toht hi hppac`htcbi gbr sthy uifer s 87 bg toe H`t de aef tbjetoer wcto hi hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hwhrf uifer s 85 bg toe H`t. Vous, toe hppeaahit–s hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hif/br sthy toe hwhrf purs pu rsuh uhit it tb ss 85 hi hif f 87 bg to toee H` H`tt so sobu buaf af de ha haab abwe wef f hi hif f to toee H D @ F E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 45 respbifeit––s hppac`htcbi seekcij toe rejcstrhtcb rejcstrhtcbi i hif eigbr`eneit bg toe respbifeit hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi bujot tb de fcsncssef (see phrhs :7‐:3, ?8‐?6 & ??). [Dhohsh Nhahysch sunnhry D @ F E G J O C \ertckhchi derdhijkct fc hithrh pcohk-pcohk kehths tuituthi-tuit \ertckhchi tuituthi-tuituthi uthi dhyhrhi citercn yhij tcfhk fcdhyhr. Tespbifei teaho neiyerhokhi tuituthi dhyhrhi ke hths perhyu, yhij nhih perhyu jhjha uituk neiyeaeshckhi. \enbobi deroumho dhohwh kejhjhahi penbobi uituk nenghcakhi mhwhphi dhyhrhi dernhk der nhksuf suf dho dhohw hwhh kes keseau eauruo ruohi hi mun munaho aho fch fchij ijjhp jhp fcp fcpert ertck ckhck hckhi hi fc dhw dhwho ho Hkt Hkthh \endhyhrhi fhi Hfmufckhsc Cifustrc \endcihhi 4<84 (‟Hkth–). Tespbifei kenufchiiyh neieruskhi feijhi prbscfcij tcndhij thrh terohfhp perhyu. \erhyu nengh nenghcakh cakhi i mhwhp mhwhphi hi peij peijouku oukunhii nhiiyh yh nenp nenpertck ertckhckh hckhi i tuitu tuituthi thi respbife resp bifei i fc nhih ch derou deroumho mho dhohw dhohwhh tuit tuituthi uthi-tuit -tuituthi uthi citercn yhij fctui fc tuitut tut bae baeo o re respb spbife ifei i hfh hfhaho aho fc fcsud sudmek mek kep kephfh hfh pea peahrh hrhshi shi.. Pe Peaep aephs hs nei neijhn jhndca dca pertcn per tcndhi dhijhi jhi kep kephfh hfh tui tuitut tuthi hi pei peijou jouku kunhi nhi fhi mhw mhwhph hphi-m i-mhw hwhph hphi i kephfhiyhh peij kephfhiy peijhfca hfca nend nenduht uht kepu keputush tushiiyh iiyh nenc nencohk ohk resp respbife bifei. i. \erhyu kenufc ken ufchii hiiyh yh nen nenbob bobi i uit uituk uk nei nei`hd `hdhr hr dcf dcfhij hij kuh kuhsh sh pei peijhf jhfca ca fc dhw dhwho ho s 68 Hkth (‟ (‟pernbobihi pernbobihi perthnh perthnh–). –). Tespbifei, sedhackiyh, nenbobi uituk peif pe ifhg hgth thrh rhi i fh fhi i pe peij ijuh uhtk tkuh uhsh shhi hi ke kepu putu tush shi i pe peij ijou ouku kunh nhi i se sedh dhjh jhcc peijohkcnhi nhokhnho derckuthi s 4? Hkth (‟pernbobihi kefuh–). \erhyu sedhackiyh nenbobi uituk neijetepckhi fhi/hthu neihijjuokhi hwhrf peijhfca derckuthi ss 85 fhi 87 Hkth (‟pernbobihi ketcjh–). Nhokhnho Vcijjc neibahk kefuh-fuh pernbobihi perhyu (pernbobihi perthnh fhi ketcjh) ketc jh) fhi nende nendeihrk ihrkhi hi pern pernbobi bobihi hi resp respbife bifei i (per (pernbobi nbobihi hi kefu kefuh) h) uituk neijuhtkuhshkhi keputushi peijoukunhi. Hths rhyuhi, Nhokhnho Thyuhi Thyu hi neij neijeshok eshokhi hi kese kesenyh nyh ketc ketcjh-t jh-tcjh cjh kepu keputushi tushi Nho Nhokhnh khnho o Vc Vcijjc ijjc.. \erhyu teaho nenperbaeoc czci nhokhnho cic uituk neieruskhi feijhi rhyuhi cic yhij neihijhic csu-csu derkhcthi skbp fhi peijjuihhi Hkth, yhij nhih hfhaho uifhij-uifhij dhru yhij derkuht kuhsh phfh 85 Hprca 4<86. Ch hfhaho kes perhyu dhohwh tuituthi kenhmuhi dhjc munaho TN40.? muth yhij nhi nhih h hfh hfhaho aho perkhr per khrh h per pertck tckhch hchi i s dhy dhyhrh hrhi i sedhjhc cic (‟ (‟tui tuitut tuthi hi ken kenhmu hi deei 4?–)) 4?– terhijkun fc fhahn peije`uhachi 68 Hkth tuituthi yhijhmuhi ‟ohf `bnnei`ef ci `burt br hrdctrhtcbi degbre– Hkth derbperhsc. Hshs oumhohi cic hfha hf haho ho dh dhoh ohwh wh tu tuit itut uthi hi ke kenh nhmu muhi hi 4? hf hfha haho ho ku kunu nuah ahtc tcgg te tero rohf hfhp hp tuituthi tuit uthi-tuit -tuituthi uthi kenh kenhmuhi muhi terf terfhouau houau yhij terf terfhpht hpht fc fhah fhahn n scmca scmca-scmc -scmcaa citercn cite rcn terf terfhouau houau,, derk derkhcth hcthi i tcif tcifhkhi hkhi yhihj nhih teah teaho o fcnu fcnuahkh ahkhi i baeo respbifei terohfhp perhyu fc Nhokhnho fc fhahn duahi Nec 4<80. \erhyu mujh deroumho dhohwh peijhfca teaho terscahp fhahn neije`uhack neije`uhackhi hi fhrcphfh pertcn per tcndhi dhijhi jhi tcj tcjhh pen pendea deahhi hhi yhi yhijj fc fcdhi dhijk jkctk ctkhi hi bae baeo o per perhyu hyu,, sed sedhjh hjhcc respbifei fc fhahn prbses peijoukunhi. \erhyu baeo ctu deroumho dhohwh keputushi peijoukunhi phtut fcthijjuo hthu fcketepckh fcketepckhi. i. Fcputuskhi, nendeihrkhi rhyuhi feijhi kbs= 47 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM perhyu hfhaho detua fhahn fhahn oumhohiiyh dhohwh kescahphi kescahphi (8) Fhahn kes cic, perhyu fhahn peijohkcnhi Nhokhnho Thyuhi hfhaho kejhjhahiiyh uituk neiercnh dhohwh hfuhi dcfhij kuhsh fc fhahn kes cic hfhaho dhohwh Hkth ahijsuij tcfhk derhpackhsc kerhih s 68, fhi dukhi ‟ex` ‟ex`ess ess bg murcsfc`tcbi–– fc dhwho s 85, hths hshs dhohwh Hkth derhpackhsc. Peksyei 85 murcsfc`tcbi Hkth, yhij nhih fcfhshrkhi ke hths Hkth yhij derhpackhsc kephfh keputushi peijoukunhi yhij fcduht fc dhwho Hkth, se`hrh kousus derkhcthi kephfh hfuhi dhohwh peijhfca teaho ‟h`tef ci ex`ess bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi–– neijjhifhck murcsfc`tcbi neijjhifhckhi hi kewumufhi dcfhij kuhsh peijhfca fc dhwho Hkth phfh nuahiyh. Fhahn kehfhhi, perhyu hfhaho detua kerhih tcfhk tcf hk nen nendhi dhijk jkctk ctkhi hi s 85 Hkt Hkthh phf phfhh nua nuahiy hiyhh fha fhahn hn nen nenduh duhtt pernbobihiiyh uituk nei`hdhr dcfhij kuhsh kerhih ch tcfhk dbaeo neijhfu dhohwh Hkth tcfhk derhpackhsc kephfh kes cic fhi sedhackiyh nendhijk nend hijkctkh ctkhi i perui peruitukh tukhi i Hkth uituk uitukneifh neifhphtk phtkhi hi reac reacg. g. Feij Feijhi hi ctu, `hdhrhi dcfhij kuhsh tcfhk dbaeo fcduht phfh dcah-dcah nhsh fhi dukhi ohiyh hths pern pernbobi bobihi hi uituk neij neijetep etepckhi ckhi hwhr hwhrf f peij peijouku oukunhi nhi (acoht pereijjhi 88‐84 & 85‐83). (4) Fhahn Fhahn kes cic phif phifhijh hijhi i yhij fchndca fchndca baeo peij peijhfca hfca hfhaho hfhaho uituk neiyhnhkhi actcjhsc ‟prevcbus– feijhi actcjhsc ‟bi-jbcij– hthu tcndhij thrh. Vchfh hfh yhij peitcij terckht kephfh perkhthhi ‟`bnnei`ef … degbre– yhij nhih hfhaho perkhthhi-perkhthhi keahyhkhi yhij iyhth fcfhphtc fc fhahn s 68 Hkth. Zhahu dhjhcnhihpui, perkhthhi-perkhthhi perkhthhi-perkhthhi ‟`bnnei`ef– fhi ‟degbre– sepertc yhij fcfhphtc fc fhahn s 68 Hkth nenpuiyhc nhksuf yhij derdezh fhi tcfhk phtut fcshnhkhi feijhi perkhthhi perk hthhi ‟peifci ‟peifcij– j– fcfh fcfhphtc phtc fc tenp tenpht ht ahci fc fhah fhahn n Hkth Hkth.. Fhah Fhahn n kehfhh keh fhhi, i, kef kefuhuh-fu fuhh pei peijh jhfca fca fhi Nh Nhokh okhnhoVc nhoVcijj ijjcc tea teaho ho nen nendh` dh`hh s 68 Hkth se`hrh shaho feijhi neithgscrkhi peije`uhach peije`uhachi i fc fhahniyh sedhjhc derhpackhsc kephfh pertckhchi dhyhrhi yhij deaun fc dhyhr. \eithgscrhi cic teaho neijohfkhi skbp s 68 Hkth fhi derteithijhi kephfh icht bperhs bpe rhsciy ciyhh sed sedhjh hjhcc per peruit uitukh ukhi i ke` ke`uha uhachi chi fhi per perhac hacohi ohi.. Ch hkh hkhi i nei`ukupc uituk nenduktckhi ohk peije`uhachi fc dhwho s 68 Hkth mckh pcohk yhij nendhyhr neiuimukkhi dhohwh tuituthi yhij neactupc tuituthi cic teaho terfhouauiyh fcnuahkhi fc nhokhnho hthu tcndhij thrh kerhih fc fhahn cifustrc pendcihhi, tuituthi kenhmuhi (hths nhih scmca-scmca citercn fckeauhrkhi) hfhaho derscght kunuahtcg fhi tcfhk wumuf fhahn ruhij derfcrc seifcrc yhij derhscijhi. Fhahn kes cic, kbitrhk fc hithrh hith rh pcoh pcohk-pc k-pcohk ohk fhi tuit tuituthiuthi-tuitu tuituthi thi kenh kenhmuhi muhi tcfh tcfhkk derf derfcrc crc seifcrc fc fhahn ruhij derhscijhi tethpc hfhaho derscght kunuahtcg (acoht pereijjhi 44‐07). (0)) \ (0 \ei eijh jhfc fcaa te teah aho o ne neij ije` e`uh uhac ackh khi i ui uitu tukk ne nenp nper ertc tcnd ndhi hijk jkhi hi tc tcjh jh pendeahhi peitcij yhij fcdhijkctkhi baeo perhyu, kerhih respbifei fc fhahn prbses peijoukunhi, hths hahshi dhohwh ch tcfhk fciyhthkhi sedhjh sed hjhcc hah hahshi shi fc fha fhahn hn mhw mhwhph hphi i dhy dhyhrh hrhi i per perthn thnhh fc dhw dhwho ho Hkt Hkth, h, whahupui fcpacfkhi fc fhahn mhwhphi peijoukunhi fc ohfhphiiyh. H D @ F E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H D @ F E G J O Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 4: eijhfca ca tcfh tcfhkk fcke fcke`uha `uhackhi ckhi fhrc fhrcphfh phfh nenp nenpertcn ertcndhij dhijkhi khi kese kesenuh nuh \eijhf pendeahhi pendea hhi yhi yhijj fc fcdhi dhijk jkctk ctkhi hi bae baeo o res respbi pbifei fei fc fha fhahn hn mhw mhwhph hphi i peij pe ijou ouku kunh nhi i sh shnh nh hf hfhh fc fcfh fhph phtc tc fc fh fhah ahn n mh mhwh whph phi i pe pert rthn hnhh fc dh dhwh who os7 Hkth. Fc nhih peijhfca teaho jhjha uituk derduht sefenckchi, sefenckchi, fch teaho fckh fc khth thkh khi i ne neah ahij ijjh jhrr ke kehf hfca cahi hi se senu nuah ah mh mhfc fc.. De Derf rfhs hshr hrkh khi i ke ht hths hs pert pe rtcn cndh dhij ijhi hi te teac actc tc te tero rohf hfhp hp ss 7( 7(6) 6),, 85 85,, 46 46,, 45 45,, 47 fh fhi i 4: Hk Hkth th ch hf hfha haho ho iyht iy hthh dh dhoh ohwh wh pe peij ijhf hfca ca yh yhij ij te teah aho o se se`h `hrh rh sh shah aho o ne neib ibah ahkk ui uitu tukk nenpertcndhijkhi pendeahhi yhij fckenukhkhi kephfhiyh hfhaho neahijjhr kehfcahi senuah mhfc. Fhahn kes cic, peijhfca teaho se`hrh shaho neithgscr skbp dcfhij kuhshiyh fc dhwho s 4:(8) Hkth feijhi neib ne ibah ahkk ui uitu tukk ne nenp nper ertc tcnd ndhi hijk jkhi hi ke kese senu nuhh pe pend ndea eahh hhi i yh yhij ij fcdhijkctkhi fc fhahn mhwhphi peijoukunhi. Baeo ctu, keputushi sefenckch sefen ckchi i baeo peij peijhfca hfca tcfh tcfhkk fhph fhphtt fcpe fcperthoh rthohikhi ikhi (aco (acoht ht pere pereijjh ijjhi i 67, 58, 53‐78, 76‐77 & :6). (6) Nhokhnho Vcij Vcijjc jc fhi Nhokhnho Thyuhi fhahn kes cic derpeifhpht dhohwh peihijjuohi tcfhk terfhpht ke`uhac perhyu dbaeo neiuimukkhi dhohwh respbifei tcfhk fhpht enndhyhr munaho peijoukunhi. Umchi yhij ketht sefenckchi tcfhk dermustckhsc fc dhwho Hkth. \eifekhthi yhij detua dhjc peihijjuohi fc dhwho s 87 Hkth hfhaho uituk neicahc setchp set chp kes hth hthss ner nercti ctiyh yh thi thiph ph dea deaeij eijju ju umc umchi hi yhi yhijj fct fcteth ethpk pkhi hi yhi yhijj tcf tcfhk hk fcfhphtc fc fhahn seksyei ctu seifcrc chctu khphsctc kewhijhi kbitrhktbr uituk nendhyhr dhack. Ch dbaeo neimhfc ghktbr tethpc dukhi ghktbr shtu-shtuiyh. Fc dhwho s 87 Hkth nhokhnho dbaeo neihijjuokhi keputushi peijoukunhi hphdcah terfhpht kescahphi yhij iyhth, hthu uituk nei`hphc kehfcahi kes cifcvcfu fhi hph-hph per`udhhi uituk neijohahij pernbobihi s 87 Hkth fhahn `hrh yhij fc`hfhijkhi baeo Nhokhnho Vcijjc, fhi Nhokhnho Thyuhi, hkhi neihijjhakhiiyh fhrcp fhr cphfh hfh hp hph-h h-hph ph ken kenufh ufhohi ohi.. Pe Peahi ahimut mutiyh iyh,, ch hfh hfhaho aho wh whmhr mhr se` se`hrh hrh keseau kes eauruo ruohii hiiyh yh dho dhohwh hwh per pernbo nbobih bihi i uit uituk uk pei peihij hijjuo juohi hi fc dhw dhwho ho s 87 Hkth fcghcakhi dershnh feijhi pernbobihi uituk neijetepckhi hwhrf fc dhwho s 85 Hkth. Baeo ctu, pernbobihi perhyu uituk neijetepckh neijetepckhi i fhi/hthu hwhrf fhi Hkth phtut fc fcde deih ihrk rkhi hineihijjuokhi fhi fh i pe pern rnbo bobi bihi hi derckuthi resp re spbi bife fei iss 85 uitu ui tuk k 87 neif ne ifhp hpht htkh khi i peifhgthr peif hgthrhi hi fhi peij peijuhtk uhtkuhshh uhshhi i kepu keputushi tushipeij peijouku oukunhi nhi phtu phtutt fctb fctbahk ahk (acoht pereijjhi :7‐:3, ?8‐?6 & ??).^ Ibtes Gbr `hses bi ducafcij `bitrh`t ci jeierha, see 0(0) Nhaaha–s Fcjest (5to Ef, 4<85) phrhs 0?73‐6<::. C @hses regerref tb Drctieaa v Pe`rethry bg Pthte gbr Pb`cha Pe`urcty [8338^ 4 Haa ET :47, OA (regf) @ocpp Ou @oc Oupp Ou Oupp Kee @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi \te Atf Atfvv Psh Pshijyb ijybij ij Eij Eijcie cieerc ercij ij & @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi @b Atf [4<8<^ 8 PAT 75?, O@ (regf) 4? Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM Aee Aee @oeij (G) v Pebw \eij Kwhij [837<^ 8 NAM 8, @H (regf) H [8337 37^^ 8 NA NAMM 8; [8 337^ 7^ 8 @AM 54 543, 3, G@ (r (reg egf) f) Acn Ac n \o \oci ci Ko Koch chi i v Ko Kobb Pu\ty Ncij Nc Nuatcpaex @bi @bistru`tcbis stru`tcbis Atijf v[83 Atf Auckeis hif Hibr[833 hif [4<<0^ IPZP@ IPZP@ 886<, P@ (regf) \cabi Atf v Dreyer Jrbup \a` [4<8 [4<8<^ <^ Haa ET (F) 83: (Hpr); (Hpr); [4<8< [4<8<^^ EZO@ ?0: (V@@), XDF (ibt gbaaf) D Pt Hudyi (AN) hif Btoers v Httbriey Jeierha (Ib 4) [8358^ 4 Haa ET 6:0, OA (regf) Vernciha \ercitcs Pfi Dof v Vhi Ijee Obij @bistru`tcbi Pfi Dof hif hibtoer `hse [4<8:^ NAMU 464, O@ (regf) Vobnpsbi Defgbrf v Veha, Ci Te (8??3) 65 @o F 878, @H (regf) UFH Obafcijs Dof v Dcsrhyh @bistru`tcbi Pfi Dof & Hibr hif hibtoer `hse [4<85^ 88 NAM NAM 633; [4<85^ 5 @AM 54:, O@ (regf) (regf) Zhatbi Ci re Aevy, Ex phrte (8??8) 8: @o F :67, @H (regf) ZS Pteea @bistru`tcbi \te Atf v Bskb \te Atf [4<80^ 0 PAT 0?<, @H (regf) @ F Aejcsahtcbi regerref tb Hrdctrhtcbi H`t 8337 [UK^ s 64 Ducafcij hif @bistru`tcbi Cifustry Pe`urcty bg \hyneit H`t 8333 [HUP^ s 4<(4D) Ducaf Du cafcij cij hif hif@b @bist istru` ru`tcb tcbi i Cif Cifust ustry ry Pe Pe`ur `urcty ctybg bg \hyn hyneit eit H` H`tt 4<< 4<<7 7 [PJ [PJ^^ ss85, 85(0), 8? @bistru`tcbi Cifustry \hyneit hif Hfmufc`htcbi H`t 4<84 ss 4, 0, 6, 5, 5(4)(d), 7, 7(4), (6), ?, ?(0), 3, 3(8), 8<, 8<(8), 88, 84, 85, 85(f), 87, 87(8)(h), (8)(d), 46, 46(`), 45, 47, 47(4)(`), 4:, 4:(8), (4), (0), 4?, 04, 0:(8), 68 @bistru`tcbi @bitrh`ts H`t 4<<4 [I]^ ss 8:, :0 Obuscij Jrhits, @bistru`tcbi hif Tejcstrhtcbi H`t 8377 [UK^ P`oene gbr @bistru`tcbi @bitrh`ts (Eijahif hif Zhaes) Tejuahtcbis 833? [UK^ rejs 8, 4<, 46 E G J @yrus Fhs (@oethi Metowhic hif Jbo Ouc Tcij wcto ocn) (Kunhr \hrtiersocp) gbryhk toe hppeaahit. Wcihyh Wcih k \r \rhf hfoh ohii (G (Gbb bb Mbb bbii Ac Achi hij, j, Vhi Nc Ncii Ae Aee, e, Kwh whii Zc Zcaa aa Pe Peii hi hiff Ae Aeee _c _cii Fc Fcvv wcto ocn) (Jhi \hrtiersocp) \hrtiersocp) gbr toe respbifeit. O ]uakefflc \@H (feacvercij mufjneit bg toe `burt)= DH@KJTBUIF GH@VP [8^ Vocs cs hi hppeha dy toe hppeaahit hppeaahit hjhcist toe fe`cscbi bg toe @burt bg Hppeha hgrncij toe fe`cscbi bg toe Ocjo @burt ci reahtcbi tb toree hppac`htcbis aef dy toe hppeaahit hif toe respbifeit ht toe Ocjo @burt bi cssues perthcicij tb toe reaevhit prbvcscbis bg toe @bistru`tcbi Cifustry \hyneit hif Hfmufc`htcbi H`t 4<84 (‟toe @C\HH–). C Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) [4<8?^ 4 NAM H [4^ 43 Voe toree hppac`htcb hppac`htcbis is dy why why bg brcjcihtcij brcjcihtcij sunnbises sunnbises reahte reahte tb toe shne hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn hif ohf deei `bisbacfhtef hif oehrf tbjetoer. [0^ D (h)) (h Voe toree hppac`htcb hppac`htcbis is hre hre hs gbaabws= toe r toe rst st hp hppa pac` c`ht htcb cbi i wh whss nh nhfe fe dy to toee hp hppe peaa aahi hitt tb `o `oha haae aeij ijee to toee murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr uifer toe prbvcscbi bg s 68 bg toe @C\HH. Voe shcf s 68 rehfs hs gbaabws= 68 Phvcijs Ibtocij ci tocs H`t sohaa hgge`t hiy prb`eefcijs reahtcij tb hiy phyneit fcspute uifer h `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t woc`o ohf deei `bnnei`ef ci hiy `burt br hrdctrhtcbi degbre toe `bncij citb bperhtcbi bg tocs H`t. @ (d)) (d F toe se toe se`b `bif if hp hppa pac` c`ht htcb cbi i wh whss nh nhfe fe dy to toee re resp spbi bife feit it se seek ekci cijj to toee rejcst rej cstrht rhtcbi cbi hif eig eigbr` br`ene eneit it bg toe hfm hfmufc ufc`h `htcb tcbi i fe` fe`csc cscbi bi hs h muf mufjne jneit it bg toe `burt pursuhit tb s 4? bg toe @C\HH. Voe shcf s 4? rehfs hs gbaabws= 4? Eigbr`eneit bg hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi hs mufjneit E (8) H phrty phrty nhy eigbr` eigbr`ee hi hfmufc hfmufc`htcbi `htcbi fe`csc fe`cscbi bi dy hppa hppaycij ycij tb toe Ocjo Ocjo @burt gbr hi brfer tb eigbr`e toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi hs cg ct cs h mufjneit br brfer bg toe Ocjo @burt. (4) Voe Ocjo Ocjo @burt @burt nhy nhy nhke hi brfer brfer ci respe respe`t `t bg toe hfmuf hfmufc`h c`htcb tcbi i fe`cscbi fe`cs cbi ectoer wobaay br phrtay hif nhy nhke hi brfe brferr ci respe`t bg citerest bi toe hfmufc`htef hnbuit phyhdae. (0) Voe brfer brfer nhfe nhfe uifer uifer sudse`tcb sudse`tcbi i (4) nhy nhy de exe`utef exe`utef ci h``brfhi h``brfhi`e `e wcto toe ruaes bi exe`utcbi bg toe brfers br mufjneit bg toe Ocjo @burt. G J (`) toe tocrf tocrf hppac`htcb hppac`htcbi i whs nhfe dy dy toe hppeaahit tb set hscfe hif/br sthy sthy toe hwhrf bg toe hfmufc`htcbi pursuhit tb ss 85 hif 87 bg toe @C\HH. Voe shcf ss 85 hif 87 rehf hs gbaabws= 85 Cnprbperay \rb`uref Hfmufc`htcbi Fe`cscbi O Hi hjjrcevef phrty nhy hppay tb toe Ocjo @burt tb set hscfe hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi bi bie br nbre bg toe gbaabwcij jrbuifs= (h) toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi whs cnprbperay prb`uref torbujo grhuf br drcdery; C (d) toere ohs deei h feicha bg ihturha mustc`e; (`) toe hfmufc`htbr ohs ibt h`tef cifepeifeitay br cnphrtchaay; br (f) toe hfmufc`htbr ohs h`tef ci ex`ess bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi. 87 Pthy bg Hfmufc`htcbi Fe`cscbi 0< Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha (8) [4<8?^ 4 NAM H phrty phrty nhy hppay hppay tb toe toe Ocjo @burt @burt gbr gbr h sthy bg hi hfmuf hfmufc`ht c`htcbi cbi H fe`cscbi ci toe gbaabwcij `cr`unsthi`es= (h) hi hp hppac pac`ht `htcbi cbi tb set hsc hscfe fe toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi fe` fe`csc cscbi bi uif uifer er se`tcbi 85 ohs deei nhfe; br (d) toe sudme`t nhtter bg toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi cs peifcij iha feterncihtcbi dy hrdctrhtcbi br toe `burt. (4) Voe Ocjo Ocjo @burt @burt nhy nhy jrhit jrhit h sthy sthy bg bg toe hfmufc` hfmufc`htcbi htcbi fe`cs fe`cscbi cbi br brfer toe hfmufc`htef hnbuit br phrt bg ct tb de fepbsctef wcto toe Fcre`tbr bg toe KAT@H br nhke hiy btoer brfer hs ct tociks t. [6^ Voe aehrief mufje mufje bg toe Ocjo Ocjo @burt fcsncssef dbto dbto bg toe hppeaahit– hppeaahit–ss hppac` hpp ac`htc htcbis bis hif haa haabw bwef ef toe res respb pbife ifeit it––s hpp hppac` ac`htc htcbi bi tb eig eigbr` br`ee toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi. fe`cscbi. Voe @burt bg Hppeha hgrnef haa toe toree fe`cscbis bg toe Ocjo @burt. D @ F [5^ Voee gb Vo gbaa aabw bwci cijj hr hree to toee qu ques estc tcbi biss bg ah ahw w hp hppr prbv bvef ef dy to toee Gef efer erha ha @b @bur urtt ci tocs hppeha= (8)) (8 Zoet Zo etoe oerr h mu murc rcsf sfc` c`tc tcbi biha ha `o `oha haae aeij ijee hs tb to toee hp hppa pac` c`ht htcb cbi i bg to toee @bistru`tcbi Cifustry \hyneit hif Hfmufc`htcbi H`t 4<84 (‟@C\HH–) `hi `h i de nh nhfe fe hi hiyy tcn tcnee dy wh whyy bg hp hppa pac`h c`htcb tcbi i br wo woet etoe oerr su su`o `o hi hppac`htcbi `hi biay de nhfe upbi toe hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hfmufc`htcbi hwhrf uifer se`tcbi 85 bg toe @C\HH; (4) Zoetoer Zoeto er se`tcbi se`tcbi 68 bg bg toe @C\HH @C\HH bperh bperhtes tes tb ex`auf ex`aufee hiy prb`eefc prb`eefcijs ijs grbn toe bperhtcbi bg toe @C\HH cg toe wobae br hiy phrt bg su`o h `ahcn ohs deei drbujot tb `burt br hrdctrhtcbi prcbr tb toe `bncij citb gbr`e bg toe @C\HH; (0) Zoetoer se`tcbi Zoetoer se`tcbi 7(6) bg toe toe @C\HH @C\HH haabws haabws h respbifc respbifcij ij phrty phrty tb rhcse nhtters ibt rhcsef ci phyneit respbise uifer se`tcbi 7(4) bg toe @C\HH furcij toe acij bg toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise uifer se`tcbi 8<(8) bg toe @C\HH; (6) Cg toe hiswer hiswer tb questc questcbi bi (0) hdbve hdbve cs ci toe hgrnht hgrnhtcve cve,, woetoer woetoer toe ex`auscbi bg h fegei`e toht ohs ibt deei rhcsef ci toe phyneit respbise uifer se`tcbi 7(6) dut rhcsef uifer se`tcbi8<(8) bg toe @C\HH hnbuits tb h feicha bg ihturha mustc`e uifer se`tcbi 85 bg toe @C\HH; (5) Zoetoer Zoeto er toe hfmufc` hfmufc`htbr htbr ohs ohs toe pbwe pbwerr uifer uifer se`tcbi se`tcbi 47 bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH tb renefy hiy ibi-`bnpachi`e wcto se`tcbi 7(4) bg toe @C\HH; (7)) (7 Cg to toee hi hisw swer er tb qu ques estc tcbi bi (5 (5)) cs ci to toee hg hgr rnh nhtc tcve ve,, wo woet etoe oerr to toee ex ex`a `aus uscb cbi i bg h feg fegei` ei`ee toh tohtt ohs ibt dee deei i rhc rhcsef sef ci toe phyneit phyneit res respbi pbise se uif uifer er se`tcbi 7(6) dut rhcsef uifer se`tcbi 8<(8) bg toe @C\HH hnbuits tb h feicha bg ihturha mustc`e uifer se`tcbi 85 bg toe @C\HH; (:) Zoetoer hi hppa Zoetoer hppac`htcbi c`htcbi gbr sthy sthy br phrtch phrtchaa sthy bi terns terns uifer uifer se`tcbi se`tcbi 87 bg toe @C\HH `hi de jrhitef tb renefy hi cimustc`e `husef dy h dreh`o bg E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 08 ihturha mustc`e br errbrs hrcscij ci hi hfmufc`htcbi hwhrf; hif (?) D Zoetoer hi hppac` Zoetoer hppac`htcbi htcbi gbr gbr h sthy sthy uifer uifer se`tcbi se`tcbi 87 bg toe @C\H @C\HH H `hi de de nhfe `bi`urreitay wcto hi hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hwhrf uifer se`tc se `tcbi bi 85 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH br wo woet etoe oerr hi hp hppa pac`h c`htcb tcbi i gb gbrr h st sthy hy ui uife ferr se se`t `tcb cbi i 87 bg toe @C\HH `hi biay de nhfe hgter hi hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hwhrf uifer se`tcbi 85 bg toe @C\HH cs nhfe. FE@CPCBI BG VOCP @BUTV @ F [7^ Vocs cs hi hppeh hppehaa bi toe s`bpe s`bpe hif hppac`h hppac`htcbi tcbi bg toe toe @C\HH, @C\HH, h iew aejcsahtcbi woc`o `hne citb gbr`e bi 85 Hprca 4<86. Ct cs ibtef toht toe @C\HH whs eih`tef tb citrbfu`e sthtutbry hfmufc`htcb hfmufc`htcbi i tb hffress aeijtoy phyneit tcnes toht hgge`tef toe `bitrh`tbrs ci toe `bistru`tcbi cifustry. Ct cs citeifef hs hi citercn nehsure tb ehse toe `bitrh`tbrs– `hso fflbw. Vocs hppeha hasb gb`usses bi toe trhisctcbiha percbf woei toe @C\HH `hne citb gbr`e hif toe ex`aus ex` auscbi cbi grb grbn n cts hnd hndct ct bg `ah `ahcns cns har harehf ehfyy `bn `bnnei nei`ef `ef,, hif gur gurtoe toerr toe fe`cscbi-nhkcij prb`ess bg toe hfmufc`htbr uifer toe @C\HH. E G [:^ Voe questcbis questcbis pbsef degbre tocs tocs `burt `hi `hi de `ahsscef `ahsscef hif `biscferef uifer toe gbaabwcij toree oehfs. Xuestcbis 8 hif 4 wcaa de `ahsscef hif `biscferef hs toe murcsfc`tcbiha `ohaaeije uifer s 68 bg toe @C\HH. Xuestcbis 0, 6, 5 hif 7 wcaa de `ahsscef hif `biscferef hs toe haaejef rcjot bg toe hfmufc`htbr tb ex`aufe fegei`es. Xuestcbis : hif ? wcaa de `ahsscef hif `biscferef hs toe settcij hscfe hif sthy cssues. [?^ Ze sohaa rst feha wcto toe murcsfc`tcbiha murcsfc`tcbiha `ohaaeije `ohaaeije uifer s 68 bg toe @C\HH. @C\ HH. Pe Pe`tc `tcbi bi 68 see seeks ks tb ex` ex`auf aufee grb grbn n cts hpp hppac` ac`htc htcbi bi h ph phyne yneit it fc fcspu spute te toh tohtt ohf deei `bnnei`ef ci hiy `burt br hrdctrhtcbi hs ht toe fhte bg `bncij citb bperhtcbi bg toe @C\HH. J [3^ O C Voe hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi bg s 68 bg toe @C\HH @C\HH ohf deei ehracer `biscferef `biscferef hif fe`cfef dy toe ci toe `hse`hse bg UFH Dcsrhyh5 @bistru`tcbi Pfi Ocjo Dof &@burt Hibr hif hibtoer [4<85^Obafcijs 88 NAM NAM Dof 633; v[4<85^ @AM 54: woc`o oeaf toht toe @C\HH hs h iew h`t hppacef retrbspe`tcveay retrbspe`tcveay.. Voe Ocjo Oc jo @bu @burt rt oea oeaf f toh tohtt toe @C\ @C\HH HH hpp hppace acess tb `bi `bistr stru`t u`tcb cbi i `b `bitr itrh`t h`tss eit eitere eref f cit citbb degbre toe `bncij citb gbr`e bg toe @C\HH hif hasb tb phyneit fcsputes toht hrbse degbre toe eigbr`eneit bg toe @C\HH. [8<^ Ct cs scjic` scjic`hit hit tb ibte toht toht ci toe `hse `hse bg UFH Obafcijs Dof toe KAT@H hs toe dbfy fescjihtef dy toe @C\HH hs ‟toe hfmufc`htcbi hutobrcty– (see s 04) ohf ctseag prbpbuifef toht tocs iew H`t sobuaf hppay biay tb phyneit fcsputes toht hrcse hgter toe @C\HH ohs `bne citb gbr`e. Voe Ocjo @burt ci UFH Obafcijs Dof oeaf toht @C\HH ohs h guaa retrbspe`tcve egge`t tb `bver dbto `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`ts hif phyneit fcsputes toht hrbse degbre 04 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM @C\HH `hne citb gbr`e. Ci toe resuat, ct wbuaf hppehr toht s 68 bg toe @C\HH H cs ibt biay h ‟shvcij prbvcscbi prbvcscbi–– dut hasb h ‟trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi prbvcscbi–– hs toe @C\HH ohs deei fe`ahref dy `hse ahw tb hppay retrbspe`tcveay tb pre-excstcij phyneit fcsputes. `hse, we ibtef toht toht toe hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi bg s 68 bg toe toe @C\HH [88^ Ci toe preseit `hse, whs `biscferef guaay dy toe Ocjo @burt bi cts nercts. Hatobujo aehrief `buisea gbrr to gb toee re resp spbi bife feit it se seen enef ef tb `b `bit itei eif f to toht ht to toee @b @bur urtt bg Hp Hppe peha ha oh ohf f fe feha hatt bi ct ctss nercts toe s 68 questcbi, we thke toe vcew toht toe @burt bg Hppeha fcf ibt fb sb. Voe vcew thkei dy toe @burt bg Hppeha whs h prb`efurha bie, ihneay toht toe hppac`htcbi rhcscij toe s 68 cssue sobuaf de fcsncssef ci acncie de`huse ct whs drbujot hs h sephrhte hppac`htc hppac`htcbi bi hif ibt hs hi hppac`htcbi uifer s 85 bg toe @C\HH tb set hscfe toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi. D @ [84^ Zcto respe`t, respe`t, we hre bg toe vcew toht toe @burt bg Hppeha Hppeha whs wrbij wrbij hs ct ghcaef tb fcstcijucso detweei h `hse woere @C\HH fcf ibt hppay ht haa hif h F `hse wo `hse woer eree to toee @C @C\ \HH hp hppa pace cess du dutt to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr h` h`tc tcij ij ui uife ferr to toee @C @C\ \HH oh ohf f ex`eef ex` eefef ef ocs mur murcsf csfc`t c`tcb cbi. i. Pe` Pe`tcb tcbi i 85 bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH rea reahte htess tb toe aht ahtter ter.. Pe`tcbi 85 cs prefc`htef bi toe @C\HH hppaycij tb toe `hse hif tb hi hfmufc`ht hfmuf c`htcbi cbi fe`cscbi nhfe uife uiferr toe @C\HH. Ct reah reahtes tes spe` spe`c`h c`haay aay tb h `bnpa `bn pahci hcitt toh tohtt toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br ohf ‟h`t h`tef ef ci ex` ex`ess ess bg ocs mur murcsf csfc` c`tcb tcbi i– presuppbscij toe excstei`e bg toe hfmufc`htbr–s murcsfc`tcbi uifer toe @C\HH ci toe rst pah`e. E Aehri rief ef `b `bui uise seaa gb gbrr to toee re resp spbi bife feit it `b `bit itei eife fef f to toht ht h s 85 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH [80^ Aeh `ohaaeije `hi biay de nhfe hgter hi Hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi cs jcvei. Voere hre ib prbvcscbis ci toe @C\HH woc`o haabw h phrty tb seek `burt citerveitcbi ci toe ncfst bg hfmufc`htcbi. G respbifeit gbrtcef ocs hrjuneit hrjuneit toht h s 85 bg [86^ Aehrief `buisea gbr toe respbifeit toe @C\HH `ohaaeije `hi biay de nhfe hgter hi hfmufc`htbr–s hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi cs jcvei J dy nhkcij regerei`e tb s 4: bg toe @C\HH hs gbaabws= (h)) s 4: (h 4:(8 (8)) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH ac acnc ncts ts to toee mu murc rcsf sfc` c`tc tcbi bi bg to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr tb nh nhtt tter erss rhcs rh csef ef ci to toee ph phyn ynei eitt `a `ahc hcn n hi hif f ph phyn ynei eitt re resp spbi bise se,, pu purs rsuh uhit it tb ss 5 hi hif f 7 bg toe @C\HH respe`tcveay. s 4:(4) bg toe @C\HH haabws gbr toht murcsfc`tcbi tb de exteifef dy hjreeneit bg toe phrtces; hif (d) s 4:(0) bg toe @C\HH @C\HH jcves toe hfmufc`htbr h fcs`retcbi fcs`retcbi tb prb`eef wcto toe hfmufc`htcbi evei woere h murcsfc`tcbiha `ohaaeije ohs deei rhcsef, dut pr prese eserves rves toe rcj rcjot ot bg toe ph phrtc rtces es tb hpp hppay ay tb set hsc hscfe fe toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi fe`cscbi uifer s 85 bg toe @C\HH br tb bppbse toe eigbr`eneit bg toht hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi. [85^ Z Zee hr hree bg to toee vc vcew ew ci su suds dsth thi` i`e, e, to toee ‟m ‟mur urcs csfc fc`t `tcb cbi i– sp spbk bkei ei bg ci s 85 85(f (f)) bg O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 00 H toe @C\HH hre ci `cr`unsthi`es woere @C\HH hppaces hif woere toere cs h D fcspute cg toe hfmufc`htbr ohs kept ocnseag wctoci ocs murcsfc`tcbi. Vous, dy s 4:(4) bg toe @C\HH toe phrtces nhy dy `biseit exteif toe murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr tb fe`cfe bi nhtters butscfe toe `ahcn bi woc`o oe rst h`qucref murcsfc`tcbi.. Vocs cs pbsscdae biay cg toe tern ‟murcsfc`tcbi murcsfc`tcbi ‟murcsfc`tcbi–– cs usef ci toe seise bg @C\HH decij hppac`hdae ci toe rst pah`e. @ F E [87^ Vo Voee te tern rn ‟m ‟mur urcs csfc fc`t `tcb cbi i– ui uife ferr to toee @C @C\ \HH cs ib ibtt us usef ef ci to toee hfnc hf ncic icst strh rhtc tcve ve br pu puda dac` c` ah ahw w se seis isee du dutt ci re reah ahtc tcbi bi tb nh nhtt tter erss wc wcto toci ci to toee s` s`bp bpee bg toe @C\HH. Bi tocs pbcit, ci Vernciha \ercitcs Pfi Dof v Vhi Ijee Obij @bistru`tcbi Pfi Dof hif hibtoer `hse [4<8:^ NAMU 464 Aee Pwee Peij M bdservef hs gbaabws (ht phrh [:<^)= Ci toe hppac`htcbi bg bur @C\HH, we hre gree grbn toe soh`kaes bg toe ahijuhje bg hfncicstrhtcve ahw hif mufc`cha revcew. Voe wbrf ‟murcsfc`tcbi– cs usef ci s 85(f) hs ci toe hfmufc`htbr ohvcij h`tef ci ‟ex`ess bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi– hs h jrbuif gbr settcij hscfe hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi. Ct cs hasb usef ci s 4:(8) wcto respe`t tb hi hfmufc`htbr–s murcsfc`tcbi nhtterstbrhcsef toe phyneit `ahcn hif toe phyneit respbise.decij respbise. Voeiacnctef toere cstbh toe regerei`e ct ci s ci 4:(4) wcto respe`t tb exteifcij ocs murcsfc`tcbi dy why bg hjreeneit ci wrctcij tb feha wcto nhtters ibt spe`c`haay rhcsef ci toe phyneit `ahcn hif phyneit respbise. Gcihaay toere cs toe regerei`e reger ei`e tb h ‟murcs ‟murcsfc`tcbi fc`tcbiha– ha– `ohaaeije, `ohaaeije, woc`o woei rhcsef, fbes ibt prev preveit eit toe hfmufc hfm ufc`ht `htbr br grb grbn n prb prb`ee `eefci fcijj hif `bn `bnpae paetcij tcij toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi wcto wctobut but pre premuf mufc`e c`e tb toe rcjots bg hiy phrty tb set ct hscfe uifer s 85 br tb bppbse cts eigbr`eneit uifer s 4? … Cssues hs tb woetoer toere cs h vhacf `huse bg h`tcbi, fbes ibt jb tbwhrfs murcsfc`tcbi dut rhtoer tb toe nercts bg toe `ahcn … G J O C [8:^ Voe aehrief mufje mufje hasb nhfe ibte bg toe vhrcbus vhrcbus types bg murcsfc`tcbiha murcsfc`tcbiha `bnpahcits wctoci toe @C\HH woc`o nhy de `htejbrcsef hs `bre murcsfc`tcbi, `bnpetei`e murcsfc`tcbi hif `bitcijeit murcsfc`tcbi. Voe `bnnbi gehture ci haa bg toen cs toe presuppbsctcbi toht toe @C\HH hppaces tb feterncie cg toe hfmufc`htbr ohf kept wctoci ocs murcsfc`tcbi. [8?^ Ze hre ci hjreeneit wcto toe `biteitcbi `biteitcbi bg toe hppeaahit toht toht toe errbr ci toe mufjneit bg toe @burt bg Hppeha cs toe ghcaure tb re`bjicse toht toe murcsfc`tcbiha murcsfc`tcbi ha `bnpahcit ci toe preseit `hse cs toht toe @C\HH @C\HH fcf ibt hppay ht haa de`huse bg s 68, hif ibt hi ‟ex`ess bg murcsfc`tcbi– uifer s 85, bi toe dhscs toht @C\HH hppacef. Ct cs woht cs ternef hs hi hdsbaute ah`k bg murcsfc`tcbi toht nhy de thkei up ht hiy tcne. Bi tocs pbcit, toe Pcijhpbre Ocjo @burt `hse bg @ocp Ou @ocp Oupp Ou Oupp Kee @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi \te Atf Atfvv Psh Pshijyb ijybij ij Eij Eijcie cieerc ercij ij & @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi @b Atf [4<8<^ 8 PAT 75? ohf tocs tb shy= Vous, ct seenef toht woei woht whs decij haaejef whs hi hdsbaute ah`k bg murcsfc`tcbi bi toe phrt bg h phrtc`uahr trcduiha br `burt tb oehr h phrtc`uahr fcspute, ‟murcsfc`tcbi– decij usef ci toe strc`t seise bg `hph`cty tb oehr, toei cg toe trcduiha `bi`erief fbes ibt ohve su`o murcsfc`tcbi, hiy phrty tb toe fcspute nhy hssert toe ah`k bg murcsfc`tcbi ht hiy sthje hif `hi iever de oeaf tb de estbppef grbn fbcij sb 06 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM br tb ohve whcvef cts rcjot bg prbtest. Bi toe `bitrhry, woei ct cs h questcbi bg H crrejuahrcty bg prb`efure br `bitcijeit murcsfc`tcbi br ibi-`bnpachi`e sthtutbry `bifctcbi pre`efeit tb toe vhacfcty bg h step ci toe actcjhtcbi,wcto su`oh crreju crr ejuahr ahrcty cty br ibi ibi-`b -`bnpa npachi chi`e `e `hi de whc whcvef vef de` de`hus husee toe egg egge`t e`t bg toe whc whcver ver wbu wbuaf af ibt de tb `rehte br `biger hiy murcsfc`tcbi toht fcf ibt prevcbusay excst. D [83^ Ct cs bu burr `b `bis iscf cfer eref ef vc vcew ew to toht ht to toee hp hppe peaa aahi hitt oh ohf f rc rcjo jota tayy ib ibtt ci civb vbke kef f s 85 bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH ht toe dej dejcii ciicij cij ci nhk nhkcij cij cts hp hppac pac`ht `htcbi cbi tb `oh `ohaae aaeije ije murcsfc`tcbi de`huse ct `buaf ibt bi toe bie ohif `bnpahci toht @C\HH fcf ibt hppa hp payy tb to toee `h `hse se hi hif f ye yett bi to toee bt btoe oerr oh ohif if ci civb vbke ke h pr prbv bvcs cscb cbi i bg @C @C\ \HH tb se seek ek reaceg. Ci toe `cr`unsthi`es, bur hiswer tb questcbi 8 pbsef ci tocs hppeha cs ci toe pbsctcve ci toe rst phrt hif iejhtcve ci toe se`bif phrt. Xuestcbi 4 fehas wcto wcto toe nercts bg [4<^ Ze sohaa ibw feha wcto questcbi 4. Xuestcbi toe s 68 cssue ce woetoer toe @C\HH hppaces tb toe preseit `hse ci vcew bg toe wbrfs ci toe se`tcbi bg h ‟phyneit fcspute … `bnnei`ef ci hiy `burt br @ F hrdctrhtcbi degbre toe `bncij citb bperhtcbi bg toe H`t–. Voe prbdaen prbdaen bi tocs cssue hrcses gbaabwc gbaabwcij ij toe fe`cscbi fe`cscbi ci toe UFH Obafcijs Dof toht @C\HH hppaces retrbspe`tcveay, ibt biay tb `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`ts nhfe degbre toe @C\HH `hne citb gbr`e, dut hasb tb phyneit fcsputes hrcscij degbre toe @C\HH `hne citb bperhtcbi. Ci toe resuat, ci trhisctcbiha `hses acke toe preseit `hse, h feterncihtcbi ohs tb de nhfe eh`o tcne uifer s 68 bg toe @C\HH woetoer toe ex`auscbi hppaces. [48^ E G [44^ Hs sth sthtef tef ehracer ehracer,, ci toe pr prese eseit it `hs `hsee toe @burt @burt bg Hp Hppeh pehaa fcf ibt `biscfer toe cssue bi cts nercts. Dbto toe hfmufc`htbr hif toe Ocjo @burt ohf oeaf toht s 68 bg toe @C\HH fcf ibt ex`aufe toe preseit `ahcn. [40^ Voe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr nereay nereay ruaef hs gbaabws= gbaabws= J C if hifhif/br obaf toht toese actcjhtcbi @C\HH prb`eefcijs prb`eef cifepeifeitay fespcte prevcbus bi-jbcij br hrdctrha`hi prb`eefcijs hif C fcs fcsncs ncssef sef toe respbifeit–ss se`tcbi 68 `ohaaeije. respbifeit– O [46^ Ct cs scjic`hit scjic`hit toht toe vcew thkei thkei dy toe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr whs tb equhte equhte ‟prevcbus– actcjhtcbi wcto ‟bi-jbcij– actcjhtcbi br hrdctrhtcbi. Voere whs ib cnpbrthi`e htth`oef tb toe wbrf ‟`bnnei`ef ‟`bnnei`ef … degbre– woc`o hre toe express quhacgycij wbrfs gbuif ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH. [45^ Vo Voee hp hppr prbh bh`o `o th thke kei i dy to toee Ocj cjo o @b @bur urtt wh whss su suds dsth thit itch chaa aayy sc scnc ncah ahrr tb to toht ht bg toe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr,, woc`o cs tb rehf s 68 bg toe @C\HH hs hppaycij tb ‟peifcij `ahcns–.–. Voe Ocjo @burt bdservef hs gbaabws= `ahcns C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 05 Cisobrt, toee pr prb` b`ee eefc fcij ijss br to toee `a `ahc hcns ns nu nust st de br cs pe peif ifci cijj ci @b @burtbr urtbr hr hrdct dctrh rhtcb tcbi, i, Cisobrt, to ci brfer hre tb de br exenptef br ex`aufef toe bperhtcbi @C\HH 4<84. Cg toere ib‟shvef– peifcij prb`eefcijs ci @burtgrbn br hrdctrhtcbi bverbgtoht phrtc`uahr phyneit fcspute, toei ct cs ibt ‟shvef–. Ct wcaa ghaa br `bne wctoci toe bperhtcbi bg @C\HH 4<84. D (Pee phrh 07 bg toe mufjneit). [47^ Ahter ci toe mufjneit, toe hdbve hdbve pbsctcbi whs whs recterhtef dy toe Ocjo Ocjo @burt hs gbaabws= @ F Voe citeit deocif se`tcbi 68 cs tb preserve toe ahw bi phyneit fcsputes woc`o hre harehfy peifcij ci @burt br hrdctrhtcbi; hif ibt bi haa phyneit fcsputes. Pci`e toe twb phyneit fcsputes hre fcstci`tay fcggereit, se`tcbi 68 fbes ibt hppay. hppay. … Ibw, ci brfer gbr toe baf ahw tb `bitciue tb hppay br bperhte, toe prb`eefcijs woc`o ohf deei `bnnei`ef nust abjc`haay, stcaa de peifcij `bnpaetcbi. Btoerwcse, toere wbuaf de ib ieef gbr su`o h prbvcscbi ci toe rst pah`e. (Pee phrh 65 bg toe mufjneit). E G J O C ‟`bnnei`ef–– ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH cs [4:^ Ze hre bg toe vcew toht toe wbrf ‟`bnnei`ef ibt toe shne hs toe wbrf ‟peifcij– woc`o cs ibt gbuif ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH. Ct hasb cjibres toe wbrf ‟degbre– ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH. Cg ct whs citeifef dy toe aejcsahture toht s 68 bg toe @C\HH sobuaf hppay tb ‟peifcij– `ahcns toei su`o wbrf sobuaf ohve deei usef hs seei ci s 87(8)(d) bg toe @C\HH br toe wbrf ‟`b `bi` i`ur urre reit itay ay–– ci s 0: 0:(8 (8)) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH ci re resp spe` e`tt bg bi bijb jbci cijj `a `ahc hcns ns.. Vo Voee wb wbrf rfss ‟`bnnei`ef– hif ‟degbre– hs gbuif ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH, toeregbre ohve fcstc fc stci`t i`t neh nehici icijs js hif ibt equ equhte htef f wc wcto to toe wb wbrf rf ‟pei peifc fcij ij–– gbu gbuif if eas easewo ewoere ere ci toe @C\HH. [4?^ Voe hrjuneit hjhcist rehfcij rehfcij toe wbrfs ‟`bnnei`ef– ‟`bnnei`ef– hif ‟degbre– ‟degbre– hs nehicij ‟peifcij– cs streijtoeief dy toe `bitext ci woc`o toe wbrfs hppehr ihneay ‟ohf deei `bnnei`ef …–. Ct regutes hiy sujjestcbi toht toe phyneit fcspute nust de peifcij br bijbcij gbr ct tb de ex`aufef. Ct cs bur `biscferef vcew vc ew to toht ht db dbto to to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr hi hif f to toee Oc Ocjo jo @b @bur urtt oh ohf f re rehf hf s 68 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH wrbijay dy citerpretcij toe ex`auscbi toerebi hs hppac`hda hppac`hdaee tb peifcij phyneit fcsputes. Vocs citerprethtcbi ohs ihrrbwef toe s`bpe bg s 68 bg toe @C\HH hif cs `bitrhry tb cts citeifef bperhtcbi hs h shvcij hif trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi. [43^ Ct cs cnpbrthit cnpbrthit tb ibte toht su`o citercn citercn `ahcns prevcbusay prevcbusay hif ht toe tcne bg `bnnei`eneit bg toe @C\HH were `ahcns toht `buaf biay de drbujot degbre toe `cvca `burt br ht hi hrdctrhtcbi. Voe bdme`t bg h shvcij prbvcscbi cs `aehr eibujo toht cs ibt tb citergere wcto excstcij rcjots. Ci Te Vobnpsbi Defgbrf v Veha Veha (8??3) 65 @o F 878, @bttbi AM bdservef (ht p 8:0)= H shvcij `ahuse hs h jeierha ruae cs ibt citeifef tb jcve pbwer tb h `brpbrhtcbi br 07 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM dbfy tb fb sbnetocij woc`o toey `buaf ibt btoerwcse fb, dut tb preveit toe H eih`tneit grbn citergercij wcto rcjots harehfy h`qucref. prbvcscbi ihrrbws ihrrbws toe hppac`htcb hppac`htcbi i bg toe iew h`t hif ibt [0<^ H shvcij prbvcscbi eiahrje ct. Ci Acn \oci Kochi v Kob Pu Ncij [8337^ 8 NAM 8; [8337^ 8 @AM 543 toe Geferha @burt per Efjhr Mbsepo G@M bdservef (ht p 86 (NAM); p 50? (@AM))= Ct cs h weaa-kibwi `hibi bg `bistru`tcbi toht toe citeitcbi bg h shvcij prbvcscbi cs tb ihrrbw toe egge`t bg toe eih`tneit ci woc`o ct cs gbuif sb hs tb preserve sbne excstcij aejha ruae br rcjot, hs toe `hse nhy de, grbn cts bperhtcbi. [08^ Voe shvcij prbvcscb prbvcscbi i cs hasb h trhi trhisctcb sctcbiha iha prbvcscbi. prbvcscbi. Ct cs esseit esseitchaa chaayy tenpbrhry ci furhtcbi hif wbuaf de`bne speit ci toe `burse bg tcne ci thifen wcto toe iew h`t woc`o fehas wcto toe iew `cr`unsthi`es. Hs bdservef dy toe Obuse bg Abrfs ci Drctieaa v Pe`rethry bg Pthte gbr Pb`cha Pe`urcty [8338^ 4 Ha Haaa ET :4 :47 7 pe perr Ab Abrrf Ke Kect cto o ct so sobu buaf af ib ibtt de re rehf hf ‟hs wcf cfei eici cijj to toee hn hndc dctt bg to toee sudsthitcve aejcsahtcbi– aejcsahtcbi– (ht pp :43‐:0<)= Voe purpbse bg h trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi decij tb gh`cacthte toe `ohije grbn bie sthtutbry rejcne tb hibtoer, ct `buaf ibt prbperay de rejhrfef hs hutobrcscij ciibvhtcbi dy wcfeicij toe hndct bg toe sudsthitcve aejcsahtcbi. Hs Pthujotbi AM bdservef ci toe @burt bg Hppeha, ct cs ibt pbsscdae tb jcve h feictcve fes`rcptcbi bg woht `bistctutes h trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi. Ci Vobritbi bi Aejcsahtcve Frhgtcij (0rf Ef 83?:) p 083 ct cs shcf= Voe gui`tcbi bg h trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi cs tb nhke spe`cha prbvcscbi gbr toe hppac`htcbi bg aejcsahtcbi tb toe `cr`unsthi`es woc`o excst ht toe tcne woei toht aejcsahtcbi `bnes citb gbr`e. Bie gehture bg h trhisctcbiha prbvcscbi cs toht cts bperhtcbi cs expe`tef tb de tenp te npbr brhry hry,, ci toh tohtt ct de de`b `bne ness sp spei eitt wo woei ei ha haaa to toee ph phst st `cr `cr`u `uns nsth thi` i`es es wc wcto to wo woc`o c`o ct cs fescjief tb feha ohve deei fehat wcto, wocae toe prcnhry aejcsahtcbi `bitciues tb feha cifeicteay wcto toe iew `cr`unsthi`es woc`o hrcse hgter cts phsshje. hree bg to toee vc vcew ew ct wb wbua uaf f de su sug g`c `cei eitt tb es esth thda dacs cso o h rc rcjo jott bg ex ex`a `aus uscb cbi i [04^ Ze hr uife ui ferr s 68 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH cg to toee ph phyc ycij ij ph phrt rtyy fe fenb nbis istr trht htes es to toht ht h `a `ahc hcn n `b `bve verc rcij ij toe preseit `ahcn ohf prevcbusay deei `bnnei`ef ci `burt br hrdctrhtcbi. Ct cs dhsef bi toe gh`t toht ci toe `bistru`tcbi cifustry prbjress `ahcns (bi woc`o citercn `ertc`htes hre cssuef) hre `unuahtcve ci ihture hif fb ibt excst ci sephrhte sthif-habie `bnphrtneits. Ct cs toe hppeaahit–s `hse toht tocs cs toe pbsctcbi perthcicij tb toe preseit hppeha. Bi tocs pbcit ci Muachi Dhcaey @bistru`tcbi Ahw (Wba 8) uifer toe sud`ohpter bi ‟prbjress phyneit–, toe aehrief hutobr bdservef ht phrh 7.53 hs gbaabws= Hs h nhtter bg preseithtcbi, h prbjress `ahcn nhy ci`aufe toe vhaue bg wbrk prevcbusay pergbrnef gbr woc`o phyneit ohs deei nhfe, evei tobujo hnbuits `ahcnef hif prevcbusay phcf hre ib abijer fue hif phyhdae. D @ F E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H D @ F [00^ Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 0: Ci toe `bitrh`t `bitrh`t detweei detweei toe phrt phrtces ces oere, toe prbjress prbjress `ahcns `ahcns fcf ibt sthif habie ci sephrhte `bnphrtneits dut were `unuahtcve ci ihture. Aehrief `buisea gbr toe hppeaahit sudncttef toht tocs `hi de seei ci toe sunnhry preseithtcbi bg prbjress `ahcns Ibs 40‐47 hif toe reahtef citercn `ertc`htes Ibs 40 40‐4 ‐47T 7T wo woer eree to toee fe fes` s`rc rcpt ptcb cbi i bg to toee `b `bit itrh rh`t `t wb wbrk rks, s, tb de ib ibte tef, f, re renh nhci ciss toe shne (sudme`t tb vhrchtcbi brfers) dut toe hnbuits `ahcnef vhry h``brfc h``brfcij ij tb wbrk fbie tb fhte hif phyneit hfmustneits tb fhte. [06^ Ct cs toe hppe hppeaahi aahit– t–ss `hse toht prbjress prbjress `ahcn `ahcn Ib 4? gbr toe sun bg TN40.?n woc`o cs toe sudme`t nhtter bg toe preseit phyneit fcspute ghaas wctoci toe ex`auscbi bg s 68 bg toe @C\HH hs h `ahcn toht ‟ohf deei `bnnei`ef ci `burt br hrdctrhtcbi degbre– toe H`t `hne citb bperhtcbi. Voe dhscs bg tocs `biteitcbi cs toht prbjress `ahcn 4? cs `unuahtcve bg ehracer prbjress `ahcns `bithcief ci citercn `ertc`htes Ibs 40‐47T, ci respe`t bg woc`o h`tcbi ohf deei `bnnei`ef ci @cvca Puct Ib 44I@@-6<5‐<5 bg 4<80 (‟toe 6<5 Puct–). Vocs whs h suct `bnnei`ef dy toe respbifeit ci Nhy 4<80 hjhcist toe hppe hp peaa aahi hitt ht to toee Kuh uhah ah Au Aunp npur ur Ocj cjo o @b @bur urt, t, nh nhkc kcij ij h `a `ahc hcn n gb gbrr TN84,?7<,7?3.<4 uifer toe preseit `bitrh`t, dhsef bi citercn `ertc`htes Ibs 40‐47T. E G [05^ Ct cs bur muf mufjn jneit eit toht s 68 bg toe @C\HH @C\HH hppaces hppaces tb ex`aufe ex`aufe toe respbifeit–s `ahcn uifer prbjress `ahcn 4? gbr TN40.?n uifer toe @C\HH. Voe nhtter ghaas uifer toe wbrfs ‟`bnnei`ef– hif ‟degbre– ci s 68 bg toe @C\HH hif toeregbre hppaces tb ex`aufe toe hppac`htcbi bg toe @C\HH tb toe respbifeit–s `ahcn. hdbve sthtef rehsbis rehsbis we wbuaf hiswer hiswer questcbi 4 pbsef pbsef ci tocs [07^ Gbr toe hdbve hppeha ci toe hgrnhtcve. J O C [0:^ Ze sohaa ibw feha wct wcto o questcbis questcbis 0‐7 pbsef ci tocs hppeha. hppeha. Voese questc que stcbis bis re reaht ahtee tb wo woeto etoer er toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br ohs toe rcj rcjot ot tb ex ex`au `aufe fe toe feg fegei` ei`es es bg toe hpp hppeaa eaahit hit.. Voe hfm hfmufc ufc`h `htbr tbr ex` ex`auf aufef ef gbr `bi `biscf scferh erhtc tcbi bi tor toree ee vct vctha ha fegei`es rhcsef dy toe hppeaahit hs toe respbifeit ci toe hfmufc`htcbi prb`ess. Voey were ci toe ihture bg set-bgg hif `rbss-`ahcns tbwhrfs refu`tcbi bg toe respbifeit––s phyneit `ahcn bg TN40.?n. Voe ex`aufef fegei`es were= respbifeit (h) toe gh`t gh`t bg bg toe hfvh hfvhi`e i`e bg bg TN4n TN4n tb tb toe resp respbife bifeit; it; (d) fege`tcve fege` tcve wbrk wbrkss hif toe `bst `bst bg bg re`tc` re`tc`htcb htcbi; i; hif hif (`) ei`rbh`o ei`r bh`oneit neit citb citb toe hfmbcic hfmbcicij ij ahif dy dy toe fflybver fflybver drcfje drcfje `huscij `huscij fhnhje. hfmufc`htbr mustcef toe rcjot tb tb ex`aufe gbr `biscferhtcbi `biscferhtcbi toree [0?^ Voe hfmufc`htbr fegei`es hs toey were ibt sthtef hs rehsbis ci toe rst phyneit respbise uifer 0? Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM s 7 bg toe @C\HH, tobujo paehfef ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise degbre ocn H uifer s 8< bg toe @C\HH bg toe @C\HH. Voe hfmufc`htbr ohf evcfeitay ex`aufef toe fegei`es, reaycij bi s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH, hs h nhtter bg murcsfc`tcbi. Pe`tcbi 4:(8) rehfs hs gbaabws= 4: Murcsfc`tcbi bg hfmufc`htbr (8) Pudme`t tb suds Pudme`t sudse`tcbi e`tcbi (4), toe toe hfmufc`h hfmufc`htbr– tbr–s murcsfc`tc murcsfc`tcbi bi ci reah reahtcbi tcbi tb hiy fcspute cs acnctef tb toe nhtter regerref tb hfmufc`htcbi dy toe phrtces pursuhit tb se`tcbis 5 hif 7. [03^ Vo Voee Ocj cjo o @b @bur urtt hj hjrree eef f wc wcto to to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr hi hif f oe oeaf af to toht ht ss 5 hi hif f 7 bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH hre fete feterncih rncihtcve tcve bg murcs murcsfc`t fc`tcbi, cbi, hif toht toe hfmuf hfmufc`ht c`htbr– br–s murcsfc`tcbi fcf ibt exteif tb nhtters ci toe hfmufc`htcb hfmufc`htcbi i `ahcns hif toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise br evei toe hfmufc`htcbi repay gbuif ci ss 3‐88 bg toe @C\HH (see phrh 7< bg toe Ocjo @burt mufjneit). D @ F [6<^ Voe Ocjo @burt mustcef mustcef cts `bi`auscbi `bi`auscbi dy rehsbicij rehsbicij but toht toe Hfmufc`htcbi Hfmufc`htcb i paehfcijs uifer ss 3‐88 bg toe @C\HH hre nereay ‟nhicgesthtcbis nhicgesthtcbis–– bg toe nhtters ci ss 5 hif 7 bg toe @C\HH. Ci toe wbrfs bg toe Ocjo @burt= toe wobae hfmufc`htcbi prb`ess toht thkes pah`e hgter toht grbn toe hppbcitneit bg toe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr tb toe acij bg toe hfmufc`htcbi hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn, toe hfmufc`htcbi hfmufc`htcbi respbise respbise hif toe hfmuf hfmufc`htcbi c`htcbi repay hre sudst sudsthitcha hitchaay ay gbrnh gbrnhaa nhicge nhicgesthtc sthtcbis bis bg toe fcspute `bithcicij jrehter fethcas bg toe `ahcn, respbise br repay, hs toe `hse nhy de bg toe rst phyneit `ahcn hif phyneit respbise. Voe @burt bg Hppeha hjreef guaay wcto toe Ocjo @burt. [68^ Zc Zcto to re resp spe` e`tt tb to toee hd hdbv bvee re rehs hsbi bici cijj bg to toee Ocj cjo o @b @bur urtt ct cs ui uite teih ihda daee tb refu`e toe hfmufc`htcbi paehfcijs ci ss 3‐88 bg toe @C\HH tb nere ‟gbrnha nhicgesthtcbis– bg toe fcspute. Cg ct were sb, hif speef cs toe bverrcfcij `biscf `bi scferh erhtcb tcbi i uif uifer er toe @C\ @C\HH, HH, ct wbu wbuaf af de ehs ehscer cer gbr toe aej aejcsa csahtc htcve ve frh frhgts gtsnhi nhi tb fcspeise hatbjetoer wcto hfmufc`htcbi paehfcijs hif prb`eef pureay bi toe E G J sthteneits ci toe phyneit `ahcn hif toe phyneit respbise uifer ss 5 hif 7 bg`bithcief toe @C\HH. [64^ Ze hre hasb fbudtgua fbudtgua cg nere `ohijes `ohijes ci toe Hfmufc`htc Hfmufc`htcbi bi paehfcijs paehfcijs grbn toe tcne bg toe rst fb`uneits uifer ss 5 hif 7 bg toe @C\HH wbuaf feah fe ahyy to toee pr prb` b`es esss de de`h `hus usee bg to toee st strc rc`t `t tc tcne ne ac acie ie bg h te tei i fh fhyy pe perc rcbf bf gb gbrr ph phrt rtce cess tb respbif tb eh`o btoer–s paehfcijs, hif bg toe hfmufc`htbr–s tcne acie tb feacver ocs fe`cscbi wctoci 65 wbrkcij fhys grbn toe ahst fhte bg toe fb`uneits decij aef. [60^ Ct sobuaf hasb de ibtef toht wocae toe toe phyneit respbise respbise uifer s 7(4) 7(4) bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH req requcr ucres es toe ibi ibi-ph -phyci ycijj ph phrty rty tb ner nereay eay sth sthte te ‟hnb hnbuit uit fcs fcsput putef ef hif toe rehsbis gbr toe fcspute fcspute–– toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise uifer s 8< bg toe @C\HH O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 03 bi toe btoer ohif requcres toe respbifeit tb ‟hiswer toe hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn–. Voe ahtter, ahtter, cs ci bur vcew cs ci toe ihture bg h aejha respbise wcto toe bdacjhtcbi tb ‟hiswer– ‟hiswer– cnpbsef dy h sthtute, tb nehi h reha bppbrtuicty tb fegeif h `ahcn, hif ibt sbnetocij caausbry. caausbry. D @ F E G J `ahcnhit–s scfe, toe hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn [66^ Ct sobuaf de ibtef toht bi toe `ahcnhit– uifer s 3(8) bg toe @C\HH requcres toe uiphcf phrty tb sthte ‟toe ihture hif fes`rcptcbi bg toe fcspute hif toe renefy sbujot– woerehs toe pre`efcij phyn ph ynei eitt `a `ahc hcn n ui uife ferr s 5 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH ne nere reay ay re requ qucr cres es oc ocn n tb st stht htee to toee hn hnbu buit it `ahcnef hif toe `bitrh`t civbavef sug`ceit tb ‟cfeitcgy toe `huse bg h`tcbi–. [65^ Ct ieefs tb de enpo enpohscse hscsef f oere toht toe hfmuf hfmufc`ht c`htcbi cbi respbise respbise uifer s 8<( 8<(8) 8) bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH req requcr ucres es toe ibi ibi-ph -phyci ycijj phr phrty ty tb ‟his hiswe werr toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcb cbi i `ahcn– nehicij toe ‟ihture hif fes`rcptcbi bg toe fcspute hif toe renefy– hs `ahcnef dy toe `ahcnhit ci cts hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn. Ct cs hasb scjic`hit tb ibte toht ct cs ht tocs sthje bg toe prb`eefcijs toht toe uiphcf phrty cs ternef dy toe @C\HH hs ‟toe `ahcnhit–, hif toe ibi-phycij phrty hs ‟toe respbifeit–, dy woc`o terns toey hre toerehgter respe`tcveay regerref tb. Ct `bnes hdbut hgter toe ‟cictchtcbi bg hfmufc`htcbi– uifer s ? bg toe @C\HH woere hi hfmufc`htbr cs hppbcitef scjicgycij toe sthrt bg toe hfmufc`htcbi prb`ess. Voe hfmufc`htcbi paehfcijs uifer ss 3‐88 bg toe @C\HH `bnes hgter tocs hif degbre toe hfmufc`htcbi oehrcij dejcis uifer s 84 bg toe @C\HH. [67^ Ze hre bg toe `biscferef vcew vcew toht toe s`oene bg toe twb sthje prb`ess prb`ess uifer toe @C\HH fbes ibt whrrhit jcvcij h refu`ef cnpbrthi`e tb toe hfmufc hfm ufc`ht `htcbi cbi pa paehf ehfcij cijss hif h jr jreht ehter er,, cg ibt bv bverr errcfc cfcij, ij, scj scjic ic`hi `hi`e `e jcv jcvei ei tb toe cictcha fb`uneits uifer ss 5 hif 7 bg toe @C\HH. [6:^ Aehrief `buisea gbr toe toe hppeaahit cnpressef cnpressef upbi us toht toere cs ib expres exp resss pb pbwe werr jcv jcvei ei tb toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br tb rem reme`t e`t ‟iew iew–– feg fegei` ei`es es de` de`hus husee toe toeyy fcf ibt hppehr ci Pcijhpbre toe phyneit gbr exhnpae, ci toe `buiterphrt aejcsahtcbis hifrespbise, Hustrhachuiacke, (IPZ). O C [6?^ Ci Pcijhpbre Pcijhpbre uifer s 85(0) bg toe Ducafcij Ducafcij hif @bistru`tcbi @bistru`tcbi Cifustry Cifustry Pe`urcty bg \hyneit H`t 4<<7 (‟toe Pcijhpbre H`t 4<<7–) toe hfmufc`htbr cs expressay enpbweref ibt tb `biscfer ‟hiy rehsbi– gbr wctoobafcij phyneit uiaess uia ess ‟toe reh rehsbi sbi whs ci` ci`auf aufef ef ci toe re reaev aevhit hit phy phynei neitt res respbi pbise se–. –. Pe` Pe`tcb tcbi i 85 bg toe Pcijhpbre H`t 4<<7 `bnes uifer ‟Hfmufc`htcbi Tespbise–, equcvhaeit tb bur s 8< bg toe @C\HH dut ohs tocs hffctcbiha sudse`tcbi= (0) Voe res respbi pbifei feitt soh sohaa aa ibt ci` ci`auf aufee ci toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi res respbi pbise, se, hif toe hfmufc`htbr sohaa ibt `biscfer, hiy rehsbi gbr wctoobafcij hiy hnbuit, ci`aufcij dut ibt acnctef tb hiy `rbss-`ahcn, `buiter`ahcn hif set-bgg, uiaess ‖ 6< Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha (h) [4<8?^ 4 NAM woere toe hfmufc`h hfmufc`htcbi tcbi reahtes reahtes tb h `bistru` `bistru`tcbi tcbi `bitrh`t `bitrh`t,, toe rehsbi rehsbi whs H ci`aufef ci toe reaevhit phyneit respbise prbvcfef dy toe respbifeit tb toe `ahcnhit; br … Pcijhpbre @burt bg Hppeha ci fehacij fehacij wcto tocs sud-s sud-s (0) bg s 85 bg [63^ Voe Pcijhpbre toee Pc to Pcij ijhp hpbr bree H` H`tt 4< 4<<7 <7 ci ZS Pt Ptee eeaa @b @bis istr tru` u`tc tcbi bi \t \tee At Atff v Bs Bskb kb \t \tee At Atff [4<80^ 0 PAT 0?< oeaf toht ct whs h murcsfc`tcbiha prbvcscbi eitctacij toe hfmufc`htbr tb fcsrejhrf jrbuifs ibt brcjcihaay sthtef dy toe respbifeit ci ocs phyneit respbise. Voe Pcijhpbre `burt bdservef hs gbaabws= Ci bur muf mufjne jneit, it, se` se`tcbi85(0) tcbi85(0) cs mur murcsf csfc`tc c`tcbih bihaa ci toe sei seise se toh tohtt ct `urt `urthca hcass toe pb pbwer wer bg hi hfmufc`htbr tb haabw h respbifeit tb rhcse iew jrbuifs gbr wctoobafcij phyneit toht were ibt ci`aufef ci ocs phyneit respbise hif, gbr toht nhtter, hi hfmufc`htbr–s pbwer evei tb `biscfer su`o jrbuifs ht haa. Vocs cs acterhaay woht toe prbvcscbi prbvcfes hif we sobuaf, ci bur vcew, jcve prbper egge`t tb ct. D @ F [5<^ Voe Hustrhachi (IPZ) (IPZ) prbvcscbi prbvcscbi scncahr tb toe Pcijhpbre Pcijhpbre prbvcscbi prbvcscbi cs s 4<( 4<(4D) 4D) bg toe Iew Pb Pbuto uto Zhae haess Du Ducaf cafcij cij hif @b @bist istru` ru`tcb tcbi i Cif Cifust ustry ry Pe` Pe`urc urcty ty bg \hyneit H`t 8333 woc`o rehfs= Voe resp respbifei bifeitt `hiibt ci`au ci`aufe fe ci toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi res respbi pbise se hiy reh rehsbi sbiss gbr wctoobafcij phyneit uiaess tobse rehs rehsbis bis ohve har harehfy ehfy deei ci`au ci`aufef fef ci toe phy phynei neitt E s`oefuae prbvcfef tb toe `ahcnhit. (Enpohscs hffef.) Ci Nuatcpaex @bistru`tcbis \ty Atf v Auckeis hif Hibr [4<<0^ IPZP@ 886<, toe IPZ Puprene @burt rehf toe prbvcscbi hs eitctacij toe hfmufc`htbr tb preveit toe respbifeit grbn reaycij bi rehsbis ibt sthtef ci toe cictcha respbise. Voe `burt bdservef hs gbaabws= Cg toe respbifeit ohs hiy rehsbi wohtsbever gbr wctoobafcij phyneit bg haa br hiy phrtt bg toe phy phr phynei neitt `ah `ahcn, cn, se` se`tcb tcbi i 86( 86(0) 0) req requcr ucres es toh tohtt toh tohtt reh rehsbi sbi de cif cifc`h c`htef tef ci toe phyneit s`oefuae hif se`tcbi 4<(4D) preveits toe respbifeit grbn reaycij ci cts hfmufc`htcbi respbise upbi hiy rehsbi ibt cifc`htef ci toe phyneit s`oefuae. @brres @br respbi pbifci fcijay jay,, se` se`tcb tcbi i 44( 44(f) f) req requcr ucres es toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br tb ohv ohvee rej rejhrfbiay hrfbiay tb tob tobse se G J sudncsscbis woc`o ohve deei ‟fuay nhfe– dy toe respbifeit ci suppbrt bg toe phyneit phyne it s`oefuae, toht cs, nhfe ci supp suppbrt brt bg h rehsbi gbr wctoob wctoobafcij afcij phyneit phyneit woc`o ohs deei cifc`htef ci toe phyneit s`oefuae ci h``brfhi`e wcto s 86(0). O [58^ Ci toe preseit `hse, toe rcjot rcjot tb fcsrejhrf fcsrejhrf toe sb `haaef iew jrbuifs cs ibt dhsef bi hiy express pbwer vestef ci toe hfmufc`htbr hs ci Pcijhpbre br Hustrhach dut sbaeay dy h reachi`e bi s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH woc`o shys toe murcsfc`tcbi ‟ci reahtcbi tb hiy fcspute cs acnctef tb toe nhtter regerref tb toe hfmufc`htbr pursuhit tb se`tcbis 5 hif 7–. Voere cs toeregbre toe ieef tb fetern fet erncie cie toe s`b s`bpe pe bg toe mur murcsf csfc`t c`tcb cbiha iha acn acncth cthtcb tcbi i uif uifer er s 4:( 4:(8) 8) bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH hif wo woeto etoer er ct mus mustc tces es toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br tb ex` ex`auf aufee feg fegei` ei`es es rhc rhcsef sef dy h respbifeit. C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H D @ F [54^ Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 68 Ci toe `bitext hif hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi bg s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH, @C\HH, toe fcstci`tcbi fcstci`tcbi detweei detwe ei ‟mu ‟murcs rcsfc fc`tc `tcbi bi–– hif ‟pb pbwe wers rs–– nus nustt de re` re`bji bjicse csef. f. Ct cs trc trcte te toh tohtt toe toeyy neh nehi i fcggereit tocijs woei dbto wbrfs hppehr ci toe shne sthtute hs ct fbes ci toe preseit h`t. Bi tocs pbcit ci Aee Aee @oeij (G) v Pebw \eij Kwhij [837<^ 8 NAM 8, Vobnsbi @M bdservef ht p 0= Ct cs hxcbnhtc` toht woei fcggereit wbrfs hre usef ci h sthtute toey reger tb fcggereit tocijs hif tocs cs phrtc`uahray sb woere toe fcggereit wbrfs hre, hs oere, usef repehtefay. Vocs aehfs tb toe vcew toht ci toe Brfcihi`e toere cs h fcstci`tcbi detweei toe murcsfc`tcbi bg h `burt hif cts pbwers, hif tocs sujjests toht toe wbrf ‟murcsfc`tcbi– cs usef tb feibte toe types bg sudme`t nhtter woc`o toe `burt nhy feha wcto hif ci reahtcbi tb woc`o ct nhy exer`cse cts pbwers. Ct `hiibt exer`cse cts pbwers ci nhtters bver woc`o, dy rehsbi bg toecr ihture br dy rehsbi bg extrh-terrctbrchacty, ct ohs ib murcsfc`tcbi. Bi toe btoer ohif, ci fehacij wcto nhtters bver woc`o ct ohs murcsfc`tcbi, ct `hiibt ex`eef cts c ts pbwers. [50^ Voe scjic`hi`e bg toe fcvcfe detweei ‟murcsfc`tcbi– hif ‟pbwers ‟pbwers–– aces ci toe gh toe gh`t `t to toht ht ‟m ‟mur urcs csfc fc`t `tcb cbi i– re reah ahte tess tb ‟to toee ty type pess bg su sudm dme` e`tt nh nhtt tter er wo woc` c`o o to toee `b `bur urtt nhy feha wcto– woerehs cts pbwers nhy de exer`csef biay ci reahtcbi tb toht murcsfc`tcbi.. murcsfc`tcbi E G J O C prci`cpae toht murcsfc`tcbi murcsfc`tcbi cs hdbut sudme`t-nhtter sudme`t-nhtter hppaces hppaces tb every [56^ Voe prci`cpae sthtute. Vous, toe @C\HH hppaces biay tb ‟`bistru`tcbi `bitrh`ts– hs feief uife ui ferr to toee H` H`tt (s (see ee ss 4, 0 hi hif f 6) hi hif f to toht ht to toee ‟ph phyn ynei eitt fc fcsp sput utee– nu nust st hr hrcs csee ui uife ferr h `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t. `bitrh`t. Voese hre guifhneitha murcsfc`tcbiha murcsfc`tcbiha prencses gbr toe @C\HH tb hppay. hppay. Pe`tcbis 5 hif 7 bg toe @C\HH reahte tb tocs. Pe`tcbi 5 bg toe @C\HH spehks bg h ‟phyneit pursuhit tb h `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t–. Dy s 6 bg toe @C\HH, ‟phyneit– cs feief hs ‟phyneit gbr wbrk fbie … uifer toe express terns bg h `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t–. `bitrh`t–. Voe respbise uifer s 7 bg toe @C\HH ohs tb de ci reahtcbi tb toe ‟phyneit– `ahcn uifer ss 6 hif 5 bg toe @C\HH hs tb woetoer ct cs hfncttef br fcsputef. [55^ s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH,pursuhit toe hrdctrhtbr– hrdctrhtbr murcsfc`tcbi ‟cs acnctef toe nhtter Dy regerref tb hfmufc`htcbi– tb ss 5–s hif 7 bg toe @C\HH. Ct tb regers tb toe ‟cfeitc`htcbi bg toe `huse bg h`tcbi– ci reahtcbi tb toe `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t hs requcref uifer s 5(4)(d) bg toe @C\HH. Ci turi, toe phyneit respbise uifer s 7 bg toe @C\HH cs feief hif acnctef dy toe `ahcn uifer s 5 bg toe @C\HH. [57^ Ci sobrt, s 4:(8) 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH @C\HH regers tb toe sudme`t nhtter bg bg toe `ahcn uife ui ferr s 5 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH HH,, wo woc` c`o o cs to toee ‟`h `hus usee bg h` h`tc tcbi bi–– cf cfei eitc tce ef f dy to toee `a `ahc hcnh nhit it dy regerei`e tb toe hppac`hdae `ahuse bg toe `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t. Vous cg toe phyneit `ahcn reahtes tb prbjress `ahcn Ib 4? (hs ci toe preseit `hse) toe murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr cs acnctef tb tocs prbjress `ahcn hif ibtocij ease. Voee phy Vo phynei neitt res respbi pbise se cs ack ackewc ewcse se acn acncte ctef f tb hi his hiswe werr tb pr prbjr bjress ess `ah `ahcn cn Ib 4?. 64 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [5:^ [4<8?^ 4 NAM Ct `hi tous de shcf toht toe hppeaahit– hppeaahit–s `hse rejhrfcij toe toe murcsfc`tcbi regerref tb ci s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH, cs toe sudme`t nhtter bg toe `ahcn hif toe `hus `h usee bg h` h`tc tcbi bi hs to toht ht cf cfei eitc tce ef f ui uife ferr to toee re reae aevh vhit it pr prbv bvcs cscb cbi i bg to toee `bistru`tcbi `bitrh`t. Dy s 4:(4) bg toe @C\HH, toe phrtces nhy dy `biseit exteif toe murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr tb `bver btoer nhtters. H typc`ha exhnpa exh npaee wca wcaaa de toh tohtt bg bto btoer er pr prbjr bjress ess `ah `ahcns cns gha ghaaci acijj fue deg degbre bre toe hfm hfmuf ufc`h c`htcb tcbi i `bnn `b nnei ei`e `es. s. Pe Pe`t `tcb cbi i 4: 4:(8 (8)) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH oh ohss ib ibto toci cijj tb fb wc wcto to to toee jr jrbu buif ifss bg toe `ahcn br toe rehsbis gbr bppbscij toe `ahcn. [5?^ Ci `bitrhst tb murcsfc`tcbi, murcsfc`tcbi, toe ‟pbwers– ‟pbwers– bg toe hfmufc`htbr hre acstef ci ss 45 hif 47 bg toe @C\HH uifer toe spe`c` oehfcij bg ‟\bwers bg toe Hfmufc`htbr–.–. Ct gbaabws toht hi hfmufc`htbr nhy exer`cse haa br hiy bg toe pbwers Hfmufc`htbr uifer ss 45 hif 47 bg toe @C\HH sb abij hs oe keeps wctoci ocs murcsfc`tcbi ci hfmufc`htcij biay toe sudme`t nhtter regerref tb ocn pursuhit tb ss 5 hif 7 bg toe @C\HH. [53^ Ze hre bg toe vcew toht ci toe toe hdsei`e bg h prbocdctbry prbocdctbry `ahuse scncahr tb tb s 85(0) bg toe Pcijhpbre H`t 4<<7 hif h scncahr restrc`tcbi hs hdbve neitcbief toe IPZ aej aejcsa csahtc htcbi, bi, toe toere re cs ib cnp cnpefc efcnei neitt gbr toe hfm hfmufc ufc`h `htbr tbr tb `bi `biscf scfer er haa toe jrbuifs bg `ahcn ci hi hfmufc`htcbi `ahcn uifer s 3 bg toe @C\HH, hif haa toe jrbuifs bg fegei`e ci hi Hfmufc`htcb Hfmufc`htcbi i Tespbise uifer s 8< bg toe @C\HH. [7<^ Voe cnph`t cnph`t bg s 7(6) bg toe @C\HH @C\HH sobuaf hasb de `biscferef. `biscferef. Voe Voe prbv pr bvcs cscb cbi i st stht htes es to toht ht cg h ib ibi i ph phyc ycij ij ph phrt rtyy gh ghca cass tb re resp spbi bif f tb to toee ph phyn ynei eitt `a `ahc hcn n servef bi ocn oe cs ‟feenef tb ohve fcsputef toe eitcre phyneit `ahcn–. Voe Ocjo @burt ci toe preseit `hse trehtef s 7(6) bg toe @C\HH hs sbnetocij equcvhaeit tb hi hitc-feghuat mufjneit prbvcscbi prbvcscbi woc`o nereay jcves ‟`bngbrt– ‟`bngbrt– tb toe respbifeit (see phrh 7: bg mufjneit). Zcto respe`t we hre bg toe vcew toht toe hpprbh`o bg toe Ocjo @burt ghcas tb jcve fue rejhrf tb toe se`tcbi hs h ‟feencij– prbvcscbi ci aejcsahtcbi. Voe wbrf ‟feenef– usef ci h sthtutbry prbvcscbi cs h aejcsahtcve presunptcbi bg sbnetocij ohvcij ohppeief hatobujo ct fcf ibt. Ct cs h sthtutbry `tcbi jcvei rehacty dy ahw. Ci Pt Hudyi (AN) hif Btoers Bto ers v Htt Httbri briey ey Je Jeier ierha ha (I (Ibb 4) [8 [835 358^ 8^ 4 Ha Haaa ET 6: 6:0, 0, Ab Abrf rf Th Thf` f`ac acgge gge bd bdse serv rvef ef ht p 50= Voe wbrf ‟feenef– cs usef h jreht feha ci nbferi aejcsahtcbi. Pbnetcnes ct cs usef tb cnpbse gbr toe purpbses bg h sthtute hi hrtc`cha `bistru`tcbi bg h wbrf br porhse toht wbuaf ibt btoerwcse prevhca. Pbnetcnes ct cs usef tb put deybif fbudt h phrtc`uahr `bistru`tcbi toht ncjot btoerwcse de ui`erthci. Pbnetcnes ct cs usef tb jcve h `bnpreoeiscve fes`rcptcbi toht ci`aufes woht cs bdvcbus, woht cs ui`erthci hif woht cs, ci toe brfcihry seise, cnpbsscdae. Ci reahtcbi tb sbnetocij ibt fbie toe wbrf ‟feenef– wbuaf ohve toe nehicij jcve jc vei i dy Mh Mhne ness AM ci Ex phrt phrtee Zhat hatbi bi Ci re Aev Aevyy (8 (8?? ??8) 8) 8: @o F :6 :67 7 wo woc` c`o o re rehf hf hs gbaabws= H D @ F E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 60 Zoei h sthtute eih`ts toht sbnetocij sobuaf de ‟feenef ‟feenef–– tb ohve deei fbie woc`o, ci gh gh`t `t hi hif f tru truto to,, wh whss ib ibtt fb fbie ie,, to toee `b `bur urtt cs ei eitct tctae aef f hi hif f db dbui uif f tb hs hs`e `erth rthci ci gb gbrr wo woht ht purpbses hif detweei woht persbis toe sthtutbry `tcbi cs tb de resbrtef tb. D @ F E G J O C `biscferef vcew toht toe Ocjo @burt ohs wrbijguaay wrbijguaay [78^ Ze hre bg toe `biscferef refu re fu`e `ef f to toee sc scji jic c`h `hi` i`ee bg to toee ‟fe feen enci cij– j– eg egge ge`t `t ci s 7( 7(6) 6) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH HH.. Gu Gurt rtoe oerr toe citerprethtcbi toht s 7(6) bg toe @C\HH wbuaf biay eitctae toe respbifeit tb fc fcsp sput utee to toee `a `ahc hcn n hs ct st sthi hifs fs,, hi hif f ib ibtt rh rhcs csee hi hiyy pb pbsc sctc tcve ve fe fege gei` i`e, e, cs tb wo woct ctta taee fbwi toe egge`t bg toe feencij prbvcscbi. [74^ Usegua regerei`e regerei`e `hi hasb hasb de nhfe tb toe bdservhtcbi bg aehrief hutobrs bg Ahn Zhc Abbi hif Cvhi SG Abb ci @bistru`tcbi Hfmufc`htcbi ci Nhahysch (KA @@O Hsch 4<80) woereci toey bdserve ht p 85< toht toe egge`t bg s 7(6) bg toe @C\HH cs toht ct fbes ibt preveit toe respbifeit grbn sudncttcij hiy fegei`e hvhcahdae tb ocn dy why bg hi hfmufc`htcbi respbise. [70^ Ct nust hasb de ibtef toht toht @C\HH fbes ibt requcre requcre toe phrtc`cphtcbi phrtc`cphtcbi bg ahwyers ci toe systen fevcsef. Dy s ?(0) bg toe @C\HH phrtces nhy represeit toenseaves br de represeitef dy ‟hiy represeithtcve–. Vous, dy ss 85 hif 46 bg toe @C\HH toere cs h shgejuhrf woc`o fe`ahres toht toe hfmufc`htbr sohaa `bifu`t ocnseag wcto ghcriess, cnphrtchacty hif fue bdservhi`e bg toe ruaes bg ihturha mustc`e. [76^ Ct gb gbaa aabw bwss to toht ht to toee ‟fu futy ty hi hif f bd bdac acjh jhtc tcbi bi bg to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbr– r– hs sp spea eatt bu butt ci s 46 46(` (`)) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH to toht ht ‟o ‟oee so soha haaa `b `bnp npay ay wc wcto to to toee pr prci ci`c `cpa paes es bg ih ihtu turh rhaa mu must stc` c`e– e– wbuaf bdacje ocn tb `biscfer haa toe fegei`es rhcsef dy toe hppeaahit ci cts hfmufc`htcbi respbise hs h nhtter bg ghcriess hif cnphrtchacty. [75^ Ze hr hree bg to toee vc vcew ew to toht ht hi hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr wo wobb wr wrbi bija jayy ru ruae aess bu butt `biscfercij h fegei`e preseitef tb ocn wbuaf de ci dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e. Vocs Vo cs pb pbci citt hr hrbs bsee ci \c \cab abii At Atff v Dr Drey eyer er Jr Jrbu bupp \a \a`` [[4< 4<8< 8<^^ Ha Haaa ET (F (F)) 83 83: : (H (Hpr pr); ); [4<8<^ EZO@ ?0: (V@@) woc`o acke ci bur preseit `hse whs `bi`erief wcto prbj pr bjrres esss `a `ahc hcns ns to toht ht wer eree `u `unu nuah ahtc tcve ve ci ih ihtu ture re.. Vo Voee fe fe`c `csc scbi bi dy Mustc`ee @buasbi dehrs `abse rehfcij. Ht phrhs [46^‐[4?^ toe aehrief mufje Mustc` bdservef= [46^ Ct seens tb ne `aehr deybif fbudt toht toe hfmufc`htbr erref ci ghcacij tb thke citb h``buit Dreyer–s fegei`e dy regerei`e tb toe bver-phyneit bi dht`oes 8‐45. Zocast oe whs qucte `brre`t tb t b rejhrf toe ibtc`e bg hfmufc`htcbi hs settcij but toe t oe dbuifhrces bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi, oe ghcaef tb hppre`chte toht woht \cabi were seekcij dy toht ibtc`e whs ibt biay hi citercn vhauhtcbi bg dht`oes 47‐74, dut hasb hi citercn phyneit bg hiy sun `biscferef bwcij tb toen. Zocast toe vhauhtcbi requcref ocn tb ohve rejhrf tb dht`oes 47‐74 biay, toe `bi`bncthit `ahcn gbr phyneit nehit toht toe hfmufc`htbr whs bdacjef tb `biscfer woetoer Dreyer were rcjot tb shy toht h nu`o snhaaer iet phyneit whs fue tohi toht `biteifef gbr dy 66 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM \cabi, de` de`hus husee \cabi ohf har harehf ehfyy dee deei i bv bverp erphcf hcf bi dht dht`oe `oess 8‐4 8‐45. 5. Ci bto btoer er wbr wbrfs, fs, toe H ibtc`e bg hfm ibtc`e hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi jhv jhvee toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br toe mur murcsf csfc`tc c`tcbi bi tb `bi `biscf scfer er woh woht, t, cg hiy hiy,, gurto gu rtoer er su sun n so sobu buaf af de ph phcf cf dy wh whyy bg ci cite tercnphy rcnphyne neit it gr grbn bn Dreyer tb \cabi hif toh tohtt cssue, bg ie`esscty, civbavef h `biscferhtcbi bg Dreyer–s fegei`e dhsef bi toe haaejef bver-phyneit bi dht`oes 8‐45. [45^ Ct cs ibt ui`bnnbi gbr hfmufc`htbrs tb fe`cfe toe s`bpe bg toecr murcsfc`tcbi sbaeay dy regerei`e tb toe wbrfs usef ci toe ibtc`e bg hfmufc`htcbi, wctobut ohvcij rejhrf tb toe ie`esshry cnpac`htcbis bg toe wbrfs= toht whs, gbr exhnpae, woht weit wrbij ci Drbhrfweaa. Hfmufc`htbrs sobuaf de hwhre toht toe ibtc`e bg hfmufc`htcbi wcaa brfcihrcay de `biief tb toe `ahcn decij hfvhi`ef; ct wcaa rhreay reger tb toe pbcits toht ncjot de rhcsef dy why bg h fegei`e tb toht `ahcn. Dut, sudme`t tb questcbis bg wctoobafcij ibtc`es hif toe acke, h respbifcij phrty cs eitctaef tb fegeif ocnseag hjhcist h `ahcn gbr nbiey fue dy regerei`e tb hiy aejctcnhte hvhcahdae fegei`e (ci`aufcij set-bgg), hif tous su`o fegei`es wcaa brfcihrcay de ei`bnphssef wctoci toe ibtc`e bg hfmufc`htcbi. [47^ Hs h resuat, hi hfmufc`htbr sobuaf tocik very `hreguaay degbre ruacij but h fegei`e nereay de`huse toere whs ib neitcbi bg ct ci toe `ahcncij phrty–s ibtc`e bg D @ F hfmufc`htcbi. Voht cs ebiay `bnnbi ctgtcij, wbuaf de hdsurf toe `ahcncij `buaf, `bu af, torbujo torbujo sbne sbn fevcbu fev cbuss dct seise= bg frh frhgtc ij, put deybif dey bifcg toe s`bpe s`b pe bgphrty toe hfmufc`htcbi toe fegeifcij phrty–s btoerwcse aejctcnhte fegei`e tb toe `ahcn. [4:^ C ui [4:^ uife fers rsth thif if to toht ht ct nh nhyy de te tenp nptci tcijj gb gbrr h `a `ahc hcnc ncij ij ph phrty rty ci hi hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htc tcbi bi tb seek se ek tb ac acnc nctt toe hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbr– r–ss mu murcs rcsfc fc`t `tcbici cbici h wh whyy ci wo woc`o c`o to toht ht ph phrty rty de deace aceve vess tb de tb ctshfv ctshfvhi hith thje je.. C hn ci ib fb fbud udtt to toht ht cs wo woht ht oh ohpp ppei eief ef oe oere re== \cabi fc fcf f ib ibtt wcs wcso o to toee hfmufc`htbr tb ohve hiy rejhrf tb dht`oes 8‐45, hif toeregbre feacderhteay acnctef toe s`bpe bg toe hfmufc`htcbi ibtc`e tb dht`oes 47‐74. Ct whs toecr `hse toht toe bverbv er-phy phynei neitt `ah `ahcn cn whs but butscf scfee toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br––s mur murcsf csfc`tc c`tcbi, bi, hif toh tohtt cs woh wohtt toe toeyy (su``essgua (su``e ssguaay) ay) urjef bi toe hfmufc`htbr hfmufc`htbr.. Vous, tocs cs h `hse woere \cabi sbujot h th`tc`ha hfvhithje dy puttcij gbrwhrf hi errbiebus sthteneit bg toe hfmufc`htbr–s murcsfc`tcbi hif, hs toe fe`cscbi ci c i Xuhrtzeae` sobws toht `hi de h fhijerbus th`tc` tb hfbpt. [4?^ Ci toe resuat toeregbre, C `biscfer toht toe hfmufc`htbr feacderhteay pah`ef hi errbiebus restrc`tcbi bi ocs bwi murcsfc`tcbi, woc`o hnbuitef tb h dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e … [77^ Dhs Dhsef ef bi to toee hd hdbv bvee fe fe`c `csc scbi bi bg \ca \cabi bi Atf toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br ohf ack ackewc ewcse se ci bur `hse, wrbijay `bistruef toe s`bpe bg ocs murcsfc`tcbi uifer s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH ci reguscij tb `biscfer haa toe fegei`es rhcsef ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise. Voeregbre su`o h fe`cscbi dy toe hfmufc`htbr `hiibt sthif. [7:^ Bi toe hppac`hd hppac`hdcact cactyy bg \cabi Atf–s `hse tb toe preseit `hse aehrief `buisea gbr toe respbifeit `biteifef toht toe hfmufc`htbr ci Eijahif cs ibt `bistrhcief dy h s 4:(8) bg toe @C\HH acke prbvcscbi bi ocs murcsfc`tcbi. \cabi Atf whs fe`cfef dhsef bi toe Eijacso Obuscij Jrhits, @bistru`tcbi hif Tejcstrhtcbi H`t 8377 (‟toe OJ@T H`t–). Voe hfmufc`htcbi prbvcscbis bg toe OJ@T OJ@ T H` H`tt hr hree `bi `bithc thcief ief ci toe P`o P`oene ene gbr @bi @bistr stru`t u`tcbi cbi @bi @bitrh trh`ts `ts (Ei (Eijah jahif if hif Zhaes) Tejuahtcbis 833? (‟toe P`oene–). Tejuahtcbi 4< bg toe P`oene E G J O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 65 expressay haabws toe hfmufc`htbr tb thke citb h``buit hiy btoer nhtter woc`o toe phrtces tb toe fcspute hjree sobuaf de wctoci toe s`bpe bg toe hfmufc`htcbi br woc`o hre nhtters uifer toe `bitrh`t woc`o oe `biscfers hre ie`esshrcay `biie`tef wcto toe fcspute. D @ F E G Aehrief ief `buisea `buisea gbr toe respbifei respbifeitt hasb sudncttef sudncttef toht toere cs ib [7?^ Aehr requcreneit gbr toe equcvhaeit bg h phyneit `ahcn hif phyneit respbise ci Eijah Ei jahif.Voe if.Voe hfm hfmufc ufc`h `htcb tcbi i cs `bn `bnnei nei`ef `efdy dy h ibt ibtc` c`ee bg Hfm Hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi (se (seee rej 8 bg toe P`oene). Ct cs de`huse toe hfmufc`htbr whs bdacjef uifer rej 4< bg toe P`oene tb `biscfer nhtters ‟ie`esshrcay `biie`tef wcto toe fcspute– toht toe `burt ci \cabi Atf gbuif toe hfmufc`htbr tb ohve wrbijguaay ex`aufef gbr ocs `biscferhtcbi toe bverphyneit bi dht`oes 8‐45 ci ocs vhauhtcbi bg dht`oes 47‐74. [73^ Ct cs toe resp respbife bifeit– it–ss `biteitcbi `biteitcbi toht ci hiy eveit ci \cabi Atf, toe vhauhtcbi bg dht`oes 47‐74 cs hi h``buitcij bg toe vhaue bg wbrk fbie hjhcist suns phcf. \revcbus phyneits, ci`aufcij toht gbr dht`oes 8‐45, nust de `biscferef. Voe preseit `hse cs qucte fcggereit woereci woereci toe hppeaahit cs seekcij tb ci`aufe `rbss-`ahcns toht were ibt rhcsef ci cts phyneit respbise uifer s 7 bg toe @C\HH. [:<^ Zcto respe`t respe`t tb toe hdbve hrjuneits hrjuneits hfvhi`ef gbr toe respbifeit respbifeit bi toe hppac`hdcacty bg \cabi Atf tb toe preseit `hse we hre bg toe `biscferef vcew toht to ht ct cs ci ci`b `brr rre` e`tt tb su sujj jjes est, t, hs to toee re resp spbi bife feit it fc fcf, f, to toht ht de de`h `hus usee bg re rejj 4< bg to toee P`oe P` oene ne,, to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr oh ohss wc wcfe ferr pb pbwe werr ui uife ferr to toee OJ OJ@T @T H` H`t, t, hi hif f to toht ht \cabi Atf `hiibt hppay. Tejuahtcbi 4< ci guaa sthtes= 4< Hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi J Voe hfmufc`htbr sohaa fe`cfe toe nhtters ci fcspute. Oe nhy thke citb h``buit hiy btoer nhtters woc`o toe phrtces tb toe fcspute hjree sobuaf de wctoci toe s`bpe bg toe hfmufc`htcbi br woc`o hre nhtters uifer toe `bitrh`t woc`o oe `biscfers hre ie`esshrcay `biie`tef wcto toe fcspute. Ci phrtc`uahr, oe nhy ‖ (h) bpei up, revcse revcse hif hif revcew revcew hiy fe`csc fe`cscbi bi thkei thkei br hiy hiy `ertc`hte `ertc`hte jcvei jcvei dy dy hiy persbi regerref tb ci toe `bitrh`t uiaess toe `bitrh`t sthtes toht toe fe`cscbi br `ertc`hte cs iha hif `bi`auscve, (d) fe`cfe toht hiy fe`cfe hiy bg toe toe phrtces phrtces tb toe toe fcspute fcspute cs achdae tb nhke nhke h phyneit phyneit uifer toe `bitrh`t (woetoer ci steracij br sbne btoer `urrei`y) hif, sudme`t tb se`tcbi 888(6) bg toe H`t, woei toht phyneit cs fue hif toe iha fhte gbr phyneit, (`) ohvcij rejhr ohvcij rejhrf f tb hiy tern bg toe toe `bitrh`t `bitrh`t reaht reahtcij cij tb toe phyne phyneit it bg cite ci tere rest st fe fe`c `cfe fe to toee `cr `cr`u `uns nsth thi` i`es es ci wo woc` c`o, o, hi hif f toe rh rhte tess ht wo woc`o c`o,, hi hif f toe percbfs gbr woc`o scnpae br `bnpbuif rhtes bg citerest sohaa de phcf. (Enpohscs hffef.) O C 67 Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [:8^ [4<8?^ 4 NAM Ze hre ci hjr hjreenei eeneitt wcto toe sudncsscbi sudncsscbi bg aehri aehrief ef `buisea gbr toe hppeaahit toht rej 4< bg toe P`oene cs hdbut toe pbwers bg toe hfmufc`htbrs ci nhkcij toecr fe`cscbi hif ibt toecr murcsfc`tcbi. Uifer toe OJ@T H`t, toe hfmufc`htbrs rst ohve tb feterncie toecr murcsfc`tcbi dy regerei`e tb toe s`bpe bg toe ‟fcspute– toht cs regerref tb toen. Voht reaevhit phrt bg toe OJ@T H`t hif toe P`oene toht whs uifer `biscferhtcbi ci \cabi Atf whs rej 8 woc`o prbvcfes= H D 8 Ibtc`e bg Citeitcbi tb seek Hfmufc`htcbi (8) Hiy phrty phrty tb h `bistru`t `bistru`tcbi cbi `bitrh `bitrh`t `t (toe ‟regerr ‟regerrcij cij phrty phrty–) –) nhy jcve wrcttei ibtc`e (toe ‟ibtc`e bg hfmufc`htcbi hfmufc`htcbi–) –) bg ocs citeitcbi tb reger hiy fcspute hrcscij uifer toe `bitrh`t, tb hfmufc`htcbi. (4) Voe ibtc`e ibtc`e bg hfmuf hfmufc`h c`htcb tcbi i sohaa sohaa de jcvei jcvei tb every every btoer phrty phrty tb toe `bitrh`t. (0) Voe ibtc`e bg hfmuf hfmufc`htcbi c`htcbi soha sohaaa set set but but drceffly drceffly ‖ (h) toe ihture hif h drceg ihture drceg fes`rcptcb fes`rcptcbi i bg toe fcspute fcspute hif bg toe phrtces civbavef, (d) fethcass bg woere hif woei toe fcsput fethca fcsputee ohs ohs hrcsei, hrcsei, (`) toe ihtur ihturee bg toe refr refress ess woc`o cs sbujo sbujot, t, hif (f) toe ihnes ihnes hif hffr hffresse essess bg toe phrtce phrtcess tb toe `bitrh `bitrh`t `t (ci`aufcij (ci`aufcij,, woere hpprbprchte, toe hffresses woc`o toe phrtces ohve spe`cef gbr toe jcvcij bg ibtc`es). @ F E G [:4^ Vo Vocs cs ne nehi hiss to toht ht to toee hf hfmu mufc fc`h `htb tbrr nu nust st ab abbk bk tb to toee ‟ib ibtc tc`e `e bg hfmufc hfm ufc`ht `htcbi cbi–– tb rs rstt fet fetern erncie cie toe mur murcsf csfc`t c`tcbi cbi bg toe fcs fcspu pute te toh tohtt cs reg regerr erref ef tb toen. Vocs cs nhfe nhfe `aehr ci \cabi Atf ctseag hs ht phrhs 46‐45 bg toe mufjneit. Ct cs ha hasb sb ci ci`b `brr rre` e`tt tb sh shyy to toht ht to toee pr pres esei eitt `h `hse se cs fc fcgg gger erei eitt gr grbn bn \ca \cabi bi Atf de`huse \cabi Atf whs fehacij wcto hi h``buitcij bg prevcbus phyneits. Ci \cabi Atf toe ex`aufef fegei`e whs bie bg bverphyneit hif hi h``buitcij bg woht whs J fue. Ci toe preseit `hse degbre toe `burt, bie bg toe hppeaahit–s ex`aufef fegei`es whs hi bverphyneit bg TN4n woc`o whs ibt h``buitef gbr. [:0^ Ct cs ibtef toht ci toe suppbrtcij suppbrtcij mufjneit mufjneit ci toe @burt bg Hppeha Hppeha bg \rhshf Phifbsohn Hdrhohn M@H (hs oe toei whs) toe aehrief mufje oeaf toht s 47 47(4 (4)( )(`) `) bg to toee @C @C\ \HH `b `bua uaf f oh ohve ve de deei ei ci civb vbke kef f dy to toee hp hppe peaa aahi hitt tb hn hnei eif f oc ocss `hse degbre toe hfmufc`htbr. Bi tocs pbcit we hre bg toe vcew toht tocs renefy whs ibt ie`esshry bi toe gh`ts bg toe preseit `hse de`huse toe hfmufc`htcb hfmufc`htcbi i respbi res pbise se whs ‟h fb` fb`une uneit it prb prbfu` fu`ef ef ci toe hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi pr prb`e b`eefc efcijs ijs–– uif uifer er toe shcf se`tcbi hif ct ohf `hrrcef haa toe fegei`es sbujot tb de reacef bi dy toe hppeaahit. Ct fcf ibt `haa gbr hiy hneifneit. O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 6: Gbr toe reh rehsbi sbiss hdb hdbve ve sth sthtef tef ct cs bur bur`bi `biscf scfere eref f vce vcew w toh tohtt hi hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htbr br H [:6^ D cs ibt ex`aufef grbn `biscfercij haa toe fegei`es rhcsef dy h respbifeit ci toe hfmufc`htcbi respbise woetoer gbuif ci toe rst respbise uifer s 7 bg toe @C\HH br ibt. Ci toe `cr`unsthi`es bg tocs `hse, toe hfmufc`htbr ohf h`tef ci dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e ci ex`aufcij hif reguscij tb `biscfer `erthci fegei`es rhcsef dy toe hppeaahit, hif ocs fe`cscbi `hiibt sthif gbr toht rehsbi. @ F E G J O C [:5^ Ze sohaa ibw feha wcto questcbis questcbis : hif ? reahtcij tb toe settcij hscfe hscfe hif sthy cssues. Xuestcbis : hif ? reahte tb toe citerpahy detweei ss 85 hif 87 bg @C\HH. Xuestcbi : fehas wcto toe `burt–s `burt–s pbwers uifer s 87 bg toe @C\HH. Xuestcbi ? fehas wcto toe tcncij bg hi hppac`htcbi uifer s 87 bg toe @C\HH. [:7^ Voe Ocjo @burt @burt ci toe preseit `hse oeaf toht toht hi hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi uifer s 87 bg toe @C\ @C\HH HH `hi bia biayy de haa haabw bwef ef ci ex` ex`ept eptcbi cbiha ha `cr `cr`un `unsth sthi`e i`es. s. Vo Voese ese ex`eptcbiha `cr`unsthi`es were toei fes`rcdef hs ie`esshrcay reahtcij ‟tb toe ihi`cha hspe`ts bg phyneit br rephyneit; hs ct cs toe wobae `bi`ept deocif hfmufc`htcbi hfmufc`htcb i hif phyneit fcsputes fcsputes–.–. [::^ Voe rehsbicij hfbptef dy toe toe Ocjo @burt @burt gbr su`o h strcijeit strcijeit test whs toht to ht ct tb tbbk bk ci citb tb h` h``b `bui uitt to toee bd bdme me`t `t hi hif f pu purp rpbs bsee bg @C @C\ \HH tb pr prbv bvcf cfee gb gbrr qu quc` c`kk phyneit torbujo hfmufc`htcbi hif toht ct whs toe hpprbh`o ghvburef dy toe `burts ci Eijahif, Hustrhach Hustrhach hif Pcijhpbre. Voe `burt pah`ef nu`o enpohscs bi toe fe`cscbi bg toe Pcijhpbr Pcijhpbree @burt bg Hppeha ci ZS Pteea @bistru`tcbi \te Atf. [:?^ Voe @burt bg Hppeha Hppeha ci toe preseit `hse `hse hfbptef h scncahr scncahr hpprbh`o. hpprbh`o. Ct shcf shc f toh tohtt uia uiaess ess toe toere re wh whss ‟bv bverw erwoea oeanci ncijj evc evcfei fei`e `e–– toh tohtt toe `bi `bitrh trh`tb `tbrr wb wbuaf uaf de uihdae uih dae tb nee neett cts `bi `bitrh trh`tu `tuha ha bda bdacjh cjhtcb tcbis is hs wea weaaa hs nee neett cts ih ihi`c i`cha ha bdacjhtcbis tb toe enpabyer, h sthy bujot ibt tb de jrhitef. [:3^ Ze hre bg toe vcew toht su`o h strcijeit strcijeit test cs ibt mustcef mustcef uifer toe @C\ @C \HH de de`h `hus usee s 87 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH ct ctse seag ag `b `bit ithc hcis is ib su su`o `o ac acnc nctc tcij ij re requ qucr cren enei eitt br ci cite teit it.. Pe Pe`t `tcb cbi i 87 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH so sobu buaf af de tr treh ehte tef f hs bi biee bg to toee sh shge geju juhr hrfs fs tb h ackeay wrbijgua hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi hif woc`o enpbwers enpbwers toe `burt tb if h sucthdae ncffae jrbuif ci `hses woere toere ohs deei `aehr hif uiequcvb`ha errbrs. [?<^ Ct cs tb de ibt ibtef ef toht hgter hgter h rev revcew cew bg toe aej aejcsa csahtc htcbi bi ci toe btoer btoer murcsfc`tcbis, murcsfc`tcbi s, toe s`oene ci eh`o murcsfc`tcbi cs fcggereit. Btoer murcsfc`tcbi murcsfc`tcbiss fb revcew toe hfmufc`htcbi hwhrfs, hif woere hpprbprchte, feiy eigbr`eneit ci wobae br ci phrt. Ct `hi de seei hs gbaabws= (h) ci Eijahif, Eijahif, sthtu sthtutbry tbry hfmufc` hfmufc`htcb htcbi i cs jbverief jbverief dy dy toe OJ@T OJ@T H`t hif hif toe P`oene hif toe Hrdctrhtcbi H`t 8337. Uifer rej 46 bg toe P`oene 6? Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM hi brfer bg toe hfmufc`htbr nhy de eigbr`ef dy regerei`e tb s 64 bg toe H UK Hrd Hrdctr ctrhtc htcbi bi H` H`t. t. Ht toe hp hppac pac`ht `htcbi cbi gbr eig eigbr br`en `eneit eit,, toe res respbi pbifci fcijj phrty nhy seek tb rescst toe eigbr`eneit bi toe jrbuifs bg whit bg murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr br h dreh`o bg ihturha mustc`e; (d) ci Hu Hustr strhac hach, h, fc fcgger ggereit eit sth sthtes tes ohv ohvee fc fcgger ggereit eit sth sthtut tutbry bry hfm hfmufc ufc`ht `htcbi cbi s`oenes. Ci toe sthte bg Wc`tbrch ci Hustrhach woere toere cs h ghcaure tb respbif tb h phyneit `ahcn toe `ahcncij phrty nust hppay gbr aehve tb eiter mufjneit ht woc`o pbcit h `burt `hi revcew toe `ahcn. Voere cs h prbvcscbi gbr h `burt dhsef revcew bg toe hfmufc`htbr–s fe`cscbi. Hphrt grbn toht, mufc`cha revcew br `ertcbrhrc cs hvhcahdae tb `ohaaeije hiy hfmufc`ht hfmuf c`htcbi cbi fe`c fe`cscbi. scbi. Vocs ci`a ci`aufes ufes `oha `ohaaeij aeijcij cij hi hfmu hfmufc`h fc`htcbi tcbi fe`cscbi fe`c scbi dy uscij Zefies efiesdury dury uire uirehsbi hsbihdaei hdaeiess. ess. Cnpb Cnpbrthit rthitay ay,, Wc`t Wc`tbrch brch,, Hustrhach, prbvcfes prbvcfes gbr hi hutbnhtc` sthy hgter hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi, bi toe ahu ahui`o i`ocij cij bg hrd hrdctr ctrhtc htcbi bi tb `oh `ohaae aaeije ije toe hw hwhr hrf f sud sudme` me`tt tb se` se`urc urcty ty decij prbvcfef dy toe respbifcij phrty; (`) (f)) (f ci Ie Iew w`ts ]eha ]ehahif to4.e Oe toe s`oen s`oene e cs`ah hjhc hjhci iijfcggereit fcgger eit uifctaef uifer ereftoe @bkistru`tcb @bistru `tcbi i @bitrh @bi trh`ts H`thif H` t 4<< 4<<4. Oere re toe `ahcnc cncij phrty ph rty cs eit eitcta tb see seek sthtut sth tutbry bry hfmufc hfm ufc`h `htcb tcbi i bi pr prbjr bjress ess ph phyne yneit. it. Vo Vobse bse pr prbjr bjress ess ph phyne yneits its hre sthtutbrcay feief uifer s 8: bg toe H`t tb ci`aufe hi h``buitcij bg fege fe ge`t `tcv cvee wb wbrk rkss hi hif f ac acqu qucf cfht htef ef hs hs`e `ert rthc hcie ief f fh fhnh nhje jes. s. Bi Bi`e `e hi hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi cs feacveref, s :0 bg toe H`t sets but toe steps gbr hppaycij tb `burt gbr mufjneit gbr eigbr`eneit bg toe hwhrf. Vocs cs hphrt grbn toe rcjot bg toe respbifcij phrty tb seek mufc`cha revcew hjhcist toe hwhrf; hif ci Pc Pcij ijhp hpbr bree to toer eree cs h sp spe` e`c c`` pr prbv bvcs cscb cbi i ui uife ferr s 8? bg to toee Pc Pcij ijhp hpbr bree H` H`tt 4<<7 woc`o haabws gbr revcew bg hfmufc`htcbi hwhrfs. Ct cs hgter toe revcew prb`ess `bi`aufes toht toe `ahcncij phrty nust toei hppay tb `burt gbr hi brfer bg eigbr`eneit. D @ F E G J [?8^ Grbn bdservhtcbis bdservhtcbis nhfe bi toe ahws grbn toe toe btoer murcsfc`tcbis, murcsfc`tcbis, hi hfmufc`htcbi hwhr hwhrf f `hi de revcewefcshif `ohaaeijef ci h toe vhrcety bg whys. H sthy hppac`htcbi ci btoer murcsfc`tcbis nhfe biay woei btoer hveiues gbr revcew hif `ohaaeije tb toe hwhrf hre exohustef. Ct toeregbre nhkes seise toht hppac` hpp ac`htc htcbis bis gbr sth sthyy ci bto btoer er mur murcsf csfc`t c`tcb cbis is hre rhr rhreay eay jrh jrhite itef. f. Ze hre bg toe vce vcew w toht ct cs obwever ibt rcjot tb reay bi tobse fe`cscbis tb mustcgy restrc`tcij toe sthtutbry pbwer bg sthy ci Nhahysch scnpay bi toe ihi`cha sthtus bg toe btoer phrty.. Voe @C\HH `bithcis ib su`o restrc`tcbi. phrty [?4^ Ze hre ci hjreeneit wcto toe `biteitcbi `biteitcbi bg toe hppeaahit toht h nbre acderha rehfcij bg s 87 bg toe @C\HH wbuaf haabw sbne fejree bg fflexcdcacty tb toe `burts tb sthy toe hwhrf woere toere hre `aehr errbrs, br tb neet toe mustc`e bg toe cifcvcfuha `hse. Ct cs h``eptef toht h sthy bg toe hwhrf bujot ibt de jcvei rehfcay hif `hutcbi nust de exer`csef woei fbcij sb. Obwever tb restrc`t toe O C [4<8?^ 4 NAM H Wcew Esteen Pfi Dof v Dcih \urc Obafcijs Dof (]uakefflc \@H) 63 hppac`htcbi bg s 87 bg toe @C\HH ci toe nhiier prbpbsef dy toe Ocjo @burt, hif toe @burt bg Hppeha, wbuaf de tb strcp ct bg hiy utcacty. D @ F E G J `biscferef vcew toht bi toe gh`ts gh`ts bg tocs `hse toht toe hppeaahit hppeaahit [?0^ Ct cs bur `biscferef whs feprcvef bg toree bg cts fegei`es. Bg toe toree ht aehst twb fegei`es reahte fcre`tay tb toe hnbuit toht whs decij `ahcnef dy toe respbifeit. Vobse hre= (h) toe uifcs uifcsputef putef hfvh hfvhi`e i`e phyn phyneit eit bg TN4n; TN4n; hif (d) toe `bst bg re`tc re`tc`ht `htcbi cbi bg fege`tcv fege`tcvee wbrks wbrks ci toe hnbuit hnbuit bg TN8.0n. TN8.0n. [?6^ Voe Ocjo @burt @burt hif toe @burt bg Hppeha Hppeha ci toe preseit `hse `hse tbbk toe vcew toht ib sthy whs hvhcahdae uiaess toe hppeaahit `buaf sobw toht toe respbifeit whs uihdae tb rephy toe hfmufc`htcbi sun. Zcto respe`t we hre bg toee vc to vcew ew to toht ht to toee `b `brr rre` e`tt hp hppr prbh bh`o `o gb gbrr to toee Ocj cjo o @b @bur urtt ui uife ferr s 87 bg to toee @C @C\ \HH wbuaf de tb evhauhte eh`o `hse bi cts nercts wctobut toe getter bg h pre-f pr e-fete eternc rncief ieftes testt ibt gbu gbuif if ci toe se` se`tcb tcbi i cts ctseag eag ihn ihneay eay toe ih ihi` i`cha cha `hp `hph`c h`cty ty bg toe `bitrh`tbr tb rephy. Ct `buaf de h gh`tbr dut ibt toe biay gh`tbr. rejhrfs questcbi questcbi ?, toe @burt bg Hppeha oeaf toht hi hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi [?5^ Hs rejhrfs uifer s 87 bg toe @C\HH gbr sthy `buaf biay de nhfe hgter toe acij bg hi hppac`htcbi uifer s 85 bg toe @C\HH. Ze hre bg toe vcew toht toe @burt bg Hppeha geaa citb errbr oere woei ct ghcaef tb `biscfer toht toe hppac`htc hppac`htcbi bi gbr sthy whs nhfe uifer s 87(8)(d) hif ibt s 87(8)(h) bg toe @C\HH. Ci hiy eveit, s 87(8)(h) spe`c`haay prbvcfes toht toe phrtces nhy hppay gbr h sthy bi`e hi hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hi hwhrf uifer s 85 bg toe @C\HH ohs deei nhfe. Ct fbes ibt shy toht toe hppac`htcbi nust de nhfe sephrhteay. Ct cs `aehr toht toe prbvcscbi cs toere ci hcf bg hi hppac`htcbi uifer s 85. [?7^ Ct cs wobaay hpprbprcht hpprbprchtee toht hi hppac`htcbi hppac`htcbi gbr sthy uifer s 87 bg toe @C\ @C \HH de a aef ef tb tbje jeto toer er wc wcto to hi hp hppa pac` c`ht htcb cbi i tb se sett hs hscf cfee hi hw hwhr hrf f ui uife ferr s 85 bg toe @C\HH brfer hs h nhtter bg prh`tc`ha utcactybggbr toe Ocjo @burt tb nhke toe hpprbprchte ci h mbcit `biscferhtcbi dbto. O [?:^ Gbr toese rehsbis rehsbis ct cs bur vcew toht questcbis questcbis : hif ? sobuaf dbto de hisweref ci toe hgrnhtcve. @BI@AUPCBI C [??^ Gb Gbrr haa toe hdb hdbve ve rehsbis rehsbis toe hppe hppeha ha bg toe hppe hppeaahi aahitt cs haab haabwef wef wcto `bst `b sts.Voe s.Voe br brfe fers rs nh nhfe fe dy to toee Oc Ocjo jo @b @bur urtt hi hif f hg hgr rne nef f dy to toee @b @bur urtt bg Hp Hppe peha ha hre oeredy set hscfe. Voe hppeaahit–s hppeaahit–s hppac`htcbi tb `ohaaeije toe murcsfc`tcbi bg toe hfmufc`htbr uifer toe prbvcscbi bgs 68 bg toe @C\HH cs haabwef. Voe hppeaahit––s hppac`htcbi tb set hscfe hif/br sthy toe hwhrf pursuhit tb ss 85 hif hppeaahit 5< Nhahyhi Ahw Mburiha [4<8?^ 4 NAM 87 bg toe @C\HH cs hasb haabwef. Voe respbifeit–s hppac`htcbi seekcij toe rejcstrhtcbi hif eigbr`eneit bg toe hfmufc`htcbi fe`cscbi hs h mufjneit bg toe `burt pursuhit tb s 4? bg toe @C\HH cs fcsncssef. fcsncssef. Fepbsct cs tb de reguifef tb toe hppeaahit. H Hppeha haabwef wcto `bsts. D Tepbrtef dy Kbocah Ieshi @ F E G J O C