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Computer & Mobile Hacking: Types, Prevention, & Ethics

HACKING: Hacking is the act of compromising digital devices and networks through
unauthorized access to an account or computer system. Hacking is not always a malicious act,
but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data theft by cyber criminals.
It is referred to activities that seek to compromise digital devices, such as computers,
smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks misuse the to cause damage to or corrupt
systems, gather information on users, steal data and documents, or disrupt data-related
COMPUTER HACKING: Computer hacking, on one hand, describes the activities
practiced by individuals, organizations, and nations, in order to gain unauthorized access to
computer and technology dependent systems. These activities may involve the modification
or alteration of system's software and hardware in order to perform activities neither purposed
by the creator nor in line with the creator's original intentions.
On the other hand, and in a more positive connotation, it refers to the habitual activities of
someone who possesses exceptional skills and enjoys researching and analysing the
innermost intricacies in computer programming.
Looking at both sides of the definition, we can see that the general term is not permanently
doomed with a negative connotation. In fact, depending on the nature of the objectives of the
hacker, a differentiation has been stipulated in the computer world. As such, hackers with
malicious intent have been defined as crackers.
MOBILE PHONE HACKING: Mobile Phone Hacking involves any method where
someone forces access into your phone or its communications. This can range from advanced
security breaches to simply listening in on unsecured internet connections. It can also involve
physical theft of your phone and forcibly hacking into it via methods like brute force. Phone
hacking can happen to all kinds of phones, including Androids and iPhones. Since anyone
can be vulnerable to phone hacking, we recommend that all users learn how to identify a
compromised device.
In this type of hacking, hackers’ intention to stole critical information of users like account
passwords, MasterCard detail, etc. For example, hackers can make a replicating first website
for users’ interaction and can steal critical information.
These are discharged by the hacker into the filters of the net website once they enter into it.
The purpose is to corrupt the information or resources on the net website.
UI redress
In this technique, the hacker creates a pretend interface and once the user clicks with the
intent of progressing to a particular website, they are directed to a special website along.
Cookie theft
Hackers access the net website exploitation malicious codes and steal cookies that contain
tips, login passwords, etc. Get access to your account then will do any factor besides your
Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS)
This hacking technique is aimed toward taking down a website so that a user cannot access it
or deliver their service. Get the server down and stop responding, which may cause a
condition error condition unendingly.
DNS spoofing
This essentially uses the cache knowledge of an internet website or domain that the user
might have forgotten concerning. It then directs the data to a distinct malicious website.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is an attempt to urge you to share personal info, sometimes by
impersonating a trustworthy supply.
Missing Security Patches
Security tools will become noncurrent as a result of the hacking landscape advance, and want
frequent updates to protect against new threats.
Malware-Injection Devices
Cyber-criminals will use hardware to sneak malware onto your pc. you will have detected
infected USB sticks which can offer hackers remote access to your device as presently as
they are blocked into your pc.
Cracking Password
Hackers will get your credentials through the style of mean, however, ordinarily, they’re
doing this through a follow known as key-logging.
The world of technology includes devices, software programs, and applications. Individuals
and organizations use various methods and precautions to protect their digital assets from
being compromised.
To prevent hacking, it's important to update applications and devices as soon as the updates
are available. Updates not only enhance and improve the user's experience with the
application, but also, they constantly improve and rectify security weaknesses and loopholes
in it. If 3 doors of the car are locked but the 4th is not, your car's safety is measured by the
open 4th door!
Password Security
Keeping passwords secret is important, but ensuring they are not accessed or revealed is
better. Most secure platforms today demand complex passwords for login. This may include
capitals, numbers, and characters. Passwords are safest if they are not shared with anyone not even IT administrators and so-called organizational representatives - or written down. It's
also important to change them often.
Vetting Websites and Web Sources
It's amazing how careful we are when we use our credit and debit cards in public yet an even
more menacing threat exists right under our thumbs: downloading. There is an app for
everything these days, and everything is at the tip of our thumbs with the download button.
Failing to ensure that we access, sign up, download, and interact with reputable sites can open
ourselves up for trouble. Secure websites are denoted by a padlock icon, which is positioned
to the left of the URL address.
Wireless Network Access
It's also important to be security conscious of the networks we access in addition to securing
our devices. Secure wireless access connections always require a password. We all welcome
free services, but we must remember they could be the source of our future woes. Open
wireless connections are known to be very vulnerable, and communication over such
unsecured networks could expose every key you stroke.
Don’t access personal or financial data with public Wi-Fi.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people check their bank
accounts or make purchases with a credit card while using public Wi-Fi. It’s best to do those
things on a secure connection.
Turn off anything you don’t need.
Hackers can use certain features on your phone to get at your information, location or
connection. So, instead of keeping your GPS, wireless connection and geo-tracking on all the
time, just turn them on when you need them.
Choose your apps wisely.
Only download apps from trustworthy sources that have established a good reputation. Make
sure you update your software and apps regularly and get rid of old apps you don’t use.
Use a password, lock code or encryption.
Make sure your passwords are at least eight characters long, with a mix of upper and lower
case, and include numbers or other characters, and never use the auto-complete feature for
passwords. You can use the storage encryption feature on your phone to protect your private
data, and set your screen to timeout after five minutes or less.
Be sceptical about links and attachments.
If you’re not sure about the source, don’t use the link or open the attachment.
Trace or erase.
Make sure your data is secure if your mobile device is stolen or lost. You can set up your
device to lock itself after a pre-set number of failed log-in attempts.
With the rise of illegal hacking, more people are now susceptible to cyber terrorism. As we
all continue to rely on the internet, we also leave more of our information online, which may
be accessible to hackers with ill intentions. This is another tech issue that ethical hackers can
help with. If you think about it, it’s like a ‘good vs bad’ scenario. Both may have the same
skills, and work in the same field, but the intentions are poles apart.
1. Better Assurance in System Security
When your security system has vulnerabilities that you’re not aware of, that’s already a risk.
If there’s no routine check for system vulnerabilities, these weak points won’t be discovered
until an attack happens, and by then it’ll be too late.
In companies that have a dedicated staff for IT, this can only be avoided if you have a
cybersecurity expert, which most companies don’t have. Moreover, most hackers are very
passionate and persistent with what they do, and would often sit in front of their computers
for countless hours, and depending on their length of experience, they may already be at the
same level, if not higher than an IT expert in terms of skills.
When you hire an ethical hacker, you get a better security assurance not only because of their
skills, but also because they can mimic the behaviour and mindset of real hackers. This gives
your security system a better fighting chance against hackers because it’s just like using the
very same weapon that they’d use against you.
2. Your Security Network Becomes More Robust
A team of ethical hackers will also help you beef up your network’s security walls.
Depending on the potential risks and vulnerabilities they’ve identified, they may change or
improve not only the layers of the system that protects your network, but also employ
programs to enable your system to respond to potential attacks better.
So, if an attack happens, not only will your network be impenetrable, the system may also be
able to log the suspicious activity, mark it, and even create an alert.
3. Fewer Liability Risks
Data security, in any business, can make or break your success. If your organization keeps
records of sensitive information from clients, they must be protected at all costs. When your
network’s security is vulnerable or compromised, there’s a big chance that these records will
be leaked. Once this happens, you’ll be in deeper trouble because when your client sues your
company for a data leak, you’ll have little to no chance against it.
Confidential and critical information is often the number one target of malicious hackers.
And because ethical hackers are well aware of this, data protection is crucial to them. While
they do work on the overall security of your network, they also pay a lot of attention to data
security. And because they know the most common methods that hackers use to attempt to
extract confidential information, they also know better how to protect them against exactly
4. Current and Updated Methods and Technology
Working with certified ethical hackers will also help you keep up with the fast-changing
developments in technology.
Since ethical hackers have the best understanding of how illegal hackers work, they’ll also be
able to supply you with more useful information that you can use against them. For example,
they can warn you about their new strategies and give you advice as to how you can protect
your business against them.
This also means that they’ll work based on the newest illegal hacking methods that they may
be aware of, so you can rest assured that your network’s security system will be constantly
1. Causes glitches and viruses
2. Can access private documents and information
3. Can lead to identity theft
4. Can send spam emails, download programs, and slow computer
1. Reconnaissance:
This is the first step of Hacking. It is also called as Foot printing and information gathering
Phase. This is the preparatory phase where we collect as much information as possible about
the target. We usually collect information about three groups,
People involved
There are two types of Foot printing:
Active: Directly interacting with the target to gather information about the target. E.g.,
Using Nmap tool to scan the target
Passive: Trying to collect the information about the target without directly accessing
the target. This involves collecting information from social media, public websites
2. Scanning:
Three types of scanning are involved:
Port scanning: This phase involves scanning the target for the information like open
ports, Live systems, various services running on the host.
Vulnerability Scanning: Checking the target for weaknesses or vulnerabilities which
can be exploited. Usually done with help of automated tools
Network Mapping: Finding the topology of network, routers, firewalls servers if any,
and host information and drawing a network diagram with the available information.
This map may serve as a valuable piece of information throughout the hacking
3. Gaining Access:
This phase is where an attacker breaks into the system/network using various tools or
methods. After entering into a system, he has to increase his privilege to administrator level
so he can install an application he needs or modify data or hide data.
4. Maintaining Access:
Hacker may just hack the system to show it was vulnerable or he can be so mischievous that
he wants to maintain or persist the connection in the background without the knowledge of
the user. This can be done using Trojans, Rootkits or other malicious files. The aim is to
maintain the access to the target until he finishes the tasks he planned to accomplish in that
5. Clearing Track:
No thief wants to get caught. An intelligent hacker always clears all evidence so that in the
later point of time, no one will find any traces leading to him. This involves
modifying/corrupting/deleting the values of Logs, modifying registry values and uninstalling
all applications he used and deleting all folders he created.