Uploaded by Niranjan Reddy

SailPoint Delimited File Integration Guide

i am ---------- having 2.4 months of experience,
i am working as l3 support in our oraganisation and having knowledge on apps
like JDBC,LDAP,Delimeted File and couple of rules.
my roles and responsibilty are to work on same applications and resolve bugs
while provisioning identity to end application
Application onboarding If we want to integrate delimeted file application with sailpoint need collect details like
1.who is the application owner
2.what App type or conector using == delimeted File
3.Is it authoritative or non authoritative.
4.File path 5.File transport local,ftp,scp.
6.what type of delimeted we are using
7.does it have coloumn header on first line
fail coloumn length mismatch
to onboard identity into sailpoint need to create task navigate setup task new task task name select application name to scan select time to scan for regular interval check on promote manage attribute 