Uploaded by Adrian Hantukumane

Adrian MBA 812 Assignment

MBA 822
30th MAY, 2015
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Working Definitions
Guiding Principles
Policy Objectives
Policy Statement
Dispute Handling
Dispute Policy
Grievance and Dispute Resolution Procedures
Policy Monitoring
Policy Review
This policy document could not have been completed successfully without the able guidance of
Dr. …………………….the course lecturer. It is for this reason that I would like to express my
sincere gratitude to him.
Executive Summary
Rock of Authority as a good corporate citizen is committed to ensuring that a harmonious
working environment is maintained at the workplace. It is against this background that this
Human Resource Management Policy was commissioned for development. This policy is
anchored on the following fundamental HRM principles which are equity, fairness, respect,
consideration and prompt resolution of any grievances and disputes. It is hoped that this policy
will ensure a harmonious working environment for all employees.
An expression of grievance, dissatisfaction or concern.
A disagreement between management and employees that lead to industrial action
A person employed by Rock Authority Limited for a wage or salary
A wrong or hardship suffered (real or perceived), which is the grounds of a
To act or omit to act towards a person in a way which is intended to cause
disadvantage to that person because they have made a complaint, or may make a
complaint, or may be or are the subject of a complaint.
Situations may occur where an employee believes that the fair and consistent application of a
policy affecting him or her has not been applied in a fair manner. Rock of Authority Limited
expects that the employee will be able to in an acceptable manner, address such concerns within
his or her work setup. However, when a grievance has not been resolved within a particular work
area or group, the Company wishes to provide employees an alternative vehicle for doing so.
Guiding Principles
This policy will apply the following principles
Equity – all employees will be fairly and justly treated by applying an even-handed
approachi. All employees will be protected from any unfair decisions made by their
managers or supervises by providing an avenue for fairness in handling grievances and
Consideration –individual circumstances will be taken into account when making
decisions that affect the outcome of grievance handling.
Respect - respect for each individual by encouraging open expression of opinions, ideas
and concerns in an open, risk-free environmentii.
Working conditions - providing healthy, safe and so far as practicable pleasant working
conditions to enhance productivityiii.
Quality of working life - consciously and continually aiming to improve the quality of
working life by reducing stress arising from grievance and disputes.
The company will make every effort to deal with grievances as quickly as possible, at the
appropriate management level
In addition to the above principles, Rock of Authority Limited shall also apply the following
Employees raising a grievance may only do so on their own behalf
Employees reserve the right to be accompanied by Trade Union representative whose role
is not to interfere with the process but help with mitigation
Formal grievances must normally be submitted in writing; if complaint is made verbally
which is to be taken forward as a formal grievance, the details must be recorded in
writing before proceeding
During the formal Grievance Procedure, all parties will have the opportunity to state their
case before any decision is made.
At no stage in the procedure can any party record a meeting or hearing, using audio or
video recording equipment, without the prior written agreement of all present.
The company and the employee shall be held responsible and accountable for the
successful implementation of the activities under this policy
Both management and employee shall ensure that all members of staff are aware and
understand the contents of this policy and that every new employee is oriented on the
contents of the policy
Management shall be responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring compliance
with and knowledge of its contents
Policy Objectives
The objective of this policy is to ensure that grievances and disputes are handled in a timely and
fair manner. In establishing this Grievance Policy, Rock of Authority Limited seeks to achieve
the following objectivesv:
Provide procedural consistency across the company;
Ensure that employees have access to an internal process to address grievable issues
timely, fairly, cost effectively, and without fear of reprisal; and
To resolve workplace issues efficiently and effectively.
Grievance Policy Statement
Rock of Authority Limited is keen to provide a positive and conducive working environment for
all of its employees, and as such will undertake every step to resolve issues in the workplace
quickly and efficiently, at the lowest possible level. The grievance policy is not a substitute for
good day-to-day communication where employees are encouraged to discuss and resolve daily
working issues.
No employee shall be subjected to discrimination or adverse treatment for participating in a
grievance procedurevi. Many problems can be resolved informally if channels of communication
are kept open and work well. If problems cannot be resolved informally a grievance may be
raised and will be investigated as quickly as possible so that it can be resolved within a
reasonable timeframe to ensure that harmony is maintained within the company. Decisions on
outcomes of formal grievances will only be made after investigations have been made.
This policy seeks to address all grievances failing in the broad categories described below:
Individual Grievances
An individual grievance is a complaint that an action by management has violated the rights of
an individual as set out in the collective agreement or law, or by some unfair practice. Examples
of this type of grievance include: discipline, demotion, classification disputes, denial of benefits,
Group Grievances
Rock of Authority limited will recognize a group grievance to be a complaint by a group of
individuals, such as, a department or a shift that has been affected adversely and at the same time
by an action taken by management.
Policy Grievance
Any complaint by the union that an action of management (or its failure or refusal to act) is a
violation of the agreement that could affect all who are covered by the agreement shall be
considered to be a policy grievance to be resolved by arbitration.
Labour related Disputes
The acts of labour related dispute such as; Slowdowns; Strike; and Lockout will be solved by
mediation. Only unions may initiate such actions with a vote of not less than two thirds from
their general membership, failure to which such acts will be considered as illegal industrial
action for which once proven those involved will be dismissed from employment.
Time Provision
A grievance or complaint must be filed within 15 calendar days of the alleged event or action
that is the basis of the grievance.
Dispute Handling
Rock of Authority Limited is committed to prompt and fair resolution of all disputes of any
nature which may arise. This policy governs all aspects of employment dispute resolution,
including all legal claims that the employee may have against the company, up to and including
discharge, and any claims of discrimination based upon race, color, sex, disability, religion,
national origin, age or any other protected attribute, or any claims arising under Zambian labour
law. Disputes can arise at any workplace. A dispute will be deemed to exist when one or more
employees disagree about work related issues which might threaten harmony at the place of work
and such matters remain unresolved. A fair and balanced dispute resolution process is important
for the effective operation of any businessvii.
Dispute Policy
An employee will be afforded the opportunity to file a grievance on matters associated with the
employee’s employment relationship with Rock of Authority Limited or to enter into a dispute
resolution process to facilitate resolving misunderstandings and maintain positive work
relationships. An allegation that an employee’s rights under this policy have been violated also
will be subject to review under the grievance procedure.
Rock of Authority Limited believes that employee disputes are best resolved informally directly
between an employee and the supervisor. However, the Company recognizes that there are
situations when a formal process may be beneficial and additional perspectives may be needed to
review a dispute.
The policy establishes a system for all members of staff to discuss and resolve matters of
grievance and dispute. Rock of Authority Limited is committed to ensuring that all members of
staff have an avenue to deal with a grievance or situation that they wish to have resolved.
Employees utilizing this process in good faith will be protected from any retaliatory actions, such
as reprimands or harassment.
Grievance and Dispute Resolution Procedures.
The Informal Procedure
If employees have a concern, problem or complaint, they should try and resolve it informally
first. Employees are encouraged to resolve such concerns promptly to ensure harmony at the
work place. Employees may not submit an informal grievance in writing and no record of it will
be kept on official files.
The Formal Process
If employees wish to raise a formal grievance, they should put their complaint in writing and
address it to their manager. Where the grievance relates to the employee’s manager, they should
send it to the Chief Executive Officer and duplicate copy to the Head - Human Resource. Where
the grievance relates to the Chief Executive Officer, they should send it to the Chairperson of the
Board of Directors and duplicate copy to the Head - Human Resource.
When submitting a formal grievance, the employee should include a concise summary of the
issue, specify the outcome they are seeking and what, if any, actions they have taken to resolve
the issue informally.
Before launching a grievance, employees are encouraged to seek pre-grievance counseling, and
consider informal resolution. Human resources department will be expected to advise the
employee concerning Company policies, practices, options and resources for mediation. Work to
informally resolve a grievance.
The following steps are to be followed:
Step 1
The Employee should Within 15 calendar days of knowledge of the facts giving rise to the
grievance, discuss the grievance with immediate supervisor.
The supervisor should reply orally to employee within three working days from date of
discussion. At this step supervisors are strongly encouraged to use informal dispute resolution to
resolve problems
Step 2
If not satisfied with oral answer, the employee may appeal in writing to the Head of Department.
Obtain advice as needed from the Human Resources Office . If no answer is received within the
time limit of three (3) working days from date of discussion, the grievant may appeal at any time
within seven calendar days after the due date.
The Head of Department will upon receipt of written appeal:
Notify the Human Resources representative and send a copy of grievance to the Human
Resource Department; Schedule review meeting and hear oral presentation of the grievance
within seven calendar days of receipt of the written grievance; Provide employee with a written
response to grievance within seven calendar days of review meeting
Step 3
If the employee is not satisfied with the answer, they may appeal to the Chief Executive Officer
for consideration. Upon receipt of written appeal, The Chief Executive Officer will schedule a
review meeting within 30 calendar days of receipt of written grievance and ensure that the
grievance is addressed in line with the Company policy as this will be the final stage. If not able
to resolve the grievance, a mediator may be engaged.
Policy Monitoring
Rock of Authority Limited shall expect all managers and supervisors to carry out monitoring and
evaluation of their activities to ensure that their conduct is in compliance of the policy and that
all employees are treated fairly.
Policy Review
The Rock of Authority Limited Human Grievance and Dispute Handling policy shall be revised
not later than every five (5) years to keep it abreast with emerging developments and fast
changing business environment.
This Policy is hereby presented to Management for adoption!
M. Armstrong, Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (Kegan Page
11 Edition, 2009), 989.
Washington University in St Louis, HR’s Guiding Principles 2000 -2015
M. Armstrong, A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice (Kegan Page 10
Edition, 2006), 165.
The University of Edinburgh, Grievance Policy (www.ed.ac.uk › ... › Human Resources ›
Policies and guidance)
The University of North Carolina System, SPA Employee Grievance Policy (University of
North Carolina, 2014), 2.
Dartmouth College, Employment Policies and Procedures Manual
Fair Work Ombudsman, Best Practice Guide: Effective Dispute Resolution (Commonwealth
of Australia, 2013)