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CS 2340 Fall 2021 Practice Exam 1 (1)

CS 2340 Fall 2021 Practice Exam 1
Answers on the last page
1. The production of core architecture is one of the main results of the Elaboration Phase in the
Unified Process (UP).
A. True
B. False
2. You should create a detailed draft of all use cases in the Inception Phase.
A. True
B. False
3. Much like in Waterfall Development, developers should seek to define all requirements early
in the Unified Process.
A. True
B. False
4. You should continually refine and clarify requirements over multiple iterations in the Unified
A. True
B. False
5. Which one of the following does NOT increase project risk?
A. Developing core architecture early in the project
B. Long iterations
C. Infrequent check-ins with stakeholders
D. Utilizing Waterfall Development
6. The Unified Process requires these artifacts to be applied/produced -- as in, the following are
not optional (select all that apply):
A. Domain Model
B. Use Case Diagram
C. Robustness Diagram
D. Working Code
7. Which of the following can be represented in a Domain Model? (select all that apply):
A. Real world concepts
B. Attributes
C. Software objects
D. Associations
8. In a UP project, how many times is the entire Elaboration Phase run?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. As many times as needed until the main objectives are met
D. None of the above
9. A(n) _________ is a distinct, time-boxed sequence of activities that results in a release
(internal or external) of an executable product.
A. Phase
B. Test
C. Iteration
10. Which of the following diagrams is best used to show particular events of a use case
A. System Sequence Diagram
B. Robustness Diagram
C. Use Case Diagram
D. Domain Model
11. Domain Model is generally used to express the static nature of the system.
A. True
B. False
12. Which of the following UP phases involves mitigating major risks?
A. Inception Phase
B. Elaboration Phase
C. Construction Phase
D. Transition Phase
13. What is the ideal length of an iteration?
A. 2-5 days
B. 2-6 weeks
C. 2-6 months
D. 12-14 weeks
Answers (with relevant lectures):
1. A (L03 - Unified Process)
2. B (L03 - Unified Process)
3. B (L02 - Iterative Dev)
4. A (L02 - Iterative Dev)
5. A (L03 - Unified Process)
6. D (L02 - Iterative Dev)
7. A, B, D (L05 - RE & Domain Models)
8. A (L02 - Iterative Dev)
9. C (L02 - Iterative Dev)
10. A (L07 - SSD)
11. A (L03 - Unified Process, L05 - RE & Domain Models)
12. B (L03 - Unified Process)
13. B (L02 - Iterative Dev)