How do people let go of illusion and accept reality? Taryn Day How do people delude themselves? ● They make excuses ● They do things they normally wouldn’t ● They lie about it Thomas, Angie. On the Come Up. Balzer Bray, 2019. Ramey, Kyle B. “Staff Grieve before Accepting the New Reality.” Why do people avoid reality? ● They don’t like the reality ● They become jealous ● They don’t like an aspect of their life and can’t let go Niven, Jennifer. Holding Up the Universe. Ember, 2018. Marty, Peter. “Playing God” Christian Century Foundation, How do people’s realities interact with one another? ● Blame themselves for others ● Think can solve others situations ● Someone’s own reality can hurt others Valentino, Serena. Mother Knows Best. Los Angeles, 2018. InMotion. “Accepting Change take Time and Communication”, How do people accept their reality? ● It shows up whether they were ready or not ● Accept it but still grieve ● Reflect on their own issues Cornwell, Patricia. The Body Farm. The Berkley Publishing Group, 1995. Kearins, Kate. “‘It is what is’ - except when it isn’t” USA Today, July 2015 How people accept reality differs based on values, personal experiences, and attachment to a previous reality. Works Cited Cornwell, Patricia. The Body Farm. The Berkley Publishing Group, 1995. InMotion. “Accepting Change take Time and Communication”, Amputee Coalition of America, 1 Sep. 2019, file:///Users/3083523/Downloads/IRP%20artice%20%232.pdf Kearins, Kate. “‘It is what is’ - except when it isn’t” USA Today, July 2015, javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ctl00$Column1$Column1$formatButtonsTop$formatButtonRepeater$ctl03$linkButton','') Marty, Peter. “Playing God” Christian Century Foundation, December 2021, Niven, Jennifer. Holding Up the Universe. Ember, 2018. Ramey, Kyle B. “Staff Grieve before Accepting the New Reality.” School Administrator, vol. 69, no. 10, Nov. 2012, pp. 16–17. EBSCOhost,,url,geo,cpid,uid&custid=s9538233&geocustid=s9538233&db=tfh&AN=83416274&si te=ehost-live. Thomas, Angie. On the Come Up. Balzer Bray, 2019. Valentino, Serena. Mother Knows Best. Los Angeles, 2018. Willsey, Pamala. “The Powerful Practice of Accepting Reality.” Psychology Today, 2 Nov. 2020,