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Cloud Gaming Quiz Review: GeForce Now & Streaming

23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Moje kursy
J. ang. specjalistyczny - WIMII - informatyka - semestr 5 - Załęcki - 2021/22 ST
Język angielski specjalistyczny 21.10 / 18.11 oraz 13.01
Cloud gaming
Rozpoczęto sobota, 23 października 2021, 16:12
Stan Ukończone
Ukończono sobota, 23 października 2021, 16:16
Wykorzystany 3 min. 33 sek.
Punkty 24,00/24,00
Ocena 10,00 pkt. na 10,00 pkt. możliwych do uzyskania (100%)
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Pytanie info
In this highly advanced world, Video games are an anchored part of our culture and praxis. It is facile to pretermit
that digital gaming only took place in a very few laboratories in the world some 40-50 years ago. Cloud gaming
services are undoubtedly the biggest phenomena in the gaming industry. In the year 2017, gaming has had the
industry worth $18 billion in the U.S alone, which has a foretell of being $204 in 2022. The potential gaming scope
that cloud gaming offers is monstrous.
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 1
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Below you have a film on cloud gaming. The film is in parts. Watch the first part and tick the correct answers.
As far as GPUs you can:
a. get one form the scalper
b. wait forever to get one from the store
c. try and find a completely different solution
Pytanie 2
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
A cloud gaming service like GeForce Now is not:
a. a game streaming service
b. a gaming system that you can rent
c. a game store
Pytanie 3
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
With cloud gaming systems like Ge Force Now you play the game
a. on your PC at home
b. on Steam,
c. on a VM
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 4
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Some of the things are pretty surprising for him. They are:
a. How EA, which would do anything to earn money, has blocked their products from GeForce Now
b. Why Rockstar doesn't allow thier games on GeForce Now just because they cooperate with Google
c. The fact that neither his Xbox or PC copies of GTA5 won't work on the streaming system
Pytanie 5
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
The story about the Intel and AMG processors is designed to illustrate:
a. How having a PC copy of a game you can't play on any PC (using GeForce Now of course).
b. That you shouldn't try to upgade you PC to AMD because you will be getting weird messages.
c. That theses two processors are actually two different gaming platforms.
Pytanie 6
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
And here is the second part. Keep working.
His thought on why you can't just use some of your Steam games on GeForce Now is very simple. It's because
a. Steam copies are not adequate to GeForce requirements.
b. they want to diversify your options.
c. of corporate greed.
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 7
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Apparently decisions as far as which platform to pick when buying a game are quite complicated. He says that:
a. Cyberpunk is available on Google Now, RDR2 isn't.
b. you should first get the hardware and than make a decision about the streaming platform.
c. making people purchase that many licenses is not fair.
Pytanie 8
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
The GeForce Now interface includes:
a. all the other games you can easily purchase from GeForce.
b. your games that you connected to the service from Epic or Steam
c. an advertisement
Pytanie 9
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Using the system is pretty straightforward.
a. All you will have to go is re-sync the games after you buy a new one.
b. Re-syncing is currently unavailable for Epic Games
c. It automatically syncs the games from your game shop.
Pytanie 10
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Streaming quality on GeForce Now
a. doesn't depend on the bit rate of your internet connection.
b. is a balance of your internet connection and the video output of the games.
c. is not possible to modify.
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 11
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
To provide satisfactory gaming experience you will need to provide
a. a minimum of 10 Gb internet connection.
b. about 10GB of data an hour.
c. about 10Gb of data an hour.
Pytanie 12
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
The advised connection is:
a. wireless N
b. wireless LTE
c. Ethernet
Pytanie 13
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
And the last part.
It is possible to use the system for free but
a. the host doesn't recommend this option.
b. you will have to accept the queuing scheme.
c. there is a limit on play time.
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 14
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
According to the speaker in the paid membership
a. the priority access to the gaming servers doesn't really mean what it should mean.
b. you can play up to 6 hours because of extended access to the services.
c. RTX would be the killer feature to get.
Pytanie 15
Ocena: 10,00 z 10,00
These words are from the film. Use them to complete the sentences. Be careful, sometimes you will need to
change the form of a word.
scalper, streaming, VM rental service, game publishers, make a buck, corporate greed, license, scroll, re-sync,
bandwidth, bit rate, Ethernet, membership, priority, queue, RTX, extended,
1. I got my PS5 from a
 I think I paid through the nose.
2. John is always looking for a way to
make a buck
 .
3. The price includes account support as well as
VM rental service
 .
4. We are building the world that we want to see, based on human need and sustainability, not
corporate greed
 .
5. The reason you can’t see the image at the bottom of the document is because you haven’t
 down enough.
 is the holy grail of gaming graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-life, cinematicquality rendering to even the most ...
7. It was formed in 1942 and has a
 of 22,000.
 is the traditional technology for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area
network (WAN).
9. He was
 to do no more than send a message.
10. Playing football wasn't high on my list of
 .
23.10.2021, 16:16
Cloud gaming: Przegląd próby
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23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
Moje kursy
J. ang. specjalistyczny - WIMII - informatyka - semestr 5 - Załęcki - 2021/22 ST
Język angielski specjalistyczny 21.10 / 18.11 oraz 13.01
Web Development vs. Software Development
Rozpoczęto sobota, 23 października 2021, 16:49
Stan Ukończone
Ukończono sobota, 23 października 2021, 16:54
Wykorzystany 5 min. 20 sek.
Punkty 27,00/28,00
Ocena 9,64 pkt. na 10,00 pkt. możliwych do uzyskania (96%)
Informacja Success!
23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
Pytanie info
Web Development vs. Software Development
With computer programming having grown so quickly, many of the terms used to describe aspects of
programming haven't had enough time to develop their consistent meaning. Some of these terms end up getting
used inaccurately or interchangeably, creating confusion in the process—particularly for those interested in
starting a career in programming.
What's the difference?
To the casual speaker, web development and software development can both mean the same thing. To them,
both terms are basically just fancy ways of saying "coding" or "a programmer," and even if one of the terms seems
to refer specifically to the web, it's not really something to get worked up about. After all, software programs
operate on the web, and many websites rely on web-based software.
With this point of view, the differences aren't really that important.
However, for career-minded individuals, those differences are definitely worth noting.
Software development is focused on the programs (or software) used in computer systems. Software developers
are responsible for conceptualizing, creating, programming, documenting, testing, improving and maintaining
software, software components, and frameworks.
Software developers generally create programs and applications for stand-alone desktop and mobile platforms.
The software they create allows average users to interact with computer tools for a range of activities and tasks.
To accomplish this, software developers work with many interrelated programming languages. Additionally, they
need to have a clear understanding of not only development best practices, but also the theory behind the
programming. As such, software development demands a broad range of learned skills. Software developers
often work in an agile environment, also known as scrum. DevOps is also a culture, or practice, known to software
developers. DevOps is a way to unify software development and software operation.
Just as software development is focused on creating computer programs using programming languages, web
development also uses computer code to create user-facing software, in the form of websites. Web development
vs mobile development have a lot of differences, mobile development also known as iOS development or Android
development. Mobile development requires different coding languages than web developers.
Website developers are often more involved with the non-design aspects of web development, though this isn't
always the case. Web developers use coding and writing markup to create interactive webpages. These pages
can be as simple as online text files, or as complicated as ecommerce sites. No matter the end product, if users
are accessing it in their web browser, then there's a good chance that it was built — at least partially — by a web
Web development can be divided into two separate focuses, namely client side and server side. Client-side
development is responsible for every element that users can directly access on the page, while server-side
development supports the back-end systems that make up the digital infrastructure of the web page. The clientside systems allow the users to tell the webpage what they want it to do, and the server-side systems are
responsible for fulfilling those requests. If you know back-end development and front-end development, you
would be called a full-stack developer.
23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
But whether you're talking about client side or server side, web development, just like software development, is
dependent on code. One difference, however, is that web development—while still capable of creating complex
products—requires a more-limited skill set than software development. A working understanding of a few specific
programming languages, such as JavaScript or Java, and a clear idea of the business end-goals of the webpages
in question are often enough.
Web Developers and Software Engineers
If you're interested in learning programming as a springboard to better job prospects, then you should recognize
that even though software and web development both rely on code (making them two sides of similar, if not the
same, coin) the processes of learning the skills associated with each can be quite different.
Understanding the difference between software engineer vs software developer can be confusing at first, but one
differentiating factor between the two is that becoming a software developer generally requires somewhat
extensive schooling. Most software developers need to complete at least a bachelor's degree, during which time
they learn not only programming code, but also computer fundamentals, computer architecture, and data
structure. If you want to be a software developer, you will likely need to do a software engineering externship or
spend time volunteering development work to build experience before employers will be willing to consider hiring
you on full time.
Compared to software development, the road to web development is much simpler. Yes, many web developers
and software engineers decide to pursue a degree in computer science, but the reality is you can become a
developer or software engineer without a degree to land a job. Alternative, less expensive and more time efficient
routes to certification exist - coding bootcamps.
23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 1
Częściowo poprawnie
Ocena: 9,00 z 10,00
Read the text. There are some words or expressions in the text marked bold. Use them to complete the following
1. Small or home offices often don't have space for
 printers, scanners, fax machines, or copiers, so they end up with a multifunction device.
2. In computer text processing, a
 language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is visually distinguishable from the
back-end systems
 could take the form of servers, mainframes, and other systems that offer data services. Simply put, they
are computers and devices that end-users don’t see since they work in the background.
4. The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a
 for/to further contracts.
5. What the witness said in court was not
 with the statement he made to the police.
6. Only those
 whose coding programs have been thoroughly reviewed by at least 20 students and earned a minimum
4 out of 5 stars have made it onto our latest ranked list.
7. A
 is a suite of software tools used for designing, creating and maintaining mobile applications.
8. A
bachelor's degree
 is an undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a
course of study lasting three to six years (depending on institution and academic discipline).
9. A software
 may include support programs, compilers, code libraries, toolsets, and application programming
interfaces (APIs) that bring together all the ...
10. A
full-stack developer
 has to have some skills in a wide variety of coding niches, from databases to graphic design and UI/UX
management in order to do their job well.
23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 2
Ocena: 7,00 z 7,00
Complete the following tasks:
What's the difference between web development and
software development
 ? To most people, probably
not much. But to those interested in how to get into software development or any kind of
 quickly, the differences are significant.
The world needs both software developers and
web developers
 . So if you have the time and
money to invest in becoming a software developer, then you can likely look forward to an exciting and
 career.
However, if you have the passion to learn and apply
or money to invest, then web development
 , but you don't have the time
 may be right for you. They can give
you all of the skills and experience you need to start your website development career in web development in less
time than it takes to complete a single
college semester
 .
Pytanie 3
Ocena: 5,00 z 5,00
Match the professionals with their descriptions
Back‑end web developers
 These professionals focus on the technical aspects of websites and web
applications that support both basic and advanced functionality. They largely work on administrative components
including databases, website architecture, and application logic, creating new APIs and user interfaces based on
predefined specifications. Generally speaking, this type of developer is concerned with how websites and webbased applications work on a fundamental level.
Front‑end web developers
 Sometimes called client-side developers, these design experts are in
charge of how websites and applications look and function from the users’ perspective. They are responsible for
making all online content easy to access, browse, and interact with, especially for users who may have limited
computer skills. Front-end web developers must also ensure their websites are compatible with a wide range of
operating systems, browsers, and devices to prevent display and functionality errors.
Full‑stack web developers
 These web design professionals are proficient in both front- and back-
end development tasks. Most full-stack web developers have extensive experience in application design, user
experience, and programming languages like HTML, XML, JavaScript, MySQL, and others. As such, they are able to
fill advisory roles and technical positions that require both computer science and business savvy.
Software applications developers 
These professionals tend to focus on designing specific desktop and
mobile applications, tools, and games for consumer audiences, according to the National Center for O*NET
Development (NCOD). They often work on the same project for many years and are responsible for ensuring their
software is functional, engaging, and efficient.
Software systems developers
 Developers in this role are largely concerned with designing systems-level
software for enterprise customers, rather than the public, according to the NCOD. They use their extensive
programming knowledge to create computing applications for a range of industries, from manufacturing to
aerospace and beyond. The software they develop is used to manage corporate networking apps, database
management systems, and other critical infrastructure.
Software systems developers
Front‑end web developers
Software applications developers
Full‑stack web developers
Back‑end web developers
23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 4
Ocena: 6,00 z 6,00
Key Software and Web Developer skills. Match.
While software developers don’t collaborate with as many stakeholders as web
developers, they still rely on their communication and interpersonal skills when
engaged on large projects. Pursuing this career will require you to work closely
with other software developers, computer science experts, and IT professionals
who may have very different ideas about the applications you’re creating.
Interpersonal competence
Websites and web-based applications are only as useful as the content users
actively engage with. Publishing blog posts, videos, and other online materials is
Content management
also essential for ranking competitively in search engines, which is why web
developers should have at least some experience with content management
systems like WordPress, Drupal, and HubSpot.
Every piece of software should solve a particular problem or need, which forces
developers to think through the strengths and weaknesses of alternative
solutions. Finding the best approach to a given problem is at the core of the
software development profession, requiring a strong attention to detail and
willingness to offer creative recommendations.
User behaviors and preferences are constantly changing, which can make it
difficult to create desktop and mobile applications that will hold up over time.
Software developers must be able to analyze user trends and make
recommendations that will support the shifting design, content, and
management needs of their users.
Critical thinking
Analytical skills
Web developers strive to find creative solutions to specific design challenges. To
meet their clients’ expectations, professionals in this field must balance
functionality and aesthetics while remaining true to a company’s core brand
identity. This includes choosing colors, fonts, and graphics that align with
corporate guidelines and existing marketing collateral.
Every new feature on a website or web application goes through several rounds
of testing to help eliminate errors and streamline the user experience. As such,
Attention to detail
web developers must be able to identify and resolve problems related to the
code, layout, functionality, and overall design of online resources.
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23.10.2021, 16:54
Web Development vs. Software Development: Przegląd próby
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Big Data ►
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23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Moje kursy
J. ang. specjalistyczny - WIMII - informatyka - semestr 5 - Załęcki - 2021/22 ST
Język angielski specjalistyczny 21.10 / 18.11 oraz 13.01
Big Data
Rozpoczęto sobota, 23 października 2021, 17:09
Stan Ukończone
Ukończono sobota, 23 października 2021, 17:12
Wykorzystany 3 min. 23 sek.
Punkty 37,00/37,00
Ocena 10,00 pkt. na 10,00 pkt. możliwych do uzyskania (100%)
Informacja Success!
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie info
BIG DATA - What is it and why it matters.
Big data is a term that describes large, hard-to-manage volumes of data – both
structured and unstructured – that inundate businesses on a day-to-day basis. But
it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data
that matters. Big data can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and
strategic business moves.
The term “big data” refers to data that is so large, fast or complex that it’s difficult or
impossible to process using traditional methods. The act of accessing and storing
large amounts of information for analytics has been around a long time. But the
concept of big data gained momentum in the early 2000s when industry analyst
Doug Laney articulated the now-mainstream definition of big data as the three V’s:
Volume is Big Data's greatest challenge and as well as its greatest opportunity. This
is because storing, interlinking and processing vast quantities of digital information
offers tremendous possibilities for a wide range of activities. These include
predicting customer behaviour, diagnosing disease, planning healthcare services,
and modelling our climate. However, traditional computing solutions like relational
databases are increasingly not capable of handling such tasks. Most traditional
computer hardware solutions are also not scalable to Big Data proportions.
Big data velocity also raises a number of key issues. For a start, the rate at which
data is flowing into most organizations is increasing beyond the capacity of their IT
systems to store and process. In addition, users increasingly want streaming data to
be delivered to them in real time, and often on mobile devices. Online video, location
tracking, augmented reality and many other applications now rely on large
quantities of such high velocity data streams, and for many companies delivering
them is proving quite a challenge.
Finally, as already highlighted, Big Data is characterised by its variety, with the types
of data that many organizations process becoming increasingly diverse and dense.
Gone are the days when data centres only had to process documents, financial
transactions, stock records, and personnel files. Today, photographs, audio, video, 3D
models, complex simulations and location data are all being piled into many
corporate data silos. Many of these Big Data sources are also almost entirely
unstructured, and hence not easy to categorize, let alone process, with traditional
computing techniques. All of this means that Big Data is in reality messy data, with a
great deal of effort required in complex pre-processing and data cleansing before
any meaningful analysis can be carried out.
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 1
Ocena: 10,00 z 10,00
Match. Use some of the words from the lesson.
to gather or collect (something) in a gradual way
relative worth, utility, or importance of something or somebody
happening in a short amount of time; happening quickly
the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from
a record set
quickness of motion; rapidity of movement
the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions
from a large group of people
something that people are talking about, thinking about, etc.; an important subject or
•easy to make larger, more powerful, etc.
one set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; the genetic material of an organism
connecting two or more things together
Pytanie 2
Ocena: 10,00 z 10,00
Drag and drop to create phrases from the lesson.
1. real
2. stock
3. still
4. financial
5. customer
6. vision
7. relational
8. scientific advancement 
9. tremendous
10. loyalty
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 3
Ocena: 9,00 z 9,00
Watch the film and complete the sentences below.
1. •We manage, share and store our lives
 .
2. •Data is gathered from our devices, computers and smartphones  .
3. •Smartphones collect and transmit
4. •Soon all everyday objects will
 on what we do.
transmit data
 .
5. •The phenomenon of creating huge amounts of information is known as
Big Data
 .
6. •BD can be invaluable for
 .
7. •BD can be fully exploited only when we turn it into
8. •Using BD businesses can predict
customer behaviour
9. •Future possibilities of BD applications are
 .
 .
transmit data
Big Data
transfer data
customer behaviour
our devices, computers and smartphones
Large Data
on a line
our smartwatches
 .
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 4
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
Make a clever guess about the marked part in each picture:
a. uploaded
b. created
c. edited
Pytanie 5
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. focused
b. wanted
c. estimated
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 6
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. downloaded
b. wasted
c. shared
Pytanie 7
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. stolen
b. watched
c. lost
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 8
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. monitor
b. watch
c. feel
Pytanie 9
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. capture
b. produce
c. delete
23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pytanie 10
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. trust
b. like
c. understand
Pytanie 11
Ocena: 1,00 z 1,00
a. pays
b. costs
c. earns
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◄ Web Development vs. Software Development
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23.10.2021, 17:12
Big Data: Przegląd próby
Pozostańmy w kontakcie
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