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Knight-Hennessey scholarship essay
The midterm and long-term goal
I intend to put the new-fangled skills and information I will have learned from my experience with
knight-Hennessey scholars into substantial use in the USA. I am passionate about helping needy
women and small business entrepreneurs in my country.
My short-term goal immediately after I get back to my country will be to use the knowledge and
experience I would have gathered to create a non-profit organization that aims at helping
immigrant women in the Us advertise their businesses. In coordination with different city agencies,
I will create a reliable platform that will enlighten immigrant women on how to start and run small
sustainable businesses. I intend to reach diverse populations with this robust knowledge through
different paths including hire ring qualified linguistics to spread the information to the illiterate
My long-term goal is to expand my Non-profit organization globally. I intend to stretch my helping
hand to international citizens. This will be made possible after five years of operations. Within
these five years, I will have gathered relevant practical expertise in the field, gathered reliable
knowledge on the need of immigrant women from different nations, and established reliable
sources of funds to boost my project.in addition to this, I desire to be an influential speaker. I will
use this platform and the knowledge gained from my masters' study to empower women and help
them achieve independence as I travel globally.
The scholarship offers a keystone project which gives scholars a chance to work together on a
meaningful address project designed to address an important challenge. In addition, the scholarship
offers McMurtry leadership lectures which bring in speakers annually who offer unique
perspectives from community leaders. This information is parallel to my goals. Therefore the
scholarship will greatly be beneficial.