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Science Worksheet: Plant Growth, Light, Earth Movements

C01. Investigating plant growth
1. Oliver has 3 pots of plant seedings.
He labels them with the letters A, B and C
Oliver describes his pots of plant seedings.
Complete the table to match the letter to the correct description.
A. (1) – A; (2) – B; (3) – C
B. (1) – B; (2) – A; (3) – C
C. (1) – C; (2) – A; (3) – B
2. What is the meaning of the word germination?
A. Germination is the beginning of growth of a seed.
B. Germination is the movement of pollen from the stamen of a flower to the stigma of the
same kind of flower.
C. Germination is the process that joins the pollen and eggs to make seeds.
D. Germination is the different stages in a flowering plant’s life.
3. Two things that seeds need to germinate:
A. Light, water
B. water, air
C. air, light
D. light, warmth.
C02. The life cycle of flowering plants
4. How do the insects take the pollen to another flower?
A. the insect drinks the pollen
B. the insect eats the pollen
C. the insect holds the pollen in its hands
D. the pollen sticks to the insect
5. Insects can pollinate flowers
The flowers attract insects
The two features of plowers that attract insects for pollination are
A. Bright petals, leaves
B. Leaves and seed pod
C. Small petals and leaves
D. Bright petals and sweet smell
6. Flowering plants have a life cycle. Complete the table below
A. 1 - Pollination and fertilisation; 2 – the plant grows – 1 seed germination
B. 1 – germination; 2 – pollination ; 3 – fertilisation
C. 1 – death; 2 – pollination and fertilisation; 3 –the plant grows
D. 1 -Death; 2 – the plant grows – 1 seed germination
7. Flowers have male and female organs.
The diagram show the parts of a flower.
Which labelled part of the flower is a male organ? - B
C03. States of matter
8. The diagram shows simple water cycle.
a) What is the name of process A?
A. condensation
B. evaporation
C. freezing
D. melting
b) What is the name of process B?
A. condensation
B. evaporation
C. freezing
D. melting
9. Which of these has a strong smell?
A. coffee which has just been made
B. cold cup of coffee
C. glass of water
D. unopened tin of meat
10. What is the boiling point of pure water?
A. 104oC
B. 100 oC
C. 0 oC
D. 4 oC
C04. The way we see things
11. Mike and Lily use a flashlight. They shine the light from the flashlight onto different
materials. The light then travels onto the wall.
Name one material that can be used in this investigation.
A. Wood
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Mirror
12. Which of the following is not a light source?
A. candle; moon
B. stars; Sun
C. stars, moon
D. moon, Sun
13. Here is a light ray hitting a mirror.
Which letter represents the reflected ray?
A. A
B. B
C. D
D. C
14. What does light intensity mean?
A. brightness of light
B. colour of light
C. direction of light
D. source of light
C05. Shadows
15. Jamila is teaching Gabriella about shadows.
They set up the apparatus shown.
What do factors affect the size of the shadow?
A. colour and size of the object
B. material of the object
C. distance from the object to the screen and material of the object
D. size of the object and distance from the object to the screen
16. Sam and Emily investigate position and length of shadows during the day.
Emily stands in the playground. Sam draws around her feet with chalk.
At 9 o’clock in the morning he draws around her shadow to record its position and length.
He repeats this process at 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Here are their results
Which things must they do to make their investigation of a fair test?
A. Do the investigation on a cloudy day
B. Emily should stand up straight when Sam draws the shadow and Emily should stand on
the chalk marks each time Sam draws the shadow.
C. Do the investigation on a cloudy day and Emily should move so the shadows move.
D. Emily should stand in a different place each time and Emily should move so the
shadows move.
C06. Earth's movements
17. The Earth and Sun are part of the universe.
Choose from the following words, complete the sentences:
The Earth spins on its axis once every…..
The Earth orbits the Sun once every…..
A. day & year
B. day & month
C. month & day
D. day & month
18. Galileo Galilei was a scientist. He discovered that there are craters on the Moon.
What equipment did he use to see the craters on the Moon?
A. a lamp
B. his eyes
C. his spectacles
D. a telescope
19. The Earth spins on its axis
At X it is the middle of the day. There is daylight.
What is it like on the opposite side of the Earth?
A. middle of the night
B. middle of the day
C. Sunset
D. Sunrise