3.15 Carrier Fundamentals C.A. Ross, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Reference: Pierret, chapters 1-2. Electron and hole charge: e = 1.6 10-19 C Effective mass: m*, rest mass mo F = -eE = mo dv/dt in vacuum F = -eE = m* dv/dt in solid in Si, mn*/mo = 1.18, mh*/mo = 0.81 at 300K. Intrinsic properties in Si, n = p = 1010 cm-3 at 300K N = 5 1022 atoms cm-3 Extrinsic properties Donors – group V Acceptors – group III B Al Ga In Tl C Si Ge Sn Pb N P As Sb Bi O S Se Te Po Band diagrams: Ec = conduction band edge, Ev = valence band edge band gaps: Si 1.12 eV diamond 5.4 eV silica 5 eV energies of dopant levels, in meV, in silicon (kT = 26 meV @ 300K) P 45 B 45 As 54 Al 67 Ga 72 Handout 1 Carrier distributions (intrinsic) g(E) dE = density of electron states cm-3 in the interval (E, E+dE), units #/eV.cm-3 gc (E) dE = mn*√(2mn*(E – Ec)) / (π2 h 3) dE gv (E) dE = mp*√(2mp*(Ev – E)) / (π2 h 3) dE In these states, the electrons distribute ! according to Fermi function f(E) = 1/ {1 + exp (E – Ef)/kT } ! Number of electrons in the interval (E, E+dE) is therefore f(E)g(E)dE. In a doped semiconductor, the position of Ef with respect to the band gap determines whether there are more electrons or holes. Total number of electrons: by integrating f(E)g(E)dE n = ni exp (Ef - Ei)/kT p = ni exp (Ei - Ef)/kT where ni = Nc exp (Ei - Ec)/kT Nc = 2{2πmn*kT/h2}3/2 = ‘effective density of conduction band states’ Ei is the position of the Fermi level in the intrinsic case. Similarly for Nv. Hence np = ni2 at equilibrium ni2 = Nc Nv exp (Ev - Ec)/kT = Nc Nv exp (-Eg)/kT Intrinsic case: Ei = (Ev + Ec)/2 + 3/4 kT ln (mp*/ mn*) In a doped material, where n ~ ND or p ~ NA Ef - Ei = kT ln (n/ ni) = - kT ln (p/ ni) ~ kT ln (ND / ni) or - kT ln (NA / ni) n-type p-type Handout 1 Properties Si SiO2 GaAs Ge Mayer and Lau, Electronic Materials Science 2.27a amorphous Atoms/cm3, molecules/cm3 x 1022 Structure 5.0 diamond 4.42 zincblende Lattice constant (nm) 0.543 0.565 Density (g/cm3) Relative dielectric constant, er 2.33 11.9 5.32 13.1 2.27a 3.9 Permittivity, e = ereo (farad/cm) x 10-12 1.05 1.16 0.34 Expansion coefficient (dL/LdT) x (10-6 K) Specific Heat (joule/g K) 2.6 0.7 6.86 0.35 0.5 1.0 Thermal conductivity (watt/cm K) 1.48 0.46 0.014 Thermal diffusivity (cm2/sec) 0.9 0.44 0.006 Energy Gap (eV) 1.12 1.424 ~9 0.67 Drift mobility (cm2/volt-sec) Electrons 1500 8500 Holes 450 400 2.8 0.047 1.04 0.7 1.45 x 1010 1.79 x 106 Effective density of states (cm-3) x 1019 Conduction band Valence band Intrinsic carrier concentration (cm-3) Properties of Si, GaAs, SiO2, and Ge at 300 K Figure by MIT OCW. Energy Gap and Lattice Constants 2.6 0.517 GaP 2.2 0.563 AlAs 0.620 2.0 Energy gap (eV) 1.8 0.689 AlSb 1.6 0.775 GaAs (D) 1.4 0.885 InP(D) 1.2 1.033 Si 1.0 1.240 0.8 1.550 GaSb (D) Ge 2.067 0.6 Indirect band gap 0.4 3.100 InAs (D) Direct band gap (D) 0.2 0 0.54 Wavelength (microns) 2.4 0.477 AlP 6.200 InSb (D) 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 Lattice constant (nm) Handout 1 Figure by MIT OCW. Physical Constants, Conversions, and Useful Combinations PHYSICAL CONSTANTS, CONVERSIONS, AND USEFUL COMBINATIONS Physical Constants Physical Constants Avogadro constant Avogadro constant Boltzmann constant Boltzmann constant Elementary charge Elementary charge constant PlanckPlanck constant Speed of light SpeedPermittivity of light (free space) Electron mass Permittivity (free space) Coulomb constant Atomic mass unit Electron mass Coulomb constant Useful Combinations Atomic mass energy unit (300 K) Thermal Photon energy Useful Combinations Coulomb constant N, NA = 6.022 x 1023 particles/mole = 6.022 x particles/mole k =8.617 8.617 10-5 eV/K= =1.38 1.38x x 10-23J/K J/K k = x x10-'eV/K -19 e =1.602 1.602 10 coulomb coulomb e = X x 10-l9 h = 4.136 x 10-IS-15 eV . s . h =6.626 4.136 10 joule eV ss = x xlo-" c = 2.998 xx 10 10"-34cm/s joule .s = 6.626 co = 8.85 X 10-l410farad/cm c = 2.998 x 10 cm/s rn = 9.1095 x lo-" kg 8.85xx lo9 10-14 farad/cm kc ε=0 = 8.988 ne~ton-m~/(coulomb)~ u = x x 10-31 kg kg m =1.6606 9.1095 . kc = 8.988 x 109 newton-m2/(coulomb)2 1.6606eVx = 101-27 kg kTu== 0.0258 eV/40 E = 1.24eVatX = 1 pm kce2 = 1.44 eV . nm~ _ kTe,e, = 0.0258 1 eV/40 E = = 1.05eV x 10-l2 faradlcm q, E==55.3e/V 1.24 eV. pm at λ = µm Thermal energy (300 Permittivity (Si) K) PhotonPermittivity energy (free space) Coulomb constant kce2 1.44 eV . nm Prefixes -12 Permittivity (Si) 1.05=x10' 10 k = kilo = I@; M = mega = εI = d ;εG ; T =farad/cm tera = 1012 rε0==giga . n = nano Permittivity (free µm= IW9; m = milli = space)p = micm ε= 0 = 55.3e/V p = pica = lo-'' Prefixes k = kilo = 103; M = mega = 106; G = giga = 109; T = tera = 1012 Symbols-3for Units m = milli = 10 ; µ = micro = 10-6; n = nano = 10-9; p = pica = 10-12 Ampere (A), Coulomb (C), Farad (F) Gram (g), Joule (J), Kelvin (K) Symbols for Units Meter (m), Newton (N), Ohm (a) Ampere (A), (s), Coulomb Farad Second Siemen (C), (S), Tesla (T)(F), Gram (g), Joule (J), Kelvin (K) Watt (W), Meter Volt (m),(V), Newton (N), Weber Ohm (Wb) (Ω), Second (s), Siemen (S), Tesla (T) Volt (V), Watt (W), Weber (Wb) Conversions Conversions 1 nm = m = 10 A = cm -19 1.602 X 10-l2 erg-9 Joule = 1.602 x 10-12 erg; eV-9=m1.602 1 nm =110 = 10 xA =10-l9 10-7joule cm; =1 eV = 1.602 x 10 1 eV/particle = 23.06 kcal/mol 1 eV/particle = 23.06 kcal/mol; 1 newton = 0.102 kgforce; 1 newton2 = 0.102 kg,, 6 7 dyn/cm2 ; 1 µm = 10-4 cm 0.001 inch = 1 mil = 25.4 µm; 10 newton/m = 146= psi 10= 146=psi lo7 dyn/crn2 lo6 newton/m2 2cm 1 bar =110 = 105 N/m2; 1 weber/m2 = 104 gauss = 1 tesla; Fm6 dyn/cm = -3 torr; 0.001 mil = 25.4 pm 1 erg = 10-7 joule = 1 dyn-cm 1 pascal = 1 inch N/m=2 =1 7.5 x 10 1 bar = lo6 dyn/cm2 = Id ~ / m ~ 1 weber/m2 = lo4 gauss = 1 tesla torr 1 pascal = 1 N/m2 = 7.5 X Figure by MIT OCW. 1 erg = 10-'joule = 1 dyn-cm