REV. DATE ORIGINATOR REVIEWED APPROVED DESCRIPTION THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR USE BY ADCO AND ITS NOMINATED CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS, MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Definitions/ Abbreviations .................................................................................. 3 2. CODES AND STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4 3. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 4 4. 3.1 Project Documents ............................................................................................ 4 3.2 Drawings ........................................................................................................... 4 INPUT DATA ................................................................................................................ 4 4.1 5. 6. 7. Pipeline Data ..................................................................................................... 4 CODES & STANDARDS SUMMARY ........................................................................... 5 5.1 General ............................................................................................................. 5 5.2 Shell DEP Manual ............................................................................................. 5 5.3 K Peters Approach ............................................................................................ 6 5.4 Calculation Methodology ................................................................................... 6 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 9 6.1 Stability Check................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Maximum Allowable Bend Angle ....................................................................... 9 6.3 Direction Changes Summary ........................................................................... 10 6.4 Summary of Critical Bend Angles .................................................................... 10 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. 10 APPENDIX-1: BUCKLING CALCULATION REPORT ............................................................. 12 APPENDIX-2: DIRECTION CHANGES SUMMARY ................................................................. 13 APPENDIX-3: CALCULATIONS FOR CRITICAL BEND ANGLES .......................................... 14 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction Global buckling is a response to compressive effective axial force and it reduces the axial carrying capacity. Buckling may appear downward, lateral or vertically upward. In case of buried pipelines, the high axial compressive forces induced due to extreme operating conditions, cause the pipeline to buckle upwards. The scope of this document is to evaluate the critical segments of RDS-7 to BCDS pipeline which are prone to upheaval buckling. In case any such pipeline segments exist, suitable mitigation measures have been recommended to prevent buckling. The calculation has been carried out using Mathcad V 15.0. Shell DEP manual and K Peters methodology have been used for buckling evaluation. 1.2 Purpose The pipeline system supplies crude oil (sour service) from RDS-7 to BCDS. Buckling analysis of the pipeline system is carried out due to following reasons: 1.3 - To ensure that soil resistance force at various pipeline segments is sufficient to withstand the induced axial compressive force. - To evaluate the affect of buckling phenomenon on pipeline - To identify various critical locations which are prone to buckling - To provide recommendations to prevent buckling of pipeline. Definitions/ Abbreviations Company : Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) Contractor : National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) Project : EPC FOR BAB THAMAMA G & HABSHAN 2 1.8 MMBOPD PHASE-1 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RDS : Remote Degassing Station BCDS : Bab Central Degassing Station 2. 3. CODES AND STANDARDS Shell DEP – - Upheaval Buckling Pipelines K Peters Research Paper - About upheaval and lateral buckling of embedded pipelines OTC 6365 - Design of submarine pipelines against upheaval buckling REFERENCES The following references documents have been used for the preparation of this Report. 3.1 3.2 Project Documents 11-99-91-1654 - Pipeline Mechanical Design Basis 11-78-91-1715 - Pipeline Mechanical Design Report 11-78-12-1737 - Specification for Pipeline Flexibility Analysis 11-78-23-1911 - Stress analysis report for RDS-7 oil transfer line Drawings 11-78-22-3802 4. INPUT DATA 4.1 Pipeline Data - Pipeline Alignment Sheets 01 to 05 The following parameters are used in the analysis: Pipeline Outside Diameter, D 16’’ (406.4 mm) Pipeline Wall Thickness, tn 9.5 mm Corrosion Allowance, A1 6 mm Design/ Internal Pressure, P 46.6 bar (4.66 MPa) Maximum Design Temperature, Td 100 °C Installation/ Ambient Temperature, Ti 21°C Pipe Material API 5L X60 SMYS 415 MPa Coating (3LPP) Thickness, tcorr 2.7 mm Coating (3LPP) Density, ρcorr 930 kg/m³ Steel Density, ρsteel 7850 kg/m³ Content Density, ρcont 850 kg/m³ Poisson ratio, ν 0.3 Young’s Modulus, E 207000 MPa Coefficient of thermal expansion, α 0.0000117 /°C Pipeline cover, Hc 1.0 m Soil density, soil 1686 kg/m³ Soil friction angle, φ 30° Imperfection prop height, δ 0.5m 5. CODES & STANDARDS SUMMARY 5.1 General Shell DEP manual ( UPHEAVAL BUCKLING OF PIPELINES has been adapted to perform stability check of the under ground pipeline. A shell DEP guideline has been incorporated wherever applicable. K Peters methodology has been adapted to evaluate the maximum allowable bend angle to avoid buckling. The change in material properties of steel subjected to external factors is not considered for the calculation. The calculations for the analysis have been carried out using Mathcad V 15.0. 5.2 Shell DEP Manual Stabilization against upheaval buckling has been evaluated as per Shell DEP manual ( Required downward force for stability along with specified safety factor has been evaluated. The stability check (local equilibrium forces acting on pipeline) has been considered as explained below. The vertical force per unit length available to hold the pipe in position is w + r, where w is the submerged weight and r the uplift resistance. The external vertical force per unit length required to hold the pipeline in position is q and SF is the safety factor. If w + r > (SFxq), pipeline is stable. 5.3 K Peters Approach Most of the classical buckling theories rely on the local equilibrium of the forces perpendicular to the pipe axis. This approach is not practical if narrow bends or even mitre bends are involved. Wherever directional changes (lateral and vertical) are present, axial resistance due to pipe bending should be considered. K Peters method considers the rough profiles which are quite common in onshore pipelines. A simplified heuristic model has been developed based on the equilibrium for deformed structures. This theory allows for a local lack of soil resistance leading to a controlled elastic deformation. Buckling can be evaluated for the given soil resistance by deriving allowable deflection angles on a (Euler) buckling length. Similarly, required soil resistance can be evaluated for a given deflection angles on a buckling length. For any small bending radii, the local equilibrium violates in any case. Therefore a pipeline deflection is provoked on a certain length. This length is defined by the global equilibrium between soil resistance and upheaval (or lateral) force induced due to axial compressive force. Allowable deflection angle over a buckling length (λ) can be calculated for the given ultimate soil resistance and the allowable bending stress. Accordingly, pipeline profile can be refined and redesigned to prevent buckling phenomenon. 5.4 Calculation Methodology All input parameters are considered as per project data. The input parameters are used in successive calculations for uplift resistance and buckling driving forces of the pipeline. Uplift resistance force Ru, is calculated as per the section 2.4 of Shell DEP Uplift resistance Ru = H. Dcorr . ρsoil (1+f Hc / Dcorr) Where Hc = Soil cover height f = Uplift resistance factor Dcorr = Diameter of pipe including corrosion coating Uplift resistance factor, f is as per the section 2.4 of Shell DEP Shell DEP manual recommends a methodology to calculate driving force to cause buckling. As per section 2.2.1 of Shell DEP, for fully constrained pipelines “The driving force that creates the upheaval buckling is the longitudinal compressive force”. One component of this is due to temperature increase. Another component of the driving force is due to pressure. The longitudinal compressive force is given by equation 2 ( ) ( 1 − 2) Rm P + 2 Rm teff E Td − Ti − TR Ne (Section 2.2.1 of Shell DEP) Where Ne = longitudinal driving force Rm = Mean radius of the pipe (corroded condition) P = design pressure Teff = Effective thickness TR = Residual tension Required downward force to hold the pipeline in position is calculated as per Section 2.3.3 of Shell DEP The span of pipe ‘L’ subjected to maximum downward force is verified with the criteria L < 4.44 √(EI/Ne) The calculated ‘L’ value is 18.7m. Since the unsupported span subjected to max downward force shall be less than 18.7m in buried pipeline, the below equation is used for calculating the required downward force. q = Ne² δ/ (4 EI g) ( Section 2.3.3 of Shell DEP ) Where q = external downward force required δ = imperfection prop height of a continuous supported sinusoidal profile I = Section modulus of the pipe As per section 2.5 of Shell DEP, stability check can be performed using below equation. If the pipeline is stable no further action is required. W + Ru > SF.q Where W = submerged weight of the pipe Ru = upward soil resistance q = required external downward force SF = safety factor = 1.5 (as per section 2.3.8 of shell DEP) In case pipeline is not stable, suitable counter measures to avoid buckling are specified. After stability check, for the given lateral compressive force, the buckle length is calculated as per the K Peters method. The area of pipe cross section is considered in un-corroded condition. The compressive restraining force for pipeline is calculated for the above condition using equation given below. Fcr ( ) E A cs Td − Ti + ( 1 − 2 ) P A int Where Fcr = Compressive restraining force Acs = Area of cross section of line pipe Aint = internal area of line pipe The buckling length of pipeline is calculated as per K Peter’s method Buckle length λ = √4.π.EI/Fcr The allowable bending stress σall is evaluated from max allowable stress Sa, Tensile hoop stress Sh and Compressive longitudinal stress. all Sa − Sh − Sl The ultimate soil resistance is calculated as per K Peter’s method Rult g Hc D soil 1 + f Hc + W to D Where Wto = Weight of pipe For the calculated value of ultimate soil resistance, allowable deflection angle has been identified for nominal 1 m depth as per K Peter’s method. Allowable bend angle in radians AR Rult Fcr The factor η is calculated from the K Peter’s equation below. 1 − guess cos ( guess ) sin ( guess ) 2 all Fcr D E Rult All the direction changes as per alignment sheets have been noted. The bend angles have been verified against obtained allowable angle as per K Peters method. Refer Appendix-2 of this document. For all the direction changes, minimum cover depth required to avoid buckling has been evaluated in Appendix-3 of this document. Suitable recommendations have been provided to avoid upheaval buckling wherever required. Few recommendations include – change in direction/ angle, change in depth, addition of weight by extra coating, redesign of pipeline profile, recommendation of suitable backfill material or backfill process etc. 6. RESULTS 6.1 Stability Check The vertical downward force per unit length available from the uplift resistivity of the 1.0m soil cover and the submerged weight of the line pipe is greater than the required vertical downward force to hold the pipeline in position. Hence, Pipeline is stable. 6.2 Maximum Allowable Bend Angle Maximum allowable bend angle for 1.0 m cover depth to hold the pipeline stable against upheaval buckling is 3.54° as per K Peter’s method. 6.3 Direction Changes Summary All the direction changes as per alignment sheets have been tabulated in Appendix-2 of this document. For all the direction changes above allowable angle of 3.54°, minimum cover depth required to avoid buckling has been evaluated in Appendix-3 of this document. 6.4 Summary of Critical Bend Angles Below is the list of direction changes (as per alignment sheets) which exceeds allowable limit. Recommendations have been mentioned for each case. For node numbers/ location of bends, refer Appendix-4 of this document. Sl. No Node Number Chainage Bend Recommendation Angle 1 1460 0+920.48 7.0° Additional cover height of 0.5m required at this location 2 1470 0+970.85 6.0o The present cover depth of 2.0m is safe. 3 1560 1+230.72 5.8° The present cover depth of 2.0m is safe. 4 2440 4+194 4.0° Additional cover height of 0.2 m required at this location 5 2560 4+453.50 4.0° Additional cover height of 0.2 m required at this location Note: Please refer highlighted node number in the APPENDIX-2 of this document 7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following are the conclusions drawn based on the buckling calculation results: • The upheaval buckling calculation results for the buried pipelines are summarized in Appendix 2 and detailed calculation is in Appendix 1 & 3. • Based on the calculation in Appendix 1 pipeline system from RDS-7 to BCDS is stable to withstand induced axial compressive force. • Maximum allowable bend angle over the buckling length based on the calculation in Appendix 1 is 3.54°. These values shall not be exceeded during construction of the underground pipelines. • Calculations are done for total effective cover depth of 1.0m. The berm height is not considered at any point of calculation. • The pipeline (buried) shall be laid in trench in such a way that the pipeline profile is smooth without steep (vertical) direction changes. Construction methods like, cutting and filling & other suitable methods shall be followed to achieve the smooth profile of the pipeline. • For buried pipeline laid in trenches, calculation for lateral buckling is not required due to the high lateral soil resistance within the trench. • Recommendations for all the direction changes with cumulative bend angle more than 3.54o have been tabulated in section 6.4 of this document and Appendix 2. • The cover height needs to be increased at three (3) locations (chainages: 0+920.48, 4+194.0, 4+453.50 ) as mentioned in section 6.4 & Appendix 2 of this document. • The alignment sheets shall be updated based on the above recommendations. • The minimum cover heights and related recommendations specified in section 6.4 shall be considered during stress analysis. • Construction shall also refer to the corresponding stress analysis report. APPENDIX-1: BUCKLING CALCULATION REPORT APPENDIX -1 INPUT PARAMETERS Pipe outside diameter, D 16in 406.4 mm Nominal wall thickness, tn 10.3 mm Pipe material X60, Corrosion allowance, SMYS 415MPa ( 60200psi ) A1 6mm Corrosion coating (3LPP) thickness, tcorr 2.7mm Design pressure, P 4.66MPa (46.6 barg) kg Steel density, ρsteel 7850 3 m Soil density, kg ρsoil 1686 3 m Corrosion coating (3LPP) density, kg ρcorr 930 3 m Content (fluid) density, ρcont 850 kg 3 m Installation (Backfill) Temperature, Ti 21 °C Design temperature, Td 100 °C Nominal Pipeline cover depth, Hc 1.0m Imperfection prop height, δ 0.50m Friction angle, Poissons ratio φ 30° 0.5236 rad ν 0.3 Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 Young's Modulus , E 207000MPa Thermal expansion coefficient, α 0.0000117 Corroded condition Effective thickness, teff tn A1 4.3 mm TOTAL WEIGHT OF PIPELINE PER UNIT LENGTH Mean Radius, Rm D teff 2 (corroded condition) 201.05 mm Inner diameter of pipe, Di D 2 teff 397.8 mm Corrosion coating (3LPP) diameter, Dcorr D 2 tcorr 411.8 mm π D Di 2 Steel cross sectional area, Ap 2 4 5.432 103 mm2 D 2 D2 corr 3.47 103 mm2 Corrosion coating (3LPP) area, Acorr π 4 Pipe content sectional area, Acont Pipe flexural rigidity, I 64 2 5 4 1.098 108 mm4 3 7 m kg EI E I 2.273 10 2 s Weight of steel pipe, Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 2 1.243 10 mm 4 π D Di 4 Pipe section modulus, π Di kg Wpipe Ap ρsteel 42.64 m kg Weight of Corrosion coating (3LPP), Wcorr Acorr ρcorr 3.227 m Weight of pipe contents, kg Wcont Acont ρcont 105.642 m kg Total weight of pipeline, W Wpipe Wcorr Wcont 151.51 m (As per section 2.4 of Shell DEP) UPLIFT RESISTANCE FORCE For pipeline in Medium dense sand Uplift Resistance factor, f 0.50 Hc 3 kg Ru Hc Dcorr ρsoil 1 f 1.537 10 Dcorr m Uplift Resistance, R.u DRIVING FORCE FOR UPHEAVAL BUCKLING (FULLY CONSTRAINED PIPELINE) "The driving force that creates the upheaval buckling is the longitudinal compressive force in the restrained pipeline and its contents" As per section 2.2.1 of Shell DEP Residual Tension, Driving Force, TR 0kg 2 Ne ( 1 2ν)π Rm P 2 π Rm teff E α Td Ti TR Hence, Driving Force 6 Ne 1.276 10 N EXTERNAL FORCE PER UNIT LENGTH "It is recommended to perform proper infilling under the pipe and it is geotechnically competent to provide resistance to downward movement." Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 As per section 2.3.3 of Shell DEP L < 4.44 EI Ne 18.738 m Assuming the unsupported span (L ) subjected to max buckling force shall be less than 19 m in burried pipeline Required Downward Force, kg δ 2 q Ne 913.132 m 4EI g STABILITY CHECK AGANIST UPLIFT (AS PER SECTION 2.5 OF SHELL DEP Force per unit length required to hold the pipe in position, Force per unit length available to hold the pipe in position, Considering safety factor, Stability Condition SF 1.5 q 913.132 kg m kg W Ru 1688.8 m (As per section 2.3.8 OF Shell DEP) W Ru SF q 1 ( '1' stands for PASS) Hence, Pipeline is Stable against uplift Calculation of Buckling length ( as per K Peters method ) For the K Peter's method the change in material properties of steel subjected to external factors is not considered for the calculation. Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 Modulus of elasticity, E E 207000MPa Coefficient of thermal expansion , α α 0.0000117 /°C Non corroded condition D2 D 2t 2 n 2 Acs π 0.013 m 4 Area of pipe cross section, Acs Internal Area of pipe, Aint Pipe section modulus, Pipe flexural rigidity, I Aint π D 2tn2 π D D 2tn 4 4 4 2 0.117 m 8 4 2.515 10 mm 64 3 7 m kg EI E I 5.207 10 2 s Compressive restraining force , F.crest 6 Fcr α E Acs Td Ti ( 1 2 ν) P Aint 2.67 10 N Buckling length = λ λ 2 EI 4 π Fcr 27.746 m Calculation of allowable bending angle as per K Peters method Max allowable stress = Sa 8 Sa 0.9 SMYS 3.735 10 Pa Tensile Hoop stress = Sh Sh P D 2 tn 7 9.193 10 Pa 8 Compressive longitudinal stress = Sl Sl E α Td Ti ( 0.3 Sh) 1.638 10 Pa Allowable bending stress = σall σall Sa Sh Sl 1.178 10 Pa Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 8 Weight of pipe, Wto kg Wto ρsteel Acs Wcorr ρcont Aint 203.207 m Calculation of Ultimate soil resistance With out considering berm height (worst case scenario) Height of soil cover , Hb Hb 1.0m Ultimate Soil resistance = Rult Guess: Rult g Hb D ρsoil 1 f Hb kg Wto 1.698 104 2 D s ηguess 0.01 Given 1 π ηguess cos( π ηguess) sin( π ηguess ) = σall 2 Fcr D E Rult η Find( ηguess ) η 0.35 Allowable bend angle in radians = A.R Rult AR η λ 0.062 Fcr Allowable bend angle in degree = A.D 180 AD AR 3.54 ° π For all the directional changes less than 3.54°, no additional backfill is required. All bend angle greater than 3.54° ( as per the alignment sheets ) will be evaluated separately in APPENDIX-3. Report no: 1931002 Appendix-1 APPENDIX-2: DIRECTION CHANGES SUMMARY APPENDIX-2 Vertical direction changes as per Alignment sheets Slno. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Node 630 700 850 1160 1320 1400 1440 1460 1470 1490 1520 1550 1560 1630 1760 1780 1830 1850 1920 1940 1970 1990 2020 2100 2130 2170 2250 2290 2310 2330 2410 2440 2470 2480 2510 2520 2560 2580 2620 2660 2680 2690 Chainage 0+100 0+139 0+267.5 0+521.9 0+682.3 0+803.92 0+869.75 0+920.48 0+970.85 1+030.01 1+119.03 1+156.68 1+230.72 1+507.08 1+950 2+047.05 2+232.90 2+299 2+561.77 2+632.94 2+719.54 2+776.74 2+884.58 3+200 3+327.37 3+378.25 3+639.59 3+772.33 3+831.91 3+888.10 4+119.31 4+194 4+266.91 4+300 4+360.81 4+385.21 4+453.50 4+545.15 4+653.27 4+706.45 4+754.25 4+784.63 Report # 1931002 Appendix -2 Vertical angle change in 12m span anti clock clock wise wise 0 1.3 1.3 0 0 0.8 0 3 3.5 0 0 2.4 3.5 0 7 0 0 6 0 0.44 2.5 0 3.5 0 0 5.8 0 0.57 0 0.24 0.24 0 0 1.08 0.95 0 0 0.25 0 0.66 0 0.38 3.5 0 0 1.85 0 1.8 3.5 0 0 1.86 0 0.98 0 1 3.5 0 0 1.52 0.4 0 0 4 3.5 0 0 3.5 3.5 0 2.5 0 0 4 1.47 0 0 3.5 3.5 0 3.5 0 0 3.5 Total included angle 1.3 1.3 0.8 3.0 3.5 2.4 3.5 7.0 6.0 0.4 2.5 3.5 5.8 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.1 1.0 0.3 0.7 0.4 3.5 1.9 1.8 3.5 1.9 1.0 1.0 3.5 1.5 0.4 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 4.0 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Remarks Change of angle is within allowable limit ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Change of angle exceeds allowable limit Change of angle exceeds allowable limit Change of angle is within allowable limit ,, ,, Change of angle exceeds allowable limit Change of angle is within allowable limit ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Change of angle exceeds allowable limit Change of angle is within allowable limit ,, ,, ,, Change of angle exceeds allowable limit Change of angle is within allowable limit ,, ,, ,, ,, Min back fill height required (m) 0.154 0.154 0 0.79 0.98 0.57 0.98 2.325 1.94 0 0.6 0.98 1.86 0 0 0 0.076 0.036 0 0 0 0.98 0.38 0.34 0.98 0.38 0.036 0.036 0.98 0.231 0 1.17 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.6 1.17 0.23 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Present Depth(m) 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Reccomendation Present design is safe ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Additional 0.5 m backfill required Present design is safe ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Additional 0.2m backfill required Present design is safe ,, ,, ,, Additional 0.2m backfill required Present design is safe ,, ,, ,, ,, Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX-2 Vertical direction changes as per Alignment sheets Slno. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Node 2730 2750 2810 2870 2930 2950 2980 Chainage 4+867.35 4+916.34 5+070.52 5+211.70 5+382.47 5+432.28 5+509.94 Vertical angle change in 12m span anti clock clock wise wise 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 0.63 0 1.8 2.4 0 0 1.58 1.58 0 Total included angle 3.5 3.5 0.6 1.8 2.4 1.6 1.6 Remarks ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Min back fill height required (m) 0.98 0.98 0 0.344 0.57 0.27 0.27 Present Depth(m) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reccomendation ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, NOTES: 1 Node numbers are considered as per stress analyis models. Marked up alignment sheets for all critical bend angles have ben provided in APPENDIX -4 2 Maximum allowable bend angle for 1.0m cover depth as per bukling calculation is 3.54° 3 The maximum allowable angle for 2.0m cover depth as per buckling calculation is 6.1° Report # 1931002 Appendix -2 Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX-3: CALCULATIONS FOR CRITICAL BEND ANGLES APPENDIX-3 Calculation of minimum cover depth for pipeline vertical bend angles above 3.54° as per the alignment sheets For 7.0° bend ( Node :1460) Bend angle in degree = BD BD 7.0 Bend angle in radian = B.R π BR BD 0.122 180 Guess: η2guess 0.01 Given 1 π η2guess cos( π η2guess ) sin( π η2guess ) = σall 2 η2guess λ D E BR η2 Find( η2guess ) η2 0.189 BR 4 kg Rreq Fcr 6.228 10 ( η2 ) λ 2 s Hreq1 D Rreq f 1 1 Wto f g ρ D2 4 2 soil Berm Height required for 7.0° bend, Ha Buried depth = Bh Bh 2.0 m Ha Hreq1 Bh 0.325 m Report no: 1931002 Appendix-3 ; Hreq1 2.325 m For 6.0° bend ( Node :1470) Bend angle in degree = BD1 BD1 6.0 Bend angle in radian = B.R1 BR1 BD1 Guess: π 180 0.105 η3guess 0.01 Given 1 π η3guess cos( π η3guess ) sin( π η3guess ) = σall 2 η3guess λ D E BR1 η3 Find( η3guess ) η3 0.218 BR1 4 kg Rreq1 Fcr 4.614 10 ( η3 ) λ 2 s Hreq2 D Rreq1 f 1 1 Wto f g ρ D2 4 2 soil ; C Berm Height required for 6.0° bend, Ha Buried depth = Bh Bh 2.0 m Ha Hreq2 Bh 0.06 m Report no: 1931002 Appendix-3 ( no additional backfill required ) Hreq2 1.94 m For 5.8° bend ( Node :1560) Bend angle in degree = BD2 BD2 5.8 Bend angle in radian = B.R2 π BR2 BD2 0.101 180 Guess: η4guess 0.01 Given 1 π η4guess cos( π η4guess ) sin( π η4guess ) = σall 2 η4guess λ D E BR2 η4 Find( η4guess ) η4 0.225 BR2 4 kg Rreq2 Fcr 4.321 10 ( η4 ) λ 2 s Hreq3 D Rreq2 f 1 1 Wto f g ρ D2 4 2 soil ; Berm Height required for 5.8° bend, Ha Buried depth = Bh Bh. 2.0 m Ha. Hreq3 Bh. 0.137 m Report no: 1931002 Appendix-3 ( no additional backfill required ) Hreq3 1.863 m For 4.0° bend ( Node :2440,2560) Bend angle in degree = BD3 BD3 4.0 Bend angle in radian = B.R3 π BR3 BD3 0.07 180 Guess: η5guess 0.01 Given 1 π η5guess cos( π η5guess ) sin( π η5guess ) = σall 2 η5guess λ D E BR3 η5 Find( η5guess ) η5 0.316 BR3 4 kg Rreq3 Fcr 2.129 10 ( η5 ) λ 2 s Hreq4 D Rreq3 f 1 1 Wto f g ρ D2 4 2 soil Berm Height required for 4.0° bend, Ha Buried depth = Bh Bh.. 1 m Ha.. Hreq4 Bh.. 0.175 m Report no: 1931002 Appendix-3 ; Hreq4 1.175 m