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Nursing Mnemonics & Acronyms: Cardiovascular System

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Mnemonics and acronyms help us retain information more efficiently. These can be helpful
especially if you have an upcoming exam or if you are reviewing for NCLEX-RN. Always
remember that it’s not always about how hard you study, but how smart you use your time to
absorb as much information as you can.
Here are 50 Nursing mnemonics and acronyms every nurse should know now:
Nursing Mnemonics and Acronyms (Cardiovascular
1. Angina Precipitating Factors — 4 E’s.
Angina is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying heart condition. Angina is
commonly associated with discomfort or tightness across the front of the chest.
Symptoms are usually caused by precipitating factors such as exertion, eating a large
meal , emotional distress or extreme temperatures. The pain may also be felt in the
arms, neck, jaw or stomach.
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2. Circulatory Checks — 5 P’s.
The circulatory system’s role is to transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
When a person is in a critical state, one of the most important things to do is to assess
the person’s nerve function and blood flow.
Pain is assessed using the pain scale and by asking the patient about the
characteristics of the pain.
Paresthesia can be assessed by applying stimulation near and distant to the affected
area. Ask the patient to report tingling sensation and a decrease or loss of sensation.
Paralysis is assessed by asking the patient to flex and extend each ankle, wrist, toe
and finger. Take note of pain upon movement or rest.
Pulses are assessed to check the circulatory flow. Absence of pulses may indicate
blockage or decreased blood flow.
Pallor is assessed by checking the temperature and color of the patient’s affected
limb. A cool or pale limb is indicative of insufficient circulation, while a bluish color is a
sign of venous stasis.
3. Hypertension Nursing Care — “DIURETIC.”
Hypertension occurs when a person’s blood pressure remains elevated. Aside from being
the most common health problem among adults, hypertension is also the leading risk
factor for cardiovascular disorders.
Nurses may care for patients with hypertension by taking their daily weight to be able to
take note of any unnecessary weight gain or loss, checking their daily intake and output,
taking note of their urine output (amount and color), their electrolytes level, their pulses
and if there are any ischemic episodes.
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4. Complications of Hypertension — 4 C’s.
Hypertension is the most common risk factor for cardiovascular disorders. These
disorders are pretty simple to memorize, as all of them start with the letter C: Coronary
Artery Disease (CAD), Coronary Rheumatic Fever (CRF), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
and Cardiovascular Accident (CVA).
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5. Causes of Heart Murmur — “SPAMS.”
Heart murmurs are abnormal heart sounds that are loud enough to be heard through
auscultation, and are produced when blood flows through defective valves.
Common causes include stenosis or the narrowing of a valve, a partial obstruction or
aneurysm (a bulging in an artery). Another cause is mitral regurgitation which is a
disorder in which valves do not close properly. Septal defects, which are usually acquired
by birth, may also cause murmurs.
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6. Heart Sounds — “APETM” — “All People Enjoy The Mall.”
Heart sounds may be heard through auscultation. You can assess the heart sounds
through different auscultatory sites.
The aortic heart sound is located at the 2nd right intercostal space; the pulmonic at the
2nd left intercostal space; Erb’s point at the 3rd left intercostal space; the tricuspid at the
4th left intercostal space; and the apex or the mitral at the 5th left intercostal space.
7. Myocardial Infarction Nursing Management — “BOOMAR.”
Cardiac ischemia occurs when a portion of the heart is starved of oxygen. If ischemia
lasts too long, the starved tissue dies, causing myocardial infarction.
8. Causes of Shortness of Breath — “AAAAPPPP.”
Shortness of breath (SOB) or difficulty of breathing (DOB) is usually caused by many
factors such as heart and lung conditions. Problems involving the transport of oxygen to
tissues may affect breathing.
9. Compartment Syndrome Signs and Symptoms — 5 P’s.
Compartment Syndrome is a painful and life-threatening condition that occurs when too
much pressure builds up inside an enclosed space in the body. It usually results from
bleeding or swelling after an injury.
10. Emergent Syncope — “CRAPS.”
Syncope (fainting) is the partial or complete loss of consciousness, and is usually related
to insufficient blood flow to the brain.
11. Shock Signs and Symptoms — “CHORD ITEM.”
Shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when there is lack of blood circulation in
the body. It may lead to serious complications such as heart failure or even multiple
organ failure.
Hyperkalemia refers to high potassium level in the blood. This is the result of kidneys
releasing too much potassium or failing to remove potassium from the body. If the kidney
is already compromised and potassium is excessively consumed, hyperkalemia can also
Ironically, the acronym for the signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia are M-U-R-D-E-R.
Aldactone, also known as spironolactone, is a potassium-sparing diuretic. It works by
blocking the effects of aldosterone in the body. Through the inhibition of aldosterone, the
kidney will be able to excrete excess fluid and sodium in the body without affecting
potassium levels.
Potassium-sparing diuretic is essential in maintaining normal serum potassium levels.
Other diuretics don’t spare potassium during diuresis which may lead to hypokalemia.
Acidosis – Alkalosis
Acidosis occurs when an excess of acid in the blood causes the pH to fall below 7.35. In
contrast, alkalosis occurs when an excess of base in the blood causes the pH to rise
above 7.45. Easily recall what’s up and what’s down with this mnemonic.
Cranial Nerves (Sensory, Motor or Both)
Cranial nerve functions are sensory, motor, or both. The list of cranial nerve functions
is somewhat long but you can easily remember it with this funny mnemonic: Some say
marry money but my brother says bad business marry money.
Antihypertensive Drugs
There are three main types of anti-hypertensive medication – ACE Inhibitors, Beta
Blockers and Calcium Antagonists.
ACE Inhibitors work by inhibiting the enzyme angiotensin II to decrease peripheral
vascular resistance. This group of drugs ends in “pril” like captopril, enalapril and
Beta blockers, also known as beta-adrenergic blockers, work by blocking adrenaline and
noradrenaline at the adrenergic beta receptors to weaken the effects of stress hormones
in the elevation of blood pressure. This group of drugs end in olol like atenolol, nadolol
and propranolol.
Calcium antagonists, also known as calcium channel blockers, disrupt the movement of
calcium in calcium channels to reduce blood pressure. These drugs usually end in “dipine”
like nifedipine, nicardipine and amlodipine. Other calcium antagonists that do not end in
dipine include verapamil, gallopamil, fendiline and diltiazem.
Antitussive, Expectorants and Mucolytics
Antitussives, expectorants and mucolytics are the drugs used in the management of
respiratory disorders. They work on the phlegm production and coughing mechanism of
the body.
Antitussive is effective in relieving dry cough as it reduces the activity of the cough
centre in the brain. Examples include dextromethorphan, codeine, benzonatate and
Expectorants irritate the mucus membrane to facilitate easy expectoration of secretions.
Guaifenesin is an example of expectorants.
Mucolytics work by enhancing the hydration of secretions thereby loosening mucus
plugs for easy expectoration. Examples include acetylcysteine and erdosteine.
Asthma Mnemonic
Management of asthma can be easily remembered with the mnemonic ASTHMA –
adrenergic, steroids, theophylline, hydration, mask for oxygen therapy and antibiotics.
Adrenergic, steroids and theophylline work as bronchodilators whereairways are made
larger to allow easier passage of air into the lungs. Hydration is essential to loosen
secretions in the lungs for easy expectoration. Oxygen support is also given to ensure
adequate oxygenation while other therapies work on improving airway passage. And
lastly, antibiotics are also given to resolve beginning infection that may result from the
inflammation of airways.
Cardiac Arythmias
There are four heart blocks discussed in this mnemonic – first degree, second degree
type 1 or also known as Wenkebach, second degree type 2 or also known as Mobitz II
and third degree.
In first degree heart block, there is a slow passage of electrical impulses in the
conduction system but they eventually reach the ventricles. Most of the time, there is no
sign or symptom for this problem.
In second degree type 1 heart block or also known as Wenkebach, the electrical
impulses are delayed with each heartbeat until a beat fails to reach the ventricles.
Patients with this type of heart block commonly experience dizziness and in worst cases,
In second degree type 2 heart block or also known as Mobitz II, some of the electrical
impulses of the heart are unable to reach the ventricles completely. This condition usually
requires pacemaker and may progress to third degree heart block.
In third degree heart block, also known as complete heart block, all electrical impulses
from the atria are unable to reach the ventricles. Patients with third degree heart block
often feel lightheadedness and fatigue.
Right lower quadrant pain can have various causes, ranging in severity from ‘needs
attention’ to ‘generally fatal’. By memorizing all the possibilities listed in this mnemonic,
you can confirm or rule out the usual causes of RLQ pain to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
The acronym A-P-P-E-N-D-I-C-I-T-I-S is easy to recall.
Cranial Nerves
It’s hard to remember the 12 cranial nerves without using an acronym. There are many
mnemonics about this but the most effective one is Olympic Opium Occupies Troubled
Triathletes After Finishing Vegas, Gambling Vacations Still High. The first two to three
letter of this mnemonic will help you remember cranial nerves in order as showed in the
medical mnemonic above.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
The management and treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis is easy to remember with the
mnemonic “KING UFC” as shown in the image above. Potassium is given to replace the
serum potassium lost during osmotic diuresis. Insulin is given to stabilize blood sugar
levels while glucose should also be on hand if ever blood sugar levels spike down.
For fluid replacement, crystalloids are best like 0.9% sodium chloride. In monitoring the
patient’s condition during the treatment, urea and creatinine levels should be checked to
determine impending renal failure.
Diverticula are the little pouches that form in the inner lining of the intestine. The etiology
behind the formation of these pouches is unknown but this condition is common among
Diverticulitis occurs once these pouches become inflamed. The pain during diverticulitis
is concentrated in the left lower quadrant. To prevent this, the patient with diverticulosis
should be in a low residue diet.
Endocrine Disorders
This is a quick overview of the four most common endocrine disorders. The upper part
of the mnemonic details the two opposing adrenal disorders – Cushing’s syndrome and
Addison’s disease. The bottom compares two opposing thyroid problems –
hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Cushing’s syndrome, also known as hypercortisolism, is a condition caused by
prolonged exposure to cortisol. Those who are under glucocorticoid therapy are at risk for
this syndrome. Addison’s disease, on the other hand, is a condition where the adrenal
glands do not produce adequate glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. If remained
unresolved, the condition may lead to Addisonian crisis where hypotension and coma may
Hyperthyroidism, also known as Grave’s disease, is an automimmune disease where
there are high levels of circulating thyroid hormones in the body. Hypothyroidism, on
the other hand, is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid
Areas for listening to the heart
There are five chest auscultation techniques – the aortic, pulmonic, Erb’s point,
tricuspid and mitral points. These 5 areas for heart auscultation can be best remembered
by the acronym All People Enjoy The Mall.
Head Injury
If a patient comes in reporting a head injury, you’ll have to closely observe the patient
for signs and symptoms of worsening condition that may indicate severe brain injury.
Here is a list of warning signs you should watch out for especially in the first 24 hours.
Hypernatremia – “You are FRIED”
Hypernatremia is an electrolyte imbalance in the body characterized by excessive levels
of sodium in the blood. The signs and symptoms of this condition can be easily identified
by the acronym “FRIED” – fever, restlessness, increased fluid retention and BP, edema
and decreased urine output.
Usually, it is not caused by excess intake of sodium but rather by a decrease in total body
Drug Administration “DR. TIMED”
Remember the 6 rights of of drug administration using this colorful mnemonic. If you
follow Dr. Timed to the letter, you should be able to avoid any problems or complications
from administering medications.
Hypocalcemia signs and symptoms – CATS
Hypocalcemia is an electrolyte imbalance condition where the serum calcium level in the
blood is low. This condition can be caused by hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease and
vitamin D deficiency. Signs and symptoms of this condition can be easily remembered
with the mnemonic CATS – convulsions, arrhythmias, tetany, stridor and spasms.
Signs and Symptoms of Hypokalemia – “A SIC WALT”
Hypokalemia is a condition of abnormally low levels of potassium in the blood. The signs
and symptoms of this condition is easy to remember with the mnemonic “ASICWALT” –
alkalosis, shallow respirations, irritability, confusion and drowsiness, weakness and
fatigue, arrhythmias, lethargy and thready pulse.
This electrolyte imbalance is usually caused by inadequate potassium intake, diarrhea
and diuresis.
Level of Consciousness
The AVPU scale is a quick assessment tool for determining levels of consciousness.
There are four ways on how you can assess patient’s responsiveness during emergency
• Alert – the patient is fully awake and opens eyes spontaneously.
• Verbal stimuli – the patient responds to verbal stimuli and open eyes when you start
• Painful stimuli – the patient only responds during the application of painful stimulus like
sternal rub or squeezing of a finger.
• Unresponsive – the patient doesn’t show any kind of response to both verbal and
painful stimuli.
Lung Sounds
The three most common abnormal lung sounds are crackles, rhonchi and wheeze.
Crackles are similar to crackling or rattling sound. It is best heard during inhalation. The
presence of crackles is usually suggestive of pneumonia and congestive heart failure.
Rhonchi resemble the sound of snoring. Its presence is suggestive of airway obstruction.
Wheezes resemble high pitch whistling sound. Its presence is suggestive of airway
narrowing especially during asthma attacks.
Mixing Insulin
In mixing insulin, remember to draw up the clear first before the cloudy one. Fastacting insulin is clear and should not be contaminated with long-acting insulin which is
the cloudy one. Reminders in mixing insulin are detailed in this mnemonic.
Myocardial Infraction “BOOMAR” Nursing Management
The mnemonic “BOOMAR” is a great reminder in nursing management of myocardial
Complete bed rest is advised so there will be no additional workload for the heart.
Oxygen therapy is essential to support adequate oxygen circulation in the blood. Opioids
like morphine and anticoagulants are important in relieving chest pain and preventing
further formation of blood clots. Close monitoring is a must through vital signs and other
blood works so impending cardiac arrest can be anticipated and managed beforehand.
Neurovascular Assessment 5-Ps
In doing neurovascular assessment, remember the 5Ps – pain, pulse, pallor,
paresthesia and paralysis. This assessment technique is useful in determining the
presence of compartment syndrome among patients with casts or restrictive bandages.
Angina Precipitating Factors — 4 E’s
Angina is a symptom of an underlying heart condition. Patients who suffer from angina
usually complain of tightness or discomfort in the chest area.
It is usually caused by unexpected or premature incidents you can recall as the 4E’s —
sudden exertion, eating a huge meal, emotional distress, and extreme temperatures.
Nitroglycerin is a potent vasodilator. It helps increase oxygen and blood flow to the
heart by dilating the blood vessels. There are two types of nitroglycerin – quick-acting
and slow-acting.
Quick-acting nitroglycerines are supplied in the form of sublingual tabs and
translingual spray. On the other hand, slow-acting nitroglycerines are supplied in the
form of patches, ointments and sustained-release tablets.
Phenylketonuria is an inherited disorder where the body is unable to metabolize the
enzyme phenylalanine causing buildup in the bloodstream. If left undetected, the buildup
of phenylalanine in the blood may cause serious health problems like mental retardation
and convulsions.
This condition can be easily detected at birth with routine newborn screening tests. Once
confirmed, the child should have a diet free from meat, dairy products, eggs and other
foods that contain protein.
Posturing is the abnormal flexion or extension of the arms and legs due to brain injury.
There are two types of abnormal posturing – decorticate and decerebrate.
Decorticate posturing is characterized by flexed arms with inward bending in the chest
area. The legs appear extended and both feet turn inward. Presence of decorticate
posturing indicates damage to cervical spinal tract, thalamus and cerebral hemispheres.
Decerebrate posturing is characterized by extension of upper extremities particularly
elbows and arching of the head backward. The legs are also extended and rotated
internally. Presence of decerebrate posturing indicates damage in midbrain, brain stem
and cerebellum.
Severe Pre-eclampsia Signs – H-E-L-L-P
Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy disorder characterized by high blood pressure, headache
and proteinuria. If left untreated, severe signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia are easy
to remember with the acronym HELLP – hemolysis, elevated liver function tests and low
platelet count.
Pre-eclampsia requires prompt medical attention as presence of HELLP symptoms
indicate organ damage.
Prothrombin Time (PT) and INR
Prothrombin time (PT) assesses the extrinsic pathway of clotting. The measurement is
expressed in seconds. Normal PT range is 10-13 seconds.
International Normalized Ration (INR) is calculated by dividing the patient’s PT values
by a control. Normal INR range is 2.0 – 3.0.
The Language of Eyes
This chart is useful in Emergency Nursing as different presentations of the eyes during
substance abuse are specified. There are 6 addictive drugs in this chart – coke,
codeine, booze, weed, speed, crack, heroin and acid.
Types of Antidepressants and Common Side Effects
There are four types of anti-depressants – tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). There are also new preparations being used as
drug combinations like Wellbutrin and Norpramin.
Tricyclics block the reabsorption of serotonin and epinephrine in the nerve cells. Because
of tricyclics’ effect in heart rate, patients with cardiac rhythm problems should not be
given with these drugs.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by limiting the reabsorption of
serotonin in the presynaptic cell thus increasing extracellular level of serotonin. SSRIs are
mainly used to relieve major depression.
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) work by blocking the
reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine. They also change the balance of other
neurotransmitters in the brain.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) inhibit monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that
breaks down serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine. As a result, the levels of these
neurotransmitters increase. However, when MAOIs are taken with other drugs, blood
pressure levels may be adversely affected so it should be closely monitored.
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure occurs when the heart cannot handle a high output of blood
volume in the circulatory system. It is life-threatening so immediate treatment needs to
applied. Remember the keys to initial management with the acronym UNLOAD FAST.
Calcium – Phosphorus Relationship
Calcium and phosphate in the body are like a seesaw. They react in opposite ways. When
blood calcium levels rise, phosphate levels fall.
This relationship may be disrupted by an infection or a disease so it is important to
measure calcium and phosphorus at the same time.
With these medical mnemonics for NCLEX and other nursing examinations, you can now
prepare for your test or your nursing classes. There are lots of mnemonics available
online that can be helpful in remembering difficult nursing concepts. Whenever you are
tired of reading your textbooks and notes, take a break and have fun learning with
medical mnemonics.