Introduction to AdS/CFT Correspondence Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod Chulalongkorn University February 3rd , 2020 Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 1 / 19 Outlines 1 Motivation for AdS/CFT Holographic Principle Large Nc gauge theory as a string theory 2 String Theory String Theory Physics of D-branes 3 AdS/CFT Correspondence Global stucture of AdS5 Spacetime Conformal Field Theory AdS/CFT Correspondence 4 Evidence for AdS/CFT 5 Summary Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 2 / 19 Motivation for AdS/CFT Holographic Principle Temperature of black hole The motivation for the holographic principle originated from study of black hole (BH) [’t Hooft 93, Susskind 94] Hawking radiation = pair creation + BH pulling the pair particles apart one particle falls into, the other escapes the emitted particles provides a temperature of the BH (Hawking Temperature). Source: S&T: Gregg Dindermann Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 3 / 19 Motivation for AdS/CFT Holographic Principle Black hole thermodynamics Temperature of the BH is given by TBH = ~ 1 = β 8πGN m (1) While it’s entropy is[Bekenstein, Hawking] SBH = AH 4~GN (2) where AH means area of horizon of the BH First clue of AdS/CFT: SBH suggests that a black hole in (d+1)-dimension can be described by the usual statistical system in d-dimension (1 spatial dimension lower). Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 4 / 19 Motivation for AdS/CFT Large Nc gauge theory as a string theory Large Nc gauge theory QCD: SU(3) gauge theory + Dirac field(fermions) in the IR: baryons, mesons etc.→ strongly coupled (problematic) [’t Hooft 74] replacing SU(3) → SU(Nc ) ? Theory of Nc2 scaler fields LSU(N) 1 1 4 1 µ = − 2 Tr ∂µ Φ∂ Φ + Φ g 2 4 then promotes Φ(x) → Φ(x)ab a Nc × Nc matrix 1 1 a b c d 1 a µ a LSU(N) = − 2 Tr (∂µ Φb )(∂ Φb ) + Φb Φc Φd Φa g 2 4 (3) (4) where Φad → Uba Φbc (U † )cd ⇒ global U(Nc ) sym. Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 5 / 19 Motivation for AdS/CFT Large Nc gauge theory as a string theory Topological description of the large Nc gauge theory 2 N and N → ∞ Let λ ≡ gYM c c < Φab Φcd >∝ δda δbc − 1 a b N δc δd ≈ δda δbc Feynmann → double lines diagrams diagrams described topologically by associating 2 gYM = λ/Nc , for each edge E Nc /λ, for each edge V Nc , for each face F Image adapted from: M. Natsuume, Amplitude for vacuum diagram becomes A∼( AdS/CFT duality user guide λ E Nc V F ) ( ) Nc = λE −V Ncχ Nc λ (5) Note: χ = F + V − E = 2 − 2h is topological invariant where h is a number of handle(genus). Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 6 / 19 Motivation for AdS/CFT Large Nc gauge theory as a string theory Large Nc gauge theory as a string theory The double lines diagrams are topologies of 2-D oriented surfaces. In Nc gauge th., Σ(n-points scattering diagrams) is now a partition function lnZlarge Nc = gauge ∞ X Nc2−2h−n fn(h) (λ) (6) h=1 Comparing to the partition function of n-closed oriented string scattering Image adapted from: M. Natsuume, lnZpertb. string = ∞ X gsn−2+2h fn(h) (λ) (7) AdS/CFT duality user guide h=1 Second clue of AdS/CFT: Zlarge Nc Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) gauge = Zpertb. closed oriented string Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 7 / 19 String Theory String Theory The Need for String Theory 1st clue + 2nd clue ⇒ we need 5-D gravitational theory (from string theory) dual to the large Nc gauge theory String theory could provide the requirement above. idea of string theory: a point particle → a string their action can be represented by SNG 1 = 2πα0 Z √ d 2 −h (8) Σ where induced metric hab = Gµν ∂a X µ ∂b X ν (the string world sheet Σ) Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 8 / 19 String Theory String Theory Open/Closed String Theory A closed string has 2 modes L-moving mode and R-moving mode corresponding to spin-2 particle i.e. graviton An open string has 2 d.o.f. or 2 polarizations It represents U(1) gauge field e.g photon, vector bosons, gluons We are only interested in type II string theory where AdS/CFT duality is well studied no free open string in the theory open strings exist only when bounded with D-branes Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 9 / 19 String Theory Physics of D-branes Dp-branes configuration D-branes or Dp-branes = extended objects that is intrinsic to type II string theory, defined by dim 0 1 2 ... p p + 1 ... d − 1 B.C. N N N ... N D ... D Closed strings interact with Nc Dp-branes break open with endpoints on the Dp-branes and vice versa. Only closed strings can travel between D-branes in bulk. Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 10 / 19 String Theory Physics of D-branes Dynamics on Dp-branes Purturbative action for a D-brane is given by Z q SDp = −Tp d p+1 x −|Gαβ + 2πα0 Fαβ | (9) where Gαβ = ∂α X µ ∂β X ν is induced metric on the Dp-brane and Fαβ is SU(N) field strength tensor. 1st order perturbation tells us, there are U(1) gauge fields on the Dp-brane. for Nc of Dp-branes, there are U(Nc ) gauge fields on them. bosonic spectrum on a closed string: dilaton(Φ), graviton(gµν ), Kalb-Ramond field(Bµν ), p-form field C (p) bosonic spectrum on Dp-brane: vector gauge boson (Aaµ ), adjoint scalar field (Φa ) Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT Bosonic spectrum on Dp-branes February 3rd , 2020 11 / 19 String Theory Physics of D-branes D3-branes at near horizon limit Consider a spacetime metric around D3-brane in SUGRA limit, ds 2 = f (r )−1/2 (−dt 2 + d~x 2 ) + f (r )1/2 (dr 2 + r 2 dΩ25 ) where f (r ) = 1 + R4 r4 (10) and R 4 = N π42 GN T3 T3 is a tension between open strings on the D3-brane. The tension T3 causes the spacetime metric curved. As r → ∞ the spacetime is flat. As r → 0 the spacetime turns into AdS5 × S 5 . At near Horizon limit, the spacetime metric becomes ds 2 = R2 r2 (−dt 2 + d~x 2 ) + 2 dr 2 + R 2 dΩ25 2 r |R {z } | {z5 } AdS5 Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT (11) S February 3rd , 2020 12 / 19 AdS/CFT Correspondence Global stucture of AdS5 Spacetime Global stucture of AdS5 Spacetime A global AdS5 can be described by hyperboloid −X02 − X52 + X12 + X22 + X32 + X42 = −L2 (12) Symmetry group on the global AdS5 is SO(2, 4) isometry group, where symmetry group on S 5 is SO(6) ' SU(4) The local AdS5 metric is − ds 2 = −dX02 − dX52 + dX12 + dX22 + dX32 + dX42 L2 (13) Under Poincare global coordinate transformation the metric becomes ds 2 dr 2 2 2 2 = r (−dt + d~ x ) + L2 r2 (14) which is similar to AdS5 metric in (11) Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 13 / 19 AdS/CFT Correspondence Conformal Field Theory CFT: N = 4 SYM Theory in (1+3)D A part of string theory of interest of the center of mass of Nc D3-brane L=− 1 1 1 Tr( F µν Fµν + (Dµ Φi )(D µ Φi ) + [Φi , Φj ]2 ) + fermionic (15) 2 4 2 gYM Properties of the theory conformally invariant because of the vanishing of β-function. xµ → xµ + δxµ where δxµ = aµ + ωµν xν + λxµ + (bµ x 2 − 2xµ b · x) Pµ , Lorentz trf. Jµν , dilation D, special conformal trf Kµ Define anti sym. (6 × 6) matrix J¯MN where K +P K −P J¯µν = Jµν , J¯µ4 = µ µ , J¯µ5 = µ µ , J¯45 = D 2 2 One finde that [J¯MN , J¯PQ ] is the algebra of the SO(2, 4) invariant under N = 4 R-symmetry group SU(4) ∼ SO(6) invariant under S-duality group SL(2, Z) implies strong-weak duality τ → − τ1 with 2 2 coupling constant τ = 4πi/gYM → 4πi/gYM Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 14 / 19 AdS/CFT Correspondence AdS/CFT Correspondence AdS/CFT Correspondence The AdS/CFT Correspondence The superstring theory of type IIB on AdS5 × S 5 is equivalent (or dual to) N = 4 SYM gauge theory in (1+3) dimensions Large Nc gauge theory is equivalent to string theory belongs to the holographic principle Matching of symmetries Symmetry AdS5 × S 5 SO(2, 4) Isometry group of AdS5 SO(6) Isometry of S 5 : SO(6) Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) 4D N = 4 SYM th. Conformal group R-symmetry:SO(6)R Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 15 / 19 AdS/CFT Correspondence AdS/CFT Correspondence AdS/CFT Dictionary[Witten, Gubser et al.] Matching of parameters N = 4 SYM th. ⇐⇒ AdS5 × S 5 2 gYM = 4πgs 2 N 4 /α02 λ ≡ gYM = R c π 4 /(2Nc2 ) = GN /R 8 Matching of correlation functions N = 4 SYM th. ⇐⇒ AdS5 × S 5 R 4 he d xφ0 (x)O(x) iCFT = Zstring φ(x, r )|r →∞ = φ0 (x) Matching of the spectrums N = 4 SYM th. ⇐⇒ AdS5 × S 5 Lagrangian of scalr op.: O(x) ⇐⇒ dilaton:Φ(x, r ) a SO(6) vector operator: Jµ (x) ⇐⇒ vector gauge field:Aaµ (x, r ) stress tensor operator: Tµν (x) ⇐⇒ graviton:hµν (x, r ) Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 16 / 19 Evidence for AdS/CFT Evidence for AdS/CFT First successful example is shear viscosity of strongly couple fluid e.g. quark gluon plasma (QGP) perturbative calculation does not work AdS/CFT calculation of shear viscosity [Kovtun, Son, and Starinets 2005] computed by retarded Green function GRxy ,xy associated with the correlator hT x,y , T x,y i T x,y is holographically dual to hx,y Shear viscosity of holographic fluid is η s = 1 4π lower bound for the most perfect fluid next to ideal fluid Experiment at RHIC and LHC, shear viscosity of QGP is η s ' 2.5 4π close and same order of magnitude → good agreement Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 17 / 19 Summary Summary Holographic principle tells us that BH in (d+1) dim can be described by d dim statistical theory Large Nc gauge th. can be described by weakly coupled string th. Feynmann diagrams on gauge theory can be described by sum of topology of 2-D surface similar to that of perturbative string theory Type IIB string th. closed strings (free gravitons) interact with Dp-brane and break open open strings have their ends on the D-branes represents gauge bosons Spacetime at near horizon limit of D3-branes turns into AdS5 × S 5 with a conformal boundary as r → ∞ where gauge th. live in. 4D N = 4 SYM gauge dual to SUGRA on AdS5 × S 5 parameters between the 2 th. match symmetries match: SO(2, 4) ⊗ SO(6) matching partition functions Shear viscosity of QGP provides real world example of AdS/CFT. Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 18 / 19 Summary References O. Aharony, and et al, Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity, Phys.Rept.323:183-386,2000 H. Liu, 8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality, Fall 2014, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, M. Natsuume, AdS/CFT Duality User Guide, Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 903, Springer, 2015 M. Ammon and J. Erdmenger, Gauge/Gravity Foundation and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2015 K. Papadodimas, Introduction to AdS/CFT, XVIII European Workshop on String Theory, H. Ngo, Introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence, IMPRS/GK Young Scientist Workshop at Ringberg Castle, Session: Gauge/Gravity Dualities, 2008 Thank you for your attention Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod (CU) Introduction to AdS/CFT February 3rd , 2020 19 / 19