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Animal Physiology Exam - PowerLab, Blood Pressure, ECG

Practical Animal Physiology
Mid-term Exam
Nov. 28, 2021
University of Zakho
Faculty of Science
Dep. of Biology
Student’s Name:
Attempt all questions:
Each question carries equal marks.
(Time allowed 30 min)
Q1: List the names and functions of the PowerLab components shown in figure
Q2: During pulse experiment were all of your measurements identical for every
member of your group? Would you expect them to be identical?
Q3: Explain all the procedures for measuring blood pressure by Auscultation
method and label the figure below?
Q4: Given the variation in pressure with height, in clinical medicine human blood
pressures are normally referenced to heart level. Does this usually affect the pressure
recorded from the upper arm?
Q5: From your experiment as done in the lab and shown in figure below heart rate
was calculated based upon the peak-to-peak interval of the R waves. Was there
variability between the beats? Would you expect the interval between beats to be
identical? Why or why not?
Q6: Define electrocardiogram or ECG and mention the aim of this laboratory:
End of the questions