KALOELENI SUPPORT SUPERVISION ACTIVITY REPORT REGION KILIFI COUNTY REPORTING MONTH MAY 2022 TARGET BENEFICIARY HTS AND ADHERENCE COUNSEORS VENUE ST LUKES S HOSPITAL PROJECT NAME ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION DATE OF ACTIVITY 26TH MAY 2022 DURATION (HOURS ) 4 HRS FACILITATION METHODE BRAINSTOMING, GROUP SHARING, EXPLORATION, EMPOWEREMENT, LIVE OBSERVATION AND EXPERIENTIAL METHODS ACTIVITY FACILITATORS VESPUS CHENJA SANGULI TOPIC COVERED CLINICAL SUPPORT COUNSELLING SESSION PARTICIPANTS GENDER MALE FEMALE 2 12 INTRODUCTION Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease. Whereas mental It is a state of well -being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, Can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. It includes our emotional, psychological and social well -being. It affects how we think, feel and act. Health care workers working with people who are seriously ill experience a variety of emotions related to the work, including sadness, frustration, grief, guilt, or isolation. The fast pace of health care often leads them to compartmentalize: to put their reactions aside and manage them later. The strain brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating this challenge, with health care workers in all disciplines and health institutions facing unprecedented emotional demands. Research has confirmed that the impact of ongoing stress and distress affects clinical practice, leads to compassion fatigue, increases rates of burnout, and can result in a desire to leave the field. Therefore, clinical support supervision for health care workers offers a powerful remedy that should be standard practice in health care institutions. Support supervision can be informal, peerfacilitated, small-group meetings where participants have an opportunity to give voice to the difficult nature of their work and discuss issues that negatively affect resiliency. It is of this reason that I had time to engage with counselors in order to support them. ACTIVITY SUMMERY Morning round The facilitators engaged counselors where we had a prayer then introduction of who we were, where do they work, and what services do they offer under HTS, any unique thing we don’t know about them and the last time they had support supervision, lastly if they have ever been to support supervision sessions before, we then agreed and made some norms which could govern the day’s session Most of our session began late because we were waiting other who were coming from far to arrive, we agreed in all our different session that The supervisory relationship a. Confidentiality was to be maintained by all b. We should start and end our meeting with the word of prayer. c. Phones should be in silent mode/ flight mode d. There should be minimal movement. e. We all respect each other views. f. We should all speak through the facilitators g. Confidentiality was to be maintained by all h. Our meeting to take 5 hours. i. Punctuality and flexibility Conducting supervision Members in the meeting agreed that the clinical support supervision will be conducted as follows Starting at 1. Morning round 9:00 am -10:30 which will involve prayers sharing on personal issues And reacting 10:30am - 10: 45am break 10: 45am - 2: 00pm client work, capacity building, administrative issues There was need for counselors clinical support supervision as a requirement since every counselor who works with client needed to seek the support every month and when on feels she has issues. We then reminded ourselves what counselors support supervision is There after counselors agreed on the supervision dates for the following months till termination 26th May, 2022 15th June, 2022 13th July, 2022 10th August, 2022 14th September, 2022 12th October, 2022 9th November, 2022 14th December / supervision termination Activity proceedings The facilitator then asks the counselors to react and support each other on what they shared in the morning round if they picked what they shared from each other. This was a very good exploration and support session where at the end of it all counselors felt supported. We later embarked in sharing some of the and challenges counselors facing while offering HTS services Challenges as: ⚫ There has been un-realistic of the figures put in positive identification since many clients are aware of prevention with positive ⚫ Some clients clients get tested and promise to start ART agreed place but they do not go instead they reappear to be tested again after one to two years using different names ⚫ The facilitation fee given to counselors for APNS support is not enough siting the distance Having no any other business, the meeting ended at 3 pm Appendix 1 participants list Report by Vespus Chenja Sanguli Psychological counselor/ counselor supervisor