King Air C90GTx Memory Items and Limitations NOTICE These commodities, technology or software were exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. Based on Rev. 0.5 of Memory Flash Cards EMERGENCY ENGINE SHUTDOWN BOOST PUMP AND AUTO CROSSFEED FAILURE DUAL GENERATOR FAILURE OR OR AND 1. Crossfeed Switch.................................VERIFY AUTO POSITION If crossfeed switch is in auto and FUEL PRESS annunciator remains illuminated: 2. Crossfeed Switch.................................................................OPEN [FUEL PRESS]—EXTINGUISHED [CROSSFEED]—ILLUMINATED 1. Instrument Emergency Lights................................................... ON 2. Generators........................................................ RESET, THEN ON If Either Generator Will Reset: 3. Operating Generator Load Meter.......... DO NOT EXCEED 100% If Neither Generator Will Reset: 4. Environmental Mode Selector.................................................OFF 5. Vent Blowers.........................................................................AUTO 6. Non-Essential Equipment........................................................OFF (IF INSTALLED) 1. 2. 3. 4. Condition Lever..................................................... FUEL CUTOFF Propeller Lever............................................................... FEATHER Fuel FW Shutoff Valve........................................................CLOSE Fire Extinguisher (if installed) (if Fire Warning persists)................................................ ACTUATE ELECTRICAL SMOKE OR FIRE ENGINE FIRE ON GROUND OR (IF INSTALLED) 1. Condition Lever..................................................... FUEL CUTOFF 2. Fuel FW Shutoff Valve........................................................CLOSE 3. Ignition and Engine Start.....................................STARTER ONLY ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF (AT OR BELOW V1)—TAKEOFF ABORTED 1. Power Levers.........................................................GROUND FINE 2. Brakes.......................................................................... MAXIMUM (or as required to achieve stopping performance) If Insufficient Runway Remains for Stopping: 3. Condition Levers................................................... FUEL CUTOFF 4. Fuel FW Shutoff Valve........................................................CLOSE 5. Master Switch............................................ OFF (Gang Bar down) 6. Boost Pumps...........................................................................OFF ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF (AT OR ABOVE V1)—TAKEOFF CONTINUED V1 Speed.............................. ROTATE TO APPROXIMATELY 10° Landing Gear (When positive climb established)......................UP Propeller (Inoperative Engine)......................VERIFY FEATHERED Power................................................... MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE Airspeed.....MAINTAIN V2 SPEED OR ABOVE UNTIL 400 FEET THEN ACCELERATE TO 108 KNOTS 6. Flaps (At 400 feet and 108 knots - minimum)...........................UP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENGINE FAILURE IN FLIGHT BELOW AIR MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED (VMCA) 1. Power..............................................................................REDUCE 2. Nose........................... LOWER TO ACCELERATE ABOVE VMCA 2ND ENGINE FLAMEOUT 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Lever............................................................................IDLE Propeller......................................................... DO NOT FEATHER Condition Lever..................................................... FUEL CUTOFF Conduct Air Start Procedure in ABNORMAL PROCEDURES. 1. Oxygen Mask(s)......................................................................DON 2. Mask Selector Switch........................................... EMER Position 3. Mic Switch(es)........................................................................ OXY 1. Rudder Boost..........................................................................OFF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM SMOKE OR FUMES USE OF OXYGEN 1. Oxygen Mask(s)......................................................................DON 2. Mask Selector Switch........................................... EMER Position 3. Mic Switch(es)........................................................................ OXY 1. Oxygen Mask(s)......................................................................DON 2. Mic Switch(es)........................................................................ OXY UNSCHEDULED RUDDER BOOST ACTIVATION PRESSURIZATION LOSS CABIN DOOR UNLOCKED 1. All Occupants.................................. SEATED WITH SEAT BELTS SECURELY FASTENED 1. Oxygen Mask(s)......................................................................DON 2. Mic Switch(es)........................................................................ OXY 3. Descend................................................................ AS REQUIRED EMERGENCY DESCENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Power Levers..........................................................................IDLE Propeller Levers........................................................... HIGH RPM Flaps (184 knots maximum)...................................... APPROACH Landing Gear (182 knots maximum).................................. DOWN Airspeed..................................................182 KNOTS MAXIMUM GLIDE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Landing Gear.............................................................................UP Flaps..........................................................................................UP Propellers.................................................................. FEATHERED Airspeed..................................................................... 125 KNOTS Glide Ratio...........1.8 NAUTICAL MILES FOR EACH 1000 FEET OF ALTITUDE (decrease by 0.2 nautical miles for each 10 knots of headwind) 6. ELT Switch................................................................................ ON (yellow XMT blinking) HIGH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE Anytime the Differential Pressure goes into the Red Arc: 1. Cabin Altitude Controller...................... SELECT HIGHER CABIN ALTITUDE SETTING If Condition Persists: 2. Bleed Air Valves............................................................... CLOSED 3. Cabin Pressure (after cabin is depressurized).....................DUMP 4. Bleed Air Valves....................................................................OPEN EMERGENCY EXIT 1. Emergency Release Hatch Cover.........................................OPEN 2. Release Button.....................................................................PUSH 3. If release button will not push, PULL hooks to override pressure lock and then PUSH the release button. 4. PULL handle and PUSH out hatch. SPINS UNSCHEDULED ELECTRIC PITCH TRIM ACTIVATION 1. Airplane Attitude........ MAINTAIN USING ELEVATOR CONTROL 2. AP/TRIM Disconnect.....................DEPRESS FULLY AND HOLD [TRIM]—ILLUMINATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Control Column...........FULL FORWARD, AILERONS NEUTRAL Full Rudder...................... OPPOSITE THE DIRECTION OF SPIN Power Levers..........................................................................IDLE Rudder.........................NEUTRALIZE WHEN ROTATION STOPS Execute a smooth pullout. AUTOPILOT FAILURES AUTOPILOT MISTRIM [E] OR [A] 1. Flight Controls....................................................... HOLD FIRMLY (Control forces may exceed 25 pounds) 2. AP..............................................................................DISENGAGE AUTOPILOT FAILURES AUTOPILOT TRIM FAIL [TRIM] 1. Flight Controls....................................................... HOLD FIRMLY 2. AP..............................................................................DISENGAGE AUTOPILOT FAILURES AUTOPILOT AUTOMATIC DISENGAGEMENT If An Automatic Disengagement Occurs: 1. Maintain Airplane Control. 2. AP/TRIM Disconnect........................... DEPRESS TO 1ST LEVEL TO CANCEL HORN TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM + (TAWS+) In IMC or at Night: 1. Autopilot.................................................................DISCONNECT 2. Wings...................................................................................LEVEL 3. Power............................................................. MAX ALLOWABLE 4. Pitch............................................................................. INCREASE a. Promptly and smoothly increase pitch towards an initial pitch attitude of 20°. b. Adjust as required to avoid continuous buffeting and/or stall warning. c. Adjust to maintain 101 KIAS. 5. Gear and Flaps..........................................................................UP LIMITATIONS AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS VA Maneuvering Speed (From Centex Increased Maximum Operating Weight Supplement).......................... 163 KIAS Flaps: VFE/VFO Approach.............................................. 184 KIAS VFE/VFO Full Down.............................................. 148 KIAS Landing Gear: VLO (Extension)................................................... 182 KIAS VLO (Retraction).................................................. 163 KIAS VLE .................................................................... 182 KIAS Air Minimum Control Speed (VMCA)......................................85 KIAS (Flaps Up) 83 KIAS (Flaps Approach) VMO/MMO—Maximum Operating Speed........226 KIAS or 0.46 Mach EMERGENCY AIRSPEEDS MISCELLANEOUS LIMITATIONS PROPELLER ROTATIONAL OVERSPEED LIMITS AVIONICS LIMITS VXSE—One-Engine-Inoperative Best Angle-of-Climb........................................... 100 KIAS VYSE—One-Engine-Inoperative Best Rate-of-Climb (Blue Line)........................... 108 KIAS One-Engine-Inoperative Enroute Climb............. 108 KIAS Emergency Descent........................................... 182 KIAS Maximum Range Glide....................................... 125 KIAS Maximum Operating Pressure-Altitude Limit..... 30,000 feet Yaw Damp System: Inoperative, Off, or Not Installed............... 24,000 feet (From BLR Winglet System Supplement) Maximum Outside Air Temperature Limit......... ISA +33°C Cabin Pressurization Limit: Maximum Cabin Differential Pressure.................... 5.1 psi The maximum propeller overspeed limit is 2090 rpm and may by used for all power settings during emergency conditions. Sustained propeller overspeeds faster than 1900 rpm indicate failure of the primary governor. Sustained propeller overspeeds faster than 1976 rpm indicate failure of both the primary governor and the overspeed governor. ENGINE LIMITS STRUCTURAL LIMITATIONS PROPELLER LIMITS 1) O perating in the composite mode is limited to training and display failure conditions. 2) The pilot’s and copilot’s Air Data Computers must be operative for takeoff. 3) A HRS 1 and 2 must be operative for takeoff. 4) The pilot’s PFD and MFD and copilot’s PFD must be installed and operational in the normal mode for takeoff. 5) The MFD must be operational prior to engine start. Torque—FT-LB: Takeoff and Maximum Continuous Power...... 1520 FT-LB Transient.......................................................... 1626 FT-LB (From Centex Increased Maximum Operating Weight Supplement) Maximum Ramp Weight..................................... 10,545 lb Maximum Takeoff Weight................................... 10,485 lb Maximum Landing Weight.................................... 9,832 lb Maximum Zero Fuel Weight................................. 9,378 lb The propeller autofeather system must be operable for all flights and must be armed for takeoff, climb, approach and landing. AUTOPILOT N1 Speed: Takeoff and Maximum Continuous Power............ 101.5% Transient................................................................ 102.6% ITT Temp (°C): Start........................................................................1090°C Takeoff and Maximum Continuous Power...............805°C Cruise Climb and Maximum Cruise..........................805°C Transient...................................................................880°C Oil (°C/PSI): Oil Temp for Starting......................................–40°C (MIN) Oil Press at Idle RPM.................................... 40 PSI (MIN) Takeoff and Maximum Continuous Power: Oil Temperature......10°C–99°C (55°C recommended) Oil Pressure................................................ 85–105 PSI EXTERNAL POWER LIMITS Volts....................................................................28.0–28.4 Minimum Amps...................... 1000 Amps (momentarily) 300 Amps (continuous) GENERATOR LIMITS In Flight.................................... 100% (minimum 85% N1) Ground...................................... 85% (minimum 70% N1) STARTER LIMITS Duration On/Off.........40 Seconds ON, 60 Seconds OFF, 40 Seconds ON, 60 Seconds OFF, 40 Seconds ON, 30 Minutes OFF ICING LIMITATIONS Maximum Rear Baggage Compartment Load........ 350 lb Maximum Nose Avionics Compartment Load........ 350 lb FUEL LIMITS Emergency Engine Fuels........... 80 Red (Formerly 80/87) 100LL Blue 100 Green Limitations: • Operation is limited to 150 hours between engine overhauls. • Operation is limited to 8,000 feet pressure altitude or below with boost pumps inoperative. • Crossfeed capability is required for climbs above 8,000 feet pressure altitude. Approved Engine Fuels (unlimited use): Commercial Grades........................Jet A, Jet A-1, Jet B, Chinese Jet Fuel No. 3 Military Grades....................................... JP-4, JP-5, JP-8 Fuel Weights are based on 6.7 lb/gal: Total Usable Fuel Quantity (lb/gal).......... 2573 lb (384 gal) Each Side (lb/gal).......................... 1286.5 lb (192 gal) 1) Each Wing Tank (lb/gal).............. 877.5 lb (131 gal) 2) Each Nacelle Tank (lb/gal)............... 409 lb (61 gal) Maximum Imbalance............................................... 200 lb Fuel Crossfeed: Crossfeeding of fuel is permitted only in the event of: 1) Electric boost pump failure, or 2) Engine failure Minimum Ambient Temperature for Operation of Deicing Boots.................................–40°C Minimum Airspeed for Sustained Icing Flight.... 140 KIAS Minimum Fuel for Takeoff: Do not take off if fuel quantity gauges indicate in the yellow arc or if fuel quantity is less than 265 pounds in each wing system. Systems and Equipment Limits: Flight with Flaps Extended: Sustained flight in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited except for approach and landings. Engine Anti-Ice: Temperature Requiring Engine Anti-Ice, If Conditions Free of Visible Moisture Cannot Be Assured...............................+5°C OR LOWER Operating With Low Fuel Pressure: Operation of either engine with its corresponding fuel pressure annunciator (L FUEL PRESS or R FUEL PRESS) illuminated is limited to 10 hours before overhaul or replacement of the engine-driven fuel pump. Windmilling time need not be charged against this time limit. Boost Pumps: Both boost pumps must be operational prior to takeoff. PROPELLER SPEED LIMITS Transients...........................................................2090 rpm Reverse..............................................................1825 rpm Minimum Idle Speed..........................................1100 rpm Ground Operation Prohibited Range................................ >500 to <1100 rpm Ground Operations in Feather......... At or below 500 rpm All Other Conditions...........................................1900 rpm SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT LIMITS Landing Gear Cycle Limits: Landing gear cycles (1 up – 1 down) are limited to 1 every 3 minutes for a total of 10 cycles, followed by a 15 minute cool down period. Aft-Facing Seats: The seatback of each occupied aft-facing seat must be in the upright position and the headrest fully extended for takeoff and landing. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) 1) IFR enroute and terminal navigation is prohibited unless the pilot verifies either the currency of the database or the accuracy of each selected waypoint and navaid by reference to current approved data. 2) The FMS position must be checked for accuracy prior to use as a means of navigation. 3) FMS based instrument approaches must be accomplished in accordance with approved instrument approach procedures that are retrieved from the FMS-3000 database. • GPS instrument approaches must be conducted with GPS integrity monitoring (RAIM) and must be available by the Final Approach Fix. • During FMS instrument approaches, the FMS annunciator APPR (green) or the FMS annunciator GPS APPR (green) must be displayed on the PFD at the FAF to indicate that the FMS is in the Approach Mode. • Use of FMS guidance for conducting instrument approach procedures is prohibited with the FMS annunciator NO APPR (white or amber) displayed on the PFD. 4) Fuel management parameters are advisory only and must not replace the primary fuel quantity indications. 1) A n autopilot preflight check must be conducted and found satisfactory prior to each flight on which the autopilot is to be used. 2) The autopilot minimum engage height after takeoff is 400 feet AGL. 3) The autopilot minimum use height during cruise is 1000 feet AGL. 4) The autopilot minimum use height during precision approach is 100 feet AGL. 5) The autopilot minimum use height during non-precision approach is 200 feet AGL. 6) T he maximum coupled intercept angles are: Nav and Localizer—Less than 90° Back Course—70° IFIS-5000 INTEGRATED FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1) T he use of the airplane symbol on the Electronic Charts is prohibited for navigation. 2) The database utilized for the Electronic Charts must incorporate the current update cycle. 3) When using the Electronic Charts, a paper equivalent (or electronic flight bag) must be on board and accessible to the pilot. TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS+) The Terrain Awareness and Display (TAD) must be inhibited by selecting the TERR INHIB switch/annunciator when within 15 nm of takeoff, approach, or landing at an airport not contained in the TAWS+ Airport Database. VNAV 1) W hen using the VNAV system, the barometric altimeters must be used as the primary altitude reference for all operations. 2) VNAV altitudes must be displayed on the MFD map page or CDU legs page when utilizing VNAV for flight guidance. 3) VNAV approach guidance to a DA is not authorized if the reported surface temperature is below the BaroVNAV minimum temperature limitation specified on the applicable RNAV approach procedure chart.