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DIY Ribbon Roses: Easy Tutorial for Beautiful Crafts

Things you need:
Green Stem Floral Wire
Green Floral Tape
Ribbon (of your choice)
Things to do:
1. To make your ribbon rose, cut approximately 3 feet or 1 yard of ribbon of your choice. Once you are comfortable
with the technique feel free to play around with the length of ribbon to create larger or smaller ribbon roses.
2. Hold the ribbon in your left hand and fold the right end of the ribbon downwards, creating a 45
degree angle. Be sure to leave a 2″ tail.
3. Start rolling your ribbon to the left, this will create the center or bud of your rose. Roll about two
or three complete turns for a good solid bud and base area.
4. Now you are ready to create your ribbon rose petals! Take the long length of ribbon and begin
folding it backwards, making a sharp 90 degree angle and wrap it around the center bud. Shape as you go. Be sure
that you never let the bottom stem part go while you are wrapping with petals around with the other hand because
everything will unravel. Repeat this folding and wrapping process to form the petals loosely around the bud base of
your ribbon rose. You can also try gently twisting your base of the ribbon rose to shape and tighten the rose.
5. Repeat this process until you have about 1″ or 2″ of ribbon left. Fold the remaining ribbon in half
and wrap around the base stem of the ribbon rose. Secure the base of your ribbon rose using clear tape or green
floral tape.
6. Once you have created your ribbon rose, take your green floral wire and stick it in bottom of the
ribbon rose (the tail that you were holding the whole time when making the ribbon rose). Use about 2″ or 3″ of green
floral tape and wrap it around the entire base of the ribbon rose, starting from the top of the stem going down towards
the floral wire.
A rose is always special, but a handmade rose is so much more! Here is another “how to” for ribbon roses, but this
style is so incredibly easy and quick to make. You will soon find yourself making any excuse to make these. Ribbon
roses are beautiful embellishments and can be used on practically anything. Ribbon roses can be seen a lot in
weddings. They make perfect embellishments for favors, place settings, and wedding bouquets. Ribbon roses can
also be used for embellishing hats, creating head pieces, corsages, and boutonnieres. These could also be used for
gift wrapping and even kissing balls. These ribbon roses are easy, look great and will work with any width of ribbon.
Things to do:
1. Cut your length of ribbon. If you are using a narrow ribbon, you will want a shorter length than
you would want for a thicker width. Fold your choice of ribbon in half and then make an upside down “L” shape.
2. Now take the length of ribbon that is pointing down and bring it up to the edge of the ribbon
length that is pointing left. Your ribbon length should now be pointing up.
3. Next, take the ribbon length that is pointing left and fold it over to the edge of the ribbon length pointing up. Your
ribbon length should now be pointing to the right.
4. Keep alternating the ribbon ends and folding the ribbon on top of itself. Keep repeating this process until you have
reached the end of the ribbon. As you are folding the ribbon over itself be sure to keep it pinched, it can become
springy when you are getting close to the end.
5. Keep the loose ends of your ribbon pinched in one hand and release the rest. It should have a
long accordion shape to it. While holding both ends of the ribbon, carefully start pulling on one of end of the ribbon.
Be sure to not let go of the pinched section as you are pulling the one end. It should gather up at the end and look
like a beautiful rose. Don’t panic when one end of the ribbon is way longer than the other. This can be easily be fixed
with a few snips. I would recommend stitching the center a few times just so that it will keep its shape. You can also
consider sewing in a bead or charm in the center for unique, fun look. Remember when you trim the ends of your
ribbon to apply a few dabs of fray-check or clear finger nail polish. You can also use a lighter to seal the ends. Just be
sure to not burn the edges.
Project Notes:
Use a more narrow ribbon to create a smaller, more delicate ribbon rose. The narrow ribbon will also take a little more
time to fold.
If you wish to just create a small bud and not a full blown rose, just fold the ribbon less and then pull.
Instead of sewing the ribbon together, you can also just fold the ends in a knot, or use a little bit of floral wire to
secure it at the bottom.