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A concise introduction to logic 13th edition answer key chapter 1
12th Edition Patrick J. Hurley 13th Edition Lori Watson, Patrick J. … 12th Edition Patrick J. Hurley 11th Edition Patrick J. Hurley 12th Edition Patrick J. Hurley Thank you for your participation! Part I: INFORMAL LOGIC. 1. Basic Concepts. Arguments, Premises, and Conclusions. Exercise. Recognizing Arguments. Exercise. Deduction and Induction. Exercise. Validity, Truth, Soundness, Strength, Cogency. Exercise. Argument Forms:
Proving Invalidity. Exercise. Extended Arguments. Exercise. 2. Language: Meaning and Definition. Varieties of Meaning. Exercise. The Intension and Extension of Terms. Exercise. Definitions and Their Purposes. Exercise. Definitional Techniques. Exercise. Criteria for Lexical Definitions. Exercise. 3. Informal Fallacies. Fallacies in General. Exercise. Fallacies of Relevance. Exercise. Fallacies of Weak Induction. Exercise. Fallacies of
Presumption, Ambiguity, and Illicit Transference. Exercise. Fallacies in Ordinary Language. Exercise. Part II: FORMAL LOGIC. 4. Categorical Propositions. The Components of Categorical Propositions. Exercise. Quality, Quantity, and Distribution. Exercise. Venn Diagrams and the Modern Square of Opposition. Exercise. Conversion, Obversion, and Contraposition. Exercise. The Traditional Square of Opposition. Exercise. Venn
Diagrams and the Traditional Standpoint. Exercise. Translating Ordinary Language Statements into Categorical Form. Exercise. 5. Categorical Syllogisms. Standard Form, Mood, and Figure. Exercise. Venn Diagrams. Exercise. Rules and Fallacies. Exercise. Reducing the Number of Terms. Exercise. Ordinary Language Arguments. Exercise. Enthymemes. Exercise. Sorites. Exercise. 6. Propositional Logic. Symbols and Translation.
Exercise. Truth Functions. Exercise. Truth Tables for Propositions. Exercise. Truth Tables for Arguments. Exercise. Indirect Truth Tables. Exercise. Argument Forms and Fallacies. Exercise. 7. Natural Deduction in Propositional Logic. Rules of Implication I. Exercise. Rules of Implication II. Exercise. Rules of Replacement I. Exercise. Rules of Replacement II. Exercise. Conditional Proof. Exercise. Indirect Proof. Exercise. Proving
Logical Truths. Exercise. 8. Predicate Logic Symbols and Translation. Exercise. Using the Rules of Inference. Exercise. Quantifier Negation Rule. Exercise. Conditional and Indirect Proof. Exercise. Proving Invalidity. Exercise. Relational Predicates and Overlapping Quantifiers. Exercise. Identity. Exercise. Part III: INDUCTIVE LOGIC. 9. Analogy and Legal and Moral Reasoning. Analogical Reasoning. Legal Reasoning. Moral
Reasoning. Exercise. 10. Causality and Mill's Methods. "Cause" and Necessary and Sufficient Conditions. Mill's Five Methods. Mill's Methods and Science. Exercise. 11. Probability. Theories of Probability. The Probability Calculus. Exercise. 12. Statistical Reasoning. Evaluating Statistics. Samples. The Meaning of "Average." Dispersion. Graphs and Pictograms. Percentages. Exercise. 13. Hypothetical/Scientific Reasoning. The
Hypothetical Method. Hypothetical Reasoning: Four Examples from Science. The Proof of Hypotheses. The Tentative Acceptance of Hypotheses. Exercise. 14. Science and Superstition. Distinguishing Between Science and Superstition. Evidentiary Support. Objectivity. Integrity. Concluding Remarks. Exercise. Answers to Selected Exercises. Glossary/Index. Available in MindTap®, "Living Logic" walks students through a scenario
relating to a real-world problem, enabling them to apply the skills they learn in the context of a practical issue. It engages student interest by illustrating in a step-by-step activity the relevance of logic to real life. Brief "How Logical Are You? selections open Chapters 9-14 and present a question or problem that relates to the content that follows. They get the students thinking about the topic of the pertinent section before they start
reading it and ask them to answer a question. The instructor can use these selections as springboards for that day's lecture or to initiate class discussion. They replace the "Previews" of the prior edition. Every set of exercises now contains a writing component -- an activity to engage students' creativity. They usually involve creating arguments of various kinds, disputes, definitions, fallacies, and symbolized expressions. Students
report that years after they have graduated, the subjects they remember best from their logic course are exercises that engaged their own creativity. A "Why Study Logic?" motivational piece appears after the front material. Among other things, it compares the study of logic to going to the gym for your brain. Instructors report that the greatest challenge they face in teaching logic is motivating the students and getting them to realize the
importance of studying logic. This piece is one of the many features of the new edition that addresses this challenge. "Boole, Venn, and Existential Import" is a new subsection in Chapter 4. It addresses student questions about the Boolean standpoint, which allows for inferences about nonexisting things (such as unicorns) as well as existing things. Students often ask about the utility of a logic that deals with nonexisting things. This
subsection also sketches the history of the Boolean standpoint in the nineteenth century. A new way of visualizing modus ponens and the other rules of inference has been added to Chapter 7 (Natural Deduction). This technique replaces the 'p' and 'q' of the rules with circles and squares, and it addresses the needs of students who learn best through visual imagery. It also reinforces the fact that any statement can be uniformly
substituted in place of the circles and squares to produce a valid inference. End-of-chapter quizzes are available in an interactive, self-grading version. Annotated answers are provided for most exercises in Chapters 1 and 3; these answers provide students with feedback and enhance their learning by helping them understand why an answer is correct. More than 2,700 carefully sequenced exercises give students ample practice and
help them move from simple to complex logic skills. Concise explanations, coupled with clear examples, reinforce learning and provide support in completing exercises. Key terms, introduced in boldface type, are clearly defined. Central concepts are carefully explained and graphically illustrated in colored boxes throughout the book. Many of the examples and exercises are taken from textbooks, newspapers and magazines to give the
book a real-life flavor. Biographical vignettes of prominent logicians appear throughout the book and give logic a human face. A guide to important rules and argument forms is given both on the inside covers for ready access and on a detachable two-page card. Dialogue exercises, which illustrate the application of logical principles to real-life situations, appear throughout the book. Venn diagrams for syllogisms are presented in a novel
and more effective way, using color to identify the relevant areas. End-of-chapter summaries facilitate student review, and practice tests for each chapter appear in MindTap®. Unmatched by other Logic titles, A Concise Introduction to Logic features a 600-page, author-generated test bank with machine-gradable questions - a great time-saver. Learning Logic, a multimedia interactive tutorial program, available on MindTap, teaches the
basics of the entire course in a user-friendly way. No other book offers anything like this feature. This feature has 10,000 individually recorded audio files and 2,000 exercises not found in the book. The book is accompanied by Aplia, an online homework solution designed specifically for use with Hurley's A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC. Aplia helps philosophy students improve their reasoning and critical-thinking skills with
ample practice and detailed explanations. Grades are automatically recorded in the instructor's Aplia grade-book, saving instructors valuable time. Patrick J. Hurley University of San Diego Patrick Hurley received his bachelor's degree in mathematics (with a second major in philosophy and a physics minor) from Gonzaga University in 1964 and his Ph.D. in philosophy of science with an emphasis in history of philosophy from Saint
Louis University in 1973. In 1972, he began teaching at the University of San Diego, where his courses included logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics, process philosophy, and legal ethics. In 1987, he received his J.D. from the University of San Diego, and he is currently a member of the California Bar Association. He retired from teaching in 2008, but continues his research and writing, including work on A Concise Introduction to
Logic. His interests include music, art, opera, environmental issues, fishing, and skiing. He is married to Dr. Linda Peterson, who retired from teaching philosophy at the University of San Diego in 2015. Lori Watson University of San Diego Lori Watson received her bachelor's degree in philosophy and political science from Virginia Tech in 1994, a Master of Arts in philosophy from Virginia Tech in 1996, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from
the University of Illinois-Chicago in 2004. She was assistant professor of philosophy at Eastern Michigan University from 2004-2007; In 2007, she moved to the University of San Diego. She is currently professor of philosophy and chair of the philosophy department at the University of San Diego, where she regularly teaches logic, legal ethics, and sex equality. Her research interests lie at the intersection of political philosophy,
feminism, and law. She has recently completed a book entitled Equal Citizenship and Public Reason: A Feminist Political Liberalism (with Dr. Christie Hartley) and is working on a book entitled Debating Sex Work. She enjoys spending time with her wife, Michelle Watson, and her two dogs Nikki and Grace. "Hurley is the classic logic textbook. In my fifteen years as a logic professor, I have tried out other textbooks, but I keep coming
back to Hurley to give the most straightforward explanations and to provide the best exercises to stretch the students' capacities and to sharpen the students' skills." - Samantha Emswiler, John Tyler Community College "I love this textbook. I have been using various editions for the last 12 years and will continue to do so." - Christoper Pallotti, Los Angeles Valley Collge "I am happy to use Hurley to teach Logic today. It is consistently
clear and concise while providing plenty of practice material." - Louis Colombo, Bethune-Cookman University Part I: INFORMAL LOGIC. 1. Basic Concepts. Arguments, Premises, and Conclusions. Exercise. Recognizing Arguments. Exercise. Deduction and Induction. Exercise. Validity, Truth, Soundness, Strength, Cogency. Exercise. Argument Forms: Proving Invalidity. Exercise. Extended Arguments. Exercise. 2. Language:
Meaning and Definition. Varieties of Meaning. Exercise. The Intension and Extension of Terms. Exercise. Definitions and Their Purposes. Exercise. Definitional Techniques. Exercise. Criteria for Lexical Definitions. Exercise. 3. Informal Fallacies. Fallacies in General. Exercise. Fallacies of Relevance. Exercise. Fallacies of Weak Induction. Exercise. Fallacies of Presumption, Ambiguity, and Illicit Transference. Exercise. Fallacies in
Ordinary Language. Exercise. Part II: FORMAL LOGIC. 4. Categorical Propositions. The Components of Categorical Propositions. Exercise. Quality, Quantity, and Distribution. Exercise. Venn Diagrams and the Modern Square of Opposition. Exercise. Conversion, Obversion, and Contraposition. Exercise. The Traditional Square of Opposition. Exercise. Venn Diagrams and the Traditional Standpoint. Exercise. Translating Ordinary
Language Statements into Categorical Form. Exercise. 5. Categorical Syllogisms. Standard Form, Mood, and Figure. Exercise. Venn Diagrams. Exercise. Rules and Fallacies. Exercise. Reducing the Number of Terms. Exercise. Ordinary Language Arguments. Exercise. Enthymemes. Exercise. Sorites. Exercise. 6. Propositional Logic. Symbols and Translation. Exercise. Truth Functions. Exercise. Truth Tables for Propositions.
Exercise. Truth Tables for Arguments. Exercise. Indirect Truth Tables. Exercise. Argument Forms and Fallacies. Exercise. 7. Natural Deduction in Propositional Logic. Rules of Implication I. Exercise. Rules of Implication II. Exercise. Rules of Replacement I. Exercise. Rules of Replacement II. Exercise. Conditional Proof. Exercise. Indirect Proof. Exercise. Proving Logical Truths. Exercise. 8. Predicate Logic Symbols and Translation.
Exercise. Using the Rules of Inference. Exercise. Quantifier Negation Rule. Exercise. Conditional and Indirect Proof. Exercise. Proving Invalidity. Exercise. Relational Predicates and Overlapping Quantifiers. Exercise. Identity. Exercise. Part III: INDUCTIVE LOGIC. 9. Analogy and Legal and Moral Reasoning. Analogical Reasoning. Legal Reasoning. Moral Reasoning. Exercise. 10. Causality and Mill's Methods. "Cause" and Necessary
and Sufficient Conditions. Mill's Five Methods. Mill's Methods and Science. Exercise. 11. Probability. Theories of Probability. The Probability Calculus. Exercise. 12. Statistical Reasoning. Evaluating Statistics. Samples. The Meaning of "Average." Dispersion. Graphs and Pictograms. Percentages. Exercise. 13. Hypothetical/Scientific Reasoning. The Hypothetical Method. Hypothetical Reasoning: Four Examples from Science. The
Proof of Hypotheses. The Tentative Acceptance of Hypotheses. Exercise. 14. Science and Superstition. Distinguishing Between Science and Superstition. Evidentiary Support. Objectivity. Integrity. Concluding Remarks. Exercise. Answers to Selected Exercises. Glossary/Index. Available in MindTap®, "Living Logic" walks students through a scenario relating to a real-world problem, enabling them to apply the skills they learn in the
context of a practical issue. It engages student interest by illustrating in a step-by-step activity the relevance of logic to real life. Brief "How Logical Are You? selections open Chapters 9-14 and present a question or problem that relates to the content that follows. They get the students thinking about the topic of the pertinent section before they start reading it and ask them to answer a question. The instructor can use these selections
as springboards for that day's lecture or to initiate class discussion. They replace the "Previews" of the prior edition. Every set of exercises now contains a writing component -- an activity to engage students' creativity. They usually involve creating arguments of various kinds, disputes, definitions, fallacies, and symbolized expressions. Students report that years after they have graduated, the subjects they remember best from their
logic course are exercises that engaged their own creativity. A "Why Study Logic?" motivational piece appears after the front material. Among other things, it compares the study of logic to going to the gym for your brain. Instructors report that the greatest challenge they face in teaching logic is motivating the students and getting them to realize the importance of studying logic. This piece is one of the many features of the new edition
that addresses this challenge. "Boole, Venn, and Existential Import" is a new subsection in Chapter 4. It addresses student questions about the Boolean standpoint, which allows for inferences about nonexisting things (such as unicorns) as well as existing things. Students often ask about the utility of a logic that deals with nonexisting things. This subsection also sketches the history of the Boolean standpoint in the nineteenth century.
A new way of visualizing modus ponens and the other rules of inference has been added to Chapter 7 (Natural Deduction). This technique replaces the 'p' and 'q' of the rules with circles and squares, and it addresses the needs of students who learn best through visual imagery. It also reinforces the fact that any statement can be uniformly substituted in place of the circles and squares to produce a valid inference. End-of-chapter
quizzes are available in an interactive, self-grading version. Annotated answers are provided for most exercises in Chapters 1 and 3; these answers provide students with feedback and enhance their learning by helping them understand why an answer is correct. More than 2,700 carefully sequenced exercises give students ample practice and help them move from simple to complex logic skills. Concise explanations, coupled with
clear examples, reinforce learning and provide support in completing exercises. Key terms, introduced in boldface type, are clearly defined. Central concepts are carefully explained and graphically illustrated in colored boxes throughout the book. Many of the examples and exercises are taken from textbooks, newspapers and magazines to give the book a real-life flavor. Biographical vignettes of prominent logicians appear throughout
the book and give logic a human face. A guide to important rules and argument forms is given both on the inside covers for ready access and on a detachable two-page card. Dialogue exercises, which illustrate the application of logical principles to real-life situations, appear throughout the book. Venn diagrams for syllogisms are presented in a novel and more effective way, using color to identify the relevant areas. End-of-chapter
summaries facilitate student review, and practice tests for each chapter appear in MindTap®. Unmatched by other Logic titles, A Concise Introduction to Logic features a 600-page, author-generated test bank with machine-gradable questions - a great time-saver. Learning Logic, a multimedia interactive tutorial program, available on MindTap, teaches the basics of the entire course in a user-friendly way. No other book offers anything
like this feature. This feature has 10,000 individually recorded audio files and 2,000 exercises not found in the book. The book is accompanied by Aplia, an online homework solution designed specifically for use with Hurley's A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC. Aplia helps philosophy students improve their reasoning and critical-thinking skills with ample practice and detailed explanations. Grades are automatically recorded in the
instructor's Aplia grade-book, saving instructors valuable time. Patrick J. Hurley University of San Diego Patrick Hurley received his bachelor's degree in mathematics (with a second major in philosophy and a physics minor) from Gonzaga University in 1964 and his Ph.D. in philosophy of science with an emphasis in history of philosophy from Saint Louis University in 1973. In 1972, he began teaching at the University of San Diego,
where his courses included logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics, process philosophy, and legal ethics. In 1987, he received his J.D. from the University of San Diego, and he is currently a member of the California Bar Association. He retired from teaching in 2008, but continues his research and writing, including work on A Concise Introduction to Logic. His interests include music, art, opera, environmental issues, fishing, and
skiing. He is married to Dr. Linda Peterson, who retired from teaching philosophy at the University of San Diego in 2015. Lori Watson University of San Diego Lori Watson received her bachelor's degree in philosophy and political science from Virginia Tech in 1994, a Master of Arts in philosophy from Virginia Tech in 1996, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Illinois-Chicago in 2004. She was assistant professor of
philosophy at Eastern Michigan University from 2004-2007; In 2007, she moved to the University of San Diego. She is currently professor of philosophy and chair of the philosophy department at the University of San Diego, where she regularly teaches logic, legal ethics, and sex equality. Her research interests lie at the intersection of political philosophy, feminism, and law. She has recently completed a book entitled Equal Citizenship
and Public Reason: A Feminist Political Liberalism (with Dr. Christie Hartley) and is working on a book entitled Debating Sex Work. She enjoys spending time with her wife, Michelle Watson, and her two dogs Nikki and Grace. "Hurley is the classic logic textbook. In my fifteen years as a logic professor, I have tried out other textbooks, but I keep coming back to Hurley to give the most straightforward explanations and to provide the best
exercises to stretch the students' capacities and to sharpen the students' skills." - Samantha Emswiler, John Tyler Community College "I love this textbook. I have been using various editions for the last 12 years and will continue to do so." - Christoper Pallotti, Los Angeles Valley Collge "I am happy to use Hurley to teach Logic today. It is consistently clear and concise while providing plenty of practice material." - Louis Colombo,
Bethune-Cookman University The Elements of Reasoning, 7th Edition Critical Thinking: A User's Manual, 2nd Edition Logic: The Essentials, 1st Edition A Concise Introduction to Logic, 12th Edition Critical Thinking: The Art of Argument, 2nd Edition eBook: A Practical Study of Argument, Enhanced Edition, 7th Edition
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