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CNET 229 Business Assignment

CNET 229 2022 M Term Assignment Introduction:
For 2022 M term there is just one overall term assignment split into two parts for
ease of submission. Each part will be worth 10% of your full course grade.
Part A Due end of week 6 (Sunday 11:59 pm)
Purpose and Objectives as listed in Course Outline
Know and understand basic business functions and types of business
organizations (1)
Describe the business plan and the start-up decisions made by small
businesses (2)
Discuss how the concept of social responsibility applies to both
environmental issues and to a firm’s relationships with customers,
employees, and investors (4)
Explain specialization and departmentalization as the building blocks of
organizational structure (6)
Part A Project Guidelines
Work in a team of 3-6 members. You are allowed to self select your
own team but I will assign teams for any student that has not joined a
team by beginning of week 3. Have one team member submit a list of
team member names and business opportunity selected. Due end of
week 3.
The report must have a Title Page with your name and CC student
The report must be 6-8 pages excluding title page, optional figures
and charts. Space and a half and normal page layout margins with 12
font size.
Use section headings in the report to simplify both the writing and
reading process.
Please ANSWER the questions, ensure that you address the requested
material. You can cover extra stuff if you like, but the questions asked
need to be answered at a minimum.
If you come up with facts and figures to make your points more
compelling (usually a good idea), provide relevant references in the
reference section (usually at the end of the report).
Part A Project Requirements:
Title Page: Each team member name, student number, class section
Complete project guidelines
The Case:
As a fresh graduate from the CC program, your first job will be consulting
someone who has contracted your services to start off a new business in
Canada. The client is new to Canada, and is coming here with enough money
to start their new venture. He/she is not sure which business makes sense
for commercial purposes given how things are in Ontario. Presumably, you
know about these things.
You must compile a report that addresses the fictitious business you are
consulting for as it makes progress through time.
You will suggest a business to your client describing the following:
1. Identify a business opportunity in relation to the existing Canadian business
2. Identify a product, either a good or a service, that will take advantage of this
3. Who is your competition for this product, either direct competition or
substitute products?
4. Thinking about your business venture, identify at least three ethical issues
that could potentially arise.
5. Should your venture have a formal statement of company practices and
business ethics or simply rely on your own individual ethical standards? What
are the pros and cons of each approach?
6. Who are the primary stakeholders in your new venture? Rank them in order
of their relative importance.
7. Does it make sense for a new business to develop a formal social
responsibility program? Why or why not?
8. For the specific business you are starting, does it make more sense to start
from scratch, to buy an existing business, or to buy a franchise? Why?
9. How will you most likely finance your new venture?
10.What factors will most likely contribute to your success? What factors might
cause your business to fail? Is there a way to minimize or eliminate these
risk factors?
11.What form of ownership will your group use? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this approach?
Part B (due end of week 13 Sun 11:59 pm)
Purpose and Objectives as listed in Course Outline
Explain specialization and departmentalization as the building blocks of
organizational structure. (6)
Discuss the importance of job satisfaction and employee morale and
summarize their roles in human relations in the workplace. (7)
Explain why businesses must manage information and show how
computer systems and communication technologies have
revolutionized information management. (8)
Project Guidelines (part 2)
1. Retain the same team of 3-6 members from Part 1 or any changes
made by your professor.
2. The report must have a Title Page with your name and CC student
number. Reuse the project template from Part 1
3. The report must be 6-8 pages excluding title page, optional figures
and charts. Space and a half and normal page layout margins with 12
font size..
4. Use section headings in the report to simplify both the writing and
reading process.
5. Please ANSWER the questions, ensure that you address the requested
material. You can cover extra stuff if you like, but the questions asked
need to be answered at a minimum.
6. If you come up with facts, figures to make your points more
compelling (usually a good idea), provide relevant references in the
reference section (usually at the end of the report).
Project Requirements (part B)
Title Page: Each team member name, student number, class section and
complete Group member activity table.
Introduction: Provide a summary of the market opportunity, and type of
business you recommended in Part A.
Complete project guidelines
The Case
1. Organization Chart
Show how the “team” fits together by creating a simple organizational
chart for your business. Make sure that your organizational chart
indicates who will work for each manager as well as each person’s job
Hint: Most businesses start off quite small. However, as you
create your organizational chart, consider what your business
will look like in the future. What different tasks are involved in
the business? Who will each person report to in the
organizational structure? Refer to the discussion of
organizational structure in Chapter 6 for information to get you
2. Corporate Culture
What do you see as the “corporate culture” of your business? What
types of employee behaviours, such as organizational citizenship, will
you expect?
Hint: Will your business demand a casual environment or a
more professional environment? Refer to the discussion on
employee behaviour in Chapter 8 (textbook) for information on
organizational citizenship and other employee behaviours.
3. Job Descriptions
Looking back at your organizational chart in Part 2, briefly create a job
description for each team member.
Hint: As you learned in Chapter 10 (textbook), a job description
lists the duties and responsibilities of a job; its working
conditions; and the tools, materials, equipment and information
used to perform it. Imagine your business on a typical day. Who
is working and what are each person’s responsibilities? (Note
that if your business is very large, you should ask your
instructor how many positions he or she would like you to create
job descriptions for.)
4. Training Employees
What sort of training, if any, will your employees need once they are
hired? How will you provide this training?
Hint: Refer to the discussion of training in Chapter 10. Will you
offer your employees on-the-job training? Off-the-job training?
Vestibule training?
5. Compensation
A major factor in retaining skill workers is a company’s compensation
system—the total package of rewards that it offers employees in
return for their labor. Part of this compensation system includes
wages/salaries. What wages or salaries will you offer for each job?
Why did you decide on that pay rate?
Hint: Refer to Chapter 10 (textbook) for more information on
forms of compensation.
6. Incentives
As you learned in Chapter 10, incentive programs are special programs
designed to motivate high performance. What incentives will you use
to motivate your workforce?
Hint: Be creative and look beyond a simple answer such as
giving pay increases. Ask yourself, who are my employees and
what is important to them? Refer to Chapter 10 (textbook) for
more information on the types of incentives you may want to
7. Raw Materials and Supplies
Explain what types of raw materials and supplies will you need to run
your business. How will you produce your good or service? What
equipment do you need? What hours will you operate?
Hint: Refer to the discussion of operations in Chapter 7
(textbook) for information to get you started.
8. Quality Assurance
What steps will you take to ensure that the quality of the product or
service stays at a high level? Who will be responsible for maintaining
the quality of the product or service (or both)?
Hint: Refer to the discussion of quality improvement and Total
Quality Management in Chapter 7 (textbook) for information to
get you started.
9. Expected Revenue
How much will you charge for your product? How many products do
you believe that you can sell in one year (or how many customers do
you think your business can attract)? Multiply the price that you will
charge by the number of products that you hope to sell or the amount
you hope each customer will spend. This will give you an estimate of
your revenues for one year.
Hint: You will use the amounts you calculate in the costs and
revenues questions in this part of the plan in the accounting
statements in the next part, so be as realistic as you can.