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Early School Start Times Impact on Grade 11 Students

“Effects of early school start times to student as perceived by Grade 11 Students of Canossa Academy”
Francine Aizel R. Estolano
Adrienne Erika A. Manaig
Pia Justine T. Tejeresas
Canossa Academy
Lipa City
We have adhered to School policy regarding Academic Honesty in Completing the Research Project.
Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research)
Submitted to:
Mr. Bryan Lexter Roxas
March 16, 2020
In this research paper, the researchers have done some efforts to identify and further elaborate the
basic components of a research methods chapter. The research is a more specified version of studies
concerning the status of the students which analyzed the opinion of the Grade 11 students with regards to
early school starts time based on its effects on them. Through reviewing various related literatures
concerning the conditions of the Grade 11 students, the researchers were able to formulate a theory that
relates the effects of early school starts time and opinions of students regarding this concern. Aside from
this, the research also tackled different themes of the topic, including the impressions of the students,
factors, impacts, and conditions regarding this topic. The researchers used structured interview composed
of five (5) questions to gather data from 20 selected Grade 11 students, which is proposed saturation point
of the research. The interview showed that waking up early will be beneficial and a hindrance to students,
and with this some students doesn’t have enough sleep to go to school that early since students have loads
of school works and doesn’t have enough time to rest. This is an important finding as this majorly
contributes to why the students opposed the idea of shifting school time start later. With this information,
the research is about how early school starts time affects the behavior of the students especially their
academic performance. Early school starts time was beneficial for some because they say that indicates
the discipline of the students but some say it is not for it affects their health, physical, mental, or
Keywords: early school starts time, beneficial, hindrance,
This study would be unattainable without the participation and assistance of the people stated below.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the contributions of the following:
Mr. Roxas, for his enthusiasm in teaching, patience, understanding, considerations, and willingness to
help in this study. Serve as a mentor with his understanding to help the researcher to be motivated and
purposeful to finish the study.
They would like to express their sincerest gratitude to all the teachers who lend some of their free time
during their periods just for them to continue the study.
They also want to thank those who participated actively in the research, from the pre-formal interview to
the actual interview sessions. Without their cooperation, the researcher would not have the chance to
gather data and their study would not have made any progress.
They are particularly thankful to their family members, who motivated them despite the hardships they
faced during the research period. These motivations pushed them to continue and keep striving for the
completion of the study.
To their friends, who never failed to inspire and make them motivated to keep searching. Without their
support they wouldn’t be inspire doing the course of research. They have share their inputs and
suggestion to improve the study. Their encouragement really helps the researchers to improve this
research study.
Especially, to God, for making all the things possible and giving them courage to achieve this study.
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………….................7
Purpose of the Study…………………………………………………………………....................7
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………...............7-8
Theoretical Perspective………………………………………………………………...................8
Research Method………………………………………………………………………................8
Definition of Key Terms………………………………………………………………................9
Limitations of Study…………………………………………………………………...................10
Chapter II: Literature Review……………………………………………………………………..............11
Early School Starts…………………………………………………………...........................11- 12
Later School Start Time Is Associated with Improved Sleep and Daytime Functioning in
Sleepiness and School Start Times: A Preliminary Study………………………………........12-13
Theoretical Construct………………………………………………………………................13-14
Chapter III: Research Methodology……………………………………………………………………...16
Research Questions……………………………………………………………………...........16-17
Research Design………………………………………………………………………..............19
Chapter IV......……………………………………………………………………………….....................21
Research Questions....................................................................................................................22-24
Chapter V……………………………………………………………….....................................................26
Recommendation and Implications for Theory, Research and Practice……………………....27-28
Background of the Study
Schools starts too early, getting enough sleep is hard for high school students. Students do
simultaneous homework, projects, and assignments that contribute to their lack of sleep on weekdays.
Most of the students are staying up late for school sports, activities, and doing homework. The effects of
having an early school start times to the students especially to the Grade 11 students in Canossa Academy
Lipa would be falling asleep during lesson, they tend not to listen or impaired performance, and it can
also affects the students’ health and behavior (fatigue and decrease of the ability to handle situations)
during class hours that leads to worst case scenarios. It is known that good sleep is associated with
improvements in cognitive function, if the students did not get enough sleep and still be able to attend the
class they will not understand what the lessons are about. It is important for students to get enough sleep
and to have some rest. These will reveal that the average amount of sleep was directly related to student
grades. Students with a greater amount and quality of sleep had higher marks for it improves academic
performance. Sleep is the number one top priority that every student needs however it becomes an option
when they are having extra time. They are not getting the sleep that they need to make it through within
the day.
Adolescents today face a widespread chronic health problem: sleep deprivation. Although society
views sleep as a luxury that ambitious or active people can’t afford, research shows that getting enough
sleep is a biological necessity, as important to good health as eating well or exercising. Teens are among
those least likely to get enough sleep, while they need an average 9/14 hours of sleep per night for optimal
performance, health and mind development, teens average fewer than seven hours per school night by the
end of high school, and most report feeling tired during the day. School days begins early have many
benefits for students. These benefits include better academic performance, fewer absences and even
improve health. However, early start times do have some advantages that may be worth considering like
students could boost individual academic performance. Earlier start time could be more beneficial in the
long run.
Statement of the Problem
Early school starts time affects the student behavior in class they are lacking of sleep; students are
being associated with several health risks including poor academic performances just because of early
school starts time. This research aims to study the effects of early school starts time to students in Grade
11 of Canossa Academy. Resulting to their unhealthy lifestyle they tend to handle stress that causes them
more problematic and unable to build ideas corresponding to their class. This is one of the problem that
students facing everyday. This research will determine the effects of early school starts time and will give
you knowledge about the impacts of this to the students behavior.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to provide data about students who experience difficulty in going to
school too early. The main objective of this research is to emphasize the effects of early school start times
to students in grade 11 of Canossa Academy. For the students to have healthy, safety, and equity benefits
to starting high school at times more in sync with the sleep needs of students. This study is about how to
improve alertness, memory, attention, and cognitive processing skills. To provide students the evidence
for this complicated issue, and those districts that do decide to make changes aren’t successful. To
provide evidence that delaying school start time accomplishes the goal of increasing sleep duration among
students, primarily by delaying rise times.
Significance of the Study
The importance of this study is to discuss the effects of early school starts time of Canossa
Academy, Lipa City. And the impacts of early school start time to grade 11student in class.
To the students to have high academic performance, fewer absences and even improve health.
To the teachers, for with this research, they will have enough time to rest and also time to do their
To the researcher, for with this research, they will get information about this topic.
Theoretical Perspective
Students in the Philippines are often sleep deprived because of loaded school works. These
students need to be given ample time for rest, since this is how they regain their energy everyday. A 7 am
to 4 pm class schedule is too hectic for the students thus giving them a hard time to adjust. Students sleep
late due to their requirements and they're also required to wake up very early in the morning. Students
tend to sleep in their first classes, thus affecting their academic performance. We propose an 8 am - 3:30
pm schedule at best to give the students at least one more hour to prepare and rest their minds and bodies.
According to the article, School starts too early, "Adolescents of this generation face a global chronic
health problem: sleep deprivation. Researches show that getting enough sleep is a necessity in having a
good health, essential as to eating and exercising. Adolescents are among those who sleep less than the
number of hours, with a range of 8.5 hours to 9.5 hours per night, needed to perform well and have health
and brain development” (Morales, 2018). The research uses this theory to provide evidences that early
school start time affects the behavior of Grade 11 students. This perspective will satisfy the aims of the
study to have a deeper understanding and interpretation on how early school start times affects the
Research Method
The researchers conducted interviews on entirely Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy
regarding their overviews and opinions about the effects of this study. The researcher used social media to
find their appropriate respondents. The researcher stated research questions that may or may not have
differing answers depending on ones’ interview, which will then be gathered for the interpretation of data.
Definition of Key Terms
The following terms will be encountered within this research paper:
a young person who is developing into an adult. (Cambridge English Dictionary,
Chronic Health Problem:
a human health condition or disease that is persistent or
otherwise lasting 3months or more in its effects or a disease that comes with time. (MedicineNet,
Cognitive Function:
refers to multiple mental abilities, including learning, thinking,
reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention. (Science Direct, 2019)
(1) not having enough of: (2) not good enough. (Cambridge Dictionary)
(1) behavior toward others: (2) outward manner. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
to take something away from. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
harmful or damaging. (Macmillan Dictionary)
exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal. (Merriam Webster
makes it more difficult for you to do something. (Collins Dictionary)
weakened or damage something; being imperfect for weakened state or condition
damage in the way that made something less effective. (Cambridge English Dictionary, 2019)
Sleep Deprivation:
the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep (New Oxford
American Dictionary)
Delimitations of the Study
The study covers only the research on the respondents who are currently studying as Grade 11 in
Canossa Academy, Lipa City. The research would focus on the opinion or perspective of the students.
And also do some research about the effects of early school starts as a whole. The only concern of the
study is the impacts to the students of early school starts time.
Limitations of the Study
School districts will encounter administrative and operational pressures. It becomes difficult to
schedule sports practice and extra-curricular activities. A late start time will disrupt parents’ schedules.
Starting later in day will affect time available for after-school tutoring. Students and their families are
already conditioned for early bell. Adjusting school schedules is a controversial issue because there are
various considerations that come into play. School districts that have experimented with adjusted
schedules have found beneficial effects for students. However, making a massive change may be
challenging in the face of limited school budgets and resources.
Chapter 1, the introduction of research, presents the background of study, the problem, the
purpose of the study, the significance of study, the basic key terms, definitions, theoretical perspective
connected to the study, the delimitations set by the researchers, and the limitation of the study. It was also
discussed that the researchers interviewed Grade 11 students in Canossa Academy, Lipa City in order to
know the effects of early school starts to them. They have also convey that their findings are only limited
to Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City, and will not include students of different schools
due to the lack of time while conducting this research.
This chapter will come up with research materials, articles, interviews conducted by the
researchers concerning the effects of early school starts time and the impact of this to the Grade 11
students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City. Information is categorized to clarify the significance of this
study. The study is asked to gather necessary background and establish ideas to support the research. This
chapter discusses the point of view of the Grade 11 students regarding the impacts to them of this
problem. These data will serve as a foundation and reference for this research. This includes the
advantages and disadvantages of early school starts time. Starting school early may affect the health and
will also challenge the students to change their sleeping routine.
Early School Starts Time
Deficient rest in young people have been demonstrated to be related with a wide assortment of
results, from poor mental and physical wellbeing to social issues and lower scholastic evaluations.
Nonetheless, most secondary school understudies don't get adequate rest. Postponing school start times
for teenagers has been proposed as an arrangement change to address lacking rest right now conceivably
to improve understudies' scholastic execution, diminish commitment in chance practices, and improve
wellbeing. Most investigations evaluated give proof that deferring school start time expands weeknight
rest term among youths, basically by postponing rise times. The majority of the investigations saw a
noteworthy increase in rest term even with moderately little deferrals in start times of 30 minutes or
thereabouts. Later beginning of school starts improved participation of the students, less number of late,
less nodding off in class, and better evaluations. (Wheaton PhD, Chapman PhD, and Croft PhD, 2016)
Rest is firmly connected with numerous mental issues, including anxiety and depression. Although rest
issues might be manifestations of psychological well-being issue, for example, wretchedness, there is
additionally proof of a causal connection between inadequate rest and sadness, just as state of mind in
general. Due to this perception, some school start time examines included gloom side effects as a major
aspect of their students’ evaluations. Studies at later-beginning schools seemed to encounter less sadness
side effects
Later School Start Time Is Associated with Improved Sleep and Daytime Functioning in
Chronic inadequate sleep is a developing concern among adolescents and is associated with a host
of unfavorable health consequences. Early school start times may be an environmental contributor to this
problem. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a delay in school start time on sleep
patterns, sleepiness, mood, and health-related outcomes. (Williams & Wilkins, 2014). A humble delay in
school start time was related with huge enhancements in rest span, daytime lethargy, temperament, and
caffeine use. These discoveries have significant implication for open arrangement and add to explore
proposing the medical advantages of altering school calendars to all the more intently line up with young
people's circadian rhythms and rest needs.
Sleepiness and School Start Times: A Preliminary Study
Excessive sleepiness is a common symptom in adults seen at sleep disorders centers. The source
is commonly a medical condition. In adolescents, the element of excessive sleepiness is often sleep
deprivation. One important cause of sleep deprivation in young adults may be the early start time for high
school students. The researcher believed this difference in the start times, with other variables for the
students being very similar, would permit us to investigate the effect of early school start on time rested
and sleepiness. Sleep issues in young people have been obviously distinguished as a field of interest by
people, government organizations, students and teachers. One of the most significant issues in young
people is lack of sleep (Wisconsin, 2003). Lack of sleep in teens has various causes including the requests
of school, extra-curricular exercises, social exercises, and work outside the home. Another significant
factor influencing the rest of the young people is the propensity towards sleep delay. Early school start
time in our neighborhood is related with a pattern headed for reduction in sleep time and reports of
increased sleepiness. We believe, given the numerous prior reports of the detrimental effects of sleep
deprivation in this as group.
School Start Time Effects on Adolescent Learning and Emotional Health and Behavior
Teenagers who are lacking of rest characterized as getting under 8 hours for each night on
account of early beginning time for their school are substantially more prone to participate in hazardous
practices, for example, medication, cigarette and liquor use, have noteworthy sentiments of sorrow, get
lower reviews and are at more serious hazard for vehicle crashes (Wahlstrom and Owens, 2017).
Numerous investigations of scholastic execution and later school start time demonstrate benefited, further
research is expected to comprehend the related systems that add to enhancements in accomplishment.
Latter information in teenager sleeps estimating sleep duration is molding results, yet also analyzing the
planning wherein sleep deprivation occurs. Early school beginning time for high school students has an
unmistakable, pernicious impact on their wellbeing and prosperity. Lately, rest loss in adolescents is
being seen as a general medical problem and issues that needs a more extensive discussion about its effect
and it requires to improved public education about the sleep shift that happens during adolescence stage.
Theoretical Construct
The researchers of this study assume that the early school starts time affects the schooling of
Grade 11 students as a big impact to their behavior in school, which then results to student to sleep in
class and affect their health. Through cognitive load theory, it explains that the effects of having many
paper works in school makes the student lack of sleep that affects early school starts time. The cognitive
load theory supports the idea that students can learn only if their mental capacity is not overloaded. A
person’s quality of life can be disrupted due to many different reasons. One important yet underestimated
cause for that is sleep loss (National Sleep Foundation 2007). In consideration to this theory, it is
important to be aware of the amount of school works that school should give to students. The theory for
circadian process C suggests a control of an endogenous circadian pacemaker, which affects thresholds
for the onset and offset of a sleep episode. The interaction of these two processes determines the
sleep/wake cycle and can be used to describe fluctuations in alertness and vigilance. With this, the
researchers formulated a data that directly links the effect of early school start and opinion for students.
The effects are classified into two types: advantages, which normally mean beneficial to both a single
individual in the system or the whole system itself; and disadvantages, which is recognize as a negative
effect of early school starts time with respect to how it affects different point of view of the students. The
model below would serve as the theoretical framework of the research paper providing the visual
illustration of the said data.
Having health problems such as stress can affect the things they do at school like having a heavy
workload, students have their busy schedule and can quickly become overwhelmed, they are left
with no free time to relax. The amount and difficulty level of school works increases the students
without good time management skills, which can experience more stress.
Not getting enough of sleep makes it more difficult for students to concentrate and learn effect,
which can lead them to be unable to perform well in class
Students being lazy in class are the main cause of academic failure, they can be absent-minded
which can cause them procrastination and will be unable to do all assigned tasks simultaneously.
Tardiness of students has a negative impact on learning outcomes. Students who are frequently
late in going to school miss out academic activities, it will be hard for them to catch up with the
lessons and also students will find it more difficult for them to manage their time since they are
unable to follow their usual routine.
This chapter discusses the research paper related studies that can be helpful in this research. In
this chapter, it discusses related literature about the effects and impacts of early school start time. The
researches were discussed to deepen the knowledge about the theoretical construct. In this study the
researchers formulated a data that directly links the effect of early school start and opinion for students.
The researchers have also discussed the factors that affect the health of the students. The literature review
tackled about the point of view of Grade 11 students regarding the impacts to them of this problem.
Research Methodology
Qualitative Research Design
The researchers consider early school time starts as an impact to the Grade 11 students in Canossa
Academy, Lipa City. With this mind, the researchers will be conducting interviews to selected Grade 11
students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City in the middle of their unoccupied time. This interview will
contain inquiries regarding the perspectives and impacts of early school time starts a student and how it
affects them.
Research Questions
The researchers have listed five (5) general questions that would express the interview that they
would be giving them to the selected Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City.
Research Question one (RQ1): How does the Grade 11 deal with early school starts?
The researchers conducted a semi structure interview to find out the opinion of the Grade 11
students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City about the early school starts time. The Grade 11 students that
affect their behavior in school experience this topic. The Grade 11 students still manage to go to school
early even though they don’t get enough sleep because of doing school works. It allows the students to
express their point of view towards early school starts time and how they manage to deal with it.
Research Question two (RQ 2): How does early school starts time become a disadvantage to the Grade
11 students?
In attaining data about the perception of the students regarding early school starts time, the
researcher conducted structured interview, it was shown that many of the students agree that having early
school starts time is a disadvantage of going to school. Some of the students have a far location from the
school; one way to resolve their problem of being late is adjusting school starts time to give them
Research Question three (RQ 3): How do early school start times affect Grade 11 students’ health?
One of the objectives of this research paper is to know the effects of early school starts time to
student’s heath of Grade 11 students. Based on the semi-structured interview that was conducted by the
researchers, it shows that some of the students are experiencing stress and sleep deprivation that affects
their behavior in class.
Research Question four (RQ 4): How does the Grade 11 students handle the struggles to wake up early
for school?
The researchers to gather data about how Grade 11 students handle the struggle to wake up early
for school conducted a structured interview. The data gathered by the researchers show that the students
are lazy to get up early to have an adequate sleep, which can boost up their academic performance. In this
qualitative research, the students often have sleepless nights just to accomplish the school works.
Research Question five (RQ 5): How does early school start time affects the student behaviour in the
Through this qualitative research the Grade 11 students have their own experience on how they
get affected by this. Using the semi structured interview that was conducted by researcher, it is found that
many of the students tend to fell asleep while in class which affect their academic performance in school.
This research paper was acquired based on the Grade 11 student’s experiences.
The study was conducted at Canossa Academy, Lipa City wherein the potential research
participants are from the said school. In addition, it has sufficiently population area of senior high school,
the researcher choose the Grade 11 students as their respondents, where they can help through their
experience as having a struggle about of early school starts that made them to be the proper respondents
for the interviews as well as their knowledge with the problem of the said topic. Short interviews were
conducted first to determine who are the students are affected by early school starts time. After this, a
personal interview is conducted depending on when the respondents and the researcher are convenient.
The session is held in the hallway and in the classroom wherein the researcher and the interviewee are
comfortable to talk.
The researcher interview Grade 11 Canossian students in which they need to ask them about their
views of dealing in early school starts time. The researcher used availability sampling to develop the
sample of the research under the discussion. According to this method, which belongs to the category of
non- probability sampling techniques, data collection relies from the population of the respondents who
are conveniently available to participate in study. This method requires respondents who have a
willingness to be the subject to interact with a lot. It involves selecting a sample from the population
because it is accessible. That is to say, individuals are selected for the research not because they meet
some statistical criterion, but because they are readily available (Ochoa, 2017). This sample size can be
considered as advantageous already for the research as with this, there is a higher chance of gaining
quality interview session. This convenience usually translates to easy operation and low sampling costs.
The researcher ask for permission of the respondents, their backgrounds, and ensure them that there will
be confidentiality and no sensitive question in the interview and that the data will only be used for
academic purpose only. As the researchers believe that in order to gather enough data the researchers
interview 20 students from the Canossa Academy which will give them the appropriate quantity of
information to be able to have a reference to rely on.
Research Design
The researchers used a qualitative research design. Based on the five general questions that are
discussed on the previous pages, the researchers formulated another set of questions. These questions are
all related to affects of early school starts to the Grade 11 students and will try to gather more information
from the respondents. From the questions formulated, the researchers aim to find as much interviewees as
possible, preferably Grade 11 students who are helpfully accessible to take an interest in study. The
researchers would then request the students for an interview during their unoccupied time, which would
only take approximately 5-15 minutes. The researchers would then finally compile the data received from
all participants and interpret the data according to their answers.
First, the researchers decide to formulate informal question to be asked on the interview process
based on the five research questions. The questions are generated the data needed to prove the theory and
the related studies of the research. The researchers formulate the question without being biased to the
subject. The questions are decided to be related to the state of the respondents, which are students.
Second, the researchers search for possible respondents who are available on that time. By
conducting the simple interview, asking selected students. The researchers ask for their permission for an
interview to be conducted. If they agree, they will be oriented by sending them the details of the interview
and by setting a convenient schedule to them.
Lastly, the answers are organized through coding. Coding simplifies the workload of researchers
in handling the answers, especially when the answers are many.
In this chapter, the researchers have given five general questions, which will be the basis of
complex questions used in the interview in order to gather enough data for the study. The specific
locations where the potential respondents are to be interviewed are stated, as well as the potential
population. The sampling technique, demographic and sample size were discussed in this chapter. The
researchers presented an ordered methodology in lined as how the data gathering process will be and the
researchers also discussed the technique as regards on how to examine and analyze the gathered data and
In setting, it involves the Canossa Academy wherein the researcher can gather information from
the Grade 11 students. And also can accommodate the need population interviewee for this research.
In population, the researchers clarified the interviewees and the sampling method was introduced.
Lastly, the research design tackled the details and procedures that the researcher conducted to
continue the research. These procedures may help other researchers by gathering data in the future.
The next chapter would cover the findings and results of the said interview regarding the effects
of the early school time starts.
In this chapter, the researchers will analyze and interpret the data gathered from the participants
of the interview. The researchers will arrange the data into the reoccurring themes that they have present
in the study. These themes, specifically: negative, nonpartisan and positive have been ordinarily reported
ways on how student’s influences early school begins time and their perspectives. According to what
most respondents had explained they show their positive and negative feelings on how this topic affects
the students.
Going to school early had been a routine to students they tend to face different struggles and
problems as they experienced sleepless nights. In the long run people have different experience on how
they cope up with early school starts time.
The 20 respondents all have an effects regarding to early school start time. The responses varied
in terms on how the students interpret early school start time. The researchers have established themes in
the interviews of the 20 respondents that can accurately describe their opinions about the early school
start time.
Four (4) respondents interpreted early school start time is beneficial. Early school start time really
is beneficial for them considering that waking up early, starting the day early and move early to have a
productive day ahead. According to these four (4) respondents its too lazy to move when the school start
shifts later and will be unable to move and go to school and also they are already immune to the routine in
waking up early to be able to move early.
Sixteen (16) respondents considered early school start time is not beneficial for the reason they
have limited time to sleep, rest and get ready for school early in the morning and also some of the
respondents are live away from the school. This shows that students wants to shift the school start time
later to be able to have time to rest more and have enough sleep to be able to concentrate and focus during
class discussions. They believe that shifting the school start time is the best way for them to have time to
do their unfinished tasks and will be able to doze off.
Research Questions:
The researchers have collected significant information based on the four research questions asked
upon the 20 respondents on how they deal with early school start times. The respondents proved that
Grade 11 students only use their free time to work on the other tasks. Dealing with early school starts time
is one of struggle that students have faced, some of them have disrupt their natural sleep patterns every
school day. Students are tired, irritable and uncooperative because they choose to stay up too late just to
accomplish the piled up works given and are difficult to wake in the morning for school because they lack
sleep. They got deprived from getting insufficient sleep; they prioritize their academics than their health.
Students are unable to perform well and concentrate in class due to lack sleep duration. Sleep is essential
for sustaining a vibrant and healthy life, and it is a key contributor to emotional stability and learning
abilities, such as memory, cognition, and executive function. Sleep duration is influenced by sleep onset
and wake-up times.
Research Question one (RQ 1): How does the Grade 11 deal with early school starts?
As per shared perspective of Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy, they use their free time to
work on other task and some of the students think that early school time is a way for them to be discipline
and also to start the day early. Going to school early is required, according to the students the current
curriculum of the school is to do many projects, and school works that students can’t handle and balance
their time. Having many projects makes the students to stay up all night just to do their school works.
Every student is required to do and to pass academic requirements to add up for their grades. Early school
starts time in Canossa Academy is a tradition time for them to start the class. They used to begin early
school starts time however some of the student said that they get late because of this.
Research Question two (RQ 2): How does early school starts time become a disadvantage to the Grade
11 students?
According to the shared views of the Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy, early school time is
beneficial and a hindrance for them. It’s beneficial, to some students for they are used to wake up and
move early and it’s a hindrance to some for they lack rest. Time is limited to students due to loads of
school works and some of the students delay to do things. It is disadvantage because many of the student
said that they often feel sleepy and tired during class hours, they cant finish those school works that need
to be done, and some are far from school they tend to be late because of early school starts time. The
students weren’t able to focus properly in class because of tiredness and lack of sleep.
Research Question three (RQ 3): How do early school start times affect Grade 11 students’ health?
According to the shared views of the Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy, early school start
times affect their health by not having enough sleep and rest after school. Some of the students are also
athletes and doesn’t have a span of time to rest and do other tasks needed to be accomplished. Students
with good health tend to perform well in school than those with poor health that includes a higher
probability of school failure, poor levels of concentration. School works piles up on students, long and
sleepless nights are inevitable, spending the whole night working on the assigned tasks to be submitted
the following day. Students are unable to focus and concentrate during class discussions due to lack of
sleep which affects school performance and productivity.
Research Question four (RQ 4): How does the Grade 11 students handle the struggles to wake up early
for school?
Majority of the respondents handle the struggles to wake up early by having a right amount of
sleep. Sleeping almost affects everything since students have less sleep, then the less energy they get.
Some of the respondents have a struggle to respond in the morning being up in dead hours. One of the
difficult habits is waking up early after staying up the whole night accomplishing the works that are due
the next day. School works were left unfinished to get some sleep so that on the next day they can wake
up and move early.
Research Question five (RQ 5): How does early school start time affects the student behavior in the
Some of the respondents stated that due to early school start time, they don’t have the interest to
participate and listen in class since they stayed up late at night doing loads of school works. All they
wanted to do is to sleep and rest all throughout the day. Falling asleep in class affects their academic
performance, they should obtain to sleep more than 8 hours and most of them wanted to go late. Shifting
the school start later will make the students boost and improve their academic performance and will be
able to concentrate during class discussions.
Early school start has been proven as one of the factors in the physical health of Grade 11
students, it damages their self-worth and health due to their schedule that causes them not to cooperate
and concentrate well in class that they usually experience. Early school start affects the students for it
disrupt their natural sleep every school day. They got deprived from getting enough sleep, but some say it
is beneficial for it indicates the discipline of the students. Early school start time has effect not just the
student’s educational basis but also their daily life. It has a great impact to the students’ physical and
mental health that may cause emotional breakdown, depression, anxiety and even health problems,
depending on how the students absorbed the stress. The researchers have gathered information from the
chosen Grade 11 students by conducting an interview. With this, researchers find out different
perspectives and thoughts about early school start times. Based on the students’ shared views, stress occur
when the performance tasks are all pilled and the teachers have given them only a small amount of time to
submit their school works that are needed to be submitted on the following day that’s why they are not
getting enough sleep because of many tasks they need to accomplish at night. Students handle this
situation in different ways such as doing their hobbies, eating, etc., depending on what will make them
feel relax and lessen stress.
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
The study tackles how early school start time affects the Grade 11 students of Canossa Academy,
Lipa City. Early school start time affects the students resulting to their unhealthy lifestyle they tend to
handle. They are unable to have a proper sleep routine. Students who are unhealthy are at a low and poor
health resulting them not to perform well in school.
This study determined the effects and impacts of early school start times to students’ behavior.
The significance of the study indicates the importance of this study to grade 11 students. This is for the
students to improve their health, for the teachers to manage their time in preparing their lessons and have
enough time to rest and lastly, for the researchers to have a background and to have some overview about
this topic.
As students, it is very important to keep track of time despite dealing with lots and lots of
academic and extracurricular activities. Aside from time management, enough rest is one thing that would
help boost a student's performance. Starting school too early reduces the time of rest for students too. In
this research, the effects of having an early start of school time for Grade 11 students at Canossa
Academy is to be discussed and analyzed. This is to determine its unhealthy and disadvantageous effects
to the students' health, performance, behavior, and mentality. It is important to conduct this study, as this
may lead to further improvements for Canossa Academy's start time for everyday classes. It is significant
for it aims to provide a better learning environment for the students. It would also help give teachers more
time to execute their work while also being able to rest as their students do. The information that will be
gathered by the researchers would also be of great aid for them to have further knowledge of this topic.
As part of this research, a structured interview is conducted. The interviewees mentioned that dealing
with early start of school time means having less time to sleep. This is due to the fact that their schooling
never ends at school; since they still have home works that they need to finish prior next day's class. Also,
as they live in farther places, they become sleep deprived. Thus, being unable to perform well in school.
They also tend to become lazy due to lack of sleep that has caused stress and uncompetitive to them.
It could, therefore, be concluded that sleep deprivation and stress due to an early school start time
actually affects the Grade 11 students from Canossa Academy's. It causes negative impacts to their
behavior and performance. It also results to health risks for the students and the teachers as well. Students
and also teachers are not able to fully give their whole effort for the completion of some activities, as they
easily get tired and sleepy. It reduces their ability to increase their productivity, as they are already
physically exhausted for waking up too early.
Dealing with early school starts time is a struggle that students have faced, they got deprived
from their sleep and they are uncooperative because they choose and prioritize their academics than their
health, also, they are unable to perform well in class due to lack of sleep duration. Sleep is essential and it
is the key contributor to learning abilities, emotional stability and for the students to function well.
Recommendation and Implications for Theory, Research and Practice
This research was conducted to correlate the impact of early school starts time to the Grade 11
students of Canossa Academy, Lipa City. Based on the study and analysis of the answers of the
respondents from the interview process the researcher gather information and its advantages and
disadvantages to the students. To demeanor the problem that the students, the researchers would like to
recommend the school to instantly respond and discuss about the early school time starts. The researchers
also suggest for this research to be continued for future researchers. This research should be conducted on
other students on another level other than Grade 11. The researchers also suggest other ways of gathering
data other than structured interview such as observation of the respondents in school. For the future
researchers as well, they can conduct another study, which will cover the views of the students who sleep
late because of piled up school works. Another study could be the views of students who lack time in
doing school works. In this manner of the study, the researchers will get views from the students in
Canossa Academy, Lipa City.
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Appendix A: Documentation
Tejeresas and Manaig interviewing Grade 11 students in terms of the effects of early
school starts time to them
Appendix B: Informal/Sample Interview Questions
Good day! We are Francine Aizel R. Estolano, Adrienne Erika A. Manaig, and Pia Justine T. Tejeresas
from the class of Grade 11- St. John XXIII. We are conducting a research about the views and opinions
of student with relevance to early school starts time and how did the students affected by this.With this,
we are humbly asking for your time in answering our questions through an interview. The session will be
conducted based on your schedule and your free time we will approach you to be interviewed. Rest
assured that your answers will strictly be for academic purposes only and no sensitive questions are to be
Thank you for cooperation!
v How does the early school time affect the grade 11 students?
1. What things did early school starts bring you?
v What are your impressions about the early school time?
What can you say about this?
v Does early school time beneficial for you?
What are the factors that early school starts time became beneficial/not beneficial?
v Does later school time a way for you not to be late? Why?
4. What is the solution to the impacts of early school starts time to the students?
v How do grade 11 students deal with early school starts?
What are the things or practices did you do to go to school early?
Appendix C: Table of Respondents (Codes and Themes)
Table 1: Coding of the Answers of Respondents 1-4
RQ 1: How does
early school time
affect you?
Not get enough Affects my time
of sleep
my Affects to do
sleeping time
things as early as
RQ 2: What are
your impressions
about the early
school time?
Early school time Its fine, part of Its fine to make the Makes me tired but
early discipline and a day productive
RQ 3: In your
opinion, does early
school time
beneficial for you?
Yes, it’s too lazy Yes, I learn to Yes, fresh mind Yes, because I am
to move
wake up early and can gather already immune to
that routine
and start the day new learning
RQ 4: Does later
school time a
way for you not
to be late?
No, it’s too lazy to No, it’s not a No, because it No
move if its late
will just make
RQ 5: How do you
manage to go to
school early?
Doing things that Got used to being Wake up early By adjusting my
through body clock routine
needed to be early.
the student lazy
RQ 1- Lack of sleep RQ 2- Tolerable RQ 3- Beneficial RQ 4- Not a way RQ 5- Balance time
Table 2: Coding of the Answers of Respondents 5-8
Research Questions
RQ 1: How does
early school time
affect you?
Affects my sleep
since I sometimes
sleep late
Its hard for me to
wake up early
because I always
sleep late
I’m always late
and not get
enough sleep
I sleep late because
of too much school
RQ 2: What are
your impressions
about the early
school time?
If we have less
sleep, then the less
energy we get
School should be
more considerate
Traditional, it’s too
Schools should
implement late
school time
RQ 3: In your
opinion, does early
school time
beneficial for you?
No, it exhaust me
No, short on time
No, I always cram
No, affects my
body clock
RQ 4: Does later
school time a way
for you not to be
Yes, I get more
time to prepare
Yes, so that I can
groom myself
Yes, more time to
Yes, there will
be more time to
RQ 5: How do you
manage to go to
school early?
Wake up by mom
Alarm clock
Alarm clock
Alarm clock
RQ 1- Sleep late RQ 2- Tolerable RQ 3- should be considerate RQ 4- Yes, more time RQ 5- Alarm clock
Table 3: Coding of the Answers of Respondents 9-12
RQ 1: How does My body does Can’t focus in the It affects my health
early school time not respond well
morning subjects
affect you?
Makes me feel sick
and sleepy
RQ 2: What are It is bad because Too lazy
your impressions we get to encounter
about the early traffic
school time?
Annoyed, I tend to
RQ 3: In
opinion, does
beneficial for
your No, the body No, because I
early clock of student didn’t get enough
time are ruined
It’s too early
No. I can’t focus No, I tend to sleep
well in class and in class
don’t get enough
RQ 4: Does later Yes, not delay in Yes
school time a preparing
way for you not things
to be late?
Of course yes Yes, is the best
especially when way to lessen the
it’s traffic
RQ 5: How do you
manage to go to
school early?
Wake up early
By my alarm and
my mother
I’m not late, I’m
always early.
Setting alarm clock
RQ 1- Health RQ 2- Burdensome RQ 3- Beneficial RQ 4- Agrees RQ 5- Using alarm
Table 4: Coding of the Answers of Respondents 13-16
RQ 1: How does
early school time
affect you?
Don’t have
enough sleep
Made me lose
enough sleep
It limits our rest
Sleepless nights
RQ 2: What are
your impressions
about the early
school time?
I’m already used in
waking up early.
It limit our rest
Hinders students to
have a proper sleep
or rest
RQ 3: In your
opinion, does early
school time
beneficial for you?
No, lack of time in
doing assignments
No, because lack
of rest time
No, lack of time in
doing assignments
No, feel sleepy
and tired during
class hours
RQ 4: Does later
school time a
way for you not
to be late?
Yes, to manage
my sleep
Yes! Become
productive each
Yes more chance
that the students
will not be late.
RQ 5: How do you
manage to go to
school early?
Alarm clock
My mom wake me
Setting a alarm
RQ 1- Lack of sleep RQ 2- hindrance RQ 3- short on time RQ 4- Agrees, productive RQ 5- Alarm
Table 5: Coding of the Answers of Respondents 17-20
RQ 1: How does I end up being late
early school time
affect you?
RQ 2: What are
your impressions
about the early
school time?
RQ 3: In
opinion, does
beneficial for
enough of sleep
Lack of rest time
Makes me lazy to
wake up in the
Annoyed because Lack of rest time
they didn’t think
those people in far
It’s not okay the It affects my health
school time is too and performance
your No, since I’m away No, feel pity for No, because I lack No, because it
early from school
those in far places
of rest
has disadvantages
RQ 4: Does later Yes
school time a
way for you not
to be late?
get Yes, because of Yes, because I
enough sleep and traffic I end up have more time
more energetic in late
to prepare
RQ 5: How do you Wake up early
manage to go to
school early?
By my mom
Alarm clock
I’m not going to
school early.
RQ 1- end up late RQ 2- not okay RQ 3- Hindrance RQ 4- Not a way RQ 5- wake up early
Appedix D: Sample of Informed Consent
Dear Participants:
We are Francine Aizel R. Estolano, Adrienne Erika A. Manaig, and Pia Justine T. Tejeresas,
grade 11 students conducting a study on the effects of early school starts time among grade 11 students of
Canossa Academy a requirement to pass our subject, Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research).
Please help us fulfill our goals by voluntarily participating as one of our research respondents/
informants. Rest assured that the information you will give will remain strictly confidential and will be
used for no other purpose except for this research.
Kindly be aware that your participation in this activity is voluntary. Should there be a hindrance
to your participation, please let us know.
We sincerely express our thanks for your commitment, time and effort, which we consider as
your significant contribution to this study.
Estolano, Francine Aizel R.
Manaig, Adrienne Erika A.
Tejeresas, Pia Justine T.
Noted: __________________
Research Adviser