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multimedia elements

.1. Text
Text is the basic element of multimedia.
It involves the use of text types, sizes, colors and background colors.
In multimedia, text is mostly use for titles, headlines, menu, paragraph, list etc.
In a multimedia application, other media or screen can be linked through the use of text.
This is what you call Hypertext.
The textual data for multimedia can be developed using any text editor.
Text in multimedia systems can communicate specific information or serve as a
supplement to the information provided by the other media
The most commonly used software for viewing text files are Microsoft Word, Notepad,
Word pad etc. Mostly the text files are formatted with , DOC, TXT etc extension.
GraphicsNon-text information, such as a sketch, chart, or photograph, is represented digitally.
Graphics add to the appeal of the multimedia application.
In many circumstances, people dislike reading big amounts of material on computers.
As a result, pictures are more frequently used than words to clarify concepts, offer
background information, and so on. Graphics are at the heart of any multimedia
presentation. The use of visuals in multimedia enhances the effectiveness and
presentation of the concept. Windows Picture, Internet Explorer, and other similar
programs are often used to see visuals. Adobe Photoshop is a popular graphics
editing program that allows you to effortlessly change graphics and make them more
effective and appealing.
. There are two types of Graphics:
Bitmap images- Bitmap images are real images that can be captured from devices such
as digital cameras or scanners. Generally bitmap images are not editable. Bitmap
images require a large amount of memory.
Vector Graphics- Vector graphics are drawn on the computer and only require a small
amount of memory. These graphics are editable.
VideoThe term video refers to the moving picture, accompanied by sound such as a picture
in television.
Video element of multimedia application gives a lot of information in small duration of
time. Digital video is useful in multimedia application for showing real life objects.
Video have highest performance demand on the computer memory and on the
bandwidth if placed on the internet.
Digital video files can be stored like any other files in the computer and the quality of
the video can still be maintained. The digital video files can be transferred within a
computer network. The digital video clips can be edited easily.
Digital vedio appears in manu mm application particularly on the web. Comman digital
video formats include Flash, MPEG, AVI,WMV, Quick Time.
Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing,
transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in
Photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames a second and the
provide the appearance of full motion.
Audio- A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound
effects. These are called audio or sound element of multimedia.Speech is also a
perfect way for teaching. Audio are of analog and digital types. Analog audio or sound
refers to the original sound signal. Computer stores the sound in digital form.
Therefore, the sound used in multimedia application is digital audio.
Any sound, whether it’s music, conversation, or something else. Sound is the most
serious aspect of multimedia, delivering the joy of music, special effects, and other
forms of entertainment. Decibels are a unit of measurement for volume and sound
pressure level. Audio files are used as part of the application context as well as to
enhance interaction.
Audio files must occasionally be distributed using plug-in media players when they
appear within online applications and webpages. MP3, WMA, Wave, MIDI, and
RealAudio are examples of audio formats. The following programs are widely used to
view videos: Real Player, Window Media Player, etc.
Audio is an important components of multimedia because this component increase
the understandability and improves the clarity of the concept.
Animation- Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving. An
animation is just a continuous series of still images that are displayed in a sequence.
The animation can be used effectively for attracting attention. Animation also makes a
presentation light and attractive. Animation is very popular in multimedia application
Entertainment multimedia titles in general, and children’s titles specifically, rely
heavily on animation.
The following are some of the most regularly used animation viewing programs: Fax
Viewer, Internet Explorer, etc.