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Macbeth Act 1 Scene 1 & 2 Worksheet

MACBETH: KM 1 – Act 1 Scene 1 & 2 Summary
Scene 1:
companions, Macbeth, heath, animals, battle, familiars, open, sun
The play opens with three Witches in an ______ place. Their meeting is on the
verge of breaking up. The Witches are due to reconvene that evening (‘ere the
set of ____’) on a _______. This will be shortly after a great _______.
What does the Second Witch say?
On the heath the Witches will encounter _________. They are summoned by
their ‘_________’, evil spirits that take the form of _______ and serve as
their _________.
What do they chant at the end of the scene? What does this suggest?
Scene 2:
Norway, executed, Scotland, victory, three, Cawdor, Macdonald, Banquo
Duncan, King of _________, faces war on ________ fronts. The rebel
Macdonald, the treacherous Thane of _________, and the King of ________
are all up in arms against Scotland. However, Duncan’s forces are on the verge
of _________. At a camp near the battlefield, a bloody captain tells Duncan of
Macbeth’s valour, saying:
“Till he…_____________________________________________________
Not only did Macbeth kill __________, but he led the assault that repelled the
Norwegian forces, alongside his friend and fellow general, _______.
What does Ross refer to him as? “______________________________.”
Duncan decides to reward Macbeth; as soon as the treacherous Thane of
Cawdor is __________, Macbeth will become the new Thane of Cawdor.
What does he say? ____________________________________________
Character development:
assault, soldier, Ross, energised , Captain, Macdonald, resolute
Through reports of the battle delivered by _____ and the wounded ______, we
are given a vivid impression of Macbeth’s capabilities as a ________.
Give one example where this is evident in the scene.
Macbeth also comes across as _________ and determined. Ignoring how luck
appeared to be on the side of __________ and his rebel hordes, he fought on
until the tide had turned once more. He appeared __________ by the challenge
of this ‘fresh _______’ from the Norwegian forces.
second, cracks, captains, Duncan, rivals, undismayed, cannons,
Banquo is Macbeth’s fellow commander in King _________’s army. Duncan
refers to ‘our _______, Macbeth and Banquo’ and we sense that he serves as
Macbeth’s ________ in command. Banquo, like Macbeth, was ___________ by
the Norwegian assault. No less than Macbeth, he exploded into action. Both men
‘were/ As ________ overcharged with double ________.’ Like Macbeth, he
attacked the Norwegians with extraordinary violence. We’re left with the
impression that Banquo is a commander who _______ Macbeth in terms of
courage, resolve, military skill and sheer ferocity.