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Girl, Missing Novel Analysis Assignment

Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie
Write an appraisal/critique or an analysis to the introduction of Sophie
McKenzie’s novel ‘Girl, Missing’.
Base your answer on key moment 1 (chapters 1-4).
1. Write proper sentences and divide your work into clear paragraphs.
2. Write approximately three paragraphs per refill page or at least two
paragraphs per copy page. Leave a whole line between each paragraph.
Language of information/facts
3. Write factual paragraphs where you share information about
characters/events in the novel/the action of the novel/ sub-plot and the
social setting.
Personal Response
4. You must include examples of personal response in every paragraph.
For example- I liked/I enjoyed/ I was impressed by/ I was impressed by
the way the author introduced elements of drama/suspense/ tension.
Here are some hints to get you started…
In this essay, I propose to share my personal response to the exposition
of Sophie McKenzie’s highly emotional and action-packed novel ……………
The story is set in…
The narrator of the story is Lauren, who is a very strong character. At
the beginning of the novel she is…
We are also introduced to the character of …………………
Lauren’s relationship with Jam is…………………. I feel that there is more to
their relationship and that it will develop further.
It seems to me that Lauren’s relationship with her mother is…… This is
evident when……