Uploaded by Charles Kahiro

Research Consent Letter Template

Appendix 1
Example of Organisation/Management Letter - consent to approach research
Dear (title of appropriate person)
I am a student undertaking (add appropriate course title and qualification) at the
University of x As part of my course I am undertaking a research study titled: add full
title of the study. Briefly explain the purpose of the study.
Prior to undertaking the study I need your agreement/consent to approach the
following (add in the people who you wish to recruit) within your organisation to take
part in the study. I will recruit people to the study using (add here the method you
have selected such as poster, letter, email etc attach copy of method used and
information sheet). I hope to recruit X number of participants.
I can assure you that the study will not disrupt the working environment in any way
and any data collected will remain confidential. I am applying (or have gained) ethical
approval for the study from the University of x
My research is supervised by (add name and qualifications of supervisor).
Yours sincerely
Name & Title of Researcher
Contact email