PRODUCTION OF KEY PESTICIDES DURING 2016-17 TO 2020-21 As on 24.08.2021 S. No. Unit: M.T. (Tech. Grade) PESTICIDE GROUP 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Acephate Alphamethrin i i 16265 101 18271 320 3 Chlorpyriphos i 5867 7984 7143 6496 8529 4 Cypermethrin i 7875 8246 10952 10865 12291 5 DDT i 2263 1265 1366 815 569 6 7 DDVP Deltamethrin i i 8130 372 8127 551 9136 682 685 935 590 8 Dicofol i 90 77 52 10 9 Dimethoate i 1372 1184 1257 1446 1452 10 Ethion i 2112 2381 1318 2127 2220 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Ethofumesate i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i f f f f f f h h h h h h h r r 1036 529 175 740 2255 6577 4038 1104 1137 5910 90 10504 1289 84 2507 2373 282 1785 130 462 78480 354 601 23358 1895 3679 6352 132 1120 2581 6402 1310 1287 741 344 1142 3293 5500 3780 1525 1323 7016 112 9945 1184 100 3282 1543 153 1763 27 588 70245 400 720 25830 2249 3262 6294 1042 695 100 622 4390 5298 2822 1860 1534 5847 792 670 20 2297 3691 5817 2753 1222 1408 433 493 29 1677 3838 7917 3639 1656 1349 12452 885 77 5569 886 125 1931 21 501 69331 336 763 24236 1477 3618 6684 12361 856 148 6152 16080 1056 148 5211 132 1462 1463 753 60880 207 634 22555 1730 3397 5911 809 97428 200 881 27050 1611 3423 6129 882 3597 4771 1395 1919 3626 4913 1260 2648 3066 4914 1316 3191 3587 7614 1468 213718 212699 Source: Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. Abbreviations: i- Insecticides, f – Fungicides, h– Herbicides, r – Rodenticides, 216703 21081 438 2020-21 1 2 Fenvalerate Imidachloroprid Lambda Cyhalothrin Malathion Monocrotophos Pendimethalin Permethrin Phenthoate Phorate Phosphamidon Profenofos Technical Quinalphos Temephos Thiamethoxam Technical Triazophos Triclopyr acid Captan & Captafol Carbendazim Hexaconazole Mancozeb Metconazole Ziram 2,4-D Atrazine Diuron Glyphosate Isoproturon Metribuzin Pretilachlor Technical Aluminium Phosphide Zinc phosphide Grand Total 19633 344 2019-20 191755 29588 536 255090