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Evolution Study Guide: Key Concepts & Evidence

Ch 10
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catastrophism, gradualism
Catastrophism and gradualism are both
terms to describe how natural disasters
have shaped the earth, whether quick or
over a long period of time.
population, variation.
The variations that exist in every population are the basis for natural selection.
adaptation, evolution
Adaptations lead to evolution in populations in a species.
vestigial structure, analogous structure.
Vestigial and analogous structures are
not a result of a common ancestor.
Paleontology, Fossils
Paleontology is the study of fossils.
The term homologous comes from the
Homologous structures are structures
Greek word homos, which means "the
that are similar in how they are arranged
same". Explain how this meaning relates
in comparison to other organisms.
to homologous structures.
The term vestigial come from the Latin
Vestigial structures are tracks or footword vestigium, which means "track or
prints of organs or structures that had a
footprint". Explain how this meaning refunction in an early ancestor.
lates to vestigial structures.
Before he published his theory of natDescribe one idea about evolution that ural selection he proposed that all orwas proposed before Darwin published ganisms come from a common ancestor and less-complex organisms arose to
his theory of natural selection.
more-complex organisms.
Charles Lyell influenced Darwin's idea
Briefly explain how the geologist Charles of evolution by producing the theory
Lyell influenced Darwin's ideas about
of uniformitarianism. It affected Darwin
how evolution works
and was the favored theory of geologic
Darwin saw from the tortoises that orWhat insights did Darwin gain from ob- ganisms can adapt to their environserving island organisms such as the ments. He learned from the finches that
Galapagos tortoises and finches?
there is variation among a species in
different environments.
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On his voyage, Darwin observed fossils
of extinct organisms that resembled living organisms. He also found shells of
marine organisms high up in the mountains. How did these observations provide evidence that Earth is very old?
These observations showed that living
organisms are related to the fossilized
organisms and fossils take an extremely
long amount of time, which shows that
the Earth is very old.
Thomas Malthus was an economist who
proposed that resources such as food,
water, and shelter are natural limits to
human population growth. Explain how
Darwin extended this idea in his theory
of natural selection
In Darwin's theory of natural selection,
he says if resources are limited and organisms have more offspring than can
survive, only some individuals survive.
This is called variation.
Heritability is important for natural and
Why is heritability important for both natartificial selection because a trait must
ural and artificial selection?
be heritable for them to take place.
Variations that exist in every population
are the basis for natural selection. The
differences in organisms come from different genetic material. Overproduction
is basically the definition of natural selecNatural selection is based on four
tion. Overproduction raises chances of
main principles: variation, overproducsurviving, but offspring may fight. More
tion, adaptation, and descent with modsuccessful individuals are "naturally seification. Briefly explain how each of
lected" to live longer and produce more
these principles is necessary for natural
offspring that have adaptations for their
selection to occur.
environment. Descent with modification
means that over time, natural selection
will result in species with adaptations
that are suited well for survival and reproduction in their environment.
Natural selection can only act on existing
Explain what is meant by the sentence
traits because the trait has to be heri"Natural selection can only act on existtable. If the trait does not exist, it is not
ing traits."
Fossils show how modern-day organisms are related to extinct organisms and
how the animals have adapted. Geog2/5
Ch 10
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Evidence of evolution comes from diverse sources, such as fossils, geography, embryology, and anatomy. Briefly
describe one example of evidence for
evolution from each of these sources
raphy shows how certain species have
different traits for different geographies.
Embryology showed that crabs and barnacle larvae look alike and have a relationship. Anatomy provided evidence of
homologous structures.
An ostrich wing is an example of a vesGive an example of a vestigial structure tigial structure. They are features that
and explain how vestigial structures are were once used a long time ago that
significant to evolution
are no longer needed, so it shows how
evolution works.
Paleontology is important to evolutionary
biology because fossils that are relatPaleontology is the study of fossils or
ed to modern-day organisms can show
extinct organisms. Explain how this field
what adaptations and variations have
is important to evolutionary biology.
happened since that organism became
Genes and proteins are similar to homologous structures because to determine
How are genes and proteins similar
relationships among species biologists
to homologous structures when determay look at similar genes and proteins.
mining evolutionary relationships among
They may have the same proteins or
genes but different uses like homologous
Explain what the following quote by
Theodosius Dobzhansky means: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the
light of evolution.
This quote means that all of biology is
linked together by evolution. Without evolution there are just strange facts and the
theory of evolution ties them all together.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck hypothesized
that changes in an environment led to
an organism's greater or lesser use of
a body part. Although his hypothesis
was wrong, what ideas of evolution did
Lamarck and Charles Darwin share?
Lamarck and Darwin shared the idea
that changes in physical characteristics
could be inherited and were driven by
environmental changes over time.
Both birds and crocodiles build nests,
These behaviors are homologous becare for their young, and "sing" to defend
cause they are the same within two
territory and attract mates. They inherit3/5
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ed these behaviors from a common an- species and come from a common ancestor. Are these homologous or analo- cestor. Analogous are not similar in origous behaviors? Explain
The turkey vulture and the California
condor both feed upon dead animals,
known as carrion. Neither species of bird
has feathers on its head. Explain how
natural selection may have played a role
in the featherless heads of these carrion
If these animals had feathers on their
heads, they could get disease from collecting carrion parts in their feathers.
Natural selection made the gene for unfeathered heads more favorable than the
feathered heads until the gene was fully
The Labrador retriever, a breed of dog,
has been artificially selected for certain traits. However, these dogs are also
prone to having weak hips. Use concepts
from this chapter and your knowledge
of genetics to explain how this situation
may have arisen
Selection for certain traits leads to inbreeding, which leads to the reduction
of genetic diversity. This causes many
problems and in this case, weak hips.
Traits of the wild mustard plant have
been emphasized by artificial selection
to produce different vegetables. In some
varieties, it is the leaves or the stems that
are to be eaten. Which traits were emphasized to produce cauliflower? cabbage?
The traits of the leaves or stems were
emphasized to produce cauliflower. The
traits of the flower heads were emphasized to produce cabbage.
What would a protein comparison of
A protein comparison of the three plants
broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower conwould say that each one of them has a
firm about their relationships to each othcommon ancestor with each other.
What does the graph show about
Over a 20-year period, both seabird
seabird casualties and the mouse pop- casualties and mouse population have
ulation over a 20-year period?
gone up significantly (millions).
The seabird casualties would go down
over the next 20 years because they
Imagine that some seabirds began deare defending their offspring from getting
fending their nests from mice, and that
killed. The mouse population would not
this behavior is heritable. What changes
be as growthful as it was the previous
20 years because if the seabirds start to
Ch 10
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might a graph show over the next 20
years? Explain.
defend they will kill the mice which will
lower the population.
Imagine a way in which seabirds could
adapt to the mouse population and avoid
predation of their chicks. Then consider
how, after many generations, the mouse
population could counter this defense
and again limit the seabird population.
What are possible adaptations that could
lead to this co-evolution of mice and
A possible adaptation for the seabirds
would be to defend their nests and try to
kill the mice that come up into the nest.
A possible effect adaptation would be to
sneak into the nests when the mother
or father bird is out to get food for the
offspring. Both of these could lead to the
evolution of mice and seabirds.
Look again at the picture of the
star-nosed mole. Its claws are well
adapted for breaking through soil. How
could natural selection have played a
role in this trait becoming common
among star-nosed moles?
The star-nosed mole eats worms and insects in the ground. The claws help it get
the food it needs to survive and reproduce. This trait was passed on because
it was the best fit for the organism.