NUR 4716 Summer 2022 Exam 2 Blueprint & Study Guide In addition to Lewis textbook and ATI Med-Surg chapters listed on syllabus and weekly course content, please also review the ATI Transfusion Chapter 40, including the Application Exercises. # Questions Topic 6 2 Risks, assessment, symptoms, and treatment of: pleurisy, pneumonia, pulmonary emboli, pneumothorax; chest tube care and maintenance Patient teaching for tuberculosis treatment; treatment of small cell vs. non-small cell lung cancer; Pneumoconoises cause Assessing oxygenation at bedside; types of oxygen delivery; thoracentesis procedure and possible complications Elements of informed consent and nurse’s role 2 Malignant hyperthermia risk factors and priority actions 2 Classification of surgical procedures 5 Pre-op care: What to report (allergies, history, abnormal CBC BMP values); Patient prep; Patient teaching to avoid post-op complications; SCIP goals and core measure interventions Intra-op care: Care of patients with type 1 diabetes; Patients with increased risk of hypothermia; Signs of anesthesia awareness; Surgical asepsis procedures in OR; Moderate sedation – RN roles and complications/reversal PACU care: Priority assessment; PARS examples; Signs of shock 3 4 6 3 8 3 6 50 Post-op care: Signs of infection, Risks of immobility and interventions; Post-op risks for patients with diabetes; NG tube maintenance; Wound dehiscence, Wound packing sterile technique; Post-op nausea & vomiting nursing process Process for safe blood transfusion; Process for autologous blood donation; Types & signs of transfusion reactions Pain: Safe pain medication administration, Pain assessment & scale, Examples of acute/chronic pain; Opioid reversal; Medication for neuropathic pain; Medicating patients post-op if they fear narcotic dependence TOTAL, each worth 2 points