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Lesson Adaptation Project: Special Education

Lesson Adaptation Project
You will complete a lesson accommodation and modification activity to demonstrate
your proficiency at adapting a lesson for a student with significant support needs. Be sure
to review the rubric for a full understanding of the expectations for this project.
Here are some helpful details:
1. Select an age-appropriate lesson and fully describe it. Describe the class
composition and the specific student with significant support needs
 You will design a lesson for either the elementary level, the middle school level,
or the high school level. Your lesson must be a chronological age-appropriate
general education lesson. Do not copy/paste information from any internet lesson.
 The template provides everything you need for organizing and conceptualizing
your lesson. It guides you through a process of describing the class and students,
the lesson content, lesson delivery, and other components of a quality lesson.
 Make the class diverse, including students with different abilities, interests,
cultures, issues, etc. One of your students will be a student with severe
2. Use state standards to guide your development of measurable learning objectives
 Identify the state standard to be used in the lesson plan.
 Identify the aligned alternate standard to be used for the student with significant
support needs. Note that you can either use the Extended Evidence Outcomes
(EEOs) for Colorado or you can use the EEOs from your own state.
 Develop measurable learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs.
3. Describe the differentiation processes that can be used with each lesson to enhance
the learning of all students
 The purpose of differentiation is to make lessons accessible, interesting, and
optimized for learning across a variety of students with and without disabilities.
You will address four areas in the differentiation process: (1) content mapping,
(2) enhancing instruction, (3) enhancing practice and performance, and (4)
expanding assessment options.
4. Describe on a step-by-step basis accommodations and modifications for a specific
student with significant support needs, including any special materials.
 The template provides helpful information and a place for fulfilling this
requirement of the project. Consider referring to Kurth (2013) and the text chapter
by Jackson, McCaleb, and Helwick.
5. Describe assessment processes that can be used to ascertain skill and critical
vocabulary acquisition
 Describe the assessment processes for all the students in the class. This is always
the starting point in assessment regardless of the level of disability associated with
one or more specific students, but do think “differentiation” (different kinds of
products or assessment processes).
6. Develop a rubric that can be used with the student who has significant support
needs to measure learning and progress
 Students with significant support needs often require that the grading process be
modified; that is, a revised, individualized grading procedures is used for
indicating what products or performances are required for the student to earn an
A, B, or C (etc.) or 1, 2, 3, (etc.). For this step in the project, you will designing a
single, high quality rubric for individual grading.
 See the rubric resources in your Canvas course for guidance.