Uploaded by bcarrillo44

English Language Learning Worksheet

Answer the following questions, using the following link:
Articles a / an
What was the woman making in the kitchen?
What is Lucas doing in the living room?
Where is Lucas going later?
Who is he going with?
Where did he meet her?
Is Lucas excited about his date? How do you know?
How’s your first week going?
What is the girls’s name?
What is the name of the professor of mathematics?
What was Laura looking for yesterday?
Did she find it? How long did it take her to find it?
What is Laura studying?
Does Laura live on Campus?
How is the food?
Asking for directions
Where does the man need to go?
After you pass the library, where do you turn?
It’s across from where?
What city are they in?
The man ran to catch what?
Are you from around here?
Where is the man from?
Was he born in Mexico?
Where is he originally from?
When did he move to Mexico?
Where in Mexico did he live?
When did he come to the United States?
What is the woman’s name?
What do people in Mexico do on the weekends?
Talking about family
Does Mary have any siblings?
Does Leo have a big or small family?
Who are Leo’s best friends?
Does Mary like being an only child?
Does Mary ever feel lonely?
What does Mary’s father do?
What is the name of Mary’s father’s business?
Where is it located?
What does Mary’s mother do?
How long has her mother’s shop been open?
What time does the shop open on Saturday and Sunday?
Short responses: so, too, neither / nor, either
Where is the blonde woman going next month?
Does the brunette woman like big cities?
What does the brunette like to do with her husband in the countryside?
Talking about appearances
How many actresses are in the first scene?
What earrings is the girl with curly hair wearing?
What is the long actresses name?
What is her hair style?
What is the shape of her face?
Is Kristin Kremlin American?
What hairstyle does she have?
What color are the actress’ eyes with the pink dress?
Evening Routines
What is the first thing George does in the evening as soon as he enters the house?
Where does George put this wallet?
What does George wear?
How long does George ride his bike?
Does the host exercise enough?
What does George usually cook?
What does George do right before he cooks?
What does he do after dinner?
What time does he go to bed?
What time does he wake up?