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Adult Learner Characteristics: Information Sheet

Information Sheet is a form of instruction sheet used to provide
and transfer knowledge-based information needed to achieve learning
outcomes. Information could be about new procedure, technique or
technical data needed to do an assigned job. This sheet is prepared by
the trainer if there are no resources available.
It has three parts: 1.) Learning Objectives, 2.) Introduction or
Overview, and 3.) Body or Text. Learning Objectives defines the
expected aim as the result of instruction. Introduction or overview
presents the general idea of the lesson and integrates previous, current
and next learning content. Body or Text contains knowledge and skills
needed to develop certain skills.
• Information should be recent, precise, and suitable to the interest
and reading level of the students.
• Make the information sheet eye-catching and easy to read. The
layout, illustration and reproduction should be clear and attractive
in appearance. This sheet, commonly used in self-paced learning,
should persuade trainees to read and comprehend the material.
• Supplement words with illustration and diagram for clarity.
• Material used should be usable and easy to file, and then have it
punched for filing purposes.
• Acknowledge the sources of information. Note on the sheet if much
of the material is taken from it because doing this will prevent
plagiarism (or use others’ idea without giving credit to the author).
Understanding Adult Learner’s Characteristics
Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Determine different characteristics of adult learner
2. Correlate the implication of each adult’s characteristics with the trainer
and the learning process.
In this lesson, we will focus not only on adult learner’s characteristics but also
on its implication with the trainer and the learning process.
To produce quality technical-vocational education, we need to know first our
learners – as they are the most essential component of teaching process.
Knowing better the learners will enable the trainer to prepare session plan with
ease, and to facilitate session that meets student’s learning needs.
Part of being an effective educator involves understanding how adults
learn best (Lieb, 1991). Who are our learners? Our learners are adults who are
willing to be training to become competent in a specific job role. Therefore, as a
trainer we must understand adult learners as a whole.
Understanding adult learners and knowing adult education is known as
Andragogy (Knowles).This theory is devised by Knowles and come up with six (6)
characteristics of an adult learner, which are the following:
are autonomous & self-directed.
bring life experiences & knowledge to learning experiences.
are goal-oriented.
are relevancy-oriented.
are practical.
like to be respected.
Adults are autonomous & self-directed.
Adult learners want to be involved in the
learning process. This characteristic proves
that adult learners want to do things on their
own at their pace on their preferred time and
place, and expects the teacher to facilitate the
Photo credits to Masterfulfacilitation.com
group or class.
Adults bring life experiences &
knowledge to learning experiences.
Experience is the best teacher, and it is
with the experience where we learn
best. As a trainer, encourage students
knowledge so that everybody will learn
from it. Then recognize the expertise of
each student to boost their confidence.
Photo credits to Globalroom-biz.isabelevalle.com
Adults are goal-oriented.
Adults learners want to know first the
objective or goal of the topic, and its
applicability in their job roles.
Photo credits to Newlotus.buddhistdoor.com
Adults are relevancy-oriented.
Adults are motivated and eager to learn the topics
relevant to their job role. These students invest their
time and effort to actively participate to session
pertinent in the industry.
Adults are practical.
Adult learners take various roles in the
community; thus, wanted to achieve
their educational goal as quickly as
possible without impending their roles.
Photo credits to Clienteducationblog.wordpress.com
Adults like to be respected.
Adults take interest in studying to an environment where respect is established
in the relationship.
Here is a best scenario on how to apply this theory: The trainer enters a class
consists of adult learners. They are all different in terms of age, educational
background, gender etc., but they all have one thing in common - they are all
adult learners. A trainer, on his conscious state, will then use strategies to meet
the needs of adult learners.
A best example of strategy especially in developing working with teams is the
use of Situated Learning Experience (SLE). It would be a very good application of
adult learning principles since they are given specific instruction to achieve and
explore solution and course of actions to attain it.
Photo credits to
Ethanbscienceblog blogspot com
Example is the creation of tallest tower using limited
supply of materials. In this SLE, the goal is to make
the highest tower. The devising of strategies and trying
it out—gives adult learners autonomy and direct their
own learning, and it also allows the students to bring
in their previous experiences and knowledge. When
participants are asked to give their insight on their SLE
the experience, this allows learners to give respect to
their classmates, as the application of insights becomes
practical and self-motivating.
Note that the methods and strategies we construct, consciously and
unconsciously, should meet the needs of our adult learners, and will surely
make an effective transfer of learning.
Self-Check 1.1-1
Instructions: Essay Writing. Devise an activity or situation that meets the
needs of the adult learners.
Answer Key 1.1-1*
A best example of strategy especially in developing working with teams is
the use of Situated Learning Experience (SLE). It would be a very good
application of adult learning principles since they are given specific instruction
to achieve and explore solution and course of actions to attain it.
Example is the creation of tallest tower using limited supply of materials.
In this SLE, the goal is to make the highest tower. The devising of strategies and
trying it out—gives adult learners autonomy and direct their own learning, and
it also allows the students to bring in their previous experiences and knowledge.
When participants are asked to give their insight on their SLE the experience,
this allows learners to give respect to their classmates, as the application of
insights becomes practical and self-motivating.