Technical Publications 2165118–100 Revision 4 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm Advanced Service Manual do not duplicate Advanced Service Documentation Property of GE For GE Service Personnel Only No Rights Licensed – Do Not Use or Copy Disclosure to Third Parties Prohibited CopyrightE 1999, 2002 by General Electric Co. ATTENTION LES APPAREILS À RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX À LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus sévères, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages à l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifiées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour elles–mêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection établies par la Commission Internationale de la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26 : Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X–RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x–ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x–radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiación X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una exposición excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que sería un peligro para los demás y para sí mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciónes de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FÜR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlich. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats sollte sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D THIS SERVICE MANUAL IS AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH ONLY. WARNING D IF A CUSTOMER’S SERVICE PROVIDER REQUIRES A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, IT IS THE CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TRANSLATION SERVICES. D DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THE EQUIPMENT UNLESS THIS SERVICE MANUAL HAS BEEN CONSULTED AND IS UNDERSTOOD. D FAILURE TO HEED THIS WARNING MAY RESULT IN INJURY TO THE SERVICE PROVIDER, OPERATOR OR PATIENT FROM ELECTRIC SHOCK, MECHANICAL OR OTHER HAZARDS. D CE MANUEL DE MAINTENANCE N’EST DISPONIBLE QU’EN ANGLAIS. AVERTISSEMENT D SI LE TECHNICIEN DU CLIENT A BESOIN DE CE MANUEL DANS UNE AUTRE LANGUE QUE L’ANGLAIS, C’EST AU CLIENT QU’IL INCOMBE DE LE FAIRE TRADUIRE. D NE PAS TENTER D’INTERVENTION SUR LES ÉQUIPEMENTS TANT QUE LE MANUEL SERVICE N’A PAS ÉTÉ CONSULTÉ ET COMPRIS. D LE NON-RESPECT DE CET AVERTISSEMENT PEUT ENTRAÎNER CHEZ LE TECHNICIEN, L’OPÉRATEUR OU LE PATIENT DES BLESSURES DUES À DES DANGERS ÉLECTRIQUES, MÉCANIQUES OU AUTRES. WARNUNG D DIESES KUNDENDIENST–HANDBUCH EXISTIERT NUR IN ENGLISCHER SPRACHE. D FALLS EIN FREMDER KUNDENDIENST EINE ANDERE SPRACHE BENÖTIGT, IST ES AUFGABE DES KUNDEN FÜR EINE ENTSPRECHENDE ÜBERSETZUNG ZU SORGEN. D VERSUCHEN SIE NICHT, DAS GERÄT ZU REPARIEREN, BEVOR DIESES KUNDENDIENST–HANDBUCH NICHT ZU RATE GEZOGEN UND VERSTANDEN WURDE. D WIRD DIESE WARNUNG NICHT BEACHTET, SO KANN ES ZU VERLETZUNGEN DES KUNDENDIENSTTECHNIKERS, DES BEDIENERS ODER DES PATIENTEN DURCH ELEKTRISCHE SCHLÄGE, MECHANISCHE ODER SONSTIGE GEFAHREN KOMMEN. D ESTE MANUAL DE SERVICIO SÓLO EXISTE EN INGLÉS. AVISO D SI ALGÚN PROVEEDOR DE SERVICIOS AJENO A GEMS SOLICITA UN IDIOMA QUE NO SEA EL INGLÉS, ES RESPONSABILIDAD DEL CLIENTE OFRECER UN SERVICIO DE TRADUCCIÓN. D NO SE DEBERÁ DAR SERVICIO TÉCNICO AL EQUIPO, SIN HABER CONSULTADO Y COMPRENDIDO ESTE MANUAL DE SERVICIO. D LA NO OBSERVANCIA DEL PRESENTE AVISO PUEDE DAR LUGAR A QUE EL PROVEEDOR DE SERVICIOS, EL OPERADOR O EL PACIENTE SUFRAN LESIONES PROVOCADAS POR CAUSAS ELÉCTRICAS, MECÁNICAS O DE OTRA NATURALEZA. i GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ATENÇÃO D ESTE MANUAL DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA SÓ SE ENCONTRA DISPONÍVEL EM INGLÊS. D SE QUALQUER OUTRO SERVIÇO DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA, QUE NÃO A GEMS, SOLICITAR ESTES MANUAIS NOUTRO IDIOMA, É DA RESPONSABILIDADE DO CLIENTE FORNECER OS SERVIÇOS DE TRADUÇÃO. D NÃO TENTE REPARAR O EQUIPAMENTO SEM TER CONSULTADO COMPREENDIDO ESTE MANUAL DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA. E D O NÃO CUMPRIMENTO DESTE AVISO PODE POR EM PERIGO A SEGURANÇA DO TÉCNICO, OPERADOR OU PACIENTE DEVIDO A‘ CHOQUES ELÉTRICOS, MECÂNICOS OU OUTROS. AVVERTENZA D IL PRESENTE MANUALE DI MANUTENZIONE È DISPONIBILE SOLTANTO IN INGLESE. D SE UN ADDETTO ALLA MANUTENZIONE ESTERNO ALLA GEMS RICHIEDE IL MANUALE IN UNA LINGUA DIVERSA, IL CLIENTE È TENUTO A PROVVEDERE DIRETTAMENTE ALLA TRADUZIONE. D SI PROCEDA ALLA MANUTENZIONE DELL’APPARECCHIATURA SOLO DOPO AVER CONSULTATO IL PRESENTE MANUALE ED AVERNE COMPRESO IL CONTENUTO. D NON TENERE CONTO DELLA PRESENTE AVVERTENZA POTREBBE FAR COMPIERE OPERAZIONI DA CUI DERIVINO LESIONI ALL’ADDETTO ALLA MANUTENZIONE, ALL’UTILIZZATORE ED AL PAZIENTE PER FOLGORAZIONE ELETTRICA, PER URTI MECCANICI OD ALTRI RISCHI. ii Revision 4 ".2&-*"+1 &# +,1 -/,-"/)6 20"! *6 20" &+'2/6 ,/!&+$)6 1%" &+01/2 1&,+0 %"/"&+ ,+1&+"! 0%,2)! " 1%,/,2$%)6 /"! +! 2+!"/01,,! "#,/" 6,2 11"*-1 1, -) " 1%&0 ".2&-*"+1 &+ ,-"/1&,+ %" "+"/) )" 1/& ,*-+6 "!& ) 601"*0 /,2- 4&)) " $)! 1, 00&01 +! ,,-"/1" &+ -) &+$ 1%&0 ".2&-*"+1 &+ 20" )1%,2$% 1%&0 --/120 &+ ,/-,/1"0 %&$% !"$/"" ,# -/,1" 1&,+ $&+01 5/!&1&,+ ,1%"/ 1%+ 1%" 20"#2) "* , -/ 1& ) !"0&$+ ,# ".2&-*"+1 + -/,3&!" ,*-)"1" -/,1" 1&,+ ,/ + +6 -/ 1& ) !"0&$+ ,*-") 1%" ,-"/8 1,/ 1, 1(" !".21" -/" 21&,+0 1, -/"3"+1 1%" -,00&&)&16 ,# +6 -"/0,+0 /")"00)6 2+4&0")6 ,/ 2+(+,4&+$)6 "5-,08 &+$ 1%"*0")3"0 ,/ ,1%"/0 1, /!&1&,+ 1 &0 &*-,/1+1 1%1 "3"/6,+" %3&+$ +61%&+$ 1, !, 4&1% 5/!&1&,+ " -/,-"/)6 1/&+"! +! #2))6 .2&+1"! 4&1% 1%" /" ,**"+!1&,+0 ,# 1%" 1&,+) ,2+ &) ,+ !&1&,+ /,1" 1&,+ +! "02/"*"+10 0 -2)&0%"! &+ "-,/10 3&))" #/,* 2)& 1&,+0 ,,!*,+1 3"+2" ,,* "1%"0! /6)+! +! ,# 1%" +1"/+1&,+) ,**&00&,+ ,+ !&1&,+ /,1" 1&,+ +! 1(" !".21" 01"-0 1, &+02/" -/,1" 1&,+ $&+01 &+'2/6 )) -"/0,+0 21%,/&7"! 1, 20" 1%" ".2&-*"+1 *201 " ,$+&7+1 ,# 1%" !+$"/ ,# "5 "00&3" "5-,02/" 1, 5/!&1&,+ +! 1%" ".2&-*"+1 &0 0,)! 4&1% 1%" 2+!"/01+!&+$ 1%1 1%" "+"/) )" 1/& ,*-+6 "!& ) 601"*0 /,2- &10 $"+10 +! /"-/"0"+11&3"0 %3" +, /"0-,+0&&)&16 #,/ &+'2/6 ,/ !*$" 4%& % *6 /"02)1 #/,* "5-,02/" 1, 5/!&8 1&,+ /&,20 -/,1" 1&3" *1"/&) +! !"3& "0 /" 3&))" 1 &0 2/$"! 1%1 02 % *1"/&)0 ,/ !"3& "0 " 20"! &&& Blank page. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE i IMPORTANT X–RAY PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii REVISION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1 THEORY OF OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1–1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1–2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1–3 Component Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 1–3–1 Power Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 1–3–2 Extension Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 1–3–3 Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 SECTION 2 – SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–5 2–1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–5 2–2 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–5 SECTION 3 – OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6 3–1 CPU Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6 3–2 Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6 SECTION 4 – POWER ON/RESET DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–8 4–1 PRD Test Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–9 4–2 Firmware Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–9 SECTION 5 – INITIALIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–11 5–1 ON/OFF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–11 5–2 On/Off sequencing: Command 1 control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–11 5–2–1 Standby mode - 3 Phase control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–11 5–2–2 Power ON sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–12 5–2–3 Power OFF sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–13 5–3 Main Power Supply Contactors and Power Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–16 5–3–1 LV Power Supplies DC supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–16 5–3–2 Contactors power on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–16 5–3–3 AC power control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–16 5–3–4 DC power control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–17 v GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 5–4 DC Power Supply generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–20 5–5 Power Supply-related Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–20 SECTION 6 – ROTOR CONTROLLER FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–23 6–1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–23 6–2 Rotor Function Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–23 6–3 Rotor Controller Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–27 6–3–1 Rotor controller: Command 2 EPLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–27 6–3–2 IGBT command drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–27 6–3–3 Phase measurements and maximum current detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–27 6–3–4 High Speed capacitors selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–28 6–4 Rotor Controller Power Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–30 6–4–1 Rotor controller inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–30 6–4–2 Current measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–30 6–4–3 High Speed capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–30 6–4–4 Tube housing cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–31 6–5 Rotor Controller Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–31 6–6 Rotor Controller Thermal Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–32 SECTION 7 – HEATER FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–34 7–1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–34 7–2 Heater Function Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–34 7–3 Heater Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–37 7–3–1 Heater control: Command 2 EPLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–37 7–3–2 IGBT command drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–37 7–3–3 RMS heater current measure regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–37 7–3–4 Heater inverters protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–38 7–3–5 Filament protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–38 7–4 Heater Power inverter and HV Tank heater transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–40 7–4–1 Heater inverters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–40 7–4–2 High Voltage Tank heater transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–41 7–5 Heater Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–41 SECTION 8 – KV GENERATION FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–44 8–1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–44 8–2 Exposure Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–44 8–3 kV Command And Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–47 vi GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 8–3–1 Inverter command, kV regulation and safeties: Command 1 EPLDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–47 8–3–2 Inverter command: COMMAND EPLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–47 8–3–3 kV regulation: REGULATION EPLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–48 8–3–4 kV function safeties: SAFETY EPLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–48 8–3–5 Main inverter drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–49 8–3–6 kV measure and kV rise waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–49 8–3–7 Inverter current measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–49 8–4 kV Power Inverter and HV Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–51 8–4–1 kV main inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–51 8–4–2 HV Tank transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–53 8–5 kV Function Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–55 8–6 kV Inverter Thermal Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–55 SECTION 9 – MA FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–57 9–1 1–57 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–2 mA Measurement Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–57 9–3 mA Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–58 9–4 mA Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–58 SECTION 10 – TUBE SELECTION FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–60 10–1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–60 10–2 Tube Selection Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–62 10–3 Tube Selection Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–62 SECTION 11 – R/RF INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1–1 Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1–2 Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1–3 Buckies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1–4 Collimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–1–5 Arterio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–63 11–2 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–66 11–2–1 RF/One Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–67 11–2–2 RF/Two Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–67 11–2–3 RAD/One or Two Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–67 11–3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–67 11–3–1 Wall Bucky Board MPH A6 A4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–67 vii GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 11–3–2 Table Interface Board MPH A6 A2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–68 11–3–3 Table Tomo Collimator Interface Board MPH A6 A5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–68 11–3–4 ROOM IF CPU Board MPH A6 A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–68 11–4 Workstation Decoding Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–69 11–5 How can the user trigger an x-ray exposure in a RF Remote system? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–94 SECTION 12 – AEC/AET FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–95 SECTION 13 – II SENSOR FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–97 13–1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–97 13–1–1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–97 SECTION 14 – CONTROL CONSOLE FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–100 14–1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–100 14–2 Console Make–up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–100 14–3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–100 14–3–1 Console Control Board (MPH A3 A2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–100 14–3–2 Switch–on Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–103 14–3–3 Console Service Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–103 14–3–4 Multiplexed Readout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–104 14–3–5 Communicating with the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–105 SECTION 15 – PROGRAM-X FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–107 15–1 Purpose of PROGRAM-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–107 15–2 PROGRAM-X Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–107 15–3 PROGRAM-X Control Board (MPH A8 A1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–107 15–4 Switches, jumpers, LEDs and test points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–111 SECTION 16 – PRINT-X FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–112 16–1 Purpose of PRINT-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–112 16–2 PRINT-X Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–112 16–3 PRINT-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–112 16–3–1 Function equivalence chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–113 SECTION 17 – 0-POINT MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 17–1 Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 17–1–1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 17–1–2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 17–1–3 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 viii GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 17–1–4 Sequence of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–115 17–1–5 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2 Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2–1 Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2–2 Exposure-Factor Display on Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2–3 Focal Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2–4 Automatic operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–116 17–2–5 kV Override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–117 17–2–6 CVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–117 17–2–7 Preprogrammed Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–117 17–2–8 Sequence in 0-Point Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–117 17–3 Determining Rad kV Values: Rad LUT (p, kV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–118 17–4 Technical Limitations of Image Quality and of Physician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–118 17–4–1 Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–118 17–4–2 Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–119 17–5 Using the LUTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–120 17–6 Parameter Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–120 17–7 Prestored LUT content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–120 APPENDIX 1 – FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1–1 SECTION 1 – SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1–1 1–1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1–1 APPENDIX 2 – USER INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–1 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–1 SECTION 2 – USER/MACHINE INTERACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–1 2–1 Service Terminal, GPX Console, or Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–1 2–2 Program-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–2 SECTION 3 – PROGRAM OUTPUTS FOR USER INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–2 2 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1 ix GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER 3 4 TITLE PAGE DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–I SECTION 1 – LIST OF JOB CARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 Job Card DR 001 – Disassembly/Reassembly within the MPH Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–3 Job Card DR 002 – MPH A4 A1 CMD1 board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5 Job Card DR 003 – MPH A4 A2 CMD2 board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–7 Job Card DR 004 – MPH A4 A3 CPU board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9 Job Card DR 005 – MPH A3 A1 DC Filter Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–13 Job Card DR 006 – MPH A3 A2 Main Power Supply Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–17 Job Card DR 007 – MPH A3 FL1 EMC Filter assembly replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–21 Job Card DR 008 – MPH A3 A3 Inverter replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–23 Job Card DR 009 – MPH A2 HV TANK replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–27 Job Card DR 010 – MPH A2 A2 HV tank SWITCH Motor replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–29 Job Card DR 011 – MPH A5 A1 Heather Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–31 Job Card DR 012 – MPH A5 A2 Rotor Controller Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–33 Job Card DR 013 – MPH A5 A3 Option Chiller Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–37 Job Card DR 014 – MPH A5 PS 1, PS 2 Power Supply replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–39 Job Card DR 015 – MPH A6 A1 room I/F CPU Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–41 Job Card DR 016 – MPH A6 A2 Table interface board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–45 Job Card DR 017 – MPH A6 A3 distribution board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–47 Job Card DR 018 – MPH A6 A4 Wall Bucky Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–49 Job Card DR 019 – MPH A6 A5 Table Tomo collimator board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–51 Job Card DR 020 – MPH A6 A6 II Sensor Board replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–53 Job Card DR 021 – MPH A6 PS1/ PS2 Power Supplies replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–55 Job Card DR 022 – Replacement of program–X components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–57 Job Card DR 023 – Replacement of X–ray tube and Exposure counter recording . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–65 Job Card DR 024 – Replacement of print–X components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–69 Job Card DR 025 – kV/mA measurement calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–73 DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1 1–1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1 1–2 Block convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–2 x GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE SECTION 2 – PRD DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–3 2–1 Functional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–3 2–1–1 Functional requirements for PRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–3 2–2 User/Operator Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–6 2–2–1 MPH Power on / Reset Diagnostics. Summary Of Switches And LEDS Utilization . . . 4–6 SECTION 3 – SLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–18 3–1 Here to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–18 3–1–1 TAV Tests Operator Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–18 3–1–2 Functional requirements for MPH SLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–24 3–1–3 MPH functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–24 3–1–4 MPH FRU’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–24 3–1–5 SLD design description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–25 SECTION 4 – APPLICATION ERROR CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1 Software Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1–1 Class I Error Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1–2 Class II Error Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1–3 Class III Error Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1–4 Class IV Error Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–1–5 Error transmission Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–26 4–2 Diagnostic error list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–39 4–3 Diagnostic error code description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–43 SECTION 5 – OPTIONS TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–215 Job Card VF 001 – Console display fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–217 Job Card VF 002 – Troubleshooting on program-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–219 Job Card VF 003 – Troubleshooting of print-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–225 Job Card VF 004 – Diagnostic–help tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–229 Job Card VF005 – Diagnostic–help tests ON/OFF and power supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–237 Job Card VF006 – Diagnostic–help tests DC bus voltage fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–243 Job Card VF007 – Diagnostic–help tests serial links fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–247 Job Card VF008 – Troubleshooting 0-point mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–251 Job Card VF009 – Diagnostic–help tests interface rad and fluoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–263 xi GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Blank page. xii GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REVISION HISTORY REV REASON FOR CHANGE DATE % %$ " !#'#"& %&' & ( – Level M4 Prestige VH with Integrated Console. – New RF Table Interface Board: pages 1-64, 1–76, 1–77, 1–81 and 1–94 modified. $ – M4-AM milestone. 3 – DR012 updated. 4 ( Updated as per BUCge60859. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER Title page Safety Instruction 4 4 i thru xiv 4 1–1 thru 1–120 4 A1–1 thru A1–2 4 A2–1 thru A2–2 4 2–1 thru 2–54 4 3–1 thru 3–80 4 4–1 thru 4–276 4 PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER xiii PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Blank page. xiv GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 CHAPTER 1 – THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes the operation of the MPH Generators (50, 65 or 80 kW). The MPH make up a line of generators which serve the following systems: 1–1 D Radiographic systems. D RF Remote systems. D RF Cassettless systems. Applications The MPH can be used in systems with one or two tubes, radiography or fluoroscopy systems, or in combination of these system types. The following restrictions apply: 1–2 D Only one tube may be used for fluoroscopy. D Bias tubes cannot be used. D Grid tubes cannot be used. Functions The main functions handled by the central unit in Application Mode are: a. Power Unit start-up. b. Operator Mode. Parameter selection. c. Estimation of exposure parameters. d. Management of tube thermal status. e. Management of x-ray tube housing thermal status. f. Automatic control of tube current in Radiography Mode and Fluoroscopy Mode. g. Automatic control of Chamber Reset by kV in AET Mode. h. Automatic Brightness Control (ABC) by kV in Fluoroscopy Mode. i. Automatic Quality Control (AQC) in Fluoroscopy Mode . j. Correction of film non-reciprocity effect in AEC Mode. k. Calculation of filament temperature. l. Filament ageing compensation. m. Control and monitoring of rotor Control Module. n. Management of thermal status of rotor and kV converters. o. Control and monitoring of Heater Module. p. X-ray exposure control. q. Change of tube selection. 1–1 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 r. Room interface management. s. Console management. t. Program-X management. u. Printer management. v. Management of debugging console. w. Error handling. The main functions handled in Setup Mode are (see Service Manual) are: a. Management of the Service Terminal menus (one Application Menu and six Setup Menus). b. Diagnostic menus (Menu 1 and Menu 2). c. Room configuration input (Menu 3). d. Tube parameter input (Menu 3). e. kV scale parameter input (Menu 3). f. Setup parameter input (Menu 3). g. Selection of data to be printed (Menu 3). h. Heating current calibration (Menu 4). i. Fluoroscopy calibration (Menu 4). j. AEC calibration for Ionix chamber (Menu 4). k. Selection of Zero-Point Mode, and ionization chamber calibration (Menu 4). l. RAM checksum update (Menu 5). m. Post-display enable (Menu 5). n. Calibration of kV and mA chain (Menu 6). o. Calibration of kV divider frequency response (Menu 6). p. Calibration of dose in Radiography Mode (Menu 6). q. Diagnostic. 1–3 Component Assemblies The MPH System Cabinet includes the following sub-assemblies: 1–2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 1–3–1 Power Unit Sub-Assembly Designator Function Room Distribution Panel MPH A1 Power supply for Positionner, II, Extension rack HV Tank MPH A2 High Voltage Transformer 80 kW DC Filter Board MPH A3 A1 AC rectifier to DC Main Power Supply Board MPH A3 A2 3-Phase control, on/off drivers, dc detection Inverter Board MPH A3 A3 Main High Frequency Inverter 80 kW EMC Filter MPH A3 FL1 Line input filter CPU Board MPH A4 A3 Exposure control Command 1 Board MPH A4 A1 ON/OFF control, kV control, mA measure Command 2 Board MPH A4 A2 Rotor controller command, filament control Rotor Controller Board MPH A5 A2 Stator power supply Heater Board MPH A5 A1 Filament power supply LV2 Power Supply 24 V MPH A5 PS2 Low voltage power supply (24 V) LV1 Power Supply 15 V MPH A5 PS1 Low voltage power supply (±15 V, 5 V) Chiller Interface MPH A5 A3 Optional control of Chiller or Local Water-Tap 1–3–2 Extension Rack Sub-Assembly Designator Function Room IF CPU Board MPH A6 A1 Dialog with Room and AEC Control Table interface MHP A6 A2 Interface with Remote positionner and I. F. Distribution Board MHP A6 A3 Power supply and interconnections Wall Bucky Board MHP A6 A4 Interface with wall bucky and Room Door Table Tomo Colimator MHP A6 A5 Interface with Rad Table with Tomo and automatic collimator I. I. Sensor Board MHP A6 A6 Supply for Photomultiplier and measure current of photomultiplier in I. I. Power Supply MHP A6 PS1 Power supply " 15 V, + 5 V for Room IF/CPU Power Supply MHP A6 PS2 Power supply 15 V RF for Interface Board Transformer MHP A6 A7 Various AC supply for AEC, Bucky, control console, etc. Plug Panel MHP A6 A8 Plug Panel for SAS connectors 1–3 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 1–3–3 Console Madrid Console MPH A7 Control Console Program-X MPH A8 Anatomic Programs Print-X MPH A9 Printer for Radiography parameters 1–4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 2 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE 2–1 Background The MPH software, which is run on the PU_CTRL_CPU Board, is a combination of the MPG100 and SCPU software packages. The MPG100 software, formerly in Pascal, has been re-written in C. The entire software package is used, regardless of equipment, i.e., user interface and start-up. The SCPU software is included for exposure management, fault processing, and diagnosis. The SCPU and MPH generators have identical power controls. The software segment which is specific to the 68360 microprocessor has been re-written, based on the VRTX Spectra real-time nucleus. This segment concerns task management, series links, timers, mAs, and AEC cutoffs. 2–2 Organization The software that run on the PU_CTRL_CPU board manages MPH power functions. Power management is broken down into several jobs. A number is assigned to each job to indicate its priority level. A small number indicates high priority. Jobs communicate with each other via messages sent to message queues or mailboxes. Management of the various jobs is performed by the VRTX-SA software component. When a job receives a message, VRTX-SA authorizes execution if the job has higher priority than the current job. If not, it waits for completion of the current job before executing the other. When there is no current job, VRTX-SA activates the IDLE background job. The software run on the ROOM_IF_CPU Board manages room inputs and outputs. The two programs communicate via an HDLC-type link. Error Code Name Cause 502 ERR_RAM Checksum RAM (PU parameters) corrupted. 504 ERR_COD_TAB_FAIL ERR_COD_TAB_FULL ERR_FLOAT VRTX_ERR Error code table corrupted. Error code table full. Error detected in floating point calculation. Error detected in VRTX operation. 505 WATCHDOG_ERR Reset due to watchdog. 515 CONNECTIC_FAULT Connection error between PU_CTRL_CPU Board and CMD1 and CMD2 Boards (checked every 10 ms). 516 ADC_FAIL A/D conversion incomplete or re–read of kV and ICH set points, too far from transmitted value. 550 XILINX_CONF_ERR XILINX configuration fault. 501 ERR_PILE The battery for non volatile RAM reack its maximum time of use (3 years). RAM concerned on PU_CTRL_CPU and Program’X if present. 1–5 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 3 OVERVIEW 3–1 CPU Communication The PU_CTRL and ROOM_IF_CPU Boards communicate via an HDLC-type link, ensuring the room interface. The ROOM_IF_CPU Board software reads the status of signals coming from the other Room modules, and transmits these signals to the PU_CTRL_CPU Board. D Tomography information received from positioner (tomography time, tomography selected). D DSA information (Linear Mode) received from DRS. D Cassette size information received from positioner. D Divided exposure information received from positioner. D Slice information received from Image Module. D Station information from Room. D Exposure commands: Rad Prep, Exposure, and fluoro footswitch, received from positioner. D Video brightness, received from Image Module. D Ionization chamber reset, received from positioner. D Positioner transmission, DRS, and generator commands. The ROOM_IF_CPU Board software receives commands from the PU_CTRL_CPU Board software, and transmits them to the other modules, as follows: 3–2 D From workstations to the various room components (selection of these components). D Selection of pick-up fields to DRS or to positioner (AEC). D Selection of ionization chamber to positioner. D Photomultiplier voltage to the image module. D Generator authorization: fluoroscopy. D X-ray emission. Rad Prep finished, ready for radiography, ready for Error handling Error Code Name Cause 521 HDLC_ERROR Communication error with ROOM_IF_CPU 526 TST_COM_ERR Communication test with ROOM_IF_CPU Board (performed every 10 s) failed. 522 SCC3_ERROR Communication error with TAV/GPX 523 SCC4_ERROR Communication error with Control Console MADRID 524 SMCI_ERROR Communication error with APR 1–6 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–1 JOBS AND INTERRUPTION HANDLING ROOM I/O RECEPTION CONTROL CONSOLE KEYS ROOM IF CPU CONTROL CONSOLE (MADRID) CONTROL CONSOLE DISPLAY ROOM I/O TRANSMISSION PROGRAM_X RECEPTION PRGX THERMAL APPLI_MPG MAINTENANCE & SET-UP PROGRAM_X TRANSMISSION SERVICE TERMINAL KEYS RADIOGRAPHY & FLUOROSCOPY SCREEN SERVICE TERMINAL DISPLAY TAV GPX TJ APPLI_SCPU KEYBOARD ROTOR CLOCKS CHASE VRTX JOBS INTERRUPTION HANDLING 1–7 HEATER flashing LED sequence OTHER PROGRAMS THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 4 POWER ON/RESET DIAGNOSTICS The MPH PRD high frequency generator Power ON/Reset sequence is initiated by one of the following conditions: D Power applied to MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Boards. D Reset signal generated by board resident manual reset switch. Either of these signals will reset the CPU Boards. The purpose of this group of tests is to check operation of those functions on the MPH CPU Boards that are required to establish reliable communications. These diagnostic tests establish operator confidence in the test execution sequence. The primary functions of the Board are tested and, if these functions are within test limits, they are used to test other Board functions. If the primary functions are not testable, the test sequence is aborted. The block diagram below shows the functions checked during the PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU PRD sequence. Diagnosis is to a Field Replaceable Unit level (CPU Boards for PRD). Board functions should be tested in the sequence specified in the following paragraph. Like the PU_CTRL_CPU Board, the ROOM_IF_CPU Board can execute PRD sequences independently. This is the reason why communication between both Boards is the last PU_CTRL_CPU (Master Board) PRD sequence which cannot be ended, because the ROOM_IF_CPU PRD sequences are not finished. ROOM_IF_CPU Board PRD Leds 68302 PRD switches TAV PRD Leds 68360 PRD switches PU_CTRL_CPU Board 1–8 SCC4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 4–1 asm 2165118–100 PRD Test Sequence The following tests are executed, in the order given: 1. CPU alive test: check minimum CPU functions. 2. EPROM checksum test: check the CPU Boards, flash EPROM checksum. 3. RAM test: check RAM used by the CPUs as a data and stack area. This test can be run in three different modes: short, extended, and long. The short test is run in normal operation; the extended or long test is run if requested by the on-board switch setting. D D 4–2 Microprocessor tests: set of tests to check Multiprocessors 68306 (PU_CTRL) and 68302 (ROOM_IF) functions: – Processor test: check any instructions not previously tested. – Watchdog test: check that the reset sequence following a watchdog timeout operates correctly. – Internal Timers: check operation of the 68302 (ROOM_IF_CPU) internal timers. These timers are used for AEC clock and time measurement. – Check operation of the 68360 (PU_CTRL_CPU) internal timers. These timers are used for time, mAs, bright exposure, and VRTX clock. DMA and serial communication test: check operation of channel of (ROOM_IF) 68302, (PU_CTRL) 68360 (used to send and receive messages over the HDLC link). Firmware Initialization After completion of the PRD, Microcontroller 68302 registers (ROOM_IF_CPU), 68360 registers (PU_CTRL_CPU) are initialized. Next, the real time monitor, VRTX, is initialized, and the first firmware initialization task, which initiates all the others, is started. The MPH then sends the first message to the other CPU to start communication, and waits for console (GPX or Control Console MADRID) commands. 1–9 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 1–10 AUTO TRANSFORMER MPH A3 T1 0/220 220 0/480 115 220/240 380/480 AUTO TRANSFORMER MPH A1 T1 XJ3 XJ1 ON/OFF RELAYS XJ7 CT2 RECTIFIER AND FILTER XJ2 MAIN PS MPH A3 A2 EMC FILTER MPH A3 FL1 THERMOSWITCH MAIN SWITCH MPH A1 SW1 CT1 FILTER DISCHARGE XJ4 XJ2 115 V AC XJ3 RECTIFIER AND FILTER 3 PHASE MEASURE LV_POWER_5VP ON COMMANDS _PH_ON DC_MEASURE DC DC DC MPH A7 XJ6 XJ4 XJ2 XJ23 6 XJ1 MPH A5 PS1 XJ7 1Ć3 _P0W_ON DC_MEAS +15 V XJ3 XJ2 XJ4 PU-CTRL CPU MPH A4 A3 CMD 2 MPH A4 A2 +15 V DISTRIBUTION BOARD _SYS_ON MPH A6 A3 XJ2 XJ1 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL XJ1 J12 XJ9 XJ1 XJ7 XJ5 XJ2 ROTOR CTRL MPH A5 A2 MPH A6 EXTENSION RACK LV_POWER DC_MEAS LV_POWER XJ1 LV PS +24 V ON/OFF RELAYS 24 V XJ3 MPH A5 PS2 ON/OFF LOGIC 1Ć3 HEATER MPH A5 A1 LV PS 5 V/±15 V XJ5 CMD 1 MPH A4 A1 XJ1 INVERTER MPH A3 A3 REV 4 CONTROL CONSOLE ON/OFF 4 DC LEVEL OPTO MEASURE XJ1 XJ1 XJ5 XJ4 XJ5 DC MEASURE DC POWER SUPPLY MPH A3 A11 THERMAL SAFETY ROOM DISTRIBUTION MPH A1 A2 THEORY OF OPERATION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–2 ON/OFF FUNCTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 5 INITIALIZATION 5–1 ON/OFF Function Refer to Illustration 1–2 (ON/OFF Function). The MPH ON/OFF function affects almost all the components of the generator: D 380/480 V ac is fed to the MPH through the EMC Filter Board, which reduces noise passing from the generator to the line during x-ray exposures. D The DC Filter Board consists mainly of a rectifier and a filter. The dc output voltage depends on the ac input: from 400 V dc to 760 V. D The Main Power Supply Board includes several functions: 3-phase control (to insure the right level of the 3-phase AC voltage), on/off relays to drive the room distribution (CT1) and generator (CT2) contactors, isolated 220 V ac rectifier (to supply the low voltage power supplies), dc level measure (measures the dc level from the DC Filter Board and codes it in three bits). Power is applied to the Extension Rack as soon as the Room distribution is energized. D The Command 1 Board includes: on/off logic (to enable and sequence Power On/Off, according to the _SYS_ON command, the DC level 3-phase control and thermoswitch of room power supply autotransformer), on/off relays to feed low voltage supplies ("15 V, +5 V, +24 V) to other boards. D The Command 2 Board includes control of low voltage supplies from the LV1 and LV2 Power Supplies ("15 V, +5 V, +24 V). D Other boards which use the low voltage power supplies: Inverter Board, Heater Board, Rotor Controller Board. In standby mode, only the Main Power Supply Board, the"15 V, +5V, and +24 V power supplies LV1 and LV2, and a part of the Command 1 Board, are alive. In application mode, all boards are powered on. 5–2 On/Off sequencing: Command 1 control 5–2–1 Standby mode - 3 Phase control Part of the Command 1 Board is alive in standby mode. It checks the presence of the 3-phase line input, and provides 24 V to supply the ON/OFF switch on the Control console. This part of the board is fed by the low voltage power supplies through four fuses (F2, F3, F4, F5). When the generator is in standby, eight LEDs are lit (DS19, DS20, DS21, DS22, DS11, DS12, DS13 and DS14) if there is no fuse fault; DS15 is lit if there is no phase missing. The 24 V to supply the Control console switch is created from the -15 V and +15 V supplies, using a regulator which makes -15 V and +9 V. The three phases from the line input are measured on the Main Power Supply Board. The result signal _PH_ON is acquired on the Command 1 for treatment. If one single phase stays at zero volt during more than two cycles (32 ms for 60 Hz operation and 40 ms for 50 Hz operation), then there are two consequences: D If the system is OFF, it is not possible to power on the generator (DS15 is off). D If the system is ON, the _MAIN_DROP signal is set to shut down the power inverters (Rotor Controller, Heater, Main Inverter), and to reset the CPU before the Low Voltage Power Supply disappears (this is maintained for 75 ms from the Main Power Supply). 1–11 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 5–2–2 Power ON sequence The aim of the power On/Off circuit is to sequence properly the power On and Off of the MPH sub-assemblies, so as to avoid any hazard on the power boards due to abnormal commands. The On/Off circuit is driven by the following signals: D SYS_ON: return contact of the Control Console Switch. It initiates the On sequence and commands directly the room distribution contactor CT1. D _POW_ON_PU_CTRL: CPU control signal of the generator contactor CT2 for diagnostic purposes. D Hardware Command 1 Switch (IN1): shuts off the generator contactor from the front panel (for service use). The On/Off circuit is controlled by the following signals: D _ON_ENABLE: this signal indicates that the DC voltage is less than 30 V. The ON sequence is enabled only if the DC level is under 30 V. D _PH_OK1: indicates that the 3-phase input voltage is correct. D _PH_OK: indicates that the Room Transformer is in normal condition (T < 125°C) or (T < 257°F). The On/Off circuit drives the following signals: D _GEN_ON: commands the Main Power Supply relay which supplies the generator contactor CT2 coil. D PUMP_ON: commands the Main Power Supply relay which supplies 115 V ac to the tube housing cooling systems. D PRE_ON: commands the PRE_ON relay to apply low voltage power supplies to other boards through current resistors. D LV_ON: commands the ON relay to apply low voltage power supplies directly to the other boards. Note 1: A thermal switch is built into the Room Distribution Transformer to remove power from the generator in the event of an overload. The thermostat is triggered if the transformer temperature reaches 125°C. Note 2: A console presence signal prevents application of power if the console plug is not connected. Note 3: An ON/OFF button, located on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3, can be used by the Field Engineer. The ON sequence is as follows (refer to Illustration 1–3, MPH On Sequence): D Supply the Room Distribution Panel (CT1 contactor command _SYS_ON). D Power applied through current limiting resistors (R280, R281, R282, R283) to electronic boards (PRE_ON signal). D Power applied directly to electronic boards (BT_ON signal and X6 relay) and to the tube housing cooling systems (_PUMP_ON signal). D Drive the main generator contactor CT1 on (_GEN_ON signal). 1–12 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–3 MPH ON SEQUENCE CT1 closed _SYS_ON 40 ms _PRE_ON Current limited LV power supplies _LV_ON 60 ms Directly connected LV power supplies ON _PUMP_ON 60 ms Tube Housing cooling ON ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ > 100 ms _GEN_ON CT2 closed When the generator is ON, the following front panel green LEDs are lit: D D D On Command 1 Board: – DS19, DS20, DS21, DS22, DS11, DS12, DS13 and DS14 indicate correct operation of the low voltage power supplies and fuses. – DS15 indicates a normal 3-phase condition. – DS16, DS17, and DS18 indicate low voltage supply to other boards. On Command 2 Board: – DS6, DS7, DS8 and DS9 indicate low voltage supplies on the Command 2 Board. – DS2 indicates that the "15 V, +5 V, +24 V levels are correct. On PU_CTRL_CPU Board: – D DP5 V, DP15 V, DM15 V, DS8, DS9, and DS10 indicate low voltage supply of the PU_CTRL_CPU Board. On ROOM_IF_CPU Board: – DS3, DS5, and DS4 indicate low voltage supply of the ROOM_IF_CPU Board. 5–2–3 Power OFF sequence The OFF sequence is as follows (refer to Illustration 1–4, MPH Off Sequence): D Switch off the room distribution (_SYS_ON signal), the tube housing cooling system (_PUMP_ON signal). D Switch off direct dc supply to the electronic boards (LV_ON signal). This stops power inverter commands without causing problems with the logic circuits. D Switch off the current-limited dc supply to the electronic boards (PRE_ON signal). D Switch off Contactor CT2. 1–13 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–4 OFF SEQUENCE _SYS_ON CT1 open _PUMP_ON Tube Housing cooling OFF _PRE_ON _LV_ON _GEN_ON Directly connected LV power supplies OFF 40 ms 60 ms Current limited LV power supplies OFF 300 ms 1–14 CT2 open 1–15 AUTOTRANSFORMER 0/220 220 115 0/480 220/240 380/480 AC SUPPLY CMD1 DC SUPPLY MEASURE 220 V AC (ISOLATED) _GEN_0N _PUMP_ON _SYS_ON CMD1 220/240 V 115 V PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 _DC_DROP_RESET DC POWER SUPPLY 3.2 A F4 F33 A F23 A F13 A X1 24 V X3 X2 +15 V R RECTIFIER +15 V R RECTIFIER COMPARATORS V ref FILTER V ref CODING OPTO ISOLATORS CMD1 310 V DC CT2 COMMAND CT1 COMMAND ILLUSTRATION 1–5 MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD: CONTACTORS, POWER-ON, AND AC-DC CONTROL THEORY OF OPERATION LV POWER SUPPLIES CONTACTOR CT2 CONTACTOR CT1 OIL PUMP SUPPLY ROTOR CONTROL _PH_ON _ON_ENABLE _OK_DC_BUS MEAS_DC_BUS0 MEAS_DC_BUS1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 5–3 asm 2165118–100 Main Power Supply Contactors and Power Control Refer to Illustration 1–5 (Main Power Supply Board: Contactors, Power-on, and AC-DC Control). 5–3–1 LV Power Supplies DC supply In standby mode, the Low Voltage Power Supplies are alive, so as to power part of the Command 1 Board, and the Main Power Supply Board. When there is a line voltage drop, the MPH must react in order to shut off properly inverters; this requires the Low Voltage Power Supplies to be maintained for at least 75 ms. This is done by the circuit described here: The generator auto-transformer features an isolated 220 V winding. This voltage is rectified and filtered on the Main Power Supply Board by a diode bridge and aluminum capacitors. The Low Voltage Power Supplies are fed directly by this 310 V dc voltage. When the MPH is in standby mode, this circuit is running. The 310 V dc is present on the Main Power Supply Board, indicated by DS12 warning neon. When the MPH is driven OFF, the maintain capacitors are discharged through resistor R85. Disappearance of the DS12 light indicates full discharge. 5–3–2 Contactors power on The MPH includes two contactors, one in the Room Distribution Panel, the other on the Cabinet Rear Panel. These contactors are driven by 220 V (for 50 Hz operation) or 240 V (for 60 Hz operation), controlled by 12 V or 24 V relays on the Main Power Supply Board. The presence of the 220/240 V is indicated by DS10 neon. Three relays on the Main Power Supply Board are driven during the ON/OFF sequence: D X1 is energized by _SYS_ON signal from the Command 1 Board. It drives the opening or the closure of CT1, the room distribution contactor. D X2 is energized by _GEN_ON signal from the Command 1 Board. It drives the opening or the closure of CT2, the generator contactor. D X3 is energized by _PUMP_ON signal from the Command 1 Board. It supplies the selected tube housing cooling system with 115 V ac. This 115 V ac is indicated by DS5 neon. When these relays are energized, DS6, DS11, and DS12 yellow LEDs are lit. 5–3–3 AC power control The check of the three phases is shared between the Command 1 Board and the Main Power Supply Board. On this last board, the three phases are measured two by two, this measure is isolated by two transformers. The obtained voltages are then rectified and compared to a reference level, in order to detect phase loss. See Illustration 1–6 (Phase Loss Detection). The information is sent to the Command 1 Board for processing. 1–16 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–6 PHASE LOSS DETECTION THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 Normal operation: V Detection level t V Comparator signal t Loss of one phase: V Detection level t V Comparator signal t 5–3–4 DC power control The dc power supply is generated on the DC Filter Board. This dc level is measured on the board by a resistive bridge, and compared to different levels on the Main Power Supply Board. The dc measurement circuit on the Main Power Supply Board includes: Note: D Five comparators which define seven dc ranges. D An encoder. D An optic coupler on each of the output signals. Since this circuit is at line potential, it is supplied through an isolated DC/DC converter (U2). When the MPH is in standby mode, it is supplied by an isolated "15 V supply, indicated by green LEDs DS3 and DS4. When the generator contactor is switched on, the dc level rises to its nominal value (between 480 V and 750 V), and green LEDs DS1 and DS2 are lit. The optic couplers allow isolation between the line potential level and Command 1 ground level. 1–17 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 The seven DC ranges are defined as follows: Range/Signal _ON_ENABLE MEAS_DC_BUS1 MEAS_DC_BUS0 _OK_DC_BUS E < 30 V 0 0 0 1 30 V < E < 400 V 1 0 0 1 400 V < E < 480 V 1 0 0 0 480 V < E < 557 V 1 0 1 0 557 V < E < 646 V 1 1 0 0 646 V < E < 762 V 1 1 1 0 762 V < E 1 1 1 1 1–18 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 CONTACTOR CT2 100 A 100 A 100 A F1 F2 F3 RECTIFIER CAPACITOR DISCHARGE FILTER F5 F4 3A 15 A FILTER ±240 V dc ±370 V dc ROTOR CONTROL INVERTER 1–19 HEATER SUPPLY DC MEASURE ILLUSTRATION 1–7 DC POWER SUPPLY THEORY OF OPERATION HEATER MAIN POWER SUPPLY ROTOR CONTROL SUPPLY DC- DC+ GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 5–4 asm 2165118–100 DC Power Supply generation Refer to Illustration 1–7 (DC Power Supply). The dc supply for the three MPH DC/AC inverters (kV Rotor and Heater) is generated by the DC Filter Board. The ac line voltage supplies this board through three 100 A fuses (F1, F2, F3). It is rectified by a diode bridge underneath the board and filtered by capacitors. The outputs are fed to: D The main MPH 80 kW inverter, through the air inductances. D Rotor Control Board, through a 15 Amps fuse (F4). D Heater Board, through a 3 Amps fuse (F5). The DC level is measured by a resistive divider at the far end of the power line (after the fuses) so as to ensure the right diagnosis if the fuse blows. The filter discharge is made by a 2.7 kW resistor, which is applied to the capacitors when the generator contactor is commanded OFF, by the auxiliary contact of CT2. The presence of the DC level is indicated on the DC Filter Board by neon DS1. 5–5 Power Supply-related Error Codes Power supply signals status are tested each 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error code (see below) is sent to the APPLICATION task. Error Code Name Cause 420 MAIN_DROP MAIN_DROP signal reset detection 410 DC_BUS_ERROR DC_BUS_FAULT (DC_BUS < 400V) signal status error 411 FPS_ERROR FPS_FAULT signal; status error 412 LV_SUPPLY_ERROR LV_ENABLE (low voltage status) signal; status error 1–20 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 Blank page. 1–21 THEORY OF OPERATION COMMAND 1 J5 BUS_DC_MEAS 0 BUS_DC_MEAS1 _DC_BUS_EN SERIAL LINK J3 XJ5 RS485 XJ2 XJ4 XJ2 GE Medical Systems MPH A6-A1 ROOM_IF_CPU REV 4 PREP. FLUORO EXPOSURE MPH A6 ILLUSTRATION 1–8 ROTOR CONTROLLER FUNCTION EXTENSION RACK START_CUR_ MONITOR A/B RUN_ROTOR ADDRESS DATA EPLD 1–22 mP 68360 ACCEL BRAKE HI_SPEED ROTOR CONTROL EPLD DRIVERS IGBT_DRIV _STATOR 23-23 STATORXY BUFFERS PHASE_CUR 1/3 _LS_RTN _LS_REL_RTN THERMAL_ SAFETY THERMAL _ SAFETY MPH A4-A2 COMMAND 2 BOARD asm 2165118–100 MPH A4-A3 CPU BOARD START_OVL 3ĆPHASE MEASURE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CUR_START_ON GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 SECTION 6 ROTOR CONTROLLER FUNCTION 6–1 Introduction Refer to Illustration 1–8 (Rotor Controller Function). The MPH Rotor Controller function involves the following sub-assemblies: D PU–CTRL Board: ROOM_IF_CPU in Extension Rack command interface and rotor sequence control. D Command 2 Board: Rotor Controller Inverter command and control, inverter protection. D Rotor Control Board: Rotor Controller Inverter power board and stator selection. D Stators, Tube #1 and Tube #2. The main features of the MPH Rotor Control function are: 6–2 D Low Speed 60 Hz (3600 rpm) and High Speed 180 Hz (10800 rpm) commands. For Ge Tube or 50 Hz or 150 Mz for CGR Tube. D No TIRC. The Rotor Controller is a PWB assembly. D Two tubes with 23/23 (Ge) stator or two tubes with 50/110 W (CGR) stator. The two stator types cannot be mixed. D Current check through the stator connection to insure rotor rotation. D Inverter maximum current protection against short circuit. D Firmware thermal protection of the MPH Rotor Controller inverter. D Extensive Diagnostics of Rotor Controller function. All InSite compatible. Rotor Function Sequencing At the system level, the sequence is as follows: D ROOM_IF_CPU sends an exposure sequence start signal to PU_CTRL_CPU, which sets rotor speed and rotation commands. D PU_CTRL_CPU reads the acceleration or braking time for selected tube from the database, according to tube rotor type. Timing for an MX100 x-ray tube is as follows: ACCELERATION BRAKING 0 to LS 0 to HS LS to HS HS to LS HS to 0 LS to 0 0.8 sec 1.2 sec 0.8 sec 0.85 sec 6.0 sec 2.0 sec D For other tubes, see Service Manual. D The ROTOR task updates the rotor state machine and sets rotor command signals. It sets appropriate time delays to accelerate or brake the rotor and to wait for rotor signal status signals. The sequence at generator level is described below. Refer to Illustration 1–9 (Rotor Controller Sequences Timing for a Stator 23/23). 1–23 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 The various signals involved in the rotor function are shared by the PU_CTRL_CPU Board and the Command 2 Board. The PU_CTRL_CPU controls the sequence with transitions on the command signals (RUN_ROTOR, HI_SPEED, ACCEL and BRAKE), and checks that the returns are correct (CUR_START_ON, _LS_RTN). These signals are: D RUN_ROTOR: When active (high), it commands the start of the rotor controller. D HI_SPEED: When active (high), the rotor controller is driven in High Speed mode, when not active (low), the Low Speed mode is selected. D ACCEL: When active (high), the rotor controller is driven in Acceleration mode, when Low, the running mode is selected. D BRAKE: When active (high), the rotor controller is driven in Brake mode. D CUR_START_ON: Return from the Command 2 Board. When active (high), indicates that there is some current flowing through the stator winding. It is checked by the CPU at different times during the sequence (see illustration). D _LS_RTN: Return from Rotor Control Board. When active (low), indicates that the Command 2 Board has selected Low Speed. When not active (high), indicates that High Speed is selected. It is checked by the PU_CTRL_CPU at different times during the sequence (see illustration). 1–24 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–9 ROTOR CONTROLLER SEQUENCES & & & & & & & & $ "% !#) 1–25 $ "% !# THEORY OF OPERATION CPU STATOR TYPE SELECTION NETWORK LEVEL CPU ROTCTL STATE IGBT CMDS COMMANDS BRAKE CMD1 1–26 CMD2 HEATER EPLD AND 3 PHASE REBUILD + LEVEL DETECTION SAFETIES U35 LV_EN CONTROL Q6 2 PHASE MEASURE U3-U16-U15 MAX CURRENT LEVEL SAFETY U15 CLOCKS U36 ROTCTL COMMON MEASURE GE Medical Systems CPU RUN SPEED SELECTION REV 4 CPU ILLUSTRATION 1–10 COMMAND 2 BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM – ROTOR CONTROLLER CPU THRESHOLD SELECTION U15 HIGH SPEED RELAY COMMAND CPU LV POWER SUPPLY CONTROL LV_ENABLE U30-Q19->Q22 CPU TUBE SELECTION COMMAND AND STATE CMD1 U11 ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD1 U12-U15-U26 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 6–3 asm 2165118–100 Rotor Controller Command Refer to Illustration 1–10 (Command 2 Board Block Diagram – Rotor Controller). The principle of the Rotor Controller Inverter function stems from the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of the IGBT commands. In contrast to the other MPH inverters, there is no regulation loop in the Rotor Controller function. This means that there is no measurement feedback to adapt the command to a reference. Most functions are supported by an EPLD which manages the PWM and inverter safety checks. The PWM command allows a choice of rotor speed, by driving the Rotor Controller with a sine wave current at 60 Hz or 50 Hz in low speed mode (3600 rpm), or at 180 Hz or 150 Hz in high speed mode (10800 rpm). The Brake mode is obtained with a high frequency command of the rotor controller inverter (at 1.4 kHz) which generates a DC current in the stator windings (no brake for CGR Tube). 6–3–1 Rotor controller: Command 2 EPLD The Command 2 Rotor controller EPLD has several functions: D Receive commands from the CPU. There are four commands: RUN_ROTOR (start commands), ACCEL (Acceleration mode selection), BRAKE (Brake mode selection), HI_SPEED (High or Low speed selection). D Receive dc measurements from the Command 1 Board. The dc range specified by BUS_DC_MEAS0 and BUS_DC_MEAS1 conditions the pulse width of the IGBT commands. The greater the DC level, the shorter the pulses. D Receive safety signals to protect the Rotor Controller Inverter: Maximum current detection in the inverter protects it against short circuits (START_CUR_MONIT_A/B), minimum and maximum dc level check (_DC_BUS_EN). D Receive type of stator to drive (23–23 or 50–110 ohms) by STATOR 23–23 signal of CPU Board. A choise of IGBT commands and the maximum current level safety is made for the two types of stator. D Generate IGBT commands. These commands are driven by two state machines which takes into account the CPU commands, the DC level and the safety signals. D Drive the HIGH_SPEED selection relay, as a function of the speed selection mode. D Inform the CPU of rotor controller status: the running mode is described by the _CUR_START_ON signal, the safety mode is described by the _START_OVL signal. 6–3–2 IGBT command drivers There are twelve IGBT drivers; six ON commands, six OFF commands. All these commands are driven by the EPLD and controlled by the LV_ENABLE signal. This control disables the commands when the low voltage supplies drop under certain limits, with a complete hardware check after the EPLD and the buffers. This system insures that even if the EPLD program fails due to a low voltage fault, there should be no possibility of damaging the Rotor Controller inverter because of a short circuit command. 6–3–3 Phase measurements and maximum current detection In order to be sure that the tube rotor is rotating, two phases of the stator current are measured on the Rotor Control Board. The third phase is rebuilt on the Command 2 Board, by assuming that the sum of the phase currents is equal to zero. Each phase current is filtered and compared to a reference current corresponding to 0.2 Amps. This result is read by the EPLD which uses it to generate the _CUR_START_ON signal, indicating that there is some current flowing through the selected stator. This status is indicated by yellow LED DS4. 1–27 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 The dc current flow from the Rotor Control Board to the DC Filter Board is also measured, to detect inverter short circuits and protect the IGBTs. This measurement, made on the Rotor Control Board, is compared to a reference value on the Command 2 Board, to generate a safety signal (START_OVL) corresponding to 50 A in the inverter. When this condition appears, a signal is set to inform the CPU and a red LED (DS3) is lit. 6–3–4 High Speed capacitors selection The MPH Rotor Controller requires a phase shift depending on the 60 Hz/180 Hz or 50/150 Hz command. This is done on the Rotor Control Board by a relay which connects capacitors between the inverter and the stator on the auxiliary and main phases. The command signal for this relay is indicated on the Command 2 Board by yellow LED DS5. When this LED is lit, this means that the Rotor Controller is in Low Speed mode. One contact of the relay provides a signal which is returned directly to the CPU to acknowledge the command of the Rotor Controller High Speed or Low Speed Mode. (Different capacitors are used for the 23/23 (GE) and 50/110 W (CGR) stators.) 1–28 WATER CIRCULATION MAINPS COOLING CMD ° ° PU_CTRL_ CPU 115 Vac Tube safeties (70 C /40 C) OIL PUMP OR BLOWER X5 CMD2 HS RELAY CMD GE Medical Systems TO CHILLER REV 4 CHILLER BOARD ILLUSTRATION 1–11 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM START–COOLING HS RELAY RETURN Q1–Q2–Q3–Q4–Q5–Q6 DC_PS ± 240 Vdc ± 370 Vdc 1–29 ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 IGBT CMDS T1–T2–T3–T4–T5–T6 HIGH SPEED RELAY AND CAPACITORS INVERTER X1 WITH 6 IGBT’S TUBE TUBE SELECTION CMD2 TUBE SEL RETURN CASING Nb 2 SELECTION X2 2 PHASE OVER CURRENT MEASUREMENT COMMON MEASURE T9 CMD2 THEORY OF OPERATION asm 2165118–100 T7–T8 CMD2 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 CASING Nb 1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 6–4 asm 2165118–100 Rotor Controller Power Inverter Refer to Illustration 1–11 (Rotor Control Board Block Diagram). The last item in the MPH rotor controller function is the Rotor Control Board. This is a power board driven by the Command 2 Board, and consists mainly of an inverter and related current measurement circuits. 6–4–1 Rotor controller inverter Since the tube stator is a bi-phase type, the ROTCTL inverter is a three-leg inverter with six IGBTs. Each of the six IGBT drivers consists of an impulse transformer (three windings 1:3:3) and zener diodes. There is no floating power supply to generate the IGBT commands. The inverter itself is fed by the dc supply from the DC Filter Board, between 400 V dc to 680 V dc nominal values. The presence of this voltage on Rotor Control Board is indicated by neon DS1. The dc voltage is changed to ac voltages between the three phases by the PWM commands from the Command 2 Board. The main and auxiliary phases pass through the high speed selection relay and the tube selection relay before reaching the stator. The common phase is directly connected to the stators permanently. 6–4–2 Current measurements Three currents are measured on Rotor Control Board: D Main and Auxiliary currents are measured by two current transformers (ratio 150:1) in order to identify whether there is any current flowing though the stator (the common phase is calculated on the Command 2 Board from the two phases already measured). D The current flow from the DC Supply Board is measured by a current transformer (ratio 1:1) in order to identify an inverter short circuit. If this occurs, the stator currents are shorted by the inverter short circuit and it is not possible to measure them using the main and auxiliary current transformers. 6–4–3 High Speed capacitors In High Speed mode, two capacitors are connected between the inverter and the stator, in order to modify the angle between the phase voltages. The selection is made by a relay driven by the Command 2 Board rotor EPLD. A contact of this relay is used to give an acknowledgement status signal, which is returned to the CPU. When the rotor is driven in Low Speed mode, the relay is energized, and yellow LED DS2 is lit. The position of the capacitors between the inverter and the tube is shown in Illustration 1–12 (High Speed Capacitors for stator GE (23/23)). 1–30 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–12 HIGH SPEED CAPACITORS FOR STATOR GE (23/23) V+ Cb 10.5 mF Rb Lb 71 mH 34 W V1 V2 V3 Cg 12.6 mF Rg Lg 30 W V- ROT_CTRL_BOARD 64 mH STATOR (23/23) 6–4–4 Tube housing cooling The tube housing cooling ac power supply is generated in the MPH by the generator auto-transformer, and connected to the casings through the Main Power Supply Board and Rotor Control Board. This voltage is 115 V ac; its presence is signalled on the Rotor Control Board by neon DS6. It is switched to one tube or the other by the same tube selection relay as the rotor controller inverter outputs. In the case of a water-cooled tube, the Chiller Board (option) is installed on the generator door beside the low-voltage power supplies. The Board controls the power supply to an external chiller which initiates tube cooling. During chiller operation, the DS1 or DS2 indicator lamp on the Chiller Board is lit, and water circulation information is sent to the CPU via the Rotor and Command 2 Chiller Boards. 6–5 Rotor Controller Error Handling When no exposure is in progress, rotor status signals are tested every 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error signal, HE_ROTOR, is generated to the APPLICATION task. During an exposure, status signals that must change are not tested for 200 ms after a new command. All other status signals are tested every 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error code is sent to the APPLICATION task. The error code depends on the signal and on the state of the rotor when the error was generated. 1–31 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error Code 6–6 Name Cause 720 CUR_ST_HS_ACC CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while accelerating to high speed. 721 CUR_ST_HS_RUN CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while rotor running in high speed. 722 CUR_ST_HS_BR CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while braking from high speed. 723 CUR_ST_LS_ACC CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while accelerating to low speed. 724 CUR_ST_LS_RUN CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while rotor running in low speed. 725 CUR_ST_LS_BR CUR_START_ON (current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while braking from low speed. 710 ST_OVL_HS_ACC START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while accelerating to high speed 711 ST_OVL_HS_RUN START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while rotor running in high speed. 712 ST_OVL_HS_BR START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while braking from high speed. 713 ST_OVL_LS_ACC START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while accelerating to low speed. 714 ST_OVL_LS_RUN START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while rotor running in low speed. 717 ST_OVL_LS_BR START_OVL (over current in rotor controller circuit) signal; status error while braking from low speed. 718 LS_RTN_ERR LS_RTN (low speed selection status) status signal error. 726 HE_ROTOR Rotor status signal error while rotor not activated 507 ROT_CMD_TUB_CH New rotor command while tube changing 719 THERM_ROT Maximum rotor thermal value reached Rotor Controller Thermal Protection Rotor inverter thermal status is calculated every 10 ms. If the maximum value is reached, an error message is sent to the display. After a reset, the last recorded values of rotor thermal status are updated with elapsed time. When Rad preparation is requested by the user, the rotor margin (capacity of rotor inverter to execute the next rotor acceleration and brake sequence) is calculated. If the next sequence cannot be executed because of a thermal error, the rotor command is delayed, and the green Prep lamp on Control Console flashes. 1–32 RS485 1–33 ADC MUX DAC ADDRESS J3 BUFFER CPU BOARD REF BUFFER TEST SWITCH EPLD HEATER_MEAS_XL HEATER_MEAS_XS SET_HEATER_XL SET_HEATER_XS XS _GE_TUBE BOOST _PRE_HEAT R_HEAT_XL/XS OVERL_XL/XS HEATFAULT_XL/XS - XJ5 - DRIVERS XJ2 COMMAND 2 BOARD XL SAFETIES XS SAFETIES EPLD HEATER MPH A4-A2 XJ4 _DC_BUS_EN COMMAND 1 BOARD _PRESENCE_XL/XS XJ2 EXPOSURE FLUORO PREP. MEAS_XL MEAS_XS TRIG_XL TRIG_XS - SUPPLY + SUPPLY TUBE SELECT XJ2 HEATER BOARD XL INVERTER XS INVERTER MPH A5-A1 XJ4 XJ2 DC POWER SUPPLY BOARD PRIM_XL_T2 PRIM_XS_T2 HEATER_B_XS HEATER_B_XL PRIM_XL_T1 PRIM_XS_T1 ILLUSTRATION 1–13 HEATER FUNCTION THEORY OF OPERATION TUBE #2 XL XS HV TANK XS XL TUBE #1 REV 4 MPH A4-A3 DATA 68360 J5 SERIAL LINK ROOM_IF_CPU MPH-A6-A1 68302 MPH A6 EXTENSION RACK GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 7 HEATER FUNCTION 7–1 Introduction Refer to Illustration 1–13 (Heater Function). The MPH Heater function involves the following sub-assemblies: D ROOM_IF_CPU: Sends radiography and fluoroscopy preparation commands. D PU_CTRL_CPU Board: Heater sequence control. D Command 2 Board: Heater Inverters (XS and XL) command and control, inverter protection. D Heater Board: Heater inverters and tube selection relays. D HV Tank: Heater transformers (XS Tube1, XL Tube 1, XS Tube 2, XL Tube 2). D Tube #1 and Tube #2 filaments. The main features of the MPH Heater function are: 7–2 D Two independent inverters: One for Small Focus XS, one for Large Focus XL. D Maximum Current up to 10 A in Boost Mode. D RMS filament current value instantaneous regulation. D Filament protection against maximum currents. D Open filament detection. D Heater inverters protection against maximum currents. D Extensive diagnostics of the Heater function. All InSite compatible. Heater Function Sequencing Sequencing of the Heater function is controlled by the CPU. Depending on the required mA, CPU drive the heater current reference. The sequence of the commands between CPU and the Command 2 Boards is shown in Illustration 1–14 (Heater Sequence). D ROOM_IF_CPU sends an exposure start signal to PU_CTRL_CPU which sets heater commands: OFF, pre-heat, acquisition, boost. D The APPLICATION task sends commands to the HEATER task. This updates the heater state machine for the corresponding focus, and sets the heater command signals. The definition of the signals is: D RUN_HEAT_XS (or XL): instructs the Command 2 Board to drive the Heater inverter XS (or XL). D SET_HEATER_XS (or XL): analog reference value for the XS (or XL) heater current. D _PRE_HEAT: sets the selected focus to pre-heat mode. D BOOST: sets the selected focus to Boost mode. D XS: selects the focus (XS or XL). D _PRESENCE_XS (resp XL): indicates to the CPU that the corresponding focus is normally driven. 1–34 SET_HEATER_XS GE Medical Systems RUN_HEAT_XL REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–14 HEATER SEQUENCE RUN_HEAT_XS SET_HEATER_XL _PRE_HEAT BOOST 1–35 XS _PRESENCE_XS _PRESENCE_XL XS coding Exp on XS Notes: 1 Release Prep Switch 1 400 ms boost time 2 Delay before mA regulation 3 Exposure with mA regulation Press Prep Switch 3 2 XL coding Exp on XL Release Prep Switch asm 2165118–100 Press Prep Switch ECM sends preĆheat demand to both heaters 3 2 THEORY OF OPERATION MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 1 THEORY OF OPERATION + U23 U2 U34 U2 U8 U36–U38 XS SHORT CCT DETECTION RUN XS SAFETY U34 MODE SEL CMD1 1–36 CMD2 STARTER + – EPLD COMMANDS ROTCTL CLOCKS LV_ENABLE SELECTION AND LV_ENABLE CONTROL U41–>U45 U29 U31 Q5 U32 – + – HEATER MINIMUM XL CURRENT DETECTION XL SHORT CCT DETECTION U21 XL SQUARE FUNCTION U11 U20 U6–U21 HEATER XL CURRENT MEASURE HEATER U1 HEATER asm 2165118–100 TUBE SWITCH COMMAND & STATE ZERO XL CURRENT DETECTION MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 + U1 U32 CMD2 STARTER XL IGBT CMDS LV POWER SUPPLY 24 V LV_EN SAFETIES RUN XL MODE SEL HEATER XL CURRENT REFERENCE MAXIMUM CURRENT LEVEL U1–U6 ZERO XS CURRENT DETECTION HEATER HEATER STATE CMD1 U8–U23 MINIMUM XS CURRENT DETECTION XS IGBT CMDS SAFETY HEATER U23 NETWORK LEVEL U36–U38 U2 HEATER XS CURRENT MEASURE GE Medical Systems HEATER XS CURRENT REFERENCE XS SQUARE FUNCTION REV 4 U22 – ILLUSTRATION 1–15 COMMAND 2 BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM – HEATER CONTROL GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 7–3 asm 2165118–100 Heater Command Refer to Illustration 1–15 (Command 2 Board Block Diagram – Heater Control). The filament heating function is controlled by the Command 2 Board, the main purpose of which is to acquire current measurements from the heater inverters, compare them to a reference coming from the CPU Board, and regulate the commands so that the measurements match the reference. Since Heater Board includes two independent inverters, one for the small focus XS and one for the large focus XL, the heater function on the Command 2 Board is totally symmetrical. It features two regulation loops, two sets of circuit for current safety control, two sets of IGBT drivers, but only one EPLD (containing two equivalent programs). 7–3–1 Heater control: Command 2 EPLD The Command 2 heater EPLD has several functions: D Acquire the heater commands from the CPU. These are: R_HEAT_XL and R_HEAT_XS (command of the XL and XS inverters), BOOST (enables boost mode for 500 ms), _GE_TUBE (allows selection of the 5.5, 7.1 safety levels) and XS (selects which filament is in prelight mode). D Send heater statuses to the CPU: _PRESENCE_XL and _PRESENCE_XS (indicate that the XL/XS inverter is running), HEATFAULT_XL and HEATFAULT_XS (indicate that an open circuit or a maximum current was detected), OVERL_XL and OVERL_XS (indicate that the current in the filament was too high). D Generate IGBT commands to drive the heater inverters. There are two independent state machines in the heater EPLD. Each pilots an inverter on Heater Board. The state machines allow correct sequencing of the IGBT commands, one transistor after the other, and take into account the heater safeties in order to stop the inverters correctly. The sequence is synchronized to the inverter current whenever this current passes through zero, using the zero current detection signals (IPMIN_XL and XS, INMIN_XL and XS). D The heater function EPLD is also used to decode diagnostic bits, to configure the Command 2 Board (both rotor controller and heater functions) for test conditions. 7–3–2 IGBT command drivers Four commands are necessary to drive the heater inverters. Two commands for each inverter. All these commands are driven by the EPLD and controlled by the LV_ENABLE signal. This control disables the commands when the low voltage supplies drop under certain limits, with a complete hardware control after the EPLD and the buffers. This system insures that even if the EPLD gets lost due to a low voltage fault, there should be no possibility of damaging the heater inverters because of a short circuit command. 7–3–3 RMS heater current measure regulation Since the most important parameter in the heater function is the RMS value of the filament current, the heater regulation loop works directly with the square of the current: D The reference delivered by the CPU is equal to Ich2/10. D The primary current is measured and its square function is calculated by using a multiplier with both inputs at the same potential. This forms Imeas2/10. 1–37 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 The principle of regulation is very simple. The two signals are compared; after filtering, the difference is compared to zero. When (Imeas2/10 - Ich2/10) < 0 a new IGBT command is issued in order to generate a current pulse into the transformer and increase the RMS value of the filament current. 7–3–4 Heater inverters protection The heater inverters are protected against: D Over current in the inverter itself. Current in the switches is measured on Heater Board and compared to a reference on the Command 2 Board. If the real current is greater than 26 Amps or lower than -26 Amps, then the EPLD stops the corresponding state machine and signals the fault. D Open circuit of the filament, or open circuit of the path between the inverter and the filament. This is detected by the lack of diode current in the inverter: a minimum current level has to be detected during the diode on time (ICH_SQUARED_XL or XS signals). Whenever one of these two faults appears there is a visible indication on the Command 2 Board by two LEDs (DS12 for XS maximum current, DS13 for XL maximum current). The faults are signalled to the CPU Board, by the HEATFAULT_XS and HEATFAULT_XL signals. 7–3–5 Filament protection The Command 2 Board and the CPU Board provide tube filament protection to prevents overheating over too long a period of time. The requested current is limited by clamping the current reference delivered by the CPU, and the actual current is monitored by computing the mean of the square of the heater transformer primary current (measured on the Heater Board). The values used (shown below) depend on the mode and the filament (example for Ge tube). XS current (A) XL current (A) Mode CPU Clamp CMD2 Safety CPU Clamp CMD2 Safety pre-heat 2.7 3.0 2.7 3.0 Prep 5.5 5.86 7.1 7.48 Boost 10 10.0 10 10.0 1–38 CMD2 XS CURRENT MEASUREMENT T203 DC_PS 1–39 CMD2 ±240 Vdc±– 370 Vdc XL IGBT CMDS T101–T102 CMD2 XL CURRENT MEASUREMENT T103 TUBE SEL RETURN TUBE 1 CURRENT INVERTER TUBE SELECT. SMALL FOCUS WITH 2 IGBTS TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK X301 SMALL FOCUS Q201–Q202–C205 HYPO RESONANT TUBE 1 CURRENT INVERTER TUBE SELECT. WITH 2 IGBTS LARGE FOCUS LARGE FOCUS X301 TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK Q101–Q102–C105 TUBE SELECTION CMD2 HV SWITCH COMMAND AND STATUS HV TANK asm 2165118–100 X302 THEORY OF OPERATION MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 HYPO RESONANT GE Medical Systems T201–T202 REV 4 XS IGBT CMDS ILLUSTRATION 1–16 HEATER BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM CMD2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 7–4 asm 2165118–100 Heater Power inverter and HV Tank heater transformers The power part of the MPH heater function is performed by the Heater Board and the HV Tank heater transformers. 7–4–1 Heater inverters Refer to Illustration 1–16 (Heater Board Block Diagram). The Heater Board consists mainly of two equivalent inverters, one for each focus, and the tube selection relays. Each inverter is an hypo-resonant inverter with two IGBTs. The resonant frequency is about 20 kHZ. It is designed to work only with discontinuous current pulses, increase of the RMS value being achieved by raising the pulse repetition frequency. The IGBT drivers on Heater Board consist of 1:1 impulse transformers and storing capacitors. The IGBT gates are driven at 15 V when conducting. Refer to Illustration 1–17 (Heater Inverter). The inverter resonant circuit consists of a capacitor (220 nF) located on the Heater Board and an inductor which is in fact the leakage inductance of the HV Tank heater transformer. The resonant current flows through the switches (IGBT and diodes alternately) and the resonant circuit. The primary currents are measured by two current transformers (one for each focus) of ratio 10:1. The inverter is powered from the DC Filter Board, (400 V to 680 V, depending on the line input voltage). The presence of the dc voltage on the Heater Board is indicated by neon DS101. ILLUSTRATION 1–17 HEATER INVERTER m 1–40 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 7–4–2 High Voltage Tank heater transformers There are four heater transformers inside the High Voltage tank, as shown in Illustration 1–13, (MPH Heater Function), one for each focus of each tube. They present 80 turns at the primary and 36 turns at the secondary. Their leakage inductance is equal to about 250 mH; this is the serial inductance of the resonant circuit. 7–5 Heater Error Handling When no exposure is in progress, heater status signals are tested every 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error signal, HE_HEAT_XL (error on large focus signals status) or HE_HEAT_XS (error on small focus signals status), is sent to the APPLICATION task. During an exposure, status signals that must change are not tested for 200 ms after a new command. All other status signals are tested every 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error code is sent to the APPLICATION task. The error code depends on the signal and on the state of the heater when the error was generated. 1–41 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error Code Name Cause 300 HEATF_XL_PREH HEATFAULT_XL signal; status error on large focus, in pre-heat state 301 HEATF_XL_BOOST HEATFAULT_XL signal; status error on large focus, in boost state 302 HEATF_XL_HEAT HEATFAULT_XL signal; status error on large focus, in acquisition state 303 PRES_XL_PREH PRESENCE_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in pre-heat state 304 PRES_XL_BOOST PRESENCE_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in boost state 305 PRES_XL_HEAT PRESENCE_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in acquisition state 306 OVER_XL_PREH OVER_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in pre-heat state 307 OVER_XL_BOOST OVER_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in boost state 308 OVER_XL_HEAT OVER_XL (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on large focus, in acquisition state 309 HE_HEAT_XL heater signals; status error on large focus, out of exposure 320 HEATF_XS_PREH HEATFAULT_XS signal; status error on small focus, in pre-heat state 321 HEATF_XS_BOOST HEATFAULT_XS signal; status error on small focus, in boost state 322 HEATF_XS_HEAT HEATFAULT_XS signal; status error on small focus, in acquisition state 323 PRES_XS_PREH PRESENCE_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in pre-heat state 324 PRES_XS_BOOST PRESENCE_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in boost state 325 PRES_XS_HEAT PRESENCE_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in acquisition state 326 OVER_XS_PREH OVER_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in pre-heat state 327 OVER_XS_BOOST OVER_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in boost state 328 OVER_XS_HEAT OVER_XS (current in heater control circuit) signal; status error on small focus, in acquisition state 329 HE_HEAT_XS heater signals; status error on small focus, out of exposure 540 END_OF_T_BOOST End of boost command delay reached 1–42 68360 RS485 MPH A6 1–43 ADC XJ1 MPH A4-A3 CPU BOARD EPLD BUFFER KV_MEAS KV_REF KV > .75% KVN _RESET_KV_PEAK __RESET_SAFETY _VALID_TMAX _ACK_RESTART KV_DROP_CAT KV_DROP_AN KV_DROP kV_MAX MPH A4-A1 kV MEASURE SAFETIES XJ8 XJ11 XJ12 XJ21 XJ22 XJ10-1 XJ9-1 CURRENT MEASURE DRIVERS OPTO DRVERS COMMAND1 BOARD REGULATION SYSTEM kV EPLDs mA_MAX XJ4 XJ2 REGUL_OUT KV < KV0 I_INV_MAX EXP_TIME_MAX RESTARTING_SAFETY SAFETY EXPOSURE_COMMAND EXPOSURE_ENABLE FLUORO EXPOSURE PREP. INV_CUR FPS_CMOS XJ2 - SUPPLY + SUPPLY HV TANK RECTIFIER AND FILTER HV DIVIDER H.V. PRIMARY FLOATING OPTO 80 kW POWER RECEIVERS INVERTER SUPPLY DC POWER SUPPLY BOARD ILLUSTRATION 1–18 kV GENERATION FUNCTION THEORY OF OPERATION TUBE #2 HV- T2 HV+ T2 HV+ T1 HV- T1 TUBE #1 REV 4 MUX DAC XILINX XJ1 SERIAL LINK 68302 MPH A6-A1 ROOM_IF_CPU EXTENSION RACK GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 8 KV GENERATION FUNCTION 8–1 Introduction Refer to Illustration 1–18 (kV Generation Function). The MPH kV generation function involves the following sub-assemblies: D ROOM_IF_CPU sends Fluoro or Exposure signal to CPU. D PU_CTRL_CPU Board: command kV generation sequence control. D Command 1 Board: kV regulation, kV measure and inverter protection. D Inverter Board: HF current generation. D HV Tank: HF transformer, High Voltage tube switching, HV measurement. D Tube 1 and Tube 2. The main features of the MPH kV generation function are: 8–2 D Main inverter 80 kW at high frequency 50 kHz. D kV linear regulation by Proportional-Integral corrector. D Inverter protection against maximum currents. D HV Tank protection against high mA. D Tube and cable protection against high voltage. D Asymmetrical tube spit detection and automatic recovery. D Extensive diagnostics of the kV generation function. Exposure Sequencing The XRay exposure start sequence is described below; refer to Illustration 1–19 (Exposure Sequence). D When the operator presses the exposure switch, EXPOSURE_ENABLE and EXPOSURE_CMND are sent to the PU_CTRL_CPU Board. These signals are managed under interrupt. The EXPOSURE_ENABLE signal is connected directly to the CMDI Board EPLD which controls the exposure. D The PU_CTRL_CPU Board sets kV command signals according to user requests entered via the control console. The board sets the kV–ref signal to the correct value, and triggers the exposure by sending an EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal. This information is sent to the ROOM_IF_CPU for other components (POS, IDC, etc.). D kV use is monitored on the Command Board, and identified by the signal kV < 75 kV on the PU_CTRL_CPU Board. D kV signals are measured on the PU_CTRL_CPU Board. 1–44 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–19 EXPOSURE SEQUENCE $%%$# (& $%% )# "" )#"%'$ (& " ! 1–45 End of exposure % )# (& THEORY OF OPERATION LV_ENABLE KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL_CPU KV REF + U42–U43 U61 >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL_CPU EXPO COMMAND SAFETY U19 IMPULSE U26 U29 PU_CTRL_CPU EXPO ENABLE 3 EPLD’S COMMAND 1–46 U22 U33 U51 MAINPS LV_ENABLE CONTROL MAINPS mA MAX U28 SAFETY MAX CURRENT U40 KV>75% U47 U17 PU_CTRL_CPU U17 INVERT INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL_CPU U27 mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 LOW VOLTAGE PS ON / OFF 3 PHASE DETECTION _SYS_ON RETURN NETWORK LEVEL FUSES F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 PU_CTRL_CPU U2–U3 U4–U5 U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 INVERT PU_CTRL_CPU CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 CONTROL CONSOLE FILTER KV MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV U18 IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 ZERO CURRENT DETECTION mA RANGE mA MEASURE – FLOATING SAFETY PU_CTRL_CPU HV TANK Q22 Q3–X3–X4 SUPPLIES KV DROP SAFETY SAFETY CURRENT TEST KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES U37 U38 NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL_CPU + U59 U60 U52–U53–U56–U57 KV STATUS KV MEASURE X8–X9 LINEAR REGULATION REGULATION PU_CTRL_CPU KV TEST RELAYS U48 U49 REGULATION REGULATION + – GE Medical Systems KV TEST STATUS REV 4 CMD2 PU_CTRL_CPU kV TEST ILLUSTRATION 1–20 COMMAND 1 BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM PU_CTRL_CPU GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 8–3 asm 2165118–100 kV Command And Control Refer to Illustration 1–20 (Command 1 Board Block Diagram). The Command 1 Board main function is to receive kV demands from the PU_CTRL_CPU (kV reference and exposure commands) and, according to these demands, to trigger inverter IGBT commands so that the measured kV is equal to the kV reference. Security functions for kV generation components (Inverter, HV Tank, cables, and tube) are also carried out by the Command 1 Board. The Command 1 hardware can be considered as two sections. An analog section deals with measurement signals coming from the inverter and the HV Tank, and a logic section (consisting mainly of three EPLDs) communicates with the PU_CTRL_CPU and drives the kV generation process. 8–3–1 Inverter command, kV regulation and safeties: Command 1 EPLDs The kV generation process is controlled by three EPLDs on the Command 1 Board, each with a specific function: D COMMAND: this EPLD acquires the exposure command from the PU_CTRL_CPU and sequences IGBT commands. D REGULATION: this EPLD makes the A/D conversion of the kV_ERROR from the regulation measurement circuits and acts as a corrector. It provides regulation delays for the COMMAND EPLD. D SAFETY: this EPLD acquires safety signals from the various detection circuits, and triggers the SAFETY and RESTARTING_SAFETY signals to correctly terminate the exposure, and communicate the inverter status to the PU_CTRL_CPU. 8–3–2 Inverter command: COMMAND EPLD The signals sent by the PU_CTRL_CPU to start the exposure are: D EXPOSURE_ENABLE. Allows the next exposure. D EXPOSURE_COMMAND. Order to actually start the exposure. It is the image of the Expose Switch or Fluoro Switch. When these signals are set, the EPLD checks that there are no safety signals from the SAFETY EPLD before releasing the IGBT command sequence. This sequence is controlled by an internal state machine, and ensures correct sequencing of inverter commands while avoiding any short circuit commands. The state machine is synchronized to the inverter current measure each time this current changes its sign. When a safety signal appears during the sequence, the state machine stops the sequence and remains in a safe state. The frequency of the inverter can be driven by two circuits: D The impulse regulation circuit is used at low frequencies. It sends a direct demand to the COMMAND EPLD which then triggers the next IGBT command (when needed). D The linear regulation circuit works with the REGULATION EPLD which calculates numerically a delay applied to the COMMAND EPLD. 1–47 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 8–3–3 kV regulation: REGULATION EPLD The main function of this EPLD is to acquire the kV_ERROR signal from the linear regulation circuit, convert that error to a numerical signal and calculate the new command delay. The A/D conversion is made as follows: the error is acquired and stored by a capacitor which is discharged linearly to zero volt. The time needed for this discharge is counted by a 16 MHz clock and acquired in a counter internal to the REGULATION EPLD. Depending on the measured error, the EPLD calculates the new delay necessary to match the kV reference. The calculation (called correction) takes account: D Of the present error by multiplying this error by a proportion factor. D Of the previous measured error; which level is stored in a memory counter internal to the EPLD. The command delay is constituted in linear mode by the Diode time of the inverter sequence. 8–3–4 kV function safeties: SAFETY EPLD This EPLD checks all the safety detection circuits of the kV function. There are two levels of safety condition: 1. Safety conditions which require a complete stop of the exposure. When these occur, the SAFETY signal is triggered, and indicated to the COMMAND EPLD and to the PU_CTRL_CPU. The COMMAND EPLD stops the inverter drive state machine and the PU_CTRL_CPU resets the EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal. These safeties are: – FPS_FAULT: indicates that the floating power supplies of the inverter have failed. – DC_BUS_FAULT indicates that the DC voltage dropped under 400 V. – EXP_TIME_MAX: indicates that the duration of the exposure exceeded 10 s. – KV<KV0: indicates that 500 ms after the beginning of the exposure, at least one side of the kV measure (anode or cathode) has failed to rise properly. 2. Safety conditions which do not require a complete stop of the exposure. When these appear, the RESTARTING_SAFETY signal is set and indicated to the COMMAND EPLD and to the PU_CTRL_CPU. The COMMAND EPLD stops the inverter drive state machine and the PU_CTRL_CPU sets the ACK_RESTART signal, if there is no other problem. When this signal is set, the SAFETY EPLD counts a 4 ms delay and automatically restarts the exposure. These safeties are: – I_INV_MAX: indicates that the inverter current is greater than 900 Amps. – KV_MAX: indicates that one side of the kV measure is greater than 85 kVs. – REGUL_OUT: indicates that the regulation system is lost, the kV_ERROR being greater than 12 kV. – mA_MAX: indicates that the tube mA are greater than 1100 mA. – kV_DROP: indicates a sharp drop of both kV measures (> 1 kV/ms). – kV_DROP_AN: indicates a sharp drop of the kV+ measure. – kV_DROP_CAT: indicates a sharp drop of the kV- measure. Most of these last safeties can appear during tube spits. This is why an automatic recovery is allowed. 1–48 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 8–3–5 Main inverter drivers The MPH main inverter is driven from the Command 1 Board by fiber optic links. The commands are sequenced by the COMMAND EPLD, which triggers the fiber optic transmitting diodes. The supply voltage of these diodes is controlled by the _LV_ENABLE signal, which shuts off the supply whenever the low voltage power supplies of the electronic boards tend to fail. This allows IGBT commands to be stopped when the front driving logic is lost. 8–3–6 kV measure and kV rise waveform The kV reference coming from the CPU is acquired on the Command 1 Board. At the beginning of the exposure, a voltage ramp is started so as to increase the kV_DEMAND signal progressively. When it reaches 67% of the kV reference, the slope of the ramp is reduced to give a rounded waveform and reach the reference level smoothly. This kV rise circuit also detects the level of the kV_DEMAND. When the level is greater than 100 kV or 125 kV, this is signalled to the REGULATION EPLD, which changes the regulation gain accordingly. The kV are measured inside the HV Tank, on both polarities. Each HV divider consists of the HV Tank bleeder in series with a resistor on the Command 1 Board. The kV measured is compared to the kV_DEMAND to create the kV_ERROR, used by the impulse and linear regulation circuits. In service mode, one polarity of the kV measured is replaced by a known reference, to allow calibration of the initial kV waveform. The actual kV measure is compared to 75% of the kV reference to form the kV>.75KVN signal. This signal is sent to the CPU to generate the HV_ON signal. The kV measure is also sent to the CPU. 8–3–7 Inverter current measure The inverter current is measured for two purposes: D To synchronize the EPLD state machine. Each time the current changes from an IGBT current to a diode current, the corresponding IGBT command is allowed to be shut off. This is why the zero current detection is used, to insure that the current has actually changed sign (from IGBT to diode) before changing state and releasing the IGBT command. D To detect the maximum allowed level of the current in the inverter. If the current is greater than 900 A, it is necessary to trigger a safety and stop the exposure. Since this is a common occurrence during tube spits, it is a “restartable” safety. 1–49 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 THEORY OF OPERATION GE Medical Systems ± 240 Vdc ± 370 Vdc REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–21 INVERTER BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM DC_PS HYPO RESONANT CMD1 IGBT COMMANDS OPTIC 1–50 U11–U12–U21–U22 HV TANK INVERTER COUPLING WITH 4 IGBT’S INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE T11–T12–T21–T22 T3–R98 FLOAT. PS COMMANDS CMD1 FLOAT. PS RETURN FLOATING CMD1 LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY T1–T2 asm 2165118–100 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 8–4 asm 2165118–100 kV Power Inverter and HV Tank The power part of the kV function is performed by the main inverter and the HV Tank transformer. 8–4–1 kV main inverter Refer to Illustration 1–21 (Inverter Board block diagram). The MPH 80 kW main inverter is a hypo-resonant type inverter whose working frequency is 50 kHz. It consists of four IGBTs connected as a full bridge, a resonant capacitor, and a resonant inductor (which is, in fact, the leakage inductance of the High Voltage transformer). The IGBT commands are triggered by the Command 1 Board through fiber optic links. Each IGBT gate is connected to a special " 18 V floating power supply provided by the Command 1 Board. The four floating power supplies are isolated by pulse transformers. These feature return windings, allowing correct secondary driving to be checked. In order to synchronize the Command 1 EPLD state machine to the current, it is necessary to measure the ac current in the inverter. This is the purpose of the inverter current transformer. It measures inverter current with a 500:1 ratio, allowing detection of maximum current (900 Amps), and the change of current sign. Illustration 1–22 (Main Inverter) shows how the current flows through the inverter, depending on which IGBT is triggered. The shape of the current waveform depends on the power required by the application, and on the input line voltage. At low power, the inverter is driven in impulse mode, that is, the pulses are completely separated from each other. The RMS value of the current is limited by the repetition frequency and the delivered power remains low. The command sequence is: T11 alone with D21, T11 and T22, D11 and D22, wait, T12 alone with D22, T12 and T21, D12 and D21, wait, and so on. In this case, the waiting delay is defined by the impulse regulation on the Command 1 Board, and is greater than 8 ms. At higher power, the inverter is driven in linear mode, that is, the pulses are consecutive. Since the inverter is closer to the resonance frequency, the peak current and its RMS value are dramatically higher, and the delivered power is much increased. The command sequence is: T11 alone with D21, T11 and T22, D11 and D22, no wait, T12 alone with D22, T12 and T21, D12 and D21, wait and so on. In this case, the waiting delay is defined by the linear regulation on the Command 1 Board, and is shorter than 8 ms. 1–51 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–22 MAIN INVERTER 1–52 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 8–4–2 HV Tank transformer Refer to Illustration 1–23 (HV Tank block diagram). The HV tank transformer consists of: D The primary, made of six turns of copper sheet. D The secondary, made of two groups of six stakes, each of which is an independent winding with rectifying capability due to full bridge diode and high voltage capacitor filter. Each group of six is symmetrical, and generates one polarity (-75 kV to 75 kV). D An iron-silica magnetic circuit. D Two internal bleed circuits, one for the anode side and one for the cathode side. Each consists of a 200 MW (1%) resistor in parallel with a 19.8 pF (5%) capacitor. 1–53 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 THEORY OF OPERATION GE Medical Systems ANODE REV 4 TUBE 1 TRANSFORMERS TUBE 1 ILLUSTRATION 1–23 HV TANK BLOCK DIAGRAM XL XS HEATER CMD1 mA MEASURE CMD1 kV + KV + HIGH INVERT VOLTAGE MEASURE kV + kV – KV – HV SWITCH SWITCH STATUS TUBE 1 HEATER KV + 1–54 TRANSFORMER kV – MEASURE HEATER KV – TUBE 2 CMD1 SWITCH CMD CATHODE CMD1 mA MEASURE XL XS TRANSFORMERS TUBE 2 TUBE 2 asm 2165118–100 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 HEATER GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 8–5 asm 2165118–100 kV Function Error Handling When no exposure is in progress, kV Inverter status signals are tested each 10 ms. If an error is detected, the corresponding error code, HE_INVERTER_ERROR, sent to the display. During an exposure: D The safety signals RESTARTING_SAFETY and SAFETY cause an interrupt when they are activated. The exposure is stopped, the MPH reads the cause of the safety, and the corresponding error code is sent display. In case of spit detection the exposure restarts, up to a limit of seven times per exposure. D The status signal kV_75%kVn is checked 10 ms after the start of the exposure, and then each 10 ms. Error Code 8–6 Name Cause 201 UNKNOWN_RES_SAF RESTARTING_SAFETY signal set with no other signal 202 KV_REGUL_ERROR REGUL_OUT (kV regulation error) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 203 KVMAX_FAILURE KV_MAX (maximum kV reached) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 204 KV_DROP KV_DROP (quick drop on both sides of kV) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 205 KV_DROP_AN KV_DROP_AN (quick drop on positive side) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 206 KV_DROP_CAT KV_DROP_CAT (quick drop on negative side) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 207 MAX_INV_CURRENT I_INV_MAX (max. current reached in kV inverter) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 512 KV75_ERROR KV_75%KVN (kV less than 75% of the kV command 10ms after the start of the exposure) signal error 544 EXP_CMD_NOT_OK Exposure command while PU not ready 553 TMAX_10S_OVERFLOW Exposure time reached 10 s (included in SAFETY signal) 551 UNKNOWN_SAFETY SAFETY signal set without any other signal 545 REPETITIVE_ERROR More than seven restarting safeties occurred in one exposure 511 NO_KV_FEEDBACK KV_INFKV0 (kV less than 6 kV after start of the exposure) signal error (included in SAFETY signal) 513 HE_INVERTER kV signals; status error out of exposure 547 THERM_INV kV inverter thermal error kV Inverter Thermal Protection The thermal status of the kV Inverter is calculated by the MPH software at intervals of 10 ms. When the maximum value is reached, an error message is sent to the display. 1–55 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 THEORY OF OPERATION MPH A6-A1 ROOM_IF_CPU PREP. 68302 EXPOSURE FLUORO SERIAL LINK XJ1 RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH A6 REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–24 mA FUNCTION BLOCK DIAGRAM EXTENSION RACK XJ2 10 mA_SCE_SEL mA TEST TEST_mA XILINX 68360 TUBE #1 mA RANGE CHOICE CATHODE _STAT_TEST_mA _STAT_mA_x1 XJ3 1–56 _STAT_mA_x10 BUFFER SAFETY EPLD mA MAX DETECT H.V, PRIMARY 0V mA_x1 mA_x10 EPLD HV TANK 3 mA_MAX ANODE mA_ANODE mA_CATHODE X1 X10 X100 1 XJ1 DAC CATHODE XJ23 MPH A4-A3 CPU BOARD MPH A4-A1 COMMAND 1 BOARD asm 2165118–100 ADC TUBE #2 mA_MEAS MUX ANODE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 mA MEASURE GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 SECTION 9 MA FUNCTION 9–1 Introduction Refer to Illustration 1–24 (mA Function Block Diagram). The mA function of the MPH involves the following sub-assemblies: 9–2 D The CPU Board: acquires the mA measure from the Command 1 Board and handles mA regulation during exposures. D The Command 1 Board: the mA measure and checks for allowable limits of mA are located on this board. Tube current passes through one of several shunt resistors (selected by the PU_CTRL_CPU Board) for measurement. D HV Tank: the HV winding terminations are connected to outputs to be looped back on the Command 1 Board. D Tube 1 and Tube 2: the tube current flows through the HV cables and from anode to cathode. mA Measurement Circuit The measurement circuit of the mA function is located on the Command 1 Board. This part of the board is controlled directly by the the PU_CTRL_CPU Board, with no intervention of logic command from the Command 1 Board. Several pieces are necessary to that function: mA shunts and corresponding relays, mA testing source, mA differential measure, and MAX_mA detection. The mA are measured by shunt resistors placed in series with the mA flow. Choice of the shunt is made by the PU_CTRL_CPU, which switches relays according to the expected value of the mA. There are three ranges available, coded on two bits (mA x 1 and mA x 10). Expected mA Range mA_X1 mA_X10 0 to 10 mA x 100 0 0 10 mA to 100 mA x 10 0 1 100 mA to 1000 mA x1 1 0 Both relays have an auxiliary contact to identify correct switching to the required position. These are indicated by the _STAT_mA_x1 and _STAT_mA_X10 signals. Voltage measured on the shunt is acquired on the PU_CTRL_CPU and converted by the ADC. For calibration purposes, the Command 1 Board features an independent current source. This source is selectable by the MPH software; it can deliver 10 mA (10mA_SCE_SEL = 1) or 100 mA (100 mA_SCE_SEL = 0). This feature allows the PRD to check mA measurement, and allows calibration of the mA loop. During calibration, the operator replaces the mA strap on Command 1 by a multimeter and checks the value of the source, before indicating it to the system. The mA calibration does not require any exposure. In order to protect the tube, the mA are measured and compared to a reference to detect the 1100 mA level. If the mA are greater than this value, the mA_MAX safety is triggered and stored in the safety EPLD to stop the inverter state machine. 1–57 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 9–3 asm 2165118–100 mA Regulation The mA regulation is controlled by the PU_CTRL_CPU. Its inputs are the mA demand according to the operator demand and the measured mA from the Command 1 Board. The PU_CTRL_CPU regulates the mA by increasing or decreasing the heater current reference. mA loop control in radiology mode: D The exposure starts with the heat demand sent by the PU_CTRL_CPU. After a delay, the loop control function measures the mA, compares it with the mA reference, and corrects the heater current demand if necessary. D This function runs each 1 ms. It sends the heater demand to the Command 2 Board. Differentiation of the heater demand in fluoro mode: 9–4 D For fluoro exposure, CPU sends a new kV and heater demand every 16.6 ms (synchronized with the scan speed of the monitor). MPH temporarily increases the heater demand, in order to compensate for filament inertia and to maintain a constant brightness on the video screen. D The time constant is sent to the MPH via the NVRAM after a reset. D This function runs every 1 ms. It sends the heater demand to the Command 2 Board. mA Error Handling Error Code Name Cause 200 MAX_TUBE_CURRENT mA_MAX (maximum tube current) signal error (included in RESTARTING_SAFETY signal) 554 MA_METER_SAT mA measure reached 20 mA in fluoro acquisition 559 NO_MA_FEEDBACK mA measure not reached mA minimum 10 ms after start of exposure. mA minimum depends of selected scale: scale x 100 (fluoro mode) mA min = 0.15 mA scale x 10 (radiography) mA min = 1.5 mA scale x 1 (radiography) mA min = 4 mA 552 ERR_MAS_MAX mAs maximum reached 112 MA_SCALE_ERROR error on status of mA scale selection signals 1–58 1–59 68360 RS485 MPH A6 ADC _T2_POSITION CPU BOARD MPH A4-A2 COMMAND 2 BOARD _T1_POSITION _T2_POSITION +24 V _HV_SWITCH_CTRL _HV_SW_MOTOR_OFF _STAT_HEAT_T2 XJ1 _T2_SEL_HEAT _HV_SWITCH_INDEX XJ1 XJ2 XJ1 XJ2 XJ1 _T1_POSITION +24 V DRIVERS XJ2 _STAT_START_T2 COMMON_STAT _T2_SEL_START _HV_SWITCH_INDEX _HV_SW_MOTOR_OFF _STAT_HEAT_T2 _STAT_START_T2 _HV_SW_COMMON COMMON_STAT _HV_SWITCH_CTRL MPH A4-A3 BUFFER EPLD _T2_SEL_HEAT _T2_SEL_START XJ4 FLUORO EXPOSURE PREP. MPH A5-A2 HEATER BOARD MPH A5-A1 MOTOR CONTROL RELAY TUBE SELECTION RELAY HEATER INVERTERS TUBE SELECTION RELAY ROTOR CONTROL BOARD XJ4 XJ2 TUBE #2 #2 TUBE TUBE #1 _HV_SWITCH_INDEX _HV_SW_MOTOR _HV_SW_COMMON HV TANK MPH A2 _T2_POSITION _T1_POSITION H. V. SWITCH H. V. SWITCH MOTOR PRIM_T2 HEATER T2 TRANSFOS PRIM_T1 HEATER T1 TRANSFOS TUBE 2 STATOR TUBE 1 STATOR ILLUSTRATION 1–25 TUBE SELECTION FUNCTION THEORY OF OPERATION CATHODE T2 ANODE T2 CATHODE T1 ANODE T1 REV 4 MUX DAC XILINX XJ1 SERIAL LINK 68302 MPH A6-A1 ROOM_IF_CPU EXTENSION RACK H. V. TRANSFO. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 10 TUBE SELECTION FUNCTION 10–1 Introduction Refer to Illustration 1–25 (Tube Selection Function). The tube selection function allows application of the three main functions of the generator (kV function, Heater function, Rotor function) to one tube or the other. Tube selection involves the following sub-assemblies: D PU_CTRL_CPU Board: the PU_CTRL_CPU receives the tube change command from the Control Console and sequences the tube change process in the generator. D Command 2 Board: transmits the tube selection commands to the Rotor Controller Board and the Heater Board. D Heater Board: switches heater currents to tube 1 or tube 2 heater transformers, and drives the HV switch motor relay to rotate the motor. D Rotor Controller Board: switches the rotor inverter towards one stator or the other. D HV Tank: includes the high voltage switch to connect the HV transformer to one tube or the other. The change of stator in the rotor function is simply made by switching a relay. It directs the output of the rotor controller inverter towards one stator or the other. The change of tube filament heating is also made changing a relay. It switches the output of XL and XS heater inverters to the appropriate set of heater transformers. There are four heater transformers inside the HV Tank: XS Tube 1, XL Tube 1, XS Tube 2, XL Tube 2. The switch of the high voltage output of the HV transformer is made inside the HV Tank by a special switch, which presents high insulation capability to insure no spark over the unselected tube. This switch is moved by a 24 V motor located on top of the HV Tank. Switch operation is monitored by three contacts: D Two “bold” contacts indicate the position of the switch. If _T1_POSITION = 0, this means that the probable contact is made with tube 1. If _T2_POSITION = 0, this means that the probable contact is made with tube 2. D One accurate contact called _HV_SWITCH_INDEX. When it is equal to zero, this means that one tube or the other is actually connected to the HV transformer. D Correct indication of tube switching is given when _HV_SWITCH_INDEX = 0 and _Tx_POSITION = 0, with x = 1 or 2. The change of HV position should not take longer than 2 seconds. If it does, an error is generated. 1–60 GE Medical Systems REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–26 TUBE SELECTION SEQUENCE 1–61 * (#) )(,")!&)&'(,")! $($- $($- " !+&#) (,")! &$$%$&)&' ($Switching times * )(,")!&)&'(,")! (#) $($- $($- " !+&#) (,")! &$$%$&)&' ($Switching times * (#) asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 10–2 asm 2165118–100 Tube Selection Sequencing Refer to Illustration 1–26 (Tube Selection Sequence). According to the operator demand the Control Console sends a tube command to PU_CTRL_CPU, which checks if the tube number is TUBE1 or TUBE2 and if a tube switch sequence is running. If the new tube is different from the selected tube, tube switch sequence is started: D Mask the tube selection safety detection D Command the heater relay D Wait for the rotor to stop D Command the rotor relay when heater switching is complete D Command the HV relay when rotor switching is complete D Wait for the end of HV switching D If a new command occurs during the preceding operations, start the new sequence. D Unmask the tube selection safety detection – 10–3 send the heat demand if received during the tube switch. Tube Selection Error Handling Error Code Name Cause 110 TUB_SEL_ROT_ON Tube switch command while rotor is ON 118 TUB_SEL_HEAT_ON Tube switch command while heat is ON on one or two focus 119 TUB_SEL_KV_ON Tube switch command while kV measured > 9 kV 117 TUB_SEL_ERR HV switches signals status error 114 ROT_SEL_ERR Rotor tube switches signals status error 115 HEAT_SEL_ERR Heater tube switches signals status error 716 THERMAL_SAFETY Temperature of tube housing too high 1–62 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 11 R/RF INTERFACE 11–1 Description The purpose of the MPH generator is to provide an interface between the Rad and RF Rooms. An example of a possible RF/Rad and Rad 2 tube connection is given in Illustrations 1–27 and 1–28. 11–1–1 Tubes Two tubes can be driven by the generator, including one fluoro tube and one rad tube in the case of RF. The RF tube is connected as a priority to Tube 1 for fluoro, although connection to Tube 2 is also possible. 11–1–2 Tomography Two tomography units can be connected to the generator, with the possibility of automatic transmission of tomography times. The following combinations are possible: D One RF tomography unit and one Rad tomography unit, or D Two Rad tomography units. 11–1–3 Buckies Four Buckies can be connected to the generator, as follows: D Two wall Buckies for Tubes 1 and 2, D Two table Buckies for Tubes 1 and 2. Power supply for these Buckies is either 230 V (ac) or 115 V (ac). Power supply is selected by moving Fuse F9 on the MPHA6–A3 Distribution Board. Note: The two power supply voltages cannot be mixed. All Buckies are either 230 V (ac) or 115 V (ac). 11–1–4 Collimators Two automatically controlled collimators in cassette size may be connected. It is possible to mix automatic-control and manual-control collimators. Refer to the SM for details of connections and programming. 11–1–5 Arterio An Arteriophlebograph can be the interface in an RF room. In this case, it is connected to Tube 2, and replaces the wall Bucky interface. A wall Bucky/Tube 2 interface is then not possible. 1–63 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 THEORY OF OPERATION , $$ ,#0 GE Medical Systems REV 4 , ILLUSTRATION 1–27 RF ROOM 1"' )(!",+'%+" "$"%"++"'& %'+'&+)'$$+$ ('+"$%-" $,#0 % "&+&*"") "' %) ''+*."+! 1–64 ',$)'&*'$* &+ )+'&*'$ ) )' )%2 &)+') '&+)'$ '&*'$ /('*,) (,*!,++'& &*."+! $ '&+)'$ '&*'$ /('*,) (,*!,++'& &*."+! asm 2165118–100 /('*,) (,*!,++'& $ '&+)'$ '&*'$ &)+') & ',!*)& MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 "' %'&"+') "' %'&"+') Automatic beam limiting Wall bucky Tube 1 GE Medical Systems REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–28 RAD ROOM Automatic beam limiting Wall bucky Tube 2 MPH CABINET TOMO 1–65 Table bucky TOMO Table bucky Generator control console asm 2165118–100 PRINT-X THEORY OF OPERATION MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 ProgramĆX GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 11–2 asm 2165118–100 Composition See Ill. 1–29. Depending on x-ray room configuration, the generator can be equipped with various optional boards, to be installed according to instructions given in the SM. ILLUSTRATION 1–29 BOARD INTERCONNECTIONS Handswitch for service MPH A6 EXTENSION RACK (9) J7 MPH A6 A1 To PU_CTRL_BD J5 MPH A6 A2 ROOM IF CPU BOARD (68) J1 (6) J10 J2 (24) (50) J9 XJ5 (50) J4 TABLE INTERFACE BOARD J6 J2 (40) (25) (15) To MPH A6 A8 (Plugs Panel) or UIH Board J3 (25) To MPH A6 A8 (Plugs Panel) or MHR J11–13–15 (3x9) OR MPH A6 A5 J7A (40) (40) TABLE TOMO COLLIMATOR J7B BOARD J10–12–14 (3x9) J9 (15) J8 J6 (6) (15) To MPH A6 A8 (Plugs Panel) or To table RAD and Collimator (6) J6 J7 MPH A6 A4 (40) WALL BUCKY BOARD (9) J9 (12) J7 J5 (6) (50) J11 J5 (6) MPH A6 PS2 + 15 V J6 (12) MPH A6 PS1 +/– 15 V, + 5 V MPH A6 A3 J4 (6) DISTRIBUTION BOARD J3 J2 J8 (24) MPH A6 A7 1–66 J4 (9) J1 J2 3X9 J3 Room lights Buckies GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 11–2–1 RF/One Tube The Table Interface Board MPHA6 A2 is added to the MPHA6 Rack. Note: If a wall Bucky is present, it is connected to the Wall Bucky MPHA6 A4 Board which is installed in the rack. 11–2–2 RF/Two Tubes If the X-Ray Room has a Rad function, with or without tomography, and with or without automatically controlled collimators, in addition to the RF installation, the Table Tomo Collimator Board (MPH A6 A5) is added to the rack (MPH A6). 11–2–3 RAD/One or Two Tubes If the X-Ray Room has one or two Rad tubes with or without tomography and with or without automatically controlled collimators, the Table Tomo Collimator Board (MPH A6 A5) is added to the rack (MPH A6). If only wall Bucky or craniography accessories are used, only the Wall Bucky Board (already included in the MPH A6 Rack) is required. 11–3 Operation The interface uses SAS data exchange protocol with the peripheral devices (Table, Image Intensifier, Collimators, Buckies, etc.). 11–3–1 Wall Bucky Board MPH A6 A4 See Schematic 2120833 in SM. This printed circuit, which is always present in the MPH A6 Rack, allows two 230-V (ac) or 115-V (ac) wall Buckies to be connected. The connection is established using LMI-type screw terminal connectors. Grid triggering information is a function of the pre-programmed technique (POMU) and the selected tube, either T1 or T2 (refer to SM). The exposure trigger generated by the Bucky is thus transmitted to the Room IF CPU Board. See Illustrations 1–30 and 1–31. The Arteriophlebograph interface is also located on this Board. In addition to exposure triggering information, this interface has radiography preparation and end of radiography preparation information, as well as information during the exposure. See Illustrations 1–32 and 1–33. Interface with the door interlocks (door contact and lamps) is also provided on this Board. Power supply to the room lamps (ON and X-Ray) depends on the Bucky voltage selected, 230 V (ac) or 115 V (ac). See Illustration 1–34. 1–67 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 11–3–2 Table Interface Board MPH A6 A2 See Diagram 2118970 in SM. This board creates the interface with a Remote Table and an Image Intensifier. The signal exchange dialog between components is shown in Illustrations 1–35 through 1–41. The chronological order of signals is indicated by numbers from 0 to 7. The positioner cables and image intensifier cables are connected using AMP 34-pin connectors installed either on the MPH A6–A8 Plug Panel or on the Transpanel at the front of the Upper Cabinet. In the case of the Digital Rack, the connection is routed first via the Digital Rack using a flat 25-pin cable connected directly to the Table Interface Board and then to the Digital Rack, and from the Digital Rack to the Transpanel at the front of the Upper Cabinet. Connection to the image intensifier is created using an AMP 34-point connector on the MPH A6 A8 Rack, or directly via flat 15-point cable between the Table Interface Board and the UIH printed circuit installed on the inner surface of the MPH A6 Rack door. 11–3–3 Table Tomo Collimator Interface Board MPH A6 A5 See Diagram 2121050 in SM. This board creates the interface with two rad tables (such as Compax), with or without Tomography, and two collimators automatically controlled according to cassette size. The signal exchange dialog between components is shown in Illustrations 1–42 through 1–52. Connection of Table Bucky or Tomography Unit cables is carried out on the screw-terminal LMI connectors. Automatic collimator cables are connected using AMP 34-point connectors installed on the MPH A6 A8 Rack. 11–3–4 ROOM IF CPU Board MPH A6 A1 See Diagram 2133174 in SM. This Board transmits all information sent by the CPU via the data bus, and distributes it to the various interface boards (Wall Bucky, Table Interface, Table Tomo Collimator). The Board also decodes information received from the peripheral devices, to transmit it to the CPU via the data bus. See the example of signal exchanges in Illustration 1–53. This board is also equipped with LEDs which indicate x-ray dialog status between the generator and peripheral devices. Yellow LEDs indicate that the generator has received information from outside. Green LEDs indicate that the generator is sending information to a peripheral device. 1–68 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 TABLE 1–1 EETACFLUORO CASE: MEANING OF LEDS SC1 Generator has received a fluoro request (fluoro footswitch pressed) SC2 Generator has started heating and anode rotation SC3 Generator has received an x-ray request in fluoro SC4 Generator transmits During Fluoro notification TABLE 1–2 EETACRAD CASE: MEANING OF LEDS PG1 Generator has received a Radiography Preparation request (Prep switch) PG2 Generator has started heating and anode rotation GR1 Generator has received a Rad exposure request (Exposure switch) GR2 Generator authorizes x-ray request GR3 Generator has received a Begin Exposure request GR4 Generator transmits information during x-ray exposure 11–4 Workstation Decoding Principle Workstation information includes the x-ray tube selection, and image receptor selection (Spot-film, Digital, Wall Bucky, Table Bucky, etc.). During Workstation programming (see Job Card RG002 sm), the Workstation is associated with a console key (1 thru 8), an image receptor, and an x-ray tube. For example: TECH1 (Console Key Number 1) >>>DIR (Receptor) T1(Tube) A signal is created from this combination. It is to be labeled in the following way on diagrams and in illustrations: TECH1=DIR T1>>>>>>>WS_DIR–UX or WS_DIR_UY Where: D WS for WORKSTATION D DIR for DIRECT D UX for TUBE 1* D UY for TUBE 2* Note: The UX or UY suffix is not used in the RF case because only one fluoro is possible. The RF tube is connected as a priority to Tube 1 but, if connected to Tube 2, the UX and UY suffixes are exchanged for the Rad Workstations: D UX=TUBE 2 D UY=TUBE 1 Other signals are required to carry out information switching. These are generated by the software according to the mode. 1–69 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 For example: WS_RF:WORKSTATION using RF techniques (SETE, SPE, NUM, TOSE, TONU) WS_RAD:WORKSTATION using Rad techniques (DIR, POMU, POTA, TOPO) WS_FILM:WORKSTATION using techniques with Film in RF (SETE, TOSE) WS_TOMO:WORSTATION tomography selector WS_FLUORO:WORKSTATION using Fluoro (SETE, TOSE, NUM, TONU) TABLE 1–3 EETACSWITCHING ACCORDING TO WORKSTATIONS WORKSTATION R F R A D TUBE 1 Special (SPE) WS_SPE WS_RF SFD (SETE or SECO) WS_SFD WS_FILM WS_RF WS_FLUORO Digital (NUM) WS_DIG WS_FLUORO WS_RF TUBE 2 Tomo SFD (TOSE) WS_FILM WS_TOMO WS_FLUORO WS_RF Tomo Digital (TONU) WS_DIG WS_FLUORO WS_RF Direct (DIR) WS_DIR_UX WS_RAD WS_DIR_UY WS_RAD Table Bucky (POTA) WS_TAB_BUCK_UX WS_RAD WS_TAB_BUCK_UY WS_RAD Wall Bucky (POMU) WS_WALL_BUCK_UX WS_RAD WS_WALL_BUCK_UY WS_RAD Tomo Bucky (TOPO) WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX WS_RAD WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY WS_RAD Pulmo Changer (PULM) (CHAN) Not Applicable WS_WALL_BUCK_UY WS_RAD 1–70 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 Note: D In RF, if Tube 1 is reserved for the Fluoro Workstations, Tube 2 is used in Rad, and the Rad Workstations are therefore used with index UY. D If Tube 2 is reserved for Fluoro, Tube 1 is used in Rad, and the Rad Workstations are therefore used with index UX. In the case of an Arterio or Pulmorapid (CHAN or PULM), the Workstation Rad WS_WALL_BUCK_UY is always active. The RF tube must therefore be on Tube 1. ILLUSTRATION 1–30 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR WALL BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 1/2 J7 Sheet 1 U92 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A1 2 A OPT O U77 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A OPT O U77 A2 4 J5 F6A 7 To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 A4 17 41 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A MAX 485 U20 K22 _RAD_PREP 1 2 J2 J12 J2 16 16 J7 3 3 20 20 4 4 22 22 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST K24 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 K23 OPT O U88 CONTROL CONSOLE DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK K13 _WS_RAD WALL BUCKY .BD J6 5 J7 JUMP JUMP 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 INTERLOCK DOOR J7A or J7B 9 9 K24–9 0VRF _INHIBIT–EXP By COLLIMATOR see Rad interface Collimator Diagram TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch D0_D15 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–71 K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator D.DUMOURIER J7:Used to connect a handswitch 3/11/94 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–31 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN WALL_BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 WALL BUCK.BD (Two Wall Buckies available) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7 J3 WALL BUCKY 1 WALL BUCKY 2 J1 U81 Q5 12 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 14 14 16 16 22 DS1 K2 U61 Q6 U81 15 U65 15 U66 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY K13 _WS_RAD K3 K13 22 Q16 U67 led GR2 Q2 EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 led GR3 6 _START_EXP_A OPT O U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 K21 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 4–6 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD K8 START GRID K7 4–6 START GRID K2 DS3 U69 A3 DS2 5 EXP_DEMAND U92 K1 EPL D U30 K1 DS4 K1 K8 K2 K7 1–2 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 1–72 START X–RAY 1–2 1–2 START X–RAY J5 7 7 9 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKIES GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–32 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR ARTERIO SHEET 1/2 U92 A1 Sheet 1 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A 2 A2 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A 4 J5 J7 OPT O U77 OPT O U77 K22 _RAD_PREP _PREP_SW J2 J7 J12 J2 1 16 16 3 3 2 20 20 4 4 22 22 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST K24 K23 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 7 MAX 41 485 U20 _EXP_SW _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A OPT O U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 _WS_RAD J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 J2 J4–1 _PREP_SW 7 0VRF 5 J4–2 7 J8 ARTERIO J9 7–9 K6 U67 U65 K3 led PG2 Q1 2 END_PREP U67 _END_PREP124 24 28 28 K11 U65 led GR4 Q3 6 D0_D15 K16 K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch 9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–73 K4 K3 K1 K3 K1 (K1–K3:see sheet 2 Arterio block diagram) ) J7A or J7B BEGIN_END_EXP1 BEGIN_END_EXP 9 PREP INFO K1 4–6 END PREP INFO K5 1–2 BEGIN END EXP INFO _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator (see Collimator block diagram) K24–9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–33 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR ARTERIO SHEET 2/2 J6 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J7 WALL BUCK.BD J1 TO ARTERIO U61 U81 Q6 U66 Q16 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY 15 U65 15 K13 _WS_RAD 16 16 22 22 K3 K13 EXP_DEMAND_1 U67 led GR2 Q2 A3 led DS3 26 26 4–6 5 K8 EXP_DEMAND U92 K15 K1 K1 U69 led GR4 _START_EXP_A 6 ENABLE EXP OPT O U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 led DS4 1–2 K1 K21 START X–RAY K8 J5 7 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD 1–2 EPL D U30 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 1–74 9 AC SUPPLY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–34 DIAGRAM OF INTERLOCK DOOR AND ROOM LIGHT J7 U92 A1 2 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A OPT O U77 _RAD_PREP J5 _PREP_SW 1 _EXP_REQUEST OPT O U77 _EXP_REQUEST_A J2 2 K24 K23 U92 MAX 7 _EXP_EN 16 3 3 20 20 4 4 24 24 22 22 A4 17 DIST.BD K20 FLUORO OPT O U88 J5 See RF J2 block diagram 18 13 13 9 9 SAS PL1 DD FOOT SWITCH FLUORO K14 A4 8 _FLUORO_PREP_A OPT O U78 _EXP_SW _DOOR_INTERLOCK U92 led SC1 _PREP_SW CONTROL CONSOLE see RF bloc diagram for RF K13 K23 RAD J9 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A J2 16 0VRF 485 U20 41 J12 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B J7 *SW1 *CR36 led GR1 A2 4 K22 _FLUORO_PREP _FLUORO_REQUEST K24–K5 9 MM TABLE BD K20 5 From POSITIONNER J7 J6 J4 1 Door switch 5 Jump J8 J9 0VRF 7 2 4 7 K10 _PREP_SW _FLUORO_REQUEST 30 6 X–RAY ON 30 K9 VAC2 8–9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD VAC1 1–2 From DIST BD XJ5 J5 LINE ON J6 1–2 VAC2 3–6 3–6 WALL BUCKY BD. 1–75 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–35 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 1/2 (PREP AND EXPOSURE SWITCHES) POSITIONNER SAS PL1 INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 J2 K22 U92 led PG1 A1 2 _RAD_PREP_A A2 OPTO U77 4 _RAD_PREP 3 3 _EXP_REQUEST 5 5 OPTO U77 led GR1 K23 _EXP_REQUEST_A 1 _RF_PREP_REQUEST 4 _RF_EXP_REQUEST K13 K23–K24 _PREP_SW_B B 1 AA 2 K22 _EXP_SW_AA 0 _RF_SEL 13 EE U92 A4 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 17 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK13 Q1 2 4 4 18 18 _WS_RF U61 Q5 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 12 J5 L K23 DS1 U65 PREP_INFO_L 2 15 K14 U66 T 4 13 3 5 CR1 N 0VRF J ENABLE _PREP_N 14 SW4=ON if wall bucky K13=Enable prep by positionner K14=Interlock ky room door K23=Prep request SW4 CR4 K22 Exposure request x STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN RAD MODE INTERLOCK DOOR F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B D0_D15 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN J6 K23 K22=RF_prep request K23=Exposure request K24=Inhibit by collimator (not used0 J7 JUMP JUMP 0VRF 5 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 WALL BUCKY .BD 1–76 J9 0VRF GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–36 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 (EXPOSURE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD INTERFACE TABLE BD J9 led GR2 U67 Q2 5 A3 6 EXP_DEMAND_1 38 SAS PL1 J2 20 5 M ENABLE_EXP_INFO_M 38 T EXP_DEMAND U92 J5 K27_K14 K15 POSITIONNER _START_EXP_A COMMON_INFO_T 4 U69 led GR3 _START_EXP_1 7 7 6 OPTO U78 _RF_SEL (see Sheet 1 ) 6 F H 17 K28 START_EXP_1 _W5_WALL BUCKY_UX (K26) J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU 29 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 63 K16 led GR4 U67 Q3 6 K25_K14 BEGIN_END_EXP_1 40 19 7 W BEGIN_END_EXP_INFO_W 40 T BEGIN_END_EXP U65 COMMON_INFO_T 4 K14=WORKSTATION RF K25=BEGIN_END_EXPOSURE K27=EXPOSURE DEMAND K16=BEGIN_END_EXPOSURE K15=EXPOSURE DEMAND D0_D15 1–77 x STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN RAD MODE THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–37 FLUORO INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 1/2 (FLUORO SWITCH) INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 U92 led SC1 A4 8 _FLUORO_PREP_A _FLUORO_REQUEST OPTO _FLUORO_PREP U78 POSITIONNER J2 K24 9 9 9 SAS PL1 1 MM K5 K20 FLUORO_SW_MM FOOT_SWITCH K24 U92 0 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A A4 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK13 13 16 16 K14 _RF_SEL U69 U66 _WS_FLUORO 19 Q8 4 T Q1 _WS_RF 4 4 J5 x INTERLOCK DOOR 41 FLUORO_INFO_R CR1 18 7 R K5=FLUORO WORKSTATION K14=WORKSTATION RF AND WALKL BUCKY K24=FLUORO SWITCH DS1 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B 2 K24 2 D0_D15 DD 24 U65 U66 18 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN K20 J7 J6 0VRF 5 5 K20=FLUORO REQUEST JUMP J4_1 JUMP J4–2 J8 WALL BUCKY .BD 1–78 J9 0VRF STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN FLUORO MODE GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–38 FLUORO INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 2/2 (FLUORO X–RAY) POSITIONNER INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 J2 SAS PL1 K17 U67 led SC2 Q4 FLUORO_DEMAND_1 9 36 36 11 11 3 FLUORO_DEMAND U65 U92 A1 _START_FLUORO led SC3 11 _START_FLUORO_A OPTO U87 K1 K25 10 K21 _RF_SEL (see Sheet 1) 4 21 Y FLUORO_EXP_Y D J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU 29 MAX 485 U42 63 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 led SC4 U67 BEGIN_END_FLUORO 12 30 Q5 BEGIN_END_FLUORO 30 NOT USED U81 x K1=FLUORO_INFO K21=START FLUORO SEL_EXP_CMD0=Selection exposure in rad or fluoro SEL_EXP_CMD1=Selection exposure in rad or fluoro K17=FLUORO DEMAND D0_D15 1–79 STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN FLUORO MODE THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–39 INTERFACE WITH IMAGE INTENSIFIER INTERFACE TABLE BD J9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J5 J4 5 U60 U82 Q4 9 28 _MAX_REG_FLUORO 28 J3 to IMAGE INTENSIFIER K ABS_ON_K K6 SW1 K5 U60 U82 12 26 _AUTO_BRIGHT_CTRL Q5 U69 U66 Q8 16 _WS_FLUORO 19 K3 26 16 1 K5 K5 K16 J5 (From PU_CTRL_CPU) 34 HV_ON MAX 485 68 HV_ON U53 MAX 485 U70 X_RAY_ON_A 32 32 X_RAY_ON_B 34 34 OPTO U1 SW3 F 10 H 3 M 2 DD PREP_H COMMON_F K17 led SC2 U67 Q4 9 FLUORO_DEMAND_1 36 36 COMMON_F FLUORO_M COMMON_F PREP_DD K12 FLUORO_DEMAND K23 From POSITIONNER PREP_SW See Sheet 1(Rad in RF) U84 A3 15 _MAGNIFIER1_A 17 _MAGNIFIER2_A A4 OPTO U96 OPTO U96 9 C K19 COMMON_C _MAGNIFIER 1 23 23 7 FF _MAGNIFIER 2 25 25 8 HH 6 JJ _RF_SEL (See sheet 1 Fluoro Interface Diagram) Sw1–3–4:Set at Installation D0_D15 1–80 MAGNIFIER 1_FF MAGNIFIER 2_HH GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–40 SELECTION GENERATOR TO POSITIONNER IN RF MODE TABLE.BD J9 ROOM_IF_CPU J2 J5 4 COMMON K11–9–20–10–26––14 U69 U66 Q3 6 _WS_SFD 8 8 K11 _WS_TOMO 12 12 K9 U81 U66 Q5 12 SPOT_FILM_INFO_C SW2 POSITIONNER SAS PL1 T COMMON_INFO_T 8 C 7 A TOMO_INFO_A U69 U66 Q2 5 _WS_SPE 6 6 _WS_DIG 10 10 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 18 18 _WS_FILM 14 14 K20 SPECIAL_INFO_V V U69 U66 Q4 9 3 K10 12 DIGITAL_INFO_K K U81 U61 Q6 15 SW4 U69 U66 Q7 16 K26 WALL_BUCKY_INFO_BB 11 BB SAS PL3 K2 _FIELD_COMMON_INFO_M M 3 U65 U66 Q1 2 _WS_RF K15 4 K14 4 TUBE_INFO_FF FF 16 K9 or K10 or K11 _WS_TOMO _WS_DIG or _WS_SFD D0_D15 1–81 TOMO_COMMON_B B 4 J3 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–41 SELECTION FROM POSITIONNER IN RF MODE TABLE.BD J5 J9 ROOM_IF_CPU POSITIONNER J3 U93 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL 15 _DSA_MODE_A 17 _SETUP_DSA_A A2 A3 A4 U83 _FIELD_SIZE_B_A A2 6 8 A4 A1 OPTO U98 OPTO U99 OPTO U95 _FIELD_SIZE_A_A A1 A3 OPTO U97 11 OPTO U100 _FIELD_SIZE_C_A _FIELD_SIZE_D_A OPTO U101 _FIELD_SIZE_e_A 13 _EXP_WITHOUT_GRID_A A2 OPTO U90 27 27 1 29 29 2 A _TOMO_TIME2 31 31 5 L _TOMO_TIME3 33 33 6 R _TOMO_TIME4 35 35 9 V _TOMO_TIME5 37 37 16 F _TOMO_SEL 21 21 15 X _DSA_MODE 19 19 20 Y _SETUP_DSA B N _FIELD_SIZE_A (see previous page ) 10 A3 OPTO U89 39 41 41 13 W _FIELD_SIZE_B 43 43 14 S _FIELD_SIZE_C 45 45 17 H _FIELD_SIZE_D 47 47 18 AA _FIELD_SIZE_e 17 17 22 BB 15 15 M (see previous page ) 21 EE _RF_SEL D0_D15 XJ3 MAGNIFIER1_FF MAGNIFIER2_HH To IMAGE INTENSIFIER _TOMO_TIME1 39 15 _SERIAL_EXP_A SAS PL3 HH J4 FF 1 HH 4 JJ 7 _REF_SEL 1–82 11 (See Sheet1 Fluoro Interface Diagram) K18 K17 8 C _EXP_WITHOUT_GRID _SERIAL_EXP DD 7 T 12 FF MAGNIFIER1_DD MAGNIFIER2_T COMMOM_FF GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–42 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TABLE_BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 1/2 J7 Sheet 1 U92 A1 2 A2 4 _RAD_PREP_ A led PG1 OPTO U77 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _RAD_PREP J2 J7 J12 J2 _PREP_SW 1 16 16 3 3 2 20 20 4 4 22 22 *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF U92 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B A4 17 7 41 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 K23 OPTO U88 DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK K13 _WS_RAD CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD J6 5 JUMP J7 JUMP 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 INTERLOCK DOOR 9 D0_D15 J9 0VRF J7A or J7B 9 _INHIBIT–by collimator If required see collimator block diagram K24–K9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24 K9:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–83 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–43 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN TABLE BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD Sheet 2 (TWO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J10 BUCKY TABLE 1 U69 Q3 6 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX U61 U69 Q4 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY 9 10 10 12 12 K17 K21 K13 22 22 18 18 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX U81 Q8 U66 Q16 Q2 K18 _WS_RAD K13 EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 EXP_DEMAND led GR3 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 K25 START GRID K26 4–6 START GRID K17 led GR2 5 OPTO U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 K21 led DS1 K28 K25 K27 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX START X–RAY 1–2 K21 _EXP_START_BUCK_UY1–2 K26 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPL D U30 K27 K19 U65 15 K28 20 20 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY 19 U69 U67 DS2 K10 U81 Q7 J11 BUCKY TABLE 2 1–2 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 1–84 START X–RAY J5 7 7 9 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKIES GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–44 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 1/3 U92 A1 2 Sheet 1 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_A A2 4 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A J7 OPTO U77 K22 _RAD_PREP _PREP_SW J2 J7 J12 1 16 16 3 2 20 20 4 J2 1 3 2 4 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF U92 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 22 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 22 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 0VRF 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 J7A or J7B _PREP_SW 7 8–9 1 x D0_D15 9 K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–85 J12 7 9 K18 K10 (see sheet2 page 20) K22 PREP INFO X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator see collimator K24 block diagram TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–45 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 2/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO TOMO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J10 BUCKY TABLE 1 U69 Q3 6 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX U61 10 J12 TOMO1 10 K17 U69 Q4 DS2 22 22 18 18 K10 U81 Q7 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX K18 K28 K29 U66 Q16 U65 15 _WS_RAD K13 _EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 3 START GRID K25 U69 U67 Q2 led GR2 K17 4–6 5 K29 EXP_DEMAND TOMO STROKE START 3 K18 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 led GR3 OPTO U78 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX led DS1 _START_EXP_1 11 11 _START_EXP K28 K25 K21 4 1–2 2 _EXP_START_TOMO_UX 1 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 MAX 63 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 x 5 START X–RAY X–RAY sequence with TOMOGRAPH J5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* 7 1–2 SEL_EXP_CMD1* From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 1–86 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–46 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD ROOM_IF_CPU J7A or B J6 U93 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL OPTO U97 J14 13 13 4 15 15 5 17 17 6 19 19 7 21 21 8 23 23 3 _TOMO_TIME1 _TOMO_TIME2 OPTO U98 _TOMO_TIME3 _TOMO_TIME4 OPTO U99 _TOMO_TIME5 _TOMO_SEL 0VRF K18 9 See sheet 2 page 20 1 K28 See sheet 2 D0_D15 1–87 2 TOMO SELECTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–47 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 1/3 J7 U92 A1 2 _RAD_PREP _A led PG1 OPTO _RAD_PREP U77 led GR1 A2 4 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _PREP_SW K24 J5 J7 J12 1 16 16 3 2 20 20 4 J2 1 3 2 4 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 J2 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 22 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 22 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 0VRF 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 J7A or J7B _PREP_SW 7 J13 7 8–9 K19 K20 (see sheet 2) K23 1 x D0_D15 9 K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–88 9 PREP INFO X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator see collimator block diagram K9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–48 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 2/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWOTOMO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J11 BUCKY TABLE 2 U69 Q3 6 12 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY J13 TOMO2 12 K21 U61 U69 Q4 DS2 22 22 20 20 K20 U81 Q7 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY K19 K27 K30 U65 U66 Q16 15 _WS_RAD K13 _EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 START GRID K26 U69 U67 Q2 5 K21 led GR2 4–6 K30 EXP_DEMAND led GR3 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 OPTO U78 K19 led DS1 _START_EXP_1 11 11 4 1–2 K26 K21 TOMO STROKE START 3 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX K27 _START_EXP 3 2 _EXP_START_TOMO_UX 1 F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 5 START X–RAY J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU x X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH J5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* 7 1–2 SEL_EXP_CMD1* From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 1–89 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–49 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD ROOM_IF_CPU J7A or B J6 J15 U93 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL OPTO U97 OPTO U98 13 13 4 15 15 5 _TOMO_TIME1 _TOMO_TIME2 17 17 6 19 19 7 21 21 8 23 23 3 _TOMO_TIME3 _TOMO_TIME4 OPTO U99 0VRF _TOMO_SEL K19 See sheet 2 K27 See sheet 2 D0_D15 1–90 _TOMO_TIME5 9 1 2 TOMO SELECTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–50 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATOR ON FIRST TUBE SHEET 1/3 To first COLLIMATOR TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO COLLIMATORS AVAILABLE) J6 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD U69 6 _WS_DIR_UX Q1 2 J7A or B J9 2 6 U69 Q7 C K12 U61 Q3 6 U69 16 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX 10 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX 18 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 14 TABLE_WORKSTATION_D1 3 D 10 K14 18 K15 WALL_BUCK_ WORSTATION_U1 U69 Q5 12 14 4 K4 U U66 Q6 XJ4 FREE_ADJUST_C1 15 _WS_RAD 22 Common info 6 to collimator 22 K2 K13 _PREP_SW7 (see page 22) K12 / K14/ K15 ou K4 7 1 K11 CONTROL CONSOLE 5 PREP_1_E1 TUBE_SELECTION_A1 A(Common H) 7 +15VRF H E(common H) K16 (see page 22) COMMON_H1 J K24 _EXP_SW K23 ENABLE_EXP_J1 K24 K23 led DS3 K24 15 _EXP_REQUEST 0VRF 1 K24 D0–D15 _INHIBIT_EXP 9 9 SW1 3 0VRF *K9 2 K24 K9* *K9:See sheet 2 (Inhibition by collimator on second Tube) SW1:Normally set in position 2–3 1–91 R THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–51 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATOR ON SECOND TUBE SHEET 2/3 TO second COLLIMATOR TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO COLLIMATORS AVAILABLE) J6 U69 Q2 5 Q8 XJ5 J8 8 _WS_DIR_UY 2 8 9 19 TABLE_WORKSTATION_D2 U69 U69 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY 12 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY 20 3 12 D K6 20 K13 WALL_BUCK_ WORSTATION_U2 U69 Q6 U66 15 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY 16 16 4 K7 15 _WS_RAD Q6 FREE_ADJUST_C2 C K5 U61 Q4 J7A or B ROOM_IF_CPU.BD Common info to collimator 22 22 K1 K13 _PREP_SW 7 U 6 COMMON_H2 H K5/K6/ K7/K13 7 1 K3 see RAD interface block diagram CONTROL CONSOLE E(Common H) 5 K8 TUBE_SELECTION_A2 A(Common H) 7 K9 +15VRF PREP_1_E2 J ENABLE_EXP_J2 15 See SHEET 1 FOR INHIBIT EXPOSURE by second COLLIMATOR (K9) D0–D15 0VRF R ILLUSTRATION 1–52 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATORS SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO COLLIMATOR.BD ROOM_IF_CPU J6 U83 A1 A2 2 _FIELD_SIZE_A_A 4 _FIELD_SIZE_B_A 6 _FIELD_SIZE_C_A 8 _FIELD_SIZE_D_A 11 _FIELD_SIZE_e_A A3 A4 A1 OPTO U100 OPTO U101 OPTO U90 J7A or B To COLLIMATORS XJ4 J9 25 25 10 V 27 27 11 W 29 29 12 X 31 31 13 Y 33 33 14 HH 9 MM ( Two collimators available ) _FIELD_SIZE_A _FIELD_SIZE_B _FIELD_SIZE_C _FIELD_SIZE_D _FIELD_SIZE_e K16 (See sheet 1 ) D0_D15 J8 0VRF V 11 W 12 X 13 Y 14 9 0VRF K8 (See sheet 2 ) 1–92 XJ5 10 HH MM _FIELD_SIZE_A _FIELD_SIZE_B _FIELD_SIZE_C _FIELD_SIZE_D _FIELD_SIZE_e GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–53 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN DIRECT WORKSTATION U92 A1 2 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A OPTO U77 led GR1 A2 4 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _RAD_PREP J7 J2 J7 J12 1 16 16 3 J2 3 2 20 20 4 4 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 A4 17 7 MAX _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A U67 0VRF 485 U20 41 24 24 22 22 K23 DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK OPTO U88 led GR2 _EXP_SW _EXP_EN K13 _WS_RAD K19 INTERLOCK DOOR EXP_DEMAND_1 Q2 5 EXP_DEMAND CONTROL CONSOLE J6 5 J7 JUMP JUMP 5 U69 J4–1 K12 led GR3 U92 A3 6 _START_EXP_A OPTO U78 Q1 2 U65 _WS_DIR_UX K19 U61 F23B 63 MA X U42 485 EXP_CMD EPL D U30 J9 0VRF _START_EXP J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A J8 WALL BUCKY .BD K14 29 J4–2 Q2 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 U66 Q16 5 U65 _WS_DIR_UY 15 U65 D0_D15 _WS_RAD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 1–93 K12 K13 *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch K12:Workstation DIRECT Tubex K13:Workstation RAD K19:Workstation DIRECT Tubey K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch SEL_EXP_CMD0:selection Exposure in Rad or Fluoro SEL_EXP_CMD1:selection Exposure in Rad or Fluoro K14: EXP_DEMAND in Direct Mode THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 11–5 asm 2165118–100 How can the user trigger an x-ray exposure in a RF Remote system? Workstations Tube 1 2 Exposure trigger in a RF Remote system Technique SFD (Spot Film Device) Direct (or special) (= Table Top) Tomo on SFD DRS (Digital) Tomo on DRS Exposure p pushbutton on positioner control t l desk d k Wall Bucky Now (*) Wall Bucky Before (**) And / or E Exposure pushbutton on Generator control desk Wall Bucky Bucky in a Rad positioner Tomo in a Rad positioner Direct (= Table Top) (*) Optional p Footswitch “Now” (**) “Before” 1–94 Handswitch Means: IN1 of Table Interface Board (since July 97) in (July 97) not existing or removed GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 12 AEC/AET FUNCTION See illustration 1–54. Useful only if AEC or AET has been selected. During an exposure the output of an ionization chamber is monitored to determine when the required intensity has been reached. The AEC may be used with up to four Exposix E ionization chambers, it may also be used for AEC on Tomography. This result is obtained by sending pulses to PU_CTRL_CPU (BRIGHT_ION signal). The pulses are also send to a counter U5 followed by a DAC U4. The DAC output voltage is then compared to the back current of the ionization chamber AEC1, AEC2, AEC3, AEC4. When the return current of the chambers is greater than the output voltage, a gate is open to generate new pulses from signal CLK_AEC. For AEC mode (Automatic Exposure Control), the exposure is cut when a counter on PU_CTRL_CPU as reached a certain value. For AET mode (Automatic Exposure control in Tomography), the generator controls the tube kV value so that the back current from ionization chamber after integration follow a certain ramp.The ramp is calculated to give optimum film blackening at the end of scanning time. With EXPOSIX E Ionization Chamber During an exposure, the counter bright ion reference. The value (VREF) is specified by the CPU, and is updated every ms: VREF = kVEF .KG .KCVN .kF .KT (t) kVEF ; a value introduced during generator set–up, according to the type of screen and film used (0 V < kVEF < 12 V). KG ; introduced during generator set–up, according to the type of grid used (0.8 < KG < 2). KCVN ; chosen according to the desired black level (0.24 < KCVN < 4; Renard’s series). kF ; a function of the film format. KT (t) ; a function of time which corrects for non–linearity of film response over the time of exposure (t), introduced during generator set–up (0 < KT (t) < 12). It is updated at ms intervals during exposure, altering the value of VREF accordingly: VREF (t) = VREF (0) x KT (t). The ionization chamber sends to the AEC function a voltage signal VoutAEC proportional to the radiation dose received. 1–95 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–54 AEC FUNCTION PU_CTRL_CPU MPH A4 A3 BRIGHT_ION 5V ROOM_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 U30 . – 2 . AEC_COMP 68360 DAC U30 HDLC 68302 CLK_AEC RESET_COUNTER COUNTER U4/ U14 U5 U15 Q1 GAIN U49 X1 X10 U17/U6 M U X U12 U51 K3 to K10 AEC1 AEC2 AEC3 AEC4 SEL_ION SEL_CELLS 1–96 TO DISTRI BUTION BOARD MPH A6 A3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 13 II SENSOR FUNCTION See illustration 1–55. This board generates a HV HTPM (330 V to 1000 V) for the photomultiplier in the Radiology Imag Intensifier, and measures the photomultiplier output current IPM (1 mA thru 3 mA). 13–1 Description The board is a pcb assembly mounted on Distribution Board (MPH A6 A3). D XJ1: Transmits HTPM to the photomultiplier. D XJ2: Receives IPM from the photomultiplier. D XJ3: Connection to Room IF CPU (MPH A6 A1) through Distribution Board (MPH A6 A3). 13–1–1 Function Supplies The board receives the following voltage supplies: D + 5 V: from the Low Voltage Supply MPH A6 PS1. D ± 15 V: from the Low Voltage Supply MPH A6 PS1. HTPM (Photomultiplier HV) The value of HPTM is loaded from Room IF CPU (MPH A6 A1) bus into the digital–to–analogue converter U16. The converter output is passed through amplifiers B4,B2 to the HV converter G1 for transmission to the photomultiplier as HTPM. Photomultiplier current Amplifier B1 converts the weak photomultiplier current IPM into a voltage. The gain of B11 is modified when the digital Workstation is in use, by energizing relay X1 (LED DS1 lights). This voltage controls a voltage to frequency converter (B5). The frequency signal pulses is read by software (signal BRIGHT_UID). Test The CPU can check the value of HVPM by energizing relay X2. This connects a signal proportional to HVPM to frequency converter B5. 1–97 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Connectors, test points, relays, switches and LEDs Connectors On front edge of board: D XJ1: Transmits HVPM to the photomultiplier. D XJ2: Receives IPM from the photomultiplier. D XJ3: +/– 15 V, 5 V, and signals to and from Room IF CPU (MPH A6 A1). Test points TP1 HVPM measure. TP2 HVPM command. TP3 Frequency of IPM. TP4 +15 V. TP5 IPM voltage – 15 V. TP6 Ground. TP7 + 5V. TP8 VPM. Switch SW1 ON/OFF HVPM converter. Potentiometer P1 ON/OFF adjusment of B1. Led DS1 RAD mode. 1–98 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 ILLUSTRATION 1–55 II SENSOR FUNCTION II_SENSOR MPH A6 A6 HT ROOM_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 U16/U24 PU_CTRL_CPU MPH A4 A3 REGUL. B4/B2/G1 IPM HVPM_ASSIG HDLC B1 8bits 68302 68360 DAC TEST_HVPM U49 X2 BRIGHT_VID V/F B5 1–99 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 14 CONTROL CONSOLE FUNCTION 14–1 Purpose See Illustration 1–56 and 1–57. The Control Console is used to display and change the operating modes of the generator. 14–2 Console Make–up The console is made up of two electronic boards: 14–3 D One board, installed below the front panel, carries the indicator lamps, backlit pushbuttons and seven–segment readouts. D One board, installed under the board above and connected to it by one 50–conductor ribbon cable and one 60–conductor ribbon cable. The board carries the control electronics for the readouts and pushbuttons and makes the connection to the generator with a bidirectional series link, RS 422. Links and power supply go through a 37–conductor. Operation See Illustration 1–56 and 1–57 and Schematics: Console front panel MPH A7 A1 and Control console board MPH A3 A2. 14–3–1 Console Control Board (MPH A3 A2) The Console Control Board has four main sections: D Power supply section: Following rectification and filtering the ac voltage (between 8 V and 12 V) from the generator, two linear regulators mounted on a heat sink produce 8 V (2.5 A) required for the backlits and 5 V (1 A) required for the rest of the board. D Microprocessor section: This uses a 68008 or a 68HC001 chip in 8–bit mode and a DUART 68681 series connection controller. It decodes the readout commands from the generator and detects pressure on the pushbuttons to send them to the generator. D Indicator lamp & seven–stroke readout control section: This section uses multiplexing to reduce the number of integrated circuits and wiring. D Pushbutton status read section: This section uses multiplexing for the same reason as above. 1–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–56 CONTROL CONSOLE MPH A7 ADDR & CTRL BUS CONTROL CONSOLE BOARD MPH A7 A2 DATA BUS B1 SHEET 6/8 CONTROL B48 B41 16 INPUTS SHEET 7/8 16 LINE SELECT PBS B8 SHEET 5/8 PAL B17 CHIPS SELECTS SHEET 5/8 B4 RAM SHEET 5/8 B37 8 OUTPUTS SHEET 7/8 B3 PROM SHEET 5/8 48 LED ANODES B5 DUART SHEET 5/8 64 B36 LATCH SHEET 5/8 BUZZER OUTPUTS SHEET 7/8 SHEET 3/8 RS 422 MPG GEN. 8 COLUMN SELECT PBS B47 SWITCHING SHEET 4/8 WATCH DOG SHEET 7/8 8 POWER MOSFETS B35 8 OUTPUTS SHEET 3/8 ALIM SHEET 2/8 RS 232 SERVICE TERMINAL 1–101 16 LED ANODES THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–57 CONTROL CONSOLE MPH A7 16 LINE SELECT PBS CONSOLE FRONT PANEL BOARD MPH A7 A1 EXTENSION PANEL BOARD 8 8 X 8 8 X 8 PUSHBUTTONS PUSHBUTTONS 48 X 8 16 X 8 READOUTS READOUTS & & BACKLITS BACKLITS 8 COLUMN SELECT PBS 48 LED ANODES 16 LED ANODES 1–102 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 14–3–2 Switch–on Tests These three tests are made at each switch–on and in sequence. If a test is not ok, the program stops and the buzzer sounds to the rythm of the two flashing yellow status LEDs DS7 and DS8. These two LEDs are lit continuously from startup and during the tests. TEST 1: EPROM Checksum Test (B3) If the checksum is not ok, DS7 flashes and DS8 goes out. TEST 2: RAM Test (B4) If not ok, DS7 goes out and DS8 flashes. TEST 3: DUART 68681 and Series Connection RS422 Test. The RS422 serial link is looped back by energizing relays K1 thru K4. A character is sent and checked if returned. If the test fails, DS7 and DS8 flash together. If all the tests are ok, the program outs the two LEDs (DS7 and DS8) and the starts normally. If the two LEDs are still continuously lighted a few seconds after switch–on, the tests have not been run. This may be due to faulty EPROM (B3) or faulty microprocessor. 14–3–3 Console Service Test To run the test, press the Small Focal Spot, Technique 1 and kV keys together for 1 s. This allows the operator to check the operation of the keys, indicator lamps, readouts and buzzer. Connection with the generator is cut when a test is running. At the start of the test, the software version is displayed in place of the mA and ms values (eg: PUP 3 10). Then all the indicator lamps are lighted for 2 s. Then all the segments and the decimal point of each readout are lighted successively. Finally, the Console makes three buzzer sounds. Therefore the operator has four tests accessible as follows: TEST 1: Press Technique keys 1 and 5 together. The test checks the pushbutton contacts. A pushbutton lights when pressed and goes out when released. TEST 2: Press Technique keys 2 and 6 together. The test checks the pushbutton contacts. A pushbutton lights when pressed. Another press outs the lighted pushbutton. TEST 3: Press Technique keys 3 and 7 together. This test checks the 7–segment readouts. The –kV and +kV keys are used to select the readout to be modified. The mA and mAs keys are used to increment or decrement the value on the selected readout. TEST 4: Press Technique key 4 and 8 together. Reserved for future extension. To exit from the Tests repeat the entry procedure, ie,press the Small Focal Spot, Technique 1 and kV keys together for at least 1 s. 1–103 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 14–3–4 Multiplexed Readout a. Theory Readout multiplexing is made according to a 64–column matrix (anode commons) by eight rows (cathode commons). The 64 anode commons are controlled by eight ports of eight bits each (74HCT574) controlling eight drivers (UDN 2985A or UDN 2981A). The eight cathode commons are controlled by eight individually controlled outputs (74HCT259) driving eight MOS power transistors operating as open collector (one only being a conductor). The multiplexing is totally controlled by the software which, every 1 ms, blocks all the eight power MOS (cathode common), loads the new status of the 64 anode commons, and entrains the conduction of the next power MOS. When the eighth power MOS is reached, the cycle recommences with the first power MOS. The indicator lamps and the readout segments are therefore lighted for 1 ms every 8 ms. Retinal persistance gives the illusion of continuous light. b. Organization The 64 x 8 matrix is divided into two parts: one part connected to the main front panel by connectors XJ7 and XJ6, the other provided for an extension with output on XJ3. Each submatrix is divided into two parts: D For 8 x 8 indicator lamps (ANODE_LED of 0 thru 7 for the main) and ANODE_LED of 40 thru 47 for the extension). D For 7–segment readouts: – 5 x 8 main readouts (ANODE_LED 8 thru 47). – 1 x 8 extension readout (ANODE_LED 56 thru 63). 1–104 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 c. Indicator lamps matrix and Backlit PBs of Front Panel ,*-*0 ! ! ! %.(.*0 ! ! ! %-%.,# ! ! *-. #&&($' ! ! $*+/.* ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! %-%.$ (-+)*-% ! ! ! ! ! ! d. 7–segment Readout Matrix of Front Panel " " ! ! " " ! ! " " "" "" ! " " "" ! ! 14–3–5 Communicating with the Generator The RS 422 serial link operates in full duplex. Line characteristics: 9600 bauds, 8 bits, even parity. Hardware support: DUART 68681 (B line). 1–105 " " "" "" ! " " "" "" ! " " "" "" ! " " "" "" ! THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 a. Protocol The messages are transmitted by trame (STX...ETX). They are acknowledged (ACK or NACK) at reception. A checksum checks the validity of the message. Message structure: " Message length is variable but must comprise at least 128 characters (including STX and ETX). Data and checksum are always in printable ASCII codes (20H thru 7FH). The checksum must such that: ( data1 + data2 + ... + dataN + CHK – ’S’ (53H) ) MOD 40H = 0 " " ! # # # # # # $ b. Operation The recipient of a message must send an acknowledgement to the sender. In case of an error (incorrect CHK, character error) the recipient sends a NACK which causes the retransmission of the message. If neither ACK nor NACK is received, a timeout causes the retransmission of the message. After the third unsuccessful attempts, the transmitter reboots its data communication controller. c. Type of Data Generator to Console: Data circulating from the generator to the console concern the state of the indicator lamps, 7–segment readouts or buzzer. A minimum of three data items is required for a message: address, status, and value. The console can process several messages in a single message (limited by the maximum size of a message: 128 bytes). Eg: Extinguish four indicator lamps, light three indicator lamps, display values 1, 2, 3 in three digits, and activate the buzzer. Console to Generator: Data circulating from the console to the generator concern the state of the pushbuttons. A minimum of two data items is required for a message: address, status. Only pushbutton status changes are transmitted. 1–106 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 15 PROGRAM-X FUNCTION See Illustrations 1–58 and 1–59. 15–1 Purpose of PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X is an anatomic programmer compatible with the MPH Generator range, MPH 50/65/80. It provides the operator with the means of storing his/her expertise in the form of recorded exam protocols. These protocols contain radiography parameters, optimized for a given exam. 15–2 PROGRAM-X Composition PROGRAM-X is composed of: D Front panel (MPH A8 A2) D Display screen (MPH A8 A3) D Alphanumeric keyboard (MPH A8 A4) D Control Board (MPH A8 A1) All the above units are mounted on the generator Control Console (MPH A7). 15–3 PROGRAM-X Control Board (MPH A8 A1) See Schematic PROGRAM-X Control board and PROGRAM-X Front panel board. This board is used to display the operator–selected anatomic parameters on a graphics screen from a entry keyboard. The operating mode is set via buttons on the front panel. The board is operated by an 8–bit microprocessor, MC 68008. The microprocessor operates at 10 MHz and is connected to a resident application program in EPROM 128K x 8. The board has a 32K x 8 RAM and two 32 x 8 RAMs backed up by battery to store the operator–selected anatomic parameters. Two DUARTs, controlled by the microprocessor, control the dialog: D By a bidirectional line, RS422, optocoupled to the generator. This line can be looped in test mode as follows: – Generator transmission ! Generator reception, or – Console transmission ! Console reception. by two relays controlled by the OP0 and OP1 outputs of DUART 1. 1–107 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–58 PROGRAM-X MPH A8 ADDRESS BUS Sheet 5/12 B5 mP Sheet 8/11 B18 Sheet 3/11 B49 PROM LATCH DATA BUS IPL.. CTRL BUS Sheet 5/11 B10 CTRL PAL d Sheet 8/11 B8 CPU RAM IRQ DUART BACKUP SUPPLY Sheet 8/11 B9 B17 Sheet 5/11 B13 SELECT PAL CLOCK 10 MHz ANATOMIC RAMs CS.. CS.. Sheet 10/11 B30 B31 B32 B33 Sheet 10/11 B23 B27 B36 VIDEO REFRESH PAL MX PB LINE LATCH mP ACCES Sheet 10/11 B41 (ADDRESS GENERATOR) Sheet 10/11 B37 VIDEO DISPLAY STATIC RAM BIDIR BUFFER Vcc Sheet 3/11 B52 Sheet 10/11 B38 Sheet 9/11 B12 RAM BACKUP SUPPLY LATCH BACKUP SUPPLY Sheet 2/11 VR1 VR2 DC SUPPLY 1–108 + 12 V + 5 V (Vcc) CLOCK 10 MHz GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–59 PROGRAM-X MPH A8 Sheet 4/11 B50 PB COLUMN DEMUX MPH A8 A4 ALPHANUM KEYBOARD DUART 1 TTL/RS 232 UART A Sheet 7/11 B28 SERVICE TERMINAL UART B GENERATOR TIMER CTRL IT5 mP TTL/RS 422 TTL/RS 232 UART A Sheet 7/11 B34 UART B CONSOLE N.U TIMER PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY IT2 P DUART 2 BUZZER Sheet 4/11 OSC. BUZZER CONTROL Sheet 4/11 B47 Sheet 4/11 B46 ANODE LEDs VDU LATCH VDU ADAPT Sheet 4/11 B44 Sheet 4/11 B51 CATHODE DEMUX PWR ADAPT COMMONS MPH A8 A2 PROGRAMĆX FRONT PANEL PB LINE Sheet 10/11 B43 PAR/SERIAL SHIFT REGISTER HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL SYNC. MPH A8 A3 PROGRAMĆX SCREEN VIDEO DISPLAY VIDEO CLOCK 1–109 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D By a TTL ! RS232 converter inserted in the board permitting: – One RS232 bidirectional dialog line with the Service Terminal (portable PC). – One RS232 bidirectional dialog line with the Control Console in debug mode. The transmissions on the three lines are displayed by six LEDs: DS3 green = Console receive. DS4 yellow = Console emit. DS5 green = Service Terminal receive. DS6 yellow = Service Terminal emit. DS7 green = Generator receive. DS8 yellow = Generator emit. The mapping system is made by a PAL 20L8 (B13) and the decoding of the various registers by two 74HCT138 decoders (B35 and B39). RAM system 0H ! 7FFFH. RAM backed–up anat1 40000H ! 47FFFH. RAM backed–up anat2 60000H ! 67FFFH. PROM programmed 80000H ! 9FFFH. A second PAL, 20R6 (B10) is used to generate the WAIT state for the memory access, IT level coding, and acknowledgement of IT requests from the DUARTs. An addressable latch, 74HCT259 (B26), switches the video pages, buzzer control, lamps on front panel, and watchdog control. A watchdog, composed of a 74HCT4538 (B45) monostable, is used to reinitialize the board if the program is running incorrectly. A control circuit MAX 693 (B12) for reset and supply backup is used to switch the power supply of RAMs containing anatomic parameters to a battery in the event of a power dump (battery life is several years). The generator can also send a reset control via an optocoupled line to the Control Console: D LED DS1 displays processor reset status. D LED DS2 displays processor halt status. Output OP3 of DUART 2 is used to modify buzzer frequency. 1–110 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 The alphanumeric keyboard and the keys and indicator lamps on the PROGRAM-X Control Console are seen as a line/column matrix and are scanned by polling for processing. Output OP3 of DUART 1 triggers an interrupt every 1 ms. The interrupt is used for multiplexing the indicator lamps and scanning the keyboards. Indicator lamp multiplexing is inhibited by watchdog to avoid damaging the lamps if multiplexing is blocked. The graphic screen, 512 pixels x 256 lines, receive the vertical and horizontal sync signals generated by the 20 x 8 PALs (B23 and B27), and 10 MHz pixel clock, as well as the video signal from a shift register, 74HC6166 (B43). The 32K x 8 video memory has its addresses multiplexed when the microprocessor is writing new data or is refreshing the screen. A bidirectional buffer, 74HCT645 (B41), located on the video memory data is used to access the video memory to the microprocessor. PAL, 22V10 (B36), is used to access arbitration to the video RAM between the CPU and the screen refresh. Output OP7 of DUART1 controls video reverse. The board is supplied by 15 V AC, which is rectified, filtered and regulated at 12 V DC (1A) by an Lm 338 installed in a heatsink to supply the video screen. The 5 V DC is produced by a non–isolated dc–dc converter (3A maximum). 15–4 Switches, jumpers, LEDs and test points See Central Listings: PROGRAM-X Control panel and Front panel board M in Service Manual. 1–111 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 16 PRINT-X FUNCTION See Illustration 1–60. 16–1 Purpose of PRINT-X PRINT-X is a printer compatible with the MPH Generator range. PRINT–X is used to print radiography and fluoroscopy parameters and patient dose for each examination. 16–2 PRINT-X Composition PRINT-X is composed of: 16–3 D Power supply MPH A9 A2 mounted on the Control Console MPH A7. D Printer MPH A9 A1 mounted on the Control Console MPH A7. PRINT-X PRINT-X is a 40-column printer with a standard RS232C serial link using X–ON X–OFF protocol. ILLUSTRATION 1–60 PRINT–X BLOCK DIAGRAM # # ! " $ " ! ! # # $ # # 1–112 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 16–3–1 Function equivalence chart PROGRAM–X V2.0 Generator programming Prestored protocol – OM Message on screen PRINT–X Funct. E N G L I S H SETE A SFD REMOTE SFD SFD TOSE B TOMO SFD TOMO SFD TomoS DIR C DIRECT REMOTE TABLE TOP TabTop PHOT D PHOTO REMOTE PHOTO Photo NUME E DIGITAL DIGITAL Digit. POTA F HORIZONTAL BUCKY HOR. BUCKY BuckyH TOPO G BUCKY TOMO TOMO BUCKY TomoB DIR (H) DIRECT HANGER (1) DIRECT TabTop POMO I VERTICAL BUCKY VERT. BUCKY BuckyV TONU J DIGITAL TOMO DIGIT. TOMO TomoD PULM CHEST CHANGER CHEST CHANGER Chest CHAN FILM CHANGER FILM CHANGER Chger Fonct. F R E N C H SETE A SELECTEUR TDE SELECTEUR Sel. TOSE B TOMO SELECTEUR TOMO SELECTEUR TomoS DIR C DIRECT TDE DIRECT Dir. PHOT D PHOTO TDE PHOTO Photo NUME E NUMERISATION NUMERISATION Num. POTA F POTTER HORIZONTAL POTTER HOR. Pot.H TOPO G TOMO POTTER TOMO POTTER TomoP DIR H DIRECT SUSPENSION DIRECT Dir. POMO I POTTER VERTICAL POTTER VERT. Pot.V TONU J TOMO NUMERISEE TOMO NUM TomoN PULM Not existing CHANGEUR PULMON. Pulm. CHAN Not existing CHANGEUR FILM Chger Func. S P A N I S H SETE A SERIADOR TDA SERIADOR Seria. TOSE B TOMO SERIADOR SERIADOR TOMO TomoS DIR C DIRECTO TDA DIRECTO Dir. PHOT D FOTO TDA FOTO Foto NUME E DIGITALIZACION DIGITALIZACION Digit. POTA F BUCKY HORIZONTAL BUCKY HOR. BuckyH TOPO G TOMO BUCKY TOMO BUCKY TomoB DIR H DIRECTO SUSPENCION DIRECTO Dir. POMO I BUCKY VERTICAL BUCKY VERT. BuckyV TONU J TOMO DIGITALIZADA TOMO DIG. TomoD PULM Not existing CAMBIADOR TORAX Torax CHAN Not existing CAMB DE PELLICULA Camb. 1–113 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 PROGRAM–X V2.0 Generator programming Prestored protocol – OM Message on screen PRINT–X Funkt. G E R M A N SETE A ZIELGERAET ZIELGERAET Zielg. TOSE B TOMO ZIELG. TOMO ZIELG. TomoZ DIR C AT PRESTILIX AT AT PHOT D PHOTO PHOTO Photo NUME E DIGITAL DIGITAL Digit. POTA F TISCH BUCKY TISCH BUCKY BuckyT TOPO G TOMO BUCKY TOMO BUCKY TomoB DIR H AT XT ROEHRE AT AT POMO I WAND BUCKY WAND BUCKY BuckyW TONU J DIGITAL TOMO DIGITAL TOMO TomoD PULM Not existing CHEST CHANGER Chest CHAN Not existing FILM WECHSLER Wechs. Funz. I T A L I A N SETE A SERIOGRAFO SERIOGRAFO Seriog TOSE B TOMO SERIOGRAFO TOMO SERIOGRAFO TomoS DIR C DIRETTA TELECOMANDATO DIRETTA Diret. PHOT D FOTO FOTO Foto NUME E DIGITALE DIGITALE Digit. POTA F POTTER ORIZZONTALE POTTER ORIZZONTALE Pot.O TOPO G TOMO POTTER TOMO POTTER TomoP DIR H DIRETTA DA SOSPENSIONE DIRETTA Dir. POMO I POTTER VERTICALE POTTER VERTICALE Pot.V TONU J TOMO DIGITALE TOMO DIGITALE TomoD PULM Not existing TORACICA Torace CHAN Not existing ANGIO RAPIDO Angio 1–114 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 SECTION 17 0-POINT MODE 17–1 Presentation 17–1–1 Definition The 0-Point Mode is an automatic exposure-factor generating mode which provides the physician with an exposure having contrast and exposure suited to the current examination and the region of anatomy being observed. 0-Point Mode is a radiographic mode whose kV and mAs parameters are calculated from a generator-specific calibration, making allowance for the equivalent radiological thickness p supplied by the fluoroscopy, the translation tables (p, and kV) specific to the examination, and the constraints of the generator and image quality. 17–1–2 Purpose The purpose of the 0-Point Mode is to automatically select the exposure factors in either DRS Technique or Film Technique. The only difference between the two techniques is the method of calibration. This is due to the difference between the two characteristics of the image receptors of the two techniques (IIR and screen-film combination). 17–1–3 Requirements The requirements necessary for using the 0-Point Mode are: a. Preparation fluoro sequence which provides the system with a measurement of the equivalent radiological thickness of the patient region considered by the MPH. b. LUTs (p, and kV) specific to examination types (detection tasks). c. Specification of ranges inside which the physician agrees to develop the exposure factors. d. Calibration allowing the exposure factors to be generated from a, b, and c above and from operating selections on the console. 17–1–4 Sequence of Operations The sequence of operations for the 0-Point Mode has two stages: 1. Preparation fluoro, 2. Rad exposure (no modification of kV, mA, mAs, ms or focal spot). 1–115 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 17–1–5 Constraints Service For the nominal operation of 0-Point Mode, it is essential that the system is carefully calibrated: D At installation, D Following any major servicing (e.g., x-ray tube replacement). This calibration concerns fluoro, dose and regulation dose rate at the II window, II field ratios, and AEC for Film and DRS. System The radiological thickness measurement should be made in fluoro through an II. Any application of the 0-Point Mode on a Bucky off-centered to the x-ray tube/II (i.e., wall-mounted, additional, etc.) is not permitted. 17–2 Ergonomics 17–2–1 Access To access 0-Point Mode, press the Z key (located below the three fluoro-curve selection keys). 17–2–2 Exposure-Factor Display on Control Console Exposure factors displayed in 0-Point Mode: kv and N exposures. When entering 0-Point mode and when all operations modifying the thickness p indicated to the generator are complete, the kV display flashes to indicate that a preparation exposure is required. 17–2–3 Focal Spots D The small focal spot is selected by default. The large focal spot is automatically selected when required by the the exposure factors calculated for the 0-Point Mode. D The operator can select the focal spot manually, but automatic selection is lost unless the operator exits and re-enters 0-Point Mode. D The focal spot selection can be programmed so that manual mode remains actuated. 17–2–4 Automatic operations When the fluoro is in Automatic Mode (ABC regulation), the rad phototimer is selected (AEC activated). In DRS 0-Point Mode only, going to Manual Fluoro deselects the rad phototimer (AEC deactivated). However, in 0-Point Mode for Film Technique, the phototimer is still activated. 1–116 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 17–2–5 kV Override The rad kV values provided can be modified via the kV+ and kV– keys. The two keys remain lighted throughout the override modification. Exit from override can occur as follows: D When exiting from 0-Point Mode, D When changing the fluoro curve, D When the difference between the thickness known to the generator during the override and the equivalent thickness p measured during a later fluoroscopy sequence differs from the hysteresis in thickness programmed in the Service Terminal (Lg). 17–2–6 CVN Available. The CVN can cause the displayed kV value to change because it changes the equivalent thickness p seen by the generator. 17–2–7 Preprogrammed Examinations Three detection tasks are preprogrammed (e.g., bone, barytes, and iodine). Each detection task is accessed via one of the three keys A, B, or C. Each detection task has a data set as follows: D Contrast (kV)/thickness p for thicknesses between 0 and 40 cm equivalent, D kV ranges used to restrict the effective excursion of kV values during the detection, D Time limitations, which have the same use as for the exposure time, D Priority selection: kV if the examination favors contrast (e.g., bone), time if the examination favors short exposure time (e.g., TOGD). The four data sets above are set by default, but may be mofidied according to user requirements via the Service Terminal. 17–2–8 Sequence in 0-Point Mode 1. Select one of the three fluoroscopy curves.a detection task by selecting The system operates automatically as follows: a. Selects a detection task. b. Fluoro sequence: Patient thickness is measured during the sequence (fluoro calibration). c. Run a fluoro sequence. d. Rad sequence: As a function of the thickness measured and of the fluoro curve (detection task) selected, the (corresponding) kV values are calculated. The mAs values required for correct exposure are calculated as a function of a specific calibration at the rad image receptor. The mAs and ms values are calculated according to constraints such as anode temperature. e. Once the exposure factors (kV, mA, and ms) are known, the exposure can be made. 1–117 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 17–3 asm 2165118–100 Determining Rad kV Values: Rad LUT (p, kV) When the equivalent rad thickness is determined, the thickness/kV equivalent is made according to the LUT selected. There are three rad LUTs in DRS Technique, the fluoro curve selection acts as anatomic selector. In Film Technique, the selection is more like a anatomic matrix, the rad LUT being selected as a function of the fluoro curves and the screen-film combination selected. There are therefore nine (or 15) Film rad LUTs. Each of these LUTs is decidated to an examination type (e.g., single layer contrast, double layer contrast, and bone). 17–4 Technical Limitations of Image Quality and of Physician Once the kV values are read in the rad LUT, they can be modified: a) within thermal limitations (anode heat status, maximum authorized values for mA, etc.), and b) according to the limitations previously specified for each type of examination made by the physician (user limits and priority selected for kV or exposure time). 17–4–1 Limits Limits: these are the kV values or exposure times which allow the user to define the desired or tolerated kV variation and exposure time for each examination type. Generally, this is an interval of optimum values contained within an interval of acceptable values. Limits are assigned to: min, inf, sup, and Max. The interval [min, Max] refers to the ultimate limits authorized by the physician for a given Technique and examination type. These limits can also be determined by the technical constraints or by IQ. The interval [inf, sup] refers to the limits desired by the physician for a given Technique or examination type. The interval limits are the Optimal IQ Limits. Definitions: kV min: this avoids automatically falling to 40 kV (radiation often too soft due to generating too much absorbed dose, providing an image of little use). kV inf, kV sup: specific optimum range for a given Technique/examination type combination. kV Max: limitation of loss of contrast (useless to raise to 150 kV in automatic, the image is grid patterned and unusable). t min: allows for technical limitations of the system. t sup: avoids motion blurring. t Max: adaptation to characteristics of the Technique (e.g., 500 ms in DRS). 1–118 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 17–4–2 Priority As a function of the thickness (radiological thickness, limits, and anode temperature status), the 0-Point Mode algorithm can modulate the kV value and exposure time. The values of the two parameters vary according to the examination type. Example: Consider typical bone and barite washing examples in Film Technique: The first examination prioritizes a specific contrast but is tolerant as to exposure time (no movement, however). In calculating the exposure factors constraints, it is desirable to prioritize kV stability and adapt to the conditions by varying the exposure time within the tolerated limits. The second examination, although prioritizing contrast, also prioritizes a low exposure time due to peristaltic movement. It is preferable to maintain the exposure time within the desired interval while the kV values can vary within the tolerance. This examination type selection function is made by defining the priority: a choice between kV priority and time priority is given for each LUT (similar to the aperture/exposure speed priority in the today’s camera). See Illustration below. ILLUSTRATION 1–61 t t Max ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ Ç ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ kV t sup t kV t min kV min kV inf kV priority t t priority t Optimal zone t inf kV kV sup 1–119 kV Max ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀÀ kV priority: Optimal kV Degraded t t priority: Degraded kV Optimal t Degraded kV Degraded t kV THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 17–5 asm 2165118–100 Using the LUTs For x-ray systems equipped with II 22 the following LUTs are preselected: D Chart 10 in SFD Technique for a slow screen–film combination, D Chart 11 in SFD Technique for a standard screen–film combination, D Chart 12 in SFD Technique for a fast screen–film combination, For x-ray systems equipped with II 32 the following LUTs are preselected: D Chart 9 in Digital Technique, D Chart 10 in SFD Technique for a slow sreen film combination, D Chart 11 in SFD Technique for a standard sreen film combination, D Chart 12 in SFD Technique for a fast sreen film combination, For x-ray systems equipped with II 40 the following LUT is preselected: D Note: 17–6 Chart 13 in Digital Technique, The LUTs for SFD do not exist because the x-ray systems are not equipped with a spotfilm camera. Parameter Modification 1. LUT setup. Each kV/thickness combination must be kept at its starting value, whatever the technique or curve. 2. Time Limits The time limits must be kept at their starting value. 3. Override. Maintain the value of n. 4. lg If the Operator wishes to keep the modified kV values always in 0-Point Mode (kV override), set lg to 99. The kV values are set automatically if the Operator changes the curve or at the next access to 0-Point Mode. Following modification of the kV values, if the Operator wishes always return to the automatic kV setting, set lg to 0 (zero). The lg default value is 7 (the most practical user mode). 17–7 Prestored LUT content Please refer to Job Card RG 011 of Service Manual. 1–120 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 APPENDIX 1 – FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1–1 Introduction The ROOM_IF_CPU is installed in the upper part of the MPH generator. This board contains a CPU–68302 processor, which enables it to execute certain programs locally, and to communicate with the PU_CTRL_CPU Master Board via an HDLC link. Power is supplied to the board by an external power source (+ 5 V, + 15 V, – 15 V). The board has a built-in supply voltage control. The board has the following features: D CPU–68302 at 16 MHz, (EPROM, SRAM, Timer, Watchdog, RS232 debug, PRD). D RS485 Interface with PU_CTRL_CPU Master Board (CPU–68360), (UART links, HDLC link, exposure control inputs and output, ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET line). D AEC Interface, (Tracking meter, chamber selection and control). D Fluoroscopy Interface, (HVPM RAD Mode commands). D Room Interface, (All-or-nothing inputs and outputs, with or without galvanic insulation). D User Interface, (CONSOLE, TAV, PROG_X, and PRINT_X links). D Self-diagnosis capability. A1–1 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 1–62 SYSTEM FLOWCHART CPU–68302 POWER Control POWER_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK BP RESET ROOM Interface BP ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A START_EXP_A LEDS STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 – EPROM REF10V RAD_PREP_A (BUS D) RF CONNECTOR POWER SUPPLY POWER TEST LEDS REF1V24 – REFERENCE 10V, 1V24 +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RF POWER CONNECTOR RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V HANDSWITCH CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTICAL COUPLERS – EPLD – RELAYS – DATA BUFFER User Interface – DRIVERS (OPEN COL.) – VERSION REGISTER – REGISTERS (ROOM I/F) – PRD REGISTERS USER CONNECTION PU_CTRL_CPU Interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET COAX ARCNET HDLC – RS485 DRIVERS TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC Interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X CONSOLE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTER – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – SWITCHABLE GAIN – TRACKING METER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN FLUOROSCOPY Interface (ANALOG) – DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS CONNECT. PU_CTRL_CPU – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS485 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD – SAFETY RESET – FLUOROSCOPY REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) A1–2 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 APPENDIX 2 – USER INTERFACE SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The PU_CTRL_CPU Board exchanges information with the TAV, GPX, or TJ, and with the console, the Progam-X (UART series-type links), the ROOM_IF_CPU Board (HDLC series link and parallel link) and sends display commands to a Print-X printer (UART series-type link). SECTION 2 USER/MACHINE INTERACTIONS 2–1 Service Terminal, GPX Console, or Console Document SDRS TJ. Remote Console Document SDRS RF. LIGHTED FLASHING Workstations 1 thru 8 Workstation 1 thru 8 selected Never Large Focus Large focus selected in Rad Mode In Zero-Point Mode to indicate better focus selection Small Focus Small Focus selected in Rad Mode Never Two-Point Mode Two-Point Mode or Three-Point mAs Tomography selected Never Three-Point Mode Three-Point Mode or Three-Point mA Tomography selected Never Zero-Point Mode Zero-Point Mode selected To indicate that Zero-Point mode is not use full 100% load Never 100% load selected Fast kV Never Never Rad kV + Rad kV – Rad mAs or mA + Rad mAs or mA – Rad ms or N + Rad ms or N – Never To indicate how to reset computer inhibit Rad reset error Never Aborted exposure or error displayed Tube temperature > 70_C > 40_C and no circulation of water Generator interlock Switching tube delay < 5 sec, aborted exposure, tube temperature > 70_C, or calculated number of exposure < 1 Room door not closed or Integrated Console inhibition Rad Ready lamp In Rad Mode when tube rotation and heating are ok To indicate Rotor inhibition A2–1 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 THEORY OF OPERATION REV 4 asm 2165118–100 LIGHTED FLASHING RX Emission lamp In Fluoro and Rad when X–Ray on Never Buzzer Aborted exposure, Pulse at exposure end fluoro time > 4 mn 30 sec Screens 1 thru 3 Screen/Film 1 thru 3 selected in non-DRS technique In Zero-Point Film Mode to indicate better film/screen selection Left, right cell AEC active and cell selected Small format information and cell selected Central cell AEC active and central cell selected Never Film blackening + Film blackening – Never Never Fluoroscopy Curves 1 thru 3 Fluoroscopy active and Fluoroscopy Curves 1 thru 3 selected Never Fluoroscopy dose display Never Never Fluoroscopy time reset Never Fluoroscopy active and total fluoroscopy time reached 4 min 30 s Automatic fluoroscopy Fluoroscopy active and Automatic selected Fluoroscopy active and Manual selected 2–2 Program-X Document spec_program-X. SECTION 3 PROGRAM OUTPUTS FOR USER INFORMATION A printer may be connected to the ROOM_IF_CPU Board. The PU_CTRL_CPU Board sends exposure parameters to the ROOM_IF_CPU Board via the HDLC link. The PU_CTRL_CPU Board sends this information to the Print-X via the UART series-type link. A2–2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CHAPTER 2 – BLOCKS DIAGRAMS BLOCKS DIAGRAMS SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 2–1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–1 GPX AND DISPLAY BLOCKS DIAGRAMS F7 5AT DISPLAY F6 5AT F8 5AT SG 100 F9 5AT F10 5AT F12 5AT F11 5AT 0 TOMOLINK OR XT RAFL F13 5AT F14 5AT F15 5AT 230 230 VAC ISOLATED AUTOTRANSĆ FORMER MPH A1 AT1 480 480 460 440 420 400 380 230 0 0 Th Th F18-15AT RF OR RAD POSITIONĆ NER DIGITAL AND EXTENSION RACK F19-15AT F21-30AT MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD F20-30AT F16-10AT F17-10AT F4-10AT CHILLER 380/480 VAC MPH A1 K1 (CT1) F5-10AT F3-30AT PRESTIĆ LIX (3 phase) MAIN SWITCH WITH REMOTE CONTROL F2-30AT F1-30AT ELECTRONICS FOR POWERĆON SEQUENCE: P.U. AUXILLIARYSUPPLY BOARD+ PART OF THE CONSOLE F1 100 A F2 100A F3 100 A 380/480 VAC MPH (LOWER CABINET) MPH A1 SW1 ON/OFF CONSOLE STANDBY SWITCH TO POWER UNIT MPH A3 K1 (CT2) MANUAL RESET SYSTEM EMERGENCY STOP 380/480 VAC MAIN CIRCUIT EMERGENCY SWITCH BREAKER LINE INPUT 2–2 SYSTEM EMERGENCY STOP/CIRCUIT BREAKER ON WALL BOX GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TUBE 1 HIGH VOLTAGE J22 RANGE SELECT PU_CTRL.BOARD J2 HV TANK CMD1.BOARD J3 STATUS J1 ANODE mA MEAS J2 J22 MPH A4 A3 CATHODE mA MEAS mA MEASURE MPH A4 A1 MPH A2 HIGH VOLTAGE TUBE 2 2–3 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–2 PH MA LOOP FUNCTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–3 COMMANDS PU_CTRL.BOARD XS IGBT CMDS CMD2.BOARD J19 REF LEVEL STATUS HEATER.BOARD J2 XS CURR MEAS J1 J4 J1 XL IGBT CMDS J2 J19 MPH A4 A3 MEASURE XL CURR MEAS MPH A4 A1 2–4 MPH A5 A1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–4 AUTOTRANSFORMER PU_CTRL.BOARD CMD1.BOARD ON ENABLE _POW ON CMD J2 MPH A4 A1 _POW_ON DC BUS FAULT J5 J2 MPH A4 A1 J4 OK DC BUS GEN_ON _SYS_ON MPHA7 MPH A3 K1 ON/OFF CONTACTOR DISTRIBUTION BOARD ON/OFF MPH A3 A2 J2 J2 Command SYS_ON J9 CONTROL CONSOLE J1 ROOM MAINPS.BOARD THERMO SWITCH TRANSFORMER J2 MPH A1 AT1 _ J5 J12 MPH A6 A3 2–5 Command MPH A1 K1 ROOM CONTACTOR BLOCKS DIAGRAMS MPH A3 T1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–5 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS HEATER.BOARD J2 XS +XL TUBE 2 PU_CTRL.BOARD J19 MPH A3 A3 J1 J1 HEATER CMD STATUS HV SW CMD STATUS MPH A5 A1 J4 HEATER CMD STATUS J1 J1 CMD2.BOARD ROTCTL CMD STATUS J4 HV SW CMD STATUS J2 HEATER TUBE 1 XS+XL TUBE 1 HV SW CMD STATUS ROTCTL CMD STATUS HV TANK J2 HEATER TUBE 2 kV TUBE 1 J1 MPH A2 kV TUBE 2 ROTCTL.BOARD J4 ROTOR TUBE 1 J1 TUBE 2 MPH A5 A2 J5 ROTOR TUBE 2 MPH A3 A2 2–6 TUBE 1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–6 +15 V MPH A 6 PS2 MPH A 5 PS1 MPH A 5 PS2 +15 V AUTOTRANSFORME MPH A6 A1 311 Vdc MPH A3 T1 +5 V J5 POWER SUPPLY J1 +24 V –15 V J10 J4 MAINPS.BOARD J1 MPHA3 A2 J3 PUCTRL.BOARD J23 J7 J7J5 CMD1.BOARD POWER SUPPLY MPH A4 A3 J19 POWER SUPPLY J5 J23 LV ENABLE LV ON MPH A3 A1 J1 J6 J1 POWER SUPPLY J1 INVERT.BOARD J2 MPH A3 A3 J5 CMD2.BOARD LV ENABLE 24 V OK J4 MPH A3 A2 2–7 FAN BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ROOM IF CPU POWER SUPPLY +5 V +15V POWER SUPPLY –15 V GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–7 TUBE 1 KV MEASURE PU_CTRL.BOARD J22 J23 MPH A4 A3 COMMANDS REF LEVEL J2 J23 J22 STATUS J2 J23 KV MEAS J23 J9–J10 IGBT CMDS J8 J8 FLOATING PS INV CURRENT MEAS CMD1.BOARD MPH A4 A1 INVERT.BOARD J3 P1 P2 HF CURRENT HIGH VOLTAGE KV+ KV– HV TANK P1 P2 J3 MPH A3 A3 MPH A2 HIGH VOLTAGE TUBE 2 2–8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 INVERT.BOARD DC_FILTER BOARD DC POWER MPH A3 A1 MPH A3 A3 J2 MPH A4 A3 DC LEVEL J2 J5 J4 MAINPS.BOARD DC LEVEL MPH A4 A1 J1 J5 J6 DC MEASURE DC POWER J22 CMD1.BOARD MPH A3 A2 DC LEVEL PU_CTRL.BOARD J5 DC POWER J5 J5 HEATER.BOARD CMD2.BOARD MPH A5 A1 MPH A4 A2 2–9 J4 ROTCTL.BOARD MPH A5 A2 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–9 AUTOTRANSFORMER BLOCKS DIAGRAMS MAINPS.BOARD MPH A3 T1 J1 J7 115Vac TUBE 1 FANS MPH A3 A2 ST1 COMMANDS MPH A4 A3 MPH A3 A2 J4 J3 ROTCTL.BOARD J2 CURRENT MEAS J4 J7 Commands MPH A5 A2 SUPPLY J6 J5 MPH A4 A2 CMD2.BOARD PU_CTRL.BOARD J19 SEC1 ROTOR DRIVE TUBE 1 STATUS IGBT CMDS ST2 SEC2 TUBE 2 2–10 MPH A3 A2 DRIVE TUBE 2 ROTOR CHILLER Board MPH A5 A1 J2 J5 J3/J4 CH1 CHILLER or LOST-WATER COOLER GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS Blank page. 2–11 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–10 DCPS BLOCK DIAGRAM (SEE SM SCHEMATIC FOR DETAILS) DC FILTER BOARD – MPH A3–A1 + DC–BUS BLOCKS DIAGRAMS F3 R1 0,47 W 100 A F2 3000 mF 17 mF 100 A F1 DS1 3000 mF 100 A XJ3 4 – DC–BUS XJ4 1 R7/2.7 kW F4 1–2–3 + DC 15 A 10–11–12 1–2–3 – DC 10–11–12 A 2 3 5 4 6 21 MPH A3 K1 (CT2) See ON/OFF Block diagram 22 XJ5 MEAS–DC–BUS 1 B EMC FILTER MPH A3 FL1 F5 5A 6 3 – MEAS–SUPPLY + MEAS–SUPPLY 1 MPH A1 SW1 1 + DC XJ2 – DC 3 XJ6 0 VM MAINS PS – BOARD MPH A3–A2 XJ5 + 10 VM + 15 VM R S T GND + 10 V 5 VS – 15 VM DS3 0V 0 VM 0 VM U8 0 VM U9 U11 0 VM U4 400 < DC < 780 +5V + 15 VM + 10 V –ON–ENABLE 14 2 –OK–DC–BUS U7 MEAS DC BUS 0 U5 U1 MEAS DC BUS 1 + 10 VM DS1 U4 DS7 + 5 VS 20 DS2 9 U1 0V 0V 2–12 16 U6 – 15 VM 0 VM U2 DC < 30 V U4 U10 DS4 MAINS 1 11 + 5 VS –DC–DROP–RESET GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–10 DCPS BLOCK DIAGRAM (SEE SM SCHEMATIC FOR DETAILS) (CONT’D) INVERTER BOARD – MPH A3–A3 T11 HV–TANK MPH A2 T21 C100 P2 P2 HV+ P1 T12 HV– P1 T22 To X–Ray tube – DC–BUS XJ2 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD MPH A5–A2 1–2–3 (See stator Block Diagram) STATOR I/STATOR II + DC 10–11–12 HS X2 I C1000 1–XJ4 1–XJ5 X1 II LS HS C1001 X1 LS XJ3 4 P P 12–16/XJ4–XJ5 C I 4– XJ5 A II 4–XJ4 X2 C A HEATER BOARD MPH A5–A1 + DC Q101 Q102 – DC Q201 220 nF 220 nF X301 XJ5 –ON–ENABLE 16 –OK–DC–BUS 14 2 MEAS DC BUS 1 13 14 + 5 VS 20 –DC–DROP–RESET Q202 X301 1 9 MEAS DC BUS 0 C205 C105 COMMAND 1 BOARD MPH A4–A1 3 LF TUBE I 6 1 XJ2 XJ2 LF TUBE II 10 15 11 12 16 11 SF TUBE I See Block Diagram page 4/70 +5V HV–TANK–MPH A2 + 5 VNF 9 0V BP1 11 7 3 0V 2–13 SF TUBE II BLOCKS DIAGRAMS + DC–BUS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–11 ON/OFF AND LV SUPPLIES BLOCK DIAGRAM BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ROOM DISTRIBUTION MPH A1 See Room Distribution Block Diagram in Service Manual UPPER CABINET TB1 MPH A1 AT1 TH See DCPS BLOCK DIAGRAM F16–10A 0V TH 1 2 230 V F17–10A MPH A1 A1 MPH A3 FL1 MAINS–PS–BOARD MPH A3–A2 XJ2 EMC FILTER 7 10 1 B A 25 26 + 15 VR X2 MPH A3 K1 (CT2) XJ5 THERMAL – SAFETY DS11 4 X2 X2 A X1 DS6 X1 MPH A1 K2 (CT1) 5 –GEN–ON 3 24 VL 3 B 6 4 –SYS–ON See DCPS Block diagram 6 16 –ON–ENABLE X1 XJ5 R S T GND XJ1 Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 1 MAINS MPH A1 SW1 ö2–S 480 V 455 V MPH A3 T1 3 F1–3A 9 F2–3A 21 F3–3A 23 24 20 15 VS – 15 VS 1 5 VS 430 V 405 V 380 V 240 V 220 V 115 V 0480 V 17 –PH–ON 3ö Detector 11–21 0 V 0 V DS7 DS9 DS8 T1–T2–U12 See Tube Function Block Diagram Common–CT 24 115 V–S 20 23 220 V ö1–S 1 0220 V Phase 1–S XJ4 XJ3 4 U13 C24/C25 R85/ 82 kW + 300 V 3–6 DS12 0300 V 2–14 1–4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–11 ON/OFF AND LV SUPPLIES BLOCK DIAGRAM (CONT’D) L TRANSFORMER MPH A6–A7 230 Vac 18 13 22 16 F2 3A F5 0.1 A 1–4 3–6 10 9 1–4 3–6 XJ4 11–12 9–12 XJ6 7 10 MPH A6 PS2 15 VRF 4–6 1 3 8–11 F7 115 Vac DS5 3.2 A F14 SAT 0V F12 3.2 A F13 3.2 A F11 3.2 A F9A 3.2 A 14–15 17–18 33–34 36–37 XJ5 XJ7 3–6 To ION chamber 230 Vcc 0 VRF XJ1B 5 6 8 12 3–4–7 K1 K2 ON/OFF 6 19 1 25 ON 24 24 To Printer MPH A9 XJ2 XJ9 1–4 7 XJ1 To Program’X MPH A7 2 BP1 ON J12 6 19 1 25 0V DS1 B XJ1A DS8 15 VRF DS4 P 17–18–36–37 BP2 OFF – 15 V DS3 DS9 DS10 14–15–33–34 14 Vac 17–18–36–37 014 Vac + 15 V DS6 F4 3.2 AT XJ13 XJ14 XJ15 XJ16 DS7 DS2 From MPH A6–A7 TRANSFORMER +5V F9B 3.2 A F6 3.2 A 14–15–33–34 14 Vac F4 DISTRIBUTION BOARD MPH A6–A3 XJ10 XJ2 J10 2–5 3–6 1 4 8 ROOM IF CPU MPH A6–A1 230 Vac or 115 Vac for wall Buckies MPH A6–A4 COMMAND 1 – BOARD MPH A4–A1 X5 DS15 –PH–OK XJ5 25 26 6 12 XJ4 7 + 15 VS OFF 2 –SYS–ON XJ2 MPH A6 PS1 + 5 V/+ 15 V CONTROL CONSOLE MPH A7 N 24 VL 3 17–21 F1 3A L 24 VL–RTN 1 XJ3 N 6 2 24 VL RTN 24 VL 6 IN1 ö5 X5 15 VS –GEN–ON DT U21 5 3 24 VL –SYS–ON + 15 V – 15 V 4 U20 XJ2 16 –ON–ENABLE 15 –POW–ON–CMD PU–CTRL–CPU Q 4 45 DS17 DT1 U21 U2 U7 Phase controller –PH–ON 17 0 V 11–21 X10 23 24 20 – 15 VNF + 5 VNF SAT 0V XJ7 1–4 2–3 DS14 DT2 U21 24 V X6 X6 DS18 15 VS + 15 VNF DS22 F5 5V + 15 V – 15 V 24 VS 0V 8–9 X6 5–6 DS21 MPH A5 PS2 N MPH A5 PS1 R F4 7–10 X10 DS19 DS11 DS20 F2 DS12 X6 X6 R X10 + 15 V L 11–12 – 15 V N 2–15 X10 DS13 +5 V F3 XJ1 To CMD2 MPH A4–A2 + 24 V – OLEO 31–32 33–34 F1–2A X10 R XJ7 L –POW–ON DS16 For gate control 15 VS 0V MPH A3–A4 R BLOCKS DIAGRAMS EXTENSION RACK MPH A6 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–12 SERIAL LINKS BLOCK DIAGRAM PU – CTRL – CPU MPH A4–A3 ROOM IF CPU MPH A6–A1 J3 J5 Room if CPU–RESET (1) Rebouclage – 1 – (0) MAX485 3 DE–COM (1) DE A 6 23 F17–B Console TX 57 57 U37 4 TXD3 U47 68360 DI 7 B 23 F17–A F17–A MAX585 6 A 3 DE A 6 7 1 R0 RXD3 7 B 24 F18–A F18–A 24 F18–B Console RX 58 58 U36 B 6 A 1 DE 3 U35 7 B DE A 6 F1–A 1 1 F1–A 6 DI 4 A 4 R0 TDX4–485 DE 3 U18 U9 F1–B 7 B 7 B 35 TAV–TX 35 OUT 1 F1–B 3 DE A 6 F2–A 2 2 F2–A 6 A 1 RXD4–485 3 R0 7 B DE F2–B A 4 R0 3 6 7 B DE 25 F19–B PROGRAMY 59 59 TX 3 6 B 7 26 F20–A F20–A 26 F20–B PROGRAMY 60 RX 60 6 B DI A DE 4 3 U40 F19–B A 1 R0 25 F19–A F19–A U34 SMRXD1 7 36 TAV–RX 36 F2–B U35 SMTXD1 DE U19 U8 5MRYD2 OUT F18–B 3 RXD4 3 F17–B RS–REBOUCLAGE–X (0) TAV.R DE U34 7 B 6 OUT 1 A DE 3 U41 7 B OUT 4 F20–B TXD4 TAV.R 5MTXD2 J17 11 MAX U67SMRXD2–232 12 232 J18 VT220 DEB.T 0V U66 SMTXD2–232 5 5 14 3 13 Not used 4 2 6 8 U67 7 U66 RXD4–232 9 SMRXD2–48 5 (not used) 10 U49 68302 TXD2 RXD2 3 8 Test RX U13 May 232 TXD4–232 TAV TAV.T 7 RX–DX3 TX–DX3 T1 2 Test TX R1 R2 2–16 11 MAX 232 14 12 13 9 8 T1 R1 R2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–12 SERIAL LINKS BLOCK DIAGRAM (CONT’D) DISTRIBUTION – BOARD MPH A6–A3 J2 VCC 3 PUPITRE(–TX) PUPITRE(RX) 3 TAV(TX) TAV(RX) 3 PROG_X(TX) PROG_X(RX) PRINT_X(TX) PRINT_X(RX) REBOUCLAGE 2 (0) J1 7 A B A B R? 100 1% 0.125W R? 100 1% 0.125W 6 6 7 R? 100 1% 0.125W PUPITRE_RX_A PUPITRE_RX_B A B U43 MAX485 A B 6 R? 10% 1% 0.125W 6 7 U25 MAX485 A B U31 MAX485 DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 A B R? 100 1% 0.125W R? 100 1% 0.125W 6 6 7 R? 100 1% 0.125W R? 10% 1% 0.125W PROG_X_RX_A PROG_X_RX_B 10 7 7 DS3 B19 36 36 27 27 11 11 8 8 RX 37 37 28 28 12 12 9 9 38 38 29 29 13 13 10 10 41 41 DS4 B47 30 TX TAV or Integrated Console PROGRAM’X MPH A8–A1 J1 DS7 30 B1 16 16 11 11 42 42 31 31 TX 12 17 17 39 39 30 30 14 14 11 11 40 40 31 31 15 15 12 12 12 RX DS8 B3 R? 10% 1% 0.125W J1 R? 10% 1% 0.125W PRINT_X_RX_A PRINT_X_RX_B R? 100 1% 0.125W 10 J10 PRINT_X_TX_A PRINT_X_TX_B 7 26 R? 10% 1% 0.125W PROG_X_TX_A PROG_X_TX_B 7 26 R? 10% 1% 0.125W TAV_RX_A TAV_RX_B R? 100 1% 0.125W 35 Console TAV_TX_A TAV_TX_B 7 35 R? 10% 1% 0.125W DE _RE DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 3 6 U38 MAX485 DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 VCC 3 A B U44 MAX485 DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 3 PUPITRE_TX_A PUPITRE_TX_B 7 U39 MAX485 4 2 DI R0 1 VCC 6 DE _RE DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 3 A B U32 MAX485 4 2 DI R0 1 VCC J12 U26 MAX485 DE _RE 4 2 DI R0 1 3 J11 CONTROL CONSOLE MPH A7–A2 R? 10% 1% 0.125W B47 J4 DEBUG DS5 5 3 B6 DS6 3 2 XJ4 RX TX To Print’X MPH A9 Not used 2 2–17 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ROOM IF CPU MPH A6–A1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–13 TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE MX100 ROTOR CTRL BOARD – MPH A5–A2 XJ4 LS/HS Selection (X1) Phase shift capacitor (C1000–C1001) BLOCKS DIAGRAMS X2 MAINS COMMON AUX X2 + 15 V 10 K1 9 X5 23 24 MAINS COMMON AUX 0V X2 X2 X2 1 XJ5 12–16 4 X2 10 K1 9 + 15 V X2 X5 –T2–SEL–START X2 DS9 K1 + 15 V 1 12–16 4 DS8 DS3 49 XJ1 X5 23 24 3 XJ7 3 XJ1 1 O/L–PUMP–A XJ3 O/L–PUMP–B DS6 XJ1 46 48 COMMON–SAFETY THERMAL–SAFETY 1 XJ5 7 21 X3 MAINS See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS13 XJ5 –PUMP–ON 7 XJ2 U32 25 + 15 VR 9 F1 3A F4 3.2 A 1 F3 3A 20 23 See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS5 XJ1 MAINS PS BOARD MPH A3–A2 MPH A3–T1 480 V 220 V 115 V 115 VS 0480 V Phase 1–S See ON/OFF Block Diagram 2–18 CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 –RESET–INFO GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–13 TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE MX100 (CONT’D) MPH A1–A2 PLUG PANEL X–RAY–TUBE 1 1 3 5 MAINS COMMON AUX 10 FAN Black White Green Stator BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ST1 Brown 7 115 Vac Fan M Blue FAN 40° 11 PRESSURE–SWITCH Orange 12 PRESSURE–SWITCH Yellow ST2 XJA XJB 3 3 1 1 Pressure switch MAINS COMMON AUX 1 3 5 X–RAY–TUBE 2 Black White Green Stator FAN Brown 10 115 Vac FAN M Blue Fan 7 40° PRESSURE–SWITCH Orange PRESSURE–SWITCH Yellow 11 12 XJ22 XJ2 25 J19 INIT –RESET–INFO 49 46 XJ4 –T2–SEL–START mP 29 29 THERMAL SAFETY 35 INIT 35 39 COMMON–SAFETY 39 PU–CPU MPH A4–A3 CMD2 Board MPH A4–A2 2–19 48 Pressure switch GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–14 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE CGR XJ4 ROTOR CTRL BOARD – MPH A5–A2 X2 MAINS 1 12–16 COMMON AUX BLOCKS DIAGRAMS LS/HS Selection (X1) Phase shift capacitor (C1000–C1001) X2 4 X2 10 K1 9 X5 23 24 X5 CR41 21 0V 22 XJ5 + 15 V DS9 MAINS K1 0V X2 1 12–16 COMMON X2 AUX X2 4 X2 10 K1 9 X5 23 24 + 15 V + 15 V X5 X2 49 21 CR42 22 DS8 DS3 0V X5 XJ1 XJ7 3 XJ1 1 O/L–PUMP–A 3 O/L–PUMP–B DS6 XJ3 XJ1 46 48 47 WATER–SAFETY COMMON–SAFETY THERMAL–SAFETY 1 XJ5 7 21 X3 MAINS See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS13 XJ5 –PUMP–ON 7 XJ2 U32 25 + 15 VR 9 F1 3A F4 3.2 A 1 F3 3A 20 23 See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS5 XJ1 MAINS PS BOARD MPH A3–A2 MPH A3–T1 480 V 220 V 115 V 115 VS 0480 V Phase 1–S See ON/OFF Block Diagram 2–20 CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 –RESET–INFO GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–14 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE CGR (CONT’D) PLUG PANEL – MPH A1–A2 X–RAY–TUBE 1 SEC1 1 MAINS P 3 COMMON C 5 AUX A M BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ST1 10 PR1 7 11 70°C 1 12 2 THERMAL–SAFETY 1 40°C 3 WATER–SAFETY 2 ST2 XJA XJB 4 SEC2 1 MAINS P 3 COMMON C 5 AUX A M 10 3 3 7 1 1 11 33°C 45°C 220 Vac 12 220 V 70°C THERMAL–SAFETY 1 Not used 2 XJB 3 1 K1 K1 DS1 220 V F1 3.2 AT 3 1 X–RAY–TUBE 2 HOUSING ST240 SV XJA K1 INTERFACE GAINE ST240 SV Mounted on MPH A3–T1 XJ22 XJ2 25 INIT J19 –RESET–INFO 49 46 48 47 XJ4 –T2–SEL–START mP 29 29 THERMAL SAFETY 35 INIT 35 39 COMMON–SAFETY 39 PU–CPU 44 MPH A4–A3 WATER–SAFETY 44 CMD2 Board – MPH A4–A2 2–21 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–15 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE MX 120 XJ4 ROTOR CTRL BOARD – MPH A5–A2 X2 MAINS 1 12–16 AUX LS/HS Selection (X1) Phase shift capacitor (C1000–C1001) X2 4 X2 10 K1 9 X5 23 24 X5 CR41 21 0V CHILLER BOARD See Ill. 2–16 22 2 13 3 14 XJ5 + 15 V DS9 MAINS K1 0V X2 1 12–16 COMMON AUX X2 + 15 V + 15 V X2 49 X2 4 X2 10 K1 9 X5 23 24 DS8 DS3 X5 X5 21 NOT USED CR42 22 0V XJ1 XJ3 3 XJ7 3 XJ1 1 O/L–PUMP–A DS6 O/L–PUMP–B BLOCKS DIAGRAMS COMMON XJ1 46 48 47 WATER–SAFETY COMMON–SAFETY THERMAL–SAFETY 1 XJ5 7 21 X3 MAINS See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS13 XJ5 –PUMP–ON 7 XJ2 U32 25 + 15 VR 9 F1 3A F4 3.2 A 1 F3 3A 20 23 See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS5 XJ1 MAINS PS BOARD MPH A3–A2 MPH A3–T1 480 V 220 V 115 V 115 VS 0480 V Phase 1–S See ON/OFF Block Diagram 2–22 CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 –RESET–INFO GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–15 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – STATOR CONNECTIONS – TUBE MX 120 PLUG PANEL – MPH A1–A2 X–RAY–TUBE 1 SEC1 1 MAINS 1 3 COMMON 3 5 AUX 5 10 M BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ST1 10 7 7 11 11 12 70°C 12 THERMAL–SAFETY 1 40°C 1 2 2 WATER–SAFETY 5 5 6 OIL PUMP OIL PUMP 6 ST2 XJA XJB 1 MAINS 3 COMMON 5 AUX A BROWN 10 FAN 3 3 7 FAN 1 1 11 PRESSURE–SWITCH 12 PRESSURE–SWITCH P C WHITE M 40°C BLUE 220 V YELLOW PRESSURE SWITCH X–RAY–TUBE 2 XJ22 XJ2 25 INIT J19 –RESET–INFO 49 46 48 47 XJ4 –T2–SEL–START mP 29 29 THERMAL SAFETY 35 INIT 35 39 COMMON–SAFETY 39 PU–CPU 44 MPH A4–A3 WATER–SAFETY 44 CMD2 Board – MPH A4–A2 2–23 FAN ORANGE GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–16 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – WATER CIRCULATION 5 ROTOR CTRL BOARD – MPH A5–A2 6 3 2 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS XJ6 4 115 Vac 1 PLUG PANEL – MPH A1–A2 X5 SEC1 XJ4 CR41 0V 21 1 22 2 XJ7 4 9 + 15 V DS9 10 K1 0V 2 X2 14 13 6 PLUG PANEL – MPH A1–A2 + 15 V DS8 DS3 X2 49 X5 X5 XJ1 0V –T2–SEL–START XJ7 3 XJ1 1 O/L–PUMP–A 3 O/L–PUMP–B DS6 XJ3 48 1 22 2 WATER–SAFETY COMMON–SAFETY XJ5 7 21 SEC2 21 XJ1 47 1 X3 MAINS See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS13 XJ5 –PUMP–ON 7 XJ2 U32 25 + 15 VR 9 F1 3A MPH A3–T1 XJ5 CR42 F4 3.2 A 1 F3 3A 20 23 See ON/OFF Block Diagram DS5 XJ1 MAINS PS BOARD MPH A3–A2 480 V 220 V 115 V 115 VS 0480 V Phase 1–S See ON/OFF Block Diagram 2–24 CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 –RESET–INFO GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–16 BLOCK DIAGRAM – TUBE FUNCTION – WATER CIRCULATION (CONT’D) PUMP T2 PLUG PANEL MPH A1–A2 CH1 X–RAY–TUBE 1 40°C 3 1 4 2 J5 3 6 5 J3 Chiller or lost water cooler 115 Vac K1 4 WATER–SAFETY + 15 V J2 4 4 DS1 115 Vac K1 K1 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 1 1 –WATER–SAFETY 10 2 2 2 –T2–SEL–START 2 –WATER–CMD J4 FREE 14 WATER–SAFETY –WATER–CMD 2 13 1 + 15 V K2 6 K2 X–RAY–TUBE 2 40°C 4 DS2 K2 3 3 4 CHILLER BOARD – MPH A5–A3 WATER–SAFETY XJ22 XJ2 25 INIT J19 –RESET–INFO 49 48 47 XJ4 –T2–SEL–START mP INIT 29 29 39 COMMON–SAFETY 39 PU–CPU 44 MPH A4–A3 WATER–SAFETY 44 CMD2 Board – MPH A4–A2 2–25 Control water flow Water circulation BLOCKS DIAGRAMS PUMP T1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–17 SWITCHING TUBE BLOCK DIAGRAM BLOCKS DIAGRAMS CPU–BOARD MPH A4–A3 COMMAND 2–BOARD MPH A4–A2 XJ19 U68 EPLD OUTBUF 32 45 XJ4 HV_SWITCH_CTRL HV_SWITCH_MOTOR_OFF XJ1 32 6 45 38 47–48 + 24 V 40–41 42–43 Bits 0V U50 U45 41 T1_POSITION 41 36 49 T2_POSITION 49 37 48 HV_SWITCH_COMMON 48 41 47 HV_SWITCH_INDEX 47 K1 0V INIT 39 47–48 47–48 XJ5 XJ1 + 24 V – OLEO See ON/OFF Block Diagram XJ3 1 mA_Anode 3 mA_Cathode 2 mA_Return COMMAND 1–BOARD MPH A4–A1 2–26 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–17 SWITCHING TUBE BLOCK DIAGRAM (CONT’D) HEATER–BOARD MPH A5–A1 XJ1 DS302 6 + 15 V X302 HV TANK MPH A2 38 X302 XJ4 XJ3 1 2 0V M 40–41 42–43 4 I+ 1 HV+ II+ 0V XJ1 36 3 T1_POSITION 37 6 T2_POSITION 10 41 5 HV_SWITCH_COMMON 13 39 2 HV_SWITCH_INDEX 8 6 14 12 mA_Anode mA_Cathode mA_Return 2–27 I– 5 T1 T2 mA_A mA_C ” HV– II– To X–ray tubes 47–48 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATION 2–18 AEC BLOCK DIAGRAM TRANSFORMER MPH A6 A7 See ON/OFF Block Diagram PU_CTRL_CPU MPH A4 A3 J3 68360 ROOM_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 BRIGHT_ION 5V U30 J5 J2 . – 2 . AEC_COMP Reset_AEC COUNTER U30 HDLC 68302 DAC U5 CLK_AEC U4/ U14 U15 Q1 GAIN U49 X1 X10 U17/U6 V OUT 1 M U X V OUT 2 V OUT 3 V OUT 4 U12 U51 K3 to K10 AEC SELECTION + 15 V COMMON CELLS SELECTION 2–28 26 27 28 29 30 5 31 6 23 32 7 33 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–18 AEC BLOCK DIAGRAM (CONT’D) XJ3 13 XJ15 AEC1 F5-0.1 AT + 230 VDC DS4 16 R4 XJ16 AEC2 XJ13 AEC3 P R3 P R6 + 230 VDC P R5 3 XJ14 AEC4 P F2-3 A 1 F1-3 A XJ3 1–4 3–6 – 15 V C C C C E B R E B R E B R E B R – 15 V – 15 V SHIELD XJ11 26 27 28 D V OUT 1 D V OUT 2 D 29 D 30 5 31 6 H 23 32 7 33 A J K F H H H 2–29 A J K F A J K F A J K F V OUT 3 V OUT 4 SELECTION SELECTION SELECTION SELECTION + 15 V AEC1 AEC2 AEC3 AEC4 LEFT CELL MIDDLE CELL RIGH CELL BLOCKS DIAGRAMS POWER AND DISTRIBUTION BOARD MPH A6 A3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS Blank page. 2–30 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–19 DIAGRAM OF INTERLOCK DOOR AND ROOM LIGHT J7 A1 2 _RAD_PREP_ A OPT O U77 _EXP_REQUEST OPT O U77 _EXP_REQUEST_A J5 _PREP_SW 1 2 K24 K23 U92 MAX 7 _EXP_EN 16 3 3 20 20 4 4 24 24 22 22 A4 17 DIST.BD K20 FLUORO OPT O U88 13 J5 See RF J2 block diagram 18 DD _DOOR_INTERLOCK FOOT SWITCH FLUORO K14 A4 8 _FLUORO_PREP_A OPT O U78 _EXP_SW SAS PL1 13 U92 led SC1 _PREP_SW CONTROL CONSOLE see RF bloc diagram for RF K13 K23 RAD J9 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A J2 16 0VRF 485 U20 41 J12 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B J7 *SW1 *CR36 led GR1 A2 4 K22 _RAD_PREP J2 _FLUORO_PREP _FLUORO_REQUEST 9 K24–K5 9 9 MM TABLE BD K20 5 From POSITIONNER J7 J6 J4 1 Door switch 5 Jump J8 J9 0VRF 7 2 4 7 K10 _PREP_SW _FLUORO_REQUEST 30 6 X–RAY ON 30 K9 VAC2 8–9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD VAC1 1–2 From DIST BD XJ5 J5 LINE ON J3 7 VAC2 3–6 9 WALL BUCKY BD. 2–31 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 led PG1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–20 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN DIRECT WORKSTATION J7 U92 A1 2 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A OPTO U77 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS led GR1 A2 4 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _RAD_PREP J2 J7 J12 J2 _PREP_SW 1 16 16 3 3 2 20 20 4 4 *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 A4 17 7 MAX _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A U67 0VRF 485 U20 41 24 24 22 22 K23 DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK OPTO U88 led GR2 _EXP_SW _EXP_EN K13 _WS_RAD K19 CONTROL CONSOLE INTERLOCK DOOR EXP_DEMAND_1 Q2 5 EXP_DEMAND J6 5 U69 J7 JUMP JUMP 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 K12 led GR3 U92 A3 6 _START_EXP_A OPTO U78 _START_EXP Q1 2 U65 _WS_DIR_UX K19 U61 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23B 29 63 D0_D15 MA X U42 485 EXP_CMD EPL D U30 Q2 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 0VRF WALL BUCKY .BD K14 F23A J9 U66 Q16 5 U65 _WS_DIR_UY 15 U65 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–32 _WS_RAD K12 K13 *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch K12:Workstation DIRECT Tubex K13:Workstation RAD K19:Workstation DIRECT Tubey K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch SEL_EXP_CMD0:selection Exposure in Rad or Fluoro SEL_EXP_CMD1:selection Exposure in Rad or Fluoro K14: EXP_DEMAND in Direct Mode GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–21 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR WALL BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 1/2 J7 Sheet 1 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A1 2 A OPT O U77 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A OPT O U77 A2 4 J5 F6A 7 To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 A4 17 41 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A MAX 485 U20 K22 _RAD_PREP 1 2 J2 J12 J2 16 16 J7 3 3 20 20 4 4 24 24 22 22 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST K24 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF _EXP_EN 0VRF K23 OPT O U88 CONTROL CONSOLE DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK K13 _WS_RAD WALL BUCKY .BD J6 5 J7 JUMP JUMP 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 INTERLOCK DOOR J7A or J7B 9 9 K24–9 0VRF _INHIBIT–EXP By COLLIMATOR see Rad interface Collimator Diagram TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch D0_D15 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–33 K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator D.DUMOURIER J7:Used to connect a handswitch 3/11/94 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–22 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN WALL_BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 WALL BUCK.BD (Two Wall Buckies available) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7 J3 WALL BUCKY 1 WALL BUCKY 2 J1 U81 Q5 12 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 14 14 16 16 22 DS1 K2 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U61 Q6 U81 15 U65 15 U66 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY K13 _WS_RAD K3 K13 22 Q16 U67 led GR2 Q2 EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 led GR3 6 _START_EXP_A OPT O U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 K21 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 4–6 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD K8 START GRID K7 4–6 START GRID K2 DS3 U69 A3 DS2 5 EXP_DEMAND U92 K1 EPL D U30 K1 DS4 K1 K8 K2 K7 1–2 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 2–34 START X–RAY 1–2 1–2 START X–RAY J5 7 7 9 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKIES GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–23 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR ARTERIO SHEET 1/2 A1 2 A2 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A 4 J5 J7 OPT O U77 OPT O U77 K22 _RAD_PREP _PREP_SW J2 J7 J12 J2 1 16 16 3 3 2 20 20 4 4 22 22 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST K24 K23 3 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 7 MAX 41 485 U20 _EXP_SW _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A OPT O U88 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 Sheet 1 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_ A _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 _WS_RAD J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 J2 J4–1 _PREP_SW 7 0VRF 5 J4–2 7 J8 ARTERIO J9 7–9 K6 U67 U65 K3 led PG2 Q1 2 END_PREP U67 _END_PREP124 24 28 28 K11 U65 led GR4 Q3 6 D0_D15 K16 K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch 9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–35 K4 K3 K1 K3 K1 (K1–K3:see sheet 2 Arterio block diagram) ) J7A or J7B BEGIN_END_EXP1 BEGIN_END_EXP 9 PREP INFO K1 4–6 END PREP INFO K5 1–2 BEGIN END EXP INFO _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator (see Collimator block diagram) K24–9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–24 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR ARTERIO SHEET 2/2 J6 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J7 WALL BUCK.BD J1 TO ARTERIO U61 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U81 Q6 U66 Q16 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY 15 U65 15 K13 _WS_RAD 16 16 22 22 K3 K13 EXP_DEMAND_1 U67 led GR2 Q2 A3 led DS3 26 26 4–6 5 K8 EXP_DEMAND U92 K15 K1 K1 U69 led GR4 _START_EXP_A 6 ENABLE EXP OPT O U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 led DS4 1–2 K1 K21 START X–RAY K8 J5 7 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD 1–2 EPL D U30 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 2–36 9 AC SUPPLY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–25 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TABLE_BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 1/2 J7 Sheet 1 A1 2 A2 4 _RAD_PREP_ A OPTO U77 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _RAD_PREP J2 J7 J12 J2 _PREP_SW 1 16 16 3 3 2 20 20 4 4 22 22 *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF U92 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B A4 17 7 41 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 K23 OPTO U88 DIST.BD _DOOR_INTERLOCK K13 _WS_RAD CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD J6 5 JUMP J7 JUMP 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 INTERLOCK DOOR 9 D0_D15 J9 0VRF J7A or J7B 9 _INHIBIT–by collimator If required see collimator block diagram K24–K9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD *Used to start prep with only Exposure switch K13:WORKSTATION RAD K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24 K9:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–37 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 led PG1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–26 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN TABLE BUCKY WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD Sheet 2 (TWO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J10 BUCKY TABLE 1 U69 Q3 6 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U61 U69 Q4 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY 9 10 10 12 12 K17 K21 K13 22 22 18 18 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX U81 Q8 U66 Q16 Q2 K18 _WS_RAD K13 EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 EXP_DEMAND led GR3 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 K25 START GRID K26 4–6 START GRID K17 led GR2 5 OPTO U78 _START_EXP 11 _START_EXP_1 11 K21 led DS1 K28 K25 K27 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX START X–RAY 1–2 K21 _EXP_START_BUCK_UY1–2 K26 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPL D U30 K27 K19 U65 15 K28 20 20 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY 19 U69 U67 DS2 K10 U81 Q7 J11 BUCKY TABLE 2 1–2 From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* SEL_EXP_CMD1* *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 2–38 START X–RAY J5 7 7 9 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKIES GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–27 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 1/3 A1 2 A2 4 led GR1 _EXP_REQUEST_A J7 OPTO U77 K22 _RAD_PREP _PREP_SW J2 J7 J12 1 16 16 3 2 20 20 4 J2 1 3 2 4 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 K24 J5 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF U92 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 22 22 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 0VRF 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 J7A or J7B _PREP_SW 7 8–9 x 9 K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–39 J12 7 1 D0_D15 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 Sheet 1 led PG1 _RAD_PREP_A 9 K18 K10 (see sheet2 page 20) K22 PREP INFO X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator see collimator K24 block diagram TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–28 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 2/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO TOMO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J10 BUCKY TABLE 1 U69 Q3 6 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U61 10 J12 TOMO1 10 K17 U69 Q4 DS2 22 22 18 18 K10 U81 Q7 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX K18 K28 K29 U66 Q16 U65 15 _WS_RAD K13 _EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 3 START GRID K25 U69 U67 Q2 led GR2 K17 4–6 5 K29 EXP_DEMAND TOMO STROKE START 3 K18 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 led GR3 OPTO U78 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX led DS1 _START_EXP_1 11 11 _START_EXP K28 K25 K21 4 1–2 2 _EXP_START_TOMO_UX 1 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU F23A F23B D0_D15 29 MAX 63 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 x 5 START X–RAY X–RAY sequence with TOMOGRAPH J5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* 7 1–2 SEL_EXP_CMD1* From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 2–40 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–29 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO1 SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD J7A or B J6 U93 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL OPTO U97 J14 13 13 4 15 15 5 17 17 6 19 19 7 21 21 8 23 23 3 _TOMO_TIME1 _TOMO_TIME2 OPTO U98 _TOMO_TIME3 _TOMO_TIME4 OPTO U99 _TOMO_TIME5 _TOMO_SEL 0VRF K18 9 See sheet 2 page 20 1 K28 See sheet 2 D0_D15 2–41 2 TOMO SELECTION BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ROOM_IF_CPU GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–30 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 1/3 J7 U92 A1 2 _RAD_PREP _A led PG1 OPTO _RAD_PREP U77 led GR1 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS A2 4 _EXP_REQUEST_A K22 _PREP_SW K24 J5 J7 J12 1 16 16 3 2 20 20 4 J2 1 3 2 4 _PREP_SW *SW1 *CR36 _EXP_REQUEST OPTO U77 J2 K23 3 _EXP_SW 0VRF F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B U92 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN 0VRF 24 24 22 K23 DIST.BD A4 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 22 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK CONTROL CONSOLE WALL BUCKY .BD K13 J6 INTERLOCK DOOR or Jumps J7 5 0VRF 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 J9 J7A or J7B _PREP_SW 7 J13 7 8–9 K19 K20 (see sheet 2) K23 1 x D0_D15 9 K22:PREP_SW K23:EXP_SW K24:Inhibit Exposure by Collimator J7:Used to connect a handswitch ROOM_IF_CPU.BD 2–42 9 PREP INFO X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH _INHIBIT–EXP by Collimator see collimator block diagram K9 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–31 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 2/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWOTOMO TABLE BUCKY AVAILABLE) ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J6 J7A or B J11 BUCKY TABLE 2 U69 Q3 6 12 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY J13 TOMO2 12 K21 U61 Q4 DS2 22 22 20 20 K20 U81 Q7 16 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY K19 K27 K30 U65 U66 Q16 15 _WS_RAD K13 _EXP_DEMAND_1 26 26 K15 4–6 START GRID K26 U69 U67 Q2 5 K21 led GR2 4–6 K30 EXP_DEMAND led GR3 U92 _START_EXP_A A3 6 OPTO U78 K19 led DS1 _START_EXP_1 11 11 4 1–2 K26 K21 TOMO STROKE START 3 _EXP_START_BUCK_UX K27 _START_EXP 3 2 _EXP_START_TOMO_UX 1 F23A F23B D0_D15 29 63 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 5 START X–RAY J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU x X–RAY Sequence with TOMOGRAPH J5 SEL_EXP_CMD0* 7 1–2 SEL_EXP_CMD1* From DIST.BD 1–2 XJ5 *SEL_EXP_CMD0 Selection for RAD or FLUORO *SEL_EXP_CMD1 Selection for RAD or FLUORO 2–43 AC SUPPLY 9 FOR BUCKY BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U69 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–32 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM FOR TOMO BUCKY–TOMO2 SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD BLOCKS DIAGRAMS ROOM_IF_CPU J7A or B J6 J15 U93 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL OPTO U97 OPTO U98 13 13 4 15 15 5 _TOMO_TIME1 _TOMO_TIME2 17 17 6 19 19 7 21 21 8 23 23 3 _TOMO_TIME3 _TOMO_TIME4 OPTO U99 0VRF _TOMO_SEL K19 See sheet 2 K27 See sheet 2 D0_D15 2–44 _TOMO_TIME5 9 1 2 TOMO SELECTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–33 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATOR ON FIRST TUBE SHEET 1/3 To first COLLIMATOR TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO COLLIMATORS AVAILABLE) U69 6 _WS_DIR_UX Q1 2 J7A or B J9 2 6 U69 Q7 C K12 U61 Q3 6 U69 16 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UX 10 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UX 18 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 14 TABLE_WORKSTATION_D1 3 D 10 K14 18 K15 WALL_BUCK_ WORSTATION_U1 U69 Q5 12 14 4 K4 U U66 Q6 XJ4 FREE_ADJUST_C1 15 _WS_RAD 22 Common info 6 to collimator 22 K2 K13 _PREP_SW7 (see page 22) K12 / K14/ K15 ou K4 7 1 K11 CONTROL CONSOLE 5 PREP_1_E1 TUBE_SELECTION_A1 A(Common H) 7 +15VRF H E(common H) K16 (see page 22) COMMON_H1 J K24 _EXP_SW K23 ENABLE_EXP_J1 K24 K23 led DS3 K24 15 _EXP_REQUEST 0VRF 1 K24 D0–D15 _INHIBIT_EXP 9 9 SW1 3 0VRF *K9 2 K24 K9* *K9:See sheet 2 (Inhibition by collimator on second Tube) SW1:Normally set in position 2–3 2–45 R BLOCKS DIAGRAMS J6 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–34 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATOR ON SECOND TUBE SHEET 2/3 TO second COLLIMATOR TABLE–TOMO–COLLIMATOR.BD (TWO COLLIMATORS AVAILABLE) J6 U69 Q2 8 _WS_DIR_UY 5 2 8 Q8 9 19 C U69 _WS_TAB_BUCK_UY 12 _WS_TOMO_BUCK_UY 20 3 12 D K6 20 K13 WALL_BUCK_ WORSTATION_U2 U69 Q6 15 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UY 16 16 4 K7 Common info to collimator U66 Q6 15 FREE_ADJUST_C2 TABLE_WORKSTATION_D2 U69 Q4 XJ5 J8 K5 U61 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS J7A or B ROOM_IF_CPU.BD _WS_RAD 22 22 K1 K13 _PREP_SW 7 6 COMMON_H2 H K5/K6/ K7/K13 7 U K3 see RAD interface block diagram CONTROL CONSOLE K8 +15VRF K9 1 PREP_1_E2 E(Common H) 5 TUBE_SELECTION_A2 A(Common H) 7 J ENABLE_EXP_J2 See SHEET 1 FOR INHIBIT EXPOSURE by second COLLIMATOR (K9) D0–D15 2–46 15 0VRF R GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–35 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM COLLIMATORS SHEET 3/3 TABLE–TOMO COLLIMATOR.BD To COLLIMATORS ( Two collimators available ) ROOM_IF_CPU J7A or B J9 U83 A1 A2 A3 2 _FIELD_SIZE_A_A 4 _FIELD_SIZE_B_A 6 _FIELD_SIZE_C_A A4 8 _FIELD_SIZE_D_A A1 11 _FIELD_SIZE_e_A OPTO U100 OPTO U101 OPTO U90 XJ4 25 25 10 V 27 27 11 W 29 29 12 X 31 31 13 Y 33 33 14 HH 9 MM _FIELD_SIZE_A _FIELD_SIZE_B _FIELD_SIZE_C _FIELD_SIZE_D _FIELD_SIZE_e K16 (See sheet 1) D0_D15 J8 0VRF V 11 W 12 X 13 Y 14 9 K8 (See sheet 2 ) 0VRF 2–47 XJ5 10 HH MM _FIELD_SIZE_A _FIELD_SIZE_B _FIELD_SIZE_C _FIELD_SIZE_D _FIELD_SIZE_e BLOCKS DIAGRAMS J6 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–36 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 1/2 (PREP AND EXPOSURE SWITCHES) POSITIONNER SAS PL1 INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 J2 K22 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U92 led PG1 A1 2 _RAD_PREP_A A2 OPTO U77 4 _RAD_PREP 3 3 _EXP_REQUEST 5 5 OPTO U77 led GR1 K23 _EXP_REQUEST_A 1 _RF_PREP_REQUEST 4 _RF_EXP_REQUEST K13 K23–K24 _PREP_SW_B B 1 AA 2 K22 _EXP_SW_AA 0 _RF_SEL 13 EE U92 A4 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A 17 OPTO U88 13 Q1 2 4 4 18 18 _WS_RF U61 Q5 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 12 J5 L K23 DS1 U65 PREP_INFO_L 2 15 K14 U66 T 4 _DOOR_INTERLOCK13 3 5 CR1 N 0VRF J ENABLE _PREP_N 14 SW4=ON if wall bucky K13=Enable prep by positionner K14=Interlock ky room door K23=Prep request SW4 CR4 K22 Exposure request x STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN RAD MODE INTERLOCK DOOR F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B D0_D15 7 41 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN J6 K23 K22=RF_prep request K23=Exposure request K24=Inhibit by collimator (not used0 J7 JUMP JUMP 0VRF 5 5 J4–1 J4–2 J8 WALL BUCKY .BD 2–48 J9 0VRF GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–37 RAD INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATION SHEET 2/2 (EXPOSURE) INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD U67 led GR2 K15 5 A3 20 SAS PL1 5 M ENABLE_EXP_INFO_M 38 T EXP_DEMAND U92 J2 K27_K14 EXP_DEMAND_1 38 POSITIONNER J5 4 U69 6 _START_EXP_A led GR3 OPTO U78 _START_EXP_1 7 7 6 _RF_SEL (see Sheet 1 ) COMMON_INFO_T 6 F H 17 START_EXP_1 J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU 29 MAX 485 U42 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 63 K16 led GR4 U67 BEGIN_END_EXP_1 40 Q3 6 BEGIN_END_EXP K25_K14 19 7 BEGIN_END_EXP_ W INFO_W 40 T 4 U65 K14=WORKSTATION RF K25=BEGIN_END_EXPOSURE K27=EXPOSURE DEMAND K16=BEGIN_END_EXPOSURE K15=EXPOSURE DEMAND D0_D15 2–49 COMMON_INFO_T x STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN RAD MODE BLOCKS DIAGRAMS Q2 J9 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–38 FLUORO INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 1/2 (FLUORO SWITCH) INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 U92 led SC1 A4 8 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS _FLUORO_PREP_A 9 9 _FLUORO_REQUEST OPTO _FLUORO_PREP U78 POSITIONNER J2 K24 9 SAS PL1 1 MM K5 K20 FLUORO_SW_MM FOOT_SWITCH K24 U92 0 17 _DOOR_INTERLOCK_A A4 OPTO U88 _DOOR_INTERLOCK13 13 16 16 K14 _RF_SEL U69 U66 _WS_FLUORO 19 Q8 4 T Q1 _WS_RF 4 4 J5 x INTERLOCK DOOR 41 FLUORO_INFO_R CR1 18 7 R K5=FLUORO WORKSTATION K14=WORKSTATION RF AND WALKL BUCKY K24=FLUORO SWITCH DS1 F6A To PU_CTRL_CPU F6B 2 K24 2 D0_D15 DD 24 U65 U66 18 MAX 485 U20 _EXP_EN K20 J7 J6 0VRF 5 5 K20=FLUORO REQUEST JUMP J4_1 JUMP J4–2 J8 WALL BUCKY .BD 2–50 J9 0VRF STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN FLUORO MODE GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–39 FLUORO INTERFACE DIAGRAM IN RF WORKSTATIONS SHEET 2/2 (FLUORO X–RAY) POSITIONNER INTERFACE TABLE BD ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J9 J5 J2 SAS PL1 K17 led SC2 Q4 FLUORO_DEMAND_1 9 36 36 11 11 3 FLUORO_DEMAND U65 U92 A1 _START_FLUORO led SC3 11 _START_FLUORO_A K1 OPTO U87 K25 10 K21 _RF_SEL (see Sheet 1) 4 21 Y FLUORO_EXP_Y D J5 To PU_CTRL_CPU 29 MAX 485 U42 63 EXP_CMD EPLD U30 SEL_EXP_CMD0 SEL_EXP_CMD1 led SC4 U67 BEGIN_END_FLUORO 12 30 Q5 BEGIN_END_FLUORO 30 NOT USED U81 x K1=FLUORO_INFO K21=START FLUORO SEL_EXP_CMD0=Selection exposure in rad or fluoro SEL_EXP_CMD1=Selection exposure in rad or fluoro K17=FLUORO DEMAND D0_D15 2–51 STEPS FOR SEQUENCE IN FLUORO MODE BLOCKS DIAGRAMS U67 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–40 INTERFACE WITH IMAGE INTENSIFIER INTERFACE TABLE BD J9 ROOM_IF_CPU.BD J5 J4 5 U60 U82 Q4 9 28 _MAX_REG_FLUORO 28 J3 to IMAGE INTENSIFIER K ABS_ON_K K6 SW1 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS K5 U60 U82 12 26 _AUTO_BRIGHT_CTRL Q5 U69 U66 Q8 16 _WS_FLUORO 19 K3 26 16 1 K5 K5 K16 J5 (From PU_CTRL_CPU) 34 HV_ON MAX 485 68 HV_ON U53 MAX 485 U70 X_RAY_ON_A 32 32 X_RAY_ON_B 34 34 OPTO U1 SW3 F 10 H 3 M 2 DD PREP_H COMMON_F K17 led SC2 U67 Q4 9 FLUORO_DEMAND_1 36 36 COMMON_F FLUORO_M COMMON_F PREP_DD K12 FLUORO_DEMAND K23 From POSITIONNER PREP_SW See Sheet 1(Rad in RF) U84 A3 15 _MAGNIFIER1_A 17 _MAGNIFIER2_A A4 OPTO U96 OPTO U96 9 C K19 COMMON_C _MAGNIFIER 1 23 23 7 FF _MAGNIFIER 2 25 25 8 HH 6 JJ _RF_SEL (See sheet 1 Fluoro Interface Diagram) Sw1–3–4:Set at Installation D0_D15 2–52 MAGNIFIER 1_FF MAGNIFIER 2_HH GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–41 SELECTION GENERATOR TO POSITIONNER IN RF MODE TABLE.BD ROOM_IF_CPU J2 J5 4 COMMON K11–9–20–10–26––14 U69 U66 Q3 6 _WS_SFD 8 8 K11 _WS_TOMO 12 12 K9 U81 U66 Q5 12 SPOT_FILM_INFO_C SW2 POSITIONNER SAS PL1 T COMMON_INFO_T 8 C BLOCKS DIAGRAMS J9 7 A TOMO_INFO_A U69 U66 Q2 5 _WS_SPE 6 6 _WS_DIG 10 10 _WS_WALL_BUCK_UX 18 18 _WS_FILM 14 14 K20 SPECIAL_INFO_V V U69 U66 Q4 9 3 K10 12 DIGITAL_INFO_K K U81 U61 Q6 15 SW5 U69 U66 Q7 16 K26 WALL_BUCKY_INFO_BB 11 BB SAS PL3 K2 _FIELD_COMMON_INFO_M M 3 U65 U66 Q1 2 _WS_RF K15 4 K14 4 TUBE_INFO_FF FF 16 K9 or K10 or K11 _WS_TOMO _WS_DIG or _WS_SFD D0_D15 2–53 TOMO_COMMON_B B 4 J3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ILLUSTRATION 2–42 SELECTION FROM POSITIONNER IN RF MODE TABLE.BD J5 J9 ROOM_IF_CPU POSITIONNER J3 U93 A1 BLOCKS DIAGRAMS A2 A3 A4 A1 2 _TOMO_TIME1_A 4 _TOMO_TIME2_A 6 _TOMO_TIME3_A 8 _TOMO_TIME4_A 11 _TOMO_TIME5_A 13 _TOMO_SEL 15 _DSA_MODE_A 17 _SETUP_DSA_A A2 A3 A4 U83 _FIELD_SIZE_B_A A2 6 8 A4 A1 OPTO U98 OPTO U99 OPTO U95 _FIELD_SIZE_A_A A1 A3 OPTO U97 11 OPTO U100 _FIELD_SIZE_C_A _FIELD_SIZE_D_A OPTO U101 _FIELD_SIZE_e_A 13 _EXP_WITHOUT_GRID_A A2 OPTO U90 27 27 1 29 29 2 A _TOMO_TIME2 31 31 5 L _TOMO_TIME3 33 33 6 R _TOMO_TIME4 35 35 9 V _TOMO_TIME5 37 37 16 F _TOMO_SEL 21 21 15 X _DSA_MODE 19 19 20 Y _SETUP_DSA B N _FIELD_SIZE_A (see previous page ) 10 A3 OPTO U89 39 41 41 13 W _FIELD_SIZE_B 43 43 14 S _FIELD_SIZE_C 45 45 17 H _FIELD_SIZE_D 47 47 18 AA _FIELD_SIZE_e 17 17 22 BB 15 15 M (see previous page ) 21 EE _RF_SEL D0_D15 XJ3 MAGNIFIER1_FF MAGNIFIER2_HH To IMAGE INTENSIFIER _TOMO_TIME1 39 15 _SERIAL_EXP_A SAS PL3 HH J4 FF 1 HH 4 JJ 7 _REF_SEL 2–54 11 (See Sheet1 Fluoro Interface Diagram) K18 K17 8 C _EXP_WITHOUT_GRID _SERIAL_EXP DD 7 T 12 FF MAGNIFIER1_DD MAGNIFIER2_T COMMOM_FF GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CHAPTER 3 – DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY 0$ #2& 3#33'.$-8'#33'.$-8 7+4*+/ 4*' #$+/'4 0$ #2& $0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& $0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& $0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& +-4'2 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& #+/ 07'2 511-8 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& +-4'2 #33'.$-8 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& /6'24'2 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& 0$ #2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 4#/, ! 0402 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& '#4*'2 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& 0402 0/420--'2 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& *+--'2 /4'2(#%' 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& 07'2 511-8 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& 00. 0#2& 2'1-#%.'/4 0$ #2& #$-' /4'2(#%' 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& &+342+$54+0/ $0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& !#-- 5%,8 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& #$-' 0.0 0--+.#402 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& '/302 0#2& 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& 07'2 511-+'3 2'1-#%'.'/4 0$ #2& '1-#%'.'/4 0( 20)2#.9" %0.10/'/43 3–1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ! &% " $ " "! ! ! ! # "! ! DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 3–2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 001 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY WITHIN THE MPH CABINET Time: 1 of 2 Version No.: Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Prior to access components into the cabinet, you must follow the following steps. D Switch off the system. D Remove the cabinet front cover panel. D Switch the MAIN SWITCH to “ 0 ” position. WARNING THERE IS STILL POWER INSIDE THE CABINET ! For any D/R action inside the cabinet you must take the safety precautions as follows: D SWITCH OFF the main wall Breaker. D LOCK OUT and TAG OUT (Make sure nobody can power on while you are working into the cabinet). SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES Turn the Cabinet Door and set it against a wall. Use the Door Diagrams reference designators for component location. 3–3 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY SECTION 2 TOOLS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY WITHIN THE MPH CABINET Job Card DR 001 For some action, you will need to open further doors: D Open the MPH A4/A5 (electronic panel). D Open the MPH Extension Rack MPH A6. 4.1 Opening the MPH Rack Extension MPH A6 (see Illustration 1) 4.1.1 90° position 1. Loosen the two screws (Item 1) located on the Extension Rack door. 2. Pull the two sliders (Item 2) toward you. DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 3. Rest the door on the sliders. 4.1.2 Position 170° 1. Loosen the two screws (Item 1) located on the Extension Rack door. 2. Tilt the door to the mechanical stop of the Rack. ILLUSTRATION 1 OPENING THE MPH RACK EXTENSION MPH A6 1 90° position 170° position 2 D Open the MPH1 A1 A1Room Distribution panel. 3–4 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 002 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A4 A1 CMD1 BOARD REPLACEMENT 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Time: 0h30 + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY TBD. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Remove MPH A4 front cover. D Disconnect all connectors from the board XJ 1 to XJ10, XJ23, and the 4 optical fibers. D Remove screws retaining the board. 3–5 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A4 A1 CMD1 BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 002 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A4 ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ XJ 5.2 Reassembly D F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 2A 2A 1A 5A 5A XJ XJ Refer to central listing in the service manual: – Check presence of ST1 shunt. – Check IN1 position is ON (Down). D 5.3 Proceed in the reverse order. Calibration Power ON and perform: D HV calibration, Job Card DR 025. D KV + and Minus calibration, Job Card DR 025. D Perform functional checks (VF 001) in Chapter 4. 3–6 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 003 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A4 A2 CMD2 BOARD REPLACEMENT 1 of 2 Version No.: Date: Time: 0h30 + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY TBD. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Remove MPH A4 front cover. D Disconnect all connectors from the board XJ 1 to XJ5. D Remove screws retaining the board. 3–7 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A4 A2 CMD2 BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 003 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A4 F1 F2 F3 F4 XJ F5 5.2 Reassembly D ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ 2A 2A 1A 5A 5A XJ XJ Refer to central listing in the service manual: – R253 and R 225 are factory adjusted. – Jumper CC1 must be connected between points 1 and 2. D 5.3 Proceed in the reverse order. Calibration Power on and perform: D KV + and Minus calibration, Job card DR 025. D Run diagnostics MENU 1, HEAT, ANOD, Job card VF 004 in Chapter 4. D Heating current calibration, Job card RG 006 in SM. D Perform functional checks (Job card VF 001) in Chapter 4. 3–8 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 004 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A4 A3 CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 Date: Time: 0h30 + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY TBD. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly If there is no data base backup on site, save parameters (IST 013). If this is not possible, proceed. D Remove MPH A4 front cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board . D Remove screws retaining the board. 3–9 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A4 A3 CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 004 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A4 F1 F2 F3 F4 XJ F5 5.2 Reassembly ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ 2A 2A 1A 5A 5A XJ XJ D If it has not been possible to save parameters, it might be possible to get them back using the new board: swap the R20 PROM. (! Do not make any short circuit on pins. – Observe antistatic recommendations). D Proceed in the reverse order. D Save the parameters. D Switch off and swap the U20 PROM. D Restore the parameters onto the new PROM. 3–10 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A4 A3 CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT 3 of 4 Calibration Power on and perform/check: D If you are unable to restore parameter (No back up and no save possible), run a complete calibration as per Service Manual. D Otherwise, perform: – HV calibration (Job Card DR 025). – Heating current calibration, Job Card RG 003 in SM. – Set Date and time (Diag, menue MODA) See SM Job Card RG 001, § 5.7. – Perform CPU memory backup, see SM Job Card IST 013, § 5.7. D Perform functional test (Job card VF 001) in Chapter 4. 3–11 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 5.3 Job Card DR 004 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A4 A3 CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 004 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–12 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 005 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 MPH A3 A1 DC FILTER BOARD REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 1 h Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. WARNING EXTREME CAUTION! SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Remove the plexiglas cover. D Dismount the cable between the DC Filter board and the Inverter (1). D Dismount the orange cables (2) on the DC Filter board. D Remove the 4 connectors (XJ2 to XJ5). D Dismount the 3 MAINS bars on the fuse (3). D Dismount the screws (4). D Remove the 8 screws (5) and take the part out. 3–13 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A1 DC FILTER BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 005 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 4 CT2 MPH A3 K1 5 XF2 MPH A3 T1 3 4 2 MPH A3 A2 3 MPH A3 A2 1 2 3 7 6 3–14 1 MPH A3 A3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A1 DC FILTER BOARD REPLACEMENT 5.3 3 of 4 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure bars are well tightened; connectors well seated, orange cables well tightened. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Perform functional checks (Job Card VF 001 in Chapter 4). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 5.2 Job Card DR 005 3–15 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A1 DC FILTER BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 005 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–16 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 006 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A3 A2 MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the electronic panel, MPH A4/A5. D Remove the plexiglas cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (6 connectors and a flat cable). D Remove the mounting 6 screws. D Remove the board. 3–17 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A2 MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 006 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 2 MPH A3 A2 3–18 2 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A2 MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD REPLACEMENT 5.3 3 of 4 Reassembly D Check fuses rating. as per Central listing in SM. section 3 D Proceed in the reverse order. D Make sure connections are well sit or tightened. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Check that the LED’s are on , as per central listing in SM. section 3 D Perform functional checks. CAUTION Take electrical safety precautions when measuring the voltages. 3–19 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 5.2 Job Card DR 006 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A2 MAIN POWER SUPPLY BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 006 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–20 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 007 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A3 FL1 EMC FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT Time: 1h 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. WARNING EXTREME CAUTION! SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Remove the EMC covers. 2. Remove the plexiglas cover. 3. Dismount the metallic cover of Room Distribution 4. Dismount the fuses rail fixed on the EMC Filter cover. 5. Remove the 3 links on contactors A3 K1 (2). 6. Disconnect the 3 mains cables on the main switch MPH A1 SW1 (3). 7. Loosen the 2 screws olsdin the EMC filter in the lower part. 8. Remove the 2 screw on the top and remove the assembly. 3–21 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 FL1 EMC FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 007 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH A3 FL1 EMC FILTER DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 2 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure bars are well tightened; connectors well seated, orange cables well tightened. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Perform functional checks (Job Card VF 001 in Chapter 4). 3–22 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 008 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A3 A3 INVERTER REPLACEMENT 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 Date: Time: 1h Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. WARNING EXTREME CAUTION! SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the electronic panel, MPH A4/A5. D If needed, remove the EMC covers on the hv tank, to improve access. D Remove the plexiglas cover. D Disconnect the 4 optical fiber plugs. D Remove connectors J1, J2, J3. D Disassemble the 2 wires on the HV tank primary winding wires (1). D Dismount the 2 X 2 orange cables (2) on the DC Filter board (MPH A3 A1). 3–23 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A3 INVERTER REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 008 D Dismount the cable between Inverter and DC Filter board. D Remove XJ 7 connector on Main power supply board (MPH A3 A2). D Loosen the 2 lower retaining screws and unscrew the 4 others (4). D Remove the inverter by sliding it upwards and front. 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 4 2 3 4 1 3–24 MPH A3 A3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A3 INVERTER REPLACEMENT 5.3 3 of 4 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Make sure connections are well sit or tightened. Calibration Power on and perform/check: (on both tubes) D KV + and – calibration, Job card DR 025. D mA calibration, Job Card DR 025. D Perform functional checks. DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 5.2 Job Card DR 008 3–25 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A3 A3 INVERTER REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 008 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–26 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 009 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A2 HV TANK REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 1h30 + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the electronic panel, MPH A4/A5. D Remove the EMC covers on the HV tank. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the HV tank: – HV cables, – Motor cable, – Ground cables, – HV primary cables, – KV feedback, – other plugs. D Remove screws holding the HV tank on the front (1). D Slide out the HV tank. 3–27 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A2 HV TANK REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 009 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 1 1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Make sure connections are well sit or tightened. Calibration Power on and perform/check: (on both tubes) D HV calibration, Job Card DR 025. D KV + and – calibration, Job card DR 025. D mA calibration, Job Card DR 025. D Heating current calibration, Job Card RG 003 in SM. D Perform functional checks (VF 001 in Chapter 4). 3–28 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 010 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A2 A2 HV TANK SWITCH MOTOR REPLACEMENT Time: 1h30 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the electronic panel, MPH A4/A5. D Remove the EMC covers on the hv tank. D Disconnect the motor power cable at the back of the motor (1). D Remove the 3 screws holding the motor cover (2). D Remove the setscrew with cone point from the motor shaft (Illustration 2) and remove the motor (4 screws). 3–29 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A2 A2 HV TANK SWITCH MOTOR REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 010 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 1 ILLUSTRATION 2 5.2 Reassembly D 5.3 Proceed in the reverse order. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Run application and perform tube switch. D Perform functional check on both tube. 3–30 2 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 011 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A5 A1 HEATHER BOARD REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 0h30 Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the Electronic Panel MPH A4/A5. D Remove MPH A5 rear cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (XJ1 to XJ4). D Loosen the screws retaining and remove the board. D Shift upwards and remove. 3–31 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 A1 HEATHER BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 011 2 of 2 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A5 (REAR VIEW) MPH A5 A1 1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Run DIAG, Menue 1, Heat. D Perform functional checks (VF 001). 3–32 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 012 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A5 A2 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the Electronic Panel MPH A4/A5. D Remove MPH A4 rear cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (XJ1 to XJ5). D Loosen the screws and remove the board. D Shift upwards and remove. 3–33 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 A2 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 012 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 COUPLING JUMPER CC1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A5 (REAR VIEW) MPH A5 A2 1 3–34 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 A2 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD REPLACEMENT 5.2 Job Card DR 012 3 of 4 Reassembly The new spare part is rotor controller board design for drive mixed stator types (Stator 50/110 and 23:23). This board is compatible with all MPH/SCPU generator versions 5.2.1 Pre–requisite: Position of CC1 jumper a. Generator MPH V3 with PU–CPU SW ≥ V2.3 Only this configuration can drive mixed stator types CC1 Jumper must be placed in V2 position. CC1 Jumper must be placed in V1 23/23 position for 23/23 stator c. Generator SCPU all SW CC1 Jumper must be placed in V1 23/23 5.2.2 Reassembly Proceed in the reverse order Ensure connectors are well seated 5.3 Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Run DIAG, Menu 1, ANOD, see VF 004 in Chapter 4. D Perform functional checks (VF 001). 3–35 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY b. Generator MPH with PU–CPU between SW V1.xx to V2.2 CC1 Jumper must be placed in V1 50/110 position for 50/110 stator GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 A2 ROTOR CONTROLLER BOARD REPLACEMENT DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Job Card DR 012 3–36 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 013 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A5 A3 CHILLER INTERFACE BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the Electronic Panel MPH A4/A5. D Remove MPH A4 rear cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board. D Loosen the screws retaining the metal frame holding the board (1). D Remove the board. 3–37 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 A3 CHILLER INTERFACE BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 013 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A5 (REAR VIEW) MPH A5 PS1 MPH A5 PS2 MPH A5 A3 CHIILER INTERFACE BOARD 1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Check chiller control operation. D To be completed later. 3–38 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 014 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A5 PS 1, PS 2 POWER SUPPLY REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open the Electronic Panel MPH A4/A5. D Remove MPH A5 rear cover. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the PS. D Remove the screws retaining the PS and remove. 3–39 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A5 PS 1, PS 2 POWER SUPPLY REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 014 2 of 2 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH A5 (REAR VIEW) MPH A5 PS2 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A5 PS1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and check output voltages with a DVM (+ 24 V or + 15 V). D On PS 1, Adjust +5 volts (–0, + 0.1 v) measured onthe CPU board, MPH A4 A3 (Test point P 5 V). D Perform functional checks (VF 001). 3–40 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 015 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A6 A1 ROOM I/F CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 4 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (J1, J2, J5, J6, J9, J10). D Loosen the screws retaining the metal frame holding the board (1). D Shift upwards and remove. D Remove the PROM U 57 if not ordered along with the replacement board. CAUTION Take EMC precautions for this action. 3–41 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A1 ROOM I/F CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 015 ILLUSTRATION 1 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY VIEW WITH PANEL CLOSED MPH A6 A1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Fit the PROM U 57. D Set U 62 and SW 1 as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and perform functional checks (VF001). 5.4 MPH A6 A1 Room I/F Board PROM U U 57 replacement 5.4.1 Disassembly D Perform Job Card DR 015. D Remove the prom U57. (Warning: Take electromagnetic precautions). CAUTION Take EMC precautions for this action. 3–42 2 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A1 ROOM I/F CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 015 3 of 4 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 2 U 57 3–43 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A1 ROOM I/F CPU BOARD REPLACEMENT 5.4.2 5.4.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: Power on and perform functional checks (VF 001). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY D 3–44 Job Card DR 015 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 016 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A6 A2 TABLE INTERFACE BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 + calibration 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (XJ2, XJ3, XJ4, XJ5). D Loosen the screws retaining the metal frame holding the board. D Shift upwards and remove. 3–45 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A2 TABLE INTERFACE BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 016 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK FRONT PANEL VIEW WITH PANEL CLOSED DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A6 A2 5.2 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Set SW 1, 2, 3, 4, as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D Ensure connectors are well seated. 3–46 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 017 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A6 A3 DISTRIBUTION BOARD REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 0h30 Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Open down the front panel door. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (XJ 2 to 16). D Remove the II sensor board MPH A6 A6 if present. D Cut the tieraps if necessary. D Loosen the screws retaining the metal frame holding the board (1). D Shift upwards and remove. 3–47 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A3 DISTRIBUTION BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 017 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK REAR PANEL VIEW WITH PANEL OPEN 1 MPH A6 A6 1 MPH A6 A5 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY TABLE TOMO DISTRIBUTION COLLIMATOR BOARD BOARD MPH A6 A3 MPH A6 A3 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Check fuse rating as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and perform functional checks. 3–48 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 018 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A6 A4 WALL BUCKY BOARD REPLACEMENT Date: 07/96 Time: 0h30 Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board. D Loosen the 8 screws retaining the metal frame holding the board (1). D Shift upwards and remove. 3–49 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A4 WALL BUCKY BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 018 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK REAR PANEL VIEW WITH PANEL OPEN DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 1 MPH A6 A4 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Check presence of J8 – J9 Jumper as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D Reconnect cable On J8, J9 if your system is PRESTIGE SI. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and perform functional checks. 3–50 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 019 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: MPH A6 A5 TABLE TOMO COLLIMATOR BOARD REPLACEMENT Time: 0h30 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 Date: Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board (XJ). D Loosen the screws retaining the metal frame holding the board (1). D Shift upwards and remove. 3–51 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A5 TABLE TOMO COLLIMATOR BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 019 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK REAR PANEL DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY VIEW WITH PANEL OPEN 1 MPH A6 A5 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Set SW 1 and jumper TP1 and TP2 as the replaced board, or refer to IST 009 in the SM. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and perform functional checks. 3–52 2 of 2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 020 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A6 A6 II SENSOR BOARD REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 0h30 + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly: D Disconnect all cable connectors from the board. D Remove the screws holding the board (1) and remove. 3–53 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 A6 II SENSOR BOARD REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 020 2 of 2 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK REAR PANEL 1 VIEW WITH PANEL OPEN DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A6 A6 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Set SW 1 as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on. D Perform calibration RG 004: – §5.3 (Adjust R6), – §5.5 (HVPM, SCOP) (NOT NEEDED if your system is fitted with IMAGEUR image Chain). D Perform calibration RG 006 : HVPM . DIG.. (IF Digital is present on your system). 3–54 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 021 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 1 MPH A6 PS1/ PS2 POWER SUPPLIES REPLACEMENT Date: Time: 1h + calibration Personnel: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES None. SECTION 2 TOOLS DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY None. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Perform Job Card DR 001. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly D Remove the protective cover: – Loosen the 4 screws (1). – Slide left and remove. D Disconnect all cable connectors from the power supply you need to replace. D Remove the screws holding the power supply. 3–55 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH A6 PS1/ PS2 POWER SUPPLIES REPLACEMENT Job Card DR 021 2 of 2 ILLUSTRATION 1 MPH EXTENSION RACK REAR PANEL VIEW WITH PANEL OPEN MPH A6 A5 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY TABLE TOMO COLLIMATOR BOARD MPH A6 PS2 POWER SUPPLY + 15 V MPH A6 PS1 POWER SUPPLY +/– 15 V, + 5 V 1 5.2 5.3 Reassembly D Proceed in the reverse order. D Ensure connectors are well seated. Calibration Power on and perform/check: D Power on and verify the voltage ( PS1: +/–15, +5v , PS2: +15v ) with a DVM. D Adjust voltage if necessary as per Central listing in the Service Manual. D For the PS 2, adjust voltage +5V (60, + 0.1v) on the Room I/F cpu Board MPH A6 A1, Test point VCC (+5V). D Power on and perform functional checks. 3–56 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 022 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 8 Version No.: 3 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES PROGRAM–X front panel MPH A8–A2. D PROGRAM–X control board MPH A8–A1. D New back–up battery. D PROGRAM–X display unit MPH A8–A3. DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY D SECTION 2 TOOLS D Screwdrivers: 5,8 mm. D Flat wrenches: 8,10 mm. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS D Check that installation is switched OFF. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Replacement of PROGRAM–X Front Panel MPH A8–A2 (see Illustration 1) 1. Lift up Control Panel (6). 2. Loosen screws (5) to release PROGRAM–X Front Panel MPH A8–A2 (4) from two U–channels (3). 3. Remove connector (PROGRAM–X Front Panel to PROGRAM–X Control board). 4. Remove ground connection from PROGRAM–X Control board. 5. Remove PROGRAM–X Front Panel (4). 6. Install new PROGRAM–X Front Panel. 7. Carry out the removal operations, in the reverse sequence (4 thru 1). 3–57 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS 5.2 Job Card DR 022 2 of 8 Replacement of PROGRAM–X Control Board MPH A8–A1 (see Illustration 1) 1. Remove protection cover (8). 2. Remove connectors connecting Control board to: – PROGRAM–X Front Panel MPH A8–A2, XP5 (W17). – PROGRAM–X Display Unit MPH A8 A3, XP6 (W16). – A/N keyboard MPH A8–A4, XP4 (W15). 3. Disconnect cable W14 (ground), cable W18 (service terminal) and cable W32 (connection to MPH A1). 4. Remove four Phillips screws securing PROGRAM–X Control Board (9) to plate (11). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 5. Remove PROGRAM–X Control Board (9). 6. Check that the straps, on the new board, are in the same positions as those on the old board. 7. Install new PROGRAM–X Control Board. 8. Carry out the removal operations, in the reverse sequence (1 thru 4). 9. Check that the back–up battery is correctly connected, and check the position of the jumper (see Illustration 4). 5.3 Replacement of PROGRAM–X Display Unit MPH A8–A3 (see Illustration 1) 1. Remove cover (12). 2. On the PROGRAM–X Control board (9), disconnect connector XP6. 3. Remove three screws (14) securing Display Unit (1) to stand (13). 4. Remove Display Unit (1) with connecting cable, W16. 5. To install a new screen in the Display Unit, see 5–4, below. 6. To reassemble, carry out the disassembly operations, in the reverse sequence (4 thru 1). 3–58 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 022 3 of 8 ILLUSTRATION 1 PROGRAM–X CONSOLE WITH COMPONENTS 4 2 1 5 3 14 13 6 7 MPH A8-A4 12 11 8 9 MPH A8-A1 10 3–59 MPH A8-A2 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A8-A3 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS 5.4 Job Card DR 022 4 of 8 Replacement of PROGRAM–X Screen (see Illustration 1) 1. Remove cover (12). 2. On the PROGRAM–X Control board (9), disconnect connector XP6. 3. Remove three screws (14) securing Display Unit (1) to stand (13). 4. Remove Display Unit (1) with connecting cable W16. – See Illustration 2. 5. Remove four screws (1) to separate front panel (3) from rear cover (2). 6. Remove cable W16 (connecting screen to PROGRAM–X Control board). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY – See Illustration 3. 7. Remove four screws (1). 8. Remove screen (2) from housing. 9. Install new screen. 10. To reassemble, carry out the disassembly operations, in the reverse sequence (7 thru 1). 5.5 Replacement of A/N Keyboard (see Illustration 1) 1. Slide out keyboard (7) and lift off slides. 2. Disconnect cable W15 (connecting keyboard to PROGRAM–X Control board). 3. Remove keyboard from slides. 4. Install new A/N keyboard on slides. 5. To reassemble, carry out the disassembly operations, in the reverse sequence (2 followed by 1). 5.6 Replacement of back–up battery D To replace the back–up battery, see sm. 3–60 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 022 5 of 8 ILLUSTRATION 2 DISPLAY UNIT MPH A8 A3 (CROSS–SECTION) DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 3 PROGRAM–X SCREEN 3–61 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 022 SECTION 6 PROGRAM–X CONTROL BOARD DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 6.1 6.2 LED Functions &% &% 2&&. !&,,/7 2&&. !&,,/7 2&&. !&,,/7 /.3/,& 2&$&04*/. /.3/,& 42".3-*33*/. &26*$& &2-*.", 2&$&04*/. &26*$& &2-*.", 42".3-*33*/. &.&2"4/2 2&$&04*/. &.&2"4/2 42".3-*33*/. Switch Positions (see Illustration 4) 4)25 ."4/-*$ #"$+50 "."4/-*8 /2 90& /' "."4/-*$ ."4/-*$ #"$+50 02/(2"- "%%2&33*.( ,*-*4 "$+50 #"44&29 "$+50 #"44&29 *%&/ 0/,"2*49 5::&2 *8&% '2&15&.$9 /2 6"2*"#,& '2&15&.$9 5::&2 0/7&2 3500,9 /4 53&% 4)25 3–62 6 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 022 7 of 8 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 4 PROGRAM–X CONTROL BOARD MPH A8–A1 3–63 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 022 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–64 8 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 023 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: REPLACEMENT OF X–RAY TUBE AND EXPOSURE COUNTER RECORDING Time: 1 of 4 Version No.: Date: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D New X–ray tube. D Service Terminal and calibration and service diskettes. D 9–wire cable from Emergency Kit. D Dosimeter. D Digital voltmeter. D 2-mm-thick copper plates. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS D Check that installation is switched OFF. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE To replace the X–ray tube (usually following arcing, or faults in heater or anode rotation), record counter readings as follows: 1. Connect the Service Terminal and start up. 2. Select MENU 2 and enter <F5> (NEXP). 3. Enter <F1> to select X–ray tube. 4. Enter <F5> once to display each counter, and enter values on form (see page 3). 3–65 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY SECTION 2 TOOLS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF X–RAY TUBE AND EXPOSURE COUNTER RECORDING Job Card DR 023 2 of 4 5. Reset counters by entering <CONTR>–<H> twice on Service Terminal (Time ON and NEXPG counters cannot be reset). 6. Replace X–ray tube (see sm Job Card RG002 and RG003). 7. Run Job Card RG 004. 8. Run Job Card RG 010 if Print-X is installed (Calibration, Dose in Rad Mode). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY 9. Run Job Card RG 011: Magnifier Ratio and Calibration of Ion Chamber. 3–66 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF X–RAY TUBE AND EXPOSURE COUNTER RECORDING Job Card DR 023 3 of 4 MPH GENERATOR COUNTER READING RECORD MPH GENERATOR COUNTER READING RECORD Date of reading: Date of putting into service: Date of putting into service: Address of installation: Generator Identification Generator Identification Serial No. Option (fluoro, AEC, etc): Type (1T, 2T, 50/60 Hz) Software version: Counter name X-ray system: Tube 1: Tube 2: Description Tube 1 NO WARM-UP Number of times no warm up" softkey pressed (CPX) RX GSF Small Focal. Total Rad x-ray on-time (hours) RX GLF Large Focal. Total Rad x-ray on-time (hours) RX SCOP Fluoro. total Rad x-ray on-time (hours) ROTANOD Total stator on-time (hours) NEXPSF Number Rad Exposures Small Focal NEXPLF Number Rad Exposures Large Focal N - 100 % SF Number of 100% technique rad exposures Small Focal N - 100 % GF Number of 100% technique rad exposures Large Focal NAMOR Tube spit counter KJSF Total Kilojoules Small Focal KJLF Total Kilojoules Large Focal TIMEON Total time MPH is turned on (in hours, cannot be reset) NEXPG Total lifetime number of Rad exposures (cannot be reset) 3–67 Tube 2 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Installation configuration Software version: GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF X–RAY TUBE AND EXPOSURE COUNTER RECORDING Job Card DR 023 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–68 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 024 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: REPLACEMENT OF PRINT–X COMPONENTS 1 of 4 Version No.: Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D Printer, MPH A9 A1. D Power supply, MPH A9 A2. D Standard screwdrivers. D Tube wrenches: 7 and 8 mm. DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY SECTION 2 TOOLS SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS D Check that the installation is switched OFF. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Printer MPG6 A1 See Illustration 1. 1. Disconnect 12 V cable from rear of printer. 2. Disconnect RS232 cable from rear of printer. 3. Remove the four screws from printer support (Item 3). 4. Replace printer (1), and secure with four screws to the support. 5. Connect 12-V cable to rear of printer. 6. Connect RS232 cable to rear of printer. 3–69 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PRINT–X COMPONENTS 5.2 Job Card DR 024 2 of 4 Power Supply MPH A9 A2 See Illustration 1. 1. Remove the rear cover (Item 2) from the stand (8 screws). 2. Disconnect the cables as follows: – cable MPH A9–A2 XJ1 to printer MPH A9–A1 (Item 7). – cable MPH A9–A1 to Control Console MPH A7–A2 XJ4 (Item 5). 3. Disconnect cable W34 (Item 4) as follows: – cable MPG 6 A2 to terminal AC (L) and AC (N) and FG (green/yellow cable). DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A9–A2 MPH A6–A3 AC (L) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– XJ1A AC (N) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– XJ1B FG ––––––––––––––––green/yellow––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4. Remove the two screws behind the power supply support (Item 6). 5. Replace power supply and carry out Steps 1 thru 4 in reverse order (4 thru 1). 6. Tiewrap the cables to the power supply mount using the tiewraps. 7. Reinstall the rear cover (Item 2) on the printer stand (8 screws). 3–70 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PRINT–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 024 3 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 Print-X assembly 1 2 MPH A9 A1 3 7 XJ1 6 MPH A9 A2 5 4 3–71 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY MPH A9 A1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 REPLACEMENT OF PRINT–X COMPONENTS Job Card DR 024 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–72 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card DR 025 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION 1 of 8 Version No.: Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None. D 1 Service Terminal. D 1 MPH Service diskette. D 1 ammeter (5mA – 100mA) – (Flucke 8060A). D 1 oscilloscope, double trace with memory. D 1 HV probe (Macklett with or without display), or 1 Keithley probe (type 35080 with measurement pack 32867C and 32869C). D 2 coaxial cables, 50W, L = 5m. D 2 oscilloscope probes (X1 or X10). SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS D Take all precautions necessary for work in an ionization environment. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES 1. Competence in using the Service Terminal and the ”MPH Installation” software (LG001). 2. Programming the techniques performed (RG001). 3. X–ray tube parameters entered in memory (RG002). 4. X–ray tube filament heater calibration (RG003). 3–73 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY SECTION 2 TOOLS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION Job Card DR 025 2 o f8 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Menu structure Menu 6 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY F1 F3 KMADJ F1 F7 HVADJ DOSE F3 kV mA Menu 6 is used to adjust or check the kV+/kV– voltage divider, and to calibrate the kV and mA setpoints as follows: 1. Connect the HV probe in series with the X–ray tube or position the Keithley probe in the X–ray beam. 2. Switch on the generator. Connect the Service Terminal and call Menu 6. MENU 6 KMADJ HVADJ DOSE F1 F3 F7 3–74 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION 5.2 Job Card DR 025 3 of 8 kV Voltage Divider Calibration Menu 1. Enter <F3> (HVADJ) kV L F1/F2 F3/F4 80kV HV+ 50mA F5/F6 F9/F10 This voltage is independent of the X–ray tube and focal spot. Therefore, use the function keys to select the X–ray tube (using direct technique) and focal spot (F1/F2, F3/F4) to be adjusted. 2. Connect one channel of the oscilloscope to the external voltage divider (Macklett model: anode polarity, 1V = 10kV) (Keithley model: 0.1V = 10kV). 3. Connect the other channel to TP2 MEAS_KV COMMAND 1 BOARD (MPH A4–A1) (0.5V = 8 kV). – ’Scope scanning time = 10ms/square. – ’Scope used in memory function with triggering on the rising front of the external kV voltage divider. 4. On the Service Terminal, check the HV+ selection. If necessary, correct using F6 or F5. 5. Check that the X–ray current = 50mA, and correct, if necessary, using F9/F10. 6. Execute an exposure (Rad Prep and Exposure). 7. Check that the ’scope is correctly synchronized. 3–75 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Note: T1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION 5.2.1 Job Card DR 025 4 of 8 kV+ Form Adjustment on COMMAND 1 Board (MPH A4–A1) MPH A4-A1 ST1A DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY P1 D Note: ST1B P2 kV+ waveform kV- waveform Using P1, adjust the form of the internal voltage divider kV+ rising edge. If the adjustment cannot be made, use keys F9/F10 to change the X–ray current and repeat the adjustment procedure. kV overcompensation 40 kV undercompensation t 5.2.2 kV– Waveform Adjustment D Macklett probe: apply the kV– return signal, from the external voltage divider, to the ’scope, in place of the kV+ return signal. D Keithley probe: do not modify the connections made above. Adjust using P2 (as in Para 5.2.1). 3–76 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION 5.2.3 Job Card DR 025 5 of 8 Calibration & Measurement Chains 1. Call Menu 6 (Enter <F1>) KMADJ kV mA F1 F3 2. Enter <F1> Note: T1 L 40kV F1/F2 F3/F4 F5/F6 N=0? 50 mA F9/F10 This adjustment is used to calibrate the kV measurement sent by the microprocessor and is independent of the X–ray tube and focal spot. Therefore, the function keys should be used to select the X–ray tube (with direct technique) and focal spot to be adjusted. 3. Measure the kV value, using the Macklett or Keithley probe. In the case of a Keithley probe with pack 32867C, use F5 to select 60kV for the first step. 4. Check that the X–ray tube output display = 50mA. If necessary, correct using keys F9/F10. 5. Execute an X–ray exposure. 6. On the oscilloscope (or using the Macklett probe if available) note the kV value to one decimal place. 7. Enter the kV reading, completing to three integer digits plus the one decimal place, i.e. complete with a leading zero if the value is less than 100. Example: for 40.2 Enter <0> <4> <0> <2> 8. Enter <W> to validate. If the value is incorrect, enter <BK SP> to erase, and repeat the procedure. 9. Repeat the procedure for 80kV and 120kV. In the case of a Keithley probe, change the pack for 120kV (32869C in place of 32867C). 10. On the Service Terminal, enter <Q> and check the kV values on Application for 40kV, 120kV and 100kV, over 50ms. 3–77 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY kV GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION 5.2.4 Job Card DR 025 6 of 8 mA Measurement Calibration MENU 6 KMADJ HVADJ F1 F3 kV mA F1 F3 1. Enter <F1> KMADJ DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY This menu is used to calibrate the microprocessor mA measurement. 2. Connect an ammeter (20mA rating) to the shunt (ST1A–ST1B) of the COMMAND 1 Board (MPH A4–A1). 3. Enter <F3>. MA 10 mAS XX.XX? X.XX read value corrected value 4. Enter the value corresponding to the ammeter reading. Example: for 10.01 mA Enter <1> <0> <0> <1> and validate with <W>. 5. Enter <F3>. MA 10 mAM XX.XX? XX.XX XXX.X? XXX.X 6. Enter the read value, validate <W>. 7. Set the ammeter to > 200 mA. 8. Enter <F3>. MA 100 mAM 9. Enter value, validate <W>. 3–78 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION Job Card DR 025 7 of 8 10. Enter <F3>. MA 100 mAL XXX.X? XXX.X 11. Enter value, validate <W>. Note: Press <F3> to leave the calibration unchanged. MENU6KMADJ HTADJ F1 F3 <- R: Return KMADJ HVADJ : : Q: Exit MENU6 Calibration of kV and mA measurements Calibration of kV voltage dividers 3–79 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY -> GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV/mA MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION Job Card DR 025 DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY Blank page 3–80 8 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CHAPTER 4 – DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Overview The MPH is included in a SAS architecture. The diagnostics are divided in two modes. These modes are as follows: D MPH Power on/Reset Diagnostics (PRD): this set of diagnostics runs at each start of the MPH firmware independently of the mode of work (application, service or diagnostic). There is two CPU boards, one for the Power Unit control and one for the Room Interface with communicate thru a HDLC link. For each PRD, the CPUs send a tracking code to the resident leds. A set of eight switches is present on the two MPH cpus and allows the operator to select the PRD to loop on one specific test or on all the tests. In case of error, the Power Unit Control cpu sends an error message to a serial link dedicated to the TAV display and halts. The Room Interface cpu (slave cpu board) reports an error message to the PU_CTRL_CPU (master cpu board) via a HDLC link. The tracking code of is still displayed on the resident leds and is then an error code. The goal is to ensure that the cpu is working. D MPH Diagnostics (SLD): The goal is to determine which FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) is faulty in case of a MPH application error. The purpose of the MPH diagnostics is to provide an as automatic as possible way to determine the faulty FRU’s with a confidence level which is 95%. The MPH has been split into several major functions , each function being present on several boards. So, one MPH diagnostic checks a part of a function situated on one board. Some tests could require by agreement manual operations on the TAV or inside the MPH. The TAV will prompt the user when external stimulus is required. All operator inputs are entered via the TAV or insite. The SLD are selected by the operator who can choose a functional test, which includes all the tests on each board for a defined function, or a single test, which represents the test of a part of a function on one board. The operator can also select a loop on test(s) mode. The diagnostics inside the MPH include the following functions: D the set of test procedures, each one driving a specific diagnostic and so hardware lines. D some hardware functions dedicated to diagnostic purpose on each board. 4–1 DIAGNOSTICS 1–1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS BLOCK DIAGRAM ROOM INTERFACE POWER UNIT CONTROL TAV DIAGNOSTICS POWER UNIT Display CONTROL ROOM INTERFACE TAV Appli. Diagnostic Protocol Tests procs HDLC link Hardware functions 1–2 Block convention The blocks that are not completely grey are not completely tested. 4–2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 2 PRD DESCRIPTION 2–1 Functional Overview 2–1–1 Functional requirements for PRD Input Data The high frequency generator Power On/Reset sequence MPH PRD, is initiated by one of the following conditions: D Power applied to MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU boards. D Reset signal generated by board resident manual reset switch. The occurrence of any of these signals will reset the CPU boards. PU_CTRL_CPU board The reset will force the CPU32+ core of the 68360 processor to read the two first addresses of the Flash–EEPROM which are the initial system stack pointer (SSP) and the initial program counter (PC). The PC is the start of PRD. If the code read from the switches is normal mode, PRD are executed. Upon completion of each respective test, the PU_CTRL_CPU board resident switches are read. If the code read from the switches is equal to the loop on code, the test will be executed again. A loop on all tests mode is also used. This sequence continues until the switch code is changed or power removed from the PU_CTRL_CPU board. All PRD tests are Flash–EEPROM resident and during the normal execution sequence, no manual interaction is required. All switches are normally set OFF. ROOM_IF_CPU board The reset will force the 68000 core of the 68302 processor to read the two first addresses of the EPROM which are the initial system stack pointer (SSP) and the initial program counter (PC). The PC is the start of PRD. If the code read from the switches is normal mode, PRD are executed. If the code is equal to debug or monitor mode, PRD are bypassed. Upon completion of each respective test, the PU_CTRL_CPU board resident switches are read. If the code read from the switches is equal to the loop on code, the test will be executed again. A loop on all tests mode is also used. This sequence continues until the switch code is changed or power removed from the PU_CTRL_CPU board. 4–3 DIAGNOSTICS If the code is equal to debug or monitor mode, PRD are bypassed. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 All PRD tests are EPROM resident and during the normal execution sequence, no manual interaction is required. All switches are normally set ON. Output Data Prior to the execution of each respective test, a tracking code is output to the resident on board LED display. In the event of a test failure in a non–loop mode, the PU_CTRL_CPU sends an error code to the TAV via the RS232 channel, and then is forced to the halt state and the tracking code becomes an error code. Functional Processing And Performance The purpose of this group of tests is to verify operation of functions on the MPH CPU boards that are required to be functional to establish reliable communications. This set of diagnostics enforces a confidence building sequence of test execution. The primary functions of the board are tested and if these functions are within test limits, they are used to test other board functions. If the primary functions are not testable, the test sequence is aborted. The following synoptics demonstrates the functions verified during the PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU PRD sequence. Diagnosis is to a Field Replaceable Unit level (CPU boards for PRD). DIAGNOSTICS The boards functions should be tested in the specified sequence presented in the following paragraph. As PU_CTRL_CPU, ROOM_IF_CPU board can execute PRD sequences itself. It is the reason why communication between both boards is the last PU_CTRL_CPU (master board) PRD sequence which can’t be ended since ROOM_IF_CPU PRD sequences are not finished. 4–4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Distribution board J12 MPH A6–A5 J1 MADRID Console MPH A7 J11 ROOM_IF_CPU board J2 PRD Leds 68302 PRD switches MPH A6–A1 HDLC link PRD Leds 68360 PRD switches SCC4 OR TAV Service Terminal J18 DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU board MPH A4–A3 4–5 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 2–2 asm 2165118–100 User/Operator Interface 2–2–1 MPH Power on / Reset Diagnostics. Summary Of Switches And LEDS Utilization PU_CTRL_CPU Read the tracking code on Leds DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 DS6 DS7 DS8 Most Significant Bit Least Significant Bit 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ON OFF CPU 68360 DIAGNOSTICS U46 5V P15V M15V RESET HALT PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD MPH A4–A3 4–6 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PRD7 PRD6 PRD5 PRD4 PRD3 PRD2 PRD1 PRD0 FEH F F F F F F F f EPROM checksum 84H F f f f f F f f 68360 Internal RAM 99H address 9AH data F F f f f f F F F F f f F F f Short RAM 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f RAM test (extended mode) 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f Long RAM 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f 68360 Processor Test BEH F f F F F F F f 68360 Watch_dog Test 8FH F f f f F F F F 87H 88H 89H 8AH 8BH 8CH 8DH 8EH F F F F F F F F f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f F F F F F F F F f f f f F F F F f f F F f f F F f F f F f F f NAME OF TEST Error code on LEDS Normal mode Extended mode Debug mode Monitor mode non applicable Loop on all tests Loop on all tests (extended mode) non applicable Alive test 68360 Internal timers Timer 1 Linearity Timer 2 Timer 3 Timer 4 Timer 1 Interruption Timer 2 Timer 3 Timer 4 f : led on, F : led off 4–7 DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU board Leds signification GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU Read the tracking code on Leds HALT Most Significant Bit 5V M15V P15V DS8 DS9 DS10 DS11 CPU 68302 DS12 DIAGNOSTICS DS13 DS14 DS15 Least Significant Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON OFF U62 4–8 ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1 RESET GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Leds signification DS8 Error code on LEDS Normal mode Extended mode Debug mode Monitor mode non applicable Loop on all tests Loop on all tests (extended mode) non applicable Alive test FEH F F F F F F F f EPROM checksum 84H F f f f f F f f 68302 Internal RAM 99H address 9AH data F F f f f F F f F F f f f F F f Short RAM 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f RAM test (extended mode) 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f Long RAM 97H address 98H data F F f f f f F F f F F f F f F f 68302 Processor Test BEH F f F F F F F f 68302 Watch_dog Test 8FH F f f f F F F F 88H 89H linearity 8BH interruptions 8AH linearity 8CH interruptions F F F F F f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f F F F F F f f f f F f f F F f f F F f f 68302 Internal timers 10ms Timer 1 Timer 2 f : led on, F : led off 4–9 DIAGNOSTICS DS15 DS14 DS13 DS12 DS11 DS10 DS9 NAME OF TEST GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU PRD Description PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU Alive Test The purpose of this test is to verify minimum CPU functionalities. This test will have the following functionality: D Verify a limited subset of the processor instruction set. D Verify ability to initialize each register of the CPU32+ or 68000 core. D This test do not use the RAM. In the event of a failure, the board diagnostics is unpredictable, therefore isolation should be the board level. PU_CTRL_CPU FlashEEPROM or ROOM_IF_CPU EPROM checksum test The purpose of this test is to verify the integrity of the Flash–EEPROM/EPROM located on the MPH CPU boards. This test will have the following functionality: D Verify checksum of each Flash–EEPROM/EPROM device. In the event of a failure, change the CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the memory configuration logic). DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU RAM memory test The purpose of this test is to verify the random access memory used by the software as a data and stack area. This test could run in three different mode, the first one (short part) runs in normal mode, the second and third ones (extended or long part) run only if somebody ask for them with the switches. PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU Short RAM memory test The test should have the following functionality: D Verify ability to correctly address board resident volatile RAM devices. D Verify ability to write and read with one pattern each memory cell of the volatile RAM array. D Test the 68360/68302 internal RAM. In the event of a failure, change the CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the defective RAM component or memory location). PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU RAM Test (Extended Mode) The test should have the following functionality: D Verify ability to correctly address board resident RAM devices. D Verify ability to write and read with different patterns each memory cell of the volatile RAM array In the event of a failure, change the CPU board (diagnosis should be to the defective RAM component or memory location). 4–10 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU & ROOM_IF_CPU Long RAM Test The test should have the following functionality: D Verify ability to correctly address board resident RAM devices. D Verify ability to write and read each memory cell of the RAM array. D Verify for each 32 bits cell that other cells are still zero. In the event of a failure, change the CPU board (diagnosis should be to the defective RAM component or memory location). ROOM_IF_CPU 68302 tests 1. Processor Test The purpose of this test is to verify any instruction that has not yet been verified or used by the PRD. The test should have the following functionality: – call, – conditional jump, – multiply, – divide, – addition, – subtraction, – software interrupts. In the event of a test failure, change the CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the 68360/68302 processor). 2. Watch_dog test The purpose of this test is to verify that the sequence of reset due to a watchdog timeout is working properly. So, the watchdog timer is loaded with 20ms as in application mode. When the count reaches the reference, the timer sets an output of the microcontroller which generates a reset. So, this test verifies that the reset occurs 20ms after the end of the counting sequence. If no reset occurs, the microcontroller goes in halt state (with the associated treatment) if ”loop on test mode” is not selected. If a reset occurs, the status of the sequence before the reset is read to know if the test has been performed with the good timing. If it is not the case, the microcontroller goes in halt state (with the associated treatment) if ”loop on test mode” is not selected. In the event of a test failure, change the ROOM_IF_CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the processor or to the reset management function). 4–11 DIAGNOSTICS D Verify ability of processor to execute: GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 3. Internal Timers The purpose of this test is to verify operation of the 68302 internal timers and periodic interrupt. These timers are used for AEC clock and time measurement. They are initiated after PRDs of the ROOM_IF_CPU. The test should have the following functionality: D Verify linearity of counting sequence. D Verify operation of the interrupt generated by the 68302 timers. In the event of a test failure, change ROOM_IF_CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the 68302 processor). PU_CTRL_CPU 68360 1. Processor Test The purpose of this test is to verify any instruction that has not yet been verified or used by the PRD. The test should have the following functionality: DIAGNOSTICS D Verify ability of processor to execute: – call, – conditional jump, – multiply, – divide, – addition, – subtraction, – software interrupts. In the event of a test failure, change the PU_CTRL_CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the 68360/68302 processor). 2. Watch_dog test The purpose of this test is to verify that the sequence of reset due to a watchdog timeout is working properly. So, the watchdog timer is loaded with 41,9ms as in application mode. When the count reaches the reference, the timer sets an output of the microcontroller which generates a reset. So, this test verifies that the reset occurs 41,9 ms after the end of the counting sequence. If no reset occurs, the microcontroller goes in halt state (with the associated treatment) if ”loop on test mode” is not selected. If a reset occurs, the status of the sequence before the reset is read to know if the test has been performed with the good timing. If it is not the case, the microcontroller goes in halt state (with the associated treatment) if ”loop on test mode” is not selected. In the event of a test failure, change the PU_CTRL_CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the processor or to the reset management function). 4–12 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 3. Internal Timers The purpose of this test is to verify operation of the 68360 internal timers. These timers are used for time, mAs, bright exposure and VRTX clock. They are initiated after PRDs of the PU_CTRL_CPU. The test should have the following functionality: D Verify linearity of counting sequence. D Verify operation of the interrupt generated by the 68360 timers. DIAGNOSTICS In the event of a test failure, change PU_CTRL_CPU board (diagnosis should be made to the 68360 processor). 4–13 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 PRD PU_CTRL_CPU board BACKGROUND Flash Eeprom DIAGNOSTICS Bus 68360 DC–DC –15V +15V DC–DC DECOD PRD switches PRD leds +5V RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ CS5 BP Abort UART CS2 SRAM +5V Drivers RS485 SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock UART CS CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–14 ROOM_IF_CPU board SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Power_On Reset Diagnostics TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites: – None PU_CTRL_CPU ALIVE TEST ERROR CODES Error (not displayed on console but on leds on the board) Power_On Reset Diagnostics 00h FEh 84h 97h 98h 99h 9Ah BEh 8Fh 87h 88h 89h 8Ah 8Bh 8Ch 8Dh 8Eh Unknown code CPU Alive test failure EPROM test failure RAM Address test failure RAM data test failure mc68360 Internal RAM Address test failure mc68360 Internal RAM Data test failure mc68360 Processor test failure mc68360 watch_dog test failure mc68360 Timer1 linearity test failure mc68360 Timer2 linearity test failure mc68360 Timer3 linearity test failure mc68360 Timer4 linearity test failure mc68360 Timer1 Interrupt test failure mc68360 Timer2 Interrupt test failure mc68360 Timer3 Interrupt test failure mc68360 Timer4 Interrupt test failure RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check on PU_CTRL_CPU the following connections: – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (XJ23) 4–15 DIAGNOSTICS Description GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board: PRD Supply control CPU–68302 ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface RAD_PREP_A PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A LEDS START_EXP_A STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 – EPROM REF10V (BUS D) RF CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET ARCNET COAX HDLC TAV (UART) D(15:0) (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID – RS445 DRIVERS AEC interface (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. (UART) (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD – TEST REGISTERS DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–16 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD Power_On Reset Diagnostics TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites: – None ROOM_IF_CPU ALIVE TEST ERROR CODES Error (not displayed on console but on leds on the board) Power_On Reset Diagnostics 00h FEh 84h 97h 98h 99h 9Ah BEh 8Fh 88h 89h 8Ah 8Bh 8Ch Unknown code CPU Alive test failure EPROM test failure RAM Address test failure RAM data test failure mc68302 Internal RAM Address test failure mc68302 Internal RAM Data test failure mc68302 Processor test failure mc68302 watch_dog test failure mc68302 10ms Interrupt test failure mc68302 Timer1 linearity test failure mc68302 Timer2 linearity test failure mc68302 Timer1 Interrupt test failure mc68302 Timer2 Interrupt test failure RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check on CPU the following connections: – Between ROOM_IF_CPU (J2) and DISTRIBUTION (J11) 4–17 DIAGNOSTICS Description GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 3 SLD 3–1 Here to use 3–1–1 TAV Tests Operator Interface The MPH dialogs with a PC–resident program (called TAV) through a serial communications link in order to select and execute the different tests available. Here are described the different possibilities of selecting and executing tests, how they are organized and how the results are stored. Tests Hierarchy The tests have been grouped functionally, there is a main menu level and then 10 submenus related to the functions. PUCTRL F1: ON/OFF TEST DIAGNOSTICS CMD1 PUCTRL F2: LVPS TEST ROOMIF CMD1 F3: DCPS TEST PUCTRL F4: TUBE TEST PUCTRL 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3. Power ON Signal 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3 ADC 4. RS485 Interface Drivers 5. Exposure Enable 6. Analogic 7. RS485 8. LV_ENABLE Signal 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer CMD1 3. DC Level Network MAIN PS 4. DC Level Detection DC FILTER 5. DC Level Measure CMD2 ROTOR HEATER HV TANK 4–18 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3. Tube Selection 4. Tube Stator Selection 5. Heater Tube Selection 6. HV Switch Command 7. HV Switch Motor GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 PUCTRL ROOMIF II SENSOR F6: KV TEST PUCTRL ROOMIF F7: KV TEST CONTD. 1. kV Test Relay 2. Current Measurement & IGBT FPS 3 kV Safeties 4. kV Rise and Regulation 5. kV Max Safety INVERTER 6. Power Components 7. Final Cross Check PUCTRL CMD1 PUCTRL CMD2 HEATER F10: ROTOR TEST 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3. ADC 4. DAC 5. RS485 Interface Drivers 6. Exposure Enable 7. Exposure Management 8. RS485 CMD1 F8: MA TEST F9: HEATER TEST 1. RS 485 2. Switches and Leds 3. Exposure Enable 4. Exposure Management 5. Room Input 6. Room Output 7. RS485 8. Analogic 9. Switches and Leds 0. HVPM IPM test PUCTRL CMD2 ROTOR 1. Xilinx 1ms Internal Timer 2. Read Buffers 3. Command Buffer 4. ADC Measurement 5. mAs Shunt Measurement 6. mA Max Safety 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3. ADC 4. DAC 5. XS Current Control 6. XL Current Control 7. XS Regulation Safety 8. XL Regulation Safety 9. Final Cross Check 1. Read Buffers 2. Command Buffer 3. Current Control & HS Mode 4. Max Current Safety 5. IGBT Drivers 6. Final Cross Check 4–19 DIAGNOSTICS F5: INTERFACE TEST asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Tests Selection On the main TAV menu, go to MENU 2 and then select TESTS (F1). By doing so, you enter the MAIN TEST MENU, whose submenus have been presented on the previous paragraph. Once on the main menu, you can go down to a submenu by pressing F1 .. F10. There is a set of keys on the PC–keyboard that have a meaning concerning tests selection and execution: D F1 .. F10: While on the main menu, they allow going down to a submenu, as seen on the tests hierarchy. For instance, to view MA TESTS menu, push F1. At the top screen line, the name of the menu is displayed. D 1 .. 9,0: These keys allow the selection (toggle) of a group of tests for execution when we are on the main menu, or a single test when we are on a submenu. On the main menu, it selects (toggles the selection) all the tests grouped by F?, being ? the key pushed (1 .. 9,0). If we are on a submenu, it selects the single test designed by the key, for instance for ON/OFF Tests, key 2 toggles the selection for Command Buffer Test. When a test or group is selected, its test box is highlighted. D A, B, C, D, E, F: These keys are used for the tests that during its execution, require DIAGNOSTICS an additional information. They represent a choice among 6 different values. D W Select All: Selects all the tests within scope, all the tests in a submenu. Don’t use on the main menu. If this feature is active, its dialog box is highlighted. D T Select No Operator: Selects all the tests within scope that don’t need the operator action to be performed, all the tests in a submenu or all the test if we are on the main menu. If this feature is active, its dialog box is highlighted. D R Return: Go to the previous menu level. D Q Quit: Quit TAV menus. D V Execution: Executes the tests selected. While tests are executed, the test box associated to the menu and to this feature blinks. If loop on tests is selected, it displays at the top of the screen the number of loops carried out and the number of errors encountered. If ’no stop on error’ is not selected, the execution will be stopped if an error is encountered and the error information will be displayed instead, in this case, press again ’V’ when the error information is no longer needed. D Z ExeErr: When a set of tests is selected and being executed, it doesn’t stop if an error is encountered, storing its information for later display. D U Loop: Select loop on tests. 4–20 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Main Menu Screen TESTS MAIN MENU 2:LVPS 9:Heater 0:Rotor W: SelAll –––––––––––––––– F1: ON/OFF F3: DCPS F5: INTR_SW/LE F7: KV continued F9: HEATER F3 F5 F7 F9 F2 F4 F6 F8 F10 3:DCPS R: Return TEST MENU 4:TUBE V: Exec 5:INTER Q: Exit 6:KV Z: ExeErr 7:kV ctd U: Loop 8:mA T: SelNop –––––––––––––––– F2: LVPS F4: TUBE F6: KV F8: MA F10: ROTOR On the main menu, the keys W, T have a global scope, toggling the selection for all the tests in all the submenus. The 1 .. 9,0 keys, toggles the selection for the submenus associated to each one: 1 to HEATER TESTS, 2 to ROTOR TESTS , and so on. 4–21 DIAGNOSTICS 1:ON/OFF F1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Submenu Screen Example HEATER TESTS Test 1 Test 2 Test 9 Test 10 DIAGNOSTICS W: SelAll Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 R: Return V: Exec Q: Exit Z: ExeErr U: Loop T: SelNop –––––––– PUCTRL –––––––– 1: Read Buffers 2: Command buffer 3: ADC 4: DAC –––––––––– CMD2 –––––––––– 5: XS current control 6: XL current contrl 7: XS regulation safety 8: XL regulation safety –––––––– HEATER ––––––––– 9: Final Cross Check On the submenus, the keys W, T have a local scope, toggling the selection for all the tests in the submenus. The 1 .. 9,0 keys, toggles the selection for the single tests associated to each one: 1 to Read Buffers Test, 2 to Command Buffer Test , and so on. Tests Execution When tests are beeing executed, the display box V: Exec will blink, and the display box related to the test will blink as well. If tests are executed from the main menu, it is the submenu display box that blinks. If the option Execution without stopping on error is selected, the errors found are stored and can be displayed later (see menu LIST). Otherwise, the execution is stopped and the error information will be displayed on the uppermost line: Err *** U*** AD**** ED**** AA******** Error Code Status User Data Actual Data Expected Address Actual In the latter case, press V again to go back to tests selection. In the options loop on tests and no stop on error are selected, the number of loops performed and the number of total errors are displayed on the uppermost line. While tests are beeing carried out, press V to stop the execution at the end of the running test. 4–22 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Stored Diagnostics Errors Display On the main TAV menu, go to MENU 2 and then select LIST (F3). Error n * = *** * Nb Date F3 F4 ^H: Clear R: Return Q: Exit Z: AppErr U: DiaErr DIAGNOSTICS MENU LIST: Displays last 16 error codes occuring, number of occurence and the date of the first F3/F4: Displays last or next error ^H (Ctrl H): To clear 16 codes from memory, enter ^H and enter ^H again to confirm In this screen, we can select application error codes (Z) or diagnostics error codes (U). The screen shown corresponds to Diagnostics: Error n * = Error Index *** Error Code * Nb Date Number of Times Date of Last it Appeared Appereance 4–23 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 3–1–2 Functional requirements for MPH SLD Introduction The purpose of the MPH SLD is to provide an as automatic as possible way to determine the faulty FRU’s with a confidence level which is TBD. The diagnostic design described here will be implemented as a functional procedure, the purpose being to run the MPH functions and identify which board or FRU is faulty as regard to the concerned function. The diagnostic functional description involves all the MPH functions and the different FRU’s identified as part of the generator. 3–1–3 MPH functions DIAGNOSTICS The MPH functions diagnosed by the SLD are the following: D On/Off Function D Low Voltage Power Supply D DC Power Supply D Tube Selection D kV Command D mA Measure D Heater D Rotor Controller D Switches and LED’s D Room Interface 3–1–4 MPH FRU’s The Field Replaceable Units involved in the above functions are the following: D PU_CTRL_CPU board D ROOM_IF_CPU board D CMD1 board D CMD2 board D HEATER board D ROTCTL board D MAINPS board D DCPS board D HV tank D +/– 15, 5V Power supply D 24V Power supply D Auto transformer D EMI Filters 4–24 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D Air Filters D Fuses (Pocket 1) D Fuses (Pocket 2) D ON/OFF Contactor 3–1–5 SLD design description The method used to describe the MPH SLD follows the different functions identified above. For each function, a general block diagram showing the FRU’s is given, followed by all the tests necessary to diagnose properly the described function. Each test is detailed by its pre–requisites, its sequencing and a hatched block diagram of the involved FRU. DIAGNOSTICS One exception is made for CPU boards, since it supports all the functionalities of the generator. In this case, most of the tests are similar from one function to another, so that the description of the test is lead by the functions. Each test description gives the sequencing and the functions it involves, in order that the test can be reported in the diagnostic software as part of each function. 4–25 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 4 APPLICATION ERROR CODES 4–1 Software Processing 4–1–1 Class I Error Treatment Stops the exposure and inhibits it. Stop the filaments heating. Set the anode rotation in free run. Stops a running tube switch. 4–1–2 Class II Error Treatment No treatment, the exposure restarts if number of spits, for this exposure, is less than 7. 4–1–3 Class III Error Treatment Stops the exposure and inhibits it. 4–1–4 Class IV Error Treatment Stops the exposure and inhibits it. Stop the filaments heating. Set the anode rotation in free run. Stops a running tube switch. DIAGNOSTICS 4–1–5 Error transmission Mechanism All the errors codes are sent to the APPLICATION task where they are treated and sent to the control panel (TAV/Integrated Console/Control Console). The error code is stored in the last 16 errors list if it is different from the last error code that occurred. For the thermic errors, the temperature led flickers on the control panel until the default disappears. Note: Errors codes are composed of three numbers, if four numbers are displayed, the first number is the number of the tube (1 or 2). Ex: error code 1 710 Tube identifier (1 or 2) 4–26 Error code GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 110 TUB_SEL_ROT_ON New tube demand while rotor is running classIV Exposure inhibited No tube commutation Reset error Repeat the tube or technic change 112 MA_SCALE_ERR mA scale switches replies and demand mismatch. Those signals are tested 20ms after the scale change command and each 10ms. kV and mA test switches replies and demand mismatch. kV and mA test switches is made after each power on. The replies status are tested 20ms after the change command and each 10ms. classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics mA MENU2 TEST F8 KVMA_TEST_SEL _ERR Note: If it appears in output of diagnostic test, ignore it. 114 ROT_SEL_ERR Rotor tube switches replies and demand mismatch classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics tube and rotor MENU2 TEST F4 MENU2 TEST F10 115 HEAT_SEL_ERR Heat tube switches replies and demand mismatch classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics tube and heater MENU2 TEST F4 MENU2 TEST F9 117 TUBE_SEL_ERR High voltage tube switches replies and demand mismatch classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics tube MENU2 TEST F4 118 TUB_SEL_HEAT_ON New tube demand while heat is classIV running on one or the two focus Exposure inhibited No tube commutation Reset error Repeat the tube or technic change 119 TUB_SEL_KV_ON New tube demand while kV measured > 9kV Reset error and wait few minutes Repeat the tube or technic change 4–27 classIV Exposure inhibited DIAGNOSTICS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect 200 MAX_TUBE _CURRENT Tube current max detection (mA_max signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit number Restart the exposure 201 UNKNOWN_RES_SAF Tube spit without safety signal set (res_safety signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 202 KV_REGUL_ERROR KV regulation error (regul_out signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 203 KVMAX_FAILURE KV max detection (kv_max signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 204 KV_DROP KV drop on both side (kv_drop_cat and kv_drop_an signals) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 205 KV_DROP_AN KV drop on anode side (kv_drop_cat signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 206 KV_DROP_CAT KV drop on cathode side (kv_drop_cat signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 207 MAX_INV_CURRENT Max inverter current detection (i_inv_max signal) class II Not displayed on control desk Increment tube spit Restart the exposure 4–28 Action GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 300 HEATF_XL_PREH Heat fault detection during preheat on large focus (heatfault_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 301 HEATF_XL_BOOST Heat fault detection during boost on large focus (heatfault_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 302 HEATF_XL_HEAT Heat fault detection during heat classIV on large focus (heatfault_xl sig- Exposure inhibited nal) Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 303 PRES_XL_PREH No current in large focus heat circuit during preheat (presence_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 304 PRES_XL_BOOST No current in large focus heat circuit during boost (presence_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 305 PRES_XL_HEAT No current in large focus heat classIV circuit during heat (presence_xl Exposure inhibited signal) Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 306 OVER_XL_PREH Overload current detection in large focus heat circuit during preheat (over_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 307 OVER_XL_BOOST Overload current detection in large focus heat circuit during boost (over_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 308 OVER_XL_HEAT Overload current detection in large focus heat circuit during heat (over_xl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 4–29 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 309 HE_HEAT_XL One of the heat safety signal is activated while large focus heat circuit is not running (heatfault_xl, overl_xl, presence_xl signals) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 320 HEATF_XS_PREH Heat fault detection during preheat on small focus (heatfault_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 321 HEATF_XS_BOOST Heat fault detection during boost on small focus (heatfault_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 322 HEATF_XS_HEAT Heat fault detection during preheat on small focus (heatfault_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 323 PRES_XS_PREH No current in small focus heat circuit during preheat (presence_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 324 PRES_XS_BOOST No current in small focus heat circuit during boost (presence_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 325 PRES_XS_HEAT No current in small focus heat circuit during heat (presence_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 326 OVER_XS_PREH Overload current detection in small focus heat circuit during preheat (over_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 327 OVER_XS_BOOST Overload current detection in small focus heat circuit during boost (over_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 4–30 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 328 OVER_XS_HEAT Overload current detection in small focus heat circuit during heat (over_xs signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 329 HE_HEAT_XS One of the heat safety signal is activated while small focus heat circuit is not running (heatfault_xs, overl_xs, presence_xs signals) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics heater MENU2 TEST F9 410 DC_BUS_ERROR DC bus out of range (dc_bus_fault signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics on/off and DC bus MENU2 TEST F1 MENU2 TEST F3 Then follow the faulty tree ON/OFF and DCPS 411 FPS_ERROR Inverter floating power supply default (fps_fault signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics on/off and DC bus MENU2 TEST F1 MENU2 TEST F3 Then follow the faulty tree ON/OFF 412 LV_SUPPLY_ERR Low voltage power supply error (_lv_enable signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics on/off and lvps MENU2 TEST F1 MENU2 TEST F2 Then follow the faulty tree ON/OFF 420 MAIN_DROP Main power supply error (MAIN_DROP signal) classI Exposure inhibited Reset error. 501 ERR_PILE The battery for the non volatile RAM reach its maximum time of use 3 years Error is displayed at each switch ON Change the RAM on PU_CTRL_CPU and battery on program’x (if present). See preventive maintenance on SM ch4 502 ERR_RAM RAM checksum faulty. Exposure inhibited until checksum be made. MENU5 of maintenance menu. 4–31 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 504 Shift between the error code table and the internal code. Error code table too large Floating calculation error. VRTX error classI Exposure inhibited Reset error ERR_COD_TAB_FAIL DIAGNOSTICS ERR_COD_TAB_FULL ERR_FLOAT VRTX_ERR 505 WATCHDOG_ERROR Reset due to watch_dog timeout classI The CPU is reset Reset error 506 TUBE_CMD_ERROR Demand tube number > 3 classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error 507 ROT_CMD_TUB_CH New rotor command while tube classIV is changing Exposure inhibited Reset error. 511 NO_KV_FEEDBACK KV < 6kv 500ms after exposure_command (kv_inf_kv0 signal) classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 512 KV75_ERROR KV don’t reach 75% of asked classIII value 10ms after the start of the Stop exposure exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 513 HE_INVERTER Inverter safety is set out of exposure (safety, kv_inf_kv0, exp_time_max, restarting_safety, kv_drop, kv_drop_an, kv_drop_cat, kv_max, mA_max, regul_out, i_inv_max, kv_sup_75kvn signals) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 515 CONNECTIC_FAULT Link with CMD1 and CMD2 board is corrupted (_continuity signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. Check cables between PU_CTRL_CPU and CMD1 and CMD2 boards. 516 ADC_FAIL A/D inverter does not end the conversion or the re_read of demands (ich_lf or ich_sf or kv_demand) is too far from the sent value classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics kV and heater MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 MENU2 TEST F9 Note: If it appears in output of diagnostic test, ignore it. 4–32 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect 520 ETHER_ERROR Error in communication ethernet Ethernet serial link not used classIV Exposure inhibited 521 HDLC_ERROR RX_CHECKSUM_ERR RX_OVERRUN RX_CRC_ERROR RX_ABORT_SEQ Error in communication between ROOM_IF_CPU and PU_CTRL_CPU boards classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 522 SCC3_ERROR Error in communication with TAV/GPX classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 Then check with faulty tree serial link 523 SCC4_ERROR Error in communication control classIV desk Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 Then check with faulty tree serial link 524 SMC1_ERROR Error in communication with APR classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 Then check with faulty tree serial link 525 SMC2_ERROR Error in communication debug terminal Serial link not used classIV Exposure inhibited 526 TST_COM_ERR Check each 10s the communication between PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU boards. Error when message missing or wrong message from ROOM_IF_CPU. Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostics Interface MENU2 TEST F5 then check with faulty tree serial link 540 END_OF_T_BOOST Boost time > 400ms classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. 543 TMAX_10S_ OVERFLOW Safety. Exposure time maximum, 10s (exp_time_max signal) classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU TEST F7 4–33 DIAGNOSTICS Action GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 544 EXP_CMD_NOT_OK Exposure command while PU not ready (rotor not running or class I, III or IV error not reset or rotor or inverter or tube safety set or selected tube not corresponding to the asked tube) classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 Then check with faulty tree interface 545 REPETITIVE_ERROR 7 tube spits detected during the exposure classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, warm-up the tube then find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 547 THERM_INV Inverter temperature, calculated classIV each 10ms, reaches maximum Exposure inhibited Led flickers on the control panel while inverter temperature does not authorize a new exposure Wait for cooling, red triangle OFF 550 XILINX_CONF_ERR Xilinx not configured. classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interfcae MENU2 TEST F5 551 UNKNOWN_SAFETY Safety without safety signal set (safety signal) classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 552 ERR_MAS_MAX Exposure stopped by mAs counter instead of time counter. Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic mA MENU2 TEST F8 Then run heating current calibration SM RG003 553 ERR_TEMPS_MAX Exposure stopped by time counter instead of mAs counter. Reset error If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic kV MENU2 TEST F6 MENU2 TEST F7 4–34 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause 554 MA_METER_SAT mA > 20mA during fluoro Reset error If it reappears, run mA (MENU6 kmadj) and heating current calibration SM RG003 557 TOMO TOO SLOW X-Ray cut by generator instead Tomograph if Tomo time prior Reset error Check Tomograph time cut Off 558 TOMO TOO QUICK X-Ray cut by Tomograph before generator if generator time prior Reset error Check Tomograph time cut Off 559 NO_MA_FEEDBACK mA < 0.15mA ( x100 scale), mA < 1.5mA (x10 scale) or mA < 4 (x1 scale) 20ms after the start of exposure classIII Stop exposure Reset error If it reappears, find the default by running mA and heater diagnostics MENU TEST F8 MENU TEST F9 If still no problem found, tube filament has short circuit If heater diagnostics run with no errors, check mA kV measurement circuit. 710 ST_OVL_HS_ACC Overload current in rotor controller circuit in high speed acceleration (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 711 ST_OVL_HS_RUN Overload current in rotor controller circuit in high speed run (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 712 ST_OVL_HS_BR Overload current in rotor controller circuit in high speed brake (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 713 ST_OVL_LS_ACC Overload current in rotor controller circuit in low speed acceleration (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 4–35 Action DIAGNOSTICS Effect GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Cause Effect Action 714 ST_OVL_LS_RUN Overload current in rotor controller circuit in low speed run (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 716 THERMAL_SAFETY Tube thermal safety (thermal_safety signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Led flickers on the contrl panel all the time thermal safety is present Wait for cooling (thermic led OFF and red triangle OFF) See tube fonctions block diagram 717 ST_OVL_LS_BR Overload current in rotor controller circuit in low speed brake (_start_ovl signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 718 LS_RTN_ERR Rotor speed selection error (signal _ls_rtn) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 719 THERM_ROT Rotor inverter temperature, cal- classIV Wait for cooling (thermic led culated each 10ms, reaches Exposure inhibited OFF and red triangle OFF) maximum Led flickers on the control panel while rotor inverter temperature does not authorize a new rotor cycle (acceleration, run and brake) 720 CUR_ST_HS_ACC No current in rotor controller circuit in high speed acceleration (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 721 CUR_ST_HS_RUN No current in rotor controller circuit in high speed run (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 722 CUR_ST_HS_BR No current in rotor controller circuit in high speed brake (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 DIAGNOSTICS MPH Internal Code Code 4–36 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause Effect Action 723 CUR_ST_LS_ACC No current in rotor controller circuit in low speed acceleration (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 724 CUR_ST_LS_RUN No current in rotor controller circuit in low speed run (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 725 CUR_ST_LS_BR No current in rotor controller circuit in low speed brake (cur_start_on signal) classIV Stop the exposure Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 726 HE_ROTOR Rotor inverter current overload while rotor is off (start_ovl signal) classIV Exposure inhibited Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic rotor MENU2 TEST F10 901 HDLC_COMM Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board Buffer length max or less than 1 byte Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 902 RX_OVERRUN Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board ”over run” communication error Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 903 RX_CRC_ERROR Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board ”CRC” communication error Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 904 RX_ABORT_SEQ Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board ”abort sequence” communication error Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 905 HDLC_ERROR Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board ”carrier” communication error Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 4–37 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MPH Internal Code Code Cause 906 UART_ERROR Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board Error in communication between PRINT’X or debug console and ROOM_IF_CPU board. Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic interface MENU2 TEST F5 Then check with faulty tree Print’X 907 ERR_FLOAT Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board Error during floating calculation Reset error 908 ERR_ALIM Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board Power supply error (ALIM_OK signal) Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic lvps MENU2 TEST F2 909 ERR_REF10V Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board 10V reference power supply error (REF10V_OK signal) Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic lvps MENU2 TEST F2 910 ERR_VREF Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board Room power supply error (_VREF_TEST signal) Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic lvps MENU2 TEST F2 911 TST_COM_ERR Sent by ROOM_IF_CPU board to PU_CTRL_CPU board During the communication test between PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU, the message sent by PU_CTRL_CPU is wrong. This test is made each 10s Reset error. If it reappears, find the default in running diagnostic lvps MENU2 TEST F2 Then check with faulty tree serial link Effect 4–38 Action GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 Diagnostic error list Error Code Designation See page 001, 002, 003 Calibration of heating current RG 003 4–45 31, 32, 52 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Command Buffers Test 4–46 33, 34, 53 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Read Buffers Test 4–49 35, 36, 37, 38, 54, 55, 57 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU ADC and Measurement Function Test 4–53 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 58, 59, 60 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU DAC Converter Test 4–57 44, 45, 46, 47, 300, 301 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXP ENABLE Signal Test 4–62 48, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 302, 303 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test 4–66 52, 31, 32 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Command Buffers Test 4–70 53, 33, 34 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Read Buffers Test 4–71 54, 55, 57, 35, 36, 37, 38 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU ADC and Measurement Function Test 4–72 62, 63 MPH ON/OFF CMD1 POWER_ON signal test 4–75 74 MPH LV POWER SUPPLY CMD2 LV_ENABLE signal test 4–79 85 MPH DC FILTER CMD1 DC Level Network test 4–83 86, 87 MPH DC FILTER MAINPS DC Level Detection test 4–87 88, 89, 90 MPH DC FILTER DC_FILTER DC level measure test 4–91 101 MPH TUBE SELECTION CMD2 Tube Selection test 4–93 102 MPH TUBE SELECTION ROTCL Tube Stator Selection test 4–95 4–39 DIAGNOSTICS 4–2 asm 2165118–100 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Error Code Designation See page 103 MPH TUBE SELECTION HEATER Heater Tube Selection test 4–97 104 MPH TUBE SELECTION HEATER HV Switch Command test 4–99 105, 106 MPH TUBE SELECTION HV TANK HV Switch Motor test 4–101 117, 118 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 KV TEST Relay test 4–105 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 Current Meas & IGBT FPS test 4–109 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV Safeties test 4–113 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV Rise and Regulation test 4–117 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV MAX Safety test 4–121 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 317 MPH KV COMMAND INVERT Power Components tests 4–125 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 317 MPH KV COMMAND Final Cross check 4–129 176, 177, 178 MPH MA MEASURE CMD1 mA Measure Shunt validation 4–135 179, 180 MPH MA MEASURE CMD1 mA MAX Safety test 4–138 191, 192, 193 MPH HEATER CMD2 XS Current Control test 4–142 194, 195, 196 MPH HEATER CMD2 XL Current Control test 4–146 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 MPH HEATER CMD2 XS Regulation & Safety test 4–150 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 MPH HEATER CMD2 XL Regulation & Safety test 4–154 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 MPH HEATER Final Cross check 4–158 224, 225, 226, 227 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 Current Control and HS Mode test 4–162 4–40 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm 2165118–100 Error Code Designation See page 228, 229, 230, 231 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 Max Current Safety test 4–166 232, 233, 244 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 IGBT Drivers test 4–170 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER Final Cross check 4–174 244, 232, 233 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 IGBT Drivers test 4–178 250 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU Switches and LED’s test 4–180 256, 257 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Xilinx 1ms internal timer test 4–182 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU Serial Interface Drivers Test 4–184 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 302, 303, 48 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test 4–186 279, 280, 318 MPH II_SENSOR BOARD II_SENSOR HTPM Test 4–188 285, 286, 287, 308, 309, 310 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD ROOM_IF_CPU Serial Interface Drivers Test 4–191 299 PU_CTRL_CPU ROOM_IF_CPU Communication Test 4–194 300, 301, 44, 45, 46, 47 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXP_ENABLE Signal Test 4–195 302, 303 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 48 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDSPU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test 4–196 304, 305, 306 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD Inputs Buffers Test 4–199 307 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD Output Buffers Test 4–203 308, 309, 310 285, 286, 287 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD ROOM_IF_CPU Serial Interface Drivers Test 4–191 311, 312, 313, 314, 315 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDROOM_IF_CPU Analogic test 4–205 4–41 DIAGNOSTICS REV 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error Code Designation See page MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDROOM_IF_CPU Switches and LED’s test 4–211 317, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 Current Meas & IGBT FPS test CMD1 kV Rise and Regulation test CMD1 kV MAX Safety test INVERT Power Components tests Final Cross check 4–212 318, 279, 280 MPH II_SENSOR BOARD II_SENSOR HTPM test 4–213 DIAGNOSTICS 316 4–42 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 Diagnostic error code description DIAGNOSTICS 4–3 asm 2165118–100 4–43 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 Drivers RS485 UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS UART SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS XILINX ROOM_IF_CPU interface Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS CS DAC ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS Input register V/F CS Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–44 ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Flash Eeprom PU_CTRL_CPU board Read Buffer Test Console debug TAV GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error Code 001, 002, 003 ERROR IN HEATING CURRENT CALIBRATION (RG 003) Calibration stoppage. Heater current instability algorithm fault – error 001. Too many spits or aborted exposure – error 002. No mA return – error 003. Code 001 Restart calibration of focal spot if reappers – Change tube. Code 002 1) Warm–up tube with low mA and increase kV value, step by step. 2) Restart calibration if persist – Change tube. Code 003 DIAGNOSTICS Run diagnostic test = mA and calibration of mA return = Menu 6. 4–45 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 31, 32 Error 52 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Command Buffers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to verify that the hardware command lines are properly output from the PU_CTRL_CPU. The principle of the test is to write and read values and take decisions by comparison. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. DIAGNOSTICS Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Tests the ”DC_BUS_OK” and ”ON_ENABLE” to know if there is some voltage remaining on the DC bus. If it is the case, the test controls the DC bus to stop, initializes a message to the user : ”waiting DC bus to stop”, retest the DC bus every 100ms. – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no available configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. – Writes all the outputs with a zero. – Writes in each buffer AAh, 55h, 00 and verifies the read values including margin effect on the other buffers. PU_CTRL_CPU COMMAND BUFFERS ERROR CODES Error Hardware Status 31 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Command Buffers Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 3 DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 32 Read write failure Actual address : address of the failure Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this address 52 Xilinx configuration not finished 4–46 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : User Status Conclusion 31 Any PU_CTRL_CPU, CMD1 or MAINPS or cables between CMD1 and MAINPS faulty. Not conclusive 32 Any PU_CTRL_CPU faulty. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 52 Any Xilinx or associated logic failure.Replace PU_CTRL_CPU. DIAGNOSTICS Error 4–47 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board Read Buffer Test BACKGROUND Flash Eeprom UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS Drivers RS485 SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock UART CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC –15V BP Abort PRD switches +15V PRD leds +5V DC–DC DECOD RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–48 ROOM_IF_CPU board SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 33, 34 Error 53 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Read Buffers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – PU_CTRL_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – PU_CTRL_CPU Command Buffers passed OK. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to check all the input lines from CMD1 and CMD2 boards (except line_drop line which causes a ”NMI” interrupt to the PU_CTRL_CPU by hardware). Moreover, this SLD tests the two SAFETIES interrupts and the EXP_75 interrupt wired to the port C (edge active interrupt of 68360). The inputs are connected to three couples of eight input buffers. Each input comprises a low band–pass filter connected to the input of a buffer. A pull–up resistor is connected on each input. Two test signals are present on the PU_CTRL_CPU board. Each one is connecting the half of the resistors to the +5V in application mode. In diagnostic mode, these relays allow the software to connect either a 5V to the resistors or a 0V. Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360 is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration). If ”DONE” is high, the software can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. – The test consists in connecting a low logical level to some inputs and a high to other ones and to check the value read accross the buffers by the software. Then the opposite level is connected to the same inputs and another check is done by software. This is done by putting the CMD1 and CMD2 output buffers in the high impedance state. – Enables EXPOSURE_75, SAFETY and RESTARTING_SAFETY interrupts. – Sets those signals to active state and checks interrupts occur. – Restores initial configuration. Test type : No manual interactions. 4–49 DIAGNOSTICS Test type : No manual interactions. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU READ BUFFERS ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Read Buffers Failure Description stocked buffer error User_status = XY X = buffer number (1 = U71 or U73, 2 = U57 or U69, 3 = U50 or U45) Y = step in the test Actual Data = read value (see schematics for more details on the bits ) Expected Data = expected value 33 34 Interrupt error User Status = XY (X = INT number in fault : 1 for EXP_75 + 2 for SAFETY + 4 for RES_SAFETY) (Y = step : 7 for falling edge of the 3 ; Bh for rising edge of EXP_75) 53 Xilinx configuration not completed. DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on PU_CTRL_CPU the following connections : – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) and CMD1 (XJ2) – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (XJ23) – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) and CMD2 (XJ4) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 33 Any Follows the described Identification Procedure. 34 Any PU_CTRL_CPU faulty. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 53 Any Xilinx or associated logic failure.Replace PU_CTRL_CPU. Identification Procedure : STEP 1 – Disconnect the following flat cables : – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) and CMD1 (XJ2) – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) and CMD2 (XJ4) – If the test still fails, PU_CTRL_CPU faulty. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. – If the test indicates no error, go to STEP 2. STEP 2 – Reconnect the flat cable between PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) and CMD1 (XJ2). – If the test fails, CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. – If the test indicates no error, CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 4–50 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–51 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board A/D Converter and Measurement Function Test BACKGROUND Flash Eeprom UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS Drivers RS485 SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock UART CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC –15V BP Abort PRD switches +15V PRD leds +5V DC–DC DECOD RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–52 ROOM_IF_CPU board SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 35, 36, 37, 38 Error 54, 55, 57 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU ADC and Measurement Function Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to verify that the multiplexors located before the A/D converter are selectable, that the A/D is selectable and working properly (the offset and linearity of the A/D converter are within acceptable limits). The test is also designed to verify that the analog buffers, the mAs measurement and time measurement functions are working properly. Test type : No manual interactions. LOOP–ON allowed Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Read status register and check if ’_UNDER+15V’, ’_UNDER–15V’ signals are all at ’1’ level. – A special meas_test switch selects in parallel with the multiplexor the following 4 voltage references : input number 1 : 8.26V 240mV accuracy input number 2 : 2.5V 80mV accuracy input number 3 : –8.26V 240mV accuracy input number 4 : –2.5V 80mV accuracy – The sofware first tests its ability to select the right input of each multiplexor. So each input is successively selected and a A/D conversion is made. – Then, the sofware verifies that for each MUX the value read for the input number 1, 2, 3, 4 are matching the reference voltages with the above accuracy. The signal ”_BUSY_ADC” which means ”end of conversion” is tested here. This test verifies that the MUX and buffer and the ADC and the address decoding are working. – Then, by using the input 1, 2, 3 and 4 the software determines the linearity and the offset of the ADC and checks if they are within acceptable limits : this is sufficient to insure a slope within a 5% tolerance window to the nominal slope. Offset should be less than 240mV. – Then the software switches the reference voltage of 8.26V on the mA buffer. – The signal INHIB_KV_75 (inside the Xilinx) is generated. It allows the mAs clock to reach the microprocessor without KV_75 presence. – Then the software does a mAs measurement during 400ms and verifies that the value read matchs 666mAs (8.33V=666mA for the high mA scale) with a precision of +/– 10%. – Then the software resets the INHIB_KV_75 signal. It resets the mAs and time counters and generate the KV_75 signal in order to start the mAs counters. – Then the software does a mAs and time counting measurement during 400ms and verifies that the mAs value read matches also 666mA with a precision of +/–10%. 4–53 DIAGNOSTICS – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU ADC AND MEASUREMENT FUNCTION ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board ADC and Measurement Function Failure Description ADC Conversion failure due to busy signal (not terminated after 50 m sec) Multiplexer , selection , buffer , offset , slope or ADC failure User Status : MUX input with bad selection [1,2,3,4] Actual Data : value read * Expected Data : value expected at this selection * mAs measurement failure Actual Data : effective mAs read (1bit.mAs) Expected Data : 29Ah (666mAs) User Status : 1 if real KV75 ; 0 if inhibKV75 time measurement failure Actual Data : effective time read (100 pulses /ms) Expected Data : 9C40h (40000 = 400ms) Under +15V failure Under –15V failure Xilinx configuration not completed 35 36 37 38 54 55 57 * 1 bit equal 1mV DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on PU_CTRL_CPU the following connections : – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (XJ23) D Action : Error User Status Any Any Conclusion PU_CTRL_CPU faulty. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 4–54 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–55 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board D/A Converter Test BACKGROUND Flash Eeprom UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS Drivers RS485 SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock UART CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC –15V BP Abort PRD switches +15V PRD leds +5V DC–DC DECOD RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–56 ROOM_IF_CPU board SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 Error 58, 59, 60 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU DAC Converter Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – PU_CTRL_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – PU_CTRL_CPU ADC and measurement function test passed OK Purpose : The purpose of this test is to verify that the D/A converter used for output the kV voltage reference, I_sf current reference and I_if current reference works properly. This DAC is in fact four DAC working in parallel. The access of each DAC independently is verified first. Then, the offset, slope and monotonicity are verified for each DAC. Test type : No manual interactions. LOOP–ON allowed Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Read status register and check if ’_UNDER+15V’, ’_UNDER–15V’ signals are all at ’1’ level. – Successively, the PU_CTRL_CPU software writes 5V in each DAC and verifies that the output of the one selected is at 5V and the others at 0V. – Then for each DAC, the software : => Selects the output, writes 0V and determines the offset of the DAC coupled to the ADC. The offset must be less than +/–60mV. => Then verifies the slope by writing successively FF0h (9.961V theoretically) and 00Fh (0.036V theoretically) and reading the generated output. The slope is defined as : (output in V ”FF0h” – output in V ”00Fh”) / (9.961–0.036). This slope is the product of the DAC and the ADC slopes. Then the DAC slope must be 2.44mV/bit with a +/–5mV precision. => Then verifies the linearity and monotonicity by writing codes from 00Fh to FF0h with 010h steps and verifies that the readback is always increasing. 4–57 DIAGNOSTICS – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU D/A CONVERTER ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board D/A Converter Failure 39 40 41 DIAGNOSTICS 42 43 58 59 60 Description DAC selection error User Status : corresponds to the test step Actual Data : value read * Expected Data : 1388H = 5000 * DAC offset error User Status : DAC which has a bad offset [1, 2, 3, 4] see signification above. Actual Data : offset read * *** Expected Data : 1EH = 30 or FFE2H = –30 * DAC slope error User Status : DAC which has a bad slope [1, 2, 3, 4] see signification above. Actual Data : slope read ** Expected Data : 64h = 100% DAC linearity and monotonicity error User Status : DAC which has a bad linearity [1, 2, 3, 4] see signification above. Actual Data : value read as the greatest * Expected Data : value read as the smallest * ADC busy error Under +15V error Under –15V error Xilinx configuration not completed * 1 bit equal 1mV ** in percentage of the nominal value *** offset may be negative value 4–58 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on PU_CTRL_CPU the following connections : – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (XJ23) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 39 Any PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it. 40 0001 Do not care because this DAC is not used. 41 0001 Do not care because this DAC is not used. 42 0001 Do not care because this DAC is not used. 40 0002 PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it. 0003 0004 41 0002 PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it 0003 42 0002 PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it. 0003 0004 43 – PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it. 4–59 DIAGNOSTICS 0004 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 Drivers RS485 UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS UART SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS XILINX ROOM_IF_CPU interface Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS CS DAC ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS Input register V/F CS Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–60 ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Flash Eeprom PU_CTRL_CPU board EXP_EN Signal Test Console debug TAV GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board EXP_EN Signal Test CPU–68302 Supply control ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface RAD_PREP_A PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A LEDS START_EXP_A RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A STRAP WATCHDOG SWITCH RAD – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V SUPPLY CONNECT D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (IRQ7) (SCC) PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC – RS445 DRIVERS TAV (UART) (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD DIAGNOSTICS (EPLD) – RS484 DRIVERS (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–61 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 44, 45, 46, 47 Error 300, 301 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXP ENABLE Signal Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both boards. – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : Verify that when the operator pushes and releases the exposure switch, both CPU board see this signal change. Test type : Interactive. The operator must push and release the exposure switch when asked by the console. Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software and PU_CTRL_CPU sofware execute the following steps : PU_CTRL_CPU ROOM_IF_CPU DIAGNOSTICS – The software tests the signal DC_BUS_OK and ON_ENABLE to know if there is some voltage remaining on DC bus. If it is the case, the test controls the DCbus to stop, initializes a message to the user : ”waiting DC bus to stop”, retest the DC bus every 100ms. – The software enables EXP_EN interrupt and checks initial signal state – The software asks ROOM_IF_CPU software to run exposure_enable test – The software reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level – The software asks the operator to press exposure switches. – The software reads EXP_EN signal and verifies its state – The software reads EXPOSURE_ENABLE signal under interrupt (Port PC10 of 68360). – The software asks the operator to release the exposure swicthes. The software read EXP_EN signal and cheks its state. – The software reads EXPOSURE_SIGNAL signal and checks its states under interrupt. 4–62 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXP ENABLE SIGNAL ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Boards EXP ENABLE Signal Test Failure Description 44 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 3 DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 45 Initial status failure 46 EXP_EN signal SET failure 47 EXP_EN RESET failure 300 ROOM_IF_CPU board VREF test failure 301 ROOM_IF_CPU board EXP_EN signal state failure User Status : 1 EXP_EN not set 2 EXP_EN not reset D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CPUs the following connections : – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (XJ23) – Between PU_CTRL_CPU (J3) and ROOM_IF_CPU (J5) D Check the connections between ROOM_IF_CPU and DISTRIBUTION board then Control desk (TAV or GPX or MADRID dsek or table) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 44 – Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 45 – Check exposure_enable signal on rack extension side. (See procedure below). If ok check exposure_enable signal on ROOM_IF_CPU. If OK replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 46 47 – Check connections between PU_CTRL_CPU, ROOM_IF_CPU, DISTRIBUTION boards. If ok, replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 300 301 Check 15VREF power ROOM_IF_CPU board. Any supply. If OK, replace Check exposure_enable signal on rack extension side. (See process below). If ok replace ROOM_IF_CPU board Check extension rack : – Check if leds PG1 and GR1 are on when exposure switches are depressed. – check fuse F11 on distribution board – Check interfcae baord (or table board in ace of RF room) or control console or distribution board in case of rad room. (See interface block diagram) 4–63 DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 UART UART Drivers RS232 Drivers RS232 Drivers RS485 UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O CS6 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 DIAGNOSTICS UART SMC2 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS XILINX ROOM_IF_CPU interface Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS CS DAC ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS MUX CS Input register V/F CS Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–64 ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Flash Eeprom PU_CTRL_CPU board Exposure Management Test Console debug TAV GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Exposure Management Test Supply control CPU–68302 ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A LEDS START_EXP_A STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RAD_PREP_A RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY CONNECT SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V –15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (IRQ7) (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC – RS445 DRIVERS TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD DIAGNOSTICS (EPLD) (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–65 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 48 Error 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Error 302, 303 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK for both board. – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : This test checks if ROOM_IF_CPU board is hardware connected. This test uses two spares lines. F10 differential line can be multiplexed as a software data test (output = CLK_TEST). This line is loopbacked in the Altera’s Epld on ROOM_IF_CPU_BOARD and be checked in the Xilinx (line F11 = ’SPARE_IN’). This test checks ”timer_cut_off” function without enabling exposure. This test includes clock multiplexer, Xilinx internal 24 bits timer with readback by 68360, programmable delay generator with edge interrupt feedback on 68360. This test checks Xilinx programmable internal filter on the ”Exposure command” and ”EXT_CUT_OFF” lines without enabling exposure. Test type : No manual interactions. DIAGNOSTICS Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : D The PU_CTRL_CPU software tests the signal DC_BUS_OK and ON_ENABLE to know if there is some voltage remaining on DC bus. If it is the case, the test controls the DCbus to stop, initializes a message to the user : ”waiting DC bus to stop”, retest the DC bus every 100ms. D Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. D Disable exposure : CUT_EXPOSURE = inactive. D Select CLK_TIMER = CLK_INT = CLK_TEST (sofware clock driver). D Reset timer : RESET_COMPTEUR=’0’ D Program internal delai (24 bits register to be compare with timer). D Enable TIMER_CUT_OFF edge interrupt on (PC8 port on 68360) D Enable timer : RESET_COMPTEUR = active D Write CLK_TEST=’1’ , CLK_TEST=’0’ (software clock edge). D Read and check 24 bits timer value (compare with number of positive clock edges). D Redo the two last actions. D When the number of positive clock edges is equal to ’DELAI’, TIMER_CUT_OFF must be active, an interrupt must be detected on PC8. Xilinx 24 bits internal timer 4–66 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Xilinx internal filter D Enable ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET (drivers of ROOM_IF_CPU board are tri–stated). D Check TEST_IF_CPU_RESET loopback. D Change RS_BIT_TEST level (loopback of SPI_CLK). D Select ”Exposure Command” filter clock (CLK_50KHZ, CLK_5KHZ, CLK_500HZ or CLK_50HZ). D Select CLK_INT = CLK_TEST (software clock driver). D Enable input feedback : REBOUCLAGE= active. D Generate 2500000 software clock pulses (write CLK_TEST=’0’, CLK_TEST=’1’) and check if EXT_CUT_OFF_FILT (port PC9 of 68360) and EXP_CMD_FILT(port PC0 of 68360) propagation delays (number of software clock pulses) are correct. D Repeat the four last actions for the 4 clock filters ROOM_IF_CPU board detection D Exposure command signal test ROOM_IF_CPU PU_CTRL_CPU – Checks exposure_command initial state (xilinx input) – The software reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level – Enable exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. – Checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board. – Checks exposure_command state (xilinx input) – Ask operator to release exposure switches. – Checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (not activated) _ Disables exposure_command signals – Checks exposure_command state (xilinx input) – Reset CLK_INT and CLK_TIMER – Enables interrupt on EXP_CMD signal 4–67 DIAGNOSTICS – Disable exposure command to CMD1 board. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Boards Exposure Management Failure Description DIAGNOSTICS 48 DC BUS failure User Status : 1 3 DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 270 ROOM_IF_CPU board detection failure user_status 1 ad, ed 2 271 Xilinx Timer 24 bits user_status 1 ad, ed 2 272 Signal ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET failure 273 Xilinx filter test failure user status 1 2 274 Xilinx configuration not completed 275 EXP_CMD at xilinx input wrong initial state 276 EXP_CMD not active 277 EXP_CMD remains active 278 no EXP_CMD interrupt 302 ROOM_IF_CPU board VREF test failure 303 ROOM_IF_CPU board EXP_CMD signal state failure User Status : 1 EXP_EN not set 2 EXP_EN not reset 10 EXP_CMD not set 2 EXP_CMD not reset RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU the following connections : – PU_CTRL_CPU (J3) and ROOM_IF_CPU (J5) – PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) and CMD1 (J23) D Check the connections between ROOM_IF_CPU and DISTRIBUTION board then Control desk (TAV or GPX or MADRID dsek or table) 4–68 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Action : Error User Status Conclusion 48 – Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 270 Any Replace PU_CTRL_PU board 271 001 Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 271 002 Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 272 273 Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. any Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 274 Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 275 Check exposure_command signal on ROOM_IF_CPU and extension rack side. If OK, replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 276 Check exposure_command signal on ROOM_IF_CPU and extension rack side 9Follow the procedure below). If OK, replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 277 Check Exposure_command signal of ROOM_IF_CPU and extension rack side (Follow the procedure below). If ok, replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 278 Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board 302 Check 15VREF power supply (DS1 ON). If OK, replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. 303 Check exposure command signal on rack extension side.(follow the procedure below) If OK, replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. Check extension rack : – Check if leds PG1 and GR1 are on when exposure switches are depressed. – check fuse F11 on distribution board – Check interfcae baord (or table board in ace of RF room) or control console or distribution board in case of rad room. (See interface block diagram) 4–69 DIAGNOSTICS D GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 52 See Error 31, 32 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD DIAGNOSTICS Command Buffers Test 4–70 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 53 See Error 33, 34 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD DIAGNOSTICS Read Buffers Test 4–71 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 54, 55, 57 See Error 35, 36, 37, 38 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU ADC and Measurement Function Test 4–72 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–73 DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL CMD2 PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE KV REF EXPO COMMAND PU_CTRL EXPO ENABLE REGULATION COMMAND KV STATUS IMPULSE U37 U38 4–74 LV_ENABLE CONTROL ZERO CURRENT DETECTION mA MAX U40 MAX CURRENT CHOICE CONTACTOR CMD INVERT Q22 INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL HV TANK mA MEASURE + RETURN _POW_ON ON / OFF 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U6–U7 È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È PU_CTRL U17 U27 X1–X2 FUSES _SYS_ON PU_CTRL LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 PU_CTRL LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS GEN_ON MAINPS asm 2165118–100 ctrl. cons. KV>75% NETWORK LEVEL FILTER F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 U47 U17 È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ È MAINPS U28 PU_CTRL MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES KV RETURN IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY HV TANK – FLOATING mA RANGE mA MEASURE KV MEASURE U18 KV DROP SAFETY U52–U53–U56–U57 SAFETY PU_CTRL KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES LINEAR REGULATION SAFETY CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 + U59 U60 NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 U19 U26 U29 3 EPLD’S U22 U33 U51 MAINPS SAFETY REGULATION REGULATION PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + U61 >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 ON/OFF FUNCTION : POWER_ON Signal Test CMD1.BOARD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 62, 63 MPH ON/OFF CMD1 POWER_ON signal test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF Command Buffers passed OK. – ON/OFF Read Buffers passed OK. The principle of the test is to power on the generator, and check if the PU_CTRL_CPU can drive through CMD1.BOARD the main contactor command. This assumes that a part of the ON/OFF function is running properly, enough at least to communicate with the system. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the DC_BUS status. If it is on then D DC_BUS ON PU_CTRL_CPU drives the ON/OFF contactor command OFF. D PU_CTRL_CPU then drives the ON/OFF contactor command ON and checks the _POW_ON return from CMD1.BOARD is Active (_POW_ON =0) D PU_CTRL_CPU drives the ON/OFF contactor command OFF and checks the _POW_ON return from CMD1.BOARD is Inactive. (_POW_ON =1) D PU_CTRL_CPU then checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test. CMD1 POWER_ON SIGNAL ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD1 Board POWER_ON signal Failure Description 62 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 2 63 pow_on status error User Status : 1 2 ON_ENABLE signal never validated after OFF cmnd (_pow_on test not executed) ON_ENABLE signal never validated after OFF cmnd (how ever _pow_on test executed) _POW_ON not ON after _POW_ON_CMD _POW_ON reset error 4–75 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) – Between CMD1 (XJ5) and MAINPS (XJ5) – Between CMD1 (XJ4) and DISTRIBUTION (J9). D Action : Error User Status 62 001 No conclusion. Check Not executed (pre–req not met) 002 Fault not located at CMD1 level : No action. Any CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. DIAGNOSTICS 63 Conclusion 4–76 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–77 DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL PU_CTRL ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È LV_ENABLE RUN EPLD BRAKE CMD1 NETWORK LEVEL PU_CTRL ROTCTL STATE IGBT CMDS COMMANDS AND SAFETIES 3 PHASE REBUILD + LEVEL DETECTION CONTROL Q6 2 PHASE MEASURE U3–U16–U15 4–78 È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ U35 CMD2 HEATER PU_CTRL LV_EN SPEED SELECTION PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 LVPS FUNCTION : LV_ENABLE Signal Test CMD2.BOARD MAX CURRENT CLOCKS LEVEL SAFETY ROTCTL COMMON MEASURE U15 HIGH SPEED CMD1 CMD1 HS RELAY RETURN U12–U25–U26 LV POWER LV_ENABLE SUPPLY CONTROL U30–Q19–>Q22 _24V_OK TUBE SELECTION COMMAND AND STATE U30 U11 CMD1 PU_CTRL ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL RELAY COMMAND LV_ON MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 74 MPH LV POWER SUPPLY CMD2 LV_ENABLE signal test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Volt. Command Buffers passed OK. – Low Volt Read Buffers passed OK. The purpose of this test is to verify that CMD2.BOARD checks the low voltage power supplies (+5V,+15V,–15V) received from CMD1.BOARD with a good confidence level and try to identify the faulty component by distinguishing between the power supply control located on CMD2.BOARD and the low voltage power supplies themselves. Purpose : The principle of the test is to compare the _lv_enable signal indicated to the PU_CTRL_CPU.BOARD with a separate 24 Volts level detection used specifically as a diagnostic circuit, in order to find out whether the _lv_enable detection or the Power Supplies are faulty. This test checks the consistency of the two detection systems. It assumes that whenever the +15 Volts, –15 Volts or +5 Volts are faulty, there is no diagnostic possible because the generator cannot be switched ON and the communication with the system is limited. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the position of the _lv_enable signal which needs to be memorized in the ROTCTL EPLD for the purpose of the test. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the 24 Volts level detection and compares both results. CMD2 LV_ENABLE SIGNAL ERROR CODES Error 74 MPH CMD2 Board LV_ENABLE signal Failure Description LV_ENABLE 24V cross check User Status : 1 _lv_enable fault 2 _24V_ok fault 3 _lv_enable and _24V_ok fault 4–79 DIAGNOSTICS D GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D See ON/OFF and Power supplies Bloc Diagram D Check on MAINSPS Board :F1,F2,F3 Check the five Low Voltage fuses on CMD1 : F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 DIAGNOSTICS D D Check on MAINPS the following connections : – Between MAINPS (XJ3) and Auto–Transformer – Between MAINPS (XJ4) and LV POWER SUPPLIES LV1 and LV2 D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ5) and LV POWER SUPPLIES LV1 and LV2 D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Using a multimeter, check on CMD2 the following voltages : Voltage Test Point + 15 Volts P15V – 15 Volts M15V + 5 Volts P5V + 24 Volts P24V D Conclusion If one of these three is failing, Change LV1 Power Supply 15V. If this one is failing, change LV2 Power Supply 24V. Action : Error User Status Conclusion 74 001 CMD2 or Power Supplies faulty. If fuse and Power Supplies checks made, replace CMD2 board. 002 CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 003 If fuse check made, LV2 Power Supply 24V faulty. Replace LV2 Power Supply 24V. 4–80 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–81 DIAGNOSTICS CPU CMD2 PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE KV REF PU_CTRL DIAG CODES KV STATUS REGULATION SAFETY IMPULSE REGULATION 3 EPLD’S COMMAND KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 U19 U26 U29 + U59 U60 U37 U38 KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES LINEAR REGULATION KV MEASURE PU_CTRL 4–82 MAINPS NEW CCT DC1 U8–U9 NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL REGULATION LV_ENABLE CONTROL SAFETY U18 KV mA MAX ZERO CURRENT DETECTION U40 LV SUPPLIES CTRL CONS _SYS_ON U17 INVERT Q22 POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 U27 INVERT INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 ON / OFF FUSES F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 PU_CTRL 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U4–U5 U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FILTER KV>75% MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 SAFETY mA MEASURE U28 MAX CURRENT mA RANGE PU_CTRL U47 U17 IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY PU_CTRL RETURN FLOATING CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 KV DROP SAFETY U52–U53–U56–U57 HV TANK – È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ EXPO ENABLE + – U48 U49 + U61 >125KV PU_CTRL >100KV EXPO COMMAND RISE DMD U22 U33 U51 PU_CTRL U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 DCPS FUNCTION : DC Level Network Test CMD1.BOARD GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 85 MPH DC FILTER CMD1 DC Level Network test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC_PS Command Buffers passed OK. – DC_PS Read Buffers passed OK. The purpose of this test is to verify that CMD1.BOARD distributes the network level information to CMD2.BOARD and PU_CTRL_CPU.BOARD. The principle of the test is to modify, from the PU_CTRL_CPU, the CMD1 DC bus level read cctswith known levels. One transition occurs for each of the 3 signals sequentially, so as to test completely the corresponding logic. The levels are coded on 2 bits DC_BUS_MEAS_0 and DC_BUS_MEAS_1. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets diagnostics bits to indicate test status. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset the safety signal DC_BUS_FAULT D PU_CTRL_CPU check status no.1 of the 4 signals DC_BUS_MEAS_0, DC_BUS_MEAS_1, DC_BUS_FAULT, ON_ENABLE. D PU_CTRL_CPU wait a calibrated delay and checks the status no.2 of the 4 signals. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the corresponding diagnostics bits and the safety signal.. Signal Status 1 Status 2 DC_BUS_MEAS_0 1 0 DC_BUS_MEAS_1 1 0 dc_bus_fault 0 1 on_enable 1 0 4–83 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD1 DC LEVEL NETWORK ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD1 Board DC Level Network Failure Description dc_bus measurement error User Status : 1 first status failure User Status : 2 second status failure Actual Data : XYZT * Expected Data : XYZT * 85 * X = ON_ENABLE status; Y = DC_BUS_FAULT status; Z = DC_BUS_MEAS_1 status; T = DC_BUS_MEAS_0 status (effective value 0 or 1 ) RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Action : User Status 85 Any Conclusion CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. DIAGNOSTICS Error 4–84 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–85 DIAGNOSTICS CMD1 È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È MAINPS.BOARD CMD1 GE Medical Systems REV 4 DCPS FUNCTION : DC Level Detection Test LV POWER SUPPLY DC VOLTAGE ENCODED MEASURE MEASUREMENT SAFETY RANGE CMD1 È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È DC Filter È ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ U11–Q1 DC FILTER DISCHARGE U1–U4–U9–U10 3 PHASE REBUILD AND TRANSFORMERS COMPARISON T1–T2 U3–U12 RECTIFIER ISOLATED 220 Vac & FILTER LV POWER SUPPLIES U13–C24–C25 CT1 220 Vac 115 Vac POWER ON CASING COOLING ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 ON COMMANDS CT2 RELAYS X1–X2–X3 CMD1 CMD1 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 AUTO TRANSFORMER 4–86 ISOLATION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 86, 87 MPH DC FILTER MAINPS DC Level Detection test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC_PS Command Buffers passed OK. – DC_PS Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD1 DC Level network passed OK. The purpose of this test is to verify that it is possible to simulate a voltage level on MAINPS.BOARD and read it back through CMD1.BOARD and PU_CTRL_CPU.BOARD. The principle of the test is to modify, from the PU_CTRL_CPU, the DC level detected on MAINPS.BOARD by replacing the DC voltage measure by a known reference on the measure cct, and read the equivalent level on the CPU. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU checks if the DC_BUS is OFF else it drives it OFF D PU_CTRL_CPU sets diagnostic bits which effect is to drive through CMD1.BOARD at MAINPS.BOARD a voltage change in place of the normal measure, so as to detect a level equivalent to 700 V. D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that the 4 signals : DC_BUS_MEAS_0, DC_BUS_MEAS_1, DC_BUS_FAULT, ON_ENABLE signify this 700V level : status 1 . D After this CPU releases its diag command and checks that the level returns to its original value : status 2. Signal Status 1 Status 2 DC_BUS_MEAS_0 1 0 DC_BUS_MEAS_1 1 0 dc_bus_fault 0 1 on_enable 0 1 4–87 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 MAINPS DC LEVEL DETECTION ERROR CODES Error MPH MAINPS Board DC Level Detection Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command MAIN DC measurement error User Status : 1 first status failure User Status : 2 second status failure Actual Data : XYZT * Expected Data : XYZT * 86 87 * X = ON_ENABLE status; Y = DC_BUS_FAULT status; Z = DC_BUS_MEAS_1 status; T = DC_BUS_MEAS_0 status (effective value 0 or 1 ) DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on MAINPS the following connections : – Between MAINPS (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ5) D Action : Error User Status 86 0001 MAINPS faulty. Replace MAINPS board. 0002 No conclusion. pre–req. not acheived. Any MAINPS faulty. Replace MAINPS board. 87 Conclusion 4–88 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–89 DIAGNOSTICS GE Medical Systems REV 4 DC Filter FUNCTION: DC Level Measure Test DC_PS.BOARD D1–D2–D3–L1–C1–C2–C3 ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈÈ INVERT ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc ROTCTL ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc HEATER AC / DC CT2 È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ CAPACITOR DC VOLTAGE MAINPS MEASUREMENT R7–R8–R9–R10–R11–R12 DISCHARGE R2 asm 2165118–100 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 ÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ FILTER È È È È SUPPLY NETWORK 4–90 CT2 380 Vac – 480 Vac ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 88, 89, 90 MPH DC FILTER DC_FILTER DC level measure test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC_PS Command Buffers passed OK. – DC_PS Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD1 DC Level network passed OK. – MAINPS DC Level detection passed OK. The purpose of this test is to check the DC voltage generated by DC_FILTER.BOARD and measured by MAINPS.BOARD. The principle of the test is to close the main contactor of the generator and check the level change from the measurement path from DC_FILTER.BOARD, MAINPS.BOARD, CMD1.BOARD to PU_CTRL_CPU.BOARD. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D If necessary, the PU_CTRL_CPU commands the closure of the main contactor by setting the DC_ON command on CMD1. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks that the DC level is in the safe range, as indicated by the DC_BUS_FAULT and ON_ENABLE signal and that one of the 2 DC_BUS_MEAS signals at least is at 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU then opens the main contactor and checks after around five seconds that the voltage level is under 400 Volts : DC_BUS_FAULT is 1 and DC_BUS_MEAS both at 0. D PU_CTRL_CPU then checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test: DC_BUS_MEAS both at 0 DC_BUS_FAULT and ON_ENABLE at 1. 4–91 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DC_FILTER DC LEVEL MEASURE ERROR CODES Error MPH DC_FILTER Board DC Level Measure Failure Description DC_BUS error DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE 88 89 DC_BUS level measure error User Status : 1 initial level error 2 slope error status 2 3 slope error status 3 For user_status 2 and 3 only : Actual Data : XYZT * Expected Data : XYZT * 90 DC_BUS not ON after the ON command * X = ON_ENABLE STATUS; Y = DC_BUS_FAULT status; Z = DC_BUS_MEAS_1 status; T = DC_BUS_MEAS_0 status (effective value 0 or 1) RECOMMENDED ACTION DIAGNOSTICS D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) Check on DC_FILTER the following fuses : F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 D Check on DC_FILTER the following connections : – Between DC_FILTER (XJ2) and MAINPS (XJ6) – Between DC_FILTER (XJ3) and CT2 contactor (Auxiliary) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 88 – Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 89 001 DC_FILTER or CT2 faulty, or line input voltage out of range: Chedk Incoming power to contactor and DC filter. 002 DC_FILTER or CT2 contactor faulty. 003 90 – If led DS1 on DC_FILTER board is OFF, check fuses F1, F2 and F3: If OK, check CT2 contactor ON If OK change DC_FILTER board. If led DS1 on DC_FILTER board is ON, check fuses F4 and F5: If F4 is blown, check Rotor Control board If F5 is blown, check Heater board 4–92 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 101 MPH TUBE SELECTION CMD2 Tube Selection test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Sel. Command Buffers passed OK. – Tube Sel. Read Buffers passed OK. Purpose : The principle of the test is to send the three tube change commands to CMD2.BOARD and to readback the information as the NAND function of the commands. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU resets the CMD_DIAG bit. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the three tube change commands D PU_CTRL_CPU checks that _HEAT_CUR_OKD is active. D PU_CTRL_CPU desactivate then activate each of the three commands and checks that _HEAT_CUR_OKD status change. CMD2 TUBE SELECTION ERROR CODES MPH CMD2 Board Tube Selection Failure Description Signal _HEAT_CUR_OKD status error User Status : 1 _HEAT_CUR_OKD not active 2 _HEAT_CUR_OKD active 3 Initial status error (with the three tube commands set) 10h signal active after reset T2_SEL_START (2 other commands set) 20h signal active after reset T2_SEL_HEAT (2 other commands set) 30h signal active after reset HV_SWITCH_CTRL (2 other commands set) 101 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Error User Status 101 Any Conclusion CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 4–93 DIAGNOSTICS Error DIAGNOSTICS MAINPS GE Medical Systems REV 4 TUBE SEL FUNCTION : Tube Stator Selection Test ROTCTL.BOARD COOLING CMD 115 Vac OIL PUMP OR BLOWER X5 CMD2 HS RELAY CMD HS RELAY RETURN Q1–Q2–Q3–Q4–Q5–Q6 DC_PS ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc HIGH SPEED ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 RELAY AND CAPACITORS 4–94 IGBT CMDS T1–T2–T3–T4–T5–T6 ROTOR TUBE CMD2 _STAT_START_T2 CASING Nb 2 SELECTION È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È _T2_SEL_START Nb 1 X1 INVERTER WITH 6 IGBT’S CMD2 CASING X2 MEASUREMENT T7–T8 OVER CURRENT CMD2 COMMON MEASURE T9 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 2 PHASE GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 102 MPH TUBE SELECTION ROTCL Tube Stator Selection test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Sel. Command Buffers passed OK. – Tube Sel. Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD2 Tube Selection passed OK. Purpose : The principle of the test is to drive the tube selection relay of ROTCTL.BOARD from the CPU, and check the switched position indicated by the auxiliary contact of the relay. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a Rotor tube selection command to switch the stator driver to tube 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding return, indicating that ROTCTL.BOARD is in the position to drive tube 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a Rotor tube selection command to switch the stator driver to tube 2. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding return, indicating that ROTCTL.BOARD is in the position to drive tube 2. ROTCL TUBE STATOR SELECTION ERROR CODES Error MPH ROTCL Board Tube Stator Selection Failure Description Rotor switch selection faulty User Status : 1 rotor tube1 selection error 2 rotor tube2 selection error 102 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on ROTCTL the following connections : – Between ROTCTL (XJ1) and CMD2 (XJ2) D Action : Error User Status 102 Any Conclusion ROTCTL faulty. Replace ROTCTL board. 4–95 DIAGNOSTICS D DIAGNOSTICS HEATER.BOARD CMD2 XS IGBT CMDS T201–T202 HYPO RESONANT TUBE 1 CURRENT INVERTER XS CURRENT TUBE SELECTION HEATER XS WITH 2 IGBT’S È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ CMD2 T203 TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK X301 MEASUREMENT ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc GE Medical Systems REV 4 TUBE SEL FUNCTION : Heater Tube Selection Test SMALL FOCUS Q201–Q202–C205 DC_PS 4–96 CMD2 XL IGBT CMDS T101–T102 HYPO RESONANT INVERTER CMD2 WITH 2 IGBT’S MEASUREMENT T103 LARGE FOCUS TUBE SEL RETURN TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK HEATER XL X301 Q101–Q102–C105 HEATER TUBE SEL HV SWITCH CMD2 HV TANK COMMAND asm 2165118–100 AND STATUS X302 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 XL CURRENT TUBE 1 CURRENT TUBE SELECTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 103 MPH TUBE SELECTION HEATER Heater Tube Selection test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Sel. Command Buffers passed OK. – Tube Sel. Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD2 Tube Selection passed OK. The principle of the test is to drive the tube selection relay of HEATER.BOARD from the CPU, and check the switched position indicated by the auxiliary contact of the relay. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a Heater tube selection command to switch the filaments drivers to tube 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding return, indicating that HEATER.BOARD is in the position to drive both filaments of tube 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a Heater tube selection command to switch the filaments drivers to tube 2. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding return, indicating that HEATER.BOARD is in the position to drive both filaments of tube 2. HEATER HEATER TUBE SELECTION ERROR CODES Error MPH HEATER Board Heater Tube Selection Failure Description Heater switch selection error User Status : 1 heater tube1 selection error 2 heater tube2 selection error 103 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on HEATER the following connections : – Between HEATER (XJ1) and CMD2 (XJ1) D Action : Error User Status 103 Any Conclusion HEATER board faulty. Replace HEATER board. 4–97 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : DIAGNOSTICS HEATER.BOARD CMD2 XS IGBT CMDS T201–T202 HYPO RESONANT TUBE 1 CURRENT INVERTER CMD2 XS CURRENT TUBE SELECTION HEATER XS WITH 2 IGBT’S T203 TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK X301 MEASUREMENT ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc GE Medical Systems REV 4 TUBE SEL FUNCTION : HV Switch Command Test SMALL FOCUS Q201–Q202–C205 DC_PS LF IGBT CMDS T101–T102 HYPO RESONANT INVERTER CMD2 WITH 2 IGBT’S MEASUREMENT T103 LARGE FOCUS TUBE SEL RETURN TUBE 1 CURRENT TUBE SELECTION TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK HEATER XL X301 Q101–Q102–C105 HEATER TUBE SEL _HV_SWITCH_CTRL CMD2 HV SWITCH HV TANK COMMAND asm 2165118–100 AND STATUS X302 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 XL CURRENT È È È È È È È È È È È È È È 4–98 CMD2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 104 MPH TUBE SELECTION HEATER HV Switch Command test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Sel. Command Buffers passed OK. – Tube Sel. Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD2 Tube Selection passed OK. Purpose : The principle of the test is to drive the HV SWITCH command relay on the HEATER.BOARD from the CPU, and check the switched position indicated by the auxiliary contact of the relay. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a HV Switch motor command to CMD2.BOARD (hence HEATER.BOARD). D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding return of the auxiliary contact of the relay, thus indicating that 24 Volts is applied to the motor. This operation puts the HV Switch in an unindentified position as regard to the tube selection. PU_CTRL_CPU then stops driving the HV Switch motor, and checks that the relay is again in its original position. HEATER HV SWITCH COMMAND ERROR CODES Error MPH HEATER Board HV Switch Command Failure Description HV switch motor command faulty User Status : 1 signal _HV_SW_MOTOR_OFF not active 2 signal _HV_SW_MOTOR_OFF active 3 _HV_SW_MOTOR_OFF initial status error 104 RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR 25 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on HEATER the following connections : – Between HEATER (XJ1) and CMD2 (XJ1) D Action : Error User Status 104 Any Conclusion HEATER board faulty. Replace HEATER board. 4–99 DIAGNOSTICS D DIAGNOSTICS HV TANK XL XS HEATER GE Medical Systems REV 4 TUBE SEL FUNCTION : HV Switch Motor Test TUBE 1 TRANSFORMERS TUBE 1 ANODE CMD1 mA MEASURE CMD1 kV + KV + MEASURE KV – HIGH kV – SWITCH STATUS È È È È È È È VOLTAGE HV SWITCH HEATER KV + TRANSFORMER kV – MEASURE HEATER KV – TUBE 2 CMD1 SWITCH CMD CATHODE CMD1 mA MEASURE XL XS HEATER TUBE 2 asm 2165118–100 TRANSFORMERS TUBE 2 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ 4–100 kV + INVERT TUBE 1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 105, 106 MPH TUBE SELECTION HV TANK HV Switch Motor test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Sel. Command Buffers passed OK. – Tube Sel. Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD2 Tube Selection passed OK. – HEATER HV Switch Command passed OK Purpose : This test aims to drive the HV Switch like normal application, by changing from one tube to another, and check the corresponding returns. The control of the HV Switch inside the tank involves several signals. One of these drives a motor which induces a translation of the isolator. This one bears three contacts : two bold contacts indicating the switch orientation towards one tube or the other, and an accurate contact which indicates that a tube is actually connected to the tank. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a HV Switch motor command to CMD2.BOARD (hence HEATER.BOARD), waits for the tank to be connected to tube 1, and stops the motor command. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks both the bold position signal and the index (accurate) signal, indicating that the tank is well engaged to tube 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a HV Switch motor command to CMD2.BOARD (hence HEATER.BOARD), waits for the tank to be connected to tube 2, and stops the motor command. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks both the bold position signal and the index (accurate) signal, indicating that the tank is well engaged to tube 2. HV TANK HV SWITCH MOTOR ERROR CODES Error MPH HV TANK HV Switch Motor Failure Description 105 HV switch motor error 106 Tube selection error User Status : 1 2 tube1 selection error tube2 selection error RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on HV TANK the following connections : – Between HV TANK (XJ1) and HEATER (XJ4) 4–101 DIAGNOSTICS Sequence : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D Action : User Status Conclusion 105 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 106 Any If no noise from motor tube switch, motor faulty. Else HV TANK faulty. DIAGNOSTICS Error 4–102 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–103 DIAGNOSTICS È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È CMD1.BOARD PU_CTRL CMD2 kV TEST LV_ENABLE KV REF PU_CTRL EXPO ENABLE REGULATION COMMAND IMPULSE U37 U38 4–104 mA MAX ZERO CURRENT DETECTION U40 MAX CURRENT _SYS_ON U47 U17 KV>75% PU_CTRL U17 INVERT Q22 INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE U36 U27 + – INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 ON / OFF 3 PHASE DETECTION CTRL_CONS PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL FUSES F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 U28 KV RETURN U2–U3 U4–U5 U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS U18 IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY HV TANK – FLOATING mA RANGE FILTER KV MEASURE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES KV DROP SAFETY LV_ENABLE CONTROL SAFETY mA MEASURE KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES U52–U53–U56–U57 SAFETY CURRENT PU_CTRL + U59 U60 NETWORK LEVEL TEST Q3–X3–X4 KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 LINEAR REGULATION KV STATUS TUBE PU_CTRL U19 U26 U29 3 EPLD’S U22 U33 U51 MAINPS SAFETY REGULATION REGULATION PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + U61 >125KV >100KV RISE DMD EXPO COMMAND U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL PU_CTRL PU_CTRL KV TEST STATUS GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : KV TEST Relay Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 117, 118 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 KV TEST Relay test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. The aim of this test is to order the switch of the kV test relays from CPU.BOARD and check the returns. There is two types of returns : the first one is one of the contacts of the relay, the second one is the kV reference which replaces the kV measure when the relay is in test position. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets kV REF to 80 kV. D PU_CTRL_CPU resets the kV peak measurement D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST kV+ and TEST kV– to 1 and checks the corresponding status return bit and kV measure return as being in the range [76 kV, 84 kV]. D PU_CTRL_CPU resets the kV peak measurement. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST kV– to 0 and checks the corresponding status return bit and kV measure return as being in the range [38 kV, 42 kV]. CMD1 KV TEST RELAY ERROR CODES Error 117 118 MPH CMD1 Board KV TEST Relay Failure Description kV switch status error User Status : 1 kV+ switch error 2 kV– switch error 3 kV+ switch init error 4 kV– switch init error kV meas out of range User Status : 1 kV measure out off high range (80kV) 2 kV measure out of middle range (40 kV) 3 kV measure > kv_min with kv_ref = 0 10 ADC conversion error. 4–105 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Action : User Status 117 Any 118 Any except 0010 118 0010 Conclusion CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. DIAGNOSTICS Hardware Status 4–106 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–107 DIAGNOSTICS CMD1.BOARD PU_CTRL CMD2 PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE KV REF PU_CTRL KV STATUS 4–108 U22 U33 U51 MAINPS NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 U61 REGULATION SAFETY IMPULSE REGULATION 3 EPLD’S COMMAND U19 U26 U29 REGULATION U52–U53–U56–U57 LV_ENABLE CONTROL SAFETY mA MAX CTRL_CONS _SYS_ON U18 KV PU_CTRL RETURN U47 U17 PU_CTRL KV>75% U17 U28 U40 MAX CURRENT INVERT IGBT COMMANDS Q12 Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 U27 U35 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 ON / OFF FILTER F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 – FLOATING ZERO CURRENT DETECTION HV TANK 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FUSES KV DROP SAFETY KV MEASURE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES LINEAR REGULATION mA RANGE mA MEASURE + U59 U60 U37 U38 SAFETY PU_CTRL KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈ EXPO ENABLE È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL EXPO COMMAND U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : Current Meas & IGBT FPS Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 Error 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 Current Meas & IGBT FPS test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. The principle of the test is to generate through the IGBT commands a ramp function in place of the inverter current measure. This ramp function triggers the zero current detection and the max current safety. At the same time, the Floating Power Supply (FPS) commands are not looped back on CMD1.BOARD, this creating an error detected by the EPLD and indicated to the CPU. Test type : Manual interaction required. LOOP–ON allowed. The operator must press the EXPOSURE_ENA button. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D D D D D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the CMD_DIAG bits to validate the faults. PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties PU_CTRL_CPU checks that the _KV_OKD signal is ready to be activated. PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start exp_cmd test ROOM_IF_CPU reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level ROOM_IF_CPU enables exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated ) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board so a EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal is sent to CMD1 in order to start the exposure. A ”No Radiation” signal is displayed at the console. EPLD COMMAND drives T22 IGBT command so as to generate a negative voltage ramp function and trigger negative threshold of current measure and maximum current safety. EPLD COMMAND checks the timing of the zero current detection and the maximum current safety and indicates the test result to the PU_CTRL_CPU. EPLD SAFETY detects the faults linked to the maximum current. PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_command state and stops exposure PU_CTRL_CPU checks the FPS_FAULT signal. D D D D D D D 4–109 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D D D D D D D D D D PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start a new exposure EPLD drives T21 IGBT command so as to generate a positive voltage ramp function and trigger positive threshold of current measure and maximum current safety. EPLD COMMAND checks the timing of the zero current detection and the maximum current safety and indicates the test result to the CPU. PU_CTRL_CPU stops exposure PU_CTRL_CPU checks the FPS_FAULT and _KV_OKD signals. PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the CMD_DIAG bit. PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator to release exposure switches. ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. CMD1 CURRENT MEAS AND IGBT FPS ERROR CODES Error 119 DIAGNOSTICS 120 121 122 123 124 125 317 MPH CMD1 Board Current Meas & IGBT FPS Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 DC_BUS_FAULT incompatible with ON_ENABLE 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command EXP_ENABLE status error User Status : 1 exposure_enable not set 2 exposure_enable not reset EXP_CMND status error User Status : 1 exp_cmnd not set 2 exp_cmnd not reset restarting safety error User Status : 1 RESTARTING_SAFETY initial status error 2 restarting safety interrupt not detected _KV_OKD signal status error User Status : 1 _kV_OKD initial status error 2 _KV_OKD error I_INV_MAX signal status error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv_drop 3 kv_max 4 ma_max 6 regul_out 10 I_INV_MAX initial status error For user_status from 1 to 6, the corresponding signal occurs instead of i_inv_max signal FPS_FAULT signal status error EXP_CMD or EXP_EN signal status error on ROOM_IF_CPU side User Status : 1 EXP_ENA not active 2 EXP_ENA remains active 10 EXP_CMD not active 20 EXP_CMD remains active 4–110 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 119 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i Any CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 120 121 122 123 124 317 DIAGNOSTICS 125 4–111 DIAGNOSTICS CMD1.BOARD È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈ È ÈÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈÈ È ÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ PU_CTRL CMD2 kV TEST LV_ENABLE KV REF EXPO ENABLE PU_CTRL SAFETY IMPULSE REGULATION REGULATION KV STATUS 4–112 LV_ENABLE CONTROL ZERO CURRENT DETECTION CTRL_CONS _SYS_ON U18 U28 U40 MAX CURRENT KV PU_CTRL RETURN KV>75% U47 U17 PU_CTRL U17 INVERT IGBT COMMANDS Q22 Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 U27 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 ON / OFF FILTER F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 – FLOATING mA MAX HV TANK 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT CPU CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FUSES KV MEASURE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES KV DROP SAFETY U52–U53–U56–U57 mA RANGE mA MEASURE KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES LINEAR REGULATION SAFETY PU_CTRL + U59 U60 U37 U38 SAFETY CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 U19 U26 U29 NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL REGULATION COMMAND U22 U33 U51 MAINPS U61 3 EPLD’S È È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL EXPO COMMAND PU_CTRL KV TEST STATUS GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : KV Safeties Tets GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV Safeties test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. The aim of this test is to check several safeties linked to the kV command function. The first safety checked here is described as kV<kV0 fault : each polarity of the kV must be greater than 6 kV, 500 us after the beginning of the exposure. If not, a fault is generated. To test it, a 5kV equivalent measure is applied to each polarity. The second safety controls that during the exposure the kV error is not greater than 12 kV. To test it, a 13 kV reference is applied to each polarity, so as to generate a negative and a positive kV error to trigger the REGUL_OUT fault. The third fault tested here is the kV_DROP detection, triggered by a steep drop of the kV measure. The length of the test allows to test the hardware maximum exposure time which is equal to 10 s. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST KV+ to 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets KV reference to 14 kV and sets CMD_DIAG bits to validate the faults. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV<kV0 status. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding fault and releases the CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset the safety. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST KV– to 1 and the CMD_DIAG bits to validate the faults. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV<kV0 status. PU_CTRL_CPU checks that no fault occurs and releases the CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST KV+ to 0 and the CMD_DIAG bits to validate the faults. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV<kV0 status. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the corresponding fault. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets kV reference to 30 kV and TEST kV+ to 1. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a REGUL_OUT fault. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the fault and resets it with CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets CMD_DIAG bits to validate the faults and TEST kV– to 0. This generates a kV error equivalent to +15 kV and produces a REGUL_OUT fault. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a REGUL_OUT fault. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the fault and resets it by releasing the CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets kV reference to 80 kV and the CMD_DIAG bits so that CMD1 EPLD starts its 10 s timer. 4–113 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D After few ms, PU_CTRL_CPU changes TEST kV+ to 0, which produces a steep drop of the kV measure. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV DROP fault which is acknowledged by the PU_CTRL_CPU. D CMD1 restarts automatically the exposure after 4 ms and stops it after 10 s. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the exposure_time_max fault after 12s and the corresponding time. D PU_CTRL_CPU resets the CMD_DIAG bits to come back in the original position. CMD1 KV SAFETIES ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD1 Board kV Safeties Failure Description kV switch status error User Status : 1 kV+ switch error 2 kV– switch error SAFETY error User Status : 1 SAFETY not set 2 SAFETY set kV safety, KV<KV0, error User Status : 1 KV<KV0 not set 2 KV<KV0 not reset 3 KV<KV0 initial status error kV safety, EXPOSURE_TIME_MAX, error User Status : 1 EXPOSURE_TIME_MAX not set 2 Exposure stop by EXPOSURE_TIME_MAX safety signal <10s 3 EXPOSURE_TIME_MAX initial status error RESTARTING_SAFETY error User Status : 1 RESTARTING_SAFETY not set 2 RESTARTING_SAFETY not reset kV restarting safety, REGUL_OUT, error User Status : 1 REGUL_OUT not set with kV+ and kV– switches 2 REGUL_OUT not set with kV+ switch 3 REGUL_OUT initial status error kV restarting safety,KV_DROP, error User Status : 1 KV_DROP not set 2 KV_DROP not reset 3 KV_DROP initial status error 126 127 128 DIAGNOSTICS 129 130 131 132 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (23) D Action : Error User Status Any Any Conclusion CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. 4–114 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–115 DIAGNOSTICS CMD1.BOARD PU_CTRL KV TEST STATUS È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ CMD2 PU_CTRL kV TEST LV_ENABLE KV REF PU_CTRL EXPO ENABLE PU_CTRL KV STATUS U61 REGULATION COMMAND 4–116 CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 LV_ENABLE CONTROL ZERO CURRENT DETECTION CTRL_CONS _SYS_ON KV U28 U40 MAX CURRENT PU_CTRL RETURN U17 KV>75% PU_CTRL U47 U17 U17 INVERT IGBT COMMANDS Q22 Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE U58 + – U36 U27 INVERT INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 LOW VOLTAGE PS ON / OFF FILTER F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 U18 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 ON COMMANDS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FUSES – MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES KV DROP SAFETY U52–U53–U56–U57 mA RANGE mA MEASURE KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES LINEAR REGULATION SAFETY PU_CTRL + U59 U60 FLOATING mA MAX HV TANK U50 U62 U37 U38 SAFETY KV MEASURE KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 U19 U26 U29 NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL IMPULSE REGULATION REGULATION MAINPS SAFETY 3 EPLD’S U22 U33 U51 + – U48 U49 + >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL EXPO COMMAND U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : kV Rise and Regulation Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 Error 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV Rise and Regulation test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. This test checks both regulation measurement systems, the impulse and linear regulation. Its principle is to replace the kV measure by a signal created by a simulator, almost equivalent to what would be the response of the main inverter. The Floating Power Supplies commands generated in such conditions are looped back directly on CMD1.BOARD. This test gives the opportunity to check the rise of the kV waveform detected at each step 100 kV and 125 kV. Test type : Manual interaction required. LOOP–ON allowed. The operator must press the EXPOSURE_ENA and EXPOSURE_CMD button. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST KV+ and TEST KV– to 1 and KV REF to 40 kV. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties D CMD1 switches a relay in order to modify the received reference so as to create an error on the kV measure. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start exp_cmd test D ROOM_IF_CPU reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level D ROOM_IF_CPU enables exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated ) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board so a EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal is sent to CMD1 in order to start the exposure. A ”No Radiation” signal is displayed at the console. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command states. D EPLD COMMAND drives a mock–up inverter as standard application, thus compensating the error on the kV measure. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the kV return as being in the range [38 kV, 42 kV] as well as a no safety signals from CMD1. 4–117 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D PU_CTRL_CPU sets kV REF to 150 kV. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start a new exposure D PU_CTRL_CPU checks kv>75%kvn activated. D PU_CTRL_CPU stops exposure D EPLD COMMAND drives a mock–up inverter as standard application, thus compensating the error on the kV measure. D EPLD SAFETY checks : – at 600 us that kV<100kV, kV<0.75 kVREF, kV<125kV. – at 1200 us that kV>100kV, kV>0.75 kVREF, kV>125kV. and indicates _KV_OKD to the PU_CTRL_CPU. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the kV return as being in the range [142 kV, 158 kV] as well as a no safety signals from CMD1. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets CMD_DIAG bits, KV_REF value and the TEST kV+ and TEST kV– bits D PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator to release exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. CMD1 KV RISE AND REGULATION ERROR CODES DIAGNOSTICS Error Hardware Status 133 134 135 136 137 138 MPH CMD1 Board kV Rise and Regulation Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command kV switch status error User Status : 1 kV+ switch error 2 kV– switch error EXP_ENABLE status error User Status : 1 exposure_enable not set 2 exposure_enable not reset EXP_CMND status error User Status : 1 exp_cmnd not set 2 exp_cmnd not reset KV>75%KVN, error User Status : 1 KV>75%KVN not set during exposure 2 KV>75%KVN set out of exposure kV meas out of range User Status : 1 kV measure out off low range (40kV) 2 kV measure out of high range (150 kV) 10 ADC conversion error. 4–118 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 kV safety, SAFETY, error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv<kv0 occurs 3 exposure_time_max occurs 4 dc_bus_fault occurs 5 fps_fault occurs 6 lv_enable occurs 7 line_drop occurs res_safety_falling status error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv_drop occurs 3 kv_max occurs 4 ma_max occurs 5 i_inv_max occurs 6 regul_out occurs 7 kv_drop_an occurs 8 kv_drop_cat occurs status test, _KV_OKD, error User Status : 1 _KV_OKD not activated 2 _KV_OKD activated EXP_CMD or EXP_EN signal status error on ROOM_IF_CPU side User Status : 1 EXP_ENA not active 2 EXP_ENA remains active 10 EXP_CMD not active 20 EXP_CMD remains active 140 141 317 RECOMMENDED ACTION D D D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) Action : Hardware Status User Status 133 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. 0010 Any CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. Conclusion 135 136 138 134 137 138 139 0001 or 0002 Any 140 141 317 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 4–119 DIAGNOSTICS 139 DIAGNOSTICS CMD1.BOARD PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE È È È È È È CMD2 PU_CTRL KV REF KV STATUS 4–120 È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ PU_CTRL U22 U33 U51 MAINPS NETWORK LEVEL TUBE PU_CTRL CURRENT TEST Q3–X3–X4 REGULATION SAFETY IMPULSE REGULATION 3 EPLD’S COMMAND REGULATION mA MAX LV_ENABLE CONTROL CTRL_CONS _SYS_ON U28 PU_CTRL PU_CTRL U17 U47 U17 INVERT IGBT COMMANDS Q22 FLOATING Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 MAX CURRENT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE U36 U27 INVERT U58 + – INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 ON / OFF FILTER F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 KV RETURN 3 PHASE U2–U3 DETECTION U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 LOW VOLTAGE PS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS ON COMMANDS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FUSES U18 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 LV SUPPLIES – KV>75% U52–U53–U56–U57 mA RANGE mA MEASURE KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES KV DROP SAFETY SAFETY U40 + U59 U60 LINEAR REGULATION ZERO CURRENT DETECTION HV TANK U50 U62 U37 U38 SAFETY KV MEASURE KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 U19 U26 U29 SAFETY PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + U61 >125KV EXPO ENABLE >100KV PU_CTRL U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM RISE DMD PU_CTRL EXPO COMMAND È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È ÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ È PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : kV Max Safety Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 Error 317 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV MAX Safety test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. The purpose of the test is to check the max kV detection levels. The principle is to drive the simulator like the previous test, but this time with one kV measure equal to zero. In this case, the simulator still tries to match the reference, increasing too much the polarity of the other measure, thus triggers the kV MAX fault. Test type : Manual interaction required. LOOP–ON allowed. The operator must press the EXPOSURE_ENA button. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D PU_CTRL_CPU sets KV REF to 85 kV and TEST kV+ to 1. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties D PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start exp_cmd test D ROOM_IF_CPU reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level D ROOM_IF_CPU enables exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated ) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board so a EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal is sent to CMD1 in order to start the exposure. A ”No Radiation” signal is displayed at the console. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command states. D EPLD COMMAND drives a mock–up inverter as standard application, thus compensating the error on the kV measure, in order to match the 85kV reference. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV MAX fault. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the fault and stops the exposure D PU_CTRL_CPU sets TEST kV– to 1 and TEST kV+ to 0. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start a new exposure 4–121 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D EPLD COMMAND drives a mock–up inverter as standard application, thus compensating the error on the kV measure, in order to match the 85 kV reference. D EPLD SAFETY sends back a kV MAX fault. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the fault and stops the exposure. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets TEST kV– to 0 and CMD_DIAG bits. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator to release exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. CMD1 KV MAX SAFETY ERROR CODES Error 142 143 DIAGNOSTICS 144 145 146 147 317 MPH CMD1 Board kV MAX Safety Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command kV switch status error User Status : 1 kV+ switch error 2 kV– switch error EXP_ENABLE status error status error User Status : 1 exp_enable not set 2 exp_enable not reset EXP_CMND status error User Status : 1 exp_cmnd not set 2 exp_cmnd not reset kV safety, RESTARTING_SAFETY, error User Status : 1 restarting_safety not set_step 1 2 restarting_safety initial status error 3 restarting_safety not set_step 2 kV safety, KV_MAX, error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv_drop occurs 4 ma_max occurs 5 i_inv_max occurs 6 regul_out occurs 7 kv_drop_an occurs 8 kv_drop_cat occurs 10 KV_MAX initial status error 11 KV_MAX not reset For user_status from 1 to 6, the corresponding signal occurs instead of kv_max signal EXP_CMD or EXP_EN signal status error on ROOM_IF_CPU side User Status : 1 EXP_ENA not active 2 EXP_ENA remains active 10 EXP_CMD not active 20 EXP_CMD remains active 4–122 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 142 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i Any CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 144 145 143 146 317 DIAGNOSTICS 147 4–123 DIAGNOSTICS È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈ È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ INVERT.BOARD GE Medical Systems REV 4 KV FUNCTION : Power Components Test ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ DC_PS HYPO RESONANT È È È È È È È È È È CMD1 OPTIC IGBT COMMANDS INVERTER COUPLING FLOAT. PS COMMANDS FLOATING È È È È È È È È È È È CMD1 CMD1 T11–T12–T21–T22 FLOAT. PS RETURN LOW VOLTAGE INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE T3–R98 CMD1 POWER SUPPLY T1–T2 asm 2165118–100 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ 4–124 WITH 4 IGBT’S U11–U12–U21–U22 HV TANK GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 Error 317 MPH KV COMMAND INVERT Power Components tests Purpose : The principle of the test is to drive the main inverter of the MPH, loaded by an open circuit in the HV tank. The HV switch is put in its middle position, so that the (cables + tubes) are isolated from the generator. This test allows to check the IGBT commands, the main inverter, the current measure, and the floating low voltage power supply. Test type : Manual interaction required. No LOOP–ON. The operator must press the EXPOSURE_ENA button. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sends tube selection commands through CMD2 to put HV_SWITCH in middle position in order to isolate the cables and tubes from the HV_TANK. D PU_CTRL_CPU commands the closure of the main contactor by setting the _POW_ON_CMD command on CMD1. D In standby mode, CMD1.BOARD sends commands to the FPS and checks the return. PU_CTRL_CPU checks a no fault condition in this mode. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets kV REF to 40 kV. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start exp_cmd test D ROOM_IF_CPU reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level D ROOM_IF_CPU enables exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated ) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board so a EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal is sent to CMD1 in order to start the exposure. A ”No Radiation” signal is displayed at the console. 4–125 DIAGNOSTICS TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Selection function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. – KV cmd. kV Test relays passed OK. – KV cmd. Current meas & IGBT FPS. – KV cmd. kV safeties. – KV cmd. kV rise and regulation. – KV cmd. kV Max safety. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command states. D CMD1 drives the inverter as normal application to match the 40 kV reference. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks _kv_okd signal D At the end of exposure, PU_CTRL_CPU checks a no fault condition from CMD1 and verifies that the measured kV are within the range [36 kV, 44 kV]. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator to release exposure switches. D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. D PU_CTRL_CPU switches the main contactor OFF and checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test. INVERT POWER COMPONENTS ERROR CODES Error MPH INVERT Board Power Components Failure Description DIAGNOSTICS 148 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 2 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 149 DC_BUS not ON after the ON command 150 HV switch tube status error User Status : 1 Time for tube switch > 2s. 2 One HV switch status remains set while middle position expected. 151 EXP_ENABLE status error User Status : 1 exp_enable not set 2 exp_enable not reset 152 EXP_CMND status error User Status : 1 exp_cmnd not set 2 exp_cmnd not reset 153 FPS_FAULT status error 154 kV safety, SAFETY, error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv<kv0 occurs 4 dc_bus_fault occurs 5 fps_fault occurs 6 lv_enable occurs 7 lmain_drop occurs 155 res_safety_falling status error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv_drop occurs 3 kv_max occurs 4 ma_max occurs 5 i_inv_max occurs 6 regul_out occurs 7 kv_drop_an occurs 8 kv_drop_cat occurs 4–126 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 156 kV meas out of range User Status : 1 kV measure out range (40kV) 2 _KV_OKD not active 10 ADC conversion error. 317 EXP_CMD or EXP_EN signal status error on ROOM_IF_CPU side User Status : 1 EXP_ENA not active 2 EXP_ENA remains active 10 EXP_CMD not active 20 EXP_CMD remains active RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on INVERT the following connections : – Between INVERT (XJ3) and CMD1 (XJ8) – Between INVERT (XJ1) and CMD1 (XJ6) – Between INVERT (XJ11) and CMD1 (XJ11) – Between INVERT (XJ11) and CMD1 (XJ11) – Between INVERT (XJ12) and CMD1 (XJ12) – Between INVERT (XJ21) and CMD1 (XJ21) – Between INVERT (XJ22) and CMD1 (XJ22) Hardware Status User Status Conclusion (in order of decending probability) 148 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i 153 Any INVERT Board faulty. Replace INVERT Board. 154 Any except 005 154 005 155 Any except 002, 007, 008 155 002, 007 or 008 156 001 INVERT Board or HV Tank fault. 156 010 Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 156 002 INVERT or optical fiber Board faulty. 317 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 149 150 151 152 INVERT Board or HV Tank fault. INVERT Board faulty. Replace INVERT Board. INVERT Board or HV Tank fault. INVERT Board faulty. Replace INVERT Board. 4–127 DIAGNOSTICS D GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–128 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 Error 317 MPH KV COMMAND Final Cross check Purpose : Run the whole kV function of the MPH including cables + tubes, on both tubes. Test type : Non Remote because of X rays generation. Manual interaction required. No LOOP–ON. The operator must press the exposure switches button. Sequence : Note: It is recommended to run the test with different kV values. D D D D D D D D D D PU_CTRL_CPU commands the closure of the main contactor by setting the _POW_ON_CMD command on CMD1. The operator chooses via the console, the tube to which he wishes to apply the kVs, the value of these kVs, and the time of the exposure. The operator is asked whether the corresponding HV TANK plugs are connected to either a tube or an adaptor. PU_CTRL_CPU ask ROOM_IF_CPU to start exp_cmd test ROOM_IF_CPU reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level ROOM_IF_CPU enables exposure_command signal and ask operator to press exposure switches. ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_commands signals state (activated ) and enable exposure_command to be transmitted to PU_CTRL_CPU board so a EXPOSURE_COMMAND signal is sent to CMD1 in order to start the exposure. A ”No Radiation” signal is displayed at the console. PU_CTRL_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command states and send EXP_CMD to CMD1 board so as to start the exposure. CMD1 drives the inverter as normal application to match the kV reference. At the end of the exposure, PU_CTRL_CPU checks a no fault condition from CMD1 and verifies that the measured kV are within the range [90% kV REF, 110% kV REF], then stops the exposure. PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator to release exposure switches. 4–129 DIAGNOSTICS TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – Tube Selection function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – KV cmd. Command Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. Read Buffers passed OK. – KV cmd. A/D converter passed OK. – KV.cmd. Meas. function passed OK. – KV cmd. D/A converter passed OK. – KV cmd. EXP ENABLE passed OK. – KV cmd. Exposure Managt passed OK. – INVERT Power Components passed OK GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D D D ROOM_IF_CPU checks exposure_enable and exposure_command signals state. The operator is then asked if he wishes a new exposure. If YES, the sequence returns to step 2. If NOT, the sequence goes to the next step to end the test. PU_CTRL_CPU switches the main contactor OFF and checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test. KV FINAL CROSS CHECK ERROR CODES Error MPH KV Final Cross check Failure Description DIAGNOSTICS 157 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 2 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 158 DC_BUS not ON after the ON command 159 HV switch tube status error 160 EXP_ENABLE status error User Status : 1 exp_enable not set 2 exp_enable not reset 161 EXP_CMND status error User Status : 1 exp_cmnd not set 2 exp_cmnd not reset 162 KV>75%KVN, error User Status : 1 KV>75%KVN not set during exposure 2 KV>75%KVN set out of exposure 163 kV meas out of range User Status : 1 kV measure out range (kV + – 10%) 2 kV remains > 9kV 10 ADC conversion error. 164 kV safety, SAFETY, error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv<kv0 occurs 3 exposure_time_max occurs 4 dc_bus_fault occurs 5 fps_fault occurs 6 lv_enable occurs 7 main_drop occurs 165 res_safety_falling status error User Status : 1 unknown signal 2 kv_drop occurs 3 kv_max occurs 4 ma_max occurs 5 i_inv_max occurs 6 regul_out occurs 7 kv_drop_an occurs (ANODE SIDE) 8 kv_drop_cat occurs (CATHODE SIDE) 4–130 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 317 asm 2165118–100 EXP_CMD or EXP_EN signal status error on ROOM_IF_CPU side User Status : 1 EXP_ENA not active 2 EXP_ENA remains active 10 EXP_CMD not active 20 EXP_CMD remains active RECOMMENDED ACTION Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on HV TANK the following connections : – Between HV TANK and TUBE 1 : Anode and Cathode cables. – Between HV TANK and TUBE 2 : Anode and Cathode cables. DIAGNOSTICS D 4–131 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion (in order of decending probability) 157 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 158 159 160 161 163 010 163 Any except 010 162 Any except 002, 007, 008 164 DIAGNOSTICS 165 – If two tubes are connected and error appears on both tubes, HV TANK faulty. Replace HV TANK. –If only one tube,run TEST HIGH in Menu 1 Fill HV receptacles with oil Increase kV value up to 150kV.If error 545 appears change HV Tank.If no error ,HV cables or tube are faullty.Replace the HV cables or Tube. 165 002 Symmetric Spark over – If two tubes are connected and error appears on both tubes, HV TANK faulty. Replace HV TANK. –If only one tube,run TEST HIGH in Menu 1 Fill HV receptacles with oil Increase kV value up to 150kV.If error 545 appears change HV Tank.If no error ,HV cables or tube are faullty.Replace the HV cables or Tube. 165 007 ANODE Side Spark over – If two tubes are connected and error appears on both tubes, HV TANK faulty. Replace HV TANK. –If only one tube,run TEST HIGH in Menu 1 Fill HV receptacles with oil Increase kV value up to 150kV.If error 545 appears change HV Tank.If no error ,HV cables or tube are faullty.Replace the HV cables or Tube. 165 008 CATHODE Side Spark over – If two tubes are connected and error appears on both tubes, HV TANK faulty. Replace HV TANK. –If only one tube,run TEST HIGH in Menu 1 Fill HV receptacles with oil Increase kV value up to 150kV.If error 545 appears change HV Tank.If no error ,HV cables or tube are faullty.Replace the HV cables or Tube. 317 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 4–132 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–133 DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL CMD1.BOARD CMD2 PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE KV REF PU_CTRL EXPO ENABLE U61 REGULATION COMMAND 4–134 KV DROP SAFETY U52–U53–U56–U57 LV_ENABLE CONTROL È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ mA MAX U40 U28 MAX CURRENT SAFETY mA RANGE KV PU_CTRL RETURN U47 U17 KV>75% PU_CTRL U17 INVERT Q22 INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 U27 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL NETWORK LEVEL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 LOW VOLTAGE PS ON / OFF 3 PHASE DETECTION _SYS_ON U18 IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 SAFETY FUSES F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 – FLOATING ZERO CURRENT DETECTION HV TANK U2–U3 U4–U5 U6–U7 LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 ON COMMANDS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 CTRL_CONS FILTER KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES KV MEASURE MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 mA MEASURE MAINPS U37 U38 SAFETY CURRENT PU_CTRL + U59 U60 NETWORK LEVEL TEST Q3–X3–X4 LV SUPPLIES IMPULSE KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 LINEAR REGULATION KV STATUS TUBE PU_CTRL U19 U26 U29 3 EPLD’S U22 U33 U51 MAINPS SAFETY REGULATION REGULATION PU_CTRL + – U48 U49 + >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL EXPO COMMAND U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 mA LOOP FUNCTION : mA Measure Shunt Validation GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 176, 177, 178 MPH MA MEASURE CMD1 mA Measure Shunt validation TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – mA meas Command Buffers passed OK. – mA meas Read Buffers passed OK. – mA meas A/D converter passed OK. – mA meas Meas function passed OK. The purpose of these tests is to check the different ranges available on CMD1 with given current references. These current references replace the actual measure through the measurement shunt. Check the scale of the mA measure with two current references through the measurement shunts. The PU_CTRL_CPU sets the ranges one after the other and commands the current references directly. The value of the corresponding mA is read back at the mA return towards the PU_CTRL_CPU. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the range bits (mA_x1, mA_x10) to (1,0) and checks the corresponding returns. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the TEST_mA output to 1 and checks the corresponding return. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the 10mA_SCE_SEL output to 0 ( 100mA input selected ). D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the mA measure as being in the range [80 mA, 120 mA], hence a [0.40 V, 0.60 V] voltage range read by the ADC. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the range outputs (mA_x1, mA_x10) to (0,1) and checks the corresponding returns. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the mA measure as being in the range [80 mA, 120 mA], hence a [4.0 V, 6.0 V] voltage range read by the ADC. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the 10mA_SCE_SEL output to 1 ( 10mA input selected ). D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the mA measure as being in the range [8.0 mA, 12.0 mA], hence a [0.40 V, 0.60 V] voltage range read by the ADC. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the range outputs (mA_x1, mA_x10) to (0,0) and checks the corresponding returns. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the mA measure as being in the range [8.0 mA, 12.0 mA], hence a [4.0 V, 6.0 V] voltage range read by the ADC. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets in their original statuses the mA test and range bits. 4–135 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD1 MA MEASURE SHUNT ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD1 Board mA Measure Shunt Validation Failure Description 176 TEST_mA relay is not in the right position during the test or at the end of the test User Status : 1 TEST_mA relay failure when commanded ON 2 TEST_mA relay failure when commanded OFF mA scale switches failure : User Status : 11 mA_X1 relay failure when commanded ON 12 mA_X1 relay failure when commanded OFF 177 21 mA_X10 relay failure when commanded ON 22 mA_X10 relay failure when commanded OFF DIAGNOSTICS 178 mA measure out of range User Status : 1 mA measure out of range on the large scale actual data = mA measure in mV expected data = mA value expected in mV 2 mA measure out of range on the medium scale actual data = mA measure in mV expected data = mA value expected in mV 3 mA measure out of range on the low scale actual data = mA measure in mV expected data = mA value expected in mV 10 ADC conversion error. RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Confirm MA link ST1A–ST1B D Action : Hardware Status User Status 176 Any Conclusion CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. 177 178 0001, 0002 or 0003 178 0010 Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 4–136 PU_CTRL CMD2 CMD1.BOARD PU_CTRL kV TEST KV TEST STATUS LV_ENABLE KV REF EXPO ENABLE COMMAND PU_CTRL DIAG CODES 4–137 È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È PU_CTRL MAINPS U61 REGULATION >125KV >100KV RISE DMD PU_CTRL 3 EPLD’S U19 IMPULSE U26 U29 TEST Q3–X3–X4 U52–U53–U56–U57 LV_ENABLE CONTROL SAFETY U41 LV SUPPLIES MAX CURRENT CTRL_CONS PU_CTRL RETURN U47 U17 KV>75% PU_CTRL U17 INVERT Q22 INVERT POWER SUPPLY CMDS +STAT INVERTER CURRENT MEASURE + – U36 U27 INVERT CMD2 PU_CTRL mA MEASURE + RETURN CHOICE HV TANK X1–X2 LOW VOLTAGE PS ON / OFF 3 PHASE DETECTION _SYS_ON KV NETWORK LEVEL FUSES F1–F2–F3–F4–F5 U18 U2–U3 U4–U5 U6–U7 DIAGNOSTICS LOGIC U20–U21 X6–X10 ON COMMANDS INVERT PU_CTRL CMD2 MAINPS MAINPS asm 2165118–100 MAINPS FILTER – IGBT COMMANDS Q10–>Q21 U58 U45 U28 HV TANK MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 mA MAX SAFETY U40 ZERO CURRENT DETECTION mA RANGE mA MEASURE KV MEASURE FLOATING SAFETY PU_CTRL KV MAX KV<KV0 SAFETIES KV DROP SAFETY NETWORK LEVEL CURRENT + U59 U60 U37 U38 STATUS TUBE PU_CTRL SAFETY KV TEST RELAYS X8–X9 LINEAR REGULATION REGULATION U22 U33 U51 + – U48 U49 + REGULATION EXPO COMMAND PU_CTRL U42–U43 KV RISE WAVEFORM PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 mA LOOP FUNCTION : mA Max Safety Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 179, 180 MPH MA MEASURE CMD1 mA MAX Safety test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – mA meas Command Buffers passed OK. – mA meas Read Buffers passed OK. – mA meas A/D converter passed OK. – mA meas Meas function passed OK. Check the level of the maximum tube current safety which corresponds to 1.12 A The CPU replaces the current measure by a reference voltage so as to trigger the safety. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D The PU_CTRL_CPU sends a specific combination of CMD_DIAG bits to the CMD1 board which enables the mA_MAX fault and which starts a voltage ramp at the input of the mA_MAX safety comparator. DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : D 1ms later, the software verifies that the mA_MAX and RESTARTING_SAFETY signals are not active D Then 5 ms later, the software checks the mA_MAX and RESTARTING_SAFETY faults from CMD1 ( because mA > 1.12 Amps ). D PU_CTRL_CPU then sends the NO_DIAG combination of CMD_DIAG bits to the CMD1 board to reset the faults and output the test. CMD1 MA MAX SAFETY ERROR CODES Error 39 179 180 MPH CMD1 Board mA MAX Safety Failure Description RESTARTING_SAFETY signal error User Status : 1 RESTARTING_SAFETY interrupt not set during the test 2 RESTARTING_SAFETY signal initial status error mA_MAX signal error User Status : 1 unknown safety instead of mA_MAX 2 KV_DROP set instead of mA_MAX 3 KV_MAX set instead of mA_MAX 5 I_INV_MAX set instead of mA_MAX 6 REGUL_OUT set instead of mA_MAX 7 KV_DROP_AN set instead of mA_MAX 8 KV_DROP_CAT set instead of mA_MAX 10 mA_MAX initial status error 11 mA_MAX not reset at the end of the test 12 mA_MAX not set during the test 4–138 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR 39 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD1 the following connections : – Between CMD1 (XJ2) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J22) – Between CMD1 (XJ23) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J23) D Action : User Status Any Any Conclusion CMD1 faulty. Replace CMD1 board. DIAGNOSTICS Hardware Status 4–139 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–140 CMD2.BOARD PU_CTRL XS CURRENT REFERENCE U23 U36–U38 CMD1 MODE SEL NETWORK LEVEL SAFETY 4–141 COMMANDS CMD2 STARTER ROTCTL CLOCKS AND LV_ENABLE U36–U38 SAFETIES + MINIMUM ZERO XS CURRENT XS CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION HEATER LV_EN MAXIMUM CURRENT LEVEL SELECTION LV_ENABLE CMD2 STARTER Q5 CONTROL U41–>U45 XL IGBT CMDS U29 HEATER HEATER XL CURRENT REFERENCE – U31 + U1 U32 + – LV POWER FUNCTION U11 DIAGNOSTICS U20 XL CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION U6–U21 HEATER CURRENT MEASURE U1 HEATER asm 2165118–100 TUBE SWITCH COMMAND & STATE ZERO HEATER XL XL SQUARE SUPPLY MINIMUM XL CURRENT U21 XL SHORT CCT DETECTION U1–U6 PU_CTRL 24 V U32 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 SAFETY PU_CTRL U34 U8–U23 RUN XL MODE SEL CMD1 U7–U18 U23 EPLD DIAG CODES HEATER MEASURE – HEATER STATE PU_CTRL CURRENT FUNCTION U2 XS SHORT CCT DETECTION U8 U2 U34 PU_CTRL PU_CTRL U2 HEATER XS XS IGBT CMDS È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ PU_CTRL RUN XS È È ÈÈ È È PU_CTRL – + HEATER XS SQUARE È È ÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ È È ÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ ÈÈ PU_CTRL U22 GE Medical Systems REV 4 HEATER FUNCTION : XS Current Control Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 191, 192, 193 MPH HEATER CMD2 XS Current Control test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Heater Command Buffers passed OK. – Heater Read Buffers passed OK. – Heater A/D converter passed OK. – Heater Meas. function passed OK. – Heater D/A converter passed OK. The principle of the test is to replace the heater inverter current measure by a voltage ramp function and check at known times the change of the following signals : Zero XS current detection, minimum XS current detection, XS short cct detection. The start of the ramp being triggered by the XS IGBT commands, the test checks these as well. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 2 amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends to heater EPLD test bits to initiate the test. D EPLD drives XS IGBT commands so as to generate a positive voltage ramp function and checks back whether zero XS current detection, minimum XS current detection and XS short cct detection position correctly. D EPLD drives XS IGBT commands so as to generate a negative voltage ramp function and checks back whether zero XS current detection, minimum XS current detection and XS short cct detection position correctly. D CMD2 returns test status to PU_CTRL_CPU, indicating test passed / not passed. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks that HEATFAULT_XS has triggered at the end of the ramp D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the corresponding test bits,stops the function and reset safety. 4–142 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 XS CURRENT CONTROL ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD2 Board XS Current Control Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command HEATFAULT error : User Status : 1 Unable to set HEATFAULT_XS 2 Unable to reset HEATFALT_XS 3 Bad initial state of HEATFAULT_XS Test error : User Status : 1 Unable to set heat_cur_okd : one of the current control circuit is not functioning properly. 2 Unable to reset heat_cur_okd 3 Bad initial state of heat_cur_okd 191 192 193 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 191 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. 192 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 193 4–143 DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–144 CMD2.BOARD PU_CTRL PU_CTRL U22 XS SQUARE XS CURRENT REFERENCE – + HEATER U23 PU_CTRL MEASURE U2 XS SHORT CCT DETECTION U8 U36–U38 RUN XS SAFETY U23 U34 + MODE SEL U8–U23 MINIMUM XS CURRENT ZERO XS CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION – CMD1 NETWORK LEVEL XS IGBT CMDS EPLD DIAG CODES HEATER STATE COMMANDS CMD2 STARTER ROTCTL CLOCKS AND LV_ENABLE U36–U38 SAFETIES HEATER XL CURRENT REFERENCE PU_CTRL CMD1 LV POWER U31 SELECTION XL IGBT CMDS U29 SAFETY + U1 U32 – + U20 XL CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION U6–U21 HEATER XL FUNCTION U11 ZERO U5–U17 XL SQUARE TUBE SWITCH COMMAND & STATE MINIMUM XL CURRENT U21 XL SHORT CCT DETECTION U1–U6 – HEATER CURRENT MEASURE HEATER U1 HEATER DIAGNOSTICS asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL U32 CMD2 STARTER Q5 CONTROL U41–>U45 SUPPLY 24 V LV_ENABLE ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È ÈÈ ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ MODE SEL MAXIMUM CURRENT LEVEL MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 PU_CTRL RUN XL È È ÈÈ PU_CTRL HEATER LV_EN PU_CTRL È È 4–145 È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ PU_CTRL HEATER CURRENT FUNCTION U2 U34 U2 HEATER XS GE Medical Systems REV 4 HEATER FUNCTION : XL Current Control Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 194, 195, 196 MPH HEATER CMD2 XL Current Control test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Heater Command Buffers passed OK. – Heater Read Buffers passed OK. – Heater A/D converter passed OK. – Heater Meas. function passed OK. – Heater D/A converter passed OK. The principle of the test is to replace the heater inverter current measure by a voltage ramp function and check at known times the change of the following signals : Zero XL current detection, minimum XL current detection, XL short cct detection. The start of the ramp being triggered by the XL IGBT commands, the test checks these as well. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 2 amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU sends to heater EPLD test bits to initiate the test. D EPLD drives XL IGBT commands so as to generate a positive voltage ramp function and checks back whether zero XL current detection, minimum XL current detection and XL short cct detection position correctly. D EPLD drives XL IGBT commands so as to generate a negative voltage ramp function and checks back whether zero XL current detection, minimum XL current detection and XL short cct detection position correctly. D CMD2 returns test status to CPU, indicating test passed / not passed. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks that HEATFAULT_XL has triggered at the end of the ramp D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the corresponding test bits,stops the function and reset safety. 4–146 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 XL CURRENT CONTROL ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD2 Board XL Current Control Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command HEATFAULT error : User Status : 1 Unable to set HEATFAULT_XL 2 Unable to reset HEATFALT_XL 3 Bad initial state of HEATFAULT_XL Test error : User Status : 1 Unable to set heat_cur_okd : one of the current control circuit is not functioning properly. 2 Unable to reset heat_cur_okd 3 Bad initial state of heat_cur_okd 194 195 196 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 194 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 195 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 196 4–147 DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–148 HEATER XS CURRENT REFERENCE – + U33 U2 U34 U2 U8 U36–U38 PU_CTRL FUNCTION RUN XS XS SHORT DETECTION SAFETY CURRENT U34 + U28–U18 U8–U23 MINIMUM XS CURRENT ZERO XS CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION – NETWORK LEVEL DIAG CODES PU_CTRL HEATER STATE CMD2 STARTER ROTCTL CLOCKS AND LV_ENABLE U36–U38 SAFETIES PU_CTRL COMMANDS SELECTION HEATER U29 REFERENCE – U31 + U1 U32 + – LV POWER U11 U20 XL CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION U6–U21 FUNCTION HEATER CURRENT MEASURE U1 HEATER DIAGNOSTICS asm 2165118–100 TUBE SWITCH COMMAND & STATE ZERO HEATER XL XL SQUARE SUPPLY MINIMUM XL CURRENT U21 XL SHORT DETECTION U1–U6 PU_CTRL 24 V U32 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 HEATER XL CURRENT PU_CTRL CMD2 STARTER Q5 CONTROL XL IGBT CMDS SAFETY CMD1 LV_EN LV_ENABLE U41–>U45 HEATER RUN XL MODE SEL PU_CTRL XS IGBT CMDS MAXIMUM CURRENT LEVEL È È È È 4–149 È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È ÈÈ EPLD PU_CTRL HEATER MEASURE U23 MODE SEL CMD1 U2 HEATER XS È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ PU_CTRL U22 XS SQUARE È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È È ÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈ È CMD2.BOARD PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems REV 4 HEATER FUNCTION : XS Regulation & Safety Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 MPH HEATER CMD2 XS Regulation & Safety test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Heater Command Buffers passed OK. – Heater Read Buffers passed OK. – Heater A/D converter passed OK. – Heater Meas. function passed OK. – Heater D/A converter passed OK. The principle of the test is to create on CMD2.BOARD a heater current return which is equivalent to the one normally returned by the Heater inverter board. This simulated current is directly driven by the EPLD XS state machine through the XS IGBT commands. This mock–up inverter allows testing of the XS current measure, the XS square function, the XS current reference and the XS driving state machine. The levels of the current references correspond to the safety levels for the Small Focus. As the DC power is OFF, there is no heating on the filament so that this test can last as long as necessary. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : D PU_CTRL_CPU sends test bit to CMD2 to indicate test condition. D PU_CTRL_CPU resets GE_TUBE (5.5A limitation) D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 2.2 amps and drives CMD2 heater as normal application in running mode. D Heater EPLD drives low voltage mock–up inverter at required current. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks current measure return as being in the range (0.8 , 3) amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks heater is properly working (PRESENCE_XS, not HEATFAULT_XS, not OVERL_XS). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 3.2 amps in pre–heat mode and checks heater fault indication (OVERL_XS). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 5.2 amps in running mode and checks heater is properly working. (PRESENCE_XS, not HEATFAULT_XS, not OVERL_XS). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 6.2 amps in running mode and checks heater fault indication. (OVERL_XS) D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 9.5 amps in boost mode and checks heater is properly working. (PRESENCE_XS, not HEATFAULT_XS, not OVERL_XS) an additional test is made to verify the boost safety backup time at 530ms. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the corresponding test bits,stops the function and reset safety. 4–150 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 XS REGULATION AND SAFETY ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD2 Board XS Regulation & Safety Failure 198 199 200 201 * 1 bit equal 1mA RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 197 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 198 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 199 200 201 Any except 0001 201 0001 Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 4–151 DIAGNOSTICS Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command HEATFAULT error : User Status : 2 Unable to reset HEATFALT_XS 3 Bad initial state of HEATFAULT_XS PRESENCE error : User Status : 1 Unable to set PRESENCE_XS 2 Unable to reset PRESENCE_XS 3 Bad initial state of PRESENCE_XS OVERFIL error : User Status : 1 Unable to set OVERL_XS 2 Unable to reset OVERL_XS 3 Bad initial state of OVERL_XS 4 Boost backup_time failure measure error or ADC conversion error User Status : 0 Measurement error Actual Data : measurement value made on XS_current feedback * Expected Data : expected value * User_ Status : 1 ADC error 197 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–152 CMD2.BOARD PU_CTRL PU_CTRL U22 XS SQUARE HEATER XS CURRENT REFERENCE – + U33 U2 U8 U8 U36–U38 PU_CTRL RUN XS MEASURE XS SHORT DETECTION SAFETY U23 U34 + MODE SEL U8–U23 MINIMUM XS CURRENT ZERO XS CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION – CMD1 NETWORK LEVEL XS IGBT CMDS EPLD DIAG CODES 4–153 PU_CTRL HEATER STATE COMMANDS CMD2 STARTER ROTCTL CLOCKS AND LV_ENABLE U36–U38 SAFETIES PU_CTRL SELECTION CMD2 STARTER Q5 CONTROL XL IGBT CMDS HEATER U29 REFERENCE – U31 + U1 U32 + – SUPPLY FUNCTION U11 U20 XL CURRENT DETECTION DETECTION U6–U21 U27–U17 CURRENT MEASURE HEATER U1 HEATER DIAGNOSTICS asm 2165118–100 TUBE SWITCH COMMAND & STATE ZERO HEATER XL XL SQUARE LV POWER MINIMUM XL CURRENT U21 XL SHORT DETECTION U1–U6 PU_CTRL 24 V U32 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 HEATER XL CURRENT PU_CTRL LV_ENABLE U41–>U45 SAFETY CMD1 MAXIMUM CURRENT LEVEL RUN XL MODE SEL PU_CTRL HEATER LV_EN È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ PU_CTRL HEATER CURRENT FUNCTION U2 U2 HEATER XS GE Medical Systems REV 4 HEATER FUNCTION : XL Regulation & Safety Test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 MPH HEATER DIAGNOSTICS CMD2 XL Regulation & Safety test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Heater Command Buffers passed OK. – Heater Read Buffers passed OK. – Heater A/D converter passed OK. – Heater Meas. function passed OK. – Heater D/A converter passed OK. Purpose : The principle of the test is to create on CMD2.BOARD a heater current return which is equivalent to the one normally returned by the power board. This simulated current is directly driven by the EPLD XL state machine through the XL IGBT commands. This mock–up inverter allows testing of the XL current measure, the XL square function, the XL current reference and the XL driving state machine. The levels of the current references correspond to the safety levels for the Large Focus. As the DC power is OFF, there is no heating on the filament so that this test can last as long as necessary. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D PU_CTRL_CPU sends test bit to CMD2 to indicate test condition. D PU_CTRL_CPU resets GE_TUBE (5.5A limitation) D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 2.2 amps and drives CMD2 heater as normal application in running mode. D Heater EPLD drives low voltage mock–up inverter at required current. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks current measure return as being in the range (0.8, 3) amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks heater is properly working (PRESENCE_XL, not HEATFAULT_XL, not OVERL_XL). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 3.2 amps in pre–heat mode and checks heater fault indication (OVERL_XL). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 5.2 amps in running mode and checks heater is properly working. (PRESENCE_XL, not HEATFAULT_XL, not OVERL_XL). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 6.2 amps in running mode and checks heater fault indication. (OVERL_XL) D PU_CTRL_CPU set GE_TUBE( 7.1A limitation) and sets heater XL current reference at 6.9 amps in running mode and checks heater is properly working. (PRESENCE_XL, not HEATFAULT_XL, not OVERL_XL). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XL current reference at 7.8 amps in running mode and checks heater fault indication. (OVERL_XL) D PU_CTRL_CPU sets heater XS current reference at 9.5 amps in boost mode and checks heater is properly working. (PRESENCE_XL, not HEATFAULT_XL, not OVERL_XL) an additional test is made to verify the boost safety backup time at 530ms. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the corresponding test bits,stops the function and reset safety. 4–154 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 XL REGULATION AND SAFETY ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD2 Board XL Regulation & Safety Failure 203 204 205 206 * 1 bit equal 1mA RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 202 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 203 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 204 205 206 Any except 0001 206 0001 Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 4–155 DIAGNOSTICS Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command HEATFAULT error : User Status : 2 Unable to reset HEATFALT_XL 3 Bad initial state of HEATFAULT_XL PRESENCE error : User Status : 1 Unable to set PRESENCE_XL 2 Unable to reset PRESENCE_XL 3 Bad initial state of PRESENCE_XL OVERFIL error : User Status : 1 Unable to set OVERL_XL 2 Unable to reset OVERL_XL 3 Bad initial state of OVERL_XL 4 Boost backup_time failure measure error or ADC conversion error User Status : 0 Measurement error Actual Data : measurement value made on XL_current feedback * Expected Data : expected value * User_ Status : 1 ADC error 202 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–156 CMD2 XS IGBT CMDS T201–T202 XS CURRENT HYPO RESONANT INVERTER ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ CMD2 È È È ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È ÈÈ HEATER.BOARD TUBE 1 CURRENT TUBE SELECTION HEATER XS WITH 2 IGBT’S ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK X301 MEASUREMENT T203 GE Medical Systems REV 4 HEATER FUNCTION : Final Cross Check SMALL FOCUS Q201–Q202–C205 DC_PS INVERTER XL CURRENT WITH 2 IGBT’S MEASUREMENT T103 LARGE FOCUS TUBE SEL RETURN TUBE 1 CURRENT TUBE SELECTION TUBE 2 CURRENT HV TANK HEATER XL X301 Q101–Q102–C105 HEATER TUBE SEL HV SWITCH CMD2 HV TANK COMMAND DIAGNOSTICS asm 2165118–100 AND STATUS X302 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 HYPO RESONANT ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈ CMD2 XL IGBT CMDS T101–T102 È È È ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È 4–157 CMD2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 MPH HEATER Final Cross check TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Heater Command Buffers passed OK. – Heater Read Buffers passed OK. – Heater A/D converter passed OK. – Heater Meas. function passed OK. – Heater D/A converter passed OK. – CMD2 XS current control passed OK. – CMD2 XL current control passed OK. – CMD2 XS regul & safety passed OK. – CMD2 XL regul & safety passed OK. The purpose of this test is to drive heater inverters in final configuration on both filaments and both tubes with power on in order to identify a faulty inverter or a wrong connection between CMD2.BOARD, HEATER.BOARD, HV TANK and TUBES. DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : The principle of the test is to realise a cross check by driving any available load. A truth table is issued when all the information is received. When the test is completed, the following functionalities have been checked : XS inverter, XL inverter, XS current measure, XL current measure, CMD2 to HEATER connection, HEATER to HV TANK connection. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU commands the closure of the main contactor by setting the _POW_ON_CMD command on CMD1. D PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator the room configuration (Two tubes, tube1 only or tube2 only). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the tube selection to tube 1 if connected (heater relay only) and checks tube select return.. D PU_CTRL_CPU drives CMD2 heater XS and XL, both at 2.5 amps in running mode and checks the current measures as being in the range [ 2.0, 3.0 ] Amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the tube selection to tube 2 if connected (heater relay only) and checks tube select return.. D PU_CTRL_CPU drives CMD2 heater XS and XL, both at 2.5 amps in running mode and checks the current measures as being in the range [ 2.0,3.0 ] Amps. D PU_CTRL_CPU switches the main contactor OFF and checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test. 4–158 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 HEATER FINAL CROSS CHECK CODES Error MPH HEATER Board final Cross Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 2 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command 208 DC_BUS Not ON after the ON command error 209 Heater tube switch error User Status : 1 (tube 1 command) ,2 (tube2 command) 210 User Status : 00XX ** measurement error Actual Data : measurement value made * Expected Data : expected value * User Status : 1 ADC error 211 presence signal error User Status : 00XX ** Actual address : 1: run error ; 2: reset error ; 3: initial error 212 0verl signal error User Status : 00XX ** Actual address : 1: run error ; 2: reset error ; 3: initial error 213 heatfault signal error User Status : 00XX ** Actual address : 1: run error ; 2: reset error ; 3: initial error * 1 bit equal 1mA ** 1A = XS tube 1 ; 1B = XL tube 1 ; 2A = XS tube 2 ; 2B = XL tube 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on HEATER the following connections : – Between HEATER (XJ1) and CMD2 (XJ1) – Between HEATER (XJ3) and DC_FILTER (XJ5) D Check on HV TANK the following connections : – Between HV TANK (XJ2) and HEATER (XJ2) – Between HV TANK and TUBE 1 : Cathode Cable tube 1 – Between HV TANK and TUBE 2 : Cathode Cable tube 2 4–159 DIAGNOSTICS 207 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 D Action : In case of only one tube, put the anode cable of the selected tube in the cathode plug of the other tube. Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 207 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i 208 DIAGNOSTICS 209 210 001 210 211 212 213 01A and 02A HEATER faulty. Replace HEATER board 210 211 212 213 01B and 02B HEATER faulty. Replace HEATER board 210 211 212 213 01A only or 01B only or 02A only or 02B only HEATER board working properly, check the corresponding filament and the connection from HEATER board to that filament. See Note1 210 211 212 213 01A and 01B only or 02A and 02B only or 01A and 02B only or 01B and 02A only HEATER board working properly, check the corresponding filament and the connection from HEATER board to that filament. See Note1 210 211 212 213 Any other set of results No conclusion. Confirm filament cabling for tube 1 or tube 2, depending on the result. See Note1 Note 1 : after heater board : check connection cables from heater board to HV tank , check filament transformer , check HV cables , check corresponding filaments ** ** 1A = XS tube 1 ; 1B = XL tube 1 ; 2A = XS tube 2 ; 2B = XL tube 2 RETURN HV CABLES TO ORIGINAL TUBE CONFIGURATION 4–160 DIAG COMMAND È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È ÈÈÈÈ È È ÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ CMD2 HEATER GE Medical Systems REV 4 ROTOR FUNCTION : Cureent Control & HS Mode Test CMD2.BOARD U4 PU_CTRL PU_CTRL PU_CTRL RUN LV_EN SPEED SELECTION EPLD BRAKE CMD1 NETWORK LEVEL PU_CTRL ROTCTL STATE COMMANDS AND SAFETIES U35 3 PHASE REBUILD + LEVEL DETECTION U3–U16–U15 MAX CURRENT CLOCKS LEVEL SAFETY U15 CONTROL Q6 2 PHASE MEASURE ROTCTL COMMON MEASURE U26 HIGH SPEED HS RELAY RETURN RELAY COMMAND U12–U25–U26 CMD1 LV POWER LV_ENABLE SUPPLY CONTROL U30–Q19–>Q22 DIAGNOSTICS U11 ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL TUBE SELECTION COMMAND AND STATE CMD1 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 PU_CTRL È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È 4–161 CMD2 HEATER IGBT CMDS GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 224, 225, 226, 227 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 Current Control and HS Mode test Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Command Buffers passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Read Buffers passed OK. Purpose : Drive the current return with the IGBT commands so as to simulate two phases of the normal rotor controller current. The third missing phase is created by the measurement system which is tested as well (this is the same method used as Applications). At the same time, this test allows to check the high speed selection mode and the sequence of the EPLD state machine as regard to the change of mode. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : DIAGNOSTICS D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary PU_CTRL_CPU sets CMD_DIAG bits to indicate test status. PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties PU_CTRL_CPU sets the speed selection to Low Speed and sends a Run command to CMD2 rotor controller EPLD in Acceleration mode. EPLD drives, through IGBT commands, the current return. EPLD checks the current detection after the three phase rebuild and indicates a ROTOR_ON status to the PU_CTRL_CPU. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the ROTOR_ON status from CMD2 and changes the Acceleration mode to the Running mode PU_CTRL_CPU checks the acknowledgement from CMD2 of the mode change and waits for the new ROTOR_ON indication before setting a Brake mode. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the ROTOR OFF indication during the Brake mode and then stops driving the Rotor Controller function. PU_CTRL_CPU sets the speed selection to High Speed and sends a Run command to CMD2 rotor controller EPLD in Acceleration mode. EPLD sets the High Speed relay command and checks the corresponding return which is short circuited directly on CMD2. EPLD drives, through IGBT commands, the current return. EPLD checks the current detection after the three phase rebuild and indicates a ROTOR ON status to the PU_CTRL_CPU. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the ROTOR ON status from CMD2 and changes the Acceleration mode to the Running mode PU_CTRL_CPU checks the acknowledgement from CMD2 of the mode change and waits for the new ROTOR ON indication before setting a Brake mode. PU_CTRL_CPU checks the ROTOR OFF indication during the Brake mode and then stops driving the Rotor Controller function. PU_CTRL_CPU resets the CMD_DIAG bits to come back in the original position. 4–162 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CMD2 CURRENT CONTROL AND HS MODE CODES 224 225 226 227 MPH CMD2 Board Current Control and HS Mode Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command Rotor safety error : START_OVL User Status : 3 Signal initial status error 10h Signal activated in low speed acceleration mode 11h Signal activated in the 200ms following low speed run mode 12h Signal activated in low speed run mode 13h Signal not reset after change from low speed run mode to low speed brake mode 20h Signal activated in high speed acceleration mode 21h Signal activated in the 200ms following high speed run mode 22h Signal activated in high speed run mode 23h Signal not reset after change from high speed run mode to high speed brake mode CUR_ST_ON error User Status : 3 Signal initial status error 10h Signal not activated in low speed acceleration mode 11h Signal not reset after change from low speed acceleration mode to low speed run mode 12h Signal not activated in low speed run mode 13h Signal not reset after change from low speed run mode to low speed brake mode 20h Signal not activated in high speed acceleration mode 21h Signal not reset after change from high speed acceleration mode to high speed run mode 22h Signal not activated in high speed run mode 23h Signal not reset after change from high speed run mode to high speed brake mode High speed relay command error User Status : 3 Signal initial status error 10h Signal not activated in low speed acceleration mode 11h Signal not activated in the 200ms following low speed run mode 12h Signal not activated in low speed run mode 13h Signal not activated after change from low speed run mode to low speed brake mode 20h Signal activated in high speed acceleration mode 21h Signal activated in the 200ms following high speed run mode 22h Signal activated in high speed run mode 23h Signal not activated after change from high speed run mode to high speed brake mode 24h Signal activated 200ms after rotor OFF command 4–163 DIAGNOSTICS Error GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 224 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 225 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 226 DIAGNOSTICS 227 4–164 CMD2.BOARD È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È Ë Ë Ë È È È È È Ë Ë Ë È ÈËÈËËÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ È ÈÈËÈËÈËÈÈÈ CMD2 HEATER DIAG COMMAND GE Medical Systems REV 4 ROTOR FUNCTION : Max Current Safety U4 PU_CTRL PU_CTRL PU_CTRL CMD1 PU_CTRL RUN LV_EN SPEED SELECTION EPLD BRAKE CONTROL Q6 COMMANDS NETWORK LEVEL AND SAFETIES ROTCTL STATE U35 4–165 CMD2 HEATER IGBT CMDS 3 PHASE REBUILD + LEVEL DETECTION U3–U16–U15 MAX CURRENT CLOCKS LEVEL SAFETY 2 PHASE MEASURE U26 ROTCTL COMMON MEASURE U15 HIGH SPEED HS RELAY RETURN RELAY COMMAND U12–U25–U26 CMD1 LV POWER LV_ENABLE SUPPLY CONTROL U30–Q19–>Q22 TUBE SELECTION COMMAND AND STATE DIAGNOSTICS U11 ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL CMD1 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 PU_CTRL NEW CCT R2 U26 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 228, 229, 230, 231 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS CMD2 Max Current Safety test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Command Buffers passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Read Buffers passed OK. Purpose : Set a reference voltage in place of the normal measurement shunt in order to trigger the Maximum current safety cct. Test type : No manual interaction. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D PU_CTRL_CPU sets same CMD_DIAG bits as in ROTOR 2.0 to indicate test status. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a Run command to CMD2 rotor controller EPLD and checks a no fault condition ( starter_overload ) from CMD2 Rotor Controller. D PU_CTRL_CPU sets CMD_DIAG bits specific to this test to trigger the maximum current fault on CMD2. D EPLD checks the STARTER_OVERLOAD fault and indicates it back to the PU_CTRL_CPU. D PU_CTRL_CPU checks the STARTER_OVERLOAD fault indication and stops the Run command. D PU_CTRL_CPU then resets the CMD_DIAG bits and the maximum current fault driving bit. CMD2 MAX CURRENT SAFETY ERROR CODES Error 228 229 230 231 MPH CMD2 Board Max Current Safety Failure Description DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command Rotor safety error : START_OVL User Status : 1 start_ovl active 2 start_ovl non activated 3 Signal initial status error CUR_ST_ON error User Status : 1 cur_st_on non activated 2 cur_st_on active 3 Signal initial status error High speed relay command speed error User Status : 1 _ls_rtn non active 2 _ls_rtn active 3 Signal initial status error 4–166 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR 50 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 228 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 229 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. 230 DIAGNOSTICS 231 4–167 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–168 CMD2.BOARD È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ CMD2 HEATER DIAG COMMAND GE Medical Systems REV 4 ROTOR FUNCTION : IGBT Drivers test U4 PU_CTRL PU_CTRL PU_CTRL CMD1 PU_CTRL RUN LV_EN SPEED SELECTION EPLD BRAKE COMMANDS NETWORK LEVEL AND SAFETIES ROTCTL STATE U35 4–169 CMD2 HEATER IGBT CMDS 3 PHASE REBUILD + LEVEL DETECTION U30–U13 2 PHASE MEASURE U3–U16–U15 MAX CURRENT CLOCKS CONTROL Q6 LEVEL SAFETY U15 ROTCTL COMMON MEASURE U26 HIGH SPEED HS RELAY RETURN RELAY COMMAND U12–U25–U26 CMD1 LV POWER LV_ENABLE SUPPLY CONTROL U30–Q19–>Q22 TUBE SELECTION COMMAND AND STATE DIAGNOSTICS U11 ROTCTL asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL CMD1 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 PU_CTRL GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 232, 233 Error 244 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER CMD2 IGBT Drivers test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Command Buffers passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Read Buffers passed OK. Purpose : Drive all the Rotor Controller IGBT drivers in high speed mode and check if they are properly working. Test type : No manual interaction. Loop_on allowed. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU verifies that DC_BUS is OFF and drives it OFF if necessary D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the CMD_DIAG bits indicate the test status. D PU_CTRL_CPU reset safeties D PU_CTRL_CPU sends a RUN command to CMD2 Rotor Controller EPLD. DIAGNOSTICS D Rotor Controller EPLD sends IGBT commands to the drivers, checks the designed returns and indicates _START_DRIV_OKD to the PU_CTRL_CPU. CMD2 IGBT DRIVERS ERROR CODES Error MPH CMD2 Board IGBT Drivers Failure Description 232 233 244 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command START_DRIV_OKD status error User Status : 1 _start_driv_ok not activated 3 Signal initial status error CUR_ST_ON error User Status : 1 cur_st_on non activated 3 Signal initial status error 4–170 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR 51 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CMD2 the following connections : – Between CMD2 (XJ5) and CMD1 (XJ1) – Between CMD2 (XJ4) and PU_CTRL_CPU (J19) D Action : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 232 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnostics again. 233 Any CMD2 faulty. Replace CMD2 board. DIAGNOSTICS 244 4–171 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–172 ROTCTL.BOARD MAINPS GE Medical Systems REV 4 ROTOR FUNCTION : Final Cross Check COOLING CMD 115 Vac OIL PUMP OR BLOWER X5 HS RELAY CMD È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈÈÈÈÈ È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ CMD2 HS RELAY RETURN Q1–Q2–Q3–Q4–Q5–Q6 ± 240 Vdc – ±370 Vdc HIGH SPEED 4–173 È È È È È È ÈÈ È È È È È È È È ÈÈ ÈÈ DC_PS CMD2 ROTOR CONTROLLER RELAY AND INVERTER CAPACITORS X1 IGBT CMDS T1–T2–T3–T4–T5–T6 WITH 6 IGBT’S ROTOR TUBE ROTOR TUBE SEL CMD2 TUBE SEL RETURN Nb 1 CASING Nb 2 SELECTION X2 OVER CURRENT 2 PHASE MEASUREMENT T7–T8 CMD2 COMMON MEASURE T9 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS CMD2 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 CMD2 CASING GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER Final Cross check TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. – DC Power Supply function passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Command Buffers passed OK. – Rotor ctrl Read Buffers passed OK. – CMD2 Current ctrl HS mode. – CMD2 Max current safety. – CMD2 IGBT drivers. The purpose of these tests is to verify that the ROTCTL.BOARD actually receives the commands from CMD2 and drives correctly the stators of the tubes. Check the Rotor Controller function on an overall basis, by driving both tubes stators. The aim is to get as many information as possible by a cross check so as to decide whether the ROTCTL board or the tube is faulty. Test type : No manual interaction. No LOOP–ON. Sequence : D PU_CTRL_CPU commands the closure of the main contactor by setting the _POW_ON_CMD command on CMD1. DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : D PU_CTRL_CPU ask operator the room configuration (Two tubes, tube1 only or tube2 only). D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the tube selection to tube 1 if connected. D PU_CTRL_CPU drives the Rotor Controller function in High Speed with a normal Accelerating and Running sequence. D PU_CTRL_CPU then accelerate the Rotor Controller to Low Speed, keeps Running and brakes consequently down to 0 rpm. D Wait rotor cooling D PU_CTRL_CPU sets the tube selection to tube 2 if connected. D PU_CTRL_CPU drives the Rotor Controller function in High Speed with a normal Accelerating and Running sequence. D PU_CTRL_CPU then accelerate the Rotor Controller to Low Speed, keeps Running and brakes consequently down to 0 rpm. D PU_CTRL_CPU switches the main contactor OFF and checks after 20 seconds that the DC level is under 30 Volts, before leaving the test. D Wait rotor cooling 4–174 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 FINAL CROSS CHECK ERROR CODES Error MPH ROTOR Board final Cross check Failure 234 235 236 237 238 DC_BUS error User Status : 1 dc_bus_fault incompatible with on_enable 2 DC_BUS remains ON after the OFF command DC_BUS not ON after the ON command Rotor tube switch error User Status : 1 rotor tube1 switch error 2 rotor tube 2 switch error CUR_ST_ON error User Status : tube 1 10h signal not active in high_speed_acceleration mode 11h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 12h signal not active in high_speed_run mode 13h signal active after change to high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 14h signal not active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 15h signal active after change to low_speed_run mode 16h signal not active in low_speed_run mode 17h signal active 30ms after low_speed_brake command mode 18h signal active in low_speed_brake mode 1Fh Signal initial status error tube 2 20h signal not active in high_speed_acceleration mode 21h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 22h signal not active in high_speed_run mode 23h signal active after change to high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 24h signal not active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 25h signal active after change to low_speed_run mode 26h signal not active in low_speed_run mode 27h signal active 30ms after low_speed_brake command mode 28h signal active in low_speed_brake mode 2Fh Signal initial status error High speed relay command error User Status : tube 1 10h signal active in high_speed_acceleration mode 11h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 12h signal active in high_speed_run mode 14h signal not active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 15h signal not active after change to low_speed_run mode 16h signal not active in low_speed_run mode 18h signal not active in low_speed_brake mode 19h signal active in OFF mode 1Fh Signal initial status error 4–175 DIAGNOSTICS Description GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 tube 2 20h DIAGNOSTICS 239 signal active in high_speed_acceleration mode 21h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 22h signal active in high_speed_run mode 24h signal not active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 25h signal not active after change to low_speed_run mode 26h signal not active in low_speed_run mode 28h signal not active in low_speed_brake mode 29h signal active in OFF mode 2Fh Signal initial status error Rotor safety error : START_OVL User Status : tube 1 10h signal active in high_speed_acceleration mode 11h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 12h signal active in high_speed_run mode 13h signal active after change to high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 14h signal active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 15h signal active after change to low_speed_run mode 16h signal active in low_speed_run mode 18h signal active in low_speed_brake mode 1Fh Signal initial status error tube 2 20h signal active in high_speed_acceleration mode 21h signal active after change to high_speed_run mode 22h signal active in high_speed_run mode 23h signal active after change to high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 24h signal active in high_speed_to_low_speed_acceleration mode 25h signal active after change to low_speed_run mode 26h signal active in low_speed_run mode 28h signal active in low_speed_brake mode 2Fh Signal initial status error 4–176 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on ROTCTL the following connections : – Between ROTCTL (XJ1) and CMD2 (XJ2) – Between ROTCTL (XJ4) and TUBE 1 Stator – Between ROTCTL (XJ5) and TUBE 2 Stator (If there is two tubes) D Action : If there is only one tube connected : Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 234 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i 238 Any ROTCTL faulty. Replace ROTCTL board. 237 Any No conclusion : ROTCTL or connection or tube Stator f lt ( faulty.(see Bl Bloc Di Diagram)) Hardware Status User Status Conclusion 234 Any Pre–requisites not achieved. Run the corresponding diagnosti again. tics i 238 Any ROTCTL faulty. Replace ROTCTL board. 237 01X and 02X 235 236 239 235 236 239 237 01X only ROTCTL OK. (Connection to tube 1) or (Tube 1 Stator) f lt ( faulty..(see Bl Di Bloc Diagram)) 02X only ROTCTL OK. (Connection to tube 2) or (Tube 2 Stator) f lt ( faulty..(see Bl Di Bloc Diagram)) 239 237 239 4–177 DIAGNOSTICS If there is two tubes connected : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 244 See Error 232, 233 MPH ROTOR CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS CMD2 IGBT Drivers test 4–178 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART Drivers RS232 UART Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board Switches and Leds Test UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O SMC2 CS6 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS CS MUX V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–179 DIAGNOSTICS Flash Eeprom UART ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 250 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU Switches and LED’s test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – PU_CTRL_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : Its purpose is to verify the reading of the switches position and the writing to the LED’s. The principle is to ask the operator to position the switches, then to start running the test and verify visually that the code displayed on the LED’s is the same as the one written on the switches. As this test requires operator checking of the LED’s status it is an interactive test and it is asked to the operator to decide if the test passed or not. Test type : It is an interactive test. LOOP–ON allowed. Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) executes the following steps : Sequence : – Ask the operator to move PRD’s switches, ”Select a switch code and press DONE or EXIT”. DIAGNOSTICS – On DONE answer of the operator, PU_CTRL_CPU software copies switches combination on PRD’s leds. – On EXIT answer of the operator, ask the operator to visualy check if leds and switches combinations are equal, ”Was the value shown correct?”. – If YES, display message ”Return switches in their original position press DONE to continue” PU_CTRL_CPU SWITCHES AND LEDS ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Switches and LED’s Failure Description 250 The operator has seen an error on the PU_CTRL_CPU board and has answered : ”NO” . RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : Error User Status 250 – Conclusion PU_CTRL_CPU faulty. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU board. 4–180 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART Drivers RS232 UART Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board Xilinx 1 ms Internal Timer Test UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O SMC2 CS6 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS CS MUX V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–181 DIAGNOSTICS Flash Eeprom UART ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 256, 257 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD Xilinx 1ms internal timer test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – PU_CTRL_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to check software sequence 1ms timer. This test includes clock multiplexer, clock division and interrupt loopback with 68360. DIAGNOSTICS Test type : No manual interactions. Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. – Select CLK_INT = CLK_TEST (software clock driver). – Enable 1ms timer : TIMER_ENABLE = active. – Enable 1ms timer interrupt – Generate 25000 software clock pulses (write CLK_TEST=’0’, CLK_TEST=’1’) – Check BUSY_LOOP interrupt (PC11 on 68360) activated only one time. – Restore initial configuration. PU_CTRL_CPU COMMAND BUFFERS ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Xilinx 1ms internal timer test Description 256 Xilinx configuration not completed. 257 Xilinx 1ms internal timer failure RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 256 Any Xilinx or associated logic failure. Replace PU_CTRL_CPU 257 Any Xilinx or associated logic failure BUSY_LOOP signal error.Replace PU_CTRL_CPU 4–182 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Console debug TAV UART Drivers RS232 UART Drivers RS232 PU_CTRL_CPU board RS 485 Interface Drivers Test UART SMC1 Drivers RS485 UART SCC2 Drivers RS485 HDLC SCC3 Drivers RS485 UART SPI Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O Drivers RS485 I/O SMC2 CS6 Background SRAM save + clock Drivers RS485 CS3 68360 CS2 SRAM CS5 CS4 PortC Timers Bus I/O Bus 68360 +5V DC–DC BP Abort PRD switches –15V +15V +5V DC–DC DECOD PRD leds RESET (PB + Pwr on) Supply control +12V Flash CS ROOM_IF_CPU interface XILINX Adress decod Exposure control CHIP–SELECT CS DAC CS ADC EPLD OUTBUF CS CS MUX V/F CS Input register Input register COMMAND1 board COMMAND2 board 4–183 DIAGNOSTICS Flash Eeprom UART ROOM_IF_CPU board BACKGROUND SCC4 CS0 Drivers RS485 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU BOARD PU_CTRL_CPU Serial Interface Drivers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : Purpose : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK The purpose of this test is to check RS485 interface drivers between Xilinx or 68360, and ROOM_IF_CPU board. For direct (no Xilinx interface) serial links (SCC2, SCC3, SCC4, SMC1 & SMC2), outputs are connected to inputs. For Xilinx interfaced inputs (EXT_CUT_OFF, EXP_CMD, GRID_CMD, BRIGHT_VID, BRIGHT_ION), a serial data is injected on the input line. For Xilinx interfaced outputs (ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET, RESET_AEC, HV_ON), the output line states are simply read on a test register. Note: For all input lines, there is no data contention when test is active because driver of ROOM_IF_CPU board are tri–stated by ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET line. For reasons of safety, it is not possible to force EXP_EN line by software. This line can only be driven by a manual action of the operator. DIAGNOSTICS Test type : No manual interactions if it succeeds. Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : – Check if the signal ”DONE” (port PB13 of 68360) is high (configuration complete) or low (no avaible configuration) : if ”DONE” is high, the sofware can read the internal revision register and check if it is compatible with both software and hardware configuration. – Save exposure and interrupt configuration. – Disable exposure : VAL_EXP = ’0’. – Enable ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET (drivers of ROOM_IF_CPU board are tri–stated). – Check TEST_IF_CPU_RESET loopback. – Test direct serial links (SCC2 : ROOM_IF_CPU, SCC3 : MADRID or GPX, SCC4 : TAV, SMC1 : APR, SMC2 : debug console) : send message and check the received message. – Test other output drivers (RESET_AEC, HV_ON). – Enable input loopback : REBOUCLAGE = ’1’. – Test input drivers : RS_BIT_TEST is generate by loopback of SPI_CLK line (allow to check signals BRIGHT_ION, BRIGHT_VID, GRID_CMD, XI_EXP_CMD, XI_EXT_CUT_OFF) – Restore initial configuration. 4–184 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 PU_CTRL_CPU SERIAL INTERFACE DRIVERS ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Serial Interface Drivers Failure Description ROOM serial communications error PUP serial communications error TAV serial communications error APR serial communications error DEBUG Terminal serial communications error BRIGHT_ION signal error BRIGHT_VID signal error GRID_CMD signal error EXP_CMD signal error EXT_CUT_OFF signal error TEST_IF_CPU_RESET signal error Xilinx configuration not completed 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : Error User Status 258 – 269 Any Conclusion PU_CTRL_CPU faulty, replace it. 4–185 DIAGNOSTICS RECOMMENDED ACTION GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Error 302, 303 See Error 48 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test 4–186 GE Medical Systems REV 4 II_SENSOR TEST II_SENSOR ROOM_IF_CPU HT REGUL. PU_CTRL_CPU 4–187 HDLC 68302 68360 8bits IPM HVPM_ASSIG B1 DAC TEST_HVPM X2 FREQ_IPM V/F asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 B5 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 279, 280 Error 318 MPH II_SENSOR BOARD II_SENSOR HTPM test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both CPU. – ROOM_IF_CPU analogic test passed OK – PU_CTRL_CPU RS485 interface driver test passed OK Purpose : This test checks ii_sensor board HTPM measurement. This signal is read on PU_CTRL_CPU board as a frequency proportional to the current measured. Test type : No manual interactions. Sequence : The PU_CTRL_CPU software executes the following steps : PU_CTRL_CPU ROOM_IF_CPU – Asks operator if II_SENSOR board is on the extension rack. DIAGNOSTICS – The software select 68360 timer3 to measure the bright_vid frequency – The software initialises timer1, to count 100ms delay, and timer3. – Sets TEST_HTPM signal on II_SENSOR board – Checks loopback signal TEST_TEST_HTPM activated – Sends an HTPM test value = 500V. – Waits 1s and starts 100ms timer and bright_vid counter – Checks BRIGHT_VID frequency equal to 250kHz +– 10% – Sends an HTPM test value = 900V. – Waits 1s and starts 100ms timer and bright_vid counter – Checks BRIGHT_VID frequency equal to 450kHz +– 10% 4–188 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check connection between ROOM_IF_CPU, DISTRIBUTION and II_SENSOR boards ROOM_IF_CPU (J1/J10) and DISTRIBUTION (J7), DISTRIBUTION (J8) and II_SENSOR (J3) D Action : User Status Conclusion 279 – Replace II–SENSOR board 280 – Replace II_SENSOR board 318 – ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. DIAGNOSTICS Error 4–189 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board RS485 Interface Drivers CPU–68302 Supply control ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A START_EXP_A LEDS STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RAD_PREP_A RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC – RS445 DRIVERS TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–190 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 285, 286, 287 Error 308, 309, 310 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD ROOM_IF_CPU Serial Interface Drivers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : Test type : No manual interaction. Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) executes the following steps: – Set ”DATA_TEST_1” signal to prevent spurious ”ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET” switching. – Set ”REBOUCLAGE_1” signal to connect HDLC and input lines loopback. Note that this action breaks communication between both CPU boards, and TAV, PUPITRE and PROG_X serial links. – Wait 100ms. – Test HDLC (with Manchester encoding) loopback. Send a message on the transmit line and check it on the receive line. – Test logic input drivers with ’1’ level test data. Reads the ”RD_TEST” register and check if ”ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET”, ”RESET_AEC” and ”HV_ON” are on ’1’ level. – Reset ”DATA_TEST_1” signal. This action must cause a high to low transistion on ”ROOM_IF_CPU_REST” line and must cause a ”NMI” (level 7 interrupt with autovector). – Test logic input drivers with ’0’ level test data. Reads the ”RD_TEST” register and check if ”ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET”, ”RESET_AEC” and ”HV_ON” are on ’0’ level. – Set ”EXT_CUT_OFF”, ”GRID_CMD”, ”RESET_CAP”, ”TEST_CAP” and ”REBOUCLAGE_2” signals. Reset ”SEL_EXP_CMD_0” , ”SEL_EXP_CMD_1”, ”CLK_TEST_CAP” and ”DATA_TEST_2” signals on ”WR_TEST” register. – Wait 150ms – Test logic output drivers with ’0’ level state. Read the ”RD_TEST” register and check if ”TEST_EXT_CUT_OFF”, ”TEST_GRID_CMD”, ”TEST_BRIGHT_VID” are on ’0’ level. Read signal ”TEST_BRIGHT_ION” (port PB3 of 68302) and check if it is on ’0’ level. – Reset ”RESET_CAP” signal to enable ”BRIGHT_ION” edge–toggle. – Reset ”EXT_CUT_OFF”, ”GRID_CMD” signals. Set ”CLK_TEST_CAP” and ”DATA_TEST_2” signals on ”WR_TEST” register. – Wait 100ms. – Test logic output drivers with ’1’ level state. Read the ”RD_TEST” register and check if ”TEST_EXT_CUT_OFF”, ”TEST_GRID_CMD”, ”TEST_BRIGHT_VID” are on ’1’ level. Read signal ”TEST_BRIGHT_ION” (port PB3 of 68302) and check if it is on ’1’ level. 4–191 DIAGNOSTICS Purpose : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both cpu boards – RS485 The purpose of this test is to check RS485 interface drivers between logic or 68302, and PU_CTRL_CPU board. For Manchester encoded HDLC link, serial output is connected to the serial input. For digital outputs (EXT_CUT_OFF, EXP_CMD, GRID_CMD, BRIGHT_VID, BRIGHT_ION), the output line states are simply read on a test register. For digital inputs (ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET, RESET_AEC, HV_ON), a serial data (signal ”DATA_TEST_1”) is injected on the input line. The serial links coming from PU_CTRL_CPU are loop on ROOM_IF_CPU board. Note: For all input lines, there is no data contention when test is active because of serial resistors on differential lines. For reasons of safety, it is not possible to force EXP_EN line by software. This line can only be driven by a manual action of the operator. Note that when ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET is active (in local test or by a PU_CTRL_CPU request), output drivers are forced to high impedance states. So, this diagnostis must not be done when ROOM_IF_CPU reset is active. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 – Reset ”TEST_CAP”, ”REBOUCLAGE_1” and ”REBOUCLAGE_2” signals. Restore previous states of ”EXT_CUT_OFF”, ”GRID_CMD”, ”SEL_EXP_CMD_0” and ”SEL_EXP_CMD_1” signals. – Wait 100ms – Set rebouclage_2 which loopback serial link signals and wait 100ms – Send a byte thru PRINT’X link (SCC2 of 68302 in uart mode) – Check interrupt detection and the received byte PU_CTRL_CPU ROOM_IF_CPU – Ask PU_CTRL_CPU to start the test – Test direct serial links (SCC2 : ROOM_IF_CPU, SCC3 : MADRID or GPX, SCC4 : TAV, SMC1 : APR : send message and check interrupt detection and the received message. DIAGNOSTICS – Reset rebouclage_2 signal 4–192 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU SERIAL INTERFACE DRIVERS Error MPH ROOM_IF_CPU Board Serial Interface Drivers Failure 286 PU_CTRL_CPU TAV/GPX link User Status : 1 : interrupt not serviced 2 : message contents error 287 PU_CTRL APR link User Status : 1 : interrupt not serviced 2 : message contents error 308 Serial link communications User Status : 1 : PU_CTRL_CPU link (HDLC) interrupt detection error 2 : PU_CTRL_CPU link (HDLC) message length error 3 : PU_CTRL_CPU link (HDLC) message contents error 10 : PRINTX link (UART) interrupt detection error 30 : PRINTX link (UART) message contents error 309 Read in loop ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET, RESET_AEC and HV_ON User Status : 1 : signals not reset 2 : NMI interrupt detection error 3 : signals not set Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this selection 310 Read in loop User Status : 1 : signals TEST_EXT_CUT_OFF, TEST_GRID_CMD TEST_BRIGHT_VID not reset 2 : signal TEST_BRIGHT_ION not in right state 3 : signals TEST_EXT_CUT_OFF, TEST_GRID_CMD TEST_BRIGHT_VID not set 4 : signal TEST_BRIGHT_ION not in right state Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this selection and and RECOMMENDED ACTION * Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) * Action : Error User Status Conclusion 285–287 Any ROOM_IF_CPU faulty or cable between ROOM_IF_CPU and PU_CTRL_CPU boards. Note: Do not take into account if error is not recurrent. 308–310 Any ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board 4–193 DIAGNOSTICS Description PU_CTRL_CPU control desk link User Status : 1 : interrupt not serviced 2 : message contents error 285 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 299 COMMUNICATION TEST PU_CTRL_CPU ROOM_IF_CPU communication test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both CPU. – PU_CTRL_CPU RS485 interface driver test passed OK Purpose : This test runs during diagnostic each time the 2 cpus are involved. Test type : No manual interactions. Sequence : During diagnostics, each time the PU_CTRL_CPU sends a message to ROOM_IF_CPU board, it starts a 15s time–out (ROOM_IF_CPU diagnostics, exposure enable and exposure command tests, kv diagnostics). At the end of time_out, if no answer from ROOM_IF_CPU board, generate error 299 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Error ROOM_IF_CPU communication test ERROR CODES Failure Description DIAGNOSTICS 299 No answer from ROOM_IF_CPU 15s after PU_CTRL_CPU sent last message RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check connection between PU_CTRL_CPUand ROOM_IF_CPU PU_CTRL_CPU (J3) and ROOM_IF_CPU (J5) D Action : Error User Status 299 – Conclusion replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. 4–194 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 300, 301 See Error 44, 45, 46, 47 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU EXP ENABLE Signal Test 4–195 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 302, 303 Error 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 See Error 48 MPH PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU BOARDS DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU and ROOM_IF_CPU Exposure Management Test 4–196 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–197 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Room Interface Inputs Supply control CPU–68302 ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface RAD_PREP_A PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A LEDS START_EXP_A STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V –15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A EXP_EN SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID – RS445 DRIVERS (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–198 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 304, 305, 306 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD Inputs Buffers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – PU_CTRL_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK – PU_CTRL_CPU Coomand buffer and Read buffer passed OK – ROOM_IF_CPU Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – ROOM_IF_CPU Command Buffers passed OK. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to check room interface inputs (optocouplers). The software first checks global ”off” state of all the optocouplers by cutting +15VRF. Second, the software check the global ”on” state by forcing active all optocouplers inputs. Test type : No manual interactions. D The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level D Set the ”TEST_OPT_OFF” signal. Wait 100ms. D Read ”RD_SALLE_2” and check it is equal to 0. D Read ”RD_SALLE_3” registers, mask DOOR_INTERLOCK signal and check other bits are equal to 0. D Reset the ”TEST_OPT_OFF” signal and set the ”TEST_OPT_ON” signal. Wait 100ms. D Read ”RD_SALLE_2” and ”RD_SALLE_3” registers check if they are both equals to 0xFFFF. D Reset the ”TEST_OPT_ON” signal. ROOM_IF_CPU INPUT BUFFERS ERROR CODES Error MPH ROOM_IF_CPU Board Input Buffers Failure Description 304 VREF signal failure 305 buffer rw_salle2 failure User Status : 1 : signals not all 0 2 : signal not all 1 Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this selection 306 buffer rw_salle3 failure User Status : 1 : signals not all 0 2 : signal not all 1 Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this selection 4–199 DIAGNOSTICS Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) executes the following steps : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : User Status Conclusion 304 Any Check VREF power supply (DS28 ON). If OK replace ROOM_IF_CPU board 305 Any ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. 306 Any ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. DIAGNOSTICS Error 4–200 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–201 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Room Interface Ouputs Supply control CPU–68302 ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface RAD_PREP_A PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A LEDS START_EXP_A STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V –15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID – RS445 DRIVERS (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–202 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 307 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD Output Buffers Test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both cpu boards. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to check room interfaces outputs (relays or open collector drivers). Each digital output has a test readback input. Test type : No manual interaction. Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) executes the following steps : D Save register values. D Write a test pattern word on ”WR_SALLE_0” and ”WR_SALLE_1” registers. D Wait 100ms. D Read and check ”RD_SALLE_0” and ”RD_SALLE_1” (except VREF signal). D Restore initial register values. Error DIAGNOSTICS PU_CTRL_CPU OUTPUT BUFFERS ERROR CODES MPH ROOM_IF_CPU Board Output Buffers Failure Description 307 Read write failure Actual Data : value read Expected Data : value expected at this selection Actual Address : Address of the failure RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : Error User Status 307 Any Conclusion ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board 4–203 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Analogic Test CPU–68302 Supply control ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A START_EXP_A LEDS STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RAD_PREP_A RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC – RS445 DRIVERS TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–204 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 311, 312, 313, 314, 315 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD ROOM_IF_CPU Analogic test – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK on both cpu boards. Purpose : The purpose of this test is to check if the 12 bits DAC used in the ”tracking counter” of the AEC function is correct. This DAC is driven by a software controled command clock in ”test mode”. The analog output value of this DAC is compared with an internal voltage reference (1.24 V). The comparator’s transition must occur when DAC output voltage is up to 1.24 V. This test checks if +15V/–15V supply voltage and +10V analog reference voltage are correct. This test checks if +15VRF supply voltage is correct. The purpose of this test is to check programmable gain (x10) used in the AEC ”tracking counter”. The analog output value of the 12 bits DAC is compared with an internal voltage reference (0.62 V). The comparator’s transition must occur when DAC output voltage is up to 6.2 V The purpose of this test is to check 8 bits DAC output. ”HVPM_ASSIG” analog signal is loopbacked into the analog multiplexer of the ”tracking counter” (unity gain). That signal is compared with the output value of the 12 bits DAC (driven by a software controled command clock in ”test mode”). Note that this test can check analog inputs of AEC (”VOUT1”, ”VOUT2”, ”VOUT3” and ”VOUT4” signals) because the analog multiplexer is directly wired on the frontier of the board. The purpose of this test is to check ”BRIGHT_ION” generation by the ”tracking counter” which is configured in ”normal mode” excepted that the analog input is switched on the HVPM_ASSIG signal (8 bits DAC loopback). ”BRIGHT_ION” pulses are measured by the ”timer3” of 68302. Test type : No manual interaction. Sequence : The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) executes the following steps : 12 bits DAC for ”tracking counter” D The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) reads the ”test” register and check if ”ALIM_OK” and ”REF10V_OK” are on ’1’ level D The ROOM_IF_CPU software (via PU_CTRL_CPU sofware request) reads the ”RD_SALLE_1” register and check if ”_VRF_TEST” signal is on ’1’ level D Set ”RESET_CAP” and ”TEST_CAP” signals to initialize the ”tracking counter” in ”test mode”. D Select 1.24 V reference input on analog multiplexer by encoding channel 5 on ”SEL2_CAP”, ”SEL1_CAP” and ”SEL0_CAP”. D Select unity gain (”GAIN_CAP” signal=’0’). D Wait 100ms D Check ”AEC_COMP” signal (output of the comparator, port PB2 of 68302). This signal must read at ’0’ level. D Reset ”RESET_CAP” to enable counting. D Repeat software controled command clock (set and reset ”CLK_TEST_CAP” signal) and count the number of these occurences. D Check number of software controled command clock when ”AEC_COMP” goes high. 4–205 DIAGNOSTICS TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Analog programmable gain Set ”RESET_CAP” and ”TEST_CAP” signals to initialize the ”tracking counter” in ”test mode”. D Select 0.62 V reference input on analog multiplexer by encoding channel 6 on ”SEL2_CAP”, ”SEL1_CAP” and ”SEL0_CAP”. D Select ”x10” gain (”GAIN_CAP” signal=’1’). D Wait 150ms D Check ”AEC_COMP” signal (output of the comparator, port PB2 of 68302). This signal must read at ’0’ level. D Reset ”RESET_CAP” to enable counting. D Repeat software controled command clock (set and reset ”CLK_TEST_CAP” signal) and count the number of these occurences. D Check number of software controled command clock when ”AEC_COMP” goes high. DIAGNOSTICS D 4–206 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 8 bits DAC (HVPM) D Program the test value on the 8 bits DAC register. D Enable the 8 bits DAC reference input. Set ”VAL_DAC” signal. D Set ”RESET_CAP” and ”TEST_CAP” signals to initialize the ”tracking counter” in ”test mode”. D Select HVPM_ASSIG loopback input on analog multiplexer by encoding channel 4 on ”SEL2_CAP”, ”SEL1_CAP” and ”SEL0_CAP”. D Select unity gain (”GAIN_CAP” signal=’0’). D Wait 150ms D Check ”AEC_COMP” signal (output of the comparator, port PB2 of 68302). This signal must read at ’0’ level. D Reset ”RESET_CAP” to enable counting. D Repeat software controled command clock (set and reset ”CLK_TEST_CAP” signal) and count the number of these occurences. D Check number of software controled command clock when ”AEC_COMP” goes high. D Select HVPM_ASSIG loopback input on analog multiplexer by encoding channel 4 on ”SEL2_CAP”, ”SEL1_CAP” and ”SEL0_CAP”. D Select unity gain (”GAIN_CAP” signal=’0’). D Program the test value on the 8 bits DAC register. D Enable the 8 bits DAC reference input. Set ”VAL_DAC” signal. D Reset the ”tracking counter” in ”test mode” (”TEST_CAP”=’1’, ”RESET_CAP”=’1’). D Initialize the ”timer 1 input” of 68302 (”TEST_BRIGHT_ION”signal). D Configure the ”tracking ”RESET_CAP”=’1’). D Wait until timer 1 count > 4000H or 1S D Check if the ”timer 1” count register is correct. D Restore initial configuration. 4–207 counter” in ”normal mode” (”TEST_CAP”=’0’, DIAGNOSTICS BRIGHT_ION test GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU ANALOGIC ERROR Error MPH ROOM_IF_CPU Board Analogic Failure DIAGNOSTICS Description 311 Power supply failure User Status : 1 : ALIM_OK or REF10V_OK 2 : VREF_TEST 312 12 bits DAC tracking counter failure User Status : 1 : AEC_COMP initial value 2 : counter failure 313 programmable gain failure User Status : 1 : AEC_COMP initial value 2 : counter failure 314 8 bits DAC HVPM User Status : 1 : AEC_COMP initial value 2 : counter failure 315 bright_ion failure RECOMMENDED ACTION ERROR D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Check on CPU the following connections : D Action : Error User Status Conclusion 311 any Check power supplies on ROOM_IF_CPU (DS3 DS4,DS5,DS28 ON) and see power supply bloc Diagram. If OK replace ROOM_IF_CPU board 312 – 315 – ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. 4–208 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–209 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 ROOM_IF_CPU board Switches and Leds Test CPU–68302 Supply control ALIM_OK RS232 DEBUG REF10V_OK PB–RESET Room interface PB_ABORT EXP_REQUEST_A SWITCHES PRD FLUORO_PREP_A START_EXP_A LEDS STRAP WATCHDOG – 68302 (BUS D) – EPROM REF10V RAD_PREP_A RF CONNECTOR RF SUPPLY CONNECTOR SUPPLY TEST LEDS REF1V24 – 10V, 1V24 REFERENCE +5V – VOLTAGE CONTROL GND RAD CONNECTOR +15V EXTENSION CONNECTOR –15V EXPOSURE CONNECTOR START_FLUORO_A SWITCH RAD D(15:0) – SRAM EXP_EN LEDS – OPTOCOUPLERS – EPLD – RELAIS – DATA BUFFER Operator interface – OPEN COL. DRIVERS – REVISION REGISTER – ROOM INTERF. DRIVERS – PRD REGISTERS OPERATOR CONNECTOR PU_CTRL_CPU interface (EPLD) (IRQ7) DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLY CONNECT (SCC) ROOM_IF_CPU_RESET HDLC – RS445 DRIVERS TAV (UART) D(15:0) AEC interface (EPLD) (BUS D) CLK_CAP CLR_CAP AEC_COMP D(15:0) PROG_X PUPITRE RESET_AEC BRIGHT_ION – INPUT FILTERS – ANALOG MUX VOUT1–4 – PROGRAMMABLE GAIN – TRACKING COUNTER – AEC REGISTERS DG, DC, DD GAIN SCOPIE interface – 8 bits DAC (BUS D) (EPLD) (UART) (BUS D) D(15:0) – TEST REGISTERS BRIGHT_VID (UART) (EPLD) – RELAY CONTACTS EXP_EN (UART) (TIMER+EPLD) – OPEN COL. DRIVERS PU_CTRL_CPU CONNECT. – TEST REGISTERS (BUS D) – RS484 DRIVERS HV_ON EXP_CMD (ANALOG.) – Power on SAFETY – SCOPIE REGISTER CLK_SCOPIE PRINT_X D(15:0) 4–210 HVPM_ASSIG TEST_HVPM FLUORO (ANALOG.) GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 316 MPH ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD ROOM_IF_CPU Switches and LED’s test TEST DESCRIPTION Pre–requisites : – Power_On Reset Diagnostics passed OK. – ON/OFF function passed OK. – Low Voltage function passed OK. Purpose : Its purpose is to verify the reading of the switches position and the writing to the LED’s. The principle is to ask the operator to position the switches, then to start running the test and verify visually that the code displayed on the LED’s is the same as the one written on the switches. As this test requires operator checking of the LED’s status it is an interactive test and it is asked to the operator to decide if the test passed or not. Sequence : – Ask the operator to move PRD’s switches, ”Select a switch code and press DONE or EXIT”. – On DONE answer of the operator, PU_CTRL_CPU software copies switches combination on PRD’s leds. – On EXIT answer of the operator, ask the operator to visualy check if leds and switches combinations are equal, ”Was the value shown correct?”. – If YES, display message ”Return switches in their original position press DONE to continue” PU_CTRL_CPU SWITCHES AND LEDS ERROR CODES Error MPH PU_CTRL_CPU Board Switches and LED’s Failure Description 316 The operator has seen an error on the ROOM_IF_CPU board and has answered : ”NO” . RECOMMENDED ACTION D Check pre–requisites are completed (see above) D Action : Error User Status 316 – Conclusion ROOM_IF_CPU faulty. Replace ROOM_IF_CPU board. 4–211 DIAGNOSTICS Test type : It is an interactive test. LOOP–ON allowed. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 317 See Error 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 Current Meas & IGBT FPS test Error 317 See Error 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV Rise and Regulation test Error 317 See Error 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 DIAGNOSTICS MPH KV COMMAND CMD1 kV MAX Safety test Error 317 See Error 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 MPH KV COMMAND INVERT Power Components tests Error 317 See Error 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 MPH KV COMMAND Final Cross check 4–212 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Error 318 See Error 279, 280 MPH II_SENSOR BOARD DIAGNOSTICS II_SENSOR HTPM test 4–213 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–214 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 SECTION 5 OPTIONS TROUBLESHOOTING " % ! " ! &$ " ! &$ " " # ! " ! " ! " ! " ! ! DIAGNOSTICS " 4–215 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page. 4–216 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF 001 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 CONSOLE DISPLAY FAULT Date: Time: Personnel: SECTION 1 SYMPTOM Troubleshooting without display error code. SECTION 2 CAUSE SECTION 3 POINT TESTED SECTION 4 ACTION Console self–test. To enter the self–test, hit and hold down the following keys together for 1 s: D Small focal spot, D Technique 1, D kV– (kV minus). This test allows the operator to check the operation of the keys, indicator lamps, readouts and buzzer (all located on the console). The connection with the generator is interrupted for the whole test period. At the start of the test, the software version is displayed in place of the mA and ms values (eg. 2–10): D all indicator lamp are lighted for 2 s, D all seven segments and the decimal point of each readout are lighted successively, D the console buzzer gives three beeps. 4–217 DIAGNOSTICS RUN THE CONSOLE SELF–TEST. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 CONSOLE DISPLAY FAULT Job Card VF 001 2 of 2 The operator can access four tests as follows: TEST 1: Hit the Technique 1 and Technique 5 keys together. The test checks the pushbutton contacts. If the test is OK, the key backlights. TEST 2: Hit the Technique 2 and Technique 6 keys together. The test is used to light or out the backlit keys by hitting these keys. A second hit outs the backlighted key. TEST 3: Hit the Technique 3 and Technique 7 keys together. This test check the 7–segment readouts. The –kV and +kV keys select the readout to be modified. The mA or mAs keys increment or decrement the values on the selected readout. TEST 4: Hit the Technique 4 and Technique 8 keys together. Not used. To exit from the self–test, use the entry procedure given above. DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 5 SUBASSEMBLIES CONCERNED 4–218 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF 002 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X 1 of 6 Version No.: 0 Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES REQUIRED SECTION 2 TOOLS REQUIRED D Service Terminal. D PROGRAM-X om disk. SECTION 3 SAFETY, PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN Before all work on the screen, switch off the screen (HV of 300 V provided from 12 V/300 V converter). DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES SECTION 5 TASK DESCRIPTION Check that the straps are in right position indicated on job card DR015. To change battery, see Service Manual chapter 4 (preventive maintenance). Install Service Terminal and switch it on. 5.1 Running the Self–test As the PROGRAM-X has an integrated self-test from switch-on with functions are checked. If the oval pattern appears on the PROGRAM-X screen, the test is OK. 4–219 pressed, all the principal GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X Job Card VF 002 2 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 1 DIAGNOSTICS If eight vertical stripes appear on the PROGRAM-X screen, a fault or faults have been found as follows: D If bar 1 (at right edge of screen) flashes, the Checksum test for the PROM (B18) has failed. Corrective action: Check PROM contacts, or replace PROM. D If bar 2 (from right edge of screen) flashes, RAM System (B8) has failed. Corrective action: Check RAM contacts, or replace RAM. D If bars 1 and 2 flash, the serial connections between PROGRAM-X and MPH have failed. Corrective action: – Check line reception and emission. – Check DUART contacts (B28), or replace them, or reverse the two DUARTs (B28 and B34). D If ”Buzzer DUART B34 not installed” message appears, install a jumper across ST13 on PROGRAM-X board. 4–220 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X 5.2 Job Card VF 002 3 of 6 RAM Clear To clear the RAM: D Hit any key on the PROGRAM-X Control module D Switch on the generator. The screen (see Ill. 1) appears on the PROGRAM-X. D To clear the RAM, hit: <key> – <delete> – <family> – <0> on the PROGRAM-X Control module ILLUSTRATION 2 START–UP SCREEN PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X Key + Del + Fam + "0" : Erase all anatomic programs p, v, c, : Test push buttons, PC or test serial link 0..4, m : Change fonts size n, g, b, o : Change fonts style S, s : Start stop blinking T, t : increase or decrease trace level G : Quit test and RUN PROGRAM' X 4–221 DIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM-X PROGRAM-X GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X 5.3 Job Card VF 002 4 of 6 Testing the Pushbutton on PROGRAM-X Control Module 1. Press and hold down any key on the PROGRAM-X Control module and switch on generator. 2. On alphanumeric keyboard, hit ”P”. 3. Check that each pushbutton on PROGRAM-X Control module lights when pressed. To terminate the test, press the ”Key Button”. 4. To exit from Test function, hit <key> “g” on the alphanumeric keyboard. SECTION 6 PROGRAM-X ERROR MESSAGES D Messages indicating correct running of tasks – Transferring file Transfer terminated Reading language file D Service Terminal/PROGRAM-X transfer status Messages of fault in performing tasks No more communication with PROGRAM-X DIAGNOSTICS Possible faults: – PROGRAM-X/Service Terminal cable is damaged or connection is not continuous (line E/R) – Program run on Service Terminal when PROGRAM-X was not configured in TRANSFER Menu. Error during read: fault may be due to disk (damaged track) or from Service Terminal. D Message indicating file problem on disk NO SUCH FILE: No such program on disk for technique selected. NO SUCH DIRECTORY Faulty disk NO VERSION FILE VERSION FILE NOT GOOD FILES WERE MANUALLY MODIFIED: 4–222 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X Job Card VF 002 5 of 6 SECTION 7 MAIN CAUSES OF FAILURE OF PROGRAM-X 7.1 Screen 7.2 Keyboards SCREEN OFF Control module keys lamps lighting YES Cable W16 faulty Replace the screen NO SCREEN LIGHTED WITHOUT TEXT YES Run MENU TEST (F1) Interface F5 - 1ĆRS485 CPU Board - 1ĆRS485 Room IF CPU Check if LEDs DS1 and DS2 light OFF Check if LEDs DS7 and DS8 light ON/light OFF: if not: cable W32 faulty (MPH to ProgramĆX) Check generator is in application mode Lamp (s) faulty Indicator lamp/lamps out Check fuse F4 on MPH A6 A3 YES PROGRAMĆX Control Board supply fault Cable W17 faulty Check W15 : Keyboard/PROGRAMĆX Control Board No dialog with alphanumeric keyboard YES Replace ProgramĆX Console Board Replace keyboard 4–223 DIAGNOSTICS Fuse F4 on MPH A6 A3 Check power supply GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING ON PROGRAM-X 7.3 Job Card VF 002 6 of 6 PROGRAM-X control board Check power supply - Check Fuse F4 on MPH A6 A3 PROGRAMĆX Control board operates NO No dialog with service terminal - Check if LEDs DS5 and DS6 light ON and OFF DIAGNOSTICS No dialog with generator: Run MENU 2 TEST (F1) - Interface (F5) - 1ĆRS485 - CPU Board - 1ĆRS485 - Room IF CPU Board Check if LEDs DS7 and DS8 light ON and OFF Check if LEDs DS1 and DS2 light OFF: if not cable W32 faulty 4–224 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF 003 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 4 Version No.: 0 TROUBLESHOOTING OF PRINT-X Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES REQUIRED SECTION 2 TOOLS REQUIRED D SECTION 3 SAFETY, PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN SECTION 5 TASK DESCRIPTION 5.1 Power Supply Fault (if ON LINE LED is not lighted) 1. Check AC Supply from MPH A6 A3 – XJ1A/B to the DC power supply (115 Vac). 2. Check +12 V between + and – pins on DC supply (XJ1 disconnected). 3. If +12 V is not present, replace the power supply. 4. If +12 V is present, check fuse F1 and replace if required. 5. Check printer supply cable. DC Supply XJ1 Printer 6. Replace cable if required. If not, connect XJ1. 7. Check =12 V on printer cable plug (across Pins 2 and 3). 8. If correct, replace the printer. 4–225 DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING OF PRINT-X 5.2 Job Card VF 003 Printer Fault Switch off printer via ON/OFF switch on printer Press and hold down FEED button on printer and switch on printer No Printer is printing Replace printer Yes Switch off printer Fault Ok Check wiring (1) Switch off printer Switch off generator DIAGNOSTICS Replace cable Connect cable between XJ4 of cable to printer to J4 of Room_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 (2) Switch on generator Switch on printer Yes Printer is printing No Replace: 1. Printer MPH A9 A1 2. Room_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 No Replace faulty wiring (Cable or Racks) Check wiring (3) Ok Replace: 1. Control Console MPH A7 A2 2. Room_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 4–226 2 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING OF PRINT-X MPH A6 A2 Control Console XJ4 (Sub D 9 pins) Job Card VF 003 3 of 4 MPH A9 A1 Printer (Sub D 25 pins) pin 2 pin 2 pin 3 pin 3 pin 5 pin 7 This cable is in emergency bag (Sub D 9 pins Male - Sub D 9 pins Female) used for Service Terminal MPH A6 A3 MPH A6 A2 Control Console XJ1 TXB 14 XJ11 14 XJ12 11 TXA 39 39 30 30 RxB 15 15 12 12 RxA 40 40 31 31 W30 11 DIAGNOSTICS J2 Room_IF_CPU MPH A6 A1 4–227 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING OF PRINT-X Job Card VF 003 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page 4–228 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF 004 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 8 Version No.: 0 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None SECTION 2 TOOLS D None SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS None DIAGNOSTICS D SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 HEAT ANOD HIGH Tests Three tests are programmed in Menu 1: 1. HEAT: focal spot heater test with a 3 A, 4 A or 5 A current, this test is used to check the entire heater sequence, the microprocessor awaits the return of 3 A, 4 A or 5A data. 2. ANOD: anode rotation test for a 3000 or 9000 rpm x-ray tube, this test is used to check the radiography enable sequence delivered by the starter, the microprocessor awaits the return of starter enable. 3. HIGH: high voltage test without filament heater (no x-ray) or anode rotation, his test is used to check if there is arcing in the x-ray tube, HV cables or HV unit, it is also used to check inverter operation. 4–229 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS 5.1.1 Job Card VF 004 Implementing the HEAT test 1. Enter Maintenance mode (asm floppy). 2. The display reads: MENU 1 HEAT ANOD HIGH 3. Select the HEAT test by pressing the F1 key below the “HEAT” display. 4. The display then reads: HEAT TEST T1 L OFF 3A 5. Select the x-ray tube to be tested by pressing the key below “T1” readout (F3 key). 6. Select the focal spot by pressing the key below the “L” (F5 key), L = Large focal spot, S = Small focal spot, 7. Select the heating value (3 A, 4 A or 5 A) on F9 key located under the “3A” readout. 8. Strike DIAGNOSTICS D V to start the test, a display informs the technician of the test status: if operation is normal, the display will show: HEAT TEST T1 (T2) L(S) D ON 3 A if a fault is detected, the display will show: Err XXX in this case, see the Troubleshooting procedures. 9. Once the fault has been identified, press Note: V a second time to stop the test. During the test, selection of the x-ray tube or the focal spot is inhibited. 4–230 2 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS 3 of 8 Implementing the ANOD test 1. Select Maintenance mode. 2. The display reads: MENU 1 HEAT ANOD HIGH 3. Select the ANOD test by pressing the F3 key below the “ANOD” display. 4. The display then reads: HEAT TEST T1 3K OFF 5. Select the x-ray tube to be tested by pressing the key below “T1” readout (F3 key). 6. Select the focal spot by pressing the key below the “3K” (F5 key), 3K = 3000 rpm, 9K = 9000 rpm, 7. Start up the test by pressing D V . The display reads: ANOD TEST T1(T2) 3K(9K) ON 8. The starter begins anode rotation until it reaches the speed selected. 9. The program checks emission of the Radiography or Fluoroscopy enable signal by the starter. The signal is normally emitted when the anode reaches its nominal speed. To obtain this data, wait a few seconds until anode starter speed is stable, then press “F1” below the “TEST” readout. 10. The display then reads: D If the microprocessor receives the signal: ANOD TEST T1 (T2) 3K(9K) ON OK D lf the microprocessor does not receive the signal: ANOD TEST T1(T2) 3K(9K) ON ERR 7xx in the last case, defective operation may stem from the Rotor Controller or Command 2 Board. 11. Refer to the Diagnostic and to the Error Code displayed. The display “ERR” can also be due to a premature request or continuing to hold the key down, which would inhibit display refresh. Press the key and release it several times to make sure that the display remains the same. 4–231 DIAGNOSTICS 5.1.2 Job Card VF 004 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS 12. To halt the test, press Note: 5.1.3 Job Card VF 004 V 4 of 8 again. X-ray tube or speed selection is inhibited during the test. Implementing the HIGH test 1. Select Maintenance mode. 2. The display reads: MENU 1 HEAT ANOD HIGH 3. Select the ANOD test by pressing the F5 key below the “HIGH” display. 4. The display then reads: HV TEST T1 40KV OFF DIAGNOSTICS 5. Select the x-ray tube (or direction if testing the HV unit) to be tested by pressing the key below the “T1” display (F3 key). 6. Select the kV value by pressing the key below the “40” display several times (F5 and F6 keys). The values which can be selected vary between 40 kV and 150 kV in increments of 10 kV. Selection is looped, i.e. after 150 kV, pressing the key will select 40 kV. Note: Do not exceed the maximum value authorized for the x-ray tube. 7. Start the test by pressing the Radiography exposure key and holding it down. 8. the inverter is then operational. 9. The display reads: D if operation seems to be normal: HV TEST T1(T2) D 40(to 150) ON 40KV(to 150KV) If an error is detected: ERR XXXX ... refer to the Diagnostic and to the Error Code displayed. Note: After selecting the other tube for testing, reset the kV value. 10. To stop the test, release the Radiography exposure key. Note: To detect an arcing fault, increase the kV value, without exceeding the maximum value authorized for the x–ray tube. 4–232 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS 5 of 8 If arcing occurs during the HIGH test If arcing occurs during the HIGH test: 1. Disconnect HV cables from HV unit. 2. Try to take an exposure at the kV value at which arcing occured. 3. If arcing occurs, replace HV unit and stop here. 4. If arcing does not occur: a. Reconnect cables to HV unit and disconnect HV cables from x–ray tube. b. Connect the free ends of the HV cables to a suitable voltage divider. c. Try to take an exposure at the kV value at which arcing occured. d. If arcing occurs, replace both HV cables. e. If arcing does not occur, replace the x–ray tube. DIAGNOSTICS 5.1.4 Job Card VF 004 4–233 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS 5.2 Job Card VF 004 List MENU The List MENU is available in MENU 2. It is designed to store error codes. When in read, it returns the codes of the last sixteen errors which occurred. 5.2.1 Implementing the LIST MENU 1. Select Maintenance mode. 2. Select MENU 2. 3. The display reads: MENU 2 TEST LIST NEXP DATE 4. Select the LIST Test by pressing the F3 key below the “LIST” display. 5. The display reads: Error n 0= XXXX Nb 1 Jan 30 1996 DIAGNOSTICS Error No. 0 is the most recent. Error No. –15 is the oldest. XXXX = error code. The date displayed is the date of the first appearance. Nb is the number of times the error has appeared since the first appearance. The U key is used to scroll the errors obtained in Diagnostic Mode (Test Menu). The Z key us used to return to the application errors. 6. To increase or decrease “n”, press the keys below the “n 0” readout (F3/F4 key): Increase = F3, Decrease = F4. 4–234 6 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS Job Card VF 004 7 of 8 7. It is possible to clear all the error codes stored by pressing the keys “CTRL” and “H” simultaneously. 8. The display reads: CLEAR all errors 9. To reply to this question, press the keys “CTRL” and “H” simultaneous to clear the memory contents. 10. The display reads: Error n 0= 0 Nb 11. To quit the test, press the key “R”. 5.3 MENU DATE AND TIME To enter the Date and Time: 1. Go to Service Mode, and call Menu 2 using the arrows on the keyboard. 2. Call MODA by pressing 7. 4. Enter date (MM DD YYYY) via numeric keypad. 5. Hit W to confirm. 6. Hit F1. 7. Enter time (HH MM) via numeric keypad. 8. Hit W to confirm. When replacing the battery in the CPU Board, clear the year-counter display on the righthand side via F7 and F9 to confirm. IMPORTANT: Checksums must be validated. Enter the Workstation Parameters (in Chart 1 of Job Card IST013, Chapter 1, Section 6, End of Installation in the Service Manual). 4–235 DIAGNOSTICS 3. Hit F1 three time. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS Job Card VF 004 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page 4–236 8 of 8 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF005 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 6 Version No.: 0 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Date: Time: Personnel: 1 Run this procedure if CT1 MPH A1 K2 does not switch ON. SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None SECTION 2 TOOLS D Standard tool kit. D DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS None SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 4–237 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Job Card VF005 2 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 1 SEE ON/OFF AND LV POWER SUPPLIES BLOCK DIAGRAM Generator does not power ON CT1 MPHA1 K2 Does not switch ON Phase R.S.T. OK Yes No OK Check room power supply on MPH A1 SW1 Yes Mains switch MPH A1–SW1 ON No Switch ON SW1 Yes Power ON OK? Yes END No DIAGNOSTICS Replace broken fuse Check fuses F1 – F2 – F3 on mains PS MPH A3–A2 No Check 220 Vac on transformer MPH A3–T1 plug 0 and 220 V DS12 on mains PS board MPH A3–A2 ON? OK OK Replace mains PS board MPH A3–A2 Yes See B page 2 OK DS7–8–9 on mains PS MPH A3–A2 ON? No No No END DS15 ON CMD1 board MPH A4–A1 ”ON” No No Power ON OK? OPEN circuit See A page 2 OK Check thermal safety on transformer MPHA1–AT1 Short circuit Check cables between: 1) MPH A3–A2 XJ2 and MPH A1–AT1 2) MPH A3–A2 XJ5 and MPH A3–A3 XJ5 Replace transformer MPHA1–AT1 OK No Check voltages on primary of transformer MPH A3–T1 Check cable between transformer and mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 XJ3 OK OK Check cable between transformer and mains PS–Board MPH A3–A2 XJ1 Replace transformer MPH A3–T1 4–238 Replace mains PS MPH A3–A2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Job Card VF005 3 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 2 From page 1 A DS19 – DS20 DS21 on CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 ON? No OK No OK Check connection between XJ7 MPH A4–A1 and MPH A3–PS1 No DS11 – DS12 – DS13 on CMD1 Board MPH A4–A1 ON? Replace fuses F2–F3 or and F4 Yes Check cable between: XJ5 CMD1–Board – MPH A4 A1 and XJ5 mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 DIAGNOSTICS Replace power supply MPH A3–PS1 From page 1 B Verify the connections (6–19–1–25–24) between: XJ2 on control console MPH A7–A2 and XJ12 on distribution board MPH A6–A3 No Replace cable OK Yes Controle console failure: change MPH A3–A2 or MPH A3–A1 Test if power ON with BP1 on distribution Board MPH A6–A3 No Check cable between: XJ9 distribution Bd MPH A6–A3 and XJ4 command Board MPH A4–A1 pins: 2–6–7 C page 3 4–239 No Replace cable GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Job Card VF005 4 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 3 C from page 2 OK No Check if DS6 on mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 is ON DIAGNOSTICS Check cable between XJ5 of command 1 Board MPH A4–A2 and XJ5 of mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 pin 3 and 4 Check if 24 V is present on XJ4 of command 1 Board MPH A4–A1 between pin 7 (0 V) and pin 6 (24 V) No Replace command 1 Board MPH A4–A1 Yes Yes Check if CT1 MPH A1–K2 is ON No END Yes Check if 230 Vac is present on XJ2 pin 3 and 6 of mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 No Check cable between mains PS Board and CT1 Check connection pin 24 XJ1 of mains PS Board MPH A3–A2 and plug. 220 V of transformer MPH A3–T1 OK OK Replace CT1 MPH A1–K17 OK Check 220 Vac voltage between plug 0/480 and 220 V of transformer MPH A3–T1 Replace mains PS MPH A3–A2 4–240 No Replace transformer MPH A3–T1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Job Card VF005 5 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 4 SEE ON/OFF AND LV SUPPLIES BLOCK DIAGRAM No Power on Extension Rack MPH A6 CT1 on MPH A1–K2 Check if 230 Vac is present on fuses F16–F17 in room distribution MPH A1–A1 OK Check fuse F1–F2 on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 No Yes No Yes DIAGNOSTICS No See ON/OFF Faulty tree page 2 thru 4 Replace fuse F16–F17 Replace fuse No Check voltage on transformer MPH A6–A7 14 Vac – 19 Vac – 230 Vac – 115 Vac – 200 Vac Check XJ3 plug on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 No OK Replace Transformer MPH A6–A7 OK Check on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 DS5 ON Replace fuse F7 Yes Yes Check on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 if led DS7–DS9– DS10 ON No Check fuse F12–F13–F14 on Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 Check cable between XJ7 – Distribution Board MPH A6–A3 and XJ1 room if CPU MPH A6–A1 4–241 OK Replace Power Supply MPH A6–PS1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS ON/OFF AND POWER SUPPLIES Job Card VF005 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page 4–242 6 of 6 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF006 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 4 Version No.: 0 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS DC BUS VOLTAGE FAULT Date: Time: Personnel: 1 Run this procedure if NO DC BUS VOLTAGE (Err 410 in Application Mode) . SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None SECTION 2 TOOLS D Standard tool kit. D DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS None SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 4–243 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS DC BUS VOLTAGE FAULT Job Card VF006 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 SEE ON/OFF AND LV SUPPLIES BLOCK DIAGRAM AND DCPS BLOCK DIAGRAM No DCBUS voltage To page 3 A ON OFF CT2 MPH A3–K1 ON CT MPH A3–K2 OFF See ON/OFF faulty tree DS11 on mains PS board MPH A3–A2 ON OK No Run diagnostic menu 2 test (F1) ON/OFF (F1) Check IN1 in position ON on command 1 board MPH A4–A1 Erreur 62 No DIAGNOSTICS Yes Check if 220 Vac is present ON XJ2 pin 1–4 of mains PS board MPH A3–A2 No Yes Erreur 63 No Replace mains PS board MPH A3–A2 Check connection between CT2 and mains PS Yes Check cables between XJ2 DC FILTER and XJ6 mains PS and XJ5 mains PS and XJ5 COMMAND 1 board OK Replace CT2 MPH A1–K1 No OK OK Check signal on enable on command 1 board MPH A4–A1 9–U20 = 0 Replace command 1 board MPH A4–A1 Check if DS1 off on DC FILTER MPH A3–A2 Check if CT2 MPH A3–K1 switch 21–22 normally closed No Yes No Replace MPH A3–K1 (CT2) Replace mains PS board MPH A3–A2 4–244 Yes Replace DC FILTER MPH A3–A1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS DC BUS VOLTAGE FAULT Job Card VF006 3 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 2 From page 2 A Yes Check fuses F4–F5 OK Check cable between XJ2–DC FILTER and XJ6 MAINS–PS No Check fuses F1–F2–F3 on DC FILTER MPH A3–A1 No Replace fuses broken Replace DC FILTER Board MPH A3–A1 No Check if voltage present on F1–F2–F3 (380 Vac to 480 Vac) Replace MPH A3–K1 CT2 Yes Replace DC FILTER board MPH A3–A1 4–245 DIAGNOSTICS DS1 ”ON” on DC FILTER MPH A3–A1 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS DC BUS VOLTAGE FAULT Job Card VF006 DIAGNOSTICS Blank page 4–246 4 of 4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF007 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 4 Version No.: 0 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS SERIAL LINKS FAULT Date: Time: Personnel: 1 Run this procedure if Errors 522, 523 or 524 appears in Application Mode. SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None SECTION 2 TOOLS D None D DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS None SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D None SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 4–247 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS SERIAL LINKS FAULT Job Card VF007 2 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 1 1) SEE SERIAL LINKS BLOCK DIAGRAM Control console (MADRID) Serial link Run DIAGNOSTIC Menu 2 Test (F1) Interface (F5) DIAGNOSTICS Yes Erreur ? No See instruction in error code sheet Yes Leds DS3 and DS4 in control console MPH A7–A2 Flash Replace control console board MPH A7–A2 No Check cable between control console MPH A7–A2 XJ2 and distribution board MPH A6–A3 XJ12 and cable between distribution board MPH A6–A3 XJ11 and room if CP4 MPH A6–A1 XJ2 OK Replace room if CPU MPH A6–A1 4–248 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS SERIAL LINKS FAULT Job Card VF007 3 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 2 SEE SERIAL LINKS BLOCK DIAGRAM 2) PROGRAM-X Serial link Run DIAGNOSTIC Menu 2 Test (F1) Interface (F5) Erreur ? No DIAGNOSTICS Yes See instruction in error code sheet Yes Leds DS7 and DS8 Flash on control board MPH A8–A1 Run JOB CARD VF 002 No Check cable between XJ10 – MPH A6–A3 distribution board and XJ1 – MPH A8–A1 control board program-X check cable between XJ11 – MPH A6–A3 distribution board and XJ2 – MPH A6–A1 Room if CPU board OK Replace room if CPU board MPH A6–A1 4–249 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS SERIAL LINKS FAULT Job Card VF007 4 of 4 ILLUSTRATION 3 3) SEE SERIAL LINKS BLOCK DIAGRAM TAV Service Terminal Serial Link Connect TAV on XJ18 plug on PU CTRL CPU MPH A4–A3 Run DIAGNOSTIC Menu 2 Test (F1) Interface (F5) No DIAGNOSTICS No TAV OK ? Yes Erreur ? Yes See Instruction in error code sheet Check sub D9 pin cable used to connect TAV Check cable between control console MPH A8–A2 XJ1 and distribution board MPH A6–A3 XJ12 Check cable between distribution board MPH A6–A3 XJ11 and Room IF CPU board MPH A6–A1 XJ2 OK Check TAV serial link port OK OK Replace Pu CTRL CPU board MPH A4–A3 Replace Room IF CPU board MPH A6–A1 4) Print-X Serial link See JOB CARD VF 003 4–250 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF008 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 1 of 12 Version No.: Date: Time: Personnel: 1 SECTION 1 SUPPLIES REQUIRED None. SECTION 2 TOOLS REQUIRED None. SECTION 3 SAFETY, PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN None. DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES None. 4–251 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE Job Card VF008 2 of 12 SECTION 5 0-Point Mode – Calibration and Programmed Settings Correct operation of the 0-Point Mode depends on: D Correct system calibration, D A system properly adapted to the customer. Failure to comply with these two requirements may give the customer the impression of abnormal operation. It is up to the Field Engineer responsible for the site to determine whether this impression is really due to 0-Point or to some other source. 5.1 Calibration The following notes summarize the calibration procedures. 5.1.1 Fluoroscopy Calibration This calibration allows the system to measure the equivalent radiology thickness of the patient. Without this, 0-Point Mode cannot operate. DIAGNOSTICS It requires five plates of 50 mm plexiglass, or the equivalent in water thickness. 5.1.2 Setting the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio This is a new calibration. The doses used are as shown below (in closed loop operation): IIR 32 40 Radiography 0.876 µGy 1.14 µGy in front of the grid (100 µR) (130 µR) 0.53 µGy/s 0.68 µGy/s in front of the grid (60 µR/s) (78 µR/s) 22 32 Fluoroscopy Field Note: The röntgen (R) is no longer used; use the gray (Gy). The ratio Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate is 1.67. This ratio affects the mAs calculation in 0-Point Mode. If the Radiography Dose or the Fluoroscopy Dose Rate are not as specified, the system gives an erroneous value, even if the ratio is 1.67. 4–252 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 5.1.3 Job Card VF008 3 of 12 Calibrating Field Ratios This is a new calibration, which gives the system the ability to determine the mAs required even if the radiography is done on a different field to the fluoroscopy, because MPH operation must not be paralyzed by an unforeseen change of the image intensifier field. It is, however, only an estimation, not a calculation, and the kV display flashes as a warning when the field has been changed (flashing kV indicates that fluoroscopy is required for thickness measurement). The calibration calculates mAs ratios (using 75 kV, 2 mm copper, minimum SID) between the reference field (22 for II 32, 32 for II 40) and the other available fields. Note: All other calibrations are made on the reference field. CAUTION 5.1.4 Ensure that the user is aware that a fluoroscopic exposure must be made when the kV flashes. FILM/Calibrating the Ionization Chamber This calibration is identical in principle to the fluoroscopy calibration, but it allows the system to recognize the response of the chamber regardless of the screen–film pair. 5.1.5 FILM/AEC Calibration A new procedure is available allowing much faster calibration and, above all, systematic: the calibration time is not random. 5.1.6 Other calibrations For the remaining calibrations, it is assumed that the calibrations described above have been made according to the procedures described. Moreover, the entire system is assumed to be correctly adjusted (generator, image system, mechanical alignment, etc.). 4–253 DIAGNOSTICS This is a new calibration. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 5.2 Job Card VF008 4 of 12 0-Point operation Operation of the 0-Point Mode requires: D Curves relating the radiography kV to the thickness calculated by the fluoroscopy, D Time or kV priority to define to the MPH whether the type of examination is motion blurring priority or contrast, D Time and kV limits to adapt these curves to the user’s requirements. An exposure is said to be CORRECT when the parameters conform to the limits (by default or user selected) and the programmed curves. Note that each of the curves (three digital, and three screen–film pairs) is associated with a particular type of examination, for which they have been designed. They are expected to cover the requirements of most radiology examinations. The programmed default limits are designed to suit the majority of users; those with specific room applications may wish to modify the limits. DIAGNOSTICS If the radiologist wishes to totally redefine the type of examination for which the MPH will function, an attempt should first be made to satisfy the requirement by modifying the limits only. CAUTION The curves relating the radiography kV to thickness should not normally be modified. Any person taking the responsibility of changing these curves risks loss of control of the system in 0-Point Mode. 4–254 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 5.3 Programmed Curves and Limits 5.3.1 Time Priority Job Card VF008 5 of 12 Time priority is intended basically to avoid motion blurring; kV is allowed to vary up to kVmax before an exposure time greater than tsup is accepted. Similarly, the kV can vary down to kVmin before an exposure time less than tinf is accepted. Illustration 1 shows the operation of Time Priority limits. ILLUSTRATION 1 t t sup ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ Ç ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉ t t min t priority t Optimal zone t inf t kV min kV inf kV sup 4–255 kV Max ÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀ kV t priority: Degraded kV Optimal t Degraded kV Degraded t DIAGNOSTICS t Max GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 5.3.2 Job Card VF008 6 of 12 kV priority kV priority is normally used for examination where contrast is more important than the exposure time (e.g. bone examinations). Illustration 2 shows the operation of kV Priority limits for increasing thickness. ILLUSTRATION 2 t t Max ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ kV t sup Optimal zone DIAGNOSTICS t inf kV t min kV min kV inf kV sup 4–256 kV Max kV kV priority ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÀÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀÀ ÀÀÀÀÀ kV priority: Optimal kV Degraded t Degraded kV Degraded t kV GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 5.3.3 Job Card VF008 7 of 12 kV Limits The hierarchy of kV limits is defined as follows: Required range kVmin kVinf kVsup kVmax Tolerated range This indicates that the user wishes to work in the range [kVinf, kVsup] but will, in this case, accept working in the range [kVmin, kVmax]. t Limits The hierarchy of t limits is defined as follows: Required range tmin tinf tsup tmax Tolerated range This indicates that the user wishes to work in the range [tinf, tsup] but will, in this case, accept working in the range [tmin, tmax]. 4–257 DIAGNOSTICS 5.3.4 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE Job Card VF008 8 of 12 SECTION 6 RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES 6.1 Recommended Checks for specific problems 1. Radiography kV in DRS and Fluoroscopy kV not matched to thickness (e.g., 60 kV for 200 mm of water, 100 kV for 50 mm of water): – Check the fluoroscopy calibration. 2. Radiography kV in DRS not matched to thickness, fluoroscopy kV correct: – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the kV and time limits. 3. mAs in DRS insufficient: – Check the Fluoroscopy calibration. – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the Field Ratio calibration. DIAGNOSTICS 4. mAs in DRS: calculated backup very high. No mAs displayed and the kV and time limits are exceeded; kV too high. – Check the fluoroscopy calibration. – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the kV and time limits. – Check the field ratio calibration. 5. Radiography kV with film and fluoroscopy kV not matched to the thickness (e.g., 60 kV for 20 cm of water, 100 kV for 5 cm of water). – Check the fluoroscopy calibration. 6. Radiography kV with film not matched to the thickness, fluoroscopy kV correct – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the ionization chamber calibration. – Check the kV and time limits. 7. Film mAs insufficient – Check that the thickness remained constant between the preparation fluoroscopy and the radiography. If the thickness increased, the low mAs is normal. – Check the fluoroscopy calibration. – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the ionization chamber calibration. – Check the field ratio calibration. 4–258 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE Job Card VF008 9 of 12 8. Film mAs: calculated backup very high. No mAs displayed and the kV and time limits are exceeded; kV too high. – Check the fluoroscopy calibration. – Check the Radiography Dose/Fluoroscopy Dose Rate Ratio. – Check the ionization chamber calibration. – Check the kV and time limits. – Check the field ratio calibration 9. The optical density of the film is consistently poor: – Check that the correct chambers are used and are not covered by shutters or blocked by a slice. – Check that the Field/Chamber combination is good. – Check the film development. – Check the film AEC calibration. The thickness is now measured in the center of the image. There is, therefore, a possibility that the mAs is too low, or too high, limiting the number of exposures available. The same problem is encountered when the lateral ionization cells are selected without the central cell. The following table shows the usable configurations and recommended combinations of IIR field/Selected ionization chambers. IIR field (cm) 40 32 22 16 X (X) / / (X) / / / X (X) / / (X) / / / X X X X X X X X Chamber selection X: possible configuration (X): configuration may sometimes work but not recommended /: non functional configuration, definitely not recommended. Note: It is possible to solve an IIR field/Ionization Chamber problem by adjusting the CVN. 4–259 DIAGNOSTICS If the fluoroscopy field is too small the anatomic zone seen by the measurement zone is very different from that seen by the ionization chambers. GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE Job Card VF008 10 of 12 10. AEC not satisfactory in DRS operation with linear mode. – Check the ratio of mAs (Mag 1, 75 kV, two mm Cu, minimum SID): mAs AEC linear mAs AEC EDR – If the ratio is other than 2.7 "5%, check the camera adjustment. – If the problem persists, check that the DSA mode request is received by the MPH. 11. Blurred films due to too long an exposure: – Check that the type of examination used is time priority. – Reduce tsup (kV increases, mAs falls). – If the problem persists, reduce tmax (kV increases, mAs falls). 12. Insufficient contrast due to too high kV: – Check that the type of examination used is kV priority. – Reduce kVsup (time increases, mAs increases). – If the problem persists, reduce kVmax (time increases, mAs increases). DIAGNOSTICS 13. DRS images over exposed when using short times and small thicknesses under AEC: – Check that tmin is ­ 5 ms – If not, set tmin to 8 ms (kV falls, mAs falls). Note: Many other causes totally independent of the 0-Point can result in an over-exposed image. 14. The MPH thermal cut-out operates too often: – Check the possibility of increasing tmax without degrading the system behavior with respect to motion blurring (motion blurring is liable to occur with tmax >150 ms). Increasing tmax reduces kV and increases mAs. – If this is not possible, ask the user if he will accept degraded contrast at high thicknesses. If yes, increase kVmax 10 kV. Note: Before taking any action, check that the patient population involved is not composed of all thin people or overweight people. 15. Too much contrast due to kV too low (causes too-long exposures, motion blurring): – Check that the type of examination used is kV priority. – Increase kVinf (time falls, mAs falls). – If the problem persists, increase kVmin (time falls, mAs falls). 4–260 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE 6.2 Other Possible Problems 6.2.1 Occasional under- or over-exposure. Job Card VF008 11 of 12 The user must be aware that when keys on the generator control panel are flashing it is because the calculated parameters are outside the range he considers to be correct, or because he is required to take some action or other. D kV flashing: the user must run a fluoroscopy to measure the thickness, D Focal spot flashing: the small spot has been selected manually when the large spot is required to make a good exposure. It is usually a thermal problem. (Manual focal spot: programmed by the Laptop, or following an operator action). Z flashing: the calculated constants are outside the limit window. The film may be correctly exposed, but the exposure will not be made with the parameters selected by the user. D Screen–film pair flashing: the selected screen–film pair has insufficient sensitivity, or is too sensitive, for the exposure, and the parameters are outside the limits. The proposed substitute screen–film pair flashes, the user must select it manually. The CVN changes the kV! The advice to give when the user makes this comment is: “With 0-Point, don’t watch the kV, look at the image”. The CVN modifies the thickness seen by the system. There is, therefore, a calculated kV value that is different from that initially determined with a nil CVN. 6.2.3 Problem during a sequence A typical procedure which may provoke a backup mAs cutoff during a sequence is the following: D FLUOROSCOPY (measurement and positioning), D RADIOGRAPHY: sequence made on a variable patient thickness, D SEQUENCE CUTOFF. This cutoff is caused by the thickness increasing too much after the measurement made under fluoroscopy; the backup mAs cuts out before the AEC. The solution is to systematically run a MANUAL FLUOROSCOPY at the start of a sequence (the AEC is disconnected, and the machine works at constant mAs). The ABC (automatic fluoroscopy) must then be re-selected at the end of the sequence to restore the automatic measurement of the patient’s equivalent radiographic thickness. 4–261 DIAGNOSTICS 6.2.2 D GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 TROUBLESHOOTING 0-POINT MODE Job Card VF008 DIAGNOSTICS 4–262 12 of 12 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 Job Card VF009 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Purpose: 1 of 14 Version No.: 0 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Date: Time: Personnel: 1 Run this procedure if no exposures available and diagnostics run well. SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D None SECTION 2 TOOLS D Standard tool kit. D DIAGNOSTICS SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS None SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES D Test (menu 2 – F1) Interface Test (F5): – Room Input (5), – Room Output (6). SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 4–263 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 2 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 1 RAD_PREP_A SIGNAL (LED PG1 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–36 page 2–48 See illustration 2–20 page 2–32 Press prep pushbutton on control console generator or Remote Table Led PG1 on Room_ IF_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 lighted No Yes Yes Room door closed (if safety switch) No Close the door Yes Led PG2 on Room_If_ CPU MPH A6–A1 light No END Run diagnostic menu 2 – TEST ALL TESTS Workstation 1 or 5 selected? (DIR–Tube 1 SPE Tube 1) or DIR Tube 2 DIAGNOSTICS Yes RF Rad Room or RF Room No No Select Workstation DIR or SPE RAD Verify if relay K13 is energized Yes Connect a pushbutton on J7 pin 1.3 of Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 Replace Room_If_ CPU (MPH A6–A1) Press pushbutton A See Page 3 No Led PG1 light Yes Replace Room_If_CPU (MPH A6–A1) 4–264 Check connection between: 1) MPH A6–A1 J2 and MPH A6–A3 J7 2) MPH A6–A3 J12 and control console MPH A7–J2 Replace faulty cables END GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 3 of 14 From A page 2 RF No Not OK Check Flat cable beetween Table Interface Board XJ5 (MPH A6–A2) and Room_If_CPU Board XJ9 (MPH A6–A1) Check if LED DS1 light on Table Interface Board MPH A6–A2 Yes Press Prep Pushbutton No OK Check if Relay K23 on Table Interface Board MPH A6–A2 is energized Not OK Replace cable Replace Table Interface Board MPH A6–A2 Replace faulty cables Check cable between Remote Table and Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2/XJ2 Not OK Replace faulty cables 4–265 OK Check Remote Table Yes Check Flat cable beetween Table Interface Board J5 and Room_ If_CPU Board J9 Replace Room_If_CPU MPH A6–A1 OK DIAGNOSTICS A GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 4 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 2 END_PREP SIGNAL (LED PG2 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) Press Prep pushbutton on control console generator or Remote Table DIAGNOSTICS No Led PG1 on Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 light ? Run Faulty Tree RAD–PREP–A Yes No Run Test Menu 2 – Test (F1) Heater (9) Rotor (0) 4–266 Led PG2 Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 light ? Yes END GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 5 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 3 EXP_REQUEST_A_SIGNAL (LED GR1 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–36 page 2–48 See illustration 2–20 page 2–32 Press Prep and exposure pushbutton on Control Console Generator or Remote Table OK Led GR1 light on Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 No Led PG1–PG2 Light? No Yes Run Faulty Tree RAD_PREP_A and END_PREP RF RAD ROOM or RF ROOM DIAGNOSTICS END Connect two Push Button on J7–pin 1 and 3 and Pin 2 and 3 on Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 RAD Press both pushbuttons A Led GR1 light No To A page 4 No Replace Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 Relay K23 on Room_If_CPU energized? Yes Check connections between: 1) MPH A6–A1/J2 and MPH A6–A3/J7 2) MPH A6–A3/J12 and control console MPH A7–A2 Yes Check inhibition by collimator Block diagram 15 Chapter 2 4–267 Replace faulty cable GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 6 of 14 From A page 5 RF A No DIAGNOSTICS Not OK Replace cable Check Flat cable beetween Table Interface Board XJ5 (MPH A6–A2) and Room_If_CPU Board XJ9 (MPH A6–A1) Check if LED DS1 light on Table Interface Board MPH A6–A2 Yes No OK Check if Relays K22 and K13 on Table Interface Board (MPH A6–A2) are energized Replace Table Interface Board MPH A6–A2 Not OK Replace faulty cable Not OK Check cable between Remote Table and Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2/XJ2 4–268 Check Flat cable beetween Table Interface Board J5 and Room_ If_CPU Board J9 OK Replace Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 Check Remote Table Replace faulty cable Yes OK GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 7 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 4 EXP_DEMANT SIGNAL (LED GR2 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–37 page 2–49 See illustration 2–20 page 2–32 Press prep and exposure pushbutton Led PG1, PG2, GR1 light on Room_If_ CPU Board MPH A6–A2 ? Yes Yes Led GR2 light on Room_ If_CPU MPH A6–A2 No Run previous Faulty Trees No Yes Error on control console MPH A7 ERR = xxx ? Run corresponding diagnostic see Chapter 4.1 Yes DIAGNOSTICS END No Reset pushbutton flash on control console No Release two pushbuttons exposure and prep. and Re–run this Faulty Tree Reset by pressing Reset pushbutton Re–run this Faulty Tree 4–269 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 8 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 5 START_EXP_A SIGNAL (LED GR3 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–37 page 2–49 See illustration 2–20 page 2–32 Press prepared exposure pushbuttons Set Workstation 1 Direct or Special Led PG1, PG2, GR1, GR2 light on Room_ If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 ? No Yes RAD Run previous Faulty Trees RAD Room or RF Room ? Replace Room_If_CPU MPH A6–A1 DIAGNOSTICS No Not OK Check cable between Interface Table J5 and Room_If_ CPU J9 Replace faulty cable RF Test if K27–K14 on Interface Table MPH A6–A2 are energized ? OK Replace Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2 Not OK Not OK Replace faulty cable Check cable between Interface Table J5 and Room_ If_CPU J9 No Replace Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2 Check cable between Interface Table board MPH A6–A2 and remote table OK Replace faulty cable OK Check wiring between 6/J2 and 7/J5 Interface Table Yes Check Remote TABLE Signal M/T and Signal F/H Yes OK Replace Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 4–270 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 9 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 6 BEGIN_END_EXP SIGNAL (LED GR4 ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–37 page 2–49 Press Exposure and Prep. pushbuttons No Led PG1, PG2, GR1, GR2 and GR3 light on Room_ If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 ? Yes Yes Error on Control Console ERR = x x x ? Reset error and Retry at the beginning Run diagnostic Menu 2 – Test (F1) Interface Test (F5) 4–271 No DIAGNOSTICS Run previous Faulty Tree GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 10 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 7 FLUORO_PREP_A SIGNAL (LED SC1 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–38 page 2–50 Press Fluoro Foot switch Pedal on Remote Table Console Yes Led SC1, on Room_ If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 light No END Workstation Number 2 selected (SETE) ? No Yes DIAGNOSTICS Select Workstation 2 No Not OK Check cable between J5 Interface Table MPH A6–A2 and J9 Room_If_CPU MPH A6–A1 Led DS1 on Table Interface MPH A6–A2 light ? OK No Replace faulty cable Yes Replace Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2 Check if K5 is energized on Interface Table MPH A6–A2 Yes A K5 not energized: Replace Interface Table Board MPH A6–A2 4–272 See Page 11 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 11 of 14 From Page 10 A Check if K24 is energized on Interface Table Board No OK Not OK Replace faulty cable Check cable between J5 Interface Table Board and J9 Room_If_ CPU Board OK Check Remote Table Replace Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 4–273 Check cable between J2 Interface Table and Remote Table Not OK DIAGNOSTICS Yes Replace faulty cable GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 12 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 8 FLUORO_DEMAND SIGNAL (LED SC2 ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) Press Fluoro Foot switch Pedal on Remote Table Console See illustration 2–39 page 2–51 Led SC1, on Room_If_ CPU Board MPH A6–A1 light ? No Run previous Faulty Tree Yes Run Test Menu 2 (F1) – Interface Test (F5) – Heater (F9) – Rotor (F10) ILLUSTRATION 9 START_FLUORO_A_SIGNAL (LED SC3 ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) DIAGNOSTICS Press Fluoro Foot switch Pedal on Remote Table Console No Led SC1, SC2 on Room_ If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 light ? Yes Run previous Faulty Tree Check if Relay K1 on Interface Table MPH A6–A2 is energized ? No Not OK Replace Faulty cable Check cable between J5 Interface Tube and J9 Room_If_CPU Board ? 4–274 Yes A See Page 13 OK Replace Interface Table board MPH A6–A2 GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 13 of 14 From Page 12 A No Not OK Not OK Replace faulty cable Check cable between J5 Interface Table Board and J9 Room_If_ CPU? OK Replace Faulty Cable Replace Interface Table Board MPH A6–A1 4–275 Check cable between J2–Interface Table board and Remote Table OK DIAGNOSTICS Yes Check if relay K21 is energized on Interface Table Board MPH A6 A2 ? Check Remote Table GE Medical Systems MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 REV 4 asm 2165118–100 DIAGNOSTIC–HELP TESTS INTERFACE RAD AND FLUORO Job Card VF009 14 of 14 ILLUSTRATION 10 BEGIN_END_FLUORO (LED SC4 ON ROOM_IF_CPU BOARD MPH A6–A1) See illustration 2–39 page 2–51 Press Fluoro Foot Switch Pedal on Remote Table Console DIAGNOSTICS No Led SC1, SC2, SC3 light on Room_If_CPU Board MPH A6–A1 ? Yes Run previous Faulty Trees Error on Control Console ERR = x x x ? Yes No Reset error and Retry at the beginning Run diagnostic Menu 2 – Test (F1) Interface Test (F5) 4–276 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Advanced Service Manual 2165118–100 Revision 4 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 Advanced Service Manual 2165118–100 Revision 4 Technical Publications 2165118–100 Revision 4 MPH 50 V2 - MPH 65 V2 - MPH 80 V2 asm Advanced Service Manual do not duplicate Advanced Service Documentation Property of GE For GE Service Personnel Only No Rights Licensed – Do Not Use or Copy Disclosure to Third Parties Prohibited Copyright 1999, 2002 by General Electric Co.