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Dental implants by a Dentist in Gurgaon

Best Dental implants Dentists Can Enhance
Your Smile
In @dults, the loss of one or more permanent teeth can result in a
non-appealing smile and wreak havoc on their self-confidence. If
this is your concern, you might be aware of many ways to replace
missing teeth and improve your smile. But, the good news is, with
the progress made in restorative dentistry, dental implants have
proven to be the state-of-the-art approach to achieving a healthy,
beautiful smile. Aside from enhancing your smile, the Best dental
implants clinic in Gurgaon can get you back on track for
improved dental or oral health.
In this Document, you can learn about dental implants and the
pros of having them with the information shared by the dental
implant Dentist in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Being aware of
them may help you make the right choice!
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are small metal posts that are surgically placed
inside the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. Usually, they are
titanium-based prostheses as this metal can easily fuse with the
jawbone. They belong to both restorative and aesthetic dentistry.
Dental implants are placed into the jawbone through an opening
created during minor oral surgery. After they are placed, the
jawbone naturally grows around them over a few months and
securely anchors them in place by fusing with them- a process
called osseointegration. Once this gets over, an abutment (or
connector piece) is attached to the dental implant. Lastly,
replacement teeth such as a dental crown, dentures, or bridgework
are custom-made and cemented on the abutments, and you can
smile again!
How dental implants can enhance your smile?
1. Dental implants replace missing teeth: Having gaps in a
smile is not at all great! But, thankfully, dental implants can
allow people to show off their smile with fake teeth that
closely resemble natural teeth in appearance, feel, and
2. Dental implants restore damaged teeth: In some people,
tooth decay or erosion can set in and result in an unappealing
tooth appearance. With the help of dental implants, they can
restore their decaying tooth.
Some benefits offered by dental implants:
1. No limits: No matter how many teeth you have lost; dental
implants can always improve your smile. They can replace all
of your teeth or restore several damaged teeth equally
effectively as that replacement or restoration of a single
lost/damaged tooth. In fact, implant-supported dentures are
the best way to improve your biting power and comfort.
2. A long-term investment: Getting dental implants to pay
itself back over years. As the implanting act as strong tooth
roots and provide better overall oral health, you will need
fewer trips to the dentist for replacements and repair as
required for dentures.
3. Healthy jaw: After a tooth loss, when there are no natural
tooth roots to anchor to the jawbone, the jawbone starts to
shrink (a condition called jawbone resorption) and further
lead to the collapse of the lower facial structure. With dental
implants, the jawbone remains strong and healthy, and the
facial structure remains intact.
4. Straighter smile: When spaces are created by missing teeth,
the adjacent teeth try to shift into those vacant sites to fill the
gaps. This leads to misalignment and bites issues.
Fortunately, dental implants can fill the gaps and ensure that
teeth do not drift.
5. Boost self-confidence: Society usually values people having
a full, healthy smile. Luckily, dental implants improve the
look of your smile and facial aesthetics which further
improves your confidence.
6. Maintain good oral and general health: An array of oral
health issues like cavities, decay, or periodontitis caused by
loss of teeth can be avoided by dental implants when they fill
in the empty spaces of teeth set. Moreover, as dental implants
provide excellent biting ability, you can eat any food of your
choice. This way you will have better digestion and improved
nutrition uptake, hence contributing to your overall wellness.
To get affordable Dental Implants Cost in Gurgaon schedule an
appointment with dental implant specialist at AK Global Dent.
Best Dental implants Clinic in Gurgaon, this amazing tooth
restoration procedure is offered at best cost. One can avail this
procedure benefits by booking an appointment today!
Source: Best Dental implants Dentists Can Enhance Your Smile in