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Making of Modern Ethiopian Empire Presentation

Belay Stotaw
Milestone of Tewodros II
• Born from the regional lords of the Zemene
• He ended the Zemene Mesafint and is the first
king of Modern Ethiopia.
• Tewodros II is credited for the beginning of
unification of Ethiopia.
• He manufactured cannon at Gafat.
• Tewodros is the symbol of unity and heroism
due to his careers.
Attempt at Reunification through the
Use of Forces (1855-68)
• Zemene Mesafint was great crisis before the rise of
Tewodrs II.
• Different factors contributed for the emergence of
the Zemene Mesafint.
1. The long-aged Muslim Sultanate-Christian
Kingdom conflict resulted great human & material
2. The Oromo population movement weakened the
central government.
3. The establishment of Gonder as capital, very far
away from the most regions of Ethiopia.
Characterstics of the Zemnene
Decline of imperial power (central government)
Growing and strengthening of regionalism
Continual civil war and instability of people
Religious controversies among clergies
Foreign threat against the independence and
unity of Ethiopia.
• Kasa Hailu ended the Zemene Mesafint by
successive military victories.
Early Life of Kasa
• Kasa was not born from royal family but had
aristocratic back ground.
• Dejach Kinfu (uncle or half brother of Kasa)
governed Quara from 1827to 1839.
• Kasa attended Church education in Chunker
Tekle Haymanot and Mahibere Sillsie
• Ras Ali II was the guardian of the Atse
Yohannes III of Gonder
• Kasa claimed in the realm of his uncle Kinfu.
• Ras Ali assigned his mother Etege Menen as a
governor of Quara.
• Kasa was offended and became bandit (shifta)
in Quara.
• The victory and popularity of Kasa became high.
• Menen and Ali gave Tewabech (daughter of Ali)
to Kasa with political marriage in 1846.
• Kasa was discontented by corrupted with
inefficient administration of them.
• He defied them and continued banditry.
• Itege Menen undermined him and sent Dej.
Wondirad to quell Kasa revolt.
• Kasa defeated and captured Wondirad in 1847 at
the battle of Chako
• Menen led her force to punish the rebel Kasa but
she was captured by Kasa at Eyyoha in 1847.
Decisive Victories of Kasa Over the
Lords of the Zemene Messafint
• In 1852 he defeated Dej. Goshu at Guramba.
• In 1852 he defeated Dej. Biru at GogoraBichen
• Kasa defeated Ras Ali II at the battle of Ayshal
in 1853. It marked the end of the Yeju Dynasty
• Kasa defeated Dej. Wube Haile Mariam in 1855
at the battle of Deresge.
Coronation of Kasa
• After he imprisoned Wube he was crowned at
Deresge Mariam as Emperor Tewodros II by Abune
• The first military campaign of Emperor Tewodros II
is against Wello lasted six months.
• The second largest military campaign of towards
Shewa lasted five months.
• Tewodrs defeated the Shewan force in 1855 at the
battle of Barakat and took the 12 years old
Dejach Kasa Hailu
Ras Ali ll of theYeju Dynasty
Dejach Wube Haile Mariamof Semen
King Haile Melekot of Shewa
Aims of Tewodros for Ethiopia
• He believed in religious unity for national
• He planned regular national salaried army.
• He wanted manufacturing fire arms in Ethiopia.
• He wanted to form a united centralized state.
• He planned the withdrawal of Turkish force
from the Red Sea coastal areas.
Addi Abeba
Emperor Tewodros II
Reform Measures taken by Tewodros
He declared Orthodox Tewahido as official state
religion and tried to stop division.
He reduced the number of priests and deacons.
He decreed the prohibition of poly gamy.
He proclaimed Amharic as official language.
He prohibited slave trade.
He also forbade banditry and robbery.
He manufactured cannon called Sebastopol.
 He introduced the new military title like yasir
aleqa, meto aleqa,shambel and shaleqa.
Challenges of Tewodros II
• Clergies for their private benefit but not for
religious matter.
• Regional lords for their regional power.( Kasa
Mircha of Tigray, Wagshum Gobezie of Lasta, Tedla
Gualu of Gojam, Tiso Gobezie of Wolkait, Menelik
of Shewa and Amede Beshir of Wello)
• The death of his wife Tewabech best advisory.
• Collaboration of regional lords with the British
force i. e. Dej. Kasa Mircha of Rigray and Dej.
Wagshum Gobezie of Lasta.
• The arrival British force to Mekdela
Ras Adal Tesema (Nigus
Teklehaymanot) of Gojam
Menelik of Shewa
Downfall of Tewodros
The clergies spread anti-Tewodros propaganda
They separated people army from Tewodros
Almost all regional lords revolted up on him.
His army was reduced from 100,000 to 5000.
The outnumbered(32,000) British force led by
General Robert Napier defeated the force
Tewodros at the Battle of Erroghe in 1868.
• Fit.Gebryye (commander of army)lost his life.
• Tewodros committed suicide him self rather
humiliation at Mekdela on April 13, 1868.
Emperor Tewodros II(r.1855-1868)
Tewodros II
The White Prisoners in Mekdela
Tewodros Suicide himself
The Reign of Tekle Giorgis (1868-1871)
• Tekle Giorgis (Dej. Wagshum Gobeze) was the
immediate successor of Tewodros II.
• He was limited to control the rivals Shewa and
• Kasa Mircha of Tigray defeated Tekle Giorgis in
1871 at the Battle of Asam (near Adwa)..
• Six month later Kasa was crowned as Emperor
Yohannes IV.
The Reign of Yohannes IV
New Approach to
Build Imperial Power
Coronation of Kasa Mircha
• TekleGiorgis remained Nominal king for about
three years until his defeat in Asam in 1871.
• Kasa brought a bishop (Abune Petros) from
Egypt for coronation.
• Kasa was crowned as Emperor Yohannes IV in
1872 at Axum Tsion Mariam by Abune Petros.
Re’esa Mequanint Kasa Mirch (1871)
Emperor Yohannes IV
Mahdere Kal
Yohannes Continued Unification
• Yohannes got submission from Gojjam, Begemidir
(Gonder), Yeju, Lasta and Hamasen.
• He gave recognition for local rulers who accepted
him as emperor (Shewa & Gojam).
• He crowned Ras Adal Tesemma as in 1881 Negus
Tekle Haymanot of Gojam and Kafa.
• Menelik remained sovereign in Shewa with the
title of king of kings.
• Yohannes was busy by Egyptian aggression.
Nigus Tekle Haymanot
The Liche Agreement (1878)
• Yohannes recognized kingship of Menelik and
his descendants over Shewa and Wello.
• Menelik agreed
I. To drop the title of king of kings and remained
king of Shewa.
II. To pay annual tribute to Yohannes.
III. To stop foreign relation
IV. Both agreed to help each other in war.
The Battle of Embabo (1878)
• Despite the Liche Agreement, in 1883 Menelik
imported fire arms from Italians through Asab.
• The Gojam force was collecting tribute on Kafa
• Ras Gobena defeated Ras Dereso of Gojam in Kafa.
• Teklehaymanot prepared the Gojam force for war.
• IN 1882 Menelik defeated Teklehaymanot at the
battle of Embabo.
Decision of Yohannes at Warra-Elu
• The news of Embabo was disturbing to Yohannes.
• He called and punished Menelik and
Teklehaymanot for their fighting of Embabo.
• He took kafa and Agaw Midir from
Teklehaymanot and Wello from Menelik.
• He made political marriage of his son ArayaSillasie and Menelik’s daughter Zewditu.
• Yohannes also allowed Menelik to expand in to
S.W. regions.
Ras Araya Sillasie
The Boru-Meda Religious Council of
Yohannes (1878)
• Yohannes realized religious unity as
precondition to build strong empire.
• He expelled Catholic missionaries.
• He called religious council at Boru-Meda
(Wello) in 1878.
• He attended the debating between Qibat enna
Tsega and Tewahido.
• He declared Orthodox Tewahido as state official
Conversion of Local Muslim Rulers
• Yohannes declared Muslims should be
Christians at Boru-Meda.
• Local rulers of Wello, Mohammed Ali and
Amede Liban accepted Christianity with
baptismal name of Michael and Haile Mariam
• Some people refused conversion and exiled to
Guraghe, Jimma, Arsi and Metemma.
• Sheik Talha of Argoba rebelled but was crushed
by Yohannes and Menelik.
Egyptian Expansion in the Horn
• Napoleon Bonaparte occupied Egypt (17981801).
• It resulted the fall of Mamluk dynasty and led
to the Anglo-Ottoman joint military operation
that expelled the French force.
• Mohammed Ali founded new dynasty lasted
from 1805 to 1952.
• His dream for Greater Egypt was based on
controlling economic and political bases.
• His expansion to the Middle East was resisted
by Britain.
• He wanted to control gold mines upper Nile and
the lucrative Ethiopian trade in the Horn.
• In 1821 Egypt over run Sudan due to their
military superiority and Sudanese disunity.
• Egypt used Sudan as footstep to attack Ethiopia
in 1830s and 1840s..
First Phase of Egyptian Attacks
• In 1837 Dej. Wube of Semen repulsed Egyptians.
• Dej.Kinfu evacuated the Egyptian army from
• In 1847 Dej. Kasa Hailu faced his first and last
defeat by Egyptians at the battle of Debarq.
• The Egyptians enslaved local people, burnt fields
and houses where they faced resistance.
• The Egyptian expansion was more successful in
Sheikdom regions due to religious pretexts.
Second Phase of Egyptian Attack
• Khedive Ismael seized power in Egypt in 1863.
• In 1865 Egypt replaced the Weakened Turkey in
the Red Sea region.
• Egypt took Mitsiwwa (Massawa) by lease in 1866
and prevented the import of arms for Ethiopia
levied heavy taxes for other goods.
• Tewodros asked Britain as Christian ally against
Muslim Turkey (Egypt) for inland manufacturing
of fire arms.
• They ignored the appeal of Tewodros.
Khedive Ismail Pasha
Why Europeans Refused the Demand
of Tewodros?
I. They were not impress in religious solidarity.
They fought on the side of Muslim Turkey
against Christian Russia in Crimean War.
II. The European themselves were in commercial
competition in the Red Sea region.
III. They didn’t want to see powerful Ethiopia in
the strategic Red Sea region.
The Third Phase Egyptian Aggression
on Ethiopia (1872-1885)
• Khedive Ismael inherited the idea of Greater
Egypt with aggressive policy over Ethiopia (the
source of Blue Nile).
• He wanted to rule the regions from
Mediterranean Sea the Equatorial Lakes and
from Chad to Indian Ocean.
• He wanted to payback the debt to European by
controlling the Red Sea trade and Ethiopia.
Suez Canal
Enlarging the Suez Canal
The 1872 Egyptian Aggression and the
Respond of Yohannes
• Ismael used a Swiss-German Werner Muzinger as
a Governor of Mitsiwwa (Massawa).
• In 1872 Muzinger invaded Bogos (in Eritrea).
• Egyptians tried to get Ethiopian collaborators
against Yohannes but were failed.
• Yohannes wrote letter to Khedive Ismael to
withdraw the Egyptian army from Ethiopia.
• Ismael ignored the protesting of yohannes.
The Egyptian Pretexts to Attack
• Eradication of Slave trade in Ethiopia.
• Extension of western civilization in Africa.
• Protection of local Muslims from Christian
• Why the Europeans Supported Egyptians
I. The Egyptian pretexts
II. More strategic significance of Egypt (since the
opening of Suez Canal) than Ethiopia.
The Egyptian Motives on Ethiopia
• The Egyptian aggression was encouraged by the
developments in Ethiopia and Europe.
I. The success of the 1868 British expedition
Egypt considered Ethiopia as a weak country.
II. They considered Internal political turmoil and
regional rivalries weakened Ethiopia.
III. Ismael sought Europeans as friend to Egypt
against Ethiopia.
The 1875 Egyptian Attacks in Three
I. Mohammed Rauf Pasha led the Egyptian
army from Zeila to Harar.
II. Werner Muzinger mobilized Egyptian army
from Tajura (Djibouti) to Ausa (Afar).
III. The Danish Colonel Arrendrup commanded
the Egyptian army from Mtsiwwa to the
highland of Mereb Mellash (the present
The Reaction of Ethiopian Heroes
against Egyptian Aggression
• Yohannes ordered Ras Alula Abba Negga to
crush the Egyptian army.
• In 1875 the Ethiopians defeated Egyptians at
the battle of Gundet.
• The Afars led by Sultan Mohammed Hanfrie
destroyed the Egyptian army in Ausa including
• The Egyptian force in Harar stayed until 1885.
The Battle of Gura (1876)
• Khedive Ismael sent strong army for revenge.
• The Egyptian force led by Mohammed Ratib
Pasha and American General Lorring invaded
the Ethiopian territory Mereb Mellash, Eritrea.
• Yohannes sent letter to Europeans for peaceful
solution and warning to Ismael.
• In 1876 Yohannes destroyed the Egyptian army
at the battle of Gura.
Emperor Yohannes IV
The Aftermath of Gura
• Egyptians asked Yohannes to return the
captured arms and to free the war captives.
• They promised free transit of Mitsiwwa for
• Yohannes freed captive but refused to return
Relations in The Aftermath of Gura
• Egypt behaved as a victor.
• She demanded from Ethiopia
I. Reparation payment
II. Release of prisoners of war
III. Cession of occupied Ethiopian regions
The Gordon Mission (1877)
• Ismael sent the British General Gordon for
negotiation in 1877 to Yohannes..
• The Gordon mission was demanded
I. Granting of Bogos to Egypt.
II. Free trade of Ethiopia with Egypt.
III. Limited import of arms to Ethiopia via Mitsiwa.
The Gordon mission was failed due to the refusal of
The period of “
no peace no war” lasted
Seeking Ethiopian Assistance
• Both Egypt and Britain wanted diplomatic
relation with Ethiopia. Because
I. Egypt fell under the British protectorate
since 1882
II. The rise of religious revivalist (Mahdists) in
III. Both Egypt and her protector Britain were
unable to stop Mahdists.
The Hewett (Adwa)Treaty (1884)
• Egypt fell under the British control since 1882.
• Britain sent Rear Admiral Hewett to Yohannes on
behalf of her colony Egypt and demanded,
I. Free transit of Mitsiwwa to Ethiopia.
II. Restoration of Bogos to Ethiopia.
III. Evacuation of the trapped Egyptian army by the
Ethiopian army.
Adwa Treaty.
The treaty is also called the
Yohannes agreed to fulfill the negotiation.
Yohannes’s Honesty and British
• Yohannes kept his promise and sent his
General Ras Alula to free Egyptian troops.
• In 1885 Ras Alula defeated the Mahdists at
the battle of Kufit and evacuated the trapped
Egyptian army from Sudanese force.
• Britain invited Italy to occupy Mitsiwwa in
1885 (8 months after the Hewett Treaty).
Ras Alula
The Portal Mission of 1887
• Britain sent Sir Gerald Portal to Yohannes as a
negotiator after the incident of Dogali.
I. Ethiopia was asked for apologize for Alulas
“unjust attack”
II. Retention of Sa’ati and Wia for Italians
III. Italian protectorate over Assawrta and Habhab
• The portal Mission was failed by the refusal of
both Yohannes andAlula.
• Ras Alula said “The Red Sea will remain the
Natural Frontier of Ethiopia”.
• Yohannes was offended by the British
diplomatic dishonesty .
• He also wrote to the French government about
the British diplomatic mischief .
• He declared war on Italians and called his
people to arms
• He approached and stayed for a month until
Italians out from their fortification at Sa’ati.
The Mahdist Attack on Ethiopia
• The Mahdists attacked Ethiopia in north Gonder.
• The Italians began attack from Mitsiwwa.
• Yohannes sent his vassal Negus Teklehaymanot to
repulse the Sudanse force from Metema.
• Teklehaymanot was defeated by Mahdists in 1887 at
the battle of Sarwuha.
• Menelik and Teklehaymanot plotted on Yohannes
• Yohannes punished Gojam for plot T/haymanot.
The Italians Fortification at Sa’ati
• Yohannes marched to Sa’ati with 80,000 troops
in 1888.
• The dead lock lasted a month with no fighting.
• Factor for his returning were
I. Shortage of supplies
II. Farmers return to farms
III. Internal plots of Menelik and Teklehaymanot
The Post Sa’ati Measures of Yohannes
• He attacked Gojam with a bloody destruction
and got the submission of Teklehaymanot.
• Yohannes agreed with Menelik to help each
other over common enemies.
The Battle of Metemma
• The Mahdists burnt Churches; looted the local
people; Islamized and enslaved people
• Yohannes mobilized his army and pushed the
Dervish (Mahdist Sudan)force back to border.
• Despite the Ethiopian victory Yohannes lost his
life in 1889 at the battle of Metemma.
Emperor Yohannes IV
The Reign of Menelik II(1889-1913)
• Menelik succeded Yohannes in1889.
• Factors for the Power Seizure of Menelik
I. The Liche Treaty of 1878
II. The battle of Emababo of 1882
III. Foreign contact to get firearms
Menelik II
Expansion to the South, South West
and South East
• The expansion of Menelik was accomplished
with two methods, by peaceful means and by
military force.
• He gave internal autonomy for those regions
who submitted peacefully.
• He appointed his own officials over the regions
submitted by military force, Welayta and
Sheikdoms are exceptional of this measure.
Why did Menelik Expand to the
Southern Ethiopia?
Traditional interest in land, tribute and trade
II. To save old historical provinces from European
colonial powers in the Horn (Menelik’s expansion
was coincided with a fierce competition of
Europeans). ”enes ye’ abatoche ager naw enante
ka awuropa ezih dres lemin metachihu?”
III. To seize the imperial throne by building military
force (he realized after two decades).
First Stage (1875-1889)
• The first stage was carried out when he was the
king Shewa.
• In 1875 the Northern Guraghe (Kistane)
submitted peacefully for three factors;
• 1. Geographical factor (nearness to Shewa).
• 2. Religious similarity with the Christian
Highland Kingdom.
• 3. The neighboring Oromo pressure in case of
land ownership.
• The southern Guraghe and Silti led by Hassan
Enjamo resisted Menelik until 1888 but was
crushed by Ras Gobena.
• Hasan Enjamo was influenced by Mahdists
and the exiled Wello Muslims by Yohannes
since 1878.
Gibe and Wellega Regions
• Ras Gobena persuaded the Gibe and Leqa
states by the addressing the promise of Menelik
(internal autonomy) since they submit
• The Gibe Oromo states in(including Jimma led
by Abba Jifar I ) 1881, Ilubabur in 1882 and
Wellega in 1886 (Leqa Nekamte ruled Kumsa
Morada and Leqa Qellem ruled by Jote Tullu)
submitted peacefully because internal
Arsi and Harar
• In 1886 Menelik subdued the Arsi force at the
battle of Azule after long resistance (18821886) He appointed Ras Darghe SahileSillasie.
• In 1887 Menelik defeated Emir Abdullahi of
Harar at the battle of Chalanqo and
appointed Ras Mekonen over of Harar
The Kifu Qan (1888-1892)
• The Kifu Qan (evil days) was the great famine that
caused the death of many people and 90% of the cattle
of the country.
• The kifu qan was caused by infected animals with
rinderpest brought by Italians in Mitsiwwa, locust
invasion and drought. Some people were forced to
follow cannibalism.
• Menelik tried to tackle the problem by distributing
cattle from the southern and eastern regions the most
affected northern regions. He also imported grain from
abroad and ordered the people to pray to God.
Second Stage (1889-1896)
• The second stage expansion took place after
Menelik became the emperor of Ethiopia.
• In 1891 Menelik controlled Bale and Sidamo
by partial peaceful and by military force.
The combined campaign on Welayta
• In 1894 he defeated Kawo Tona of Wolayta at
Borada after bloodiest war. He also controlled
Gofa, Gamo and Yem in the same year.
• Ras Michael, Fit. Gebeyehu, Dej. Balcha, Ras
Abate and Ras W/Giorgis were the
participant of on the campaign of Welayta.
The Third Stage (1896-1900)
• In the third stage Menelik incorporated some
regions after the battle of Adwa.
• In 1897 he defeated Tato Gaki Sherocho and
appointed Ras W/Giorgis as the governor of
• Ras W/Giorgis was assisted by dej. Demissie of
Wellga, Abba Jifar of Jimma, Ras Tsemma of
Ilubabor and the governors of Kullo and Konta
were participants.
• In 1897 Ras Mekonen controlled the
Sheikdoms (Benshangul ruled by Sheik
Abdurahman Khojale, Asosa ruled by Sheik
Khojale Al-Hasssan and Komosha by Sheik
Mohammed Wad Mohammed ) after the
battle of Fadogna. The rulers were imprisoned
for a little time in Addis Ababa and returned
to their respective states with their former
• Ras Mekonen expanded the boundary in the
south west regions in 1900.
• The expansion to the western and
southeastern border regions was in a fierce
competition with the neighboring European
colonial powers.
• He also controlled Borana and Ogaden with
similar process.
Ras W/Giorgis Governor of Kafa
Italian Agrression Against Ethiopia
and the Battle of Adwa
• In 1869 the Rubatino Shipping Company bought
Asab from the Local chiefs.
• The company transferred the port to the Italian
government in 1882.
• In 1885 Britain invited Italy to occupy Mistiwwa
(Massavwa) aimed to suppress the southward
expansion of France from Djibouti.
• Yohannes IV sent letter to Queen Victoria of
Britain for the Italians withdrawal from his coasts
• Queen Victoria replied to him to live in peace
and love with powerful Italians
• In 1887 Ras Alula Abba Negga destroyed the
Italian force at battle of Dogali
• Yohannes worried for British Violation of the
Hewett Treaty .
The Italian Shewan Relation Since
• The Italian Geographical society led by
Marquis Antinori came to Shewa in 1876.
• Menelik gave the Italians camping site at Let
Marefia in Shewa .
• The site became the base of intelligence work in
• In 1883 the commerce and friend ship Treaty
was Signed between Count Petro Antonili and
Menelik .
• The 1883 commerce and friendship treaty
I. Consular exchange
II. Agreement of trade
III. Free movement
IV. Religious propagation
In 1887 the third treaty was signed
Italy asked Menelik to fight against Yohannes.
He signed the convention of neutrality.
Why Menelik Agreed with Italians?
• Menelik wanted the Italian support for crown.
• The Italians wanted his support for colonial
• Menelik didn’t support Italian colonial
expansion in principle.
• The presence Yohannes as an obstacle drove
Menelik to seek the Italian support for throne.
• Ras Alula destroyed 500 Italian troops with
the most surprising victory at the battle of
Dogali (in the Present day of Eritrea).
• The Italian wanted Menenilk to fight against
Yohannes after Dogali but he remained
neutral (after he signed the Convention of
Neutrality in Oct. 1887)and received 5000
• He returned his face to the Mahadists’ attack
in Gonder.
• Menelik and Tekle Haymanot plotted against
• Menelik declared him self as the emperor of
Ethiopia just after the death of Yohannes.
The Treaty of Wuchale(1889)
• It was signed between Menelik and Antonili in
Wuchale, South Wello on 02 May 1989.
• Menelik accepted the terms Because:• Italians had already occupied Eritrea
• Fear of subversion activity of Italians
• The treaty had twenty articles
• Article 3 and Article 17 were the main
substances of the treaty.
• Antonili and Grazmach Yosef Nigusie wrote the
Italian and Amharic versions respectively.
• Article 3 states about the boundary between
Ethiopia and the newly occupied Eritrea.
• Article 17 states about the Italian protectorate
over Ethiopia (in Italian version) and Italian
service for Ethiopian foreign relation(in Amharic
• In Oct. 1889 Italy notified to major powers of
Europe her protectorate over Ethiopia.
• The only Russia and France had preservation.
The Effective Occupation Pact
• The Italians signed additional agreement with Ras
Mekonen in Oct. 1889 in Rome to satisfy their
interest called “Effective Occupation” .
• The Effective Occupation states the boundary
demarcation would depends on the basis of
actual possession that allowed them for further
expansion to the Marab River.
• In January 1890 Italy declared the colony of
Ras Mekonen
• Menelik requested King Umberto of Italy to correct the
Italian Version of Article 17.
• When Italians continue cheating Menelik notified by
circular letter to the major European power as he
was the ruler of independent country in April 1891.
• In Dec.1891 Ras Mengesha and Ras Alula signed the
Mereb Convention with Italians (subversion)but they
renewed their loyalty to Menelik in 1894..
• In 1893 Menelik declared the abrogation of the
Wuchale Treaty and notified to the European powers
including Italy.
Anti-Italian Struggle in Mereb Mellash
• In 1894 Dej. Bahta Hagos revolted on Italians
in Akale Guzay but was crushed by Italians.
• In 1895 The Italians fought against Ras
Mengesha in Qoatit and Senafe.
• Alula and Mengesha retreated to Tigray and
reorganized their force for the main war.
Dejazmach Bahta Hagos
The Battle of Adwa
• In Sept. 1895 Menelik issued a general
mobilization order.
• Ethiopia got two victories just before Adwa.
• In Dec. 1895 Fit. Gebyehu destroyed 2000 Italians
including Major Tozzeli at the battle of
• In January 1896 the Italian force led by Major
Galliano left Mekele by the effective method of
Taytu by controlling the spring water.
• The Ethiopian war commanders in Adwa Negus
T/Haymanot, Ras Mekonen, Ras Michael, Ras
Mengsha, Ras Welie, Ras Alula, Dej. Balcha
and others fought bravely.
• General Barateri was the commander –in-chief
of the Italian force.
• The Italian generals were General Dbormida
General Arimondi and General Alberto
• Empress Taytu organized 1200 females for
different duties in the battle.
• She also sent spies and misled Barateri.
• Ethiopia defeated Italy at Adwa with
amazing victory in human history.
The Italians Lost
I. 7000 died including two generals ( General
Dbormida and General Arimondi )
II. 2500 wounded (including General Ellina)
III. 3500 war captives including General Alberto.
The Ethiopians lost
6000 died including Dej. Tekle, Dej. Bshah
Abboyye and Fit. Gebeyehu.
There was no captives from Ethiopian side.
Factors for Ethiopian Victory
Effective deeds of spies
Italians underestimation of Ethiopians
Ethiopians strong unity
Good imported firearms
Strong morale and nationalism of Ethiopians
Morale support of clergies, women and
VII. Good knowledge of topography
VIII.Lack of Italian coordination
Emperor Menelik II
Abuna Matewos
Ras Alula Abba Negga
Fit. HabteGiorgis
Consequence of Victory of Adwa.
• The opening of European embassies in A. A. (Italy in
1896, Br. &Fr. In 1897, the USA in 1903 and Gr. In
• Ethiopia entered the 20th century as Sovereign and
independent country with Morocco until 1912 and
• Demonstration in Italy with slogans Viva Menelik
and Viva Taytu
• The downfall of P.M. Francisco Crispi replaced by de
• Italy recognized the independence of Ethiopia by the
Treaty of Adds Ababa in 1896 .
• The cancelation of Wuchale Treaty.
• Inspiration of Black Africans to fight for
• The movement of Ethiopianinsm in South
• The victory paved the way for the emergence
of Pan-Africanism and later for the OAU.
Other Africans Attempted to destroy
colonial powers
• Zulu (south Africa) against British force in 1879 at
Isandlwana but failed.
• The defeat Mahdist Sudanese by British force in
1898 at Omdurman resulted the formation of
Anglo-Egyptian condominium rule over Sudan.
• Samore Toure tried to destroy the French force in
west Africa but was defeated in 1898.
• The Ashanti of the present Ghana lost anticolonial battle in 1900.
Battle of Ādwa
Memorial Statue of Adwa and Menelik
The Ethiopian Empire State in the
Post Adwa Period up to 1935
• It covers the post Adwa period until the Fascist
invasion of 1935.
• Elements of modernization in transportation,
trade and urbanization were introduced.
• There was no change on the socio-economic
conditions of peasants.
Socio-economic Conditions
1.The gabbar system (the basic means of surplus)
is continued.
• Qalad (land measurement)is applied to
distributed land to peasants.
• The peasants were suffered from
A.free labor service,
B.higher land tax and land alienation.
2.Slave trade and Slavery affected the morale,
security and production of the people.
Challenges of Slave Trade
• The slave trade and gabbar system faced
internal and external opposition.
• The Ethiopian intellectuals opposed slavery and
gabbar system to avoid the misery of people.
• The adjacent European colonial powers
imposed an arms embargo.
• Because it became obstacle for their capitalist
Reaction of the State on Slavery and
gabbar system
• In 1924 the decree freed slaves and stopped
slave trade.
• Forced labor service was abolished in 1935.
• The payment of honey as tribute was
• Payment of tribute in cash was introduced at
the rate of 30 birr per gasha.
3.Revival of internal & external trade
1 The adjacent colonial powers and extensive
diplomatic relation increased trade in the post
Adwa innory.
2.The 1882 Embabo vicinvnbrought political
centrinvanof Shewa.
• SinceA.A. railway made the Djibouti port the
outlet for Ethiopian trade.
• The two major outlets in Ethiopia in the first
three decades of the 20th C
1.Djibouti for import
2.Gambella for export
• There were outlets in the British colonies of
Sudan, Kenya and Somalia.
• Gambella was mainly for export outlet.
• Coffee dominated the old items like ivory and
4.The Ruling Class involved in
A. Menelik and Taytu were money lenders.
B. In 1907 Taytu opened Itege Hotel.
C. Ras Hailu of Gojam began cinema and taxi in
D. Ras Tferri was share holder of many
E. Ras Desta Damtaw (son-in-law of
H.S.I)involved in water selling.
1.The garrisons towns
A. Gore and
B. Gore
2.The railway towns
such as Dire Dawa, Nazreth, Debrezeit and
Mojo became business centers.
• The rail brought modern ideas, luxury goods
and fashions.
6.The Role of Intellectuals
• The early educated men called for changes.
1.Hakim Workneh Eshete (Dr. Charles Martin, the first
Ethiopian medical doctor),
2 Dr. Tamrat Amanuel,
3 Afework G/Eyesus (the author of tobia),
4.Tekle Hawariat Tekle Mariam (who drafted the 1931
5.Herui W/Sillasie,
6.Derressa Amente and
7Gebre Hiwot Baykadagn (published Atse Menelik enna
Ethiopia and Mengist inna yezib Astedader).
They called for changes.
Consolidation of Political Power
• Menelik ruled with stability in the post Adwa
• Different foreign countries opened their
embassies in Addis Ababa.
• Boundary demarcation with delimited with
neighboring colonial powers.
Boundary Delimitation
• Boundary with Italian colony of Eritrea was
delimited in 1900, 1902 and 1908 with Italy.
• Boundary with the French Somali Land
(Djibouti) in 1907 with France.
• Boundary with Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in 1902
and the British East Africa (Kenya) in 1907 with
• 1908 boundary with Italian Somali Land with
The Foundation of Addis Ababa
• The capital Addis Ababa it self was founded in
1886 by Empress Taytu.
• The expansion of A.A was a post-Adwa event.
• Menelik had a plan to shift the capital from
Addis Ababa to Addis Alem (some 50km
south of A.A.) due to shortage of fire wood
but remained in Addia Ababa due the
following factors.
Factors for Permanence of A.A. as
Capital of Ethiopia
I. Issue of land charter building constructions
II. The introduction of eucalyptus tree (it avoided
shortage of wood)
III. The railway connection with outside world
IV. The residence of foreign merchants in Addis
V. The opening of foreign legations in increased
the importance the city of Addis Ababa
Inception of
Political Rivalry
and Foreign
The 1906 Shocking Events in
I. Illness of Menelik(un able to move and speak)
II. Death of Ras Mekonen (heir to the throne)
III. The Tripartite Treaty (partition of Ethiopia)
• Britain France and Italy worried about the 1905
opening of the German legation in Ethiopia.
• They had interest of larger sphere of influence
in the Horn.
The Tripartite Treaty (1906)
• It was signed by Britain, France and Italy in
London in Dec. 1906.
• They decided the partition of Ethiopia but
remained in paper.
• The French interest was the Djibouti Addis Ababa
railway; Britain wanted the Nile Basin and Italy
wanted to link Eritrea and Italian Somali Land
with rail way.
• They signed the treaty without the knowledge of
Menelik but later sent a copy to him.
Measures of Menelik
• He wrote a letter to the signatory of the
Tripartite Treaty.
• In 1907 he established the council of
• He announced Lij Iyasu as his successor (heir
to the throne).
• Ras Tesemma Nadew became the regent of Lij
Iyasu with the title of rasbitwadad.
Power Struggle Between Taytu and
the Shewan Nobility
• Taytu worried because she had no children
heir to the throne and she wanted to have
power for her relatives.
Measures of Taytu
I. Demotion and promotion (shum shir) including
Fit. Habte Giorgis (minister of War) and Negaras
Hailegiorgis (minister of commerce).
II. Political marriage between her relatives and
royal family members.
III. Running government duties by Menelik’s seal
• The measures of Taytu threatened Iyasu and
the supermacy of the Shewan nobility.
Political Marriage Made by Taytu
• Taytu worried due to no offspring of herself.
• She planed her northern relatives (Gonder and
north Wello or Yeju nobles) to stay in political
I. She married Mintiwab Wolie (her niece) with
Ras Mekonen (the heir to the throne ).
II. She made marriage between her nephew Ras
Gugsa Wolie with Zewditu Menelik.
Anxiety of Taytu and Shewan Nobility
• The 1909 designation of Menelik his grandson
Lij Iyasu (son of Ras Michael of Wello and
Shewaragad Menelik) as his heir (successor)
increased the anxiety of Taytu.
• Both Taytu (hostile with her brother Ras Wolie
due to boundary)and the Shewan nobility (they
feared Ras Michael might use the position of his
to undermine the Shewan supermacy ) disliked
the power seizure of Lij Iyasu.
• The regency of Ras Tesema minimize the anxiety
of Shewan Nobility.
Challenges Taytu
• The Shewan nobility and Ras Michael of
Wello wanted to remove Taytu from power.
• Ras Michael allied with Shewan nobility for his
son Lij Iyasu’s power and for his boundary
conflict with Ras Wole Bitul of Yeju (Taytu’s
• The nobility used the Mehal Sefari (military
units in the palace) to remove Taytu from
• The opponents of Taytu obtained blessing of
Abune Mathewos to remove her.
• In March 1910 the nobility removed Taytu
from power to treat the dying or ill Menelik.
Empress Taytu Bitul
Reaction of Taytu
• Taytu asked them for self exile to north, her birth place.
• She asked the intervention of legations and the main
Churches of Addis Ababa.
• They responded as they had no intention to interven in
the government affairs.
• In 1913 Menelik died naturally.
• Taytu was exiled to Entoto Mariam until her death in
• The nobility cancelled her appointment and dismissals.
The Challenges of Iyasu
• The death of Ras Tesemma Nadew in 1911
exposed Iyasu for new challenge.
• The nobility asked him for the appointment of
new regent.
• He refused regency and exercised his power to
run governmental duties(1911-1916).
• The only Ras Abate challenged power of Iyasu.
• There was rumor as he had a plan to take power
by using regency and make Marriage with
Zewditu Menelik.
Reforms of Lij Iyasu
• He introduced auditing system for public
• He introduced Municipal police (Tirnbulle).
• He improved Asrat before harvesting.
• He avoided Leba shay system
• He avoided quragna system
• He separated secular and spiritual education.
• He followed liberal policy with Ethiopian
The Coup D'état Against Eyasu
• His opponents used his weakness (polygamy and
repeated withdrawal of the palace) to get
support against him.
• Britain, France and Italy became foreign
challenges of Iyasu.
• The real causes of Iyasu’s internal challenge were
auditing system, disrepection to the nobility
(Shewan supremacy) and coronation of his father
Ras Michael as Nedus of Wello and Tigray in
Causes of Iyasu’s External Challenge
• Britain, France and Italy wanted the removal of
Iyasu from power for the following reasons.
I. His alliance with Germany and Turkey (their
enemies in WWI)
II. His material and moral support to Said
Mohammed Abdul Hassan of Somalia against
the British and the Italian colonization.
III. His ambition to restore Djibouti and Eritrea to
• The three colonial powers sent ultimatum to
the Shewan nobility to remove Iyasu form
• The nobility pressed Abune Mathewos to
excommunicate Iyasu in the name of
abandoning Christianity.
• On 27 Sept. 1916 they dethroned Lij Iyasu and
enthroned Zewditu Menelik as empress of
Ethiopia. Ras Teferi was appointed as regent of
Zewditu and heir to the throne.
Abuna Matewos
The Battle of Segele (1916)
• Negus Michael of Wello mobilized his for to restore
the power of his son Lij Iyasu.
• The palace force led by Ras Teferi and Fitawrari
Habte Giorgis defeated and captured Nigus
Michael at the battle of Segele in 1916.
• Lij Iyasu remained fugitive until he was captured in
1921 in Tigray and imprisoned in Fiche and was
recaptured in 1932 on his trying to escape. He was
imprisoned in GaraMulleta, Hararghe until his
death in 1936.
Nigus Michael
The Diarchy (1916-1930)
• It was a period of dual rule in Ethiopian
history from 1916- 1930.
• Zewditu remained nominal while the real
power was in the hands Ras Teferi.
• There was little period of political stability by
the unity of the Shewan nobility.
• The war minister, Fit. Habte Giorgis became
the Chairman of the Council.
Empress Zewditu
Ras Teferi
Power Struggle in Diarchy
• There was political struggle between
traditionalists (old nobles Menelik on the side of
Zewditu) and progressives (young nobles on the
side of Teferi)
• The traditionalists deafened the old religious,
socio-economic and political system and disliked
modernization, extended diplomatic relation and
foreign investment in Ethiopia.
• They also opposed the growing power of Teferi.
Measures of Teferi
• Teferi dismissed the Council of Ministers in 1918
agitated by the Mehal Sefari.
• Fit. Habte Giorgis remained in power as the minister of
• The Council of Ministers was replaced by the Crown
Council consisted of the allies of Teferi.
• The Crown Council was only an advisory body.
• The young educated allies of Teferi criticized the feudal
order, heavy taxation and slavery.
• They suggested the expansion of education, health
service and the abolition of slavery and gabbar system.
Fit. Habte Giorgis
Reforms of Teferi
• Modern education was expanded
• He sent young Ethiopians to abroad for
further education.
• He established printing press and welcomed
foreign investors and missionaries.
• In1923 he joined Ethiopia to the LN.
• He issued anti-slave trade decree in the same
year as a precondition for membership to LN.
• In 1924 he made extensive tour in Europe aimed to
modernize and to get access to the sea for Ethiopia.
The later was not materialized.
• The death of Fit. HabteGiorgis and Abune Mathewos
in 1926 removed obstacles of Teferi .
• 1927 Teferi obtained surrender of Dej. Balcha ( Teferi’s
powerful opponent and governor of Sidamo).
• In 1928 he got submission from Dej. Abba Wuqaw
Birru (commander of Imperial Body Guard). He was
sentenced to death but later it was changed to life
The coronation of Teferi
• In Oct. 1928 Teferi and the Mehal Safari pressed
Zewditu to crown Ras Teferi.
• He was crowned as Nigus Teferi.
• N.B. The Mehal Sefari served to
remove Taytu(1910), Iyasu(1916),
The council of Ministers(1918) and
to crown Ras Tefri as Nigus(1928).
Nigus Teferi
The Battle of Anchim (1930)
• Ras Gugsa Wole was divorced from Zewditu and
became the governor of Begemidir (the present day of
Gonder) from 1918 to 1930.
• Teferi’s centralization the custom of the Metemma
trade became the cause of conflict.
• Ras Gugsa was killed in on 31 March1930 at he batlle
of Anchim.
• The government used aero plane in war (at the battle
of Anchim)for the first time in Ethiopian history.
• Zewditu died two days later after Gugsa’s death.
• On 2 Nov. 1930 Negus Teferi was crowned as Emperor
Haile Sillasie I.
Empress Zewditu
Emperor Haile Sillasie I and Empress
Emergence of Autocracy in Ethiopia
• The political power was virtually in the hands of
Haile Sillasie I .
• He exercised unlimited power with highly
centralized system.
• His coronation in 1928 (kingship) and in 1930
(emperorship) marked the beginning of Haile
Sillasie’s autocracy.
• He introduced many changes and reforms aimed
for the at laying foundation of autocratic rule.
The Constitution of 1931
• Haile Sillasie I introduced the first written
Constitution of Ethiopia inn 1931 it served as
legal basis of autocratic rule.
• The emperor described the reason was for
I. Regulating relations between the monarchy and
the nobility.
II. Establishing friendly relations with foreign
III. Keep fair rule and guarantee justice for the
• The emperor wanted to resolve the challenge of
regional forces and the succession problem
• Externally he wanted to demonstrate his interest
to modernize the country.
• The concern for fair justice for people was more
of a white wash of the constitution than a
genuine conviction.
• The Constitution was intended to be a legal
instrument of Haile Sillasie’s incipient autocratic
The Constitution and the Emperor
• It gave extensive power for the emperor.
• He was empowered to
I. Appoint and dismiss civil and military officials.
II. Declare or end wars.
III. Establish a parliament which work as his will.
IV. Decide on the size of the army and command
V. Issue decrees and sign treaties in the absence
of parliament.
The Parliament
• The parliament had two houses, known as
Chamber Senate and Chamber of Deputes.
• Members of the parliament were not elected
with universal suffrage but appointed by the
emperor from nobility, princes, judges,
ministers and other military and civil officials.
• The deputies were nominated by the nobility
and local chiefs.
The Constitution and the Nobility
• It reduced the power of the nobility of
• It respected their economic privileges
• They were not allowed to sign foreign treaties
to import arms and decoration.
• They had the obligation of defending the
throne and the Constitution.
The Constitution and Citizens
• It consisted of the rights and duties of citizens.
• Free movement and security of private property.
• Appointment to civil and military posts and due process of
law to those accused of crimes before punishment.
• Paying taxes and giving military service when needed.
• civil rights were remained on paper.
• The masses were not represented in parliament.
• The feudal exploitative system was still continued.
• The ruling class the only beneficiary of the Constitution.
• Most of the Constitution was to legitimize the autocratic
rule of Haile Sillasie I
• The state adopted direct control over
provinces to eliminate regional challenges.
• The local hereditary chiefs were dismissed and
replaced by loyal appointees.
• The monarch controlled Wello since 1916.
• He controlled Begemidir since 1930.
• Gojam (in 1932) and Jimma (in 1933) lost their
internal autonomy.
• Tigray was the only region with local hereditary
• It was governed by the grand sons of Emperor
Yohannes IV (Ras Seyyum Mengesha and Ras
Gugsa Araya).
• Haile Sillasie I made political marriage tried to
win their loyalty by political marriage.
• In A.A. educated Ethiopians were appointed in in
different civil and military governmental posts.
• The state centralized financial resources.
• Land sale became common practice.
• Land sale reduced peasants to landless
• The tenants paid rent for cultivating their
former land to feudal lords.
• The government collect tax in cash since 1935,
30 Maria Theresa per gasha (40 hectare land ).
Military Reforms
• Tewodros II tried to establish modern national
• Haile Sillasie I replaced regional army by
national army.
• The Imperial Body Guard was established in
1930 trained by Belgian officers.
• In 1934 the first modern military academy was
opened at Holeta Genet and trained by
Swedish officers.
Socio-Economic Developments
• Urbanization was began in the last quarter of the
19th century.
• The army garrisons of Menelik II evolved (grew)
in to ketemas or towns. Negele, Yirgalem and
Goba are the best examples.
• They grew in to provincial towns.
• There were also rail way line towns like Dire
Dawa, Mieso, Nazreth (Adama), Mojo Debre
Zeit (Bishoftu)
• They became commercial centers.
The rail Way and significant Changes
It developed urbanization
It facilitated transportation
It facilitated administration
The Ethiopian foreign trade was dominated by
foreign merchants consisted of Indians,
Greeks, Armenians and Syrians.
• Some members of the ruling class involved in
• Telephone and Postal service began in 19th
• Motor car was brought in 1904
• Bank of Abyssinia was founded in 1905
• Menelik II School was opened in 1908
• Alliance Francis Schools in(Dire Dawa &AA) 1912
• Menelik II Hospital was set up in 1910.
• Printing machinery in 1912
• Railway was completed in 1917
• Aero plane in 1929