请根据审稿人的意见进行修改和完善。要求:修改稿件时请使用高亮或红色标记(请勿使用 跟踪修改或注释)。本文研究了用户感知价值对汽车企业的影响。,这与市场营销有关。这 是一篇好的论文,然而,它的主题与 ts 会议和 ER 杂志的主题相去甚远。建议作者在以下方 面做重大修改,以便重新考虑将稿件录入 ts 会议和 ER 杂志。 #. 稿件的主题目前只与能源领域直接相关。请在摘要、引言、实验和结论中增加一些讨论, 说明这项研究如何以及在多大程度上能在能源或电力系统领域做出贡献,必须这样做才能使 修改后的稿件被考虑接受。请注意,这些讨论应该由实际的定量具体研究来支持。仅仅提出 一个观点或列出一些原则是不够的。 #. 摘要中应包括一些关于结果和发现的详细量化信息。 #. 请提高图片的分辨率,根据会议提供的模板修改稿件。请特别注意引文和书目的布局。 #. 请进一步改进语言,纠正拼写和语法错误。 Please revise and improve your manuscript as per the reviewers’ comments. Requirements: Please use highlighting or red marking (Do NOT use track changes or notes) while revising the manuscript. This manuscript presents a study on Influence of User-Perceived Value on Auto-mobile Enterprises. , which is concerned in marketing. This is a good paper, However, the topic is far from that of the ETTS conference and ER journal. The authors are suggested to make a MAJOR revision on the following aspects so that this manuscript can be re-considered to be accepted by the ETTS conference and ER journal: #. The theme of the manuscript is currently only in-directly related to energy field. Please add some discussion in the abstract, introduction, experiments and conclusion, on HOW and TO WHAT EXTENT can this research contributes in the fields of energy or power system This must be done so that the revised manuscript can be considered to be accepted. Please note that these discussion shall be supported by actual quantitative specific study. Just claiming an opinion or listing some principles will not be enough. #. The abstract shall include some detailed quantitative information about the results and findings. #. Please improve the resolution of the images, and revise the manuscript according to the template provided by the conference. Please pay special attention to layout of citation and reference list. #. Please further improve the language, correct spelling and grammatical mistakes.