THE COPPERBELT UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING NAME: CLEMENT BWALYA SIN:19142620 Lecturer: Dr. Siwale Course: EM 341 Course Name: Thermodynamics Task: ASSIGNMENT 1 Programme: (Hons) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Date of submission: 15/05/2020 p (bar) t (°c) v (m3/Kg) x Degree of Superheat h (KJ/Kg) u (KJ/Kg) 0.70 90 2.361 1 0 2660 2494 20 212.4 0.09957 1 0 2799 2600 5 151.8 0.3565 0.951 - 2646 2471 12 188 0.1461 0.895 - 2576 2400 34 240.9 0.0529 0.9 - 2627 2447 0.5 81.3 2.75 0.85 - 2300 2165 3 200 0.7166 - 66.5 2866 2651 15 250 0.152 - 51.7 2925 2697 130 500 0.02447 - 169.2 3335 3017 1.5 250 1.601 - 138.6 2973 2733 38.2 247.6 0.04175 0.8 - 2456 2296 82.38 297 0.0216 0.95 - 2683 2505 2.3 300 1.184 - 175.8 3071 2808 44 420 0.0696 - 164.3 3254 2952 Finding the temperature for 38.2 bar by interpolation. Temperature (°c) Pressure (bar) 247.3 38 Z 38.2 250.3 40