Uploaded by tylerkelly12


TK / Jarrod
6 month check-in & since arts team change
Wanted to circle back on comment
o Goal is seek clarity
o Assume that’s not what you meant to communicate
o Reminded me of previous conversations - flags
 (Playing Well in Sandbox
 Playing a role on the team
 Not being critical or negative) – If clarity is needed
Want to see how you are doing with
o Arts team structure
o Your role
o Time with God
o CG
o Quality Videos
o Looping in JR for feedback
Concerns - Not loving if we didn't talk through some
o Pushing back against team norms
 Leadr
 Concur
 Processes or decisions from Exec
o Frustration with not being in on some conversations
o Respecting those put in place to lead
o Concern with Venting vs Processing