Aeon8600A Anesthesia Workstation -VOH1SPUFDUJWF7FOUJMBUJPO -VOHQSPUFDUJWFWFOUJMBUJPOJTUIFDVSSFOUTUBOEBSEPGDBSFGPSNFDIBOJDBMWFOUJMB UJPO5IFSJTLPG1PTUPQFSBUJWF1VMNPOBSZ$PNQMJDBUJPOT 11$T DBOCFFFDUJWFMZ SFEVDFEUISPVHI-VOHQSPUFDUJWFWFOUJMBUJPOTUSBUFHZ -PXUJEBMWPMVNF 5IF"IBTBNJOJNVNUJEBMWPMVNFPGNMJOWPMVNFDPOUSPMNPEF JOBEEJUJPOUP QPTTFTTJOHUIF1$77(BOE#*7&/5WFOUJMBUJPONPEF IFMQJOHUPBDIJFWFUIFQSFDJTFMPX UJEBMWPMVNFSFRVJSFEEVSJOHMVOHQSPUFDUJWFWFOUJMBUJPO *OEJWJEVBMJ[FE1&&1UJUSBUJPOUPPM 4USFTT JOEFY 4* NPOJUPSJOH IFMQT XJUI *OEJWJEVBMJ[FE 1&&1 UJUSBUJPO 5ISPVHI UIF HVJEBODF PG UIF 4UBUJD 17 MPPQ UPPM UIF BQQSPQSJBUF TFUUJOH PG 1&&1 WBMVF BOE UJEBM WPMVNFBSFSFBMJ[FE .JOJNJ[FEJNQBDUSFDSVJUNFOUNBOFVWFS 5XP UZQFT SFDSVJUNFOU NBOFVWFST TUFQXJTF 1&&1 PS TVTUBJOFE JOBUJPO "VUPNBUF SFQFUJUJWFUBTLTVTFEEVSJOHMVOHWFOUJMBUJPOQSPDFEVSFT .PEFSO#SFBUIJOH$JSDVJU 4BGF TUBCMFBOEFDJFOUBOFTUIFTJBNBOBHFNFOU 5IF DIBSBDUFSJTUJD CSFBUIJOH DJSDVJU JT NBEF PG BMMPZ SFTJTUBOU UP DPSSPTJPO BOE DBO XJUITUBOESFQFBUFEIJHIUFNQFSBUVSFBOEIJHIQSFTTVSFTUFSJMJ[BUJPO "EKVTUBCMFBOHMF FBTZUPJOTUBMM NBOZVTFSGSJFOEMZEFTJHOTNBLFNBJOUFOBODFFBTJFS 5IFJOUFHSBUFEIFBUJOHTZTUFNXJUIBCFUUFSUIFSNBMDPOEVDUJWJUZPGBMMPZIFMQQSFWFOU DPOEFOTBUJPOBOENBLFQBUJFOUTGFFMNPSFDPNGPSUBCMF "1- XJUI GBTU SFMFBTF QSFTTVSF UIF VQQFS QSFTTVSF MJNJU JT BDDVSBUFMZ BEKVTUBCMF BWPJEJOHSFQFBUFEPQFSBUJPOTBOEJNQSPWJOHBOFTUIFTJBFDJFODZ 5IF#SFBUIJOH$JVDVJUIBT$0CZQBTTGVODUJPO Ventilator-level ventilation modes Aeon8600A is always your professional guard for lives, offering comprehensive and accurate respiratory care for all the patient types from infant to adult, helping clinicians to have more solutions for different clinical situations IPPV 〡 PCV 〡 PCV-VG SIMV-VC 〡 SIMV-PC 〡 SIMV-VG PS / CPAP 〡 BIVENT 〡 APRV PCV-VG SIMV-VG Garantees patients can breathe spontaneously between mandatory breaths with pressure support as a backup. It offers flexible respiratory solutions when anesthesia steps into different phases. BIVENT / APRV Pressure controlled breaths are provided by switching between a high and low airway pressure in an adjustable time sequence. Spontaneous breaths can be pressure supported at the high and low pressure levels. Combines the advantages of VCV and PCV, providing better oxygenation with lower peak inspiratory pressure. Enhanced monitoring and clinical tools In addition to traditional monitoring parameters, special monitoring parameters, such as Driving Pressure(DP), are provided to guide clinicians in adjusting ventilation parameters. Spirometry loops can be stored for future reference, allowing clinicians the ability to better understand changes in the patient’s response to therapy. Provide multiple of cardiopulmonary bypass modes (CBP) to assist in the implementation of cardiopulmonary bypass surgery Continuous trend information together with time discrete events are stored and shown in the table or chart. Provides medical gas consumption calculations: including O2, N2O and Agent. And provide calculations of CO2 production International standard data protocol support to connect to internet center of hospitals. Trolley version (with breathing circuit) Top shelf load Caster locking Braking Types Power and battery backup Power input Power outlets Batteries and Operation time with fully charged Environmental requirements Operation temperature Operation humidity Storage temperature Storage humidity Gas supply Cylinder yokes Range of fresh gas flow indicators O2 flush Auxiliary common gas outlet (ACGO) Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) Agent Installation mode CO2 bypass Individual locking front casters O2, N2 Optional: O2, N2O, AIR Electronic display flowmeter O2,N2 Optional Optional Optional Ventilator Pneumatically driven, Electronically controlled Manual/Spontaneous Volume control (IPPV) Pressure control (PCV) Pressure Controlled Ventilation Volume Guaranteed (PCV-VG) Ventilation modes - options -VC) MV-PC) -VG) Pressure Support (PS) / Continuos Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation (BIVENT) Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) Control input ranges Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) Inspiration/expiration ratio (I:E) Tidal volume (Vt) Inspiration pause Inspiratory time Inspiratory pressure (PTARGET) Trend storage Medical gas calculations Control screen Graph Display Alarm 60 mm 2O Autoclavable (except O2 cell and airway pressure gauge) Material Monitoring kg 60 Selectatec Breathing system Volume of CO2 absorber Pressure limit (Pmax) Trigger Inspiratory Slope Time (T Compensation 20 ) O 2 2 O O 2 O 2 O 2 ude compensation Continuous monitoring of inspiratory O2 concentration, breathing frequency, tidal volume, minute volume, peak airway pressure, PEEP, mean or plateau pressure, I:E ratio, resistance,compliance. Option: driving preasure, stress index, CO2 concentration, MAC Consumption of O2, N2O and Agent. Calculations of CO2 production. require relevant gas monitoring 2 er failure alarm, etc. Alarm logging Remark: Above con gurations include standard and option. Please check price with your Aeonmed sales representative. Building Science u a e e e gtai District, Beijing , E-mail: marketing a ebei Province 0 The information contained in this leaflet is correct at the date to publication. The policy of Beijing Aeonmed Co is one of the continued improvement to its products. Because of this policy, Aeonmed reserves the right to make any change, which may affect the information in this leaflet without giving prior notices. AAM8600A-2022.03