HTHS110 – Week 3 Report 3 HTHS110 – Report 2 HTHS110 – Report Template Third world country: Mexico United States Populations Served Health Insurance Costs Mexico provides Universal health insurance to all residents Insurance is provided to all residents regardless of their “class” or “Financial status” In addition to this coverage is provided for 52.6 million additional Mexicans who were not covered The health care system in Mexico is called “Seguro popular the purpose of Seguro is to provide insurance for those who are uninsured those who are not provided insurance by their private employer program ‘ they also have private insurance separated in two sectors one sector are offered to salaried workers and the other sector is offered to the formal sector workers The two programs are Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) and Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de lose Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). The united states health care coverage is offered to everyone those who are uninsured they are able to use these services in case of There are private and public health insurance programs offered The people who are employed usually receive private insurance the public insurance that is offered are both Medicare and emergencies they Strengths Areas of Improvement Overall thoughts and Recommendation 6.2% GDP The coverage provided was updated so it covers everyone regardless of their work status The policy covers Inventions Universal coverage is provided for women The system lack the organization it needs they have limited resources They need to improve the quality of their care My overall thoughts would be maybe the resources they need to provide quality care can be given to them or they can be funded 17.9% GDP They have the resources to provide quality insurance They have a strong healthcare workforce United states are advanced in their medical research There are a great amount of people who remain without healthcare insurance The cost of healthcare is expensive Race and class impact access to quality healthcare One of my suggestions would be to offer healthcare services to all of those are in need of it HTHS110 – Week 3 Report also offer insurance to the elderly and the low income citizens 3 Medicaid these two pubic insurances services two different groups of people Medicaid provides coverage for those who are low income Medicare is provided for those who are over 65 years of age as well as those who happen to be younger with disabilities and technological procedures HTHS110 – Week 3 Report 4 HTHS110 – Report Grading Rubric Criteria Content 70 points Style & Clarity 20 points Excellent Average Needs Improvement 70 - 59 points 58 - 49 points 48 - 0 points Examines each key component for each country in great detail and correctly identifies a third world country. Examines each key component for each country and correctly identifies a third world country. Does not examine each component for each country and fails to identify a third world country. 20 - 17 points 16 - 14 points 13 - 0 points Uses template provided in its original format and content appear organized. 10 - 9 points Mechanics 10 points 0-1 grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. Use provided template, however content may appear disorganized. 8 - 7 points 2-4 minor grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Did not include provided table to organize information. 6 - 0 points 5 or more grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Total Points: Instructor Comments: Points