SECONDARY SCHOOL ACADEMIC YEAR: WEEK 1 2 3 CONTENT Introduction to lab rules and format Cells Osmosis/Diffusion TERM 1/ 11 / 111 SUBJECT: OBJECTIVES Students should be able to; a. Pinpoint student’s weakness in subject area b. Introduction to SBA a. Distinguish between a plant and animal cell. b. Describe the function of organelles c. Differentiate the main differences between a plant and animal cell and describe how these differences relate to their function a. Define osmosis and diffusion b. Give examples of osmosis and diffusion in the human body and in plant c. Differentiate isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions and the effect it has on cells BIOLOGY FORM: 4 METHODOLOGY RESOURCES Discussion of lab requirements Tour of lab and equipment White board Marker Lab material Draw the animal and plant cell and allow students to pinpoint the differences Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali. Discuss the function of the organelles EVALUATION Create a poster outlining: Laboratory Rules to adhere to. Create a table outlining the differences between Plant and Animal Cell Create a table outlining the similarities between plant and animal cell. YouTube video Define osmosis and diffusion Discuss osmosis and diffusion in the human body Give visual representation of different type of solutions and the effect Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali. Chart Video Lab using potato strips, to observe some effects of osmosis SKILL: ORR/MM Lab: Using the phet simulation determine the rate of diffusion over a period of time and temperature. SKILL: ORR d. Carry out laboratory experiments to show osmosis and diffusion Life processes 4/5 Plant nutrition/ Human nutrition a. Distinguish between heterotrophic and autotrophic nutrition b. Describe a food chain and web c. Be able to construct and identify the different trophic levels in a food chain/web d. Identify different special relationships between organisms and explain how energy is transferred from one organism to the next e. Describe photosynthesis using the chemical formula f. Relate the structure of the leaf to its function in photosynthesis g. Describe the structure of the alimentary canal and relate its structure to its function h. Relate the specific regions of the human alimentary it has on the cell Define the term heterotrophic and autotrophic nutrition Construct a food chain/web and identify the different trophic levels Explain how energy is transferred Identify differences in the two types of nutrition Using a large drawing through a leaf while explaining the structure as it relates to the function Proceed with explanation of lesson Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali. Charts Power point presentation Work sheet with diagram of the parts of the leaf not labeled, and having students work on it after the lesson is finished Make models of the alimentary canal using Bristol board. RUBRIC to be created for assessment. canal to the intake of food, its break down into small molecules its absorption and egestion. 6/7 Plant/Human Nutrition a. Carry out simple controlled investigations to demonstrate that light and chlorophyll are necessary for photosynthesis b. Perform tests to distinguish among food substances Explain the role and importance of enzymes c. Investigate the effect of temperature and pH on the activity on enzyme amylase d. Describe what happens to the product of digestion after their absorption e. Discuss the importance of a balanced diet in humans f. Discuss the importance of minerals in plant nutrition using nitrogen and magnesium as examples Lab experiment, testing leaves that were subjected to destarching conditions. Leaves that were placed in no light conditions for a period of time, then tested. Collect food substances and subject them to proteins, fats, and starch and sugar tests. Give each student a soda cracker. Have them keep it in their mouth until they taste the sweetness. This initiates the lesson on enzymes in digestion. Highlight balance diets based on different persons jobs. Then Quiz on material covered Work sheet on enzymes in the alimentary canal and their substrate Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali, L. Biology Past Paper Booklet Past Paper Question: Jan 2018 P2 Q2, a – c (i) Let students compose a balanced diet for different person with different lifestyles have students analyze the diets Respiration 8/9 10/11 Respiration/Transport a. State that respiration takes place at the level of the cells b. Describe the process of aerobic respiration State the function of ATP in energy transfer c. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration d. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the products of e. respiration Identify common characteristics of gaseous exchange surfaces a. Describe the importance of gaseous exchange in flowering plants b. Describe the importance of breathing in humans c. Discuss the effects of cigarette smoking on the gaseous exchange surface d. Explain the importance of transport systems in Define the term respiration and then discuss the different forms of respiration Define aerobic and anaerobic respiration Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Discuss the difference between the two types of respiration Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali, L. Biology Past Paper booklet Create a table highlighting the common characteristics of gaseous exchange surfaces Class lecture by the teacher Research project in groups on the effect of cigarette smoking on the gaseous exchange surface. Platform: ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, Edmodo etc Longman Biology for CXC CXC Biology- Atwaroo-Ali, L. Charts Make model of lungs describing the mechanism of how the lungs work Past Paper Question: Jan 2018 Q3 a and b Using Publisher, create a pamphlet for distribution to secondary school students on the Effects of Cigarette Smoking on the Gaseous exchange surface. Rubric: To be designed for assessment of the multicellular organisms Teacher’s Signature: Date: Principal / Vice-Principal: Date: pamphlet. Head of Department: Date: