Uploaded by Isabella Lopez

Biology Study Notes: Diffusion, Blood, Heart, and Transport

Diffusion: Net movement of particles down the concentration gradient from a region of high
concentration to a region of low concentration in attempt to reach a balance.
Unicellular Organisms: Organisms composed of a single cell – bacteria, fungus, yeast
Unicellular Organisms are composed of a single cell
They have a large surface area to volume ration
With large SA:V, Unicellular Organisms have an efficient rate of diffusion
This allows the cell to solely rely on diffusion to transport necessary substances in and out of
Common Features of Exchange Surfaces:
Thin cell walls
o 1 cell thick to minimize distance of diffusion increasing the rate of diffusion
Large Surface Area to Volume Ratio
o Unicellular organisms are commonly long, thin, flat or folder to increase surface area to
volume ration  increasing rate of diffusion
o Unicellular organisms have moist membranes to allow substances to diffuse easily
Multi-cellular organisms have a small surface area to volume ratio.
They have more than one cell
Diffusion would be INEFFIECENT
They rely on transport systems  ventilation system and circulatory system
Phloem: Tube system that transports organic compounds (sucrose and amino acids) from sources to
sinks via translocation
Source: Where organic compounds are synthesized
Sinks: Where organic compounds are delivered to for use or for storage
Xylem: Tube system composed of dead cells (reinforced with lignin) which transports water through the
plant via transpiration – evaporation of water from the surface of plant
Red Blood Cell:
Transports oxygen in hemoglobin of cell from lungs to respiring cells for aerobic respiration
White Blood Cell:
Composed of Two Types of Cells
o Phagocytes
 Engulf and Digest pathogens
o Lymphocytes
 Produce antibodies to deactivate antigens of Bacteria
Cell fragments involved in blood clotting
Medium of transport that carries of CO2, digested food, Urea, Hormones and Heat
Liquid part of the blood
Makes up 55% of blood
Carbon Dioxide:
Plasma carries digested food to respiring cells for energy
Digested Food:
Plasma carries digested to respiring cells for energy
Urea is a waste substance and is carried by plasma to the kidneys for excretion
Hormones are secreted into plasms to carry to organs
Heat Energy:
Plasma mainly consists of water
Water is a good medium for heat transport
Plasma maintains a balanced optimum body temperature (37C)
Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells: transport oxygen in hemoglobin of cell from Lungs to respiring cells for aerobic
RBC contain Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin combines with Oxygen to for Oxyhemoglobin to transport O2 to respiring cells
No Nucleus:
RBC do NOT have a nucleus to allow more space for Hemoglobin to transport oxygen to
respiring cells
Small and Flexible:
RBC are small and flexible to squeeze through narrow capillaries and blood vessels for efficient
Thin Cell Membrane:
RBC have thing cell membrane (1 cell thick)
This minimizes distance of diffusion in oxygen molecules
RBC have flattened disc shape to increases surface area to volume ration for diffusion of O2
Allowing efficient diffusion and transport of O2 to respiring cells
Phagocytes: WBC that engulfs and secretes digestive enzymes onto pathogens to remove them from the
Sensitive Cell Surface Membrane:
o Have sensitive cell surface membrane that detects and locates pathogens via chemical
Digestive Enzymes in Cytoplasm
o Phagocytes have digestive enzymes in cytoplasm to digestion and remove pathogen
from body once engulfed
Irregular Shaped Nucleus
o Have irregularly shaped Nucleus to squeeze through narrow gaps in capillary walls
allowing them to digest and remove pathogens quickly
1. Have sensitive cell surface membrane  detects and located pathogens
2. When pathogen is encountered, it will engulf and release digestive enzymes to digest pathogens
3. Pathogen is removed from the body
WBC that produces antibodies to deactivate antigens on the surface of pathogens
They produce memory cells that remain in the immune system for quick response to same
They have a Large Nucleus
The large nucleus contains multiple copies of DNA to produce antibodies in large amounts
preventing spread of diseases and infections
1. When pathogen is detected  Lymphocyte will split into 2 cells
2. One cell will produce antibodies to deactivate the antigens of pathogens
3. Other cell will be memory cell that remains in immune system
The Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU90AkcTJEs
Coronary Heart Disease:
Blockage of Coronary Artery by Fat globules
This causes insufficient oxygen transport in blood leading to increased anaerobic respiration
o Increasing anaerobic respiration causes buildup of lactic acid
o This creates an acidic environment causing enzymes to denature
o This causes Strokes
Increasing Factor of Coronary Heart Disease:
Poor Diet
o Diets that have high Saturated Fats, Salts, and Alcohol increase Cholesterol
o This increases chance of CHD
o Stress stimulates the secretion of hormones that increases blood pressure
o This increases the risk of build up fatty plaques which can cause CHD
o Nicotine in cigarettes cause vasoconstriction
o Increases the risk of the buildup of fatty plaques to cause CHD
Heart Rate: Rate at which the heart beats (measured in beats per minute)
Adrenaline: Hormone produced by Adrenal Gland which increases heart rate for ‘fight or flight’
During exercise more energy is needed via respiration to allow muscle contraction to occur to
facilitate movement
Heart rate will increase to allow more oxygen transport in blood to respiring cells for movement
to occur
If energy demand exceeds oxygen intake, energy may be produced via anaerobic respiration
producing lactic acid as a waste product
After exercise, heart rate continues to increase as extra oxygen is needed to break down the
lactic acid produced
Effect of Adrenaline on Heart Rate:
During fear or stress, adrenaline is produced by adrenal glands
Liver cells convert glycogen into glucose to increase blood glucose levels
Breathing and Heart rate increases to increase blood flow
Breathing and HR increases to allow more glucose and oxygen to be transported in the
bloodstream to respiring cells for ‘flight or fight’ response to occur
Transports Oxygenated blood away from the Heart
Thick muscular walls
Narrow lumen to maintain high pressure to pump blood around the body
Transported Deoxygenated blood towards the heart (excluding the pulmonary vein)
Thin walls to allow skeletal muscle to exert pressure on Vein
Wide lumen to transport large volume of blood
Valves to prevent the backflow of blood under low pressure
Facilitates material exchange between cells
Thing walls (1 cell thick) that are porous and permeable for efficient material exchange via
Narrow lumen to fit between cells for extensive branching which increases surface area to
volume ratio for efficient material exchange via diffusion.
Circulator System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpYaKM2hVFY