Shri Tula Ram Public School Aman Vihar, Delhi - 110086 CLASS – VII HOLIDAYS HOME WORK (SESSION:- 2022 – 2023) ENGLISH 1. Make a beautiful bookmark for your English Book. Decorate it and write a famous quotation by a well-known poet or author. 2. Write your experience about watching any one English movie of your choice. 3. Write a Diary-Entry of 10 vacation days in your own words. Add your ideas, thoughts and feelings while writing. 4. Write an article in your notebook “How can we overcome the situation of pandemic”. 5. Choose any two authors and write their contribution in field of English Literature with reference to the works done in their respective field. 6. Your school is organizing a four day excursion to the Jim Corbett National Park for Class VII. Write a notice on the notice board informing fellow students for the trip. Do not forget to include important details The Place, Date, Cost etc. HINDI 1. महाभारत पस्ु तक को पढ़कर संक्षिप्त शब्दों में सक्षित्र ‘महाभारत’ क्षिषय पर एक A-4 size sheet पर िृतातं तैयार कीक्षिए। 2. क्षकन्हीं दो क्षिषय पर अपने शब्दों में क्षनबंध क्षिखो – देश में िॉकडाउन से हाक्षनयााँ, राष्ट्रिाद का महत्ि, आत्मक्षनभभरता की और बढ़ता भारत, मेरा क्षिय क्षखिाड़ी 3. िसंत भाग – 2 में से रोि एक पाठ का पठन करके उसमें से रोि पााँि कक्षठन शब्द क्षिखकर उनके िाक्य बनाओ। 4. दस – दस पयाभयिािी, क्षििोम शब्द तथा महु ािरे क्षिखो। 5. ‘कोरोना िाइरस’ से सबंक्षधत एक पोस्टर बनाइए। 6. सिभनाम तथा उसके भेद को क्षिक्षत्रत करते हुए एक सुंदर िॉि हैंक्षगंग (Wall Hanging) बनाइए। MATHS 1. Revise the syllabus that has been completed in the class. 2. Write all properties of integers with example. 3. Make a project on types of fractions. 4. Find out information on mathematician Pythagoras. Make a project on 5 A4 size sheets. 5. Make puzzles using operation (+. -. ÷, ×). 6. Solve any 10 sums related to simple equation. SCIENCE 1. Make a chart on some elements and their symbols. 2. ‘Leave – the plant’s food Factory’. Explain the process with the help of appropriately labeled diagram. 3. List any four digestive disorders in humans and make a project on any one describing its cause, symptoms preventions. 4. Make a model on the digestive system or Respiratory system. 5. Collect pictures of some animals from which we get wool and paste them in your scrapbook. 6. Make a poster on importance of forests and saving trees. SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Fill maps in (My Amazing Book of Maps) from Pg. No 14 to 21 in Geography and in History Pg. No 60 – 67. 2. On A-3 Size sheet make a timeline of the rulers of Delhi Sultanat. 3. Make a project file on “Life in Desert” with pictures related to it. 4. On A-4 Size sheet draw a picture of (Any one). (a) Interior of the Earth (b) Volcanic Eruption and