nase diagrams: Introduction Phase Diagrams Introduction Cu-NiAlloy (Cu-NiSystem) Cu (CCP) T= l085°C Ni (CCP TN= 1453C Ni C1453°c) Trm Liguidus lia T K 12c S cCPND (Subs+iwAom Solid Solution of Cu & Ni CcCP C NIPPEL 7C°5*lo83)/2 w t Ni? Combositian Ni TSC, 1IT OLHI, E Phase diagrams: Introduction Equil ibrium Phase Diaqram Equil ibrium Diagram Phase Diagram A diagram in the space of relevamt thermodynamic vaniables Ceg. temperature and composition) equilibrium 22:17/22:35 in dicatin9 bhases in is called a PHASE DIAGRAM, E Phases and componentsS Phases NPREL I 0:07/14:35 Combonents Phase: A chemically homoqeneovs, physically distinct and mechanically sebanabe bant of a system is called a phase Three phases of matter Ligvid, Solid, Gas. Solid Phases: Differmnt crystal Structru will be considesed difforhnt phasu. Fe BCC ( ) , CCP (T) TSC, IT DLH! EPhases and components Combonent The Indefpendent chemical speies which he Celement, Combound) n terms Combosi tion e a system is specifed called Cómponénts. In Cu-Ni I 7:48/14:36 NPEL of ane Cua System:Componenhamd N is i Some 6xamples System Phasess Combonenfs liqvid hlater Water +ice Brine Mild Stee iquid +Jolid HO NaCl+ HO Fe, igvld Soluton C Gibbs Phase Rule: relation of no. componeni, no. deqrees freedorn. haase and ETSC, UT D E Phases and components Tybes of Phase Diagrams Based numberr of Combonens on Unary Diagram Single Combonent Ginary Diagram Two Combonents Ternany Diagram Three Combonents E Uses of phase diagrams Three vestions That can be ansarered usin9 Phase Diagram ConstitutionPoint Ten Cu-Ni Binary Diagramn Combesio 1500 1453 A þolnt(«T) On the 1400 bha se Solidus L+ 1300 1200 Liquidus Liquidus A C0tN 1200 1400 2p ComposiHon Xhald in Cquilbrium af temp.T. 1085 1000 diagran represents an aley of Compositton w t f Ni Ni ETSC, IT DELHI 5 Uses of phase diagrams The 7hree Questions Sor any consihution point cx, Tphase diagram can be vsed to anSwien 3 Q1 bat ore the guesions phases bresent ? 2 : What ane he combositions of the phases ? Q3 NPTEL I What ans the relative amounh of the phaser? ETSC JIT DELHL 8:36/8:59 E Phases presentin thesystemn Phasel Diagramns What at a are the bhases bresent iven constitutian boint T)? Comp Tevop ETSC IUT OELHI K PE 0:35/9:55 Phasees present at a qiven constitution paint Cx, T Binan"Cu-Ni Diagram A:co wt 400 1200c L Phase: -phase. B 50a t N i 1300 1200 A 1250C Phase 4400 4000 u Cu 20 PTE Ne 60 wtNi o N + Tan phases. ETSC, I T DTLHI The 1-2-1 Rule fremove horizontelly 1500 Clsotherm) L rom one ingle phare a 1300 anothn single hane (eq.o «) t200 m we will alays hare q 2-6haa LtR 1100 1000C 1PTE to 20 40 N Go wt Ni to Ni region in bénween. ETSC, UT DELHI Phase Diaqrams Q2 What are combositions oF the the bhases ? breseht EComposition of phases present inthe system Combosition fracton. cr f kctA, differant components wt fract#on atom Co atom fracien alloy combositon Cfrachon of combonens in he whole alloy phase I 3:54/12:40 þhase CombosiHon fraction of compannG in aginen hase) ETSG, IT DELHI Combosition for the constitution Pbint A Co A 1500 o t Ni 4150 1400 Phase: C 1300 Co 1200 For single phase A Phase Combosito 1100 ) 1000 O C 8 0 wty Ni Alloy CompesiHen 20 80 60 - w t / Ni+ Ni ETSC, 1IT DELHI Combosition of phases in the 2-bhase region s o wNTie-Line Rule T: 300°c L Phases 400 1300 Tie Lne Solidus An isohe rm in the 2-bhase C .looo TEL. Ca CL ?1 Liquidu 200 Lt Ca reglon rünnin9 om one boun dany to the otte 50 20 wt NN Ni ETSC, IT DELHI "ie Line:Calculating Composition and Fraction of Phases IQU /ENPEReTURE |1453'c IQotOUS SoLIDUS Ly S t, 085 407, N 2 Cu N: CONOsIflON 20/.N 9:41/11:32 Ni F "ie Line:Calculating Composition and Fraction of Phases LEnNG TH OF THE TiE L/NE FRoM THE OVERALL CoM Po S/T/ RACTIO To THE Of ONE PHASE 9:47/11:32 OTHER PAASE BOUNDARY ToTAL LEN4 TH of TIE LI'NE Proportion of phases presentin the system Phase Diagrams Q3: What ane the relaHie amounts or probortion of phatds present ? Proportion of phases present in thesystem Relative Amounts of Pha:es f Single Phare Reqion 500 L 145a'c properken in the whoie alio; 400 proporHon aa combo 30o hent in he hare . 1200 A Lt P 1100 1085 wt C. 20 wtyNi Ni Ni T: I5o'C phae 1o00 8/13:4 Co o :G 10) Rela tiv Amoun+ 14400 of Tio Phasgs Region 40 wt N' o o L 64 L O.64 CL 2 2 f - = O36 C 300 50 ILEveR RULe or relatir 200 rgbortons. total anm 22 I000 20 Ca 40 50 6o wty N 80 Ni PR 40-22 So-222 5Microstructure evolution during solidificationinisomorphous systems Microstructure Evolutiorn Clurin9 soliclifica tion 1soMOR PHOUs SrstEM) -ETSC¢+#TDELH C NPTEL 0:21/16:06 Microstructure evolution during solidification in isomorphous systems An IsoMORPHOUSs PHASE DIAGRAM Solidificawon 1500 L L Dins3/ G 0 wt Ni 40 w t Cu 1453 1400 500 1300- CL Solidificw 1200 L+ Compe 4400 1O85 -q Singe kAase dys talpoe 1000 20 Cu - 15:58/16:06 grin 60 wt f Ni s 9ran CNi) bound -y ectic System Eutectic system Pb-Sn Solder Alloy Soldering: Low Need melting alloy Strength CAlloy Stronger han pure ele mems) Pb Sn D3:08/16:45 e T .Sn 327 °c 232°c Eutectic system ( Pb-Sn Phase Diaqram 327 liguichs 300 200t Solids p232 20 CPb) - D8:55/16:45 wt/ S (Sn) TSG 7 D Pb-Sn A System Eutectie System Easy melHnn9 400 32 300 20 Bounadanies &utectc Alloy 20. LiLquidvs 83 SutecR o 2 TAP Pb % wt L/L+d Liquidvs EUTECTIC 20 Liguidus + L HONzON TAL 232 Soli des Solidus +L Solvus /d+p (Eutechc Hortevn Sn ta EutecHe combasitm.. utectic reaction fectic Keaction 0:05/9:32 ETSC, T DELH INVARIANT ReCaCTONi EutecHc Reacion T483 (G2) Coo 327 oL / Pb wty. Snn EutecHG 232 Sn (18) mixture Eutecic mirtwre or Eutechc micro consihuenk IL Eutectic, Hypoeutectic 6 Hypereutectic Alloys E Eutectic, hypoeutectic and hypereutectic alloys Eutecic Alloy Pb-Sn Phase Diaqram 400 40 327 300 Eutecic Lt 200f 183 / -Hyp9 eute hc ec alloy o Eutectic mixtue 232 Cmicro cons Hiiest tvent) Hyper eutecHe aoy 20 Pb K NPEL C Polnt D6:57 /27:42 w t Sn E62 Sn TBCTIT DELH 400 Phases n 300 2200 Lt TE33c I00 bypoeutectic alloy GL Ce 2 a ot Sn. Just above TE 20 (40) 80 Sn w t Sn Pb Microstructure evoluthon in bypoeutectic alloy poeutecHC o eutecHe mixturr 1ierocemsikmms a S Just below TE hypoeutectie alloy IIT DELHI Microconstituents in a bypeeutechc alley - þmeute He 327 Gutectic 183 mixtuna. 62 18 To deter mine the microconstituens we dra w h e He hne in h e tw-pkaw P% c t Sn region just above he eutechie ttms T T roeutectie o vst jus* above Ts = G2- G2-1 Jutectie metune = I-o5 o S 22 os ETSC, T DELH Phasos in a Hybocutechc Alley To deternine total and fotal In L 32 232 the alloy we draw h e He-line just below T 40 Taotal Tstal ftoto p gutecHc q7 4 o 57 : O72 97-18 I-o:*2 total O 2 && Tproeuecte O72-O 5 O 22 S eutecHC ee YSC, iIT L H I EGibbs' phaserule JIBBS O:06/31:44 PHASE ULE E Gibbs'phaserule GbbS Phase Rule P No. of Phases in equilibrium C No. of components F= Degrees of Freedom NPEL 1:48/31:44 CiBs phase rule Thermodyna mic Vaniables for Gibbs Phase Rule Pressure and Temperqure Cif both are vnniable) If Pressure is fxed, hen nly temp is vasiable Combosiion vaniables Only phase combositions ans considered asvoiables Overall alloy composition vaiable,except hen e is is nat have a a aloy Single phase equilibrium when aloy Combosiion saso he phase combosi on. TsCIT ORLH 6:23/31:44 No. If to f Combositon vaniables. thene ane specify C C- combonents then combositons for needs Comboaition vaniables. for P Total no. d V= phases one one need phase. each PC-1) vaiables PCC-1) 2 iF ossvre amod emta ani vaniables. V = PCC-1) + 1 P is cmstamt only f ETSC, IT DELHI Degrees of Freedom: F: No. of hermody namic vaniables which be without can speiKed indebendently changing the hases ik equilibrium. Since there is ther mo ctynamic equilibrium, ae equilib riu m rela hions thermody da mic vaniables. F bervem me automahicall ixed by by eguilibrum here certain no. d neations. speci vaniables, otens ars hese ETSC, 1IT DELHI GIBes PHASE RuLE F F = C-P 2 C-P +1 both pressure if temberatwre ane onl and vannbles tempemene is vaniabte Fixed Areure) for binan bhase diaqamg consideud by bs. aressure 1 am) Applicabte b Cxample of Abplication f Gibbs Phase Rule Rule L (4) Singte Phase L in Pru equi librlumD Lt CLT F=C-P +1 + Pb 2- w t Sn. (2) Tho bhase GL V2 L+ In equilibrium V=3 C - P+ I = T L TE Pb w t Sn. Sn Three Phase eguilibrium L , { CL C CpT (V= 4) P=3, F C-P+| 2 -3 +I = o T Horizontal Line Inraniant phase reacton L oktB Pb Three w Sn Phase eguilibrium Sa p C-P+l E P-3, F Sn L *, B L, (v= 4i) 2-3+|:O ETSC, T DEL S+L - S L - S+S S - S+S Peritectoid S+S - S alpha